25 TAXI and Anklance Servlc Anywhere at Anytime. SUnd Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave end 6th IU HIATT VIDCCK. Prop. V il XVI NO. 107. ,1 lillll..IOit llV l.ll'lll. It. )' I'-.'tider. officer rnminaiiding I he I'M al Hnviil llun.iillaii Naval He- '"ve, who extended greetings of lha organisation. Masor Newton naid li it oiriciai :uii la I it in Hie ailrnioim. uriunv are nriD vurrnuiA. Jnu-'tii. Henry eu, Mhip'd carpenter, who rume. lo Victoria 10 yenrf ago from J' ii'ujid died here yesU'i'day. Tilry MONTHKAl. J"l iu. In Itie opening liIrHf of In rain-ll'iin !Souraa, (lie French Canadian nationalist leader, g t it huge throng yesterday at I'apineamille, during i at m K)liliial issues were dealt with, lauded W. L. k':.. ie King, terming ium "a great Canadian" and a man r being sent to Loudon to represent Canada oil the . inference. s :: k !'g on the constitutional question, Ilourassa said: "He-mmrf'W. If n allow the Governor (ieneral to accord - - - or Tefuse tltoMiluliuu a lie well LW kInHIIk IV lill DlUUUl IV NOW ASSURED; !llke. you will wale up Mini find Downing MtrrH will le I lie judge ' in Canada's political affair. RADICAL LEADER ...i f . r..nrf In Fnntanrf la a rniHi m n riniMrr iwi " ...... " . . . . . - . . viinm.H ..... . . . . 1 1 IMPBMMr r W J. nffuifu suiaa ircnnmoD .-- ii r iiMiiub iwwni De Pender. IV. An- July - - -. made here by Mr Pencier. who haj ! vtn Knirtaud. (hat rlioi for Cale-I I PARIS. July 19.- Former Premier Herriott. radical leader. has accepted an in- ! Nation from President fMun.rrge f form a eah- met. following the resigna- i..... ii. ......i i ..f u t ... , . n ill" II VI liir -im ..I IV reaU,telU0l,Uu jrrlanV- the late Arrh- . ! i we ter Kr,,,"l . T.7,ut,'nZ COLLIERS DEFEAT itie biMHiprir. lie . I he npletHlid Ur- -n Kit n KaMwn! .! .hearty response if ho north he . il'i lie Ki(llile U i few molilh. TOWN BURST INTO ACTIVITY III I Dl... I- r .I... CHHsnlw Becomes Roaring Wide Open Frontier Town. M il l . July IV In M 1 ail)-. 0 mile egT-l nf uh' Ting1 Tye nvennghi jii'i. a roaring frmilier w Mi "wide open' ealoon. Iia l and gambling room, il "a to federal prohibition wlio ituinle! Hie pe4tle-: yejiterday. ' burM inl aetiMly ni- Ihoutand men nturtvl ion work on mi eight ;wi for Uio (ireaf Norlh-11 a -oad AT NOON TODAY Ponder, Commanding Royal Canadian Naval Reserve H.MS curlew. Hap. H ft ies. G.V.(.. H.S.O.. arrived in i' ii' noon trotu r.uumi"' i J will rnrnatn hcM unlll 1'ri- .1... i... ..t Hniifi .i. ii . I'liiirjiii in n a i erume. Thf veel hoird in the ulrram, where, iiiimedliilelv nfler arrival, fhO EDMONTON FOOTBALL TEAM CONNAUGHT CUP VAMXIt Vi:, July J. In Ihe firot n'ouiiter ttn'twu game eri- fr Uh- i:uinauiriil Cup. the Canadian i-dlierie nocrer team tlefealeil 1he .attadian National. uf Iluntiii one goal to nothing here Saturday. The kiue goal waf M'nreil in the fir! HrioI. ami Kd nx;i!ii ua dcchledly outplayed in Uie im-.ihi half. IJowever. they .Imucl that tht-y ouglil have a rliaiK i' ' wm Hi'1 second game luday STRUCK BY TRAIN KILLED YESTERDAY AT NEW WESTMINSTER NKW WrTMINSTWI. July IB Strurk by a UanaiHan Tarifir passenger train hera tal evening a man abonl 70 yarn of ajie. tte-lieed to he Jam'- Legnrelt, wan a I mo I m-tam!y killed. BIG CYCLONIC STORM STRUCK MASSACHUSETTS iPHIMiKIKI.il. Maxe-July l- liuin. Iiuil and loihtnlng and a wind xlorni or eyelonle velocity whieh itlruek. wi'sfern Mafjitiehu- f,elln late yesterday, claimed four lives and injured more than a core. Ieaing 300,H0O danuages in its wake. S RAILWAY PLANT IN ALASKA DESTROYED SKWAItli. July tV. Th round house and locomotive power plant. all owned by "ihe Alaska railroad, was destroyed by fiio at. ..Curry, till) miles north of here yesterday. Mm. V. W. Smith, wife of Hon. V. W. Smith, formerly of thl city and now minister or rati It'll VM uiirl (ideiihones In the Al hfHa jfovernnienl.Mirivea uu-flie city pn yesterday aflrrnoon's iru'iii in th piiurse of a holiday trio. Mr. Smith Is islsler of Mrs. S. V. lleilh of this city. Halibut arrivals marketed here this moraine totalled 301,000 pounds, hmg heavier in volume! thau for several weeks past in a single day. Kleven American ve-: ol, the largest uumbcr in for mime time, sold a total of 213.00U (KHitid at prices ranging from i.Mc and He to 17.3c and 10c. iabt Canadian LhmIs, all willi, ompaeetively heavy caleJies, sohlj 'I.04IO puimd .receiving froini lt.Ve and he to 13.1c and He. The arrival were as follows: American Onatt. 1H.0O0 pounds; Ktm-mo-t I$.0U Miuinds; liatern Point. )0U Kiiids, Ui tbfi Canadian Kislt S: Gold UrfaVe Jti. ,-Aukj5wUJdiiUaeiH MKiNlt to the 11' Kith retteries. K. Npflsoo. 7.IMMI pounds: Hilda, .Uti0 eund. ud Star, Iti.ooo Munds, to lhi Pai-ific KislnMies. Atlas, 7.000 iMiuiuis. and Aug-isla. li,0oo pounds, to the Atlm Mhertfes. Canadian Cape- Stucr, 13.(M0 pannUs, i nd Kanny K.. lo.ooo pounds, io he Hojisl Fish Go. Pair of Jacks. 13.00U pounds. la the HnHh Caandwn Kisherie. Muiraeag. 10,000 poumis; U. S. V.. 11,000 pounds, and Point May, 1. 000 pooiHis, to the Canadian Fish & Ookl Storage Co. Joe llaker. 13,000 pounds, to Uie Paoific Fisheries. Morris 11.. 17.000 pounds, io the tlin ltsherics. HONG KONG VISITED BY TERRIFIC RAINSTORM IIOMJ KOXU. July 19. One of the most ternfie ramstonn ever io visit this city struck Hong- Kong this morning, uu-ineious C'.nnese being killed and cor.sldPfabli' property ulamaged TORIES ORGANIZING J. K. Merryfiehl of Vancouver. onservathe organizer for rii- sh Columbia, arrived in the city on the Princess Louise this mifrning. Local Gonserva lives will hold a convention on Thurs day of tins week to name a andtdate to contest Skeena rid ing in the forthcoming federal election. FROM DEASE LAKE After spending! the past nionlli makltitv his annual inspection in the Stlkine Hiver and Hease Lake minipig district. O. A. Clolliier.re-sidenl mining ciiitlnecr. relumod to the city on the Prince Ocorgo (his jnonvlifV Vs. was ijCf.ctini panted on (he trip ny .mis Uolliler. f f ' i BIRTHS Twins, a boy and girl, were born at the Prince Ituperl General Hospital 'on July 18 to Ilev. iind Mrs. A. VV. II. Ashley f Ricvvart. A son" was born at lie Prinro HtiP.erPfleneral Ho.pllal on Jul' 18 iij ,M. and Mrs. Anderson, Thompson Street. PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper s I'HINCFj Itl'I'KHT. B. C.t MpNOAY. Jl'LY il). 10,20. E)turtajri Clrculitlon, tm Naval Volunteers Arrange Entertainment for Officers and Men of H.M.S. Curlew The Naval. Volunteer, commanded by Lieut. Pooler, hiive arranged u good program of entertainment for Hi'-ofiiier and ineu of II. M. S. Curlew, who are here today ami who wijl liiiiuin until Friday, us follow.: Monday, July 19 , Football juijlrh. "Curlew" vs. Iriuee! JtoperL Iiaure urrnged by Ofticers of It. C. X. . R. for Captain and Offire II. M. S. "Curlew," by kind perniisMoii of (iiotaiii . HitJgcs. CV.tU KS.O. The shipV Novelty Hand will I'lfay Tuesday, July 20 Smoker b5 Canadian Legion for Officers and Men. w '.I Wednesday, July 21 FqolIiaU iqali Ii, Pciin e Itnpert vs. "Curlew." 'S' - (m.iuiivrl lii1 Sliiti l!jlllri,rt I'jipW Wtfllirilmi. Tliixaff.0 under attiplcOC of Canadian Legion; , Thursday, July 22 ' Farewell 'iHmre to Ofricers and Men in Exhibition llilildiug. arraiiged by Civic Authorities. .Ship will ain hor in stream and messages will be gladly pas-cd by Naval ileadipiarters, telephone 45'J. Shi will bi open to visitors at -erlaiu times. Notice of saiio' will le given after arrival. CHEAP RATES TO HARVEST FIELDS Will Be In Effect From August 8. I n A, in n, 31.K7.030 ' Men Needed. FEW IDLE MEN HERE The local branch of the Em- ploymeirt Sen in- of Canada lias been advised by the general sup- erintetMleut of t servtee for Hn-jli CoJtnnlNa that harvest rates to itie crasric wll iapply this year Jrom Auf jst t to August 31. inclusive, the comiiUOns being the same as last year. There will be 37,00(1 men from ouls.hle the prai-1 rie proini!s required to handle this year's crop and it is estimated that o.ooo men will be axarlable iu llriiish Columbia. Those desiring tt. obtain cheap transportation to the harvest fields may obtain same by applying at the emihymeiit (Office. The office reporis that there is tittle uiifiuVloymeiit in the city at .he preen( time although liiere ire, of course, a few straggling eass. Sunn- men Mere sent to liie HulUlev Valley hay fields re- eently ami a lew a:e now required for Hie llan-'iit pule camps up the line. FIRE AT ORE MILL IN INTERIOR CAUSED LOSS ESTIMATED $150,000 NF.LSON. July IU. A loss esti mated at $15.0.000 if suited from a fire which destroyed Hie ore mill of the standard Mining Company or Sflverton, aei'.irditiir to word received tiers. The advices said Hie blaie originated in the plant itseir. which was iteently reopen e,l nHer a long period of inac tivily. LECTURE YESTERDAY WESTHOLME THEATRE 3peaker Deals With Current Topics Connection With Sec ond Coming. That a great chatue is taking place -in the affairs or men at the present time and mankind, nationally. and internationally, is utterly at sea, their high ideals being unpoisible, of accomplishment as far as human ability and sagacity are concerned, was declar-l el liy A.J. Hshleman of New York, who ;oke last night iu the West-holme Theatre, under the auspices of Uie International Hible itUtlent' Association. Mr. Hsh leman declared that the .people's p'.ca for governments that would ie utiti-amelled justice and teu-temess was in vain. The gods of war. gotd and selfishness were lakitig Jheir toll from the people with f ompouud interest and the Hible Students considered condi tions a they existed as incon trovertible proof that the time hud come for Uie King Immortal to take control of earth's affairs, bringing order' out of chaos and relief h a sin-weary and dis tressed humanity. Fred Cameron presided at the meetirijg and piano accompani ments were played by Mrs. A Ness. WEATHER REPORT Terrace: Partly cloudy, calm. temp. CO. Anyox: Cloudy, calm, temp. 07. Stewart: Cloudy, calm, temp 58. llatellon; Partly cloudy, calm 'emp. 03. - Telegraph Cre,ek: Clear, calm temp. CO. Sunt tiers: Partly cloudy, caim temp. 05. Hums Lake: 'Partly1 rloudy fSlm, 1610? 5H. CONSERVATIVES! A MEETING OF THE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION Will be held on TUESDAY, JULY 20, at 8 p.m. In Emad Hall HUSINF.SS: To elect officers for the ensuing year and fo elect delegates for the Conservative Nominating Convention. ALL CONSKHVAT1VFS AHF. COMDIALLY 1NV1TKI) Stmt Sites 181 Boston Grill Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, The latest and best for the least. Phone 467. PRICK FIVE CENTS. IGHT CRUISER CURLEW S VISITING PORT ENRI BOURASSA LAUDS MACKENZIE KING AS GREAT CANADIAN LEADER enn bourassa Lauds Kins: Terms Him Great Canadian Worthy to Represent Canada HALIBUT FARES HEAVIER TODAY Baptist Parson Killed ! Lumberman Fort Worth i I and Preached About It ! I FOKTH WOItTH, Texas, July 1S. Ilev. J. Frank Norris, 'First Baptist Church pastor, shot and killed W. Chipjis, a Fort 1 Worth lumberman Saturday and now faces a charge of murder, j The killing followed! threats againt the life of the pastor for sermons preached in which Chipps claimed friends of his jhad been wronged. isorris claimed mat L.mpps came to his church study and in self-defence he shot him several times. Sunday night Norris preached a sermon from the tevt;, "There fs no condentualion to, - iheni who are in Christ Jesus." J lAlTPPnir I TII7PP and gave bis version of the killing I NHKV A I IVrN to the congregation. JOHN FLEWIN IS RETURNING OFFICER HERE OTTAWA, July 19. lohn Flewin of Port SiniDson has received the appointment, of returning officer for Skeena riding to officiate at the forthcoming election. will have ei-.aisie of the pre- varaliun of the lit of vx- ers. APPOINTMENTS MADE TO LOCAL SCHOOLS The following appointments have been made to the public schools: .Miss Mary Hartin, of the Hor- dcu Street school staff, to tirade 1, Hooth Memorial School. .Miss Ldith L Lauder, of the liorden Street stafr o (Jrade 5, Hooth Memorial School. Mis Margaret A. A. Mc(uire, Salmon Arm, H.'C, to class com posed ot (irades 1 and 2. Hooth demorial School. Miss Mary A. Ilobb. Kitsumgal !um Stdioot. Terrace, H. C, to .rade 4, Honlen Street School Miss Margaret: Shiell, Arm- trong, H. C-. to Grade 5, Horden Street School. Mrs. Adele H. I.isney, Vernou, It. C, to (trades 1 and 2. Seal Cove School. CANADA AND CUBA TIE FOR DAYIS CUP Storm Stopped Game Yesterday Which Will Be Resumed To day at Havana. HAVANA. July 10. -Canada and tuba stood two all in the second round of the liavis Cup tennis matches when rain stopped further play yesterday afternoon. Willard Crocker and Hogelio Pais were playing when the storm liroke and will resiyne today. .Farlier in the day Jack Wright defeated Vincent K. Hanet 0-1, 7-5, 0-8. 8-0, 0-2. TO TELEGRAPH CREEK Archdeacon (J. A. Hix sailed on the Princess i.ouise ipuay for Telegraph Creek ..on. eccle siastical duties. He will be away for a fortnight and, during his absence. Ilev. A. W. H. Ashley of Stewart will fill the pulpit of St. Andrew's Anglican Church. EDITORS COMING Forty-five members of the Na tional Kditonal Association from North Dakota will nass through the cily aboard the'Prineess Alice on Friday of this week enroute 'o Alaska on a vacatiui tour. WAiMua I 11111 mjvj BUY NEWSPAPER Jfow Have Control of La Patrle In Montreal and Will Advocate Protection. .UW-tHKC. July 19. The Montreal French language daily newspaper La Palrio has been pur- jje based by a Frenoh-Canadian syn- .licate iieadea Dy enalor u. u. L-'Kprae wlu.1,4 in charge of ttie'Lilierai Couswrv'StT'tf 'Srganlr-ation in Uie province of Quebec. The statement, which says: "Tnder (be new lireetion, La Pa- trie will be Conservative and protectionist.'' doe. not disclose the purchase price." 1 The announcement says: "For t-he last twenty years French-Ca nadian Conservatives tisTe been without an organ with which to advocate 4heir principles in Mon treal." CINCINNATI IS LOSING OUT Has Only Game and Half Lead Now In the National Baseball League NLW YORK, July 1. Tom iachary, the forty , year old veteran St. Louis pitcher, shut out New York yesterday and for the first time this year tlf Yankees failed to score. Ken Williams hit A homer. Cincinnati in losing to Brooklyn Saturday and Sunday now .ius only a gaino jiiu a half lead in the National League baseball race for the pennanL SUNDAY GAMES American League St. Louis 4, New York 0. Cleveland 5. Washington 3. National League New York t, Chicago 5. Hrooklyn 2, Cincinnati 1. St Louis 9, Philadelphia 7. OLD MAID 2 IS STUCK IN ICE Vessel Is Twenty Miles North east of Point Barrow In Arctic Ocean VANCOt'VKlr, July 10. Word received here this morning states that Old Mall II., carrying Capt. Carl Klenejiberg and a crew of seven men, which sailed from.liej-g,, on an Arctic trading yoyatge mi June 16 was rauwht in an ICpack 20 mile northeast of Point Harrc. . Ther ' iiie'r1$ttn , schooner Charles Hrewcrarid'Hhe rler-on have rciVirned Io J'ofni Harrow unable to aid I he ve '''