PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS NOW YOU CAN BUY FOR THE o 3 PRICE OF Z PD & Co. Tooth Paste PD & Co. Vanishing Cream PD & Co. Shaving Cream PO & Co. Almond Cream PD & Co. Tar Shampoo Far a liinitcl linn only we will give you free any one of the above items providing you purchase two of them. You get $1.50 value for $1.00. Don't miss this! Rupert Phapmacy I'res'TtpMoh Spr aiisls We deliver. Phone 94 Health! DR. 3IIDDLETO.VS PRODUCTS Are the best for your health. We carry a complete stock: Ironized Wholewheat Flour, 49's $3.00 Ironized Wholewheat Flour. 24'a $1.63 Ironized Wholewheat Flour, 10'a 70c Delicious Cakes, good for Children: Fruit - Oatmeal Cakes, Sutrar Cookies, Ginger Cookies, all per package 15c Macaroons, per pkg 20c Whole Grain Cereal, per pkg. 40c Pancake Flour, per pkg. 25c Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. Just Arrived A New Shipment of Ladies' Evening Dresses "Demers" We aim (o please Phone 27. P.O. Box 327 If your head arhes, or reading or work, strain your eyes, or if you .are the least bit doubtful about the efficiency of your eyes then consult us! Glasses are intended to make up for the deficiency in your eyesight. Our large patronage show that we know how to produce such glasses. Have your eyes examined! A. E. Ireland filt.lDL ATK OrrOMKTIllST 37 Yean Practice 3(9 Third Atfnur. Opp. U.W.V.l. WOOD Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, Birch and Spruce l'or load $6.50 I'er half load 3.50 1'er sack 50 Firelighters, 48 for $1.00 delivered. HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenut Phone 580 Night or Day WE Ui BOTTLES. NAAS RIVER FATALITIES PRESBYTERIAN BAZAARTODAYi AXMAL EVENT HILL OPEN AT 3' O'CLOCK THIS AITEKNOON j rKETTV IlECOKITIONS AND j MANY ATTRACTIONS i lan Ladles' Aid will take place $8.00 a month Only $2.00 a Week Gives you immediate possession to either Lot 3, Mock 37, Sec 5 or Lot 16, Block 27, Sec G or Ixit 9, Block 29, Sec. 6 You'll make no mistake in buying one of these lots, as they are well located near JIcBride Street Buy now when prices are low and' terms are easy, and before another year rolls around, you will be mighty happy over your investment Take my advice, put some of your surplus dollars in Prince Rupert now. Don't delay, this is a real money-making opportunity, the kind that comes but once in a lifetime. Take advantage of If. G. C. Walker Cor. 2nd Ave. and ittv St. MILK Gash prc of tickets i; advanced to , 6 Quarts for $1.00 11 Pints for $1.00 Commencing November 1. Valentin Dairy Phone 657. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST i I 1IIKEE rirlLIlKt.N LOE 1.1V tS IHOM j S GASOLINE EXPLOSION ONE MAX I DKOWNEI Word u received In the city of latali accident trcm. fire and drowning in the j Tlclnlty of Alyan&h on the Naaa Riirer i About two weeks ago at the house of fChailes Uorrens a half-breed boy. Pern ' 'Currie. attempted to light a lire wlthj jgasoUne. The fluid explodrd and young' ! Currie. aa we!l a two other small child- : ren. were fatally burned, dying at Kin-! colKh wnere Utey had been taken for J medical attention. Their funeral wai"l conducted by Rer. Mr. Cooper of) OreenrtUe. Another fatal accident took place at j the SchoomaL some three miles below , Aijran&h on the river. A canoe, con-1 ; talnlng three Indiana, capsized and one jof them, Stephen Occldan, a natiTe of jKlncoUth. was drowned. This makes a total of four fatalities that hare taken ' place at this particular point The people of the Naaa Rlrer feel that some-j thing should be done to Improve condl-' Uons there. ,1. ' afternoon between the hours of 3 and 4 and. opening at 7 o'clock, there will NOTICE Or INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEA-E LAND In Oona Rlrer Land Recording District of Prince Rupert. BC . and situate on as island In Oona Rlrer approximately opposite Block One and Two of Lot 2199. R- S. Coast District (mostly tide flat surrounding smaU Island). TAKE NOTICE that John Bergman, of :Oona Rirer. B.C. occupation fisherman, intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: ' i commencing at a post planted 300: feet north of northwest corner post of : Lot 2199: thence l.OOO feet south fart I thence 200 feet westerly, thence IjOOO! feet northwest: thence 100 teet to post! planted, and containing ten acres, more lor less. JOHN BE3GUAX. j Applicant, i St ss HllHL. rty fl $3.00 55 s ' each If Peanut Coast to Coast with any good radio set is nothlngunusual when you've put in Peanut Tubes. They're little, but Oh my! Equip your set with truim to-day, and notice the difference! Amateurs all use them! Victor Northern Electric Adrertlsc In the Dally News The annual baxaar of the Presbyter " MM " ' ' arucles of ornament ana use togeiner with such attractions aa the tea room, 'fish pond and palmistry atand. Urs LAXD ACT. ) James Simpson wul act as general con- Irecer of the aSair with the following as conTeners of the various depart- osents: Fancy work, lira. W. D. Vance. Flain sewing. Mrs. H. B. .Eastman. ' Oaedy Urs. WllUara Ulnar. Tea room. Mrs. D. O. Stewart Fteh pood. Mrs. Dsn Jabour. Home cooking. Mrs. J. X. Christie. Pa&aistry. Mrs. John Brem&er ana Urs. James' Clark. Dr. Cameron 1 opening the bazaar. ! MAIL CONTRACT I SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Postmaster General, will be receired at ; Ottawa until noon, on Fiidar. the 17tb i , December. 1926. for the conreyance of his usjesxys suus, on a proposed ton. tract for a period not exceeding four ' odd'rlloas f mti it till tlmra wr wwk on the Tubes I OKMKItl.Y' OI T PRINCE It! l'i:UT OK I s s is ft w w I? t If li i - s. m il - ti fr 11 1 I 1! it ir il MCO WAS WELL KNOWN MOTOICMIir. LO-T AT KETt'HIKtN, route between Prince Rupert and 8ub -l'" n !loton Hall lt Mght Dellrery Pest Office at seal core, from the 1st April next Printed notices containing further In fermatkin u to cariditlAris of nromsed i Contract may be aeen and blank forms cr Tenaer may dc ootainea at tee post Office of Prince Rupert. BC, and Prince Rupert Sub Office No. 1. BC, and at the office cf the District superintendent ' f Postal Berrlce. J. r. MURRAY. Datrlct Superintendent of Postal aerrice District Superintendent's Office. Vactcurer, BC, Norember 8. 192S. I'UL1 TIMBER SALE X8H0. Sealed Tender marked. "Tender on ! X8440 - will be receired by the Honourable, the Minuter of Land, at Victoria. 1 BC. up to twelre o'clock noon on the !4th day cf January. 1927. for the of Pulp Licence XS440, to cut 'timber situated on Orahrfm Island. I Queen Charlotte Ialanda District. 'Thirty year will be allowed lor the removal or me timber. All tender must cemalr with ,B tlon 19 of the "Pornt Act." The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Further particular may be had from the Chief Fore-ter Victoria. BC. CLEAN UP ON McINTOSH RED APPLES 50 Hoxes to Sell at $1.69 Per Box These are No. 1 Fancy Wrapped Stock and pold reirularlf' for $23. We are losinjf money on these Apples, so ask you, to buy 1 lb. .MalkinV Hesf or Fuller's Tea at - 75c and 1 Hi. Matkin'H Het or Fuller's Coffee at. 70c We will deliver to any part of the city one box of apples with the iea and coffee at above prices. Order now and be sure of your Apples. Phone ir and 57't B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phones 15 and 571 A rery successful nblst drlre snd dance waa held last night in the Boston Halt by the OddfeltowC Lodge. There were nineteen table of card and winner were a follows: Ladies' first. Mis I. Smith; ladle' second. Mrs. F. Mather; men," first. llathcr; mens second, R. Tate on cut with T. E. Bush. After refreshments were aerred. danc I ng started and was In progres until 2 o'clock. P. J. Bolem waa master of ceremonies to rthe card table whUe C. R. Bif gart had charge of the floor for the dance. A. Barbe presided at the door and the committee in charge of the event consisted ol Mr. and Mrs. 8. V. Cox, Urs. J. Boddle. M J. OKtllr. Uurdo UcLeod and Uurdo McArtbur. UNIVERSITY STUDENT KILLS HIMSELF IN A SEATTLE, Nov 10.- -The body of Roy Yeargen, a student In the college of 'business administration In the Unl-jverslty of Washington and a not algn-! ed R.T.V.. criticizing ' aoelety for not I providing a place where one "might kill himself, waa found In a room In a lodging house last night. The gas Jets had been turned on. SENTENCED TO HANG FOR MURDER IN SOUTH SANTA ANA, Nov. 10. -Following a conviction Isxt mV Phltln nodtln. a j former B.d actor, was today aentenced to hang on January 14 for the murder of J. J, Patterson, a Lo Angele broker. . VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Wheat ........ Vt. 6. 8il?-r Dunwell Glacier ... . . Gladstone . . . Oranby Howe Hound Independence Indian L. St U llarmot . Premier Potter Idaho Richmond Did. I.47J, 1,78" IM J0i 33 33.00 41,00 xn J06 J09't 1.98 xn? X8H Askel. 1.85 1.12 30', JO0 .10 M SUZANNE HAS NO IDEAL OF MAN Hill Cllie up Tennis and Marry About Three Vear t Ol.t Mllll lu MONTRtVU Not. 10. By Canadian Pre) .Suzanne Lenglen. arming with alx trunks of clothes, told an intenrtewer ftnat she thought "only -women with jabaprly legs should wear abort skirt. J . Many of her coats were trimmed with ' i beater. "You ace I am rrry fond of your national emblem. she aald. Tht tennis atar lU very fond of dancing, and Is as graceful ln'yie ballroom as on the tennis court. She abominate the Charleston. b declare, though ! her attitude haa been moderated alnre ahe croMed the AUanUc. "I hare son Toung people dance it quite attractively since I csme to Aaerlca, but the way tbey dance It in France 1 atrocious, to ungainly and ugly I But I lore the tango f She announced tbat ahe Intended to pit up tennis in tbout three years' time: -What win you do. then" ahe was asked. "Oh. I shall marry and hare a family.' she said. laughing. To "what la your ideal of a man''' she replied. "I aont think It 1 wise to hare one. You know what happens perhaps you decide that your Ideal Is taU and dark and then you get a little fat blsnde one" ahe Indicated a barrel -1 lie figure with her uprrsslre bands "Applications hare already run Into eren figures." commented her man- I ger. Suianne laughed, but did not ui whether the waa contemplating any matrimonial clfer WATER NOTICE IHl.ltIOV AMI 1 TAKE .NOTICE that Om Packing Ccvnpany. Limited, whose addreM VancwTer. BC, will apply for a licence to take and use lOQjOOO gaUona per daj or wrater out of Unnamed stream, which now northwesterly and drsins into captains cove at head of Captain Core The water will be dltemd fmtn I the stream at a point about 700 feet 1 frcm mjuth and wUl be used fr com- mercul and domestic purpowa upon the !Und described aa Lot 12U. Range 4 'Coast District- This tw.l" wt posted cn the grounVl on the 4th day of No-. rembrr. A copy of this notice and an application pursuant thereto and to of I ice of the Water Recorder at Print Motorshlp h'oreo. whieh tore her bot- dJon m be f lied with the aaid Wstet 'torn out and sank In Ketrhikan Harbor : Recorder or wfth the Cora pt roller ol 'on Sunday, is a well known r easel in . -J.1' ,?!iu. Bulldlnga, 1 . ,, ... . . victoria. BC. within thirty days after .w j northern waters. Originally built In the'tn nril sppearanc una notice In a iOntted States she was operated (or local newspaper. The date of the first Jaome time by the Orand Trunk PacMe ' fo.VSw0 " l. I""" " ltoxtmb" 1 Coast Steamship Oo. in a aemc be- OQ3SE PACXINQ COMPANY LTD. tween here and Alaska. She waa later Applicant I It n In Vrwnmr tiiul mmit1 nf D7 ". 5! year ago acquired by tfc Northern Transportation Co. of Ketchikan and used in freighting, particularly earrytofilv T,,,; l'MEMi: t'Ot KT Of I1KITIMI fish, between Vaneourer. Seattle tod . Ketchikan. The motorshlp Betlinghtm. which la engaged to fkh carrying frcm Ketchikan to- this 'port. U owned by the same company. SUCCESSFUL WHIST In DRIVE AND DANCE err R ear Entertained at IN 1'ROUATE. Strang. Afent the Matter of tht Administration Act: and - In the Uttter of the titste of Oeorg West. Doressetl. Intestate. TAKZ NOTICE that by order of Has itonor. r. mcb. young dated the 25 tb day of October. A.D 1123. 1 was so- pointed Adminutrator of the Estate of jOconre West, deceased; and all parties nsuna Bsixuit uie aia estate are reouired to furnlih same, nro- rertried. to me on or before the day of December. AD. 1I2S. and all parties indebted to the estat are r. nnyblet-tri to pay the amount .of their In- NOItMAfI A. WATT. Olflclal Administrator Prince Rupert. Br aed the 10.h day of October. AD tPPP I ;iCash and Carry Prices UrSTAIILS STORE Sixth Street The price quoted below are strictly non-service. Xo phone jr-ders nor C.O.D.'s ; 100 Hoxe FancyicIntoHhAppIes Wrapped stocky per box .. SJ11.7H This price twats anything we have ever seen in'Itupert. QCATTIE inr.riMruniKCiSunk,,,,t Ownires. special iicr dor vuni iuu Liviuinuiiuuuu. 29 FKESII M EAT DEIT. Cah and Carry .Specials Upntairs Store, .Sixth Street Loin Lamb Chops, per lb. . . 35c Shoulder L3mb Chops, tier lb. 30c 'Lamb Stew, per lb 15c Hamburger Steak, 3 bn 25c (But you must come early) jl'ot Koat Iieef, .. 8c, 10c, 12,c 50O lb. Evaporated Prunes, 3 lb. I tor ; 23c ' Van Camp' Tomatb Soup, per tin I 11c Van Camp' Vegetable Soup, per n , 12c, Qunker Pcaa, Icvc 1, per tip Kinjf 0-car Sardlric, ir tin j mi iVjC Nabob GreeniraKe Plum, 21 .....v::.i 27Vje Nabob lied Plums, 2,,y .. 27,c Wild Kose Pastry, Flour, 10 lb. , " . f -c iSnowflake PaAtry Flour, 10 lb. 5Jc 5 strlnjr Ilroom. each .jc Chilllwack Spuds, per lack $1,79 Nabob or-Malkin' lUklriK 'Powder, 12 oi. tin. 23c 21 lb. tin C9e Rupert Table Supply Co Wednesday. Xc-firy j 1Vi Handbags! The Latest Creations in English Handba-s Price fron) ?.",.(( iUp Also a full range of the Latest Pouch Bags Price from up Cl.Ult HACS , SL?IT CASUS He iure and silt our bae!nfnt tttore and Have? money Max Heilbroner 627-520 Third Avenue SBVIHBlsBsaVBBCvr. M43jvHUdaa9VE0 WESTHOLME THEATRE WEDNESDAY and TIIUILSDAY, 7 and 9 p.m. Johnny Hines - in "Rainbow Riley" A aide-aplittintr Comedy Drama Hrenda Bond and ftronj; cait TUXEDO COMEDY -THE TOURIST. AFkSOrs FILM PAItLKS Admiion 35c and 10c Come in -and See! Some excellent values in KYNOCII'S CELE1UIATED SCOTCH Overcoats Alto ENCLLSH HEAVEH CLOTHS, ETC. .S'il.OO and up Wol.ney Undemear, Scks ttcn Carw Mackinaw and Pant. Thlrl Atenue. Steve King Phone ( rn K These Chilly Nights Heijiiire ht'al ut the h,te. We h ive jn-l re c Fall -Inptnenl or Gurney Oxford Heaters For c (inniiiy oml el ti inn y Hicy rutupii ti tlall and inxpert our Mock. We aito rarry a lonn- Condor Electric Lamps In all ilzet Stork's Hardware Limited 710 Second Avenue Ladies Raincoats One dozen, lo clear at each $4.50 Sizes IM to 10. H. S. WALLACE Co., Ltd. Phone J. 3rd Ave. & Fulton New : Supplies of Men's Clothing arriving retf"' For Prices and l"ali,jr Don't Fowl Montreal Importers Third Avenue J. H. Miller - IW1