PAGE TWC tcknday, ocroutn s. an ' T: Yes-Quality It is because of the htah quality of the ingredients that millions of tins of "Nugget" Shoe Polish are sold annually throughout the world. Shoe Polish BlacJe-Tatt-Toney Rud-Derk Brown and White (Ntatral) for light color: The Daily News PIUNCE RUPRKT - BRITISH COLUMUlX Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue. H. P. PUI.LRN. Marmtfinr? Editor. .IS SUBSCRIPTION RATESt City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month fi.00 ;Dy mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United 1 States, in advance, ner venr . ' mam ,To all other countries, in advance, per year II. I. $7.6 Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 88 Editor and Reporters Telephone ... 88 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations, DAILY EDITIO.V TUESDAY. OCTOBER 8. 1928. QtESTlOX OK TAX litl.VG MftLTKSED. . lor years there hat bmi agitation against the personal property ta, the chief vbjectlun to It being tlt In times viben no profits are made the manu- facturer lias to pay a large tax on the plant, Xow It Is proposed to make a change and the form of tat recommended and accepted- a a good one by hoard of trade and other U the turnover tax. Under It, If adopted, a email levy will be made on the buMhcw. turnover. I'ncler the old tax. the plant had to pay, whether It win operated or not. Vnder the new proposal there wilt be no payment demanded unlets the plant Is 0erateU. . The Ooiernmrnt ha sent out notices In regard to the proposed change and If there Is any object'"" to It. thi I the time to make the objection and not watt until The Legislation I formulated or possibly passed. Then It will lie too late. Perhaps It may be well to note tliat the turnover Ux doe not affect those who pay Income tax but ' It 1 a substitute tax for those ho carry n business without making profits. COMMERCIAL hl'RVEY Ol' VICTORIA I'ltOPOSCIl. In order to place Victoria more permanently on the commercial map of the world the citizen hate been discussing and ways mean and have decided on a course of action. This I what the morning paper of that city lias to say of the matter: Topsy was not mentally concerned about the mystery of life hen she was. asked If she knew who made, her. Her rrnlr was that sh-.-H-rt .i.. 'a; 'v young person. Indeed, but she did not realize necessary to growth. Everything endowed with physical Ufe must be active and aggressive It It hopes to attain the ultimate' object of Its creation. We are told that man, by taking thought, cannot add a cubit to his hls-ture. Uut the great cities of the world did not become treat br adoutlnr she attitudes towards their commercial. Industrial and transportation relations wiwi ine resi of the world, tilasgow became a great and Important business and Industrial centre by converting the. Clyde from a comparatively Insignificant stream Into a river capable of supporting ou Its flowing waters the largest U.lps in the world. Liverpool straightened and deepened the Mersey and made It one of the great shipping highways of the world. London, although we believe It I still the chief city In the world in population and business. Ls still aggresshe and striving for larger growth. It I making provision for further development by Improving Its great water highway, the- Thames, and constructing docks which will be one of the wonders of the world. Vancouver owes Its rapid growth In population, commerce and Industry to Its connection by water with all parts of the world and to Its connection by rail with every part of America. SOMETHING PRACTICAL ' MIST HE DONE. iow the business men of Victoria, who have never been apathetic or passive In their attitude towards the future of prospect thU.port. but have never been quite definite in their views as to what should be done to achieve the objects of their ambition, appear to have reached the conclusion that something practical must be done to determine the status of the city as a world shipping port, con-tlnues the article. There has been a great deal of what we hope we may be permitted to call desultory declamation about the advantageous situation of Victoria on the' great commercial highways of the world and about what should be done to turn those advantages to practical account, hat successful and aggressive, business men are. not necessarily practical authorities on matters of transportation.; The business of tranKirtatlon today Is conducted and directed by S-eclallts. The Victoria Ileal Estate Hoard and the Victoria ''.&m.' merce have decided that the only way In which the matter of the future of Victoria as a transportation centre ran be definitely determined Is by engaging a transportation specialist to make a survey of the situation and to make sug. grstlon based upon the result of the investigations. The matter I now In the hands of the Victoria city Council, and we trust It may be favorably considered by the members of the Council. At the same time we are not In the slightest degree sceptical as to the bu4nes future of this city. Whether the report of the specialist lie highly favorable or slightly non-committal, there are other element. In action which assure the growth and prosperity of the city. The rapid growth In the population of Hie surrounding districts; the establishment of numerous Industries In almost every port of Van-couver Island, and the great Increase In the population of the cities on the Canadian and the American mainland, are all factors favorable to the growth of Victoria. Victoria Is Instinct with life, and therefore Is destined to grow. Give him all he wants SHREDDED WHEAT Makes good muscle and sound teeth Builds sturdy boys and girls CLOSE LIBRARY ON THURSDAYS l.lllltARIAN TO BE GIVEN IIAI.I HOLIDAY ALOXtl WITH OIIIKK CIVIC OrTICIALX i . . i At the regular monthly meeting ol thS" Library Board held In the Librarv building after closing last night It was decided to give the librarian the regular civic half -holiday on Thursday. This will enable her to devote more time to cataloguing and other office work of the library, with which work It la difficult to keep pace. The change will come Into force next week so the j library will be open ou Thursday as j ufcual this week. At the meeting the librarian reported a circulation for last month or '2303 volume of which 1C6S was Action, 27S non-flctlon and 368 Juvenile. Th? library waa open for 20 days so th average circulation per day waa 113.4 During the month, ten books were received by gift and 53 by purchase while ten had to be discarded. Thti leaves on the shelves or In circulation 5.303 volumes. The librarian was authorized ts make up a shipment of books for re binding. These present were Mrs. Klrkpatrlcr; (Chairman), a. V. Wilkinson. Alderman W. J, Oreer. James Black, F. J. Fuller. Rev. O. Q. Hacker and H. F. Pulleu. THE MAN IN THE MOON ays: The British Museum has Just mount ed a flue specimen of Canadian dlno saur but so far has failed to exhibit a sample of the genus mossback. Thes English Institutions always were rather 9Ut of date. Almee McPherson continues to hold the centre of the stage along with the world league ball games. The Nelson newspaper ls calling on the people of that wonderful city to erect an auditorium to accommodate big conventions, big meetings and a big exhibition. It'a nice to see such ambition In a little mining town. As a metropolis which has arrived we car look with amusement on these puny efforts of others. After all it must be fine to be a lob ster. He does .not have to wear Crabs msy sidestep but they do !t openly and brazenly and do not lie about it or pretend to walk straight. When Vancouver remarks thst Prince Rupert Is having another spell of bad weather, the reply ls "So's your old man." Ten Years Agov in Prince Rupert tM'TOHER 3. 1916 Experts of the Geological Surrey r.t Ottawa are showing deep interest in the combination of gold and cobalt ore taken from Rocber de Bouls mountain states W. 6. Harris, well known Hazelton mining man, who Is 'r the city. Mr. Harris ls at present conducting operations ou the Hazelton View Mine. By forming combines Jor shipping on the Atlantic Ocean, British ship firm will probably cut the German out of the carrying trade altogether alter the war. Word has been received that Major C T. Partington - and Sergeant Alex 8 to-well, both of whom left Prince Rupert for the war, have been killed In action. MONTREAL IMPORTERS TEN DAY SALE BRINGS OUT MEAT CROWDS l-ocal IT Ices That Compete With .Mall Order Houses Being Taken Advantage of by Prince lluert People J. B. Is happy these days. That's J. B. Miller, proprietor of the Montreal Importers. He Is selling goods fast faster than he expected and that's what makes him happy. And he'says that his customers who have been buying ought to be happy too, for they hare been buying goods at prices never before equalled In Prince Rupert. The Montreal Importers store has been thronged since last Friday and the turnover In stock that they wanted they are getting. The whole stock of men's and boys' clothing and furnishings ls being offered not only at Montreal prices but at Montreal prices cut down to sale prices and those who buy are certainly getting wonderful value. Take men's winter overcoats for Instance. There ls a great assortment and the prices run from (8.45 to 135.00. Nobody can beat that) And that ls only one representative Hem of these wonderful sale prices, More goods are arriving regularly and during this sale, they are being erfered at the same reductions, as they arrive. This sale ls to last for .ten days and will end next Tuesday. But for your own sake, don't wait until the last day or two, Get there quick before the stock ls picked over and while you. can, have your own choice. It will pay you. But It'a up to you. And It's worth while, anywsy, to see J, B. looking so happy Advt. V BlH lllM ItgiM MA c- )wM yrif X 1 Jxlfl Tlii TlrlVt Hill Gtnit Congoltum is the 1 A r &35?r''"ijy; ywUSgS.' tl Thec!ywsyffyutopro- ; rV X " miri&L ' a 8 ftC'tSi: 'L'i'Ji ,m yu,M"' ' inferior 4 vi? iBaV;." ' .,J"Jbu -x' C- "'fSjodP""?' ifJ imiiationstsictuallyio.wth j rmWtn rca-r M" t W PJontl.efeofihenr. VJ BIRTHDAY PARTY ON OnUit fvor i- tht KurJuttn fatttr- n istrfrh'sjaso assise fiotit if ,t mnftprfi uj knvm trtik Uut anJ ittrlel fovti. It it Cesgofsn Cold Sfl.1rt-Rt .'. ityO. Jolorful Rugs that Brighten Every Room that Make Housekeeping Easier! Women who know the value of leisure do not spend their time and strength in trying to clean old-fashioned floor-coverings. They have found out that easy-to-clean floor-coverings can he just as attractive as dust collecting, woven rugs and much easier to care for. Sanitary and Easily Cleaned With a Congoleum Gold Stal Art-Rug on the floor, a few minutes with a damp mop removes every speck of dust, every spot and stain. Contrast that with dusty sweeping and beating! I Then, there's the satisfaction of knowing that these rugs make a sanitary playground for the inijKirtant youngest member of the family, as well as save mother from hard work. WATERFRONT HOME OF MR. AND MRS. COLLIER A number ot friends gathered Satur day evening at the home of Mr. end Mrs. J. W. Collier, on the waterfront to congratulate Mr. Collier on having passed another milestone on the highway of life. An enjoyable time was spent dancing, singing and taking par In games. Buffet supper was served at midnight and It waa early mornlnr. when the cars were called to take the visitors home. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Collier, Miss Pearl Collier, Mr. and Mrs. P. Llnstead, Arthur Llnstead, Mr. and Mrs. It. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Oswthorne. Vic Mark-land, Mr. and Mrs. Thomson, W. W. Wsy. B. T Way, H, Dickens, W Clap perten, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Saxon. In The Letter Box WANT tlKEATMt NI'KI'.II Editor, Dally News. At the Convention of farmers' Institutes held At Terrace on the day of Comfort: and Sconomy i 8 vowtcm tester co luii.. M Variety of Lovely Patterns v " Many women find that the artistic 3ngoleum GOLD SEAL 4rt-Rugs Made in Canada b$ Canadians for Canadians 111 the local Fall Fair, the following resolution submitted by the Upper 8 k etna Farmers' Institute wss unanimously carried: .RESOLVED that the present rate . ot progress on construction 'of the Public lllghwsy from Prince Rupert to Hazel-ion Is not satisfactory and that the Provincial Oovernment be urged to make a substantial appropriation for the early completion ot this much. iceded means of transportation for In-ercommunlcatlon between towns an1 hat copies of this resolution be sens .o the Prince Rupert Board of Trsde aid to the local newspapers. irr ItALLIWELL, Secretary of Convention. ?rinceTharand NEWINGTON GOING ON DRY DOCK THIS WEEK The long repair Job on the C.O.M.M, ."relghter Canadian Coaster will be com pleted within a couple of days It was stated at the dry dock this morning. Tomorrow the lighthouse tender New. Ington will be taken on the pontoons for annual Inspection. On fier arrival here on Thursday from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands, C N R. steamer Prince Charles will be taken up for cleaning tnd painting which will be done In time to allow the vessel to sail on, her return south on schedule tme Saturday evening. Charged with having an offensive weapon, revolver, In h(s possession, Samuel J. Klslck .was arrested last night by Corporal Markland and Constable McKlnlay, This morning tho revolver was confiscated and Klslck was released on giving the understand Ing that he was leaving the city this afternoon on the Cardena. ' Congoleum Gold Seal Art-Rug patterns give them suggest itms for the color scheme in every room. Their color harmonies are charming their designs artistic. Always Look for the Gold Seal In addition, these rugs are low in price and carry the well known Gold Seal pledge of "Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Hack." It is only by warning you, for your own sake actually to see the Gold .Seal pasted on the goods, that we can help piotccc you against inferior imitations. Congoleum Gold Seal Rugs cpme in all popular sizes from small mats to 9 x 15 foot room-size rugs. Your dealer will show them to you. 0r,ifmoreconvcnicnt, send for our free color folder. The coupon below will save you the trouble of writing. CONGOLltUM CAsVAD. LlMITKI) 1270 Sc. Patrick Street, Montreal, Quebec IIIIIIIHWW 1" 11117 Town.... Fit fa miJ mA cmm HJi Conrolrum Canada LimiteJ 1270 St. Patrick Street Montreal, Quelle Gentlemen: I shall be clad to have you tend me (without con or obligation) a cony of your illuttrated folder. "Beautify your Home with Congoleum Cold Sttl Art-Rugi.. Prov; Everything for the Builder LUMBER We have Ihe most complete stock of timbers dimensions, shiplnp, fir finih, flooring. V Join! veneers, etc., in Northern H.C. We can supply everything In a building from the to the last pleca of finish. Before buying inspect our slock. It will pay you, Our prices are right. Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 117 Steamship and Train Service sslliiiii from pninci rupint fur waMcouwsB u,rrtitT esrh THURSoar ens' SUNDAY, 11.00 p.m. ' fof ANVOX WfPNfSDAV " 10 00 P.. It STIWABT SATURDAY 10 p.m. S.S. PRINCK JOHN fc.r VANCOUVER Via QUCIN CHARLOTTK ISLANDS fortnlehtlr. PASSINOtR TRAINS LIAVK PRINCI RUPgRT dally eirepl Bun.liy 11.30 .m. for PRINC OKOROC, tOUONTON, WINNIPIQ, all oluls Essiern Csmrtl, Lulled Btilfi. AssncT all Ocssn Stssmshlp Lines. Use Csnsdlan Nsllonsl Eipresi for Money orders, foreim Cheques, ete also ror your fieii shiiitnenL Oll Ticket Oftles, BIS Tnlrtf Ass., Prince, Rupert. Phefie 00.