l i I Vv . ' aaaasaaaaaaaaa , , afa-Bw TWa llttU book U brim- BF ful of helpful hints. Baby' food, clotbct, ay sleep, Uht and com- iV-al mon ailment ar di .sHI ntatd by authorities. Invaluable to mothers. Sent free Write TS V Borden Co. Limited, P V fnaxjttr, owner of M" WA E(U Brand Conderued FB Milk sine US7 th B Condensary at South Sumas, B.C. TUGBOATS Day Phones 423, 539, Green 233, Black 735. Night. Phone 687,. 539, Green 233, Black 735. .RUPERT MARINE PRODUCTS, LTD. GEO. G. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. DEPARTMENT CF PUBLIC WORKS Notice to Contractors Prlnct Rupert Electoral District , i iu rarkius; tuuu, uk rrrpivn tfk' t; the lloiviuriblr thr Minuter of Puhlii a- iJra( ui q ii'-wni, im jiuiaiej. 111c z 4 ! I T., . fiv .r ftniMniir ia. rir tru ttrtir. I 'l)iM-n buiuinV c-Tupid by buii nii-"" I'laiMi PneririrJtldB. Cffntrart. tlx Form; ttt .Tender fuT br ubtilnrd at he offlri rrlnrr Huwrt. ii navninl f a drnoll or ten dollar, wbirh will br rrtandrd mi rrluni or tlx" plan, rtr., la rood rondlllon. Earti irndrr fiiuf be arnnpanlrd by an arrrpiro nam meqne m a rnarieri tua or Canada, niadr payable to th Honour ablr. thr V.mmrr r Public Work, fo llv turn r ajito e. hrrb fball tie tor team U Hm parly trnderinir derllne i enlrr Into rootrarl wben called upon ! do fa. Jbe theifue of tbr urrfn ln aerer will be rrlttd Mi wurliy for th . dor and. faithful prrformanrr ef the wot till In saturariory rompletH of the Con irarc Trnder will lint be mnWed onles-made nut cn the fnno (applied. Mroei wnb the arlaal slmature Oi the t'oderer. and eorled In UVe rntekire rnrnlhed. Tbe lowrrl or any lender .ml neesartly arrrpiea. P. PHIUP. Pubtlf Work. Entineer Ieprtnent of Tublie Work;, l'arllaaent Buildings. Viriorla. B. C. swittitrer . Itta. " LAN D ACT Notlc of Intontlo la Ac air to Laaaa Lan: in rnnre Hopert un4 nrroramr vi ttlrt of hanre t. Cnm'l Land Dlitrtet, ana diaiie on rawite inana. TAVE NOTICE thai J. B. rrtnrts, o! Ponnka. Alberta, orrtipatlon Jllnilrr. in tenL lo apfly (or a leafc of toe follow in drvrntied landi; Oirumenrinjr at a pjst planted at Xt "Sorth Vel ebd of pauaie Itlaod. nea Coast Trlantiilallon u. lift! thenn around tbe island at hlrn water mark at". roniaimnr 1000 arrei, more nr lew. JOSEPH BRITLAMD FP.A.irjS. Ih tim. la. applicant ,' TIMBER SALE X8109. There will be offered for ale at Poblw Auction; ai noon on iiw zira aar or di nst. -in the offtre of the Iiliine' Foreater. Prlnre Unpen. B. C. the Urenoi ABiov. lo em 3.jMi.nno reet or spruee llemlork and Cedar, on an area Mtuated on Loiran inw-i. uueen bnarioiie itianat. Two ft) ytara will be allowed for re moral or i rnber. 1'rorlded that any one unable to attend ttie auction In peraon mar tubrnlt a aealee tender to be oiened at tbe bour of auction and treated ai one bid. Fnrtlier partlculara of the Chief Fore ter, Victoria, B. C, or putrltt Forester. prinr-e Rupert. B. r. TIMBER SALE X8108. There will be offered for sale at Public I Auction, il p j on the Jlrd day of Sen I tender. IV 1, I Ihe orrire of Ihe niMrlcll Fore.er. as. Rupert. B. C tbe Licence! ZNI0R. la .in ir. ait nnn rt nr Snrnre Hrmlork at 1 lar. nn an area Mtuatrd on I seiwyn it.t and adjoininr Lot xia ana T. I., num. oueen i.turjotie uiannt. Three m) year..iu be -allowed for re rnoval xf the'tlmber. - Provided .that inr oae itnahle to attend I be auction tn pervm may utnilt a I'aledl tender tn be opened at tlie hour of auction I ana irejiea as one Dia. (rnrlhr nartlrtilara it thk Chtjir rnrai. ter,' Victoria, ft. C, or bi'trlcl Forester I'rmee miperi. n r. TIMBER SALE X8280 Sealed tenders wlll.be received by the iimtriri inreitirr, not '4It man ii-ioii on tlie sth dynr-ft.v-tt&.-fr ihe pur ' Hie of l.rrenae Xto, on Oraliam Island fkillovlnr banka of Tlell Hirer tliroiirh lits f.T, 1371 ami J J7S, O. C. I., lo cut vou.ooii feel board measure of sf'cuee, ; hemlock and cedar sawloes. Three (S, years will be allowed for re moval r limner. Further particulars of tbe Chief fores ter. Vleiorta. r tlie Iii.irrVl Forester, prince iiufieri, B, C TIMBER SALE X8284 sealed tenders will tie received by the , pllrlet Forester, not later than noon rm the sth day of October. I6. for the purchase of Llcenv XM84, belnr part of the northeast quarter tt IV7. eatl stile llf.Vi.m l.lamt fk r I In til l&rt unit viilify some members 6f the Liberal (ioveniment for things which' mostly Conservative appointees to the iosilioiis have been res ponsible" for. In view of this Liberals have been looking up flief,,IT' ,,M,r 'P'"0". th . Ijinnl stiati alaa afl a a u ai.i M.aa aia a - records of the Conservative leaders 01 the Mei;.'tien cabinet, dad here i what they haw found in th. . fficial records: I W. A. Boys, Ex-M.P. i.ei ln prestige as a mem- ier of parliament to prevent the uti'slmient of Daivey Vasilierg Ho was eohvieted of smust-'lin? :ods into "anala and of at- empting to bribe a customs of ficer. (Vide paces 1639-16 0. 1661-IC67, I 915-1916, 1919- I9?2,. W. .A Black, Minister or Railways Picfcford A Illark, Limiled, of which firm Mr. V. A. Itlack Hie senior memtier. are mana gers of ;a sleiiiHjiip line oper-vtinx between Halifax and tlir Vesl Indies. Xpmerous fine , t f 'MVP ren Inriin4il ?.r.. .ftn vi4ftplt nl nncjor simiggun? urtU'ir ito.,inl Canaihii Preventaflv files affecting Miee vessel were in Ihe hands of the com- niltee but no pvidenee on then' were taken. A I least one fim was imposed on one of thes-vpssels while the committee wa sitting. (Vide minutes of nn. eedlngs of committee, March 7, April 6. April 9). Thomas Cantley, Ex-M.P. TH member Is'still the tf- aislered owner of the schoone iclonian confiscated by thi t!nled Plates government la" anuary' for rum runmn? int he I'niled State. ' Mr. Cantley stales thai the ve "I Mras sold time aso lo b Charles Slralford." This gen tleman cannot he located hv -ither the Cniled States or Ca".- idian governments or by Mr Cantley who has expressed th.- desire to turn the vessel over ti Mr. Stratford. 'Vide Return t tba lnue last ,i?eion, "So. 166' R; B. Hanson, Ex-M.P. Was suspended by the Appeal Mvision of th Supreme Court it ew Brunswick for a year, frorr TRY IT YOURSELF THOUSANDS OWE THEIR HEALTH TO "FRUIT-A-TIYES" aaarv "l Sw BBaaaaap lS Mfi. ALPH0N6C COOL i 1 Kvrry per win u(fer!nT from Constipation or ' Indleeittlon should take "hrtiit-a-tiTen" and I am posilt- l mil they will soon leer in the brat of health. As for myself. hare tried nearly erery other kind of remedy end hare come to the conclusion that Truit-a-tives" is bent, Mr. Alphonse Cool, 2922 LafonUine Street, MontreaL" llecaaee hruit-a-tWe U a en tilne fruit medicine made from fruit Juices, intenitined and combined with tonics it corrects constipation. ptoaiarh, kidney and bladder troubles, 1 23c. and 50c. a box at dealers wan.i.K ftin'SfifJSa feet board ineastire of." sprtire, Jienilockl'.hi a natural way, and purifie the ,'w.U N alwed lor re, g"?- TltoJL. m,.vai nt tim!.F. 1 the same as rruit-a-tiren." . . 'Turther parllrular of ihe tTtn'cf Fores - trr, virions, or ine uitinci rorrjicr, Prince Kupert, B. C. some of them menfhers ..... nni i.ir.l , ijr. , .. hui.... .n i-iiarstv of professional mis- -onduct preferretl by the se,rre- lary of the ew Ilrunwick Ilar-risters' Society. One t apecific harge wa that Mr. Hanson had aused a decree of tlie court to he changed and used it. know- us it lo he chanced. Th lAjuncil or the Hamsters to- iely unanimously found Mr Uan-on pullly a:id so reiKirtml Tl he Supreme Court. In ? hi 113 iudsment on this rharze. Jus- ice llazen, an old political frienJ f Mr. Hanson, stated in part: 'Tins charge (that of causing he falsification of a Ieereta! rder, was of a uiol serious ature and criminal in charar- ter. Hie court Itehi thai in a criin- aal charve of this nature tlr reused should have the lwnef:i the doufit." In Ibis ronnetitio: he court's judgment i-otninenled jpon tue fact that there mijrtr. e a direct eliarje of perjury against Mr. Hanson, in allien vent that charge would be in mother division of the court, the court therefore disairreed vith the unanimous finding of he Council of the Barrister"' oeiety which had declared Mr. Hanson guilty of causing falsi- leation of the Decretal Ortler. The judgment stated that the ourt had power ehhei to slrik ff Ihe roll of barristers or to suspend any harrisler of the ourt found jiuilly of profe lonat miscondticl. If Mr. Ha' son had ben found guilty of the first count, thai of causing th alslficarlinn of the decretal or ier, mere wouin nave neen no ithfr course left otien than t trike the accused's name off the oil. (Vide Supreme Court He- ports. X.H. 1925, 1926. A. deWItt Foster, Ex-M.P. AVas read out of parliameu: jnd out of ; the Coiiseryatiye party on .pril .15. J 9 1 lien Prime MinlsterJif Canada. ir jium-ru.,i. ituruen, iniiowmff he Report of the House Com minee on mime Accounts en- iuirin7 inlo war appropriation rhe Iteporl of the Comnifttn aid in pari as follows: our committee have had under consideration Ihe purchase f horses for'lh" Militia Depart inent in 'the province of Nova Scotia, and beg to report lo th House Ihe evidence and docu ments In connection therewith. tour commlllee are of lh trinlon that the evidence re, pcr'irjc wie,ijiirchase lrr borse n Ava "bcoiia v ilicJoes clr uniianr4 pf shell an unsalls factory character that furthe . at At a 'uvosiiiraiinn unrj notion nr necessary, anil Ihey renomme "'' that the said evidence and all documents in connection wl'h hfmhliers ifores'ald he refer- fi. ivj: ri. .... 'ire willijivlnwiloa.t,rinake slilule such prnseciilions, and e nke such proceedings n may he found necessary to protect 'he public Inlprealf" (Vide An nendix No. 3. Part 2, to Ihe Journals or the House of Commons. IDir.i. Also Hansard, 1915. pane 2CII. W. F. Qarland, Ex-M.P. as read out of parllametf and oif of the O'.nsenatlw narly on April 15. 1915. hv th then men Prime rrime Minister" Jitnistereoi of Canada. Cfinaua, Sir Robert L, Bor3ifolloWiu jthe lleporl of lh House Com- millee on Public) Atvounts en-uuij-inK in'o war appropriation. Mr. (iarlnm. us 1 his apprenticed drug clerk, Mr. K. Powell, to secure a number of finable contrast from the Militia He partmcnt. The Report of lb Committee said in part a fol low: "Your committer ak leave to submit tn the llojse, the evidence taken ir. respeet to lh. "ontraoi for tupplte purchase! from Mr E. P twcll, and to ex- contracts for such supplies do not appear tn have been so worre as 1 1 fr.lly protect the puhlie interest. "Your committee therefore recommend Ilia! the evidence ad doeetl, and all pitaxrs ronnected therewith le re-ferred hy the House to Ihe Department of Justice, for any further inesihra-tion. tf. necessary, for Ihe re-eovery of any moneys overpaid tbe holding hack of any tnoneyv not yet paid owr. aosl the taking of such further action a may hi-warranted by the facts. . . ." 'Vitle A!endix No. 3, Part 5 to the Jmtr-naU of the House of Common. 1915). AIo Hansan 19 IS, pace 3611. J. K, Flemmlng, Ex-M.P. Forced In resigrn th premier ship of New Hrurtsfwick by t. exposure of bVs xloftions frorr lunihrmep. ml. , nKvay eon 'ractors. The Hoy a I '.uRimiiinr tnoiiite(1, hy his own govern-nittf pfftnoontv-il bun guilty o drafting S 75. 000 from the tint her limit holders of New Hrun wiek in addition to the percen t&sre taken from every contrae or on tpefvatM,y naiiron.i. vm -Royal Commissions, N il. Stewart McClenaghan, Ex-M.P. Made a specialty of "House wives" for soldiers He secured the first ortler for in.uPO at 5." f I I ? . . . . 1 . r . . . h cfnin aim sworo ueinre ui lullie Accounts Committee thai ic had Xlailretl tlrat price eo a 0 take care of his overhead. Hi-' otal orders were for uiO.fiOO all at the same price of 53 1-'. cents. (Vide Appendix No. 3 Carl 2, to tte Journals 19IC). A. J. Doucet, Ex-M.P. Within the past five years th" bounty of Kent, N.H. has become notorious through the government services for violations o? ihe fishing and smuggling laws. Mr. Doueet lias Written the Fish eries Ireimrtment repeatedly on behalf of the law-tireaker. Jn his onstitueiicy'; (gee eorvfhlontia' . sv .: Hon. Robert Rogers, ' Ex-M.P. Vhle nam neif--'IniSiiisIpnat Papers oViTle UWtf.AiU X&fim. hly of Manituoa. 1117. Juslie all 'aid in part: fi "I can give no credence whatever to 'Mr. Iloger's fourth nnd final statement. ... (7) The position taken hy Mr Itogers . . . was merely a des perate aHemnl to ewape from an awkward dilemma. (7) . , I find upoa the evidence that hi 'linger' 'Gratuitously offerer. Mr. Carter the privlhize of in creasing his tender, and Carter fled accordingly. . . ." ' Geo. B. Jones, Minister of Labor Mr. .loncg flgiireirprornfjienlly in tlie waMime patriotic point' si anda! In New Ilrnnswlck and ll!t. . .... I... II. A ln...l flttt-.. i - iK-iiii-11 iij i.ut in. ai iniiicr for lus connection therewith. PAIN from Bladder JrritaSon . SoonaaMS 6' BAIiTAi- MIDT- war af Imitations Lata fos tha word "StlDY" Snkl rty an dnismts sllssad ky Famoos fczeira Rwit) OH tTSumt rarmafa liaiasi arsao Sin lia. sblt tmt'lr. tm canbsM a Mint Ixnaa. I Uk. Uksritaf il .anS araa Ha Imm. fa aimsl u mil, m4 I swlt oionoi ti ttup tJt. Sal 1421 Vsta-auSX. 1 Uu i.-n ae.vta.4 a s O BRINGING UP FATHER By George McM: T 111 f vr!PPa- llHl i t. oppose I I fj f ) f .tTKorUv :1TY f NOT T" i n" v ' ' ' ' j BBaBBa j '''' Caea " 9fl Apostles of Purity Who are Charging Liberals With Being Party to Smuggling Operations The Conservative party has been coming he fore the electors ail over the -country as Ihe apostles of purity and the speakers have lKen, haranguing from every platform on the alleged sins of the Liberals, using the Customs probe ns a text and Irvine to 3 V anted For Sale For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for leu tha FOR SALE. KOH UL'ICK SALliTliree roll, r canaries, trained singers ' (15.00 each. 1130 Seventh Avenue hast. tr TKNT F0H SALK. New. this year and used only one ween. Prtee Piillen. Dallv Nvv.i TO RUNT 1.AHUK furnished room for rem; bath. 6Mn Sixth Avenue W:. l ltNISllKD apartments for rent by day, week or month. I'hone lied 607. tf OH HUNT I'ianos. plimr-psnnos, phonographs and w-Ing nvaclilties. Walker's Mui" Store. 1-1)11 nKNT. -Motlera up-to-date flat: large airy rooms; fire place; c!oe in. Max II" hroner. FOn HUNT Modern hotie; tin-obstrueled marine view. Ap ply 215 Fourth Avenue Ka$L FOIt ItKNT Ijtrset .building a 171 Third Avenue East; P room modern flat with bali room arul workshop premle-on street Ifoor. Apply Hyde Transfer. 139 Second Avenue MODF.RN IIOI'SK for rent Fiw rooms and bath. Munro Dr FOUND FOUND. Silk knitted scarf. Ap nly Daily News Dffice. OLD. Set of teftb, Owner may have same by calling at Dally News Office and paylntt for advertisement. HELP WANTED WA.NTKI). Child's small buggy must be in good condition.-Phorie lllack 320. IIF.LP wanted.--Apply Inlander. WANTED. WANTKD. Male slenographer for relief work. Aply Stipef. inteiident's . .Office, - Catiaillan National. . ,J8 WANTKD. Kxerlenfrt sale. man for gentleman's furnish ings and clothing business Ileferences required. . M A . . t ... . n . . . Apply un jh, natiy.ews inee. WANTKD To borrow money for five years at 8 per eenl on Improved property. Appl-P.O. Hot 378, prince Hliperl n.C. 2t:t WANTKD, One reliable man In every town, merchant preferred, to take orders for best customs-made clolhes In Can ada. Highest commission. - Hex Tailoring Co. I.ld.. Toron to. 2. IMS' CAfl.V sftme extra money be tween now and Christmas. $10 to szn'easiiy made weekly In spare lime. Inking orders fo- "Imperial Art" Personal Chrislnias, Cards. Kveryone a ctisinmcfi Tnke onlers now dcUyerytlaler Liberal com, , -.1 -i.Cd . . ' i " in-aiji. itruian iinndlar ninaton 'Vest. To.rorjt BOARD AND ROOM. HOARD. The Inlander. 831 Second Avenue Phone 137 FOR EXCHANGE WILL EXCHAN1E two good lot on Eleventh Avenue tor piano or car. II. o. Helger son i,ii, a( rrfiae AdvrlUe In In the Dally -News. I. rw at .ANOTHER BIQ REDUCTION IN CHEVROLET COMMERCIAL CAR PRICES. !l-m Ton I'lilily Vs. press Chassis $ 82,1.00 S Ton Light Delivery Chassis f 630.00 Touring and noadstr H5.0 Sport Itoadster i 880.00 toach ami CoHpts tlOtO.60 Sedan I I35.WI landau ...$1185.00 USED CARS ON HAND I Font I.iichl Delivery, Open body f 73.00 I Fwrtl Light Deliver. panel bxty 'I50J)0 I IVml Light Ilivery. starter equipment ... !t&0.00 I FortI Tudor Sedan. trtr equipmeet .... .300.00 tlrdsnttwlle 3-pasa- aey Touring, t&ti ... ifft.on Term ran he arranged tm Iwvlii new ami ud ears to suit the purckaaer. ' KAIEN OARAGE n. a'i r. in Cadllac. McLauahlln, Oakland. Oldsmoblla, Pontlac and Chevrolet Cart Phone 52 FREE INSPECTION Why run your ear when it Is not operating properly? It means added expense later. Hot ready for ralney ami misty seather wake an insistent call o have your motor and brakes up In tip-tap atindlWon. 'Irsl cJass work guprantjreil by nkiiieni Aiecuianies S. E. PARKER, LTD., Authorized Ford 8ales and Service FORD Cars Trucks Tratctors TAXI Phone 67 Taxi (Call (leorge. Paul or Oust) Six and Seven Passenger Htudc akers at your disposal any time. ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block. Across from Kmpress Hotel. MISCELLANEOUS STUNfKULVI'll FillS' Kiaofiiiallon a a .. . . . . f i . tor iii'iiisii s.oiutniiiii liivti Service will be held on Srtlur day afternnon and evenitwr, October ?, IU2o. For airplira lion forms and further infor illation, apply lo Ihe riearest Oovernmcnt Agnl or lo A. H. Cox, Civil Service Commls slaner. Viclorin. ll.C. 4s PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Saturday. SeDtember 11. II Iff h 3.35 a.m. 10.2 fl 15.18 n.m. 10.0 ft Low 9.11 a.m. 5 8 fl. 22.10 p.m. 5.7 ft. Sunday, September 12 Hlrfli t.!3 a.m. I8.I ft. 1 6.20 p.m. 1 0.5 fl. Low IP. 1 2 a.m. 0.7 f! 22,5 1 p.m. T.2 fl Bubscr.lbe to. the Dally 'jpew. .Ac FoaiL n 50c USUAL Kt Csrtlflcata af tap, Braisair Urn Alan vi Dtstrsri. ..t, lb aiaaik Tfck V'i. I rrea Mav . - i UI tints Uat Mai. t : I 'Ml tf Itti TV Ml l Aaat kin, Z sir . I ""mil' -.I lets. tJ LSS0 aCT. Matte at Isustata la l ij fas f IHI'rt. . , vaw ata- I I 4illail wm wwi i . ' ir.ea c iai ' "'t v .ti a-os if' a i ta fajn. . , v "ami lira t it rtl sasi to ns s 1 1 K1S IS si cm 1 1 S-astl wuu acr -nitkll af RrtVBSMr 1 ft atllMt Mi lUtar a an Jtraa. ai It ssa straasn t- r.saic in ree Msarr istjr ' the SJiii sa 1 taiassK A lad fn'ii niave -ti" fne Ust ' ewers'" nvTin i' .' at fr.nn r ISSO CT, SKO. tlM1l"-1 '"1 It. . v . r- Ikpe trut t rav s I t r r aa" ln. f !'. pat ' reil-a ' wire raayvi c1 est . -I eai ft . thaM: "let- ' SSi'l lb fei'v t si Water ISf i inaUt sjaaiult ' tnil esajjuie nf . ll.VTCTI J'"" If O0ISSIST IW13" Nti JJeT la Trsns'tC Sr v-r XliTtrr li H! fatb da r a r intend i !' (fan! I"e nun.iir'! of peenH'i-s ' tnoaa as r- " llaatlt, a. 1 ' ; lal 7. PKa ' Daren r.fafl'.K land aetrr pHllat) Heefaerl llirxt'1 ' 1 Zi CJefRPe ..r I he lte rnssn" 1 ined "f B' lt'tt niprrt niTin st Pr'f d.r or iu.vt is Till l. :i ii IS SIINISat KT. ....... .f litis''" C triii.a. l . m-ee P'tsse j, rrariicawi. tlrsial Vtnecal M. Vlntns Pol' ' . VVTer. W ' iter St.. Van ..Hate ! Htfs sr-' rw.rslion , .a.t. inli-nil. ' WJ t; 111.1 rnr i-rii"--- : niirre "f . "nvTn ttit n,T ' imtssL C.r.fl.U Of , VVann rrsell-nsl tmUijpf. nits Mirers; im J-" b,i Mlninr P''Vr,,n sti " SIMHII fIW"..i of Wsnn Btrer hl, TM IfZ TAT; ? Ji V i .I.IV " "l WIIWIS inland SS77HI l "T.ml"' J .Ii. anni' " SI "". "'II.. i-iirl ri',...,iiil .inf " a enroer inr - - r " n'vfFti MH 'I"" ;r.1.tt t. H.