Inaikrl lodav with some nelliiiV; ropoed liy reriirrenl reporln of iiw .:vjt up of the retail trade. Nearly thirty induidrluU includ- ujt suh'I common broke IhrouKh new low levels Fcnch ex-cIiuiidii nn. 1 h tli oi in rubber lrtce also lutl a ilepresius effect FIRST FOREST FIRtT" ON MALAHAT DRIVE . VANCOUVER ISLAND VK IOIUA. Anrfl 15 The first f forest flro of Hip season in this iieLulibnrbnni! hroko out lust 10 1 AlllMANKS. April 15. SuirrtiHK fiom "wrist -hiili'lv sirlintl mid it no Imilly hriiiseil" 0!tninel Sal unlay al Point Harrow. I'.iil.lmii Heorge Wilkin. Uailer or lhofArellc ex-pl.H rtliitii'i'XpeiUtion. whose there, look Ihe air ,, tl third fliiilit to Har-r,.v I Ins iiutrinti?. MANAGER OF BINGO 1- MINES IS ACQUITTED iMPF.O. April 15 Joseph Myers. nianaiiiiMif director of Ihe ih'ml-,. Minos Ltd.. wa found not or making uuilly on a charge i,.iiiiiinli with Intent to .t..;.iv mi. I wa honorably nc miilleil liy Mr. Justice Curran in 1 . I'l.. Ilmiitli ruh ennui scows belong 1. Canadian l isn v i.ont report 11 i ueing neiu in - ,, ,,. halibut miiKi'iK 11 nun mam- ti way lu Iho dense underbrush. 'for similar ...-t. work. PENNY POSTAGE IS TO RETURN Sales Tax Reduced and Receipt Tax Wiped Out Under New Budget TAX ON AUTOS TO BE LESS OTTAWA, April 15.- Ihe n- eeipl lax ha been wiped out un- lor Hie new budget ami the sales tax rciiiovwl'from a number of arUelos and mlaoed to 2 per cent on canned fl-h. I. l'enn postago re-turns on July The duly on nulo with a re tail value of not more than (1,-100 and on motor trucks ami motor cycles has been reduced to 20) iter cent the general luriif. VT oenl. intermeilialo; and CM HflUsli prererence. Cti valued al over 1.200 the general tariff is reduced to 2714. 35 am) 15. For the benefit of canneries lluplate of lite elans used In Can and not made in t'.auada ad- milli'd free under Hie Hritisl: preference and dtiliabb five pei eenl under iuti'i ntedialc and general tariff. Reduce Debt Finance Minister Mobb an nitiincetl thai under tills years Qslimatn of 3;t.oiio,ooo slightly nmiT than surplus would o toward Hit ivduetion of Ihe debt. HALIBUT IS SOLD AT SEWARD TODAY WHEN fish. " '.I. Included many parliumenturiuus at a Canadian Lluli Iiim-heuit here yesterday. JUi-l as Ihe British conslilulion is an unwrilten tine hul Ihe ,'esiilt of development, so Ihe relationships among the various tortious of the commonwealth of nations 01 thr Umpire should 4 row, uieeti:i)c fxewueie arise' and ilceiilinp by as ilti'.v eonfer- ont-i's. inuiiiMi timiersiamiiiig ani Iiciissintis what tei. should be aken in each rase. MOSTLY SAU10N IS ON EXCHANGE TODAY The fislt sales today were mostly salinmi, only two halibut boats offeriii; ami one of these, the .Seymour, being sold for Ket-clnkmi delivery. Ualfbut fetched I2.VIU ami 0c and 13.C0e and 7c. Arrivals wen: Halibut m Seymour. 10HMVlo ltuyal Fish Co., at lS.'JOc and Co. Alki. 5,000. to OOld Storage, at 13.00c and 7c Salmon Tuplovv. 1.550 ji'ds, and 700 white, at r,80c and 3c. Hippo. -'.H'.MI reds and 357 .v lutes at 1 j.C.Oc and 3c. HI JACKER TO STAND TRIAL Milo Eggers Must Return to Brit-ish Columbia and Answer to Charges TACOMA. April 15. Milo Kg-Bers must return to British Col umbia lo stand trial on a thartie of robbery committed m, Cana dian waters. Jutlae iianl Hi the superior court ruled yesterday. F.;.?ors is alleged to have boarded the motorboal Ky- ack and afterwards boarding Ihe inolorbuat lladsell and placinK Ihe crew in charge on the Kyack, then makiiiK away with Hip Had s and its cargo of 203 bases of whiskey. Ihe eentrcrof opera lions lo'in Canadian waters. PRICES REACH 9 CENTS Nat ion al Banking is Referred SIAVAHH, April 15. -Sharp increases in balihut deliveries here were noted today, one cold fctormgo plant paying as IiikIi as nltio aind five ccuts"n pound for To and from the far northern halibut banks (Ik fishing schooners made two trips to Seward In Ihe lime taken by one to Ketchikan, Prince import or Sea 1 1 Itv WHEAT ADVANCES WlS'NII'Kfl, April 15. Wheat advanced four cents this jnorn-littt tluit to heavy export sales estimated at one million bushels. to Committee of Commons after Being Introduced by Woodsworth OTTAWA, April 15. Private members' day in Ihe House of Commons was devoted lo discussion of Ihe resolution declar ing Ihe time ripe 'for Ihe establishment of a syslemfif national 25 TA Boston Grill mam Am' i;,.., l-hi Large Lpsla.r Dining- Hall, """" -"I ,' .1M with newly laiJ dancing Anywhere at Anytime. uU(jiti;' t'tK floor fur bire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, and 6th 8L PRINCE RUPERT The latest and best for the MATT VI DECK, Prop. least. Phone 467. v - Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Vol, XVI., NO. 88. IM1INCK IIL'PKIIT. !.(! Till HSDAY. APWI, 15, 1020. YeUrd I UrcubUou. HU -.Slretl Silel. tit PRICE FlF CENTS. TAX REDUCTIONS ANNOIINfRD IN MIDGET THIRTEEN LABOR MEMBERS SUSPENDED IN BRITISH HOUSE OF COMMONS Reduction of Taxes is Announced by Minister of Finance in Budget Income lax rate to be cut and married mens exemption increased says Hon. J. A. Robb LARGE FAVORABLE TRADE BALANCE liir iiiiiv m i rurmir iiiri r j nriiiiiirii f jmiiiii. good margin and railway earnings n'M'iVAV April 15. Hon. J. A. Hobb. miuiMer ol li-ii- .ifivrnoijg brought down tl annual budget ul the i r in vtin' il w.i .iMimuiM ril I hiil tax reductions al-g . , ciliiiul' .1 .il 25.noo,Ono would be made this I n (lie rut. III- rhn C item wii h rediirlHMi in I lit .!,! tlio i-xenu'dbu fur mimed uieil lied been ui-' ti revision "I In War Tex A'l, a Uhliiidioii would it -.earlv raruiag and uwome derived from tn- uinnm ttii a i mi. m n on increase IS GOING ON ; viisluieiiU. . iienrr. Mi It o tl announced an lnrrr-- in ordinary revenue !II"!HK lo mImmiI $30,000,000 riiiO surplus of ordinary re- nu r unlitiary c pcmlilure 1 ..r :,:i.ihhi.ihni. esiey George Having preum- i"" n" - of -rvi. Mr. H.h nwuiHd. Inary Hearing on Charge an.) Ikr tua- MWNW.whi Killing Patrick John Burchall dn XaHwml earnings for the , I fiscal wa- 33.000,000 in f rrh.nj and income a. Irial of We.tV, luflxr of Inlcresl. H.arge- M.r rftmw of unlaw- v in. Puns Patrti J-im: 'f'" MW 'Vorc 4". r. r.m.lituUH? a wconl for a a ' W-tkrOhai.. . , ilKM ay .KMnJ lfw S , y ny rer MW lltr war. u'- II V Mrl.-i in Hi.- Inriinw lat. rulnrttenii provide! rriiilieliulBelpivrimirrlfilnien at iHtli-' !" ' u.l- witlioui dpoi.lMt Mf million it B-.i ft, n. fik ... . MHI , h"V UO I" "t wrHl HieH a . n. Hx,.emr ,l i...-. U with ilrtMnt enrmna MOO .al i of a vfi-v .iiinlar will Wv pay 6I In.lrad of C0 ... n.ui .i... ,..... -i i.i- Hm enrMtnu tl,ooo will pay of $80. The rxvinp. h. ore ....e ... uv 2 tWlead K,:.,,,',, ,,m,h. ! Wil- Hon for. fii.ifle perMiim i in Spilier i tu;! lii Hie (rwtd Ul l&00. urn willi Mill on il- amiruijnir in I ho il.dnr.'. f ItU li Lrni"ii i ailing , I'Hlrai'lli'i ! STOCK MARKET SLUMPS AGAIN!: - ! Slowing up of Retail Trade, . . . V W t - U u rrencn ticnengo, tit., nu , Depressing Effect M AY YOllK. April 15 Further vvrknes develiiiietl on Ihe elnH WILKINS SUFFERS WITH INJURED ARM BUT FLIES AGAIN Oil. WrXlS IN TIIK U.MiKYMlll- V ifnjc4ps w or Ihe laiilsrape !.lrrolld tit Iiiig llt af li, Uihl., where od wa discovered. (Iu home 13 Members of British Parliament Suspended Obstructing Business LONUON. April 15. Thirteen Laltor member of Parliament were Mispended during an all-niglil lilting or the llotis.e of (Joiiirnon for wilfully obstructing Liuincsi. lion. Neville Chamberlain named the offenders and moved their wifpeiiMon', which was earried on a vote of. 103 to 70. Thereupon Ihey wilh-drew from the Ilouse. The trouble uroe when J. II. Thomas at six oilock moved Ihe ndjoiirument of the debate on the Ecohomv Bill and the. La-bonles ob-lrucled the taking of the vole. ; r : aerial patrol ( 1 1 j i FRENCH FRANC IS AT LOWEST LEVEL EVER YET REACHED 1'AIUS, 15. The Irctirh fraiie today ?ank ( a new level for all time. Hie rluincr limitation be-in;: 2'J.GI to thf dullar ami I i:i.80 to the pound St'Tlllli:. EXPECTED HERE ------ - Inspector of Fisheries Receives 4. No Word that It Is to be Cancelled ' Alllmiisli Ihe Vancouver Pro- 4. vinre lat Sunday jrave promin--ence to special despatch from Otinvta stating: . lhal there wits ... . . -a- 'to be a da-diinif reduction of the T" -jfffl iip iinrTiiTniTn ITTTr'TII'TT'TlTl " ' iJme!wHeeli4rHaliuiK4fquip: . I Irhh MmUtPr fn Wnctinoinn AMY I milllNb fflbW V II HVIIIIIiIUII Would Not Restrict Evolution ! BASEBALL GAME Of the British Empire by LaW So and Yankees Have Slug- At Luncheon Speech Declares Belief in Method of Gradua Growth Under Unwritten System as in the Past OTTAWA. April 15. The bel minds in (ireal Hrilain ar opjHied lo setting down any definite bound- lo ielricl Iht evolution of Ihe liritisli Umpire. Professor T. A. bmitldy, mliiis-ler of Ihe In-h Free slate i Washington told an audience, which hanking in Canada. J. is. Woodsworth was Hie Mover,, -Ml made it clear that he did not expect the government lo declare itself on such nil imporluul resolution without ampin iiivesHgu lion. He hoped,; however, the minister of finance would ugree lo have Ihe resolution referred to the standing comttilUetf on banking and coniiiieiTe. lion. J. .. . iiniiii, .minister oi finance, niatlantflohjecthin lo the tcsolutinu poinspthe committee for consideration stipulating inilv that witnesses who knew no thing of banking should nol ap pear before the committee. P glnq Match: Dean Does Good Patching for Philadelphia NFAV YDltK, April 15. -Yes- erday's baseball was featured ty a heavy shiggiiiir match be- ween the lied Sox and the Yan kees, lioslon reversing ue open- ins day result by defeating New- York eig'.tt to seven. In Hie tw zanies Ito-lon scored 19 runs on JO hils while the Yankees gar- lcretl 10 runs on XZ6 hits. Wayland Dean, formerly of the liianls, pitciiiitK for Plifladelphi'. Nationals, held Boston to four hits, winning ten to one.. Dean made three hits. American League New York 7, Boston 8. Philadelphia I. Wa-hliiKton 3. Two postpoMtr. National League Ito-lfti 1. Philadelphia 10. Brooklyn 5, New York t. Chicago 0. Cinrinatti 2. Pittshuri.' 10, St. I.ouis 3. MILL WORKMEN AT WESTMINSTER HAD SERIOUS MISHAP Harry Walmsley Killed and Stephen Conruyt Badly Hurt When Train Hits Auto NIAV VJ:STMtNSTi:il, April 15. While proceeding to work a; a sawmiu nere mis mornm?. Harry Walmsley. aged 50, plan-iiiy mill foreman, was instantly killed and Stephen Conruyt ' was fatally injured. Their automo bile was struck by a Canadian Pacific train. vancoltodTchange Bid. Asker! Wheal 1.57 B.C. Power & Has 100.00 Dunwell . 1.07 2,05 tiladstone llazclton ....... Indian Premier Porter Idaho Silvercrcst .35 .0014 2.25 .09 .11 .38 i ..01 1j I0 2.35 .12 .12 .Mirnt ami personnel which .would eluninaje an aerial fisheries, patrol service here Ibis summer, Adam Alackie, the local inspector of fisheries, has received no word that there is to be no suchf tatrol. In faeL arrangement were made during Ihe winti?r for an even more extensive patrol than last year and the planes an; exported to arrive from the south alwul I tie end of June. PRINCE GEORGE APPEAL CASE Bellos Given Permission by Court to Specify Jurors Who Said They Would Commit Him VAXCOUYHn. April 13. He-cause the jurors at the Prince Ceorse assizes, who found Arthur Bellos guilty of assault occasioning bodily harm are alleged in have announced their intention to do so before the trial, "Bellos who wa sentenced lo two years md six months' imprisonment was today granted leave to specify the jurors in question on affidavit. Meantime the hearing of the appeal has been positioned until the June sitting of the court of appeal a' Victoria. SUMMER TRAIN SERVICE MAY 2 Announcement Made That Dally Trains Will Begin Week Earlier Than Expected The tlaily train service to and from Prince Hupert will commence a week earlier than was announced, according to II. F. AIcXauRhtou. who this morning slated he had been advised that the service would commence on Sunday May 2. Under the new- schedule the train will arrive as usual on Monday, May 3. at 7 a.m. and the tiexl train after that would come In on the followjntr Wednesday afternoon at 3.30 ami continue to so. arrive daily except, Tuesdays. The first train out under the newi schedule would be on Monday, May 3 at 11.30 and, daily thereafter except Sunday.