ia June ?t, 1926. in lirtr, B.O I EI velqrvd at World must Soenttnc Utal Knurdi - Will not .flmnoctur. iiml. Kill nttS.MOTHS MfKnillTOES I At Your Retailer Crystal 1 IULKLEY Market 311 Third Avenue, been 'atcn over from f; fieorge Kerr by II. Preece w (b ces!y and Doodson esh Meats vlng Twice Weekly from fthe Bulkley Valley Phone 178 irelighters I Fires for $1.00 Xo 'M&rc "hopping of klnd- linnr- smfc. s mple and econ omical. Manufactured by BydeTransfer 680 Night or Day rne WE BUY BOTTLES. ILK iFrom Bulkley Vsttey ESH MILK AND WHIP PING CREAM r specia 'y reeummend .TablP ream n: J5c for It inn" QuaH'v and Service Dial Ice Delivery Service falentin Dairy Phone 657 . Alexander Smith Block Phone S7S DENTIST GBOATS Phones 423, 539, Ireen 238, Black 735. kht Phonet GS7, 539, ireen 238, Black 735. IPERT MARINE LODUCTS, LTD. . Q. BUSH BY, Man Dir. ir Coats & lacquettes , Kxqufslle Stock of Fur linings at low prices C. FUR Co. 0.WArA. Third; Ave. SKIDEGATE IS GETTING BUSY' So. Much) Doing That Old Timer Thinks It's Time to Wove. PKIDKOATK, June, 21. The lorrespondenl of the Daily New u XkiiJfflra ! had a visit from ono of I im did timer Hie other day. Hp was li:n-nt Ifijc that it wan lime Tor liirn to moe because things wore getting too civilizedfor liirn uroiind the Inlet. There wee too many industries starting up, loo many ponpln coming in. He could iiear the camipry and logging amp whistles every morning, noon and eveniu,-. The gen and iiickx were i'Hing wild and the flippfhakoi from Hip cities were invading the clam beaches. Kery-Hiing around the Inlet was liuiii-ming new buildings going up, new roads being fiuill. Indeed, it limp for the old timer to move so he was going to the west coast of yueen Charlotte Islands - the lal etand of the frontiers SUCCESSFUL 1EA AND 5ALt IbSltKUAK BY ttii' railed at the man' for tea during the afternoon aud brought donation of home cooking which met with "juick sale. Lovely ftow-rs. -fill by Mrs. jtggert and Mr. Jarvi MrLeod, were tastefully .ranger In ihe rooms" and were TIMBER SALE X6431. Srtlrd Trudrn will l rrrrltisd hf I If Uiuislpr ! IjikU it Vlrlorlt IM litnr luiuiri. luu I. ol oitinrl. IWi. if. yrtf will lie IhivxKt fur U(I ! IIUilM-l. HiniH-i iMrlH-auro t uw Mn tart- nm tluitf-u. If .( . NAVIOSSLC WATCRS PSOTECTION ACT, t nl'Sl nil Ojtiiiuy r CiiUiU, Umitrd, ;rfl) nm ulirv thai It Imi uimIt trt-tiun f u llw -till Ai l driollrl llb tlar -iiii-lrr nt I'ubiir Wurkt at 01111 and .11 11m uflirr oi Ittt OialHrl Uninrar ul ilw uail liiilrr limrin or Hrlncv iuHn in Hit I'nivmrv ut Hrllieb Culum- iliis ii.'.ii i' and an appilrallon ihiri-ti. and In till1 "Waler A "led in Ihe DIM or me vvaier ,, necorder ii Pi-.nee Huiert. Objection to the ap-illraiinn may lie riled with I lie ald Waler liwurOi' nr Willi the r.miiiitrntler of Water tUabtn, Parliament Hbildliiir. Vlr rla. II I... wunin inrriy ay aner ine nr"t aptiearanre or this in 'I Ice In a-lmal rH'WipniH'r. The date or inn riri pnuu- allon or imp noiire i June . ivriv hoiikht UEonnE Johnston, AppllRaut. In Land tleeordma nimrlct or Prince Rujiert, anil Uttiaie on Mnreby Island. Otieen Oliarliitte npnnp, on unnamed Inlet, three inllel HOUlh of Ie l.a Peril inlet TAKE NOTirr that The Canadian Flub-Ins: Company. Limned, rtf Vancouver, or rupalion Salmon Cinneri, Inlemls lo apply fur a lea. or the rotlawlnr dearrlhed land: . , . , . Conimenclnir at a pnf a planted, at head or Inlet about 14 mile north -or unnamed Creekt .thenra woat 10 chain: thence Miuth in chitn: thence eail chain, more or le, in.ahore- linet thenc north, erlv fulliiwliif abore line lo I'Wi.C and conlainlnr 4n acre, moce or le, THE CANAU1AN FtSIIIO COMPANY, LIMITED, Applicant. Per William Ained Mower nert ath' orrl. ia Date. April si, LAND ACT. Nolle of InUnllon to Apply to Lea land In Prlnra Ilupert Lind llecnrdlnir li trlct of Cnal lianire ft. and (Unite 0)1 Cnnlh llftnhAel Nllllld. TAKE MOTIC.F.. Ihllt Alfred Swnon, Of Prince unpen, occupation manner in lend tn apply ror 1 lease of the follow-' lna rl..nerlli,if1 lnndat r.miiiiienrlnr al a Mint planted at the north end of South nachael Island; thence round the island 11 turn water mam, and ronlalnmr fto acre, more or les. al.PllED SVVAN9IIN. , Applicant. an An Ingcrsoll costs little and keeps dependable time. ""Why , risk, your expensive-watch? Models for meaand; women, boys and girls'. If you want a depend able alarm clock get an Ingcrsoll Alarm Clock: $20 to IgvOO. man, vvuere tne uucks and geese i are emi tame, wuere me trout are iiH-iiiiiui uitu wiiere one ran giiooi'tfratly admired. .alii tti.u It WOO.JeU JfUII. Mrs. C. Munip. and Type-S , MEN ARE STUDYING INTERIOR MINERALS TF.ItllACK. June 21. Dr. X. II. Steams. Oiiliunlmn Mpxieo. Dr. ii R. G. Campbell-Johnston, well known Vancouver mining cn glneer. and Mrs. Campbell-Johnston reached the city on last night's train from a trip Jn th.? Itahiue district vChere Mr. Camp-Im'II Johnston has been examining mining properties. They. are on their way, to Vancouver. .r mn.i 1 1 . 1 isiiaH Itn.lu l.a ' waiw ,n 11 Mid rr..m.. ..11 witrr kil lour, : "5'u?. iJ'M? ,V?- y?,7 Ml.-k . Uw .aid whirr r.aiipn.ln. """J? 'W'Zli V.i-m ' Snir l. J ,! 1 ruble ttml r ,irr..w M.r.rh van In. In width from , T Xu. uk. K.rlt-rr Irmu Xtx"ulL JETHS i In to to'.' . .,kI and rvtriidini ,!'dlll iiir btfliwali'r mark s dimaurr of ap H'l ti Ihf nbucs llnt. And uko nmirn thai irter Uu eiuira-mm "f mn nMinth trtmi lh daM ut Ilw timt pntilirilion if ttil nolire the I'nlon ml i.innpany nf Canada, Llmltrd, will under mx iiiin 7 nr itie ld Art apply lo itw Mlnmirr nf Public Works it hi or-hp in ilir Clly of Ottawa, for ap-pmval or lira Mid Hr and His said plan, rr Icivp In t-onMrtii't llm Kiid barT and approarh to the tanifi. Haled ai Vinrnuver, Hrllikb Coluiubta, ibu tHth day or May, ltt. It. J. kKNSim. Mkirlet ale Manirrr 1 WATER NOTICK. DIrlon and Ut. TAKE .Niilli-U lhat ll.ilierl 0ir Ji.tuwuin. hwr ddr I Imrrnen Hniirrj, will apply ror a tlrrnrc lo take im1 ui a !irilnii ut waler nut or inik went 'f w'harr ai Uilna Hat, iianie un-kiHiMB. wlilh riiiw Miuttnat and drain uitu Trmit Hay about 4UU Teet wiulh ilulill Hie heard frnm the uullieat rnrnrr lol A." kilaxMi I. II, Tim uilrr will Im dl-vi i nil rriiin Ihe ulremii al a Hilnt almiit .mi feel tnmi It moutii, and will tie ed Tnr duiiiRatlr purpone Uein Ihe ran- ,er dmrrltied at l.i'l "A." kltlon Ml. ! in- iHillcr ! pooled on. the (Ttrund on lie 1 1 in nv in may. ivm. WATtJI NOTICE. drain " into Siiulh "" Hay. Skldlratr Inlet. ormliu.itlr !, it wulon n .11 1 p...ril' I. ,-v.urU 1 o- in arra. lb .lr fwl fiuA, S '"iL-Zttr uFEi t ....niruiwni irpaaiimnrnl bnlnr ii. ilijinuiniHelj i,t,r,iini.iiv pari n.ri. I isim oi ii-i iiner. i lie airr III llT diverted fruni Hie iirrarti it a puint about :m rhaln Kiullwt or mirthet ror iter or Lot si 7, Moretby lland. and will lie ust-d tor dnmentie and cannery pur-ime uHin Ilw laud Mated t leae and Ulna the rirek!ire In frumt or Uil 144, Vueen Unrlnlle Inland. Thl rnilire wa pouted i n the trninnd 4i the 30th' dav or April, ltt. A ropy or this noiire and an applii'itlon purnumt ttierrlo and lo the "Waier Act" will be riled In Ihe ornee or the Waler Hemrder al 1'nnre. Ilupert, II. C. iiliierlliui 10 the aptiliratlon may be Hied with the ald Water Hemrder or with the (Uimptmiier or Waler lilrtiu, Pirllanwnt Bnildint. Vlrtorla. H.C.. wlih- In thirU' day after the first appearance or thl notice In 1 rural new-tpaper. The date of I lie firl publlratpm of ilil noiire I June s. ia. illllTISH. mi MBIA nSIIINO ti PAtktfl CO. l.TK.. Aptillrant. By H. Slierwuon. Arinl. NOTICE. IV THE MATTKK or an application for Hie liuue or I'MvUlotiil Ortirtiale or Title fur the Kt hair or Lot two (IK it lock rmy-iwo tit), auunvision or l.i it even liundri'd and rorly-alt (71ft i. Oueen. Char kit le MUrlrt. tn Ihe Provlure ol llrliub Coltnubla (Map to:t). Sallrarlorr prir' or the lo or the r-AI If li. I., .f -Till. mu-.,ln. Ih. . 1.... . A ". '..fl, lnd havmir le-en produced to mc. It I rio .ill i inlention to Issue after the.explrallun '".lor on inuolli rrom the first publirallon LAND ACT. Nolle of InUnllon to Apply lo.Laaa Land ntrenr, rroviiuonai i.ertinote or Title tn I lie above land in the, name or lii Majeity The klur In the Itlirht or The tnuierial Munlllont Hoard, The nrlr-mat i:ertiricate or Title is dated the tsih libruary,' llt, and la nuttiliered too;-!, tJind llerltry orrice, Prince Rupert. 11.(7, lt June. !. it. r. Mact-Eon. hejinrar of Titles. MINERAL ACT. CERTIFICATE IMPROVEMKNTS' PI Canyon Mineral Claim, situate tn the Atlln Mliilnt IHvlslon or Casalar DIs-irleL Where located: Neac Crater Creek nut adjoining and nnrtbeast of tbn t)i Canyon Eilcnsion .Mineral Claim (Lot TAKE MlTICF. that 1. John Molloy, Free Miner' Cerliriraie .No. 707SS. In tend. Uly .day from the dale hereor. to apply to the Mlulnr llecorder for a Certificate or Improvement, tor the ptie- him of olitaimiiK a Lirown Grant of the a in iv e riiini. And furlber take notice that action omler section 3. must tie rotiMiienccd berore the iwme of eurh ecniricate or linproeeinents; lialid Uil 1st day of June. 11. men. A.P. 1e. hiakf.r. a rent. "QOVERNMCNT LIQUOR ACT." Nelloe of. Appllcatlos foe Rr Lloon. Nniire lierebv riven tlnL on the tsth ilay or June neit. the underslmed Intends ho apply tn the I.Upinr C.onteol Hoard Tor a license In respert or premises tietnr pari or the httllillns known a ocean Falls Hotel, sUllMe nil Front Street, Towtli of Ocean Falls, iiin lb latiil described a Lot Nn. St. Ilnnre 3, Coat District, Map ln. ll.M, lit. Land llerlelratlon' IWlrl-t. In the Province or Hrttlvh Cnltimbla. ror the sale, or lieer by the r!is, or by the Ppen- bt'tile- ror cunsutiiptlon on the pre mises. Dated this Tib dsv or June, tttfft. PACIFIC MILLS LIMITED. Per C L. Barker, Treamrer. THH DATLT HIWB lit The Letter Box. SKIDEOATE NARROWS. falilor. Daily N'ews. - tikidegate (Channel, which, dl vides Graham and .Moresby Is- UfA T Tc!la"d oi lha Qurejl c"aIoU,, Jl OH JlAcLlCL wbwWroup, .is a body of water about 28 mile long. -Midway through tlii channel i what is known- av Skidegale- N'arroWs, Th;re are two such, narrows tup. pant nar- ijiow'j and, went Harrow about two mile apart. At low tide it i impossible for' small, boats to go through 1J)p narrows as they practically o, dry.. rher? is no Wnly of water in Northern. U.C. where there i more traffu- than' there is in Pkiilegafe Narrows. It is used by the New England Fish Co Canadian 1-1 sh &. Cold Storage Cti.t lt.fi. I'jickern, Maritune Fihr jorien, Lorkepoil Canning Co aU local trolleN, haJibul hoai. that ! ply in and out of Prince. Rupert and a largp ntitnber ttf American' jlo.ils. The Canadian government, both Connenative and Libera., has been petitioned to have these Cameron, of the . narrow dmlgert our o. a -lo au Mrs. J. simpfon.ltow larger hoals lo run Hirougn president of the Ladies' Aid. re-bul nothing has been done: The reived the eallers. Tea was served Conservative government did put hv Mm. i. n. sii-wnri runvpnnr. in three wooden beaeons but that Mrs. L. V. Kergin, Mrs. C. Htarr, is all. ... a . 1 . .. mrnmnr .mi I impp r. U . I. Vunee. Mrs. 1 . MC-' lrc- noai 111.11 uraw uirr ritLjDl lLluiin LHLILO Meekin with Mrs. J. Mitchell and seven feet of wafer have to make Mrs. Fred Siork pouring. Mrs. the- extra run of over 150 miles A sun-ooful tea and sale of Teng aried as cashier. Mrs. J. U along a rough, uncharted and Jo. me i i.i.kiiwt was held in the Christie and Mrs. Jabour attended ' unlighted coast when eornin to Alanp of the Presbyterian Church ; Ihe home rooking table. . ifi-dav afternoon ly t lie Pres- "rr:: -xt. ? I Wisconsin university, Prince Rupert with their catches and this often means that Ihe fishermen are held up on ac count of bad weather, losing most of their catch which spoils mi account of being kept too Hong. The dredging of Skidegale Narrows would not be a big job' It would simply mean the deepr C. V. Swantson. Trheatnri. Russia, 1 of ,l,p channel and the di- and A. Lunoe, Copenha 'en, I)en-mark. after spending several days in Terrace, left on Tuesday for llnelton. They are Wisconsin version of Joe mounie oi iw. streams thai empty into U Thes streams, when the wintei freshots come, run tnns of gravel tUrn-entity men and are making and rock, into the channel tlui a, study of the mineral wealth oft forminv. travel and sand liar the district. Thev- exnecl to re-'lf the courts of these creeks Ohd wmsi . II l-ta uf Jui. . ... t0. : ii,. n... (i,i uir rli ii nt? id, and the dredcinr .t friirrtiBM i tl I tr-nrf 1 w I la nil w. vv ii.m ,.-..-.. r.. mi.uuu In'l of Slinr. IIMIihMk-. I'll am lKl i-ncUr M Itlaud. luH ;tt7- unneriau'iu I ho clrannel gradually deepen itself. would . W'e. think it is high time thu government should do something for the fishermen. So far tlio only representatives of our gov-ernmenl we have seen huvei been a seaplane to see that the poor fishermen did not get within tlio fishing boundaries and a steamer which conies into- Skidegate Inlet once a year with a lot oi brass buttons on board. So we- are asking you, Mr Kditor, lo take up this matter for us through the columns of your valunble paper. Skidegate. 1SLANDKR. TERRACE NOTES Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hailer 0J UnUlwack, who were tiere. on a short visit with their daughter Mrs. Fred Hall, left om Monday going via lAicertie. .Mrs. .-p. ,T Sundal!, returned frCtm-tUsk ou.Monlayli i i; . i,(:$ U&l-. II. Donaldson of Burns Lake 1 spending a holiday at the home of his aunt, Mrs. Harry King. The directors of the hospital are having an addition made to the building rented for hospital purposes, I he, new part to bo used as a. men's ward. George Little lias taken the: contract for the work. Mrs. Ai G. Head wasi a. liridgtt hostess on Monday evenirvi. Mrs. Thornton of Smither'a- Is a liMsinuss vlsHor mitown hav ing arrived . Monday, The WvA. to the Terrace. Hos pital met on Tuesday afternoon and nmdo plans for a campaign of work, in making the- necessary linen,' for uset in the hospital. Tlie- liew liooks have, arrived for (he- leatlmtf. club'and are being distributed among the mem bers. Mrs. II. K. Allen and daughter 1'eggy of llanalt arerin town, the latter beirug, here, te,, write her I'hilnince. exauiiinilions MrsT; J. Marsli left on Wednesday for Prince IlupprU as delegale from the-, local W.A. to the .district conference, of Anglican churih auxiliaries being r -.:'' -r-J. PADS FIVS 1 atr m m mi opportunity i 1 is. knocking at your door Naturally wo hae to make a profit on our goods to enable us to live.. BUT there are times In business when, profits have to be forgotten to enable us to meet our finandal.lobllgatlons, hence our, genuine tale. Our' Loss Is Your Gain A'few outstanding bargains, selected at random, aret given below: . fiold, llaby, Rings.- Jteg. $1.25. Price ..,,., held there this week. Mrs. J. McLaren and daughtei Sophia' left on Monday on a. holiday (rip to Edmonton and Jas.' Turnbull of Hazelton was a. business visitor here during the week. FUR PRODUCTION IN ALASKA IS VALUED At HUGE SUM SMVrrLK, June 24. -e- Furs shipped from. Alaska to the Unit ed States since it purchase in IHC have been appraised a: $98,800,000. The value of las! years output was 3,000,0(10 Ninety per cent of the world' fur seals are in a herd owned by the United -Slates government in the Pribilof Islands, oil the. coast of Alaska. The, hrd numbers approximately 700,000. Govern ment sales of fur seal skins during the fiscal year ending: June 30, 1921, totalled $528,823. Ten Years Ago in.Princ. Rupart June 24, 1S1&. Mrs. R. E. llepson left for Hit south this afternoon to attend tlie school of photography id Seattle after whiclv she will visi in Victoria and Vancouver. There- was a serious break n 111' water main al the corner of MolU-ido ausl. Fourth Avenue, this afternoon, the- water rushing down Mcllride like a river? Mayor GilletC of Prince fleorge arrived from the east last even ing and left for Vancouver today, lie is going south in connection with the sale of city bonds. Safe . 95c olid I8K Ladievld nectangiilar Wrist - Watch, set 'witir1 0 diamonds. , Fine qnalUj fa-jewel movement. Guaranteed a good timekeeper. 'Fine quality fancy wrist' watch bracelet' given free with-wak-h. Reg. 8r.00. Sale Price. .$63.00, 18K White Gold Ladies' Wrist Watch, in beautiful, octagon engraved pattern. 15 jewel movement Special small size. Excellent timekeeper. Heg. price 38.00. Salt Price $29.80 Ladies Rectangular Gold Filled Wrist Watch. 15 jewel movement, in white or green, gold. Reg. $14.50. Sale Price $11.60 Gentleman's Solid Gold Nugget Watch Chain. Reg. 05.00. .Sate Price.. $4875 . GentiemanV 17: Jevvel Waltham Watch. Gold filled, screw case. Reg. $30.00. Sale-jPrice $23.50' Gentlenians 23 .Jewel Watchir Gold filled case. Sale Price I Bait Railroad' Reg. $85.00. $48.00 Solid Gold Men's Signet Rings, a few left. Special at . , Only $3.95 Ladies' ?.St6ne Diamond Ring. This is a real beauty. - Reg. $75.00. Sale Price . . . ......... ....... ... .$5&25, Men's Solid Gold Cuff Buttons. Sale. Price SPECIAL WEDNESDAY MORNING ONLY' To the-first three customers we will present suH' Piece. Berry-China Set' Absolutely Free Jevellers John Bulger Ltd Third Aveaue i SOFT FINISH All flat pieces washed, ironed and neatly folded Wearing apparel practically ready to, wear, pilly rs ": quires a little retouching with haud Iron. Iry This Service Minimum ,Charger $120. 7c per lb. plus 1c per piece. Your bundle retnrned within three, days. PIONEER LAUNDRY, Limited Phone 118 Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert. DRYIDfOCIC f : X ANDg, SHIPYARD OpaVtittK L.T.-P. atr 0 Ton nttln. Dry Bttki Cnglnr llMhtnuHe Bollerrnaikers, BlacksmrMra, rattern malrere, lridsir,., rKdworkM , CUECTRrO ANBUACCTVLENK WKLB4HL Our ulaiit U,eiiuippd to , handle aJl ifurds ol iUihihl urn, mmmnaku wmn. i ' --ani -m --a IS