"2 Bank. Accounts Large or Small .l V5r Arfl 'A.MVa.E f A rWWI - - , ! - f IMP flint- nfMnnttMl wit Ii-tl w&vi? I ."..-.a-.." IxLyftrf' X for r over a cfntury has been aa serving the industrial and farming interests of Canada is equip pod to handle large bank accounts and financial transactions of first importance. At the same time, it renders the fullest and most careful service to smaller accounts, which are equally welcome. BANK OF MONTREAL Established l8l7 I Total AseU in excess of i 730.000.000 HOSPITAL : COTTON in I 'It. rll lt ruliir ?'-. Special Price 50c each Good Form Hair Nets ' 11 iugl- or ili-'i!l- mr-li. !! -;'ilar Ic Mil 1-V. 'Special Price, "S for 2507 Ormes Limited Tit Hexiil) Store I,..n. , t In -.isi-ls 3rd Avenue and Oth Street. Phones 82 and 200 Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND ' SHIPYARD Optnstlng Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Englnaart, Machinists, DollermaKers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant Is equipped to handle nli kind of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 33 Prospective Builders! COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDERS' SUPPLIES LUMBER Timber. llimeiiMOii, Slnpl , l'r Finish, Floor dig. V Joint, ItiiMic und llevcl s.Jmg. Cedar and rtr Hoat Lumber. Fir und (lollonwo.nl Neneer. .Mouldings, Shingles, Kolored Shingle Loth, Oak. Hardwoods, Sash ami Door!, Wood Pipe. CEMENTS, Etc. Porllnod Cement, Kceue l.eineot, As bclriH ficinenl. Ilnnlvvull Piaster. llasler of Paris. Plaster Hoard.' Mini', llydrnled l.iine, hrecloy. BRICKS, EtcCommon lli h k. Fin- Hrn-k. Pissed Hrick. Aghciilliirnl Tile, Vilrifiod Mn Floe Lining. MISCELLANEOUS Nails, Hiiildiug Paper, lar Paper, Htibberoid Hoorings, Johns. Mnnvillr'.s Asbestos Hoor- Hoofing Papers, Sand and Ings, Asphalt, Asphalt Gravel. NANAIMO-WELLINOTON COAL Trv our Nul Coal Tor your IMHipii Itango. ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Phones 116 and 117. Local and Personal l'hone 16. Coal Co. Arthur's Taxi. Phono C78 ( '.u Hi olio April 17. lllil1 . If H.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. Sneddon's Taxi and Messenger bmiee. Phone 134. 11 Miss Jean llalley returned on mi' I'Mit-c George yesterday af iiiuori 'fhjni a brief trip goulh. Hits Prince lluncrt Tennis Hub wlU hold its annual danco on Friday, April 10 hi the Elks Home. Kg John llulgcr relumed on tin l''ine 'George yesterday after-nn.it.rliowlnff a business Irin to Va'firouvor and other s.uulliern IouiU. . A. Woodland, local manage - of ilje IniMrial Oil Co., returned on tli" Prince Ucotye yesterday arier, a brief business trip to miioouter. A. Payne of Prince Gi-nrgc returned to tin- city 011 yesterday afii-rnortii st-am'r from Powell lti-r and proreeded lo the in terior by tram. Mr. Hen s-lf, after having Hnl several woek vl-dlinn in Vi.iorla ami Seattle, relurned bump, on I he Prinee George yes terday afternoon. I-. W. I'ttlmore. who lias be.i oil n iimnl hM I'otnhineiJ husine . ami holiday trip lo Kustern Can ada, relurnnl lo Ihe cily Oj the Pi nice Ucorye yesterday aftcr- 1 n. .li.M.M. teamer Canadian 0!.-.t.t, after "pending n couple jf week in Hie local dry dock 11 n .itTicourfr annual overhaul mid having fuel nil tank installed, ailed yelerday for Ocean Fall lo resume her service between that port and California. Mr. Will F. Ilrowne of Ihi eUjvwIto left lliis wek for Van-ejuvet. "ftflt InaVe a trip lo Japa;i aboard tha steamer CMv of Var- - j . : ..... . .. - 1 will hold a dancing and card parly in Ihe I.O.D.F.. Hall at whleh Hie (lyrelte ami member of the Prince Hupert Player Club, wlio recently si ape, I a ahow for Hie benefit of Hie play-trround fund, will be guest of honor. The May in smess uieet- inp of the iyro I'.lub will thus he postponed until May I'O. II. II. I.eiithlon of the forestry ilcpart-IniMit will be Hie speaker at the. Civrn hnii'lieon on April J8. ANNOUNCEMENTS Tennis Club Hall, F.Iks' Home, April 10. Ladies' Spring Sale, Anxlienti Concert. Hall, April 20. urn III 80 OUMCKIUH Cathedra'. Presbyterian Church Ladles' Aid Spring Sale, April 21. Fair Ilnvsoed Dance. Wednes day. Anril 21. ! IlidlPy Homo Haiaar May 0. Write The Borden Co. Limited, Vancouver for this helpful book ho Ing how to prepare appetising, nourishing dishei. Many new recipe. Especially valuable to mothers of under-nourished children or little onei who are hard to please at meal-times. 450 tons Nanalmo Wellington Lump Coal Just arrived. Albert & McCafTery, Ltd. Phone 116 and 117. if Capl. II. Lliurcliill. manager of Hie l.ipselt 4Cunnnnil1uin Co.'s branch here, : returned on tlu Prince Oeorgt.yeterday afler a brief buincsi trip to Vaneouvee v Mrs. W. Janrnwski and dansti. ler of .Sleway wiere passenger aboard Hie'Prrnce linrpi. yeslcr day afternoon ' returning north afler a vlsIX In the south. Mr. ami .Mr. Frank Somer and dauc'hlef will sail on ' tin: Prinee Oeorffe tomorrow morning fifr Vancouver where It i their intention to spend the sum mer. W. Singef Massett arrived from Vancouver on the Prince (eorge yerd.iy afternoon and will proceed lo the Islmnls aboard the Prinee John Saturday nlsbt. 1 coyvr. autfHg' irwn vanrogver v.. jil.if lf nd nut Mr..tlhai'le M i!l.MM..d . .. . J Outhlan. I vv niiaiii luUmt. who came frnin Kambtops to become a- ilant dilriet emrineer for tb provinriaj luihlic work denarl meiil 'in Allih dUlriel sueeeeding J. A. Steuben, who lias nitttied from the position, wan a passen jivr iiiMurd the Prince Ueorfre yeterday afternoon en route to Stewart where he will make hi headiuarler. On the evening of Weilne-day, May 12, iutead of its reirular buines meelinjr which is sehed- iiUmI for thai day, Hie (lyro Club ranbrook tailor. II... !. It.. .. rii'ed fropj fthe south on yester day aflefooir.s steamer and i rejiislenil at the Prince lln pert Hotel. Mrs. It. W. (irieviv ho ha been una Irip-io Vaneouter and other pvoints in Ihe -oulh recup eralins: frtim a recent severe ill ncs. returned to the city on the Prince (imirge yesterday afler- noon. X. I.. Iindo, formerly in bus iries here but now located in Vancouver, arrived from Hie south on Ihe I'rhjcc fie'orcre ye, lenlay afternoon In ; Ihe course of one or his periodical fur buj in trips. Frank Hiek!. who ha been on a liiisliiess inn lo Vancouver. relurneil to the elly on th Prince (leorge- yclerday aftef- 110011 nod will pro'eeed o Port Clements 011 tin Pnnee'Jidiu Sat urdiij nipht. Klmer (ilaspie, manager of Ihe Sitka Spruce Mill at (Jueen Char lotle Cily, is a busint's visitor in the cily. He arrived from Iho Inlands on Ihe Prince John lhi mornimr and will return there Saturday night. F., Huafey. general luanager of the Los Angeles Lumber Products Co. which' control the Masetl Timber's Co.'s .sawmill at Huokley Hay, arrived from the Queen Charlotte on the Prince John this morning and jwill pro ceed .south tomorrow morning.! Mr. Ilivifcv h i . h..n v vidll Iii.it 9 PialtmlU T a, Una C,.fA mm uiwiiw tvj o i 1 i 1 1) k a 1 v 1 Saturday, April 17, in vacant Store hi limad block. 8'J I)r. J. C. Dunn of Masselt i a viuilor in the city. He arrived from the Islands on the Prince John this morning and will return there Saturday uiiihU Mr. and jirx. il. ilitcfne and daughter arrived today on Ihe Prinee John from Lockeport and will fail tomorrow morning on the Prince George for ('.apt. J. 11. (iillatt of Saridpi( arrived in the city from the la- land on the Prince John thin morning and will remain here until Saturday evening when be will return home'. Provincial Constable Fred Marktand, who in now stationed on the Queen Charlotte I-land with headquarters at Logan Inlet arrived in town on the Prince John llii morning and will re turn to Hie Island Saturday night. The big- Pacific American Fisheries cannery nupply steamer N'orwood, Capl. Fletcher, arrived in porl at 8 o'clock last night from Alaska and proceeded at 10 o'clock this morning lo Por. Ijlwanl, having a carco of supplies for the cannery there. Oeorge McAfee, manager ol the His Hay sawmill, arrived yes terday afternoon from (Jeorge-lown ami will sail tomorrow morn in? on Ihe Prince (ieore for Vancouver 011 business in connection with the purchase 01 the former Prinee Hupert Spruce Mills here. A fine new; residence calling for an expenditure, acconliiiR lo the building permit, of 5,000 is to be creeled on F'ourth Avenu'i West near Ihe llarnsley resi dence for Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mas- sey. Milchell & Ciirrie, who have the contract, started work 'this morions. Huckley Hay in fonneetiuii wiiliU'",p- iL DILVD TllFIL Har. 30.01; temp. 39. Noon HFI.I. HAHHOil. Overcast; light S.F.. wind: bar., 2U.78; temp 51;. sea smooth. DHiHY. Overcast ; calm, bar. jy.y.: temp. 50; sea smoolli. DKAD TIlF.i:. Har. 30.01 letup. 3l. WEATHER REPORT. (tiovernnienl Telegraphs; 8 a.m. Prince Hupert clear, calm, temperature 10. llazelloti clear, calm, letup. 10. SMI I II KIIS part cloudy. calm; temp. 10. Hums Lake cloudy, calm; temp. (8. 1'elegraph Creek Part cloudy; palm: temp. 18. Whilehorso clear, Muth wind: temp. 38.' Carinaeks clear, south wind, temp. Vii Dawson Cloudy, soulh wind, temp. 21. Average Yukon temperature 35 Terrace cloudy, calm, temp. 30. Auyox clear, calm. temp. 30. Stewart Part cloudy, calm, Ihe matter of disposing of sev-L. . ,... m, eral million feel of los- lhat the' MAKK IfcU WdAlAN KAIN I company has liml lr t tjio bush I since the mill closed down. WIRELESS REPORT. Thursday, April 15, 8 a.m. Hll.L HAHHOil. Overcast, calm: bar. temp. 5i: sea smooth; 7 p.m. steamer Oray al Foir Hocks liouinl for Nanainn Itt..'tt' f.ii.'! steaiiier Veiltufc ail Sur( Inlet uorlhbound. DHiHY. --Clear; calm; bar. ail it'iiip. 10; sea '.-moolli; a p.m. learner Auyux towiit; -Criiriui lo Vancouver bio miles from Vancouver; sleamer lioldeu Oate So miles from Queen Charlotte City; 8 p.m. Curacao 128 miles from Ketchikan bound to Ket chikan; Prince John reported due al J.3o a.m. ONLY BREAD AND MILK (3.4.ll. sleamcr Prinoo John,' "I could eat onlv bread ami Capl. K .Mabbs, arrived at lOiniilk, everything else sounHl o'clock this morning from Van-and formed gas. Since taking comer via the Queen Charlotte- Adlerika I can eat anything Islands wllh a passenger list. of without causing gas." ,signed jaboul 25 persons and a nuanlily Mrs. J. H. Manning. ONli spoon- )or general freight iiicluduiiK 300 ful Adlerika )moves gas and of-sacks of ferlilltcr for Hie Kit-jleji brings astonishing relief lo sunikalum ' Ftirmers' Inslilulo at'lhe stomach. Slows that full. ; Terrace. The John, .which encountered heavy' weather on the I Vancouver end of the run north, .will sail from here. pip. her ro-jlurn soulh ovrr- Hid "suimu route n 8 o'clock Saturday ' night, bloated feeling. Excellent for obstinate coristipution, often removing uriirisJng amounts of old waste-mailer you never thought ' was in your syslcm. Urmes Limtled, Druggists, r Aiorves on- Times and Methods Change 'I lie jwwest b wash clothes is to IISiiiu,.!!1 " ' .,t:ii!ll iilli 1 J ,.r- XS. -T .v. .II liSF PAGE THREB 111 1 -at? 1 :n 1 1 1 in I l NO IllliiiU.'ili! tii ratal Krrs r. kj 00 him You. simply soak the clothes a couple of hours, or as long as jjou like, Rinse, hang out and that's all. Rinso IS MADE BY THE MAKERS OF LUX J "I see trouble" say the forlone-leller. looking into Ihe wushltib. Hut nobody need a fortune-leller to know that wash-tubs and (rouble go hand in hand. What you want is a good fortune-leller lo fell aboul our Thrif-T-service. It cosls very little per pound, but it ends off every washlub trouble that ever existed. You'll find it a good luck, charm lhat works every week in Ihe year. Thrif-T-Service ' 5c a pound, 1c per piece Everything washed and flat work ironed CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY and Dry Cleaners Phone 8 Steamship and Train Service S.S. PRINCE CCORQE tint PRINCE CHARLES wilt leave PRINCE RUPERT r.T VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, ikI' liilerimdlle puluU FRIDAYS. Kid MONDAYS al S.CO a.m. tor STEWART ami ANYOX, WEDNESDAYS, 8ATURDAY8, 10.00 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN rorlnlf tllly fur VANCOUVER la QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT EVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at 8 p.m. tut PRINCE OEOROE. EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, all poliiti EaMcrn Canada, lulled States. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Tlcatt Otflci, E2S Third A, Prlnc RuptrU CANADIAN VACinc Phona 260 Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert far intHilAN. WUMCai, JUMEAU. SUCWAT Mma 1. 29. AH 9. IS. 30 far TAJKCOUYEK. V1CT0RU ui SEATTU Marta 23, kl 2. 13, 23 U. PRINCESS BEATRICE For Buiadala, 8wanaon aa, Eaal Balla BtHa, Ocaax Falla,' Namu, A I art Baf, Campbtll Rltar, and Vancoutar aar Saturdaf 11 cm. Afaner (or all Staamahlp Lima. Full Information from W. C. ORCHARD Oanaral AnU Cernar of 4lh SUaat and 3rd Aianua, Prlnco Rupart, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Salllnn from Princ Rurari. or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. Swanaon Bat. and Alan Bar, Tuoada. S P.M. For VANCOUVER. VIOTORIA. Alart Bat, and Swanaon Bav. aturdat. 10 A.M. For ANYOX. POUT SIMPSON and Naaa Rltar Cannarlaa. Thuradar p.m. For PORT SfMPSON, ANYOX, ALICE ARM. STEWART, Sunday. p.m. US End a)'.: i. BarntlOY, AnU Prlnoa RmpoM. B.a