PAQI POlli Sai ilAILTf U n 3 Saturday CarUflcata MINERAL of ImprtnniMU. ACT BRINGING UP FATHER - By George McM Wann Fractional .No. I, Anynx and Jua-ntta . ; V I.IMLIIIIIUIIL Mineral CUmn, ailuate In the Atlln , j lTt A UUCKV il Miniiury lui-uluii or llm carwlar nistrin. x o -Oil about ni mllf up tream .from ttwhouth llBlilllliil i THHC TOPI -COO TtVT or Wann ftivrr, r I OUT Or TOWN - 1 i t iave-nt cot mi TAkK .OTICE thai Tlx Entfneer Gold CST FROM - Mine Md.,. luc, Frw Mliier Crrliriratr bHOE3 ON- ao. HB770C, Intend, nitty days rroni the THACT COEO dale hermir ,to aiIj- lo the Mlninr Recorder Tor a Cert nrate or ImnrovMnents. t ' for h purpose . .'of uhtatnlnr a .piiwii , Gram o'the iImw claim, r- .a Uft Anrf furtlwt take notlw thai ciKn. nn-iX. nrrismton sj.'aiiuMtie rammem-Ml rwore IheilsrMie of Hflj,"i'rtiricaWr Improve, menu.; '? DATED llrt in day tf r-temlier, A.D. mu. v.- ' H. Met. FRAOER. Arettl. LAND ACT Not lea of Intantton to Apply lo Luh Ln4 lu friox-r Mupert l.aud Rerorditur Unmet of Han , Coast Land District, and situate on I'a'-aire Island. TAKE .NOTICE that J. B. Francis, of ronoka. Allien, omipatlon Minister, m-tend to apply for a lease or the rullowlnr dewMbed JandJ: Commeneina at a tost planted at the Jiorth Wet end or Passage Island, near Coast TManrulatlon sta. tut: thenr around the Ulmd at nlrti water mark ai4 containing inmi aeres, tnnro or les. JOSEPH BRITI.A.ND FRANCIS. J Jnae ttth. tlil. AppUctnt. WATERFRONT WHIFFS Bushby to Operate Trawler Union Oil Station to Open September 15 Halibut Boat Changes Hands The trawler Cleo. E. Kosler, frelongiiig to the Cnjiadian FiVh & Cold Storage Ciwnpaiiyj has hqen chaptered Iy Ihe Itnpert Marine i'rndncts himilod and is expected lo he out on the liauks next week to catch -fcrnp fiIi- for the reduction plant. Captai H Sanderson will he in .cuhimatid; and the ship is now heuW got ready after lieing laid up for her catches into Diimias Island scows which will he towed in hy means, me lucks iniet ny-pnaiicts plant wilt he provided with J a larger and more steady stream of material and the use of the Foster, it is expected, may lead to even nigger things alonj? the same line. September 13 is the dale set for the new oil station of the Union Oil Co. on the waterfront, immediately east of Cow Hay, to open for Undf the superintendency of 11. Fish'er 6f Vaneouve'c ;e.niiieer in charge, the workjha.s progressed rapidly duriiiff'.hfi past three weeks and, wilhinsyhe next foruiihl, the planl.vdesigned for the pre seni. uoe comnieie. Ku?!00n Ballon tanks have 1 cii cl (i on llic south of ing railway -.tracts and have be?n connected up wilh piping to the wharf, two of the tanks wiltnme to assume his duties rojiiain gasoline, one distillate and the fourth, deisel oil. Tllie wharf is just about com pleted, the laying of the decking now being in progress.. There i8.ernment- wharf is to he rebuilt yet to be, erected on 4hc wharf ahy t, provincial department of zu vy dii wareitouse and a vj hy 18. off ice, both of corrugated iron construction. On the tank side of the track haskheen built a 20 hy 3rf corru-4 grated iron garase for the accom modal ion of two trucks and he sideJl will be a loading post to;najn Work. wiucn, mere win ne connected piDen for the filling of a tank' truck with bulk oil for local delivery. Ti tank truck will h the first' one to be operated , in the city, i This will comprise the eslah-lishment'for the present but there is plenty of room left for expansion; which the company hopes , will be necessan hefore long. i ne tanks win be filled hy using COMPARE We make Champions the very best we can. Their superiority in design, finish and careful manufacture is readily apparent if you compare Champion with any other spark plug. But you must drive with them to know how very much better they are. Ckndn X xcluanrcly ftor Ftmfapackta' 80c la Ihm Had Box . can other thM 1U IntUBliu 1W J7, 41? Each Champion 'TicpcnJablc r Every Engine A Canadian-made Product WlnJkor, Ontario o long, .The Foster will hrinir anchorage arid will load on to the company s tugs Hy the pumps on the tank boats which supply the plant and gravity will take care of the loading onto boats at the wharf and from the loading- post. The company's, ianker Olimlo will arrive here about September 15 to load the tankn with their first supply of gaoline, distillate and.deijel oil. , .bout twenty-five men, all local, wre being -employed on the construction of the station. It. j. Kenmui'r, district sales Tiianager for Hie Union Oil Co., naid a visit of inspection tolh'e 'pa'ntVlurjrx the week and will b hack' about the time of the openS , . ... : .. jnfr; faf of tie members of the Vancouver office staff will be t.onV manager of the station and should be here within a week's To Rebuild Approach The stairway approach from the foot of. McHriiJe Slreet in the irnv- public work. - Measurements were taken this week, an examination showing that the underpinning was pretty well rotted away after many years of service. making rebuilding a more economical plan than coutinuing re- Taking north a winter supply of Ibjuor for the thirsty residents of the Telegraph Creek district, the Prince Rupert Hoat House power boat 2H (Leila Hi sailed (again for the Stik'me Hiver last aiurday nigiu witn a consign ment of Christmas cheer and cold cure, lite vessel was under com-Lnland'of Capt. Alex tfaint witli Corp. Van l)yk. game officer, ac companying1 as representatUc of the provincial police. The Leila M. wa expected back today. Considerable interest was tak en in diving operations at the government wharf on Wednesday afternoon when the, Princes Charlotte was in port. While In Ketchikan harbor, the Charlotte hacked into a derelict fih trap wilh the result that both her pro pelters became entangled with chicken netting to which was at tached concrete weights. Hill Shelim and Ilolf Walker donned their diving suits and, with Capt, Swanson tending Iheni, were able lo loosen the i-ntanglementH from the ship's wheel, but It will lake docking to remove them alto KCllier. Apparently liltle tho worse for baling leen siueer.ei last week between a freighter and the wharf nt Huledale, the local halibut schooner Cay-ieoni Capt. John tl'1.1. Wick, came in from Ill 'thr haJibu t a hanks on Friday with n" catch of o.immi pounds. mere seems to be nothing wrong with the Cay geon, but she will bo given once-over before going out aaln, The American halibut schooner Chelsea, belonging lo F.hler Hros. and Armstrong, of Seattle, luck ily got off wilh practically no da "St O 1926 r UT krrcOc. sape while coming into port with catch of halihut Tuesday afternoon. The J'Jirlsea hit a rock on n falling tide and forborne Mx hours was stuck pp in a rather precarious position, hut the rising' tide floated tier off, not, however, hefore the captain took considerable alarm and sent in to town per the M T 3 for assistance.! Laurie Lamfdey took the 53 out with a pump scow hut ttie Chelsea floated without its use and came Into port uni1er"tier own powt'f: Aepairs to the; keel and keol shoe wre effected and th iron away to the" hanks a'jra in today. The Prince Itupert lloal lloue tbisisravel scow was on the In dook at the ond of this week forclean 'tjng and painting. Toodle Change Hands The well known local halibut 6Ctknin4r Totlie changed hands this week, the vendor being Art Oiwuld and the purchaser, Jainns Leask. It is -the first boat to be owned hy the- latter although he s a well known local fisherman. Capt. Oswald sold the vessel hav- ng been advised that his health would be benefitted if he would forego the rigors of the halibut game for "a while. Acoordingly, Je has joined the employ of the .aruidiau Fish k (ktld Slor;w?e sa kipper" tif the packer W. 11. Lord in place of Fred Wallers, who ha gone to the Xibafcsa. Tlw Toodie. whieji left for the ianks on TuenOay for the first time under the new ownership, U a (5 fotd four man boat, powered with a. .'( h.p. SUndard gas en-J t 5he, wan bulH .in ifeattle ;iuout ten years ago, then being known a the Speculator. For the past elyh'tjears, however, she ha lerated under Canadian registry as the Toodie. Called away on account of the serious illnesn of his father, Capt. Harry Ormlston, popular master of the lighthouse tender Xewing- on, left for Victoria at the end of last week. His many friends hope that his father's health may soon lie restored "and that the skipper may return to hi dulien without delay. Durin.- the ah sence of Capt. Ormislon, Capt. Joe Peterson of tn Jlirnie is in command of the Newingtou and Miief Officer Cillespie of the .ewingto.n is at th- bridge of the Hirnie. The .Ww- ijlArlon went out on Wdnedav wilh tores for. Iiangarn liht- houe, relufnlng here at the end pf this week. The lutlibut nchooner Mary M". Christopher, Capt. Alf. Jacobs. which It under charter lo the South Hay cannery in Skidegate Inlet for packing purposes, oaine in on Tuesday and, after laking on supplies, returned In the in lands Wednesday nU?ht. After having been "packing for the Port Kdward cannery under a thirty-day charier, the halibut.20.000; .Vgnes II., 5,WIO; Oihson (Jnorne, Capt. Have llit- chie, resumed halihut fishing this week. The cannery tender Alfford-H. was in port dijring'lhe week for supplies. The Whif Man railed on Ilav f.m- Mil. ..Amir a... I tl f 1 i i "' ,., ':i "".,u.MV!trotling that there is little, lime left for business or newspaper interview. If Hay'n confidence and oratory would win this elecllon, one of the randblales jnighl just a wi fnrget any further aspirations for honors at Ot tawa. They are niakinir norve swepjiitijr predictions around Cw Jay, one statement lieinig made this woek that there were 359 votes at lbc 3keena Hller can- uimw- wueii tnero mwn flasuy n-ri-c and one of the candidates have been more serious conse-, would not gel twelve. However, quences is a result of slrandlng.a little money talk hushed this halfway through Metlakatla Pas-1 prognosticate up. The Conssr- vatiw vn held Mike MeCaf-f'M-y tip and tried to Icll ii:in wlut was het fur the country Mike, however, told tbem he wa from Jnetec ind Uiey woui.t Jfave lo show hi'a. They uer? UU KOinjr strong several hour' After fdart'Bg hut Mike was atill u'neonvlnce1. If the candidates knew'- how hard some of thHr supporters "were working for tbm tJiey ur muild fel Uirjr owed 4 hem more loan n d44 of tcrati 4uiU. TiVrr Is lois of talk il siuitHirlrrs or r:tu sble najw there i nothing to, iL but, its usiuil, SejilemJifi; li;wftt jliBw up a Jot tlf lie r.liad judsr tenU 'l iie .1 . sch:.ner WeternA' wiilclftha trolling, return ed lc the italibut fishin? aram Shls-eek. . Thieves at Work Tcdi -Skrabsaii riorled th loss of: , two skale,- of cear from the ciooner II. and ft. at tl-5 Cow Hay floaf Wednesday nighL the suspectM theft beLi reported lo the palice. Tlie( value was about jo or ?50. Tl would not mind so tnueh louliirir. auv neeilv nrrnn th icetpTStuf be say il sure upel his plans, to se.y nothing of hi' peacejf mind, In liav'e it ri moved without HQlt?- The manager of a miuilx-r the canneries on this part of lhW coast have lie using speed boats li see son so as Ui bet-, ter jKiroT iiter distriot. 1vl pf the Canadian Fishing Co.'- speed boats are capable of rnakr jpg. 2iuxnnls per hour. The boats Uave been designed to wiUisUnd rousb watiMr tin ha?e nprnven f inealculahlr value Jn m skins' hurry-up trip. as manigers are often called upon to do, lo oul-of-the-wa- places. If al Hint landings at the port dj-rtac- the past wek (Saturdar lo Friday Inclusive) totalled .'.in. too pounds of which Amer veses landed UfiiOO pound and Canadian, 91,9(19 pound. The high price of th week for American fish was I He on Tuesday when there was lit lUi offered while the hiyh Canadian price was Ifijie on IJi' Jame day. First class American fish went as. low ns I l.le in Friday while the Canadian low was- l(r on riaturday. Kecnnd clasn fnih, both American and Canadiar ,? Avera-ged around 9c miais tanning caicne.s uurins Hie ur.'fk 1 urc n fiilli i Amerrckili i 1'Joiieer.i s M;00) : 1.1. P. Todd; S.iMM; HlbU. i0), Foremost, 55,000; Columbia, 17,-QOrt; lleliance, 8,000; Chelsea. tS.000: Urania, 27,000; Hlanco, K.SOO; .Sentinel, 21.000; Fainvay. 17.000: Resolute. 50,000; Allen, 18,000- Portlock, 33,000; Tyee I5.00f.. finadian Scruh.l 1,000; Toodie 5.000; Until, A'.Sod; Marguerile. 1,n0; Iris, 1,100: Hayview, 8,- r00; II. and It., 1,000; Margaret. M00; jjingo, 1,50; Mayflowee 7.000: Nautilus, O.oeO; Caygeon d,000. 'Halitiut landings to date f. the reason at litis port total 19, 077,8O()-pounds of which. Amer. can bottom'' ,;-iiJed ir.ft3.0' pouruls and Canadian 01.20l pounds. After a ,.,,-cessful season'e on Hie west coast of thf Ouee., Chartoi' Islands, Capt Knhrl relurnel lo wie Cvw Ha floats during .'ie past week wIKi Ins pirer hoat Honlto. Capl Kclirt was welcome on his re t'irn with ripen arms by his many friends and his advent I. being duly celehraled. PRINCE RUPEUT TIDES Monday', September 6. High 0J3 a.w. 19.5 ft. 13.20 ii.m. 19.0 ft.j I'Ow 7.20 n.m 1.3 ft. 19,27 p.m o.o it,. V anted For Sale For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for less than 50c n SPORT CHAT a -a Il is lieuw planned, weathei jeruiittiiigoli- iplay the 'next gHiiie in lUy1 iiy championshi:i baselmUil pUir-Off between the yr Club midj the Niiltve Stin sif Canada ii4iiorniw afleruoor;. runt ui lm junking fnrwarl to a betler. exhihitioii than that o' I'huriMUy night. Players ar ex pelled to play and not to stall 4ix1 rsmdHct jjiEe Thursday nlgal Joe. not popuTarite the game. The Trade and I-tlmr Ounwil may, as usual, tie expected givo a good day's sport enter tainment on I.alrfir I My with racf and Hie wsunl features. A- itr iist )ears,lhe rouneil ha lined up a gthhl program ant' fenent pfavr's are now belni) Hfered up to the weather man l' do bis. pari in making rvttif aI-lration ilii vear atnlir' ljt unidete sucss. ' ' 1 lie Oilltuly Clip football, ve ies, between the Moose aaft rand Terminals, has been uav- inga hard time gelttntz started batt .an Inieresling eintlest W ween them lw team fir Mie ast titlverware of the season is xperled. Of the trophies his year, the TtiniKtl ha a'- Niuy, caplurtd I wo -- SUiar, hield and Domioion Day :up the MtHise. Inmever, hiok th Mrblc (iup, significant of kitsui rhampionship. .The next regu- ar football night is ThurwJay of next week. One of Ihe. features of the utior Day celebration ptegrair vill be football match betweeit member of the Junior Leagoe !ndef tlie team name of Cor-ithians and otnads. The tw earn will be made un as fol- lows! Corinthians Pierce (Month Stiles (Honlen), Cameron, Thur-tier. Currie (captain), It. Ne). son (Hoolh). Inine (Hltrh.. Dickens (Hooth), Hunt, N. Our. ieh (Horden and iVifnrulin.i Tliji'j). 'oni,-i. a. ms. Murray, talker (High), Itolgers (1W- dejl). Kelsey (captain) Hooih). MorrJsftn. K.. Smith- 'ick (Horden), Vleferk, II. Macron aid (High), and . ItAtplifnet Hodlh! - " 1 Itesenes Dan Morrison and ".ngus MacIonab. Miirrs win ie nrnvhled ii players will have to bring Iheir own knickers, tiool and irw.L- ings. The Corinthians will re- port to J. S. Wilaon and the Nomads to .lark Catojlj.. FAMOUS BATTLES FOR THE HEAVYWEIGHT TlfLE Jim Corbtt BeaUn "Silence" was the watchword When Hob Filzsirurnons slopped Jim Cornell in It rounds at Car son city, ev., March 17. 1897. Hilly Madden, master of corn, monies, warned I he 500 txir sons present that no nnsfcinly siiiMiuiig ijTnrrfTtlx' toiernled. Hear the voice of Ihe master; "You will please keep nrd.r If there is any excitement or snouiing tt will iniy Inlerrere with the men, Plense, remcm-ler that Iheic are.Jadies present." When the principals were ir, their respectJvn cornnri 1 1. a county -physician enlereii ih. ring and examined Ihelr uloves o one eise Knew w why, FOR SALE, lillKAM w'leker baby carriage for sab'. Phone Ued 159. r 2tU iSV SAI.K. Oramtview Hnlek Apply -al hotel. ' 1) HHVI KIt FOH SAI.K. Riioae Illue 710. 1 ion 80.(Mi A MONTH buys a doutd- eorner an Fifth Aveue and Own Strel. Price 900J)0. Walker's )lutc Star. PRNT FOH PALK. New th ywir ami used only one week. Price l?0. Pullen. Dailjr Nev. TO RET TWO newly-furnfuhed bedroom for" rnnt Walerffonl view. vpply 330 FiMirth Amut Ka'sl. U ilKMifHle(i 'itp-'.n-date iflatt large 'airy- ry- r noni ; fin- Max lie"- vOH IlKNT-XMdern htHise; un- cdil,nietet ntariae view. Ap-1l- HZ I'oitrth Alrrwe ItaL .JiK-fllT-r-Ur'dinrWIng a- 171 Ritrd Avenue Hasty room mooVrn flat wilh bathroom and workshop premises on slres-t Ifoer. Apply Hyde Transfer. 139 Second Avttnue lODHRN WWflt: for rnl Fl-roams and bath Monro tiros FOUND fnUN!). Silk VniUe,l scarf. Ap. vr Daily ews OfXlre, KOL'ND. Set of lemik. Owner may haw same hy calling at Dnny News Oftlre and payl-nr fr adfrl1ement. "OUND. "ting e Hh ttne. Owner can have bailie liy pro- ( ving properly. Apply Dalbj News Office. AGENTS WAKTEO HIO MONFV Agents wanted to take orders for Ihe finest liw of personal reHlng cards on Ihe market. Ilegal Art Company. Manufacturer. 31ft pa-dlna Avenue, Toronto. 211 HELP WANTED TIIHK& WvrTftF.SSKS wnnled" Apply f t. rtegls Cafe. : 2fl'. r ILMIN some exirn money he,-Iw-een now and Chrislmn. lid to $20 easily made weekly In spare lime, taking orders foe "Imperial Art," Personal Christmas Card. Kveryone a customer. Take orders now. delivery laler Liberal commission. Send for fre snm- pie hook. Ilrillsh Canadian, 51 Welllnalnn Wesl. Toronto f WANTED. W A.TKI 'IV iliorrow money for flvo, years al H per cent on . improved properly. Apply P.O. Hox, .178. 1'rlnce ltuperl HC. 213 BOARD AND ROOM. HOAIII). - The Inlander, 8.15 Second Avenue. Phone 137 .. St dldi. not say. He. men felt their pulse-i. SlaUsllclans announced Hint 302 blows were struck, 221 de. llvered hy Coibe and 111 hy FIIMlnimon. Mrs. Fllzslmmons coached her husband, begging him lo devote hi attention lo Corhctt'g rMs. Corbelt was very angry after Ihe bout and Inhl Fll;.simmnns lhal Jf he refused 0 meet him again he would "lir-L" Mm anJloIfU-Btin.e tl,ey 0u the street. ANOTHER BIO RTDUCTl wncvnuutT C0i1tisi un PltlCll. Irl.Ja I pre.. , 9 t Ton I ,. t (Ttiasau It Turim i " I! It r?nrl It i- It Oweh aiil in M Irfintlau USED CARS 0 Haloed i i. Ford I. panel t....i. (j. frm I. sllirter i 5 Ford T i . starter r g!-i Tour Trtn . -!SK Hrw and ptlrehasrr KAIEN CiUCr 1 1. Oldsmobllt, ronllac ti Chfrlt Csvt PhsesU FREE IMPtCTWI Why run owl op- 1 II weans i 1 ;t read weal bar 0,3 , h lo have you up In alias - ii.'d S. E. PARKEB. li Authorized Ford U Srlc FORD - ja Car. Trucks 1 nit FRANCOIS lam- tenulifuiir - A i. i. j. 11S fert -.VI' ouir -jg camping in r arrang i . FIRST tX VSS TAB" i. taa ..iti i n III- ' .4 pmsii. i n M Tflt rAl Take. Trip .0 'V itu t r 1.11,1 I -1. - - lalM m-i. irnLV Fr;!-!'1" artOllTl. 8U.ER . .m..v nlf . - - ..,h trinniB-. finest minerar . ror riieums" .-- (f0Ui nsning i"r iv,r . dakelse liike-arw r. . mnni nil iim." i 'eonneelion ''' Tfrr" phone conncr. . J. Hrucn JnlmsW. TAXI Phone BJ (Call Oeors. w;' Six nmt ie" :,"0,al anJ bakers nl HIpo'a ROSS BROS. POOL Across from w