( 4 ' 1 I if '"'f f E if paor Four We don't know all about Eyes Nobody does! No.w "discoveries arc being madi nil Mn time. During Mm past as- year wn liuv spout, a 'lot of time, money ami Study on tli higher branches of op-'tienl.'work. Wo foci sure you -will lie pleased wilh our service' John Bulger Ltd. Jewellers and Opticians FLECK VOILES In Nineteen Shades .Ouaranlood, permanent, fin-Hsh., For pretty drosses for J. l!adies anil, children. Thirly-Inches wide. Per yard: 50c T. WEST of ENGLA ND STORE to Hie Third Avenue Phone 753 Fresh Killed Veal in Shoulder Iloasts, pjr Hi. 15c VealVullels, per lb .. 25c n.-'ilb-ls 4f Veal, fier' Hi. 25c AVal S(pw, per lb. .. 12'2c No 1 Steep Beef -Pol J.loasl, per . 12 '2o Hiti lloast, per lb. .... 20c 1Mb Uniting 'Hec per lb. 10c Pork Leg qf Pork, por lb. . . 3So Loin Pork, por lb. , ... 35c Shoulder Iloast, por lb. 25c Side Pork, por lit 19c F'sh , Large Kastfm r Salt Her-ring, each . . ... ,. . 10o Rnli Mackerel, por II. .. 25c Seal; 8 Doodson Sixth Street Phone 455. We deliver t Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Office Hours 9 to 6. X-Ray Strvlcs Phone 686. Open Tuesday and Thursday ' Kvenings Saturdays 9 to 12 nocn MILK From Bulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIPPING CREAM We specially recommend our Table Cream at 15o for II ii I r Pint, Quality and Service Valentii Dairy Phone 657 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone M. Ctrlage, Warehousing, nd Distributing, Team or Motor Service. i'oal, Band and Gravel We Speciality' In Piano and Fumlture Moving. Tllf. DAILY NBW3 Siil'nt'day, April i. i BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus AFTCR M-L, OEA,( OEE-- VERV WPfW VVE 1 l "X 4 ' ?..v MINSTREL SHOW AT and TERRACE BY VETS II. 1' Affair Thursday Night Was Well Attended and Proved Enjoyable TKIIUAC.i:, April .1. -This minstrel mIkiw slaved by the (ireal War Volorans on Thursday oen-ing drew a largo crowd, their1 large auditorium being filled to capacity. Kveryone thoroughly ujoyed ' the lengthy program back consisting of instrumental and yocal duels, ipiarlelles, and choruses, slop dancing, jokes tricks and crossfire .selections. A. G. I-'ovler acted as interlo-cuttTr and the (roup consisted of was. Oe Kergomniaux, with banjo, U. Toombs, violin; J. McLaren, ac-ordion; L. H. Kenney, tamliour-iiie; II. King, bones: 1. Niglit-wine, new guitar; W. Tinier, violin: Itallowell, accordion;; K. f. Xcnney, tambourine; T. Turner. hones; It. Donald, ukotele; aifd II. has Swain, bones The sealiiig up which has been lone in the interior of the hall ilutiiiig the last work added much the enjoyment of Ihe program, .sound carryinp ntuch heller now than Tormcrly. for HAZELTON rtoad work started in oarniMi this district on April I. 1'ul-sl.eil crews are engaged on "ITolli ends of l ho main highway oxleji-'sion from Sou I if lfaneljon lo Terrace am) -aupljier - gang ot men is cmiiplt'ling I he road 'on the west side oT Kispiox Hiver between .Nine-Mile and Ten-Mile bridges. There are also oilier important' road improvements being undertaken in Ihe district. The Hazellon Liberal Associa tion has .elected officers as follows: Honorary presidents, J-'ivd lork, M.P. and Dr. H. C. Wrinch, M.L.A.; presidont, W. W. Ander son; vice-president, John Xewick; secretary - treasurer, William in iranl. I he firsl basebalf game of . lb.' seasoiitook placo here last Sat urday when the New llaelton ml llazellon school boys played, the former winninig 7 lo 2. Moating of poles 'down th Sheona luver to the booming ground of Ihe Hanson Lumber A 'Limber t!o. at l-edarvale slat-led this week. Several. hundred thou sand feel are lo go down. Flew A. (1. Pound will preach his farewell sermon here tomor row before proceeding lo the Okanagan country where he will visit his father unlit the May conference. Ilev. .1. 11. Younn conies here from Terrace lo laki barge of the local L'nilei Church pastorale. Ihe six year obi son of An il row .viowai, an imiian, was liiinieil to death in a fire whicn destroyed the homo on the llaz ellou reserve last Sal unlay. The boy's mother received seriou burns and is a patient in. the Hazclloii Hospital. L, A. Oraef of the covernmeii telegraph slalT is a patient in Ihe hospital uffering from pneumonia. Mrs. (iraef return ed lliis week after spending I lot winter in Vancouver. Indian Agent V.d. Hyde, i spending I'asler in Prince Itu pert whore Mrs.' Hyde has been vislllnig 'for some (line. IJolh will return lo Hazclloii early nex week. The New llazellon. Liberal As soeiation has'lioeti organized .with officers as follows: Honor ary presidents, 'Fred Slork, M.I. Bfeft WE. HvVe LIU INDEED WE. 1 IV MACCE. lr. II. 0. Wrinch, M.L.A.: president. W. S. Sargent; vice presidents, W. S. Harris and S.i Senkpiol; secretary treasure--. ; A. floddard; execulive. .1. II.! Willan, V. A. (ioddanl and It. H i Morrison. I TERRACE NOTES l' WfiOdwnrlli of Smilhers, foreman in charge of the co;i-struciion of tin) Cedar Itiver bridae near K'altlin Lake, arrived in town on Wednesday. Iiav-ing completiMl. work on this ftriilge.. G. K. Simpson of Vanarsdol In town on Thursday. J. TlinmaMon left on Wei)ne-ilay night lo visit his wife ard baby daughler In the llajtel-ton hospitftl. O. 11. Tycliti of Smilhers, whv been working on the Odar Hiver TtrMge. jirrlveil in town on eiltiesday. Prler Mclionabl loft on KrhlaV morning for Homo where h? wili igain have, charge, of. Ihi;.. ferry the ; summer. . -"'. T. A.- .Clark, of the Knrestrj heparjUncjfy -Prioco Huperl, r-lunied f.rnfif. Kaltim like, wlier-he has" been doing reconnais- uice Work and left on Friday miirning for Prince Huporlj Miss Iohb lofl on Friday morning to spend .the Haslei vaealiitn at her home In Prince Ituperf. H. C. Oibbs of Vancouver was business visitor .during Ihe week. ' SPECIALISTS Does your man work, Mrl. Waggs?" "Oh, yes; he peddles bal loons whenever (here's a parade town. What does your hus- laml do?" "He sells smoked glasses dur ing eclipses of Ihe sun." lifipy'Ui . r- 1 If I Only Had the Strength is not HOUSEWORK drudgery to the woman who is strong and well. She takes a pride in keeping the home spick and span and giving it the artistic touches which make home attractive. But when strength fails and you feel tired and worried there seems no end to disagreeable work. You seem to never catch up and every thing goes wrong. Wishes do not restore a wornout nervous system but Dr. Chase's Nerve Food does. By using this great restorative regularly you can soon regain health and vigor and take hold tr vfoO WANT to COT A.NO JOIN THE eCWt CiO RlOHT A.HE.AX. DO vou FINE SACRED CONCERT HELD Largue Audience Delighted With; Recital in United Church I l,ast Evening j 'Ihere wns a laiwe attendance! in Ihe First l uileil r.hnrrii last' night for the sacred concert' comprising the cantata " The Thorn . (frowned King" and a recital of liler ocal and in- sirtiiuealjil nuuihers. The caulat.i was i't4 pleasingly ivmirrei)! with Iho heavier narls beiiu: taknn by .'Miss .Viiene A.lv.iiil.' K. (lavey and A. Clupperton and, t!ie Whole prowntin was cairii-u! out ill an-excellent manio'i' wliicij Was lligjily pleasing lo ihe au-1 dience. .1. Wilson acli'd as routine-j tor and (lie orgainel was A. J.; Lnnemitp'r. Member r i.ie clmif weri MN.s Adene Adxant. Mrs. I!.' C. Fraser. Mrs. II Howard. Mr- lloger.s, Mrs. Medregor. Mr-. Cwllen, Mrs. Millei, Vlr-. Squire-.! Miss II. Mid.lleloii. Mis :. .iek-i erson. Miss S. a it-ki'i-otm. .Mi. llessip Derr, Mi-- ndft Whit-: low, Miss Ada Miugiir. J. K. Davey, A. CiapperiiMi, It. Howard,! I". Derry, W. H Deny, W. 11.1 Watford, J: steen-, (',. Cameron,' ami . i.iapportc.n. piano ar. conipauinlw wpre Mrs. . j-ra-ser, Mrs. l. A. Harlow and Charles Italagno. k The cantata took up Ihe en-lire j first part of the program and the second part was a follows: Chorale "Mystery of Intei- cossion" The Crueifixinn Choir.! Solo "I know that My Ite-i deenier Livcth" (MeHsiali), Mins Adene Ad v a III Duel "So Thon Liflet" (The Crucillxion), .1. K. Havey and A Clapperlon. Solo "Fear Ye Not, O Israel", Mrs. II. C. Frnser. Chorale Frooi "The Cnirl-fixion," Choir. , Solo 'i was for You" (O'i.el lo Calvary), ,1. I'.. Davey. Solo "Angels (iiianl Titer" of the household duties with a master hand. Nervous headaches, sleeplessness, indigestion and all the discouraging svmntoms of exhausted nerves disappear because you have restored the nerve force to the body, You can get well and keep well by the use of Dr. Chase s Iserve rood; Use it. when you feel tired, nervous arid irritable and you will soon realize why Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is the most poptUar of Nerve restoratives. dO. cts. a box, all dealers or The Dr, A. W. Chase Medicine Co., Limited, 1 oronto i, Can. AA CilTTtK KT HOMP t J Vllf ME AVV - O tM6 hv lrt . Pt-i .; Soviet. V anted For Sale DAILY For Rent NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in rdvance.7No Advertisement' taken for Fen than 50c FOH SALE FOI1 SAI.K. 28 x 8 (Jill net or trolling boat, 7 4 h.p. Viileau engine; used one season, prr-l'.'0n.HO. !H x bo il, eoulil he nr ranged for irnller or gill nailer; S-rt h p. Palmer engine; ennine nearly new. Price ft flu ?fi x 7 pleHsnroboat, nonl'y arranged cabin, 12 h.p. t. cyel.-engine like new. Price $5n fool cabin cruier. weil eip;ipieil, powered with hea oii eiiKine, IT h.p.. air nt.trter, eleeiric light; oed ery III-1 1. Price f.'ft.m. IT x !- purse neine iMiat. .'Ml 'in. 5 cylinder heavy duty engine for ale or charter. ilv JJor'Uem Fvetimme. HAIHiAlXS! Two fully modern lioues, five and -even room, in first rla "nolitioii. 5i0 cash and balance ?5 monthly. Several tot, harlior view, low price, jn.iiri c.ih and 5.00 monthly. See Thorn Mef.lyiiioiit. tf t HKAVK.N and Ho!!. Swedenlmni's iri eat vturk on I - life after Oeath and a real world he- yiind. Over ton oaaes. Only :Tie postmiwl. II. . Law. tHO Kuelid Avi-Tice, T"onio. FOIl HALF.. - Three It.u on Tay lor Street for 125 ca-lt. Wel- en haver Uros. BOAMD AND ROOM, ItOAFtD AND ROOM. 425 Thirl Avenuo. Phone lied 336. FlOAFll) The Inlander. 33U Scond Avenue Wi-vp !!? iMolIn Ohligato , Mini Adene dvHBt ami W. Halafno. Violin olo "All Soul' Day' ill. Strauss , W. Ilatatfno. tfolo "ly Jomih' Orave' (Ohrbtt and HI Sohller-; A Clapperton. Closing Hymn "All fr Join' (TJie C.rtieiflxkin.. Choir. , SMiTHERS S II. Honkins, government anenJ, yrslled Hums l4te Hits wee)( on official biistness and vt liif41i'9fliietl the Parents Teachers' Assoeialloti on "The llesponsiliilllieg of (he Parent. " Douglas Lay, resident mining engineer for (his district, addressed a crowded nieeling in lti municipal hall on Wedtlesilay night, hi subject heinu gcologl- i-al coiidilionV in this area. The C.N. It. station ground here Is being laid out Into n igar-den iri eoraplianee with Ihe Com pany's general policy. The nrgnnUation of ft Dairy men's Association in the Ilulkley valley is under way. The idea of n hay pool was dropped nl aJ mceling of the flnlkley Valley F armers' Institulo held last week et Telkwa. ' P. V. Cnmpbell i erecting u flour anil feed warehouse here. Dr. Fl. O. Large or llazelion Is here to be olnisl al the Fnlleti Church Mervlcos tomorrow. Mrn. Stanley Heiuletl wllU'.alsu be a soloist.. 1 Mr. ami Mrs. P. M. jiloncklon, or Terrace, who Have been south on a lioliday trip fifr Ihe past few Weeks, relumed to llio city on. Ihe Carilcnn vesterday ainl will proceed to I lie interior on lliis evcnuig'8 train. ooc.tor ewe mc tOOO EXAMINATION TMNV I'M TTIN' 5 tstfT 3 2?: SALESMAN II.MIH OPPOIITFMTY i of- fereil mi inlelllgent. aggres-ive salesman lo represent a well piled company. Our prodiicl are uccess-fully serving the oot re pre. seiitnllve iililulioi in (he Dominion. Tel us sometlilnr of your previous I'Vperirne. Hox 300 Dally Xewh offiw. w.sT WANTKD. -3i foot gasMuil. Ap ply llox .lot Daily News office. 70 01111.. Wanted for (ieneral House- work. Apply H.C. Kur tin. "9 TO RENT FOH MINT. Modern four room ed flat will Monarch 'angc, Glapp Illock. Wesleiihaver llros. tf FOR IUi.NT. Pianos, player ulanos, phonograph and sewing machines. Walker's Music Store. FI'IIMSIIL'D Honsekeepliw Floom (o rent by I ho day, week or monlh. Plipne lied 007. tf FOFl IlKXT. Furnisheih house keeping u I l,e, Mussallem Apartments. Plione IH. if FOIl IIF.NT. Four room suite, .hot water healed. Apply Smlli A Mallet. MODI'.HN FLAT for IlenL Apply Max Itailhroiier. If PALM Kit IIOI'SR. Furnished suite for rent. tf BOOKKEEPING. WANTFD.- Itiioks to post; jrov- ernmenl returns made; publie aiidils. Hales reasonable Write llox 2'J'J. Dally News office or phone 1 thick Hi). AUCTIONEER. I HAVI Ihe (iood. Yon furnish the girl and the money. I furnish the furniture and elTecis Make one dollar look like two flel facn value both wavs. I buy, sell or exchange. Private sale- daily. O. F. Hrlne, Aue lloneer. Phone 771. PIQEON8 ItACLN'O Homers, bred from some of Ihe best blood In Iho world Strains, (lilts. Marker, lln Ami: also Carnenux Pygmy Poolers, Tumblers and Sijuah Ilreeders. Slock birds am Iniined birds. From Jj.'i.OO In 115.00 per pair. Jack Hanks 1153 Hastings Street. Fast Vancouver, Il.fi. GOOD EATS CAFE, Third Avenue Opposite llenson's Studio. COOD MI'ALS. OOOD CAKLS Coffee or Ten Serveil. JIKAL 1IOMI! COOKKD MKA1.S. Mrs. Fnger, Prnprielross. TRAPPERSI I NIIKD 10.00(1 MINK HKINS. He.d prices paid. Hen run before you sell your furs. If It furs I'll buy I hem. W. QOLDBLOOM, Second Ave. The Konest. Fur Man. Advertise In Ihe, Dally News. :rAiticlei Lott and Found.Ac AUTOMOBILES See the New Improved CHEVROLETS T'Mirlng, prirf-e F.O.II. t llupert Is Itoadstec, pptco, F. o It i Unpen . ... . M : fioiipe. price F.O.H. .perl . 8' Coach, price F.O.D. Pi n perl Ii Seilnu. price F.O.H Pc. perl I Landau Sr. Inn. prim- i Prince Huporl Ii . i Cninniereinl Chi. price h 1'rlnee llurwri i l-IMi Ion Cliassm. pine I Prince ftnperi ton Hall in and gel par: i, m,i f Q.M.A.C. Easy Payment Plan A few bargain in He. ind t.arit. KAIEN OARAQE Dealem in all lenni v I'rotlucls I'.adilln M lin. Oakland. Hdni. i llae anil Chevrolel WIIKCKINO SF.ItVICF .V- I MiillT XF.W IIFA1 TV OF 111 "I PIIICFS AT NI W LOW m:w TIMI PAYMI XT PI V Delivered price at Princi H Self slnrier ami taxes in ' lltittaboMt H Touring M (Uiupe 8:' Tudor PetUn tl""' Fordor Sedan . 10: ' Commercial Chasi " Truck Chassis W Quaranteed Used Cars at Specially low prin DFMO.VSTHVNO.NS Oil Ullivr lesson nl any lime S. E. PARKER, LTD. 2ll Seonil Avenue - FilRNITUE AND RANQES FANN'CFrr. Premier and F i llangp always in stock It more hei, continuous ' post, front :tfl.no up finish denired. Dlnlig r suites; llvlpg room chairs toungc. A good assoc'ir; of pattern Dominion I leuin from 75e per yard I oleum nigs, l'.l2o palierns sles. Wicker chairs 17 50 Ilntl linen. Table linens a lowels. A. Mackenzie. Fm lure. Phone 775. TAXI Phone 87 Taxi (Call Oeorge. Paul or Oust Six- and seven-passenspr Sluds baker al vnr disposal anytni!' for 50c Service ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block Across from I'mpress Hole' ddiiuof Miiir uimn m-rnatt Back to the old stand. 313 Third Avenue. All the Infest in , SHFKT MI HIC 1-1- AJ H voiumoia ntw rrocets nrrnnna mttn BUnunfleiBiil ROTHWELL'S TRANSFER Coal - Wood and Furniture Moving HiiXgagfl and Impress RkridiLiHloH New Bland, Phnn' .Tr2 Ue 1I, nr. n riraiin l9A FURNITURE. V , rt ' ; . . .'. . .. ."'w anii peconuiiano rurn change New nml Secondhanil Ooods. OEO. PAPADOPULOS 839 Third Ave. phone