f inn Ake W;lfai 1. 11 I we:; i.io 1.15 d-!one 38 .3 ! anbv 27.00 3,0tl weqljild UI.pdW.90.ii I I tcpehdenre (5U .07$, I J an 05 Vi .5?i :i a i .tt -nuer 2.20 2.25 II ''f: -r Idaho 03 .00 vn- r.rcsl .10 Hi .11 'i 4 ' Inlet 03 V, Jm H ioiiond 1 1 PUBLIC HOLIDAY . Thursday afternoon. Sep- lender 10, Is hereby do- clared a Piddic Holiday In order llml nil miav be en- abled lo iwirllcluale In Kx- inmiion doings. S. M. NHWTON. Mayor. Ilrooklyn 3-fi. .New Yioxk 5-0 L lAOh 2-3. HaMoud!;. Cincinnati 10. IMIfsburg 0. Cbrcavo If). Piiiladelidiia C American Leaque New York 10. Detroit 8. Washinjiton 2-2 Cleveland 8-3 I'hihidelpliia II. Chicajto 5. lio-lou 5, St. Louis 1. SUNDAY GAMES ' National League PillVburg 5-7, 'v York J-L. Cincinnati 5-1. Ilrooklyn 0-3. American League lloston 11-0, St. Louis 4-1. Waslunulon t. Cleve'and' i Denies That he Was Read Out of party by Vancouver Province . . rriU'v iia,A t-t . v.i.inx sing jr mass meelni? Siturdal nisrht Macienxle k'init aceued II. It. Stevens of usuiz parlia menlary nnle-haper and "fiis pres-liue as a member 'Of ''Parliament to iromle slock speculalion in fulled Wales oil company, add-in? "The ancouver Province newspaper had read Slevens out of Ihe party. 'Hie Pv'ovmce i Mie paper which is support in.r Sli-vens in Vancouver." YANCOUYlin. Sent. 13.- II. II. Sievens in atldressinii a meeting Saturday nfjrlil at the Vancouver HoUvi denied that he had been read tut of the varty 4y the Prov live. Also he cDiatgel Ilia'. Hie sigualure on Hie letter pub lished in the Vancouver Sun and alleged to 4) a facsimile of one U'f.ffli,l 1.- .Jl .1. . f J. 0. Sleen SmitlietM on 'Minn's train came m .Saturday f roi'u after C. W. PECK, M. L A.; Cr BRADY and MRS. A. 1 PATERSON Will Address a Public Meeting In Auditorium (Skating Rink) MONDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 13, AT 8 P.M. TlllPUHLIC IS COHPIALLV 1NV1TKD TAXI Boston Grill 5 and Ambulance Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing Service floor for hire. Anywhere at Anytime. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, fund Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. RUPERT the latest and beat for the PRINCE and 6th 8L least. Phone 467. WATT VIDECK, Pr, 0 Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper 'r. VOL, XVI., No. 214. 'If V PHINCK HUPEHT. H. (i, MONDAY. SF.PTKMBKH 1'3, 1020. Yeirrdrf Clrculition, uti i Slrett Stln tit pmcE rnrs ciLYrs. i, n Return from Tour of District Fred Stork Declares he will Win as Result of his Clean Campaign EDITORIAL IROUGHT BACK NOTHING fin Ihe Torj' committee room il cartoon winch intimates! at Fred blork niutle five trips Ottawa utid brought Lack no ting. 11 is possible mat some; tuple may believe thai, yet Icryone know- the elevalor, the Hung ttiaf Prince Hupert tuple look to for their fiilun -perify above everything e was se'Ureu ny ireu mork utnoiiiil of '-amoiiflage or kitting of farls can gel away jm that tai l. The elevator rune unpen was secured trough the excellent work jne by Fred Sloik at Ottawa. ! Who i it who is saying lie not pet it? 11 is the Con- irvativcs who opposed ils rom- here. All know how ulreiiu- ily Sir lleury liravliiii, arting fenne opjoed Hie vote lor e nev uior. r.veryoue miows at Mr Meighen himself op ised I tha: II. II. Steven lr. mioii. II. II. Henuett and other iding men hi the Conervativo binet not only voted but spoke raiiit it. and then they have le asMimnre 10 roine nere ami k Proire Hupert to send a btiservalive to represent us ul lllawa. (Happily Prince llupert itcoplc nol fools. They ran They kniw that praclloally krry T ry io the House of Com ton vole against ITinre Uu- rrl elevalor and have opHed let-y thing etf for this nty Fhev opK)-ed (lie lease lu the i tie nt Pool and "poke of il as at ipn'oii! measure. I' Sbjrk has done nothing llie elevalor is a rniwning ri;k ami me ea-iiiR lo me Uieat Pool was the best kind "'ategv so far as Prince Ilu concerned and it was i:d IniMiiess for the nation. iTEVENS SUES VANCOUVER SUN VANCOIVFJI. Sept. 13. Hon. . fk Steven today raused a writ u issued in Hie Supreme Court -a ; sl Mic Sun Publishing Co.' in lloucrt J. Cromle. iiroinsetor tf tie ' oinnany. claiming $100,- i damages for alleged libel bene of 'tie publication on Sep. n:er 7 of a facsimile of a let- dated November i. 1022. pur-Mi to have been written by i ptamliff regarding the Ca-an 1 . 8. Oil Corporation, wi il also charges libel in ochrtn wit It other statements ii if with Mie oil company and nal published. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE People Everywhere Object to Mud Slinging and Vilification by Tory Orators 'who, Were Brought Here f Completing a lour of the constituency with u.visii to Stewart and other northern points. Fred Stork t home in readiness for ihe bit meeting tonight looking like u winner and declaring the vote tomorrow will show that clearly. He says Ihe lour has convinced him thai a clean campaign is what Jie people waul and will support. At Stewart, for instance, where they had the greatest meoting ever held ut the mining town, even Conserva-.ives came to him after it was over and complimented him on he fact that he was discussing the isnes and not devoting him-elf to a campaign of mud slinging and villification. They siu r r 4- HOW TRUTH HURTS SHOWN BY COL. PECK ALICE ARM 8PEECH Colonel pfek in ins pe-rli at Alice Aim uliowed how much the trull hurts by liU is what the coioue: itorted to have said: "Here is our old friend the Prince iluiert Daily .Vrw I used to read it it has not rhansed sinee. It in the same Old painjc. It has Ihe same old type and Ihe same old head lines and !. fillwl with Ibe same old 4 Ivintr lilieral nronaSanda. It ink dimmer, . more ragged frMn print inf canard and tni-rureenta tMn aaninst tin- ST. LOUIS IS LOSING OUT Now Only One Oame Ahead of Cincinnati With Pittsburg Close Behind XKW YClllK. Sei.l. 13 - 3.. l.ouis toilay found Ineir prtp on the National League race shaved to a single ?eriu' and coufrnuteC not only with the Cincinnati menace but also a formidable challenge by I'illsburjr, who refuse lo be counted out. While St. Louis was idle Sunday, Cincinnati . look V double ueader rrom Urooklyn. HaWi Hio itedf and Cardinal have thirteen 3,'uiic.- to play. Pitlsbuiv defeated .New York twice Sunday ftefore 10.000 Tan at Ihe polo uroumls. SATURDAY GAMES National Games lit was particularly refreshing at- 4 ter tin spenkw they had heard jin the Ilrady interests. t Mr. Stork says there is uo sha- daw of a doubl us to Ihe outcome . of the campai -ii. He has bad nne expet'ii-m-c in campaiiiiiiir-; iau.l he iiiK-As well that he will be lie-eleetod. i .iieak.uz of the conduct of the unseemly resentment. Here jranpaiH which is now prac:-cul- is re- y rotiipiew-d. Mr. siork says that on .a lormer orrt'sioii wtien Uie Liberals brought in two sjeaker from the soutii there was a pro- let from four or five years aao, and was CoifsiTva lives. Xow a wholesale importa tion o all and sundry' from the "political byway of Vancouver and .other places. First there was I Premier Mejpheii. followed ! Howser, Uavler. ilitielieiifr. Mrs. '''"'"T'.TlPa'w-n, -on Iadncr, Colonel . a Imi.v lam Irrin-f to talk live -arty, hut olherise is the same old sheet." it Uiv oeifnief Skeeua out -jf the OMrna- ra rM ho -1 TlTt to the i rand I runs l'aeiiu- and rrince liuperi, and lte"fleatr construction and leao. A short tunc .1" a boywtl of Vancoiier fi it- hostility to I'rince huiit was freely discussed. Mr. SJork tiiii!bt it was impudent to say Ho- least for Van-coHwr to cme ti re to tell the people of 1'riiic llupert how vote. If ftiey pot what was roin-!iu lo them Prince Hupert people would show them the ;a!e as he said lliey vvoiiid uo tnmon "y. STEVENS STILL CENTRE OF WAR Sensational Disclosure of Stevens Letter Causes Large Falling Away of Support Here Prime Iliiperi Conservatives received a great shock when they heard thai their idol, Ihe first lieutenant rt Premier Meighen. had been caught red-handed in what is ' i geuerally looked uioii as, to say the least, a shady transaction in ionneclion with the promotion of an American (HI Company; This would bring disgiace oiMhe House of Commons by ii-hjjt Ihe stationery of that body in forwarding the promoliiiu of a company which proved to be simply a slo k-M llmg affair by means of which it is estimated people of Katern Canada and Ihe United Slates lost .coiun. The company wu the tlaiiailian l S. Oil andHf fining Corioralfoii and Ihe letter, allegedly written by Mr. 5rt;veiis whii h has. just been made public, wa written on a House of Commons leUerhead and was a certificate pf relkibUUy tor a content which wa- by no means relinbfe, but wliilfi has since gouef itrio liipiidation und tauseil -ose to Caiw, dian people who were induced to pill money into Ot the letter washhe llominioii coal of arms and at the end of the letter vvns "Member of Parliament for the City of aii.-ouver. Naturally Ihe dirovery has caned u falling away of" Mippot! from the Conservative cause. LIBERALS 'TO MAKE GAINS Good Working Majority Is Expected as Resiilt of Election Tomorrow. OTTAWA, Sept. 13. The Central committee, which has been In close touch with the .political situation all over the country asserts that the Liberals will rnake a very consider able gain In the election tomorrow which will insure them a good working majority. It Is estimated that In the next House there will be: Liberals .133 Conservatives S4 Other Creeps 28 The committee bases Its figures on the most reliable reports It Is possible to geL It shows the following gains by provinces: Prince Edward Island . . 1 Nova Scotia S New Brunswick 3 Quebeo 1 Ontario S Manitoba S Saskatchewan . 2 Alberta 5 British Columbia 2 TWO TO ONE ON STORK IS TURNED DOWN Lady Invades the Conservative Rooms Looking For Man Who Bluffed Her. . . Even two to one bet-i on Stork are not being taken by Conservatives. At the weekend the paid whlppers-up of the Tories managed' to put enough life Into them to get them to take a little Liberal money at two to one on Stork, but the enthusiasm soon faded out when It was found that there was unlimited money offered on those terms by both Liberals and Conservatives, who feel onfldent he will win. Today It Is practically Impossible to secure a wager. Victory for the Liberal candidate Is conceded. One lady at the week-end Is reported to have invaded the Conservative committee rooms to call the bluff of a man who had offered to take her two to one offer. Pattullo Arrives from Interior and Says he Sees Victory tor ,y Legislature Opposed Court House Here. That Stork will be elected loniorrnw is ihe strong opinion ol Hon. T. II. Pattullo, who is back from a short campaign visit to the interior and who will give Ihe people here his final verdict oil the situation at the mass meeting here loniKht. Mr. Pattullo visited Terrace. Ilnxellon, Smilhrrs ami Hums Lake and found support for Stork jihsl as strong, if not stronger, than lasl year. tie says uiai ne can see uoiiuug aueau out i.ioerni victory uom here nud tliroughoiil Ihe Dominion. The departure of Canon Ilnu lniiffe for the south last nisht reminded Mr. Pattullo that he, as well as all the oilier Tories in reminded .Mr. Pattullo that he as well as all the other Tories in the Legislature with one solitary exemption, voted against Prince Hupert'j" court house and spoke against il. In fact they, like Ihe Federal Cotiservativei, have a1- ways oeeii agamsi rnnce uu- pert. Mr. Howser openly staled in the Legislature that his party initiated the P.U.K. solely for tho purpose of diverting Ihe Iraffic of the Orand Trunk Pacific lo Vancouver. These are Hie men, Mr. Pattullo says, who are ilow asking Prince Rupert people to support lliem. GILL WITHDRAWS YAXCOUVKJl, iMpt. 13. -.lames Hill, independent candidate In North Vancouver, announce he has -withdrawn from the federal contest through lack of support although his name will appear Tremendous Ovation is Given Mackenzie King Eight Thousand Ottawa Expresses Confidence in Outcome of Election Tomorrow and Looks for Strong Liberal Majority OTTAWA, Sept. UL A tremendous ovation was given Mac- jkenzie King here Saturday night by -.glit thousand peop.e who Igatheied to hear Ihe Liberal leader in the final big meeting of l tits prolonged campaign lasting two months, during which he 'deliveied several addresses each lay. He expressed confidence in the outcome of the election tomorrow and declared he ; believed he would be given a strong majority lu enable him to 'carry out Liberal poloies unhampered. I)icussing Ihe Liberal policy, the leader reviewed the record 'of the government and urged thai under a Liberal regime the Dominion bad been aide to reduce i the tariff. Uie inrorne tax, the railway liabilities ami in addition j to that Ibey had reduced Uie na-; .tional debt. I j Mr. Kiiiji said he bad just come J from Oshawa w1iere.be believed 'he had been able to persuade the 'citizens Uiat the Liberal (lovem- Pattullo is In Fighting Trim and jment. wDich was accused of hav-' j Fred Stork Much Enthused lTtSi ruined -Oshawa for three - 'days' perhaps knew better what In aJdilioi. to fred riturk and jwas rood for the auto industry , Hon. T. I. Pattullo, Thomas 'than some people who bad com-jlleid, reeve of Surrey, president ;o)ained most. i Hie I nion of HJC. Municipals : ' ties and chairman of the Fraser wtm llllinrrr valley neeves Association, win a Was Handling Loaded Qun Carelessly. FLVA. Man.. Sept. la. Wert Uoldeti. '5 years of a?e. of Cliil-livvack. H visitinsr hi-s brother jbere. accideutly shot and killed i himself when setliny out on a shootm? trip" with a" party. The I hammer eaujrlit when be was jdrawmg Ihe yuti toward him. ! WERE QUIETLY ! MARRIED TODAY Miss Winifred Bury Became Bride of Hubert Milton at Waldron Apartments Today. The marriage took place quietly at the Waldron Apartment al 10.30 Ibis morning of Miss Winifred Uury, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Itichard Hury of this city, and Hubert Milton, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Milton of Copland Ilev. F. . Tomer officiated and the witnesses were Mrs. Hury. mother and Hie bride, and Kobert v- Liberal Candidate at all Points ST jiiert, Ihe room being a ijuarter- n AHantlnn In Frt That Hlnrhr.llf f and Olher Tnslet In master 01 Uie llrilllllUlse lenuer Xevvinpton. MICHEL WINS FROM EDMONTON CALUES ruMiiviiiV Cut It j Tlinl IREID TO SPEAK HERE TONIGHT Is,ea biielly at the final meet-tinjr Jiif the campaign at the West- It a liTrrllTTF h""" lueatrt tonijint. air. ueia KY Al I II I P PHI bfxe in charee of the' Fraser lil nVVliLim valley display al the fair. ! llrti. T. I. Pattullo is in good Chllllwack Man Visiting Manitoba NfH'lW trim and Kred;Stork is enttiusea over uis' 'successes in the places he has visited. They- will be the hief speakers WniVbt. The meeting eommences at etisht sharp anl it is suggested I bat early a' tendance is the only vay or mat ing sure qT a Rood seal. S. K. Parker will preside. DISILLUSIONED IMMIGRANTS IN HALIFAX TODAY Were Told Nova Scotia CaplUl Was In U. S. and Were Landed Near There. HALIFAX, ssepf. 13. Hetween 150 and 200 Sicilians, disillusioned, sea weary and footsore were rounded uu and cared for by Lniounled police and immigration vfficial along the main highway Wtvveen this city and lill Cove on St. Margaret's Hay, 10 miles southward, while the Italian steamer! Doric, which they declared Ibey had paid from, two to ten thousand tire each to be landed in the Lniled States was held at Mill Cove. According to the statements of Ihe immigrants, they were promised passage tolhe United State iiultfieca1faln''"6f 'Clie n'hip entered Mill Cove and told them it was only -i t r vu.Mn which was in the United States was " won Saturday by a two Rll , , ,.. X ,, . ... j... i ;and work would be awaiting them Kdmonton lal-K. draw azainst the liu in- l irl.pl 'flip It. V.. ennten- " iders winn two weeks ago on their', Mrs. A. Kirhiuond and child 'own grounds by a two to one ailed last night on t.lie Prince! count, thus winning the round li Hupert for Vancouver. 'lo 3. A Public Meeting Will be Held in the .. ( WE5THOLME THEATRE MONDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 13, AT 8 P.M. The meeting will be addressed by Hon. T. D. Pattullo & Fred Stork Minister of Lands Liberal Candidate SIUIS HIvSF.UYFI) FOH LAWKS FATJlYHODY WKLCOMK on the ballot pupers. , .there. (hree miles (o Halifax CANADIAN TRANSPORTER SANK GERMAN FREIGHTER III KXOS AIHFA Sept 13. The Cerman freighter Christen Vin- nen, bound for Ktirope. has been sunk in the Panama lliver. She was m collision with the Ilrillsh steamer Canadian Transporter. The crew nf the Vinnen was saved". .... - NOTICE TO LIBERALS OF 8KEENA RIDING ' ' : The Liberal committee rooms, 303 Third Aye., next to the F.lectric Hakerr. will bo open every afternoon and evening until election day.": 4