Now rrtrps Waltham Watches 5 6 Tlietfe are I hf iipw rt-"duc mI prices for movements wlmh i-nn be filled inlii any rase desired. Vanguard, 23 jewel $58.00 Crosreut, 21 jewels.. $50.00 Iliverslde, III Jpwel $45.00 V S. Ilartlelt, J7 jWeH ... ... .. .. $24.00 llegula'ry 17 JpwpIs.. $22.75 15 jewels 7 jewel This is the regular men's site. If interested we are Kind to Mhow yon oilier size and rrade. 9 7fh r IKntC STORE WITH THE CL0CN Use PEROXIDE These Six Ways 1 i a mouth waili and sanglt. to cheek germ growii. loosen phlegm, and to p i' ify the breath. 0 V a dentifricp, to bleach, wliii'-n and beautify the teeMi 0 As n bleach and to clear 'tic skin. iPinove frerkles, mai nli al. and other skin bleiiislips. 1 As a blench, to make hair 1 nt visible on U10 arms. ai'c. feck and leps. b-'f manicuring, (o prevent haiiKtiails. and to rei remnvB stains. As a perspiration l'ar!;e Davis Co 's I'erox-ide is IipsI bpeanse it keeps it s-cnKh longest. 4 ox.-25 Cnt Rupert Pharmacy Phone 94. W dtllver. SUMMER SUGGESTIONS FOR WOOD Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, Birch and Spruce Per load $6.50 Per half load 3.80 Per sack , 50 Burn Wood and Keep Cooll HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. Dr. Alexander Smith Blook Phone 576 DENTIST LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone ft. artage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service, Coal, Band and Orarel We Specialize In Plane an Furniture Bevlna. M I L K From Bulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIPPING CREAM Wo specially recommend our Table Cream at i5o for Half Pint. Quality and Service Spaelal Joe .Delivery Service Valentin Dairy 11 Phone S57 . fDeer Hunting Season Open Today G. Foster off io fishing GroundsBait Shortage in .Alaska The deer and niuiiiitniii goat liiinljiw e;iou in this tii.trict' opened today nnd will ronlimir until December 15. Althnligh the wnry niiiniol .are -tjtiilly rather high up. ilii early in the fall, a number uf parties will probably embark luiiiirhl or. to- Umirrrirw nioniiiigyiir their first expedition with the hope1 of ringing home n-nag ieroe bombarding tart.igenenilll'iii the wood and the animal art larfl.1 (.. ir..'.;A ...,.i i;r,,;.i;i.. llitnl P ""e n",",e,, liiiff j have already been taken nut. The I - ...... .... .iv 1. I Vllirtfll H MJ.t , a If II L will continue uttlfl June .15, 11)27.! - luml are set similarly (o lal eaon with three mate ideer ullowrd each hunter for the caMiu, two mountain gnat, throe bear of ny kind an! .two whr-lles. The duck jeaii will open on October 15 continuing until January 31, while it will not be in irder to sepk until ?ovem- ber I and from I hen on ! Vel" ruary 15. The blue grouse season is opefn from today until Oelobpr 31. llafc limits for bird will be 20 ducks daily or a total of 150. ten jrcesp or -a lolal of fifty, and grouse, -five daily or a It is a upon hunters by Hip game ile. parlmenl that Kalcn Island is a game presprve upon which lite liooMiig of any game is prohibited. Incidentally, a word for Mie wise , may be that, with am officer now on the ground whose duties are solely to ee thai the .ramp regulations nrc 'omplied with, a belter wafch will bp kepi on hunting in this locality tins season man uiercjij,,, crtai lias iiecn for several years. Xew regulations for ttapping nre alo In force now. All trappers are required lo, re-regtler their traplines with tin nearest provincial officer. As far as possible traplines applied for diould I ' the same as in all former ipplications. This ruin applies only on Ihe mainland, applications being unnecessary hi the Islands. The iefll-Xie Lumber Co. s awmill at Seal Cove started de liveries of halibut and -salmon boxes lo (he trade Iat week. The mill has been steadily jutting lunrber since Hs opening ii Apn Ciininnnlore fleorge replaci llorie has he tn-Li h.p. two- cviiniier uray engine in in-' rti'ser Nancy wllh a lo" b.i. 'i ur-cylitnler Kiislhope. The latter motor is working well say Mr. llorie although lie has nol vel had the opporlunily of giving (he speed a double-ntry audit. Anyway, Mr. llorie expect to hold his own In the future Willi anyone He in the mailer of speed jnd the result of th" iruier race at the next Yacht Club regatta is already sellled. The trawler i. K. rosier, chartered from Ihe Canadian Fish A Cild Slornpe by Ihe nu-perl Marine Products Co. Tor Ihe purpose of engaging In scrap fishing in Hecate Slraits for Ibe Tucks Inlet by-products plan!, tefl port on her Initial trip on Thursday -afternoon 'at two o'clock, t'lie vessel had hern; gleamed tip on Wednesday iat .. ' . i .. - ...i..'..rV'.;ol.'Sk'.i ine coin Mi'inn- wwiir n. ; she had b'-ep. lying cold for a year or more, and moved dowT.i to Ihe Albert A MrCaffery lmnk- ers where sh. was toaleti ami oulfilled. WMUrCapl. K. Sander son on the bridge and Chief hnf- glneer Sidney Milne in charge ol the engine room, Ihe i oster left with t. fl. HusUby, head of the 11. M P,, and Mr. Ileed, or the fisheries experhuetal slalioii, on board. The vessel will probably be back In port on Monday o that Ihe crew may haw opportunity to vole. Hallbut J-andlngs With splendid fishing weather nrevuiliiiK on the banks, the halibut schooners have' been do ing well lately and soiiih bM catches arc to be recorded. Perhaps one Of tb l?el was that of Iho IomiI schooner Scrub; Cant. Adnlnh Prlncef which camo in on Thursday morning wllh" n load of 20,000 pounds after having been out only a week. In snllie of somewhat of a fclul on Tuesday anorning after IJi1 holiday whan ain.OIOtpouiids.was offered on the rixchange, , prices havo held up well and It Is' very gratifying 16 no In that Canadian fish has commanded as high and somellmes higher prices Uian American. With a drop at th? middle nf thl Avft:-k Avhen there was a big supply, Hie price for first class fish ranged from 13.3o to 15.CC would meet all the usual &; mands until the end of Ihe season but bait in hpinsr now shipped by the carload to Ketchikan and it may become exhausted here, llefore the close of the season on November 15 there Is, therefore, the possibility of a general p of bait alon, wprn Alaska. unless the licrnng make an early appearance in northern winters or some can be obtained from the Mlteries of Tlmugh a few uf Ihe boys limy laVe the opportunity to cs heir vrtles at the advance poll, the most of them will ex ercise Ihe franchise in the usual way at tin; 'election on Tuesday. 'Wllh the Kxhmltion ccniiiu next wee as well as .he election, 'there will be a laiw- number of fisliirmrn 4iolh trol-lers anilhalBiuters home and Ihe propects are for a big and Oiverslfierl lishemien's vole and II will fee by no means a one-tided one. Judging from te various arguments one near along Ib'e front" neither Ihe hardware man nor Ihe school lMelier -t'oin? to capture lh fishermen's vote in entirely. Seining for chums is mv practically finisheil on tb- Skeemi Hiver bul the linllers re, sllll busy wilh rolioes, Ihe run! of which has not been large y.j bul which is expected to tin-' prove. From the south end of the Queen Charlotle Island clonic repdrls of a somewhal ini- riroveil run of chums, llalmnr- al, Inverness, Sunnyside, nodi Prince lluperl ol Ihe Skeena; Hiver district canneries arei still runninif, H. A. having Ju.'lj elospil. I Last Sunday and the Labor Day holiday saw George Bryant on a trip to hhtada on- board nie cruiser .liar wun a IconMslInsr pf Air. 'liryant. Hill iiiiMfTortand the boy of both, ifamilip. Wie' party trot all 'lire Killing of M. ii;. Stepp, JIar-y l arr and Kr&V. iuidile which went up hyjrafn (ml which came home on tbft'jlarla. lifUirning.l the end of the m helchfk'an for two days. TJm nlher U.S. rum chaser Smith. which was here last year, is nbw working ouyrtffan J'ranciseo. Tweniy-lw'o Joeal Moose ,lp-triojiaire.s niade a trip at the parly made the voyace on th? TOURING Haveyou changed your plugs within the last year? If not, your content ment and satisfaction on your tour will be insured if you install a full set of dependable Champion Spark Plugs before you start. cxcJumvcIt for ford pck4 la lh Rrl Bom on " AT cut other than i fords packed ' intheBluUox I i90c Each Champion Dependable for Every Engine-A Canadian'inade Product WinJtor, Ontario it Ji. halibut schooner Johanna, Capl John Wick, -leaving here Saturday night and returning Tuesday, Thy reported a most en-joyafhle trip with plenly of hos-pjtality on the part of lh mfn-insr catun rpsidents. Anions th uout thpy, wanied at the riOiiuVnnrlv uprp. ft'.IIM Rnvpr. lar rpnorl as Aid a party eoh-ltrrWl north; mrtei Fred Scad. ' den, grealnorlh moose; H. J.; Macon, .south moose; A. Ohnes-i ura. eat anoojfp; Ie SLaj?pari west moosp, and Thor Johnor.. herder. "i week from -;il? , likinc llivriej l.fhlhifise-Jenilpr Xewinirlnn. whence Uu, ; WfiL gom; with alCant. Jtfffll'ewon. Ml onTii. tiqnor ?ar?pfiijvier iml 28l.tay tmCaiwfZT. James! anilifs Leila It., tfrt, AJex. Saint, exppcie'd back at the end of llii-Mince iiiajle tripu'ln Anyox with week. the Odilfelbhv. "1" Porchcr ts- -' land witli lhe,4nipPi-lor of mines. Cant. Kohrt. who relumpil niiil. Tlie landing t IhiB port -f.i?.'aI"J ,0 CaiUaJn's -iove wfth ths the Honilo recently from lb-? Ihe uevk i.Satunlay to Friday IV""? to daplute an alleRd llippo Island and Masseit Inle! incliisivi' vere well ainve aver-"l,1',,'0"i, Clilwaman. 1 vicinity, where lie had been en- , totalling mc,(f,i)00 pounds I paged in salmon trolling during 37vOnrt .po.jnds from American 'Hi wmnery'tender Nlsliga wa;tli 'summe-r, will b leaving vessel and 223,300 from Cana-ln lrt qn Tliursda:- on her wayjaain in a day or no for Skide-dian. Tnis brinas the total forfrorn 3ton to Skideale InIel;Kate Inlet to enjrage In coho the rfcasiin 0 i4te to lOJSfl.GOii"51 "m will w engaarpd for a IrolIinK for the remainder of lb pounds nt which American wiaU landed li,j3l,lO0 pounds and Canadian, ,fn7,"on pounds. A lmrlage of bait is reported from .-ill Alakan fiorU with result thai .this week some or Ihe big American schooners, which . generally iro lo Ketchikan. Iltiai HI JU, mpru rmirillul ol ll.i. tir.wl gain being impressed jcanadUn Fih 4 (kild storage iCo. bad a -gool sulkily of frozen ImiI Iipth which it was expected l..kil. .1 - -niuii- in ruiiiii pai-King. . iscasOil. . The U.S, revenue etitlef ijyi.-iti.j. "liillVt box trips' are being Knsign lesps, called in port onSnnrip in Iho Rnfprfntp ml k'ttl. ffl1iuoday, having come in from! mat region by the D.S.T., Capt jiip sea wnere .lie tiad heen outUim Parsons; to the south end of the Qupen Charlotle Islands by the Wigwam, Capt. Claud? Krtchum, and to local points alorttj the coast by the Kouyosu. Capt. Alex Wylte. The boats will return with the boxes after the elei'lion. jirsl or Jhe4wcekXo Stewart aid j . Hydpr lo attend i nidation exer- Another robbery "was reported Hses and tlay celebra-0n JJie waterfront this week. On linn at the norlliPin points. T;ie!Wplnprt.iv niiri.t ,tt.aan'a n-t. bulldinnr shop was (broken Into and a crowbar, hammer, catilk-np cotlon, copper paint and rope removp.1. The mailer was reported lo the police. The Dsumi, -which ha? been packing for the Somprvflle Cannery, left this week for Aliford Hay. Repalrlnn Boats ! Ttie seine boat Shuchorla, which was badly damaged when he struck liana rock in Dixon's ! Entrance recently, has been i handed over by Ihe underwriters to Hie owners? Tanaka firos and the dry dock has the contract for ; rebuilding. The American halibut schoon er Kureka, .lamagpil a few week.s ago in a gasoline lank explosion,, i will be ready for sea again in a! few days. ( Nothinjr has -yet been ordered to be done with the IJncoln, nlo badly damaged in an explosion, i pending the adjustment of thfli eslnle of Ibe owner, the lat Cap. Martin Fotland. : There Is again a lull In the repair and machine shops alone the walerfronl. Wilh the salmon 'season praclically over and on'.yi 1 1 wo more months of halibut j fishing, as little work as possLi ble is beinig done on the boats.) The keel Is lieing laid at the' Suga ways for a new 35 fool' ! seine boat which will be placed; in the yard's stock. Cat ont heayy.heatiiigfoods-Eat SHREDDED WHEAT rffiSCUIT is Shredded Wheat pressed into a wafer-crisp, tasty and delicious DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kippers "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFA3T FOOD." Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage CvLtd. Prince Rupert, B.C. TOWER'S F" l 25 M BRAND Fisherman's Suit TV EAR TOWER'S W "FISHERMEN SPECIAL" Waterproof! SPHCIAI. Xm.1273 SIZt I C.tSI 43 raium ! MADE II CAXAOA Suits in bad weather and keep smiling. They are made for service. Jacket double ply and roomy nner bresst pice .with button iuUaau Pints tloxd uit pattern, very roomy and double ply. Both farmenta are made in yellow and bare a very tough wearinf surface. Made by Canada's foremost waterproof clothing masts. factum, in size 38 to 46. On Salt ry Fhhtrmen Supply mmUrt Insist upon getting a genuine Tower's Fish Brand TOWER CANADIAN LIMITED TORONTO VANCOCVW WI.TNIFEO HALIFAX MONTREAL Jbrammical-Jhrnsportation jBVlif iftSllWlrtllaSk AsIc your Chevrolet dealer .bout th. Value Means More than Price Alone cfaio For Demonstration, phone or call Dave Ross KAIEN GARAGE THE ;price of a car is what 70U -pay the -value b what you get. Value is the combination of Quality and Trice. Notuithstandingfthe recent remark-able reductions in Chevrolet prices, Chevrolet does not aim to be the cheapest car bv Its class. It does aim and u justly considered the jjreatest value 'in its ciass. The rhooth Chevrolet h outstanding value, not only because it costs you less but' because it gives you more more smoothness of performance -more power and speed more instant acceleration more striking beauty of line and finish more richness of upholstery more completeness of appointments. To pay less than the price of the smooth Chevrolet fa to sacrifice quality. To, pay more, for a car in the Chevrolet class, is needless extravagance. The SsnoothestCfcovroUt la CtteTpaUt ktstorv la aelliof at th Loweat Trie for which Chevrolet haa eerjsi v sold lat Cainadau I . ... . t. .-.'.