4 iat PAGE '7 WC 7HB DAILY HHv73 X't l" - n Only Good Tea is Satisfying "SALADA" TEA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. :. ? " " H. P., PULLEN, Managing Editor. , SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery by mail or Carrier; per month . . ...... . By mail to all parts of-the British Empire and the United "States, in advance, per year ... . . ....... . To ill other countries, in advance, per year. Transient Display Advertising keep right on, .-tep by step, fighting our way to the loo. Honor To Those Who .,- Qave Public Service. T17 Is good, fine flavored and fresh The Daily News PRINCE WJPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA rl'l....A 'l ru Liin1tifi' tt-tt.-. ItAl-A .liitia ;imiiitii In a.-... .... 1 1. ... necessary lo slnle ihis because it might seem as If what is said of Mr, Daw.-on in this paper might be construed lis being self- praise on Mi'. DawVou' behalf. The News is always glad to acknowledge any good work done for the cily no mailer what the political or religious or national stripe.' Also il oftcji Imlds roau views directly at variance with those of Mr. Dawson, Mr. Hlork oi others of Ihe Mime political party. This is not a mailer of politic but mr justice. CrispTasty Nourishing TRISCUIT made of perfect . whole grains of wheat-Delicious with butter, cheese or marmalades In the course of a combined business ajul pleasure trip lo tin" l'ucifio coast, I). I", (iallowity, vice-president of the I'aiiadian (iovermhent Merchant Marine, i a visitor hi the eily. He arrived Contract Mate on Application. Bacon, the harbor engineer Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporter Telephone - - 98 SO All advertising should be in The Daily News Office before i p.ni on d8y preceding publication. All advertising received subjei- Jber. Now We Look Forward To Prospects For Future. lo approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Saturday, April 3, 1926. tNbw we can look forward with assurance that the prospect for future development of Prince Rupert will be in the line ot progress. The leasing of the elevator for two years with the opii(ijj,of purchase after that U' an indication lhat the wheal growers oi Ainerta; iook io rnnce nupei t us a natural outlet joy their.'product. It 'is an indication of faith, not only in the Paci fic route 'but in this. port ns.onc ithat'will ,crre them well in fu lure. Hears. Best;Advertlsemei',, 1 Rupert' Could Have. The leasing of the elevator is the best advertisement Prince Rupert could have. It is a notice to the world of our prospect. and possibilities and will attract more attention thai) all the other advertisements it would be possible to send out. Success is what counts in this world and now that we are succeeding, people will look this way and come this way and' we shall hav the world' With us: 1 VICE-PRESIDENT RAILWAY UNITS ' OF C.G.M.M. HERE IN GREAT WAR D. E. Galloway Visiting City Course of Combined Busb noss and Pleasure Trip to Coast from Afoul real on yesterday morning'.' train and is proceed-inig to Vancouver by the steamer talaln this afternoon, lie war met here by II. C. Kceley, Pacific coast manngcr'of the C.O.M.M., who is accompanying him to Vancouver. Mr. Halloway had no new" de velopment to announce regard ing this port but, iif view of the ire ne ra I imnroveinenl in Western SLOO conditions which lie-noted, Io wa of the oninion that inereas- fo.utj f tte shinning advan- $7,501 jacos here would ensue. It is by no means. Mr. .Hallo- ..ffl.40 per inch .per insertion kvavs first visit to this city, He Transient Advertising on Front Page. $2.80 per inch was -first h'ere away back in l!o Loca 'Headers, per insertion. . , 25c per line before thn tnwnsile had been Classified Advertising, per insertion .2c per "word I (aid out and when there was no- Legal Notices, each insertion . . . ......... 15c per agate line thinig here but the camp of J. U I'hat was at the time of the firsi isit of the lale Sir Charles M. lays, president of the (iraiul I'runk Pacific Railway, of whose staff Mr. Galloway was a ineni When Mr. Calloway was here two years ago it vva Iiasl 3s assistant to J'ir Henry Thorn- ron as president of lite Canadian national Hailway. GIVE CREDIT WHERE COMING C. P. -Rlel Was Instrumental In Opening Elevator Negotiations Which Have Been Cmpleted The following letter ha been ceived by the Daily News in connection with tlie elevator ne gotiation: 'Editor, Daily .News: As one of the eily council anil U member of the finance commit tee of last year anil this year likewise, 1 feel somewhat respon sible to the taxpayers of this cily In the mailer of an oxpnnlitnrC of $3i.l8 in co connection " with w"" the a1.?''" "A uuu, Not that our, work is done. If we are to becomes big nor! ..... o'k..i -l... ...in. - ..:i....... i .. ... acwviiy oi inn laie gram ouaru mi-iimii. nut imui "in miii "iic "ui.ij nut ...usii ,, . ...,, ,.,.,. ... ..n ., 'I.C . P. lticl was engaged, by tbi1 board to proceed to Ihe prairie and such other points as he ieemed necessary to make an ...it. ...ji'..:.t.3fciu- i.. !: i ....... . t. .. . Koeralln connection between Willi, suciiinig uie wcvuiur mr i-riiirr iiujicn anu gelling u icascoi.r Uie f. that it is impossible to mention them all. However, credit be-fongs to the member for the district who has been on the job all the lime and also particularly lo F. (L Dawson, who, as a pri vate citizen has given iiiislintnigly of bis tune and effort with uu.1-pay and without seekiiig honor, just for Ihe sake, of serving his city. ' Naturally with Mr. Daw.sou and others who do public work of that nature, what helps the city helps them. Members of opposing parties who have co-operated in bringing results are to be complimented on their attitude. Lo-operalion is neeessarv rt all times. We all have the city at heart much more Ihan we have, any ; political party and the one thing for us all lo do just now js'io: worK ior mure unpen. Attitude Of Dally ;'t News To Politics. - Vi4.' IHijoj often been said, on -the street that the-Daily New? f iA'bVi'iied or controlled by Mr. Dawsbn'or Iif some dfher 'politician c ....A II. i ti.- .......... - ' . I tr. , , 0UPS imiu UHii i inc ich-iiii i viiuiii miiii(. nic MI1U. i; WOU1U aSK any who have such ideas lo forget them. No one owns a dollar's worth .of 'slock in this newspaper except those directly concerned nuil actively engaged in publishing il. Mr. Dawson owns the building, for which rent is paid, but on more than one occasion flow of western grain and the Prince Jtupert elevator. wfsh to state right here that it Was Mr. lliel who first suggested the connection by way of lease to 'the, wheat pool of Alberta, tij the Dominion government. 'hrough Hon. Dr. King, then in Vancouver, and, upon his return. o the local grain board. In Mr, Iliel's. report, he pointed oul Clearly that, without this con (etfon, business at the elevator would bo nil. Since Mr. Kiel conceived the Idea of connecting the elevator ami wheal pool by way of lease. he if-was who opened the question both with the pool and the (jovernment thereby getting both bodies thinking in that di-i fiction, I think he truly was the lather of Ihe thought and that ..j. . ... I .. . t r.... tho owners of the paier have investigated, proposals to purchase " V , new premises although Siich proposals have not m, far l.een ac- aJ ilow assumed to have been made cepted. (iif Of the proposals was lo take over (be recently dis posed rJkv Uiib buildiirg which the ,tooe have taken. II is Therefore hi name should have been mentioned along with j those of Messrs. Dawson, McCaf- fery and Stork. OKOIIOK B. C.AKY, Alderman. ANYOX NEWLYWEDS ARE VISITING CITY Mr. and Mrs. Donald McDonald Cleal riere' Enroute to Their New Home In Alberta .Mr. and Mrs. Donald McDonald Cleal, who were married recent ly in Anyox, the bride having formerly been Miss Alma f'rlgg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .1 Origg of the smeller town, arc visitors In the city on their way lo Jarvllle, Alberta, where Ihey ...III . l.l rfi in... I i. will icshh;. I hi wi'ililiniK IOOK I place last week al (he home of i In, Colonel MoMordle Gives Inter- . esUn.) Address to Rotary Club on Work of PROBLEMS TO FACE . . ... At the Itutnry I'hih luncheon in Ihe Si. liiisls cafe 'rhursiiay, Thomas Mel.Iymolit presitlllr,', fadimel McMurme gave an interesting ml i Ires on ilailroad Troops" in wlilch he told of Hie laclivilies liflfjiilway buildin on the weslern ffjint diirjng.the war. Before the war, railroad troops were practically unknown, the work having been dune previously by Ihe Royal Engineers. Artillery hail increased to sneh an extent, howeverj, Umt it became necessary to; nse railways more. The first-iipil or this kind to gu overseas wj.',omp"eil mostly of f.'P.H. iiiertMit Ihe number inereaseil until almost i0,00 oul of seventy or eighty thousand Canadian tfobps at the seat of war were rail way troops. Jack Stewart Jack Stewart, who was well known in prince llupeil. was aiven ermissi,on to raise a permanent battalion and he officer ed lliem mostly, with men in his own employ.. Some were also laised in tbe'easi and on the prairies, T'Jui work was at first lather inirtpleil owing lo lack of military effieteuey but ttiis grad ully changed and excellent work was accomplished later The Colonel told of the train ing (riven and of the pei-suanel of the units. There were.iboul too nidre men thnn in an infantry iiiittalion and a spe.-ial officer ecluneally trained. I'.olonel MeMordie said his own railway battalion was the Thir eentii which arrived in Trance In .laivli. I01K. At first ibey wen banged to infantry, (hen to iiiarhiric gun unit ami then back o railway troops. Method of Building Describing the motliod of building, the Colonel said tin .ines radiated- in every direction from the front and also parullel-"1 il. Virk bad to be ilone qilick- v but they were well supplied .litli materials anil men. His own oallnlion built railways for tint Canadian troops. Bourblng by planes was the chief ilaner in this work but they were like mosquitoes, troublesome, but 1 1 not in much harm. After that he went north to Belgium and on Armistice Day was before Minis Fi'oni thai time on their work was repairing I In: lines that the itoselie bad destroyed. The work was intensely interesting and h .'tilil not ak for better support nan he got from- officers and " mn. Smoke System Describing the difficulties of Ihe work, the Colonel said lhat his unit had the Job of operating the railway from Moos into Oer many for a lime and they oper ilei on the "smoke system. Them were no .telegraphs or lei cphonr so lliey just .watched for Ihe smoke of -.the ,a)proarliinff i.i.I ! I iniii. f j : , ;, Tlie Colonel aHn 'thrift a frihiitr the higher' command. Ho found the English and French of iceri;,;aud be tliew' thoj English .-st.'iiloL lliV lejisl Ji4bfdsh. If hey disagreed, Ihey did so In so nice a manner thai it almos seemed as if they were n.gieed. The men in Ihe battalion also did wonderful work. Often it wa.s necessary lo make men stop working as Ihey worked them selves sick. One advantage of the railway 'battalion was that hey were iven more supplio' A Pimply Face Is Unsightly Mint C. a if. Smart, Booth Battle-ford, Sak., writeii-'A whila tgo I wu troubled with facial blemiBhrs, HnfiaIljr punplea, anil wu realljr shauiwl to go out with luch a bad looking face. 1 tried 2 or 3 different remedlMi, but they didn't help me any, w one day a friend, who And bwn troubled the a&me at 1 was, Advised me to ua 1 the bride' parents, Ilev. C. D. After I bad taken two bottlea there Clarko officlaling. llolh tho' wtln't pimple of anjr kind Ml on bride and groom are well known JlZu1 amooth and velvety complexion.' 111 wo, naving resiueo mere put ut w Up onlr only br by The Tlie T T. Milburn for many years. I u.., LlmiU'd, Twrvfito, Out. 1 For Various Banking Needs INSTANTLY In touch with a wide variety of successful business C enterprises, the Bank of Montreal has developed a ftnanciJ service to meet promptly and adequately the needs of its large number and great variety of clients., : ' These facilities, offered through its offices from the Atlantic to the Pacific, include protection of funds, interest on deposits, business counsel," . . l i ii r i - than the others a Ihey bad to work harder. Atone time, the 'oloiiel said, he had H.ooo men working, two or three thousand of whom were (iermnn jirisonefs At Hie elo.e President McCiy- ' m. ml thankeil the Colonel for his: most interesting address. ays: I meant two years. I 3I THE MAN IN THE MOON XOYV thai April Fool day !. over, I'm happy for another year. . -. t . II.. It . Sf.l.. 11 il- ran -usually ieii ny iisien iug in what Mad of a bampiei il is. DRY spring winds iind chapped .nes add to I be pnddems a girl :as lo contend with. XKVKH looelies, iignifieil. call a It dues liostoss a nut souii; 1 KXHW a young man who said 11 a girl "1 shall love-, you al .vays ami be iiioilkiu uiierwarus IF they 1I0 not miss you when you vit away for your viral mi. ou probably did not 1I0 much .vork before you left. EASTER ACTIVITIES AT SALVATION ARMY Special Service Yesterday Guards and Scouts Went for Hike In Afternoon n-oyabte Evening A special service Avas held on iood Friday in the Salvation rniy ciladef, the subject being The Power of the tJross." Children of the Teen age. turn d oul in full strent)i in the af erunon and Ihe guards and icouls, accompanied tiy Mrs. Ilea niif I.ieul. Keiiny, wfutl for a Ike . In the everilnir; a nuniber of fiends ahil yoiiiig people gather d ajnl spent ai .enlo.vnble oven- ilg singing. The decorating .bt tllo hnl) for lie Faster services is' in change of Fdilh Orlffiths. The singing a ill be in charge of. Mrs. Mastin. GEORGE ANiTrUPERT" TO HAVE Tbfe OFF MASTS AND FUNNELS The tall masts' and funnels of the C.X.M. steamers Princi1 Oeorge and Prince lluperl are lo ne cut down this spring if occa slon permils. The ships being of graceful lines, officials have been desirous for some limn of hnvliw several feel taken off tho masls and funnels in order to sllll further lend to the, appearance of 1 be vessels. When the ship were first built Ihey were coal Inirners and the high funnels were ncces ary for draft. Xow lhat they are oil burners, the same height Is not required. The lop Keclinn of tho funnels will be taken off Just - ahjivr where the company crest is now- placed. The top of Ihe masls will be cut off and the remaining portions retnperpd. , , Mrs. W'yman, wife of I'rovln rial nonstable w'yman, who lias been visiting for several week In Kelchlkan, relumed lo lh cily on Ihe Princess Mary yesterday morning. yiU loans, collections, roreign extnange, crcau (ri t"3T3?r data, trade information- travellers' funds. , teem. - : - - - - - - - w r money orders, and service in any other branch;, ; of Banking . C. PATERSON. MAnasc Prince Rupett BrrncH: BANK OF MONTREAL Estn!1Ubf.rl IRI7 tT m Total Assets in excess of i 720,000,000 MOTHE RS Dress the Boy for Easter in one ( our newly arrived Sml. Made ni'thehile-t K ig lib nit, with two pairs bhiutnerv In TwhI, sjerge- triieviots. Kasler SMvinl $7.95 , Acme Importers Third Avenue Prospective Builders! COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDERS' SUPPLIES LUMBER Timbers. Dinicn-n ii, .Slnpl.ii', l-H Fin -'i. 1 iug. V Join!, Ituslir urn! Hevel SniiJig. t:. dinnj F r Boat Lumber. Fir and Lolioiiwood Viueer. Mo iidi igt-Shingles. Koloreil Khingle-.. Lalh.j Oak. Il,irdw nl. Sash noil Doors, Wood Pipe. , CEMENTS, Etc. Portland Cement, Keciie'H Ceinit, As beslo (lenient, llardwall Plaster, Piaster ol Parn Plasler liiNird. Lime. Ilydraleil Lime, Kircclay. BRICKS, Etc. Common Itnrk. Wre Uffrk, Pressed Urbk. Agricultural Tile, Vitrified ip. l-'lufk Lining. MISCELLANEOUS N...I-. Ibiibliug Paper, Tar Paper Itilbberoiil Itoofiugs. Johns. Maiiville's Asbestos Hoof ings. Asphalt. Asphalt Hoofing Papers, HtikI nod Ornvel. NANAIMO-WELLINOTON COAL: Try our Not Coal or vom K'!Hi"n Unnge ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Phones 110 and 117. Easter Is Near New Hats New Frocks New Coats New Suits "DEMER5" Phono 27. We mm to please. P.O. Box 327. COIYS Tlie Quality Whisky of Canada since 1859 Mill 1 M Bottled In Bond under Dominion Government 8ujcrvlUm This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the l.liilnir fViiilpnl ll. I I... 11.- rt . J ....j,.. uwnkiwi iiimiu or uy uiu (luyoruiiiciii OI Uritiah Coluiubia