it nrn A Mf.WELLERS J2Tt1E STOHE WITH THE CLUCK BULKLEY Market 311 Third Avenue, On been taken over from Ueorge Kerr by J. Preece ate w h Sealy and Doodion Fresh Meats arriving Twice Weekly from the Bulkley Valley Phone 178 Dr. Alexander Smith lock Phone 576 DENTIST TUGBOATS Day Phones 423, 539, Green 23S, Black 735. Night, Phonal 687,. 539, Green 238, Black 735. RUPERT MARINE PRODUCTS, LTD. GEO. Q. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. MILK From Bulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIPPING CREAM We specially recommend mir Table Cream nt 15c for Half Pint Quality and Service Special Ice Delivery Service Valentin Dairy Phone 657 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone If. UrUge, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Band and Gravel WVe Specialize In Plane and Purvlture Kevin. Fur Coats & Jacquettes An Exquisite Stock of Fui Trimmings at low prices B. C. FUR Co. Next Q.W.V.A. Third Ave Apart From Military Uses Planes Playing Increasing Part In Modern Development. USED FOR PATROLS OTTAWA. July Itf. Civil hvla-tion made definite stride in Cn-nada lat year. A report on. acclivities along Hun line jhow lint! Hie ;niwij or Mm air flddd In their ticfulncs mi many ways in Hie Dominion since the beginning or 1W25. From the, Atlantic to the Pacific, from itie Orwil l,ake to Ihe Arctic, flying boaU awl nrropfanes are being used nnre and more in government and industrial research work. Forest tract In New Brunswick, rust-ridden wheat frelds on the! , rairiet, treacherous ice floes at ; Hie proposed lludsoii H Hay iwr4. a Itibuurr I Out of Il.lde-k. X. S.. flyers are: .-..mplHing a ualc r Uie ,ni-;wu and!" JJ fyi boaU Ull v,deUe Imt limrts of Itie Canadian Mari- .. . . i uie episode a ir:'' !" single-float, seaplanes. '1 ' "ys srr nfiiu; iaki-u oi uie mil-1 tier possibilities of the (rreal un-xphtrtvl area wliirh extends up l'.it Hudson's lUy to the sub-ictir. Fire hatards are being .lelerteit and retluced. This fire prolerlion senice expends all over the Dominion. In the .Northwest Territories the hintriand is -be ing brought into Uie map, its re-nrces taliutetnl and its diffi-Mitdes ureeit. Along Uie Itritisli (Vilumbla ahing(on bouniktry. Hie way of 'lie rum-runner is lieing made difficuM. The wild and sparsely The Oulf of Oeorgla, the Straits of Juande Fuoa and Puget Hiiund are patrolled by Canailian and I ote. SUls vigilantes of Uie air. Ttie lorUntiis Iwys and inlet, which have been the refuge nf Hie Imoie smuggler are romttw iimler the A.irehinig eye of the airship. Rust In Grain Not the least Interesting de--iopnent of tlie aeroplane in t ana. la is its olcenation, of the drift of rut sjmres in the grain fields. It seems tiuit atmospheric . indition si radicnlly a f feed the Irift f these spores thai a very important farror in their control . .in be worked out through the ..I. nation of their nvicflon to tmniliire. etc MINIML ACT. CIRTiriCATC Of IMPROVIMtNTS Mltrk smith vnrwrsl CUIm. Mlutte In II T r 1 itli.iininc ihe i!rry nsrr. Ill tl MlllllHTty on Crater Crrrk lourili ut July i;iwi, Nlnrl'll UMIUI TVkE vm. F. llist I, rtr otbrlo. ft Miner's orlirimle .No. JOSSO. siviy iIjx from Urn dalo Iwrror. ii-plv lo Uie Minins liernnlrr ror i iriuirle r lniproriwnl. Tor the pur-lM i.r iiliuluiot t uruwn Orsnl ol the itx.vf i-Ulm. ADO runner uie noiirr mi icun. mtrf (rfliun 31, mutt li nntatwnml tM-rm-r Uie i r sufh Crrliririle or laird this III lr ''f June. IU MCH. A I). Hit. IftASMl. .-nt MINCRAL act. ccRTiricATt or niieRovitNTS Bit r.nyn ?lo t MliiertI CUIm. situ-ilo in th. Alim Mmhis lill..n or ;:' ur nistrii'L Where IhcsimI! on Vol-.nlr i:rrft (Vulrin "'.rrrlt!. sdjolnins and soulliwesl or Wir .inyn .No. H lrnln ViimtiI i:liini (lt II7D). TVsK MITIC.K lhl I. '-I"1 Mollnjr, rw Miners orlirint a. 707SV, In-lend. iviv ds rnan Ihe dais hereor, in apply "to the Mlninr lierorrter ror a rrtltiVat of ImprnvenM-nls, ror Inn .ur-.,..e or ..blainin a c.roun Oranl or 1!m 'Tnd " rurlher lake notlm that artion, urimn ST mutt hs rtsninenrt-d iwr.ire the Uiue or aurn CrrtUlrate or IniprovemenU. Oaten inn III (lay of June, II. JIC.1, MINERAL ACT. A t). lOtH. rnvsKii. rent. CIRTiriCATC Or HHPROVIMINTS Dl i:anTn Mineral Claim, aituaie In Ihe Allln Mlnlne imlMon r Cssalar Pl- If CL Wnere llN-aini: .rr vi " in. ". and adJottilnir and norlhea.U or the Canyon Klenion Mineral ci Illr (Lol TAKE NOTICE thai I. John Mollpy. rre Miner's Cerllflrate Xo. "iOlU, Intend. HIV day rrom Ihe date hereor. In ipnlv I't the Mluin nerorder for a rertlf rate or improvements, ror jne pnr-pole or nliulnmit a Crown Grant of the taAn"f rurlher tk nollre that action. LAND ACT rnl. Nolle of InWnllon to Apply lo Laaaa land In IT nee liuwrl Land nernnlinr 1I-trl' l or lllnse 7. Coa.l l.ind PIMrlet. ami allnale on I'sssats lland. ..,. , TAkE .NOTICE Ihiit J. n-uf"n;,1if Pnn-ika. Alherla. oernpatlon m; lend to apply mr a leae of Hie follnwlnt denerllieri land: - .. ri.n.nnrint at a nnt planted at ,h tne Nor'tli wet end nr f-aMaire Inland, near r..i TM.nml.ilnn Sta. Illtl theme around ihe llan.l at hlnh water mark and roinaliilnr innn aere, more or le. June Hth, 1SU. Appllcint. incut. are If ) ri ft made through photograph slide with this end lu vew. Hie same applies to the attempt to control the While Pine Hliider rust spore. The manufacture of flying ma-ehlnes in Canada is being revival Dominion. Omlrol of civil avia- tion, separate from the Hoyal Canadian Air Force, but in co-per. nlion witU the Ministry of Defence has been rerently set up. to facilitate the extension of civfl avia tion in Canada. Pansenger Services Hie views of Captain T. Cowley, director of civil avaition in populate! imumlary-Hn- waldi-!n'l. ..i, nn rM passenger ser ed more easily from above. Ttie same applies t ttie etntal wa ters. KI.KCTION days lei us forget it. KVEHY second man in thn country today is a constitutional Elaborate expert-P'xpert. Let's can them all. it Alim Mimnr Iiiviumi or Ciotur Ma in, i VVto-m M-alnJ: A NEW cabinet is all right but how about the dishes that go in THE lalest thing forlLe vcr' up to date people is flesh colored bathing suits. THE bos would do well to ask bimseir now nnd then bow many days it lakes him to do an eight houf 3ob. CHICKENS are fond of the InJ slalment plan a little-down' an a little more every day. IN this age of rush and fluster, what n pleasure it Is now and then to watch n telnrapii messewer. THEHE I no more reaon why a restaurant should cash checks than that n bank should sell soup. WHAT I'm wondering is hov long it will be before we need n police man on point duty. JAKE says 'we need one now lo point Ibe way to the liquor slore when the tourists come lo town. MUSSOLINI Is al his old tricks again. He is trying In kill the game of golf by forbidding curs-Ing on Ihe- links. WHICH Is Ihe lieller. an old flame or a new match? Jnke saye not to play with fire. MF.MHEIIS nf Parliament, get a lol out of il. They are said to get more abuse than In any other occupation on earth. ALL you have In do lo know whether a man Is a law-breaker or makes money out of law breakers is to ask ti i in what he. thinks of the provincial police. aero t tie Columbia to escape from Indians has been revealed here by Prof. Oluf Ops-Jon In conne'ellon with his Invitation to arrhaeololist to myelinate such marking found in this region. The story of bow eight of It Vikings crossed Hie river t- : safely and then starved beneath the river cliffs where tliey sough) rehire from Indians, was (old by i the author of numerous Nors.-history articles, who last Monday i announced the discovery of runie inscriptions near here. Members of Two Expeditions Mr. Opsjon declared the Norse- men were members of two ex- pedilious which explored several after Hie war. The Canadian r - at M-Lrflins lil of the Pacif.r nrfhweM he carvings locate s happening in what rant County. Wash, he same character!. I lie present years manuiacuiTe ,.p a, (he pajnin) f0UIUj nPar will go much farther tftan this.' J(,r(, leing 0 a t,auie between ndapllns the peculiar neeos or Hie Indians and-Norsemen in 1010. oifferent parts of the country and j other records of the expedite ellmfllic necessities of the.Miqns have been found on the up- per Little Lady Frazer Hiver in Ilrilih Columbia, on the Columbia Hiver near Vantage Ferry Wash., and In Tillamook Count r. Ore., Professor Onsjon said. Thl bowlder found in Hrilish Col urn Ida is now in a park at Vancou ver, H.C." he continued. Carved pictures of the Teu tonic gods, Odin and Thor. ami the Teutonic goddes, Freya . ivviiu inree uorns, were tovino . . . . . I with Hie atorv nf Ihe swiiv . . . .... I rna . . . a . . ...... - - v .r ' " IUIIIfliair- lf-lKtll II. I suvil tl j . . , . . . , ii lrro mi" iMiuiiiiiia. ""'";' ' , hi, "The inscriptions are exactly . ' . . . . . ' ''Hie same as those found on tw he believe, bill not for some con siderable tune. THE MAN IN THE MOON aytu targe gold horns plowed up al Mogenlemler. Coljand, Denmark The first horn was plowed Uj drnntr the fifteenth century and (lie second horn was found near ly 101 years later. A facsimib' of silver horns was made and they are now iiutlirt Northern are near, but Hoyal Museum, of Denmark. IT is much more important to us to know how the fiIi are running than lo know who is going to win the political contest. These impressions tn the Columbia Hiver prove, that th carvers knew of the old religiou teachings of the Norse. A stack of hay and other characters in dicate that the Norsemen Irappe. by Indians bad only hay to eal and starved. I translated these Inscriptions two years ago, Dut have made no previous an nouncement of them." Answers Dr. Splnden Answering a statement fron Dr. Herbert J. Splnden, curator of Mexican archaeology and etli nokuv al Ihe Peabody Museum Harvard Fniversity, in which h doubled the authenticity of thr inscription. Professor Opsjon said: "Dr. Spinden doesn't know Dial's all. He said that the in scription would have been def Iroyed Jting ago by lOf.iwaler am dust. : Thar ':i tiotifirue) ot ai localilw ;TliepnMtn runic ek 'is is (prol - .r Vock (protected front (Weathe; . . . . . . . elemetils. Ancient rocs paini ings are numeraus Ihrnughoul the northwest and all are well preserved. "The evidence I absolute an. conclusive on the Spokane runio rock and I urgently, Invite any gentlemen of science, who con sider themselves qualified to ranslale runic script and run! monograms to come io poKano and make their own independen investigations. ','It Is known from Indian bvends that the painllings have been- on these rock., for genera lions, at least, lhey are no Indian markings, for the old et Indians have not the falntes idea of their meanings. On th other hand, they are true runic characters as I have known them from intensified study for many years, and they Irll a vrvhl. con nected story." - ; . 1 Ten Years Ago In Prlnc) Rupert July 19, 1916. Fourteen hundred people, pas sed through Prince Hupert b train and strainers lasl week A large number of these peopl were, tourists. Harry Connnt, aged 50, we known local painter, died in the 1 - iffiSJ--tf . ' n dar, July 10. 1920. TEH DAIL7 RBW9 " PAOI FIVE ast Chance i i his weeK Our Sale Ends on Saturday A Few More Left: l'j tcwel Oirls Hold Filled Watches at $8.69 'jO to .1 Brooches.. Sale n i'e . . i 05o siver plated 'I'm Pol, Sugar and i rram Hot. Sale prlic $12.80 Mu ' 15 Jewct guaranteed 4. Jj filial watehe .. $11.60 jMANY USES FOR FLYING CRAFT rori .HMin. rum-runner an lope wuiutTRlerH off Vancouver la-land, destructive tongues of fire aiTo the grwil pupwoid tract f Columbia- all are bc-irvg surveyed, guarded or circum- eiiled an they never rould be be-1 fn-e the development of Ibe air wrvire. In Tlmter' Business Two Unique Letters m Pacifir Milk has two unique j letter written by young Kirls. One come from Victoria and) (NORSEMEN AND EARLY VISITS Claim Made by Sc'entlst that They Were Driven out by Indiana In 1010. one from Vaneouver, and the. dt rniHife nmrti Uiii. i I hat Bunlc Story each letter touches oh the samel subject. Doth airl have re-j turned from uimnv,r camps,, Nlwl ltnili wr-illk fl.ftt lanlfii Milk was used exclusively at M,',fir ,of " daleJ each plare. Laler Pacific Milk "!" X U "'T will publish extract frorn each letter. PACIFIC MILK Head Offjce, Vanoouvsr Factories: Ladnsr and Abbotsford, l.C. RECOUPS ON ROCKS Read by Archaeolo gist Tells of Battle In Which Visitor Lost SPOKANE, July H -Discovery BRITISH COLUMBIA The Mineral Province of Western Canada TO THE END OF DECEMBER, 1925. Has produced Minerals as follows Placer Hold, 77,Ci.'j,0$o; Lode Gold, $122,808,-."l): Silver, 7V,t 11,307; Lend, 80,218,907; Copper, !?107,Oi2,47; line, $30,025,047; .Miscellaneous Minerals, $l,j0i,387; (Vial nnd tkef 2738,053; Building Stone, Hrick,- Cement, etc., $4 '1,005,886; making its Mineml Proiluction to the end of 1025 show an Aggregate Value of $920,919,628 Production for Year Ending Dec 1925, $61,492,242 The .Mining Laws of this Province are more liberal, and the fees lower than thoe nf any other Province in the Dominion, or any colony in the British Empire. Mineral locations are granted to discoverers for nominal fees. Absolute Titles are obtained by deve.opin such properties, the security of which W guaranteed by Crown Grants. Full information, together with Mi ling Henorts and, Maps, may be obtained gratis by addressing THE HON. THE MNISTER OF MINES Victoria, British Columbia. X.U. Practically all British Columbia .Mineral Properties upon which development work has been done are described in some one of the Annual Reports of the Minister of Mines. Those considering nrning investments should refer to such reports. They are available without charge on application to the Department of Mines, Victoria, B.C.. Heports covering each of the six Mineral Survey Districts are published separately, and are available on application. Heports of the Geological Survey of Canada, Winch Building, Vancouver, are recommended as valuable sources of hopital tins morning. He wa tricken last evenirw wnue paini-, i ir ng a noor in uie uume ui nd Mrs. Herliert Hampton, -!Jt Eighth Avenue West. A wwo and son survive; INDIAN VERSUS MTEALASKA Thak Is Campaign Cry In Some Parts of Adjacent Territory For Elections. That there i an election cam- oaisrn on in the Unite! States as well as in Canada is cieany hown in the character of the icwspaper articles that are pub iistieil. In Alaska there were .hree candidates. Dan Sutherland, republican, Frank Itoyle, Demo- rat and Tom Marquam, imirpen- ent. The natives most or wnom have votes, are strongly back of uthertand. They an; led by an Indian attorney, William L. Paul. In order to unify the opposition io sullienan.i, uoyie nas just announced his resignation and the Ketchikan Chronicle, commenting editorially on his action, sets forth the race battle cry as fol lows Newspaper Comment The withdrawal of the eandi- laey of Frank Boyle for Delegate n Congress announced on aiur- lay came as no surprise, yet io hose who have the best interest of Alaska at heart and who are nuHtus to see it prosper it was yralifvinsr. There is no better citucn in Alaska than Mr. Boyle .in.) the withdrawal of his candl- lacy was one of -tire marks of his iood citizenship. As slated by him in his public announcement .. V ..-in. l :t. .l n t. la :nere was nine iikriiuuuu i .. f . i success at me nous in a uireo ornered rae and he believeil ap parcnlly that it would be better for Alaska to eliminate himself, thereby electing Tom Marquam and wiping Dan Sutherland ofl the political slate for all time. B. C. Indians Tlie battle is now between Tom Mamuamnnd Dan Sutherland. In other words il becomes the battle of while or Indian domination, of Ihe territory. Sutherland even todav is not satisfied with re reiving all the Indian votes of tho territory but he needs must in troduce in corvgres a bill where by be would enfranchise every native of British Udumbin that might care to slip over tho line into Alaska. That this native domination is realized today by utherland rs certain for he dares not cross Wm. L. Paul, leader and counsel-in-chief for the Alas- kn Native Brotherhood, taking In practically all the Indians of Southeastern Alaska. Today at Sitka we see complete Indian domination and if anyone wanU-to ascertain the humiliation and unsatisfactory conditions under vvlilah tho whites are living there a IV he has to do is ask tho white residents of Alaska's first capital. That condition or Sitka will spread In the whole territory, with the nntlves controlling and dictating to our congressmen and to our legislature to such u deigrro that every white man and woman will be paying Ihe price of the folly of permitting Mich domina tion I evident. Banded Together There arc plenty of white peo pie in Alaska to permit Intelll Sent white management oi af Everything for the Builder LUMBER We have the most complete stock of timbers, dimensions, shiplap, fir finish, flooring, V joint, veneers, etc., in Northern B.C. We can supply everything In a building from the foundation to the last piece of finish. Before buying inspect Our stock. It will pay you. Our prices are right. Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phone 116 and 117 ANGER, the Tailor Fine Imported Serge and Scotch Tweed Suits made to order in our shop in Prince Rupert as low as $50.00 I. ANGER, Cutter 223 Sixth Street Prince Rupert, B. C. WICHMANN OIL ENGINES W Supply WICHMANN Is Slit from 7 to 20 M.P. To lira Mri, dtlltary ordar your WICHMANN now. DUtributors ror B. C ENGINEERING CORPORATION LTD. Marlu Department! MR. O. TELLEFStA. OMAN VILLI ISLAND VANCOUVER, B. C. fairs. The natives, through the leadership of Mr. Paul, have so securely banded themselves together that the only alternative is for the wtiites -to do likewise. There can be no question but Uie battle of the fall election bin ges entirely on the question of intelligent white constructive upbuilding versus illiterate and tri-hal conditions, the masesUowing totally to the will of the Chief. RATHER A SURPRISE TO MANY POLITICIANS (Ottawa Citizen Provincial election results in Alberta are rather surprising reading for people who bad been ted to believe that the Conservative miltenium had arrived. The United Farmers are returned stronger than ever. They have more than twice as many members as alt the other groups com bined. Labor carried more seats than the Conservative party, or at least as many, nnd Labor is eo-operuUng with the U. 1-. A. MOUNTAIN SCALED BY TWO ALPINISTS . JASPF.n, July 10. Mount Fryall. one of the highest and most formidable peaks In- tho Athabasca Hiver section .of the Canadiun Rockies has been seal ed bvJIoward Palmer of Ne.v London, Conn., anu tr. J. vv llickson of Montreal, according lo word received In Jasper today This mountain, with precipitous shale .slopes on one sido am great glacier fields on the other, bad hitherto resisted all sit- temids to conquer It and in re rent years il bad been placed in the category of those peaks vvhich It was thought would never be climbed. Subtcribe to the Dally Newt. SteveKing Third Avenue Overstocked ! Overstocked ! EVERYTHING SELLING AT Unheard of Reductions SEE WINDOWS FOR EXTRA SNAPSI NIcARTHUR IS IN CHARGE DEMERS' Great Public SALE r - , continues Entire Stock Involved NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY!