PAGE FOUR THE DAILY NEWS 1 1 1 ' 1 111 " .in., ii. 11 j ; . . - . BASKETBALL IS I BRINGING UP FATHER ' ' By George . . , McMarnu 1 ssas m S- i sjss at TTTTITTiriO llllilBJJ U 1 VERYPOPULAR thown or soo rr.KsoNH saw last Moiirs riXTUtii ivi Exiiini-tio.v hall Judging, from the increasing j'jx of the crowd, the efforts of local basket bailers are winning favor. Last night there were some two hundred persons In attendance for the scheduled Karnes in the Exhibition HaU. Play was fast In all the matches partisularty the In termed late engagement in which the Grand Terminals defeated the Bankers 39 to 14. The Bankers should not be daunted by this or their former defeat. Thtlr play last night showed they bad the stuff In them. In the Senior game, the Elks more than doubled -the score of the Native Sons of Canada, the final count being 37 to 17. In tbe Ladles' League, tbe Maple Leafs had an easy 18 to 2 victory over the Adanacs.' Tbe closest game of tbe evening was the Junior League affair In which Ua Colts ran out winners over the Tuxls Boys by tbe close score of 16 to IS. Tbe particulars of tbe games were as fellows: SEMOK LEACJl E j Elks D.- Balfour. 10; 8. Moran. 8; George Mitchell. 1; M. Budenlch, E. , Smith. 8; R. Smith, Bryant. 2. Total, 37. Native Sons of Canada V. Menzles, 2: H. Menzles. 4; O. Shenton. 8; R. i Bartlett, 2; R. Skinner. 1; J. Farquhar. Total. 17. Referee H. Gordon. INTERMEDIATE LEAKITK Grand Terminals T. Katsuyama. 7; I. Katsuyama, J. McNulty, 22; 8. Ourvich. 7; 8. Joy. 2; E. Dingwall, I. Total, 39. . Bankers R. Egerton, 8; E. Walters, E. Johnson, P. Smith. 2; O. Hill. 2; R. Mortimer. 2. Total 14. Referee Mike Budenlch. LAMES' LEA (HE Adanacs C. Mitchell. W--Dyer. 2: V. Smith, E. Dalby. M. Palmer. P. Harvey, C Irvine Total 2. Maple Leafs M. Graham, H. Harvey, L. Lowe. II; C. Harvey. 5; H. Grant. 11. 81m, M. Thompson. Total, 18. eferee George Mitchell. 41.MOK LEAfHE Colts R. Stalker. H. Macdonald. 4; E. Ratcnford, 10; J. Scott. 2; R. Irvine. a. Vlereck -Total. 16. Tuxls Boys P. Morrison, 7; B. Hunt. 8; 11. Hellbroner. P. Cameron. 2; M. Sakamoto. Total, 15. Referee George MitcbelL ' LEA ( I E TAIHJ;S 'The league standings to date '-as as ftllow: f fienlor League W. Elks 2 Native Sons 1 Terminals 0 " Intermediate Grotto 3 Terminals 1 Bankers 0 ' LadleV Lragae Maple Leafs 3 Adanacs 0 Junior League Colt 2 Stars 0 Tuxls Boys 0 L. 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 3 0 1 1 Pts. 4 2 0 4 2 0 2 0 2 0 0 MOOSE WINNERS IN BILLIARD TOURNEY Ikef rated Ojron In League lltlure Lat Night by Aggregate Score of 916 to 831 The Moose took the measure of the Oyros In last night's billiard tournament by a score of 948 to 851. The high break of the evening was" 31.. made by W.f H.-Long, captain of the Gyros team!. Individual score were as follows: Don Brown (Moose), 200; W. H. Long (Gyros), 182. Jack Judge, 167; W. J. Nelson, 200. Joe Brown, 179; G. Krause, 200. J. Hlllman. 200; A. Harvey, 131. J. May. 200; P. Aldrldge( 128. The league standing to date 1 as follow: Game. Total. Average Terminals 4 3720 930 Orotto 4 . 3530 883 Oyros 4 3512 878 Moose 4 348 872 St. Andrews ... 4 3368 844 The averages for the players In the league to date are as follows: Games Ttl. Aver. F. Zleman (Terminals).. 4 800 200 J. HamUton, (Grotto) ..4 800 200 J. Hlllman (Moose) .... 4 800 200 W. E. Wllliscroft (St. A.) 2 400 200 O. Krause' (Gyros) 1 200 200 J?. Andrews (Grotto) ... 4 789 197 B. D. Mscdonald (St. A.) 4 772 193 P. ODonriell (Terminals) 4 767 192 Dr. West- (Orotto) 4 758 190 H. Corbett (Terminals) . . 4 740 185 Ben Belt (Gyro) 3 551 184 C. Balagno (Terminals) 4 727 182 Fred Pyle (St. Andrews). 4 722 181 Frank Audrldge (Gyro) . 4 "718' 180 A. 'Macdonald (Oyro) .-. 3 41' 180 W. J. Nelson (Gyro) .. 4 , 695 174 D. Howe (Terminals) ..4 686 172 J. May (Moose) 4 687 172 W. It. Long (Gyro) .... 4 676 169 J, Brown (Moose) 3 508 160 Don Brown (Moose) ... 4 655 164 a. Waugh (Orotto) .... 4 618 155 "J. Judge (Moose) ...... 4' 618 155 M. MacLachlan (St. A.) 4 603 151 O. P. Tinker (St, A.) ..3 447 149 a. Anderson (Grotto) . . 4 567 142 Bert Morgan (St. A.) 3 423 141 A. Hsrvey (Gyros) ... 1 131' 131 AdrertlM In to ,DUy itew Orange Lodge 4 Canaditn Legion 3 Knights of Columbus 3 Drydock nr.. 3 Grotto 3 CJr.-Mechantes .. 3 Moose 2 Cold Storage 2 St. Andrews 1 Eon of Canada 1 Prince Rupert Hotel . . 0 L-0 1 1 ' 1 2 .2 .3 3 3 4 0 s j SPORT CHAT 3 Football I the oldest of outdoor sports, sayt Lawrence White, of Clare-mont. Cal Pomona college student who ha conducted an exhaustive re search Into the origins of the pastime. Digging Into the Bible for football lore White point out that Isaiah wrote "He will toss" thee like a ball," Indicating some form of the game existed as early as 750 B.C. Leaping ahead a few centuries the student find one of the first official act of Casetar Augustus was to demand a revision of the rules of a football accustomed to slaughter their foes occurred. 'j ' ,L11 K I BjsasMB-Ms(i-- I 1800. TT,e first Intercollegiate game ! , ! PFi &:r-: DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 3 11 iyillaMl0 Important Important changes changes In in the the rules rules gov- governing -d&Jj?t -' . . . , , s-vwl ham harness cm racing racing wBi wKl be be eonsid- eonsid-.rtd 3?IMa 2c per word i. m advance. i No Advertisement taken lo lei than 50c P SAWS -red at at tbe tbe meeting meetlnt of of Grand Grand Circuit Circuit w&frG&jfj I ' - - -- - - - - - i a- . . . ... w I stewards sxewards to to be be held ntia at at Lexington, Lfxmnon, Ky rs.v rJVrf-.r i ft-Machine Knives J 1. in January. rule that would mSSmf h I SS ! MAIL SCHEDULE jTir II One Is a proposed fffywJttifrT I WANTED. OIRL FOB UOIIT HOUSE- BOARD. THK INLANDER, 840 I tM classify classify hones horse, on on tbe the basis basis of of their their pV-Kln J-)- a. knowledge of cook- Second Avenue. Phone W. aaaaW I TOttoxTa II a IBB I ' nlnnlnn winnings tnt Instead of of bv by time time records. records, 1 J?3--aBaaL UTv I - . . ! l(---jrO a system long- In vogue. ftW Canada ESSE?" . ,. ; Some members consider It likely that " ., u -mlzi i i i RESULTS OF GAMES : Detroit and Grand Rapids will' return to the circuit next year. In which event the big league of harness racing will be restcrrd to its former scope. Cleveland, Toledo. Syracuse. Kalamazoo, Mich.. LKlDoAub LtAbUt other ?nbers that are practically a- wired. I Canadian National Operators Arr Now ; Leading In Mandlng Having Suw i talnrd no Loe ( Results of last night's fixtures in the Crlbbage League were as follows: Grotto 14. Sons of Canada 13. Canadian Legion vs. Knights of Columbus postponed. Orange Lodge,15. ON. Mechanics 12. Drydock 11, Moose 16. ON. Operating 14. St. Andrew's 13. Prince Rupert Hotel 11. Cold Storage 16. , League standing to date: - W. CJ. Operating ...... S HAZELTON A dozen Scandfnavlans direct f root j i the Old Country arrived here last week 'ad were placed to work at once la j pole and tie camps of the Hanson ; Lumber and Timber Co. Mks Louise Wattle has arrived from AtboUford. where she now resides wlthl ner isiner. ana is me guest oi ner us ter. Miss Jessie Wsttle. pt, A daughter was born at the . Hazel-5 J ton Hospital on November 1 to Mr 4and Mrs. L. P. Wilson. The fan season has arrived and are beginning to move Into tour Most of the houses In Hazeltoo and New Hazel ton are already occupied and mere people are still to come. ALICE ARM Having driven 465 feet of tunneli built an up-to-date camp, improved the trail and done other necesoary work during the past .summer, the Keystone Mining Co. ha terminated Its season's program of development work on the Keystone property on Roundy Creek. Development work this year prove very satisfactory and it Is the Intention of the company to- resume operations as early as possible In the spring. William Burke returned to town last week from a hunting trip, having bagged one of the largest buck goats ever shot in this district. The crashing of a tremendous boulder from the top of a mountain near ; Granite Creek recently threw everyone Esune which the Roman had learned in the vicinity Into a panic. The from the Greek. Augustus contended shock and erverberatlon caused men -to the game was too effeminate for men think at first that an earthquake had with the short sword. I i By J650 football was regarded as a ; T. W. Falconer, pioneer Alice Am national institution In England. It was mtrchtnt, will erect a (tore building 30 wfaeti if fa Soups, Glovied, w CUE The Goodness of Beef Tin of 4 cubes, I5c. - tin of 10, 30c. 41 J Li .ir?l ' ....... ... . . .... . WRIGLEYS still quenches thirst, cools the parched throat and by its do lightful flavor and refreshment restores the joy of life. cc After Every Meal feet by 96 and. two storeys high at tbe corner of F)rv Street; and First Ave. Foundations are now being laid and active construction will start in the spring. 8tephen Dumas has left for hi old home at New Richmond. Quebec, where he will spend several months. Before going East be wlH tlt the Peace River and Edmonton.' Frank 'Sytrrgham, who since he sold spending a two months holiday here, has returned to Anyox and may pro-.-eed south shortly. The new bridge across tbe Kltsualt River giving trasportation facilities to under the supervision of J. Wrtls. The bridge Is built on the lower end. of the Musketeer flats and 1 80 feet long and eight feet wide. Pack horse are now taking supplies through to the Red Point. YANDERHOOF Fred P. Burden of Prince Oeorge and W. Breemer of Edmonton, who are interested 'In the pulp and paper pro ject, recently msde a trip to Lake to Investigate the dam William s. Glbbs ha purchased the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hunt end that of Mrs. Lamb on Church Avenue. Dsvld Trucotte sustained serious In juries recently when he wa "pinned between tractor and a separator which he was towing down a MIL Construction has started on a tele graph line" from Vandertioof' into Stone? Creek. This will give direct communl cation from here to Prince Rupert, ti Dnwson and to Vancouver, via the old Tukon line. BURNS LAKE Mr. and Mr. F. A. Lougee of Fran oois Lake have left and will spend ail extended holiday . visiting with friend In the United States. A. M. Ruddy, Ed. Peterson. Norman Schrlber and Norman Van Tine hare returned her after a most successful duck hunting trip to the head of Ootsa Lake. , The party bagged moone which was stolen from their camp by, a grlzrly bear. I F. C. H. Ram sden left for the south at the end of the week, msklng the trip In his automobile. Rev. W. R. Ashford left at the end of last week to attend the United Church conference In Vancouver. HOTM, AUIIIVAI.ft itatiiy ' C. lishoney, city; John F. Murray ana James Wanhope, Jap inlet; 11, McLennan, Stewart: Robert Kydd, Van router. Cenlral A. M. Pryc and L. P. Cotet. city. Prince Kiier( John L McArthur. L II. Brown, B. I ARE.NTS WANTED i MAN OR WOMAN TO TRAVEL AKD I appoint agent. Yearly guarantee 11003 (being 131 weekly average) and t expenses. Experience unnecessary j For particulars write Winston Co, I Toronto. FOK SALE if OR SALE. SIX ROOM HOUSE. PVLLT rnodern, marine view; centrally lockt ed: first class condition. UjtiO 00. ' 11000.00 cash, balance monthly. ( Sixteen room house near Dry Dock. with furnace. Will sell eheap and on easy payment. Tbeo. Coilart limited. Westhoimr Theaue Block- tl FOR 8AIX TO CLOSE OCT AN IS-Ute. we are authorised to sell several Iota, some corners, harbor view, and on sewer. Puce low and Unas from 110.00 monthly. Enquire T. McClymont. U TENT FOR SALE -NEW THIS TEAR nd used only one week. Price f 20. Pullen. Dally New,, i his bsrber' business at Anyox has been roR 8ALZ qUANT1TY 0F BTEIX traps. -Ox." Wm. A. Seal Cove. clal Administrator. Brown. Oa EXCHANGE FOK KENT bol 364 IOR SALE. CHEAP. HALF A TON OF old newspapers. Apply Dally New, rt bath. -Water ptld. Phone 547. T the Red Point was completed Isst week I KR SALE-ONE ROWBOAT. ONI TRADE. FINE ITALIAN MANDOLIN for Guitar, same quality R. Hamilton, general dellrery. 364 FOR RENT OR SALE. THE LATEST Improved coin operated electric piano. For term, address Electrl Piano, care Dally New Office. FOR RENT. FURNISHED APARTMENT on Second Avenue: four room and FOR RENT. SIX ROOM MODERN flat with bathroom, at I7l Third Ave, East. Apply Hyde Transfer. tf FOR IlENT. MODERN UP-TO-DATK flat: large airy rooms; fir place; close In. Mas Hellbroner.- - FOR RENT FIRST CLASS MODERN Flat; .Monarch range; water paid. Westenhaver Bros. t FURNI8HED APARTMENTS FOR TtENT by day, week or month. Phone Red 607. tf FOR RENT. FURNISHED SUITE. Pbon 18, MussaUem Grocery. AUCTION SALE IS AUCTION BALE OP SEIZED OOOD3 will be held at Mrs. Ooldbloom'i Store. Third Avenu (next Bank of Montreal) on Thursday. November It at 2J0 pm. consisting of store fix tures, mirrors, chairs, show cases, (sold In on lot or In sections) cab Itiet sewing machine, figures, stand, couch, ladles hose, hats, collars' ani cuff, lace of all description by th yard, skirt, blouses, dresses, etc. Plulpott, Evltt & Co.. Ltd. Auc tloneer. LOST IXJST. GOLD BROOCH BET WITH pearl. Finder please return to Mis. Tremayne. Hays' Block 26.1 CIllltOi'KACTIC nit. n, f., i;voi IHON niiitoi'itUTOK T,t Third Avenue. Omce visit - House call ' 1200 For appointment Phone Omce Blue 85 Residence Black 1 "'282 Mrs J W Stewsrt and child, Stewart C Houldsworth and A Griffiths. Pre C Keeley F 11, Smith, D. A, McDonald, mler O, D. Forester Toronto; Mr, n. M. S. Bryan, Foon Seen, M, Y Alva- Deacon Sidney K M Atkinson Mont-roll and C E Dorman, Vancouver 3, real; Oeorge I Jry, Iondop, Out D. R V. Norman William, Victoria; Mr, and Barlow, Seattle. POUND FIVE BASEBALL BATS. Apply Daily News Office. M1SCEI.IMNK0US MAKE MONET AT HOME -MEN AND! i mul iiu-Mi-iii. itcwmrit by the late art itUlc as4hd fi:kmamm'V hi ak nti 1:0. No need for dMtgurtag hair or .other biemishe any mors Phone Mack CU RESTAURANTS iOOl E.UH CAIE Mr. Unger Profrietrrs Third Avenue Next O. W V. Good Home footed leal. PTxms Black 700 ANOTHER BIO CHEVROLET IH Ton t'UIily REDUCTION IN COMMERCIAL CAR PRICES. Ex. pre ChaMig 825.00 Ton Light Delivery Chassis f G30.00 1'ourln.K nml Iloatliler I HIS.On port Itomlster 4 880.00 kiaeh nml Coupe 11020.00 Pfilan II 135.00 .andau IIIH5.00 USED CARS ON HAND I Fonl I.lshl Delivery, open hotly I Ford Light Delivery, panel body I Ford Light Delivery, Acrps) TAXI I 75. no garter equipment .... $250.nn Ford Tuilor Sedan. Inrter equipment . . Oldsmohlle 5-paen Ker Tourinir, 1022 ... 1600.00 ' Term ein he nrrnntred on both new nnd ued to ull the purchaser. KAIEN OARAGE Dealer In cadllac, McLaughlin, Oakland. oidsmoblle, Pontlao and Chevrolet Cara Phone 52 NOW IH TIIK TI.MK to buy that car you have been considering. Why walk during the unpleasant winter weather? We have several new models on hand. prices are at a low level and easy term are available. 11:11 ('A US Two Ford Self Starter Light Dellvertss guaranteed. I One Ford Truck Snap. One Chevrolet Light eDllvery Good running order. Make u an offer. N. V.. PA It K Kit 1.1 1. l OKIi Phone 07 Taxi (flail fleorife, Paul nr (liint) fU and Soven Passenger Sludo baker at your dlponl any lime. ROSS DROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Dlook, 'mnrmi lints! 15ni I ur the IjMt Morula rs. Wednest i t Closes j Ta sruwairf Bunds ys . . Tuesdays . . Thursdays Saturdays . nun ....... women can earn It to 13 an hour in " Ta ,ajo. .lk Ars. Mesait aai snare tlm wriunr showearfla Ka canvassing or soliciting. We instruct you and supply you with wort T, 8ul IL'raiiMVi. J mil vwmj. tut rjiuwuiu uucu Umlted. 61 Doealnkw pany Building. To rlnt- Toronto. FUKS rOIiS MADE TO ORDER AND RE-modelled. Raw skin tanned and dressed. Mail order promptly attend ed to. Mr. F Tarr. 234 Broadway East. Vancouver. I)EH.MAT0I.OfiV October and it Ta ( M I harMtrs- ucisoer aaa 1 To AJ and Alice Ans- Tuewlsy in. i.iimhh mmm . Saturday I ruin .11. k rwiDik. October 13 and 73 I'm t)een ChJltMl - October 7 and M Irxn Aatos and Allre ,tm- r wedaesday t 1 Ta Men art and rrrmkr Saturday t j I rum he IjBI I roca u-ier IN-(IMN(. Band) . . Wedaeaety 1 1 riK)l 1 ftftlliefllaM I CJJl. October ' 1 l I ram ,li)t. Alke In. tt ri niWv Thursdais I rrom Mroart snd frrtnirt IMIX OH4ICTIOXS Orsnam A Allia Ares. Ill Ave. lib it tik Ave. A twlinn it fit) Ahl 4 Thnenr" II A Sberbrofk tes. II Ave A Coarsd ' lb Ave. 4 llsy ib a llsyi Cove 1 t lit) Ate. A VMUm ' ttb Ave. Mrltrhte t pro. Osl. BlJr Pro. 0vt. Wturf OT P. Wbsrf n.T.P. Ustinn . tnd Ave. a tnd Ji Ird Ave. A rulion t 1M Ave. A sth t For Vnconer KM. t t t ' 1 1 I 1 t t I.I" I ' I t 8uudsy-s, Prince R::jn Tuesday- . Cardcni Thusrday - Prince l: Saturday . Catala Bsturdsy -as PrlncesiBr ' Oct 13 as, Princes Mo-" Oct. 22. . Prince Uer.' I'rom Vancomer M it I 1 ' I Ji ' M I - I Ml I . .1 1 I it i n l ... 1 (II I II I III I HI ' a -. aa I 1 ' STEAMSHIP MOYEMLfli 11 m r Sunday- . Carden M r r a: r r WivtnNrtj as. Pr Ct2T ., fvm. , cstsla -. n . . - - ib I? , , r. Baturoar . rrai October 18-ss. Prtr. K For Port Mmpwin ! i Friday. Catala fi. From li.rt 8lmin ana Ssturdsy . Catala For Mesrt, f yoi nl Alrf fj 8andsy-s, .hardens From Stewart An)o ami ' Tuesdsy i Cardena For Ulewsrt, Saturday aa. Prlnrt Rup-- From Mewiirt Sunday s, Prince Rupf" For queen Charlottes Oct. -. Prlnc Ct-.srlea Oct; 21--M. rrlnce Char! flow queen Churlottf Oct. 7--. Trlnce Crl, Oct. 21-a. mnce CMf'" , .. . Wednendy-s, Prlnc 0 I rom Anyos- Thursday- s. mnce For Hlewnrl rt n.tni-H... ji Prince ftuP"' From "trwart rt Sunday-, mnce HUP" For AtafcWn Oct 8- as. Princes Oct. 18- a, rrlncess M" From ,luk Oct 12- -as, rrlnceM Oct aa . rrinces Advert! In tb Mrt Wrf psii; jot ' if if ' II' 10 1' If