V of Visitors. 'JSix liuiiilrcil and ton people, some 6r whom har not beefi out! dffpnttfe'iuijtftrt lop iiiatij' ye:vrs,1 nirltv tin' 4rlp to Terrace yester day by special train to attend die first nniuiul picnic, of tlio Caha dian National Railways' employees . winch was held jointly with the ; picnic of the dry dock employees. ) , luls langu crowd completely filleid the special train of eight passen fH'tF coaches and three baggage , cars, Urn latter containing re-i freshmenls. etc.. of which Pinfcv ! Jioss was the engineer and Tom Jj-pCncer, conductor. The train ieft l'rince Ilupert at 7 o'clock in the morning and returned with the tired but Jiappy crowd at tnid- tllfrlif I ... 1 1 m k n ji Ks...n nl1. ..I Terrace for an event which was as enjoyable as jt wag memorable. jJt was ruining in l'rince Rupert when the train left early iii the morning but, on arrival at Tcr rate, Ihej wj-ather -had cleared and the aftdriMnnt turned. out fine oud just coo):" enough' lo be suitable for the holding of 4he program of sports which started after the big crowd hud Us lunch, ora having taken their baskets along, -while many others besieged Terrace's dining brooms and restaurant facilities. Coffee, etc., was furnished by the picnic .committee. A. K. Dickens and Theo. Fortune had' gone io Terrace the . previous if ternoon to make arrangements for ihcpicnic and tiiey had everything' In 'readincssTor Uie big event. ' . The" Hoys' Hand was taken on the (rip and iLledlhV parade o picnickers from the station to the spoils' . ground which was, the lieadiiuarterji. of the, day,s proceedings. The Hand played'en-crously under the baton of Dahd-masler Wilson diiringitbe,day.and jliuibsUiuMe an impression' on II m residents of Terrace besides be, iag ,as usual, enjoyable to the ears'of ttie local erowl. . . Results of Races The program of races and other sportsrcsulle das follows:. tabic raceI, Ilazeft Smith; 2, ;Jackie Gxant, . Hoys, six and under 1, Hobby Houston; 2, Cordon Little. Oirls, six and under 1, jorie Wilson;, Mary Thompson. Hoys, eight and under 1, Kr-nesl Linklaler; 2, Hruce Hmilh. " Oirls,- clj?lir,md under 1, Jean if........ a I . Hoys, ten and under 1, Doiw Christiansen; 2, lCilwin Johnson. .fiirls, Ion and under t. Lily ? Jones'! .2, KazoKalsumola. Hoysy. twelve and "under i! ; WaHer Johnson; 2, I'ercy Mcintosh. ' .Hoys, ixleen-and under 1, I'd. Smitlu 2, Walter Johnson? , , . Oirls, sixteen and under 1, ' Kvtjy,'! Uallr2, Julia Walters. fe8'?JUdie$-l, Julia Walters; ' 2, Iaura Frizzell. Married J.uJie i, Mrs., (iiin-I . eivii;'2.lMrs Yager. . - 9 ' iianJ jtyy jf race I . Percy Mc intosh; 2, !arfield McKinley. ' Single men's race 1 Dido Our Vichy 2, J. Lever. A team representing Prince and consisting of Mrs. lierry, MM. SiUres, Mrs. Large, Miss Taylor. Mrs .l'ublicover, Mrs. Me Intyre, Mrs. Vaecher, Mrs. Fiorin ami Mrs. Zarelli won Die ladies t.? of war from Terrace ladies and, in the men's lug of war. a team representing Prince' Ilupert pulled to victory over Terrace and was presented with a handsome cufr, Ihjj wprk Wf Oconge, I)6bb, (hgrvhoji tinsmith. 'pi has!fb) game playiil letween teams representing prince Ilupert and Terrace, he former winning by 10 to 2.. Prince Uupert also won a football pamn. Committees William Hrnss was chairman of the general committee in charge of Ihejideblc ifui J. J, 'iVnu- w.i secrelarj'.ljfliVr "committee chair"' men were: Jack Campbell, spcJrtsj Fred ltgers, finance; F. Sleeves, transportation; F. Ilef reman, re freslimenljl Violet Taylor, ladies 'wmrifltlec. Officialdom was nlso-well repre.eivl.el at Iho picuio.wi'thAV. 11. Tobev. sunerln tendent; K S. Jackson, nssislant superjnlcndenl; R. F. Mc.Naugh-ton, dislrlct passenger nent, and many others. Advertiee in the Dally News. PAGE FODK DAILY Hi,--id-:, i C. N. R. PICNIC BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMannj WAS SUCCESS 1 SI?1-1 thact J HERE :OVE Bl ft K1 i .... .;v sgigs? lirTOftrLfi i iLm m Hr . Six Hundred and Ten Made Trip "Cvum i i am - iT ' WEATHER WAS IDEAL Sports and Games Enjoyed and Boys' Band Led Procession' inn i mm atBtatBi i a wtm tr.iii m Minimis i - j v iihi aaaaaaaaaar if ;it i a : - inU-.-i ..... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar r i i i i i ii-. f i aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i i - sssu irf i iff i I Cn" B.ii, ,ku m4 I j 77 NINETEEN YEAR OLD BOY WINS BUCKING CONTEST AT JASPER JASPKR, July 19. A nineteen year old boy, Jack Cooper of Halgary, riding a horse apll named "Dynamite" won In? Major-JJi-ftd Hrew.ter- Challenge iropny in ine nucKing contest oi the first annual show of the Jas- ppv Jlprsejjjcvs; Association held on me iienry liouseoats Jn.tli" unanasca alley .saturdn. t'ooper's peroriuiuje on thfs un- rmuen 4iiQiini. wpn me unanimous approval of judges and mu lience alike, and the audience numbered mountain similes, white and Indian, wjio know realt horsemen wlen they see them. While the bucking contest was Hie must spectacular event of the meet, there, were a lange number of other competitions of unusual merit, all of them attracting heavy entry lists, and providing entertainment of sufficiently high merit to hold the attention of tbt-big crowd through the whole o,'i he aflernoon and well on inl the evening. The keenest rivalrj was exhibited ia. every event and the wlnhers deserved their lau. jjfh ' n any ennence was required as, to the interest in horses u' life lowuspeopfe of Jasper and of the guests at Jasnr Park Lndire tl'-wasUppliM' ye'jiltrilay. Jas- Pir, counting the glints at tlj-lodge, has a population not ex ceeding 1200 people and mor than half of that number atlend- fdtrj' show, though lo do sj meant lorng hik or ride for, everyone and for a. number of jiUe compctJUirft. a trail ride of a jiundred miles or more. CANADIAN HOUSE IN TRAFALGAR SQUARE DEFENDED BY PAPER ' 'Country Life. London In Hi" Canadian House of Commons complaints were made re. cently of the expenses Incurred pver Canada House, in Trafalgar Sijuare. The furnishings were staled lo be extravagant, and the site to have cost too much, when other cheaper sites were avail able. We feel sure that the pro tests were only tactical. All Can adians who havV seen the: charm rtrgaud. ilignifieil building info which, Mr. Septimus Warwick con- verfed 'tho fd(l Union Ittiili prern- Ises.mutt,. surely, fee that it )t Ouiy'wdffliy'tbe'Jr&reat Dominion F.ven if the leasehold did cost a million dollars and the fiirnls-hing u3t,000 dollars, the money could not have hcen heller spent, or a more suitable site in the national place have been found. Wo Lon doners are gralcful for this noble addition to our city an inevitably think of Canada more often and as a greater nation whenever we pass it. MORE BROADCASTS AT RADIO STATIONS OF CANADIAN NATIONAL More Than 100 per cent Increase In Programs to Commence Next Week WIN.VIPF.O, July I9. Iladio stations iu western Canada oper aled by the Canadian National Hallways will increase the num her of broadcasts by more than I00 per cent, according lo an announcement by regional radio oWelals hero today. The Alberta stations CM1F. at Ldmonlon and C.MIC nl Calgat will be on Ihe. air Iwo night I I A cacn weeK instead or one ai heretofore while CNIIV at A'an couver will Jiroadeasl (he first five nights of Ihe week instend the air two eveuings. Alsp ja, he fflse of X1XRC this slatlon will be heard, from 9:30 to 10:30! od Monday and Thursday even-' ngs, CMIK will broadcast. On' iVednedays and Fridays, CNRW, will continue to broadcast Wed nesday evening; but by remot onlrol froni Orand HeacU in addition lo which an hourV tudio program will he put on flie -air' froln the Fort X!ary Kolel Saturday ening's starting at J 0:30 o'clock. These changes will he effectiv! ncxl week and cancel the printed announceemnts appearing In the ompany's regular program. BUCHANAN PARTY OF BOYS GO NORTH ON LOUISE TO ALASKA Twenty-three Boys Who Earn a Third of the Cost Themselves Enjoying Trip The annual Iluchanan party i; boys from United Stales and Canada making; the trip to Alaska on the Princess Louise pased iiirough the city this jnornini. I'liey were -in charge of Oeorg f-. Hurlianah of Detroll, who pays one third of the cost ati. looks after them. This year there are 23 boys and 12 adults In the party and on the trip lectures are" given and information tnparled which is of great value. The boys have to earn or. third of the cost of the trip themselves, the parents pay on third and Mr. Huchanan does th rest. The boys must not smnk or iipe profane language. The are belween the ages of II and 18. Next year some of the hoy who have already made tjie trip lo Alaska -will go io Kurope on the same Jerms, Mr. Huchanan. who is a coa) merchant of Detroit, lakes aleea Merest in hoys and having no oilier means of using his money gives this opportunity lo lad Who are wil liner lo earn their own money. Last yar 71 mad the trip but Mr. Huclianan think that too many. He is accompan ied by his brother. Dr. A. I). Hu clwnan of New XVestminster, an4 several other important neonle. I hey will return on the Princes Charlotte next week. Mr. Huchanan says the privil eges of this trip are open t Canadians as well as' Americans and he suggest thai next year Prince Huperl Utoy may join tin Parly. . . SINGLE TAX EXPONENT SPEAKS IN THE SOUTH V1CTOIUA, July 10. Th single tax method of taxation was praised enthusiastically b A. C. Campbell, for many year tvillor of Hansard; In the House of Commons, Ottawa, al a nn,l ing of the IJenry Ceorge KocU-l) al the. Dominion Hotel here. Mr. Campbell deplored Hie pre Judiw and frar inspired in people by the piere introduction of th single tax as a topic of conyerftu ion. He said, however, that ha could have something to tell O' Inwa people when ho told of th fifty per cenl (if Improvement" exempjed here from taxation. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Prince Rupert William Oruiidy, Miss Price, Major and Mr, h iA. Molherweli, Mrs. A. I.. Fake)ey, L, II. Walle, W. O, Rowan, It. Hool)i, V. S, Armstrong and C. W. Hiirlnn Vancouver; F. Oordon, Sunny side; Mr. and Mrs. Hiiigh Me, Cliuchy and family, city; A F-iislurchio, eily; John W. Polar, Cincinnati, Ohio; W. M. OgJIvIe, Otfawa; Mr. and Mrs. Edgar H, Tolmau, Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. M. .1. of on two evenings. The Win- Martin and M. It. Walsh, Chi nlpetg station CNRW will be on cago; Mrs. J. Pine, A. A. Cam- V antedC For Sale ForRentc DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 1 2c per wordjin' advance. No(Advertiicirenltaken for ten than 50c J ron, C. Schiller and Mrs. V. W. smith, I-Mmnnton: F. (I. Jackson and A. Kiiug. CN.lt.; W. F. Un- erer, Terrace; V. C. (Jlauson Juneau; Mr. and Mrs. O'Hrfen Jinl baby, Anyox; Mr. nod Mrs W. A. Johnston,-Sail Francisco L. 1'otlerton, Stewart; A. J. I. HUhop, Victoria; L. II. Haillw. Massed ; Jack Hamiilon, Mil: Hay. Central W. Hounia, Holland; S. and hoy, II. Walevern, .1. a Hooves. C. Tale, J. Seolt and M Cotton, C.X.H.: D. otVinneli Sockeye; C. Joiicr, Captain' Cove: J. II. Artmli. iu. SPORT CHAT Wilh Hie spectacular victoij ( last Friday ntgiil over the Na tive Sons of Canada to their ere- nit, the Cyfo Club will go on lh bact'bdlj diamond aain touigU: onfxl.'nl that the)' will be abl- to repeal ovr lirand Terminals u me iiyros win this game tonight, lliey'will go lo seono place In the -tandmg, reUgnlinp he Terminals to the cllai I'Uer wiH iiniJo'ublj'dly be a crowd on band t spc which oi liic teams is to tie in I lie running with the Native Hons of Canadi for the city championship. TENNIS TOURNAMENT Miss Tremayne and Howard Beat Miss Mitchell and Marentette In Mixed Doubles Seml-flnal Miss J'ete Tremayne and How ard heal Mis Caroline Milcheit and Marenlelte in the semi-final of Ihe mixed doubles city chain- (lionship pnnis toumumcnt ye-lenlay. ThMicoro was the match being close one. Mr Stepp and Toliey will meil Col and .Mrs. McMordle in the othci semi-final' today. (larmichael and .lost In will nl, meet in t semi-final of tin men's singles tonight. Finals will he played on Tue lay, Wednesday' and Tliursda evenings, ' RIFLE RANGES Morning Rains Interfered With Scoring Yesterday but Afternoon Bright The inplement wealher yestef lay morning made nimniing n; the ranaes dillicult yesterday bin it brightened later mid the after noon was very pleasant. However the scores were nltected by Jhe early rain. H. Floyd wort the spoon. Following were ihi scores: 200 500 000 Til II. Floyd ....mi-- 2' 30 2H ,8iJ H. Davblson.... 2i 2D 27 80 F. Htlse) 21 28 20 A. Carmichwl.. ' 30 27 15 F. Smith , 1H 20 20 C. V. Kvill 22 22 IO V.. Cnwin 15 17 I DUNCAN TENNIS CLUB TO HAVE TEN COURTS Contract Let fop Adding Three to Seven Courts Now In Use TJiere - DFNC,N. uy JO. A contract has Jut been awarded by the comnilllee of Ihe Duncan Lawn Tennis CJub for Ihe clearing and levelling of ground for lureo more courls, which will be seed-ed this Autumn, ami should ho ready for play next year. Owing WANTED. WOt'LD buy t.000 lbs. fren brills weekly. Win. lingers. Oeneral delivery, Vancouver.,' H.C.. 10 SITCIIKN iirl wanted for nut :f! town. iood home and sain -y.j FOR S.I.K-, Phone 582. 166 Ot'NO Man Wants Work, any kind, 35c an hour. Phon-Illack 209. JhS A'ANTHD. Matil for gwie-l housework. Apply Mrs. W. T. Kendn. is AGENTS WANTED. AOENTS ?500 monthly ey sell ing Magic lia-. SI box equal 33 gallons gasoline. Provoi merits. Your name on ran.. 300'4 profit. Writ' quick. P. A. Lefebvre A iVi, Alexandria, Dntnrlo. TO RENT FOR HKNT. La r sen building ai 171 Third Avenue Rant; six room modern flat with bath room and workshop premise naicr iiaiu, uuo iiirilflicii.; !Vcteniiaver Hros. TJRNISIIFD Housekeeping Hoom to rent by the day, week or month. Phone lied 007. If IIOFSFJ5 for Ilenl. Some nre furnished. J0 and up. App.y 215 Fourth Avenue Hist. FOIl MiNT. Pianos, phono graphs and sewing machine, Walker's Music Store. I'OIt IIKNT. Four room uite. hot water healed. Apply Smili Si Mallet. IWO roomed furnished shark for rent. Phone Hlnck 700. BOARD AND ROOM. HOARD. The Inlander. 8.13 Second Avenue. Phonn 137. HOARD AND ROOM, 125 Third Avcriue. Phono Red 330. IlOOJL Hoard Thlril Avenue. optional. 4S Phone Red 330, 8UMMER RESORTS. I.AKF.LSF I.ODfiK. near Terrace. Visit Lakelse lithia Hot Springs. Lithia Is one or th finest mineral waters known for rheumatism. Oood fly fishing for rainbow trout In Lakelse lake and river. Motors meet all trains giving through connection with Lodge, Telephone connected lo Terrnco. J. Hruce Johnstone, manager. lo the rapidly increasing mem. bership, il ha been found necessary to make provision for greater playing accommodation. Two years ago the courls wero increased from four lo seven, and next season will see ten courts in commission. Another year will In atl probability find four more courts laid down, Including several . hard cnurti., which will exhaust due capacity of the club's present holdings. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES ' Tuesday, July 20 High 9:12 a.m. 15. i f;. 21:12 p.m. 18.9 " Low 3:29 a.m. 7.2 " 15:13 p.m. 8.9 " High Low Wednesday, duly 21 I0M5 a.m. jfl) ft. 52:3(5 p.m. 107 1:32 a.m.. ,ifl;tO p.m. 0.0 .8.8 Ford car. utile. FOR SALE. a Lost and ound,&c I Oil s.M.H fuarien, lrted roller suitors, (ftM MhtI . wilh cage. Kaiiefaolioa 'V awn) hack. 5?8 gittti Av. Wi. IMl. Hox 63a. -Hotel Massed. I'UR SAI.K. I'w cw Oli Fourth Avenue liat. Kiienp. neannablf l-rnt. Plume lien too or ill J.M if FOH SALF.. Ilvk boat and out til Iwianl Klto 'engine, in Urt',ry elam ronditton. Puonc 100 or I Hark 724. FOH SALE. Twenl-Uo fmtt launcji. 1 1 li.p. enaiu. spMd H knots. Kaeriftre SJ'.oo Phone Heil 72. if LOST. LtiS'lV-llelalnn medal "Croix t Cuerre." Fimler nliae return to Daily News office. LOST. Illark and tan trrte "Cricket r.ricket " " Hub screw rap for CHEVROLCT. ON and after July I. overtime rales will be charged on Sundays and public holiday ami aller 7 p.m. on week-days. This is neeessary lo comply wilh Hie "Hours of Overtime" Ael. Overtime will lie charged at the rate of time and one half over the regular ciht hour day. Wrerklng service day and night. K.MRN awt.tOE. PARKFH'S OARAOi:. JAS. Id'NTF.R. I In- f 'iiow ns prie.es are now elfei-iive. I- O H. I'rmee Ruper ioeinniiiii !ii'- in. -hided-. Itiinaho'it Sport Roadster Touring Coupe Tudor Sedan Fordor Sedan Light Delivery I.I. Delivery Vnn Commercial Chassis Truck Chassis Sir.... r.'.HI.ou 002. H(l 75 1. 00 TrtO.OO 8.1 LOO 502.0(1 019.00 tH8.0i; 581.00 Self starter Inetudeil on all ,nn.i.iu ii.wwig, Term p.1ymenU arranged If if deired. S. E. PARKER, LTD. Dealers. ?I9 Second Avenue. FRANCOIS LAKE LODGE, Henutirtilly situated near Ferry Lnmllng Altitude 2H5 feel. Camping and Fishing Tr.'ps wrrnnged FIRST CLASS TAHLH with prndiicn FRKSII FROM TUB FARM. Tfikc a Trip lo the Iike Country Ibis year. For reservnllons, wrlle Mrs. Henkel. FrnncnlA Lake. H.C TAXI Phono G7 Taxi (Call Oeorge, Paul or Oust) Six and Seven Passenger Hlnde bakerr at your disposal any lime ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block. Across from Empress Hotel, Ma Mnl ur tANO RI0WTRV ACT, 1.1 7 ML MAI I Hi i , ' III lOt ttw null. , ". ' AJl I.N lilt. Mai ii 1 f ItU Pvrtibtwr. It, , ., . 'Jl llwli. In'inmi i.i. i, , . llrl I'lrl. mil i itl ilw ... iw i in ,. ' ' (., 4rtiii HW HI,, wui. 1tt. MltOU , ud Ll ntttr , i-i, aim ..mi in ii ti 4 ut lllXll' I l,.ll lll,tH ' r.rfiy ..iw iftii . tin ,. . . , AI... - . .. IJHU iihI ip ,.iir iiki - V 1 lM IMJ..I . .... ' f ftbfti4jr4 t.. . I a. good bargain. Itenlth cause .J"""' aj," f for seilms. Apnly William :" talk m.tki .t Hud son. Massed. It.C. Jlwrii iirnv j, . ta.'i ii.. I Dm ab..t c Oiriili..iv l A.... , i" i ini, itHl mi.,, ii htlr -t (.turf . ..net.. i. 71 ib. (ikJ llHI ,u HHmiH4l i- n l.r of otoKiiE Tlloli ,MrIIMI II. r. .. AS t ' rUbrr, lil , T,!IV WAITIH Ut tuih V.n-rtiil-r i. . . r..rlMlll tr (ill IK't. ttUr th. .it , Am. ila.'. fN . Ik. ..... . HraFlo rM.I Ik rrfl.trii, and UriMpun ihr ii. irMwir In lh wni .im i - IIIMMOI "f 04i,rft rtlfr mmI Ortmrtuttf OTUmiM ).rtr rlli i. pl.lrlil OA I HI 41 Out I lwl H-t "r. .i t I il. r HrflU .- , on street Ifoor. Apply Hyde, anawors to Finder " ? - " .-irw- Transfer. 139 Second Avenue. 1 please phone lircen 300 FOR HKNT. Two first class V modern flats; Monarch ranges, . ii. ... i . i J'1'!- ...,VM . ' I ' FOUND - a iivr car i- imiir ai T AihI ttlr Oit4J Ih, I xflu l'.. t tmmn from Uw 4Jl- ulili. ,i, n lie tltrr .11, iwri Ji.iJmf Utollxi. U 1 irf Ih ..J rt. H'I 1 l tt&ir W'.rkt l M Wfli "ttii, U nnm .r llw MMk tori ..r httr .. cv,i, 0l4 l rnnrr llavii, a 1 uf ltr. A ll. . fovrnni i oovet 1 UUlO ACT. In frittr Kpri unit n. inci f 1-niH huirt. iihi 1 TVWy nf Ium spo, i.rj;, Q4M (ktrl-Hli- lMlrtr. Tkr. mtK ilul iMutn Pttkmt rVnNBT tinntiNl U . grruptd i-innffi, in', f'.r lw of hr f.Jl., f l(Xli 'MMWif at P"l !!' mrUMM rnritrr nt 1st V. . In km wilrr urk; itMno M-It dirrrtmn tn mltr ' irlir iwo rtuin: llwnr . Iwo mirt la tsnl f rmnni mnltiMiir If r. lrr ' UXOUU HSIII'l'. Nr F. II, Sum MiH Imp i. tt. NOTICC LAND ACT. r u ' 4 i'H - tl MAVtOASLC WATCS PR0TCCTM ACTl H.t C, CHAPTEn 1H ttritif n,.o,r lull II bf W If- nffVr .4 llw lllnl Br 16 n Stwttr tHlrtrT" ijT T" rrl. l !'(lll Muiwrl. II . t 't !! -.I.- and i!m- Pu ' l.r. i.Mt i, b twill .n ) ' rn,i r i.i Apply iauy wiiii iIh-hh ihh.h :'i ml kH I I -wJ 1 tl ri TiiwanT i atttta r..f ' '11 Ailrflftn la i!m pnituvui Kl V18O mil. mi! DIM G"rtU". TtittniHr rrtore M-n .dm. Id tU irirnxiui. iIm full.- i Ul tl, l. ft. fA. " lllwrk IJ. Mlmi I, i Uv rl. h. C, Ttrmti CAh ptvmrnt l ur nae quirirr rali iml - IW rqiill .IMMMl HHUI11, rrt t .Irfirrrd iumi Mb of S't. Ivrr niinin ll. ft leo in t- 1 1 4. on !! ) PUn ix.inr thr l"i " mr li rrn il tl ..frir - meal tM, prtnr nuiwrt, R , uVs'"' ' Vriwr l,,'Pr". I' " ' Notlet l InUntlon u Apply It Iim14 In Prlnr hnnui 1 an. I n. 11W I iriol or inl lunrr . n tut North nifhfl Ulamt, . TAKE NOTICE I lit I lfrtl ', JTInr noptfl. orfupllan. '"!., I'M In pMr for t ! : " .nit f K , wK.t. . -, 1 1 1. ,1' IV 1 rVHinil ih I.I..4 hi.h V nd nmiiinmi 10 m: m ' t ntrt WHI T ItfA LAND AOT. Notltt f Inttnllsn la AbbIi I l In Oii'n f.lnrlini Ittiml nljl V"' " MHi 1 me" 1 1 ll ri Ii Lisa 4 IIP nftn.,.,... a.l.n..H - . ''H in annlr ri.r 1 ! nf th 1. "" I rrlli(l Fnrmlinre : . ., 11 1 1 ....... .. - ..i.,...ii ilhrl roriirr nf I nl Ml l""'?: 1 mT1'" M,rrl- f'Hnln -. "l lo ih nnnliMf.i rnrnrr f '"yl Ihr Uni nf h)h asnn mirk ' - J IlKlflt nf !) Iliti ail rMT., Mm ftf rofiinirnrfmrnl, inrt niiiTisif cot.iiMiid riti' I OKI" '! 1 - j . rr 11. ehMMoA I vvicu UID April,