ay, July 19, 1020. Snow-white .5 Clothes Blue is indispensable every washday for it is the only thing that will neutralize the yellowish tint in freshly washed clothes. For pure white linen, you can rely on Reckitts Bag In the handy btflf with the Blue and White stripes Blue IJTB M Ik mi Dennisons Club Nankins Hu a lx ( iiuw and give- Club Napkin a real 1 1 ml. lu'ii u have done i lili I Ktire you will thank ti fir tin- itufgention. Ilo of I mi. ) kill $1.00 lfit i.f lt't. i' 17x17 $1.50 C'.i. N.(.kii.- in- iliffrraiit . ,,'!,.,. .Ann. ,.. Mmail. . i w ln-re by thi'fi' who hllilW. DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." ' s Smoked Dally by Canadian Ipi'sh & Cold Storage Co, Ltd- Prince Rupert, B.C. Circus in town THE TWISTUM CIRCUS NOW SHOWING Elephants, Lions, Tigers, Bears, Giraffes, Wolves, Etc. SEE OUR WINDOW The Newest Thing " Toys mirntde and NYfislutble. ' H not abnx'd, will, tost for years. Hull lli.fr, Wolf, Jtnldiit. Car, Pig, llftir, enrh 51.00 l.miis mill Tigers, each . . ' zl'ZZ and $1.50 55 W nmpus t:als. e.,.1, r:tinliUliiil t'afiiels. cneli . .1 . . . . i"iiosuiiN,,,.rit (urufres, each' ' " 3,ou v Ormes Ltd. TliuHH?5.M..8TOHH -:- The 1MO.NHKH DlUHKllSI'S 3rd Avenue and 6th Street Phones 82 and 200 Local and Personal Arthur's Taxi. I'none 078. tf U.C. Undertaker. Pbona 4t. Modern house for rent, five rooms and bath. Munro tiros'. If Crystal Firelighters, 48 fo. 1.00. Hyde Transfer. Phone 580. tf (J. J. Stevciti and on, Hruee. returned to the city on ycsler lay afternoon train from hrief visit in the interior. Mrs. Sain Massey left yester day for Terrace where she will upend the coming week us the guest of Mrs. O. II. Munro. Master Wizner Hryaul return ed home on lat night's train after having fpent a few weeks holidaying al Lake Kathlyn. A. A. Cameron of Kdmonton, hlcf fuel Inspector fr the C.X.H. s in' he cfty ort ofllcial duties, having arrived on yesterday af lernpon's train. Miss M. llarllu and Miss Aino DonaldKitii are in Victoria, H.C., akiug a course at the siimmei -chool and while there are stay ing at Devonshire House. Constable Scrogg,. H.C.M.P., re turned to the city pn the Prin- . . It!.. ' L'il... li.. ! laving arrompanit'd a Ihpitn liinu-iit, destined for the Yukon, a far as Bkagway. I'mvitu ial (instable Fairbairn irrivpd in the city on yeslerdy ilteriimui's train having in his -hnrge an insane Indian from jiojsa Lake who will be lodged In a menial hospital in the south Huberl Parry of the C.N.H. su perintendent's ofllre returned lo lUf city yesterday after a two months' varation which IhcIuIii a motor trip from Portland to I'ia Juneau, Mexico. Mr. Parry i zinti? on a fishing trip up the Kt'Slall lliver before resuming his duties. One of the longest regular iaetier trains ver arriving nere j rtinc in raf nr'npfUHTjpnn. U-Mdes Uie regular Inyrist- pas 'I'terrs; Ihere wet' I we special partis jwuI the train oonsi'led cf wciii1 roacues inriuuin? spen l''pers. The tourist proceeded oiltll to Vancouver on thv "learner Prince Unpen III same evening. Mi Mangaret .Sharp and Miss KliaPeth .Sharp, sisters of Mrs llHrrv Foole. Seeund A-nue. ar rived in the city on the Princes Heal rice Sialurday afternoon. Ho'h are former residents "f tiie eily, Mis Manuarel Sharp having -pent i no pai year visiimg in llii lllil llonnlrv mill Mm I'.lir.i- betli Sliarn haviu'ir spent the nasi v'ar visiting in the Old Counl-y ind Miss l.liiul.elli sharp com-iiik from Calxary. The fivrmei will remain in the oily and III- lllie vvlio l npi'iiniimiilfil tiv n nieee and nephew froin Calgary, will visit here for a couple ot nionihs. I'niou steamer Cardeua. Capt. A. L. Dickson, arrived at 7:30 lat night from Vancouver and wayports and sailed at " for Anyox, Alice Arm and Stewart Among her passengers Ihe Utr dena had the following: for Prince Huperl Mr. and Mrs. A Henderson. J. T. Youni:. .1. Mc Kay. Louis Frank, Mr. Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. . Angus nnd C V. Ilurlon : for Anyox- .Mrs. P.. Smith, D. Ferguson, (. W. Itotf-ers und Mrs. V: Thomas; for Stewart -S. Miller. John Miller, A. I.oriude, Mis McLennan and 11. (i. Sargenl; round trip, Mr. and Mis. V. F. Irwin and John SI. On go. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Herbert H. MeLeod and J. V. Ilaymond wish lo urknovvledge Ihcir grateful apprecialion of the kind. no, expressions of sympathy and riornl offerings they received in their reeenj liereiivenlenl. TOO LAT" TO CLASSIFY t'V . .1l,lt.,n.V t.-ill, ixlllilU ,f.,ii .-ill. ....I. (nil., J. H, H Helween wharf and l.illleV News Slalid. Finder lOuuse phono Oreeu IIS. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE J. O. Scott returned to the city on the Princess Louise this morning from Victoria. Canadian Legion (J.W.V-A.) Member' Smoker in honor of officers and ships rompany of JI.M.S. "Curlew" on luesday al 8.30 run. l5d Mr. and Mrs. Fred Oarlon, who have been on -a two weeks holiday trip in the south, re turned to lite city on the Prince Charles this morning. - Mr. and' Mrs: HfiJieutmiiife' re turned to the city on the Prin cess Louise this 'morning after having spent, the, past month visaing in Golden, H.C. Mr. and Mrs: J. A. Talbot and family arrived In the city from Ketchikan on tlm Priiine George this morning. .Mr. Talbot is a merchant in the Alaskan city.' Provincial Constable Lance Potlcrton of Stewart was in Hi city on business over the week end. He came in Saturday titelil and returned north last evening According to the llritish Col umbia (!azctte, Herbert Frederick Kergin, of Alice Arm, has been appointed a member of tlie.Game Cofiservalioii Hoard of Hritis'li Columbia. ' 1 Miss Lennox of Hie local Jap anese mission sails tonight ou the Prince Oeorge for Vancou ver and will make the C.X.H. tri angle tour, returning to the city by way of JapVr. Mrs.'W. F. Brand! of Spokam arrived in (lie city on the Prince Charles 'flits morning to visit her sister, "Mrs. l. H. Mc Donald of the rjrr Hall. Mrs. lirandl is accompanied by a young nephew. Jack Awards, ulio left Prince Itiiert a couple of'years ako for Montreal, is how located in Vancouver where lie is engaged u. the insurance business. He and family are making their home in Xorlh Vancouver. Harry Atkins, former local butcher, and Samuel Harrison, a former Princo Hupert real estatt man, aie now fit- partnership in West Vancouver In a brokerage firm known as the West Van couver Investment Co. An extra-provincial company registered in this week's B.C. (i.nette is the Cassiar Crown Mining Co. with capital of 125, 000 and head ofliees at Spokane and Telkwa. This company hold mining properties in (he Habine district. By kind permission of Captain H. D. Bridges, C.V.O., D.S.C R.N., H.M.S. "Curlew's" concert party will ge an entertainment In tho Westholme Theatre on Wednesday, June 21, at 8 p.m. Reserved seats at Orrnes", $1.00. Rush seats, 75o. 169 Passengers sailipg on the Prince Louise from here for Alaska loday included Archdea con ti. A. Kix for W'rangell; ll. K. De Mory, Kdgar H. Tolinan, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Martin and M. W'aNh for Ketchikan, and John Hrown for Dawson. W. S. Armstrong of Vancou ver. organizer of the Typographical Union for Western Canada, is a visitor in the city. He arrived on Saturday night from Stewart and Anyox and will proceed lo the interior tumor row, reluming lo Vancouver by way of Jasper Park. C.P.Il. steamer Princess Louise, On id. Arthur Slater, arrived in norl from llio Milllli this imii-ii. ing at 'J o'clock and sailed a noon for Alaska. The vessel had a full list of tourists passenger? iifcli'iding 25 boys making a Iluclianan lour of ,lnska and Northern Hritish i.olumbla. 'Mrs. Frank Oliver, wife of auk Oliver, railway commis sioner, and daughter are. 'among the passengers iriaking tin; round trip to Alaska on the Princess Louise w hich w as In port this morning. Their homo is In F.dinonfon nnd they have been on the coast wllh Mr. Oliver. , J. H. MeVely, superintendent of the Employment Service Of Canada for Hriljsh Columbia, i expecled In Ihe city on Wednesday of this week from Winnipeg, where ho has been attending a conference of employment and railway officials, to make arrangements for the, Jransporln tlon nf men lo the harvest fields. George McAfee, niananer of the Dig Hay Lumber Co., came in from (Icorzelowit this morning and is registered at the Prince Jlupert Hotel. Mrs. C. H. Brkgley and family- are passengers on the Prince Charles today bound from Van couver to Port Clements where Mr. Brigley is connected: with the Huckley sawmill. . 'Jack Wrathall, brother of V W. Wrathall of this city, arrived oh Hie Prime (ieorge this morn ing from Telegraph Creek where he is connected with the Gov ernment Telegraph service. 4 , -V. M. Oailvie. of Ollawa. who Iras mining interests in the Omlneca country, was a week end visitor in town. He arrived nn slulnr.'ui- nflprr.nrin'it (rain and returned to the interior this tnorning. Mrs. J. It. F. Melville of Danville, Illinois, and Mrs. It. C W'noi'v of Torre Haute, returned on the Prfnce George this morn- insr .from a trio to Alaska and willbe guests at the Prince II a perl Hotel for the next few- days. William Doherty pleaded i.'iiilly in the city police court (hi morning to a change of vagrancy and was senlcnced to three months' imprisonment at Otalla whence he will be taken lonipht by Constable Fairbairr. or icikwa who also takes at insane patient for hssondale. F. L. Huckley ii a passenger on Ihe Prince Charles today bound from Vancouver lo bit mill at Port Clements. Mr Huckley- is accompanied by W K. Salinori, inspector of Vieker CoriHiraliori to wiiich concern Clear spruce is lo be shipped by Hie Port Clements null. In the course of a regular in spection: of the company s lioiu- ings on the coast, II. H. Payii.- production manager of the Can adian Fishing io., wis in town at the end r the week on tht power boat Can fisco. Mr. Payne expects to return south to Van couver n the Prince (ieorge thi afternoon. mi an passeuger space crowded to capacity, the list in eluding local passengers, lour is'ts and a number of people who will be employed in Masset Inlet canneries. C.X.H. sleame Prince Charles, Capt. Xeil Mc Lean, arrived from the south at II o'clock this morning and ,vi!i sail at four this afternoon foi SlewarJ, Anyox and Massett CITY TENNIS FINALS Ladies singles at Regimental Couns at 7.30 p.m. on Tuesday. Ladies' Doubles at C.X.H. Courts at 6.15 p.m. Men's doubles at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday. Mixed Doubles at 0:15 p.m. Men's Doubles at 7.30 p.m. on Thursday. Admission 25c eacji evening. TIMBER SALE X8161 There will U- uttered rur ilt at Public Vu.iKiii. it i p.m., on WrdiifMlay. Auul lili. IVio, In tlx- "If lie or live Mstrlrl KorrMler, I'rlnre lliiN-ri, B. t., Ihe Llreuf Xll. u cut 1.7.UM0 reel or Sfruce, HriuhMk aikl i:rlar, m an area eltiMled uu Ihe eal IUe uf Selwln lulet, Luuis Hiinil. Ouen ...rlotte llan MlrUi. Twu l vear wll ILe allowed fur re-iimvil or liiutier. I'ruvldeil that anyone unable to attend I lie auction In ix-i-mui may nibiuil a waled lender lu be Hx-nrd al the buur ot auction mil treated as one bid. nirihi r iMirtlculara ut Itir Clihf I'urrsler. Vlrlorla. 1. :.. or District Korester. Prince Innerl, D. C. I lie rurrha'Mnir Agent, virions. H. :. TIMBER SALE X8159 There w ill be nrfercd for ale by Public .u linn al Ihe ufrite or the lnstrli't Kirc- er, I'rincs lliiKrl, It. ( .. at H p.tu., on the tlh day of Auruti, !. l.lrrne SI5H to cut H6.01IH reel iMiam ineasure oi sprucr, llemtork ami :nlai nn an area minted on the Miiiiti nlhin- o TaniHi Island, Hlrlurd-son Inlet, (.1. r. . provided anyoiw uiiihle In it lend Hie aueilun In Tim may jubinil a sealed tender In be oprned at the luxtr or auction and treated one bid. Twu year will be allowed lor rt-iimtal or Umber. runner riii-uiar oi ine t.niei rorrs-ler, Victoria, and. District Koreler. Trine Hir-erl ' , ' - TIMBER SALE XS1S3 Sealed tenders will be rerrlved by the Minister of Lands al Victoria not later than noon on ihe rtrih (aihi day or Aur-nl. VilA, Tor the purchase or l.tceiote XSI8S, to rut 3,5l.uiu reel or spruce, llemliMlt. i.iilar ami Ralsani on an area sll in led oit the .Vrlh shore ot kildala Ann, lianm- (, coast nistnrt. Thi-ee ( ear will b allowed for re- iniival of tlniher. nuttier partleulars or ihe enter f ores- lef, Vlrlorla, It. :.. or District forester, I'elni-w lintieW, B. C. ' DEPARTMENT OF LANDS Tlmbar Sal X2693 Sealed lenders will Iw received b the Minister or Lands al Victoria nut. later lhan nism on the tlh day or July, I94. ror I he purchase of l.u'ente X3. to rut 3.(111.00(1 feet or Spruce, lleiukM-k and Cedar on an urea situated on the Vet end of TaniMi Hand. . near Moresby Island, Oueen i h.o Mlf Island District, Three IS' vears will be allowed Tor removal of timber. igriner tkirticuiart or the unier Vlrlorla. D. C. tir District forealer. rnuto nui'rt, D, C 1mm -jiak--i mum raekBji li iii laam il I SMMjMBpSS3aBeJh3r hmBaBaaHBsV V" 8 It looks creamy It tastes creamy It is creamy . Two litt fall and tmall. Tht label t'J red and whit$. We Appreciate the Compliment and the Challenge TQDAY, Carnation is the world's leading brand of evaporated milk. We appreciate the compliment and the challenge. For such preference is a challenge to make Carnation a finer and finer product 1 Because we have assumed this obligation, you will find Carnation today more delicious and satisfying than ever before. Used as cream, undiluted, Carnation cuts your cream bill in three. Include a few cans of Carnation in your next grocery order and make the world's favorite milk your favorite. Sand (or tf copy of Mary Blaka'a Cook Book. Addrtas Carnation Milk Products Company, Llmltad, 134 Abbott St, Vancouver Carnation Milk mFtm Ctnttutti Ctrnt" Prtiucii I Canada "TUT A Hir TCMCHr' it Fishermen's Supplies FISH LINES, HOOKS, ROPES, TWINES, FISH NETTING AND TROLLING GEAR, OIL AND RUBBER CLOTHING, GROCERIE8. Com par Our Prices Lipsett, Cunningham & Co. Ltd. Second Avenue and McBride SL Steamship and Train Service Sailing from PRINCE RUPERT. Tor VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, CATTLE, each MONOAY and THURSDAY 4.00 p.m.. SATURDAY, 8.00 p.m. For ANYOX and STEWART MONDAY. FRIDAY, 4.00 p.m. For ALASKA WEDNESDAY, 4.00 p.m. Tor MASSETT INLET MONDAY. 4.00 p.m. For SKtDEGATE INLET and SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, fortnightly, PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT dally erepl Sunday at 11. SO ajn. ror PRINCE GEORGE, EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, all points Eastern Canada, United Slates. Agency all Ocean Staamihlp Lines. Its. Canadian Mitlonat Express for Money Order. Torentn Cheques, etc, also for jour ncu shipment 1 City Ticket Ottlca, S2S' TTilrd At., Prlnc Rupert. Phen 260. llCWtADIAf PACiriC VaaiiaTX Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Ketchikan, Wrangall, Junaau and Skagway July S, S, 12, IS, 18, 23. 29, SO. To Vancouiar, Victoria and Saalll July T, 10, 14, 17, 21, 24, 2S, 31. PRINCESS BEATRICE. Campbell Rlr, and Vancoustr try Saturday 11 a.m. For Buttdala, Eaat Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay. Agency foe all Sleamahlp Llnoa. Full Information from W. C. ORCHARD Gsnsral AgenL Corner af 4th Street aed Srd Asenu. Prlnc Rupert. B.C. GRANT'S Best Procurable (THE OR1C0NAL) Pure Scotchliisto. RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT Cnal t Soa, luiil 0M4wlt BIM-Cleliel DmiIWiw. tMI-U4CUM, Sesllua. fins advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor s' Control Board or by the Qoverntnent of British Columbia