1 25 TAXI Ambulance and mm Boston Grill Service Large tpstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing Anywhere a Anytime. ' floor for hire Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. '"'I,.. 41 Al. ! NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, and fit St. PRINCE RUPERT The latest and be.it for the WATT VIDECK, Prop. least. Phone 457. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper VOl, XVI NO, 10. PltlNCi: III PEHT, H.C., WKUXESHAY. JAM AUY 13. 1020. veternyi tircuLUcm. im sirt sat, m pnir.B fivk rents. 0 OPULATIOH IS NEEDED TO MAKE PROVINCE PROSPEROUS SAVS PREMIER Vote Likely on Want of in House Conservatives say there they are asked to form Government following Liberal defeat OTTAWA. Jan. :i. lion. Hugh (lulhne, formerlv oln i Smi general hi (lie Mcighi'ii udiiiini-truliou. dflmilely iiiiiiouured n in' Uoue ot Common. lal uighi lliui if the government was lit' . . ! and it Cii .ittvt administration formed. Hun. Arthur l igheu wiuml cudeuvor lo curry Itoni u tt-(iliilni. M C i Hint? -aid ln -poke M Mnglieu. mill with In authority. . He on lliiiini'-H niinoiiincil I 'HEAT POOL SUCCESSFUL SAYFARMERS nnual Convention of United Farmer at Brandon Today Speaks of Progress JlMMio.V Mun.. Jim. :i A giU ;f i ) progre ill Wo Willi. Tmih lulled l'riiri of Manilla P' u ii rcvivul of interest, ami ii in- liiit linn m ye am an m- rru--' in iiii'iuiirrHiiij.. hk ff- joitetl ny A. J. M. I'tMile. preii- I'-ni ,r i In- opening nf the aii-iu, i iucii:uni nf tliut ukkim'Iii li.ii u i i today. A mill fltiali-lial !- ' urn i;ivi' aoMi'iiiivi' Ilia' Ii, ! i .nil nf depicr-nm in pa-up :-iml Mi Poole, aiul a fur-he- uiitn-H'i' In miniprteul 'MrnxHi i" looked for. The 0iillinidllig (eallire nf the us tun J ot'cu I In- uece of lite ("I Oi gulllailou-. LtlM-lfisli mil "in 'Ujiriitm ii'uili'llill). lot onlinuptl on page "is) HUGE ORDER FOR RAILWAY Twonty-sU Million of F'r Ties lo to to Great Britain l.n.VHO.V .Ian. l.'l, - Hrilish M oliiiiiiiia bus received mi order I Kim oiio oMIir greatest nrlllsli 'rail way group for 20.ouii.uoo feet ol lloutflas fir railroad tine Tin is mi hi lo In' more IIiiiii I hi' pro nice total XMirl lo Urea! ltrilaiii in IU?3. II Is staled Ihal n i breaking Hie Iriiililion ol i niori' Hum u century u iiriustr i ici heretofore have been made from Hall ir nine. CANADIAN NATIONAL EXPECTING INCREASE EXPRESSBUSINESS WTNMPHtl. Hi.-.-. l;i. Official-. fnin all jiiiflu of I In wi'ftlcrn rc-U'ton r.aiiaillan National Hallway will nii'i't luniori-ow morning in u Uwo day CMiiifrrtMU'i' wliOit'lii jilan t will Iki ip'io.cil for IninilliiiK tlx' f.lOL'0 trnffio ami ncrvico iiroliK'ton M all branches of llio railway i-Mjrvicc in wi'sdrrn llanmla. Kcry Mmjiorlanl clly from llo head of tlhe lakuei to Vimcouvin' will he rc-ire.Honlo(l nl tlir miMlitm. which will ho lin'Kiih'il ovor liv W. A. iKliiBslaiHl, uenrral tnannsi'P of ttie WL'sturn l'l'ttioii DOMINION Tomorrow Confidence of Commons will be no election if on from fcioii lo se-sion in (lie t.rescnce nf Ins teller lii - intention to voir nguiii-l lhe uooerrultvc atiKMiilnii-iii of nun-j (confidence but til i he -uiue time In' iioliftHl Liberal ln was no): ;i'oiili'tiiiluliic to Mile confidence in IIhmh ul nil time. Hi xtati-H that In- was mil nri-oari'il ( bring utinul a change of govern-tuvjul ntd niiuU'W election. linn. f'.hurle Stewart, iiiiih-n t of jlic inliMrior. urpumt (lint tit VoviTiiiiiriil mi maititaiiiiiiK the iiultmrl'.) of iarliqiiient. m-vlll fti 0ini-iilMiM tn "1rlnp on jour rlection." Mi Mi'I'liail i'Xiii'-.iiJ her lai'k nf run fiilfiiri- in Imtli l,il-oraU anil i:oipfrvaliv. I.' I IHll 'Xii'rlPil III!' Sllli' will In- tnki'ii until tntnoi'i'iiw. OBJECTION IS TAKEN SUGGESTED SLANDER ON PROGRESSIVE MEMBERS llltllllllllUII llllilL'llrt II. II. lli'iini'ii. K .. M l'., i.ul sar - ;i.ii'!i-iiiilii",iunf , n.o flharai'leriHlirally that ihrrr an-l.lion joiml ri-unn- why I'ro-Kroive ineioliwri will iiiiiori tin' poti'riiiiient. "i'li ulliiMim unihiiihliill) i In Hie Hinounl of tlir -i-iomil imlrninity, whieli pnnie of Hit' l'riiri-nive- inihl lo-i- it hy rtftniii lo niiiiporl thr (iiiwrnnipiil dial ImuiKht on u tirnerat elirtinn. Thai in ii Mhuiiltu'otii ari'iiia-liim. Tin I'nigrpnurw nu'inlier liavi' not mIiowh Ihal lhe nri'ilif-leiriil fnim oilier itii-mliorn of narlliinient fiive In their poliliwil irwe. TloTt' i no n'iion to iitiinr that Ihi-ir itickitH utts-ern llicir miIps. Thai ii not true anil oner ha heen true oT the rt'irt'-i'nlativo of any purly, liarrliiR an orru-ilonal imlividnal xr'ilion. An a hmly Iho l'ro-frrPKnlvi's aii cntllleil lo hi i'imiiiIimI honorahle men, who will Miiinrt or oppo-e the aoern-iiicnt a they think to ho in tho Inlcri'itu of Hie country. The Infe-riMict'tf from Mr. Ilcn-iict'- oh-ierviilion arc Ihal the dilpnry member xtlll proeerdH ujion t lit aioumption thai a political opponent ohonld never he ereililet! wllli a good motive when a bad one can be found: and thai in liU opinion there i not much likelihood that the I'ro- mtivc!i can I" finl to line up with Mr. MelKhen. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Hid. Asked. II.H. -Silver 1.71 1.75 Hunwell IT0. 1.51 tJlaiMom? -3Vi llazellon -01 I.. & 1 13 Vi .15 Pi'i'ioier 2.23 'rtllvi'irri'i-l -15 13 S lab -0D 11 ELECTION WBB .-MilsssMBt-. .w M-ts-igJ-J-wMslBMWL It LA UK FOXKS lie wiii-il ll.i ml beoig hamllt't BRITAIN'S GREATEST ADVERSE BALANCE HISTORY OF COUNTRY l.oMm.Y Jim I:;. Ilrllmii Hiher-e trade iHiianee for Hie year It'-J wt rmmtily t'loil.ooo.tiljo. Hie preirle-! in In-itory and tT(:. 000.000 ni-.n- than lal year. COMMITTED FOR TRIAL GUN CARRYING CHARGE George Sackman Sent up This Morning by Magistrate Mc-Clymont (itsorge Saukman, li-tlionian. on a cluiifje of havuiK a pistol in hi- posses-ion for a purpose ilaiiyurous to the puhlic peace, was ooininitled for trial in the clly police court this moniinjt by Miutislrule Mctll.vuiont. Kvi-dencc -IiowihI thai accused had Kime 'fti Ihe residence of A. K. Cnghl, l-'ifth A)enue I'mhI, and had there drawn on lor Jolm-oii a iUH calibre revolver from Ills pockd after huviiiK had an iillerration with IHIJa Howeu. a imilil of his own nationality. It was Mtalcd Ihal Sackman had paid Ihe fare of the girl to this I'ounlry from Esthonia. I'olice officers, on nrreslliM nceuseil later, found the loaded revolver loUethcr with extra shells in hi possession. Witnesses at Ihe preliminary trial litis tiiorninp were Hilja llow-eu. A. E. Wright. Maslor I'harlie Wrighl and P.nn-slahles Macdonahl and l'olleilon. The ease was prosecuted hy filly Solicilnr E. Jones and Mrs. Edie Hlapp acled as interpreter. REPLAYED GAMES IN CUP TIE SERIES IN ENGLAND ARE PLAYED LONDON. .Inn. HI. Hesulls of Ihe replayed games in the third round of the English Cup ties lesulled as follows: Manchester City, I: Corin thians, 0. Httrnley. 0; Cardiff. Arsenal, t; Wolverhampton, 0. Liverpool. I : Soul.hamplon. 0. ruiTtmiouHi. 1 Derby 1 onl fliuimrm u . a Moiiti-eiO I v IS X Ijl'irk oxi" or export rotn I'nuee KU-he Laiiadian National lixpre-. Not Less Taxes but More People Need of Today Declares Premier Oliver Addressing Property Men VAXCOl Ell. Jun. n. "W liot the provuu e need- is a million new people imbued with industry and thrill pos-e.ed by the early piom cr ol Ontario." Premier Oliver declared in iiihlre nig a buiitpiel of the Associated Properly Owners here. "The greatest need today i home seekers and home builders." The premier said it would be dirrieiill to convince hi in Ihal il wa- taxation that was keeping Hrilish Columbia back, when people were inlying into Ihe coffer- of the province u million dollar- monthly Tor luxuries that t-aii-etl (hem more harm Ihuti good. INTERIOR PEOPLE HOPING FOR WINTER Snow Needed in Bu kloy Valley to Allow Ordinary Work to Proceed Though the residents of th Hulkley Valley are very much per turbed n Ihe look of snow and industry is 'being severely handi capped tliioujli the -mild condi tions thai have so far been prevailing, the weather ha shown i lendeury lo harden up during tin past few days and the arrival or vvinler is now hoped for. reporl-O. A. Woodland, local manager of Ihe Imperial Oil Go., who relumed this morniuif from a business trip to Hums Lake. Telkwa and Suiithers. The country -is mOII open ami motor cars are stilt it ite on the Smithers-Telkwa road which has some snow on it but which is hare at many points. JAPANESE MINE EXPLOSION TOKIO. Jan. I a. Seventeen persons were killed and S3 in-! tendim-lured in a coal mine explosion Unental al l'okoko las! night. SHIPS DELAYED VANCOUVER FOQS CARS HELD UP I VAXCOI VEH, Jan. 13. 1 Twenty-five shijs were held mi yesterday in English Hay a- a result of dense fog which pervaded Hie pity and district. TJie smoke from the factories and fires mingling willi Ihe thick atmosphere made progression very difficult. Street cars were delayed and motor vehicles found il aliiiusl impossible to get around. The delays to transportation interfered a great ileal with the business of Ihe city. Hy permission of the General Officer Commanding Miiilary Oislrict Xo. II. all rx-servici men are permitted lo vvcar uni forms and decorations .while at- the third annual regi-ball at Auditorium, I-'ii- 'day evening. IMh January, HtiJ'i. McMordie 's Final Message Ex Aid. S. P. Mi Mordie takes llns dual opportunity or reipicsliug the eleclors al Ihe polls tomorrow, not only lu eleel lit lit In (he mayoral'y but lo place him in office with a stilislatilial majority. His platform has been as fully pruseuU'd as cireumslances would permit and lie gives Ihe I'leclors his assurance Hml, if elecled, he w ill consider it mil only a privilege but a duty in carry out lo the. best of his ability all undertakings he lia- made in the course or the t-anipaigu and to administer the city's urrairs tilong sound mid clean business-like lines. CAMPAIliN COMMITTEE. LIKELY YET Seventy Prominent Citizens at Banquet to J. H. Pillsbury 1 when Presentations Made Scenly of the uio-l pioiniiieul people of Prince Hupert ' gathered Iji1 mglil ul a liampiet in the St. Ilegi Uuft dining hall Tor the uirpi-e of doing honor to J. II. 1'ili-lniry, until (he cod of Hie year Miperinlendeiit of Ihe Hrydot-k ond liipyri, jukI now leaving Tor Victoria and luler to be located al Winnipeg. In Hie i-iiiire or Hie evening Mr. 1'ilMuiry was pre.eiiled with U Huh bag by (leorge .Vickeron mi behair oi thoe present and a iflerling silver cofree put va given him for .Mr.-. Hilisbury at Hie same lime. A great many tale- were told oi (he early days ' and liappy reminder-! of pa-l lill'e - escapade- by old tiiner, anions lie speaker.- bein lr. Tremaync, ' -onul Wakefield. Olof llaio-on. s-uperinlendent Tobey, K. (1.; Hawin. (ieorje lla.py. lr. W. T.i Kei-in. I). . Stewart. E. C. liiii-l Jbo! . Editor C. II. Sawle. Tloima! .MrMeekin. Hk.i' Thoni un. Colonel Nii-lioll ami ietr-;e Nie-kei -ion. The tiaiiipiel wa an rx- leelleni one and al inlenal he- iween the i-peeHie. there va. romuiunily .iosin led by Colonel NicholU anil vocal solo by S. K. Ciunpliell. Percy Tinker and It. .lame.. M. P. McCalTery presided. The Presentation In making the .reentatlonl "rscue worker eouver-uns Mr. Xu'keion said no one wimUllwi,n "r Hie entombed men .. rrrTit'...T. ..... .... ..i.. t. . - . regret more I Init lo Mr. Pill bury" lea, mg. He referrerlj hutiioroii-iv i riHin i cards winch In- a!li iluile.l to Air. Pillsbury a good luck rather lhafi bis skill. He said the gopst of the evpiiiiij: was I tick v both al love and eard. He wa- sorry lo see the old timers go. Their hopes ami dreams had not al' been realized. They iiopril and trusted Ihal tie would return and pend the laller part of his dav with them. As a member of (he Hoard of Trade. Mr. Pillsbury had alwav-t attended the meetings and helped in every possible way. As vice-liiesideoi ia-t year he had carried on inucti -of tlie work. Many of Ihe fine things he had done could not be revealed yet they would !h of lasting benefit lo the city. On behalf of the citizen there gathered and others who could mil be present he made Ihe pre scuta! ions hopiu? that holh In and Mrs. Pitlshury and family might live long to enjoy their use. He assured them tha' wherever they might reside, while I hey might have many friends none would bold them in us great esteem as the people of Prince Hupert. Guest Replies Mr. Pillsbury readied with grea! feeling. He said "My friends, I find it just absolutely beyond me to express how much I appreciate the honor you have conferred on me in the iKimpiel and in the gifts to myself and Mrs. l'ills- hury. I can sense the sentiment hehind it nil and 1 thank you from the. bottom of my hear'.. Oilier cities may have greater advantages than Prince Hupert hut I know that wherever I go I shall never find u place where there are so many good kind men and women as here." Mr. Pillsbury said it had heev his privilege to bring the first parly of engineers and workmen to Ihe site of Prince Hupert in I HOG. There was nothing hcr then hul forest right down to Ihe water's edge. He said he hail Just been in Florida and he asked Hill Lord, who was on Ihe boat whether they would find diffi culty in setting water. .... . ike t v io. was me answer, "you don't need to worry about water." The parly made their headquarters al Metlakatla a! finl and the first persons he mel there were Dm and Mrs Tie. maynp who had gone ! Miat '! i '''Hi '! I'Utfl! 'Wv MINE EXPLODED MANY KILLED WIUIHIITO.N. Okla.. Jan. 13.- Moi of Hip 1)13 men working i.i the De?an MeCunnell mine near fine are believed to have been iotanHy killed this mornim,- by a lerrific explosion that wrecked the main .shaft and entombed lumen. He-cue crews arcrendeavor- jln? to reafcb Mime of the known jUrthpr. ilhiougii an air ftafi are iufonii- ed that few remain alive. The explosion was euused hy "coal dust. II was so strong Ihaf it blew liniliers trtuii tin fio:toui or the shun. MEXICAN FLOOD LOSS IS 2,009 Fourteen Inches of Rain In Three Days Caused Country to be Submerged XOi;ALE8. Jan. 13. Fully two thousand persons lost their live.- in the recent floods in the stale of Xayaril, Mexico, according to the estimates oT railroad officials. The floods were caused by heavy rains, fourteen inches having rullen within three day, causing the country to be sub-menged. LOW TEMPERATURES STILL PREVAIL IN NORTHERN INTERIOR The wcuther in liie interior is still niihl. The tendency for lower temperature seems to have stopped and today's report indicates that at tSmilhcrs and Hums Lake il is rrceiing sliighlly while at Terrace, Hlewarl and Anyox there was no Trust this morning at eight o'clock. The report follows : llazelton Cloudy, calm, mild. Smlthers -Cloudy, taltn; temperature, 29. Hunts Lake rCloiifdy. calm; temperature, 20. Terrace Cloudy, calm: temperature, 33. Anyox Cloudy, ealm; lempcr-uture, 35. Slewarl Cloudy, calm: temperature. 31. At the north cabins the weather remains soft. BODIES OF MURDERERS WILL GO TORELATIVES VICTORIA. Jan, I3.v At tho retiuest of rrlends, the provincial cabinet yesterday passed an order in council which will enalde them lo secure the bodies f Haker and Sowash aHer execution Tor li!e.--i wh'-e :u;iri in j); -an farm.