PAOE TWC Jfcf :i The Daily News Ten Years Ago PRINCE UUPERT . BRITISH COLUMBIA in Prince Rupert Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. r. ruuLW, Managing- r;uuon v rx t . . r' SUBSCRIPTION RATES: J City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month . $1.00 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year $0.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. .fUrLT EDITIOH Monday. Sept. 13, 1920. e l! ....... Liberals Winning All Over Province. The forecast is that the Liberals nre gaining ground nil over the province.. Meiglien has been, slipping for the past week and now there is a move toward Liberalism that seems to Indicate that Mackenzie Kin? wilt have a good working majority in the new House. Tomorrow, if is prophesied, will tell a tale of such disaster to the Conservative parly that will surprise those who have not been in close touch with the situation. . Prince Rupert is particularly interested in. the- success of the Liberal party because it means practically life or death to her. A reiurn to Meighen rule would spell disaster and interfere with all the-plans fo.r future development., the news irom fttawa is, therefore, most satisfactory."1 , Are We to be Run by . "' All'These Outsiders? f Are we to be run by all these outsiders? Men and money front oujside the .constituency are being sent here without stint in order to try to pull lhe wool over the eyes of the voters here. But ff is too lale. The people rff wise. Thej" are refusing to be lwuight by the capitalists of the east or persuaded by the -hired orators that are being brought Jiere. Surely, wc hjve some civic pride and' will .not allow this army of parsonJ and .colonels and politicians and journalists and cartoonists to .swing us from the path we have hewn ourselves. Prince Rupert people resent the attempt fo run the city from the outside and will vote for Stork again if only as a matter of protest. Interference With Canadian National. During his tour through the interior recently J. C Brady told the people Dial he would see they got lie contracts. x Of course we all want them t gel tie contracts, but it must be remembered that the tie contracts are awarded by the railway and the railway is out of politics. Ytl here is Brady, the moment he gets into politics, proposing to interfere with the work of Sir Henry Tiiorntou in the carrying out (if hU duties and thus bringing the railway directly into politics.' H is time ItoSse who have the good of the country at heart united . to put down this sort of thing by voting against, the man who proposed it. What man's job in the railway wilfbe safe, if politicians are to interfere? Fishermen's Float i Held Up By Conservatives. . . .;, Today there would have been a fishermen's float either being built or completed if Mackenzie King'h'ad been' allowed to carry on the Oovernmeni. The estimates contained an amount for that work and this was squelched by Mr. Meighen and his. cohorts. While here the Premier gave a half promise that the work win rid be done, but it has not commenced and will not commence. What is needed is to send the Liberals back to power so that they may carry out the work as intended. To do otherwise is suicidal for the city. Your Vote and Influence is Respectfully Solicited for FRED STORK Liberal Candidate September 13, 1916. Kditor. Daily News: ......... ...f... ni iiiiiiiu. " ' MP ' ". ' . . mmtt i t;, Tomorrow will T.c gvherat pro vincial election day inv iVrfiisiil Colimihiq. The candidates in prince Itupert are T. D. Pattul-' to. Lfberol, and Hon. Wllltam Mar.son, Conservative. M. M.1 Stephen is reluming officer Thirty-eight more men have arrived at Ixrne Creek to.worV" on the Kncus mining property.' This ni.k's total vrevr of fifty meivnd ..,1 expected firty nmre will be put on shortly. V. E. Fisher presided at Cuiiservalive smoker last night when William Manson was the main speaker. CnntrHmMnff to the program were (diaries and Will Balasno. A. Clappcrton, C J. Jones (J. P. MciT.oll, Mr. Cum-, mings, Mr. Bowman, William Davis and George Minchin of Kilsumkalum. In The Letter Box MEIGHEN AND THE WORKERS Can you persuade the Evenirwfr Empire or any of Mr. Meighen'' suporters to tell the electorate' why Mr. Meighen takes fo manvj reverse position on policy or procedure. On the lariff question' lie says he wants no dickering or; bartering wilh different group hut will make one general tariff applicable to all groups, and that all sectional ambition shall tie merged into one general scheme. That was the ambition of the' wage workers in Winnipeg during the strike of 1019. They struck to enforce the principle of collective bargaining. Hon. Arthur Meighen at that time wa olieitor peneral of Canada and one of the two ministers tha: visited Winnipeg represent ins' the Dominion government. It was Hon. Arthur Meighen that? refused to discuss . the-, question, with lhe .irrkers'. The only contact the. strikers, were able to acquire rhrough Hon". -Arthur was thai of cold lead and the baton of lhe mounted police and from one to two years in ti penitentiary. Thai is the way he met the workers on lhe question of collective fcargainmjr. j War and Peace Then again a few years a so . when Lloyd Ceorge and Winston, Churchill were desirous of tar'- inr a little war in Turkey and! vrirpd lit 4'nnarta nr ildlani t Mcakenzie King answered he would first have to consult Par liament. Mr. Meighen, then In; loronlo, made a public declaration that the' prime minister's aimver should have been "Beadr. I yea, alway ready 1" Then shortly aflnvard speaking in Hamilton, Meighen tsaiif before he would commit th4 country to a war he -would first take a referendum vole of all lh neiide. How :s tluit for consis-1 tency? Coustiinl'onal procedure Lvm not interest Mr. Mefehefi when lhe wanls lo et any place with 'his Capitalistic alc belilfidjibn. iiiui. oi mti war ume eie?uon:, ar when all alicuciHzn'werc! dslfranrhUed.' Think or all lh; Caimdjan women' who did not , have a son or a in the war being- disfranchised. And ; think of the srrouD of Canadian .millionaires produced during Mr.; jMeiRhen's lerm In office and his; iwar polisy. Talk about customs scandal' and .'Tooked official, I think It I ,woum take the best of them to Iflnaeli ITnn Apllm j Canada Bike other counlries atv lh,,' lo kn' poii.Msis ot two ciasjins and Hrtf social conditions surrounding i -i ....... uir.-i- uiansrs snooui ne under stood by at leasf lhe Minister and until n person shows by his acts and slate-menls Mint Uiere is not a community or interest between buyer and seller, he should not become Prime Minisler. Yours for a jrrealer Canada which it ennnol become if piloted by Ifon. Arthur MeiKhen. ONE OF TIfF STiUKKnS Fur Coats & Jacquettes An Exquisite Stock of Fur Trimmings at low prices B. C.PUR Co. Next Q.W.V.A. Third Ave. "The Love that Never Dies ' MMMMMMMMMMMMM I '1 THE MAN IN THE MOON lays: Women like good1 men linen like yond women but - W and, how fool and hi. election tel are soon parted, especially if he PrirnrtM''" lu Tories. Villagers nevet" Torsive prosperity in one of their nunVber. What the country needs Is fewer Itra.lys and more; Slorks- . II is not always nice (o laugh at a Joke. A Tof of, us don't like In he the subject of ridicule. since tins political campaign started Hie wonl "rotten" seems lo have 1een very much And tomorrow we'll again 1e- to realise t hut some Of the ten who are jhoaI unable itizeiid beloiu to. Hip opposing .Mililwal party Yc. tomorrow, ' but not tonight. . f Flowers are sHU .Iri Monm, es-peeially the liloninlng idiot. The introduction of tea par-j ties Inlo polillcs is a new idea.i It takes Colonel Peek and Parson llincholiff to be original. Kverybody seems to have a conscience except a politician. If llrady were not in this cam-ualgn who would there tie to be sorry for? You can tell a Conservative by the thickness of the moss on his back. Now that Iho Liberals have, won again, let us eel down and develop Prince Ilupert and mnke thine hum. UNION STEAMSHIPS. LIMITED stllintt rroro Pnnc Rupert, or VSKCOUVKIt, VIOTORI. wanton AUrt ?, TMt, w VSir.OUVIN. VIOTOmS. Hot Swonoon , l.luri( 10 for PORT IMfSOIS t4 Nim Rtvor Connorloi, Tnurodt, p.m. for eORT mmrtOH. AM OX, SLICE ARM, tTIWART, BunStl, o.m. 123 2nd Annuo. R. S. MITM, Agont Print Ruporl, . c. Too Late TN the bright heyday of youth, who could tell him of the storms that lay ahead ? Liter, when he had the full strength of manhood, who could hint to him of weakness or ill-health? The need for Life Insurance protection always seemed dim and remote and because of this the day of decision was deferred. And then came the day when he tried to get Life Insurance, but the attempt merely brought a more grim realization of his need. His health was not what it had been. Too late! Avert this tragedy .from your life! Obtain the security of Life Insurance while you may. Now, while you arc strong and well, the protection of Life Insurance is obtainable, and the yearly outlay will be less than in the future. Decide today, and see a Life Insurance representative before you, also, are too late WfifeJnsurance II erwee Steamship and Trai Service Oll Tltkot Ofllto, B2I Thlr Ato., rrineo bur.... in .... - ... .u wicTOPIA. T1W ll WCDNttOAT, 4.00 p.m, .11.1 TMOHfOAV (. UflDA, ll HTU-WIDNIIDnl 10 Ml r tTIWART SATURDAY . tt MAtltTT INLET MONDAY for tKIDCOATI INLCT trwl tOUTH OOIfSt CMARtOTTI fortnightly. PAtKNOIR TRAINS LCAVI PRINCl RUPIRT M.30 .m. for princi atonal, iomonton, winnipio. u Ciii1, UnilH Snirt. AgonT til Ocoin AUomihlp Llntt. . .. ... ....... in Bf ql kin .nain .tiinnti tiprfu iur wnnrj "m"" tlio for your neil ohipnunt. h , iCANADIAI kPACiriC. L0liIT, To Rotchlkon, To Vtneour, ouvor, Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailing from Prince 11$ ,, iunotu in Mi Oct 1. lt , " Vlttorlo ond, ttlo-Aopl. PRINCIM TiJU"-4, ,1 .m. , .... Oompboll Rlf.r, ond Vnwuor ' Y'f Nmy, "'mu' ,,r' " for Butodtlo, bit mtUt Boll. Otoon f iftm- . ' 1 .gif InforiniO" Agonty for ttf tloaminta Llnoi. . ...... . . . .w'.- ?nvvtrs pnno " uornor or in viro ono mrw