Destroyed Houaea. TOKIO, ip' 4 ii'1 i il -in . . . - . i : a ail ft. ll'tl MII1I 1 11V lllllirftll I II IK i YRTLE STILL IN THE WOODS S ELL OVER PRECIPICE itiLMfli ni i ran Broaa w an nT Big Creature, Bui Snapped Under Her Weight. VMMOtiK. 4 In iiotnl h r ndition after a inonlh iis i n a- for herself in the' a i f 1 lie Kiiulliern interior. . K'u.itiui.l Mvrlht i. l.lnll1""1 ondilionn to the eml of V;ir; aeordliiK to a report i-today by the Dominion hu- ir aLatintir ahiw the effect a -eeent raiti holh iK'ueflclal '"i liannful. Home very hlRli h yield uio repoiietl in Mu-" i' wnil faikatchewan anil ' it aenenilly will he better "in expeeled the rirt of the """' li. lu Alberta rain are likely ''Hiire the ipiallty of tlie ffrain.'i itniisii tioiumuia lriiu crop 'ei-ord one mul it J expected 111 Potato crop will not be aB ' ''' utcexpeut;d in Arberla have had the efferi of delaying the harvest o fliat i! .Five mriiiiii w,n. Prwfoahly he some little time yet befter threshing become n i.t a a reault of a burri-1 I Jr'M,ral nd e"' througi. ;i" winch blew a train on the kudo i-ai Way from the tracks fauuiu ..a.iiu, 107 mites south the western elevator Tok aid destroyed numerous , '.. ....'' if Il I M"T( Xltll The Liberal party in Alberta. Mr. Bowen aid. is anxious for co-operation with British Col ""lu'c- Liberal povermnent with wc,u fieient inaiortty lj lieved that Allierta wuuld cenu to Ottawa a nlrutig representation lu ?tijKrt of the Maclenzi Kiiu- iroveruinenl. In iVlmoritdii the elertion of MajT.r Btatenford. the ehampion uf I'aeific port, and the red'iclion of freight rale. lit pruet..tally aured a t.ial ale of Hon. Uharle Stewart, who o ably riresented the vet in lite Markj'nzie Kin): cab ot the interior. here about Aumt C. la ln1l. as. i 'it tic lurking in the hea-v ied nerlion of the eouu-x tn tes south of Cranbrook "tie was discovered by a ' frari iers. r whereabout wa dlf- Trirluy by Ahe, aiijlP-. ai ker. who followed tlid . several daya from a' point lie trip ereature fell down ui pret ipiee, the descent broken iy tree, the heavy ii of which snapped off tie weight. . 'ned lo altaeh a rope to : n vvlnrli id tlll around the ai e ueek. but she beennie cn-n' 'lie anempla and linme-v i tiart( 'iu Indian, who " !"d "o fiee for lu life. KllK AkHHl I Hll BY. THE RAINS In Some Parts of the Prairies It Is Improved and In Others Not So Oood. 'IT AW A, rept. 4. - llaniulian WTr.B fUlU l,J M II I'll. - . It. Mi teli ell leader of the Alberta Lflierati til the appointment of- thai (,'entleiuan to tho supreme oour'. of Alberta, lie an able opeaker and a keen student of publir affairs and wttt UUeu the ioliliel(iluaUon L an eutixhlcnlng: Manner IhiH evening. Fred Slork. tiie Libera! rand.'-date. will aIo rive an aiMivR. the TirM lie ha (iiven here since the opei.oig ni I lie eatiiiiaign. PREPARING FOR HOLIDAY EVENT Tug of War to be One of Qreat Features of Sports at Acropolis Hill. Monday is the annual event or organic; labor in Prince itupcrt when under the auspices or tho Trades and Labor Council a good program or races will be carried out. featuring particularly sports j for children and ladies. The' Biijs' Band will be in attendance i ami will play selections at interval, j At five o'clock Ihere will be a Junior fuitlrall inu'ifABl 4vtJrr evening a big labor day ilanoe ' i will conclude llie list of events, i During the afternoon one ot tho meii'e features will be a tuig of war for the challenge cup nowj held by the Moose. Already there Is a Irani ot city employees pro-pared to pull Hie Moose into the sea or thereabouts and it Is pos-! nihil others jnny yet elder herore . i i.... i .1IUIIUUf. ,i , a fuf earn- oh ileciatation alreailr itivrinr, un.l It lurllirr Uio UeveToiniieoi of western Uanada. 'In Alberta the en- litnetit ta continually crowUic trr raVororrif jovefi.nienl -t uilf;e iortn. Tliee dhouM prove cf value, not only Mi th eirt or Alberta product, but alo in port oi entry for uc . phant Charoed Indian When vod h are imnorted and pur Tried to Attach Rope to Chain jchawed in Arberla. Around Anlmal'a Neck. i Aked u !s the iiolitical out- took. .vir. iioMen 9M lie ye- FRED STORK, Liberal Candidate Washington State Penitentiary Partly Destroyed by Fire and ii. 4. ifii), tu ill uiiinai visit to the Auyox Lmlge. The party, which will include Ben Fer guson, district deputy grand master, Peter Solem, noble raud, and S. V. Cox. i3itury ef llie local lodge, will return to the city about noon Monday. Baseball tomorrow lyros vs, H.tLi'.. at p.m. Enjoy Partial Liberty WALLA WALLA. SepL i. Fire lunke out in the Washington tale peiiiteutiarv al .i.30 last evening and was not under control until n p.m. Nearly l,(ioo eonvicU are tinder heavy guard in the prison V rer-reytioii jard. Mejnilier ot Gompauy F of the National Guard were called out lu. prevent ffr:oiillireikaniOiig he prisoner, i Xh6 main halldiiw, uidiiilihg the cell houses and the dining' nan. ww a total io. tuner liuiidiiiRs were not ser oulv Ooaslwie Steamship & Barge Co.'s freighter Grifrco, Cap Hunter, arrived in iort at H a'cltH?ti till morning from the south and i unloading roal foi llie Canadian Fish A Cold Slor-age Co. A coal laden liarge, rn low or the Griffeo and bound for Anyoxk was left Ir. the i st ream. A Public Meeting Will be Held in the , WESTHOLME THEATRE TONIGHT; AO. O'CLOCK in the interests oT llie Liberal' liandidale. The meeting will be addressed by Capt. Bowen and Fred Stork i,ot Kdmunlon) Seats Reserved for Ladles :0j- Everybody Welcome 25 TAXI nd Boston Grill Ambulance mm Service Large Upstair Dining Hall, Anywhere at Anytime. wilb newly laid dancing "I, floor for hire. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. HI NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, and 6th St PRINCE RUPERT The latest and bent for the MATT VIDECK, Prop. least. Phone 467. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Vi II. XVI., No. 208. IMUNCB HL'BKItT, It. 1, SATUHBAY, SEPTEMBER i, 1020. vtfrf.r cnmui.., noi Street' Sites SR4 price rrvn CENTS. Iberta Liberals Hnne . For Close Co-operation Alberta and B.C. Ports C. Bowen Until Recently Leader of Liberal Group in Legislature of Neighboring Province Speaks at Theatre Tonight To secure the closest possible co-operation between Alberta Mro sii uuiiuilnu in order tu forward their common interests tie mm or J. u Uowen, imlil recently lender of the Liberal Mn.Mlioo ill llie Allierta legislature, who nrried in the ritv "eriliiv iifieriiooo ml ulm will l iim ... tv r'vaMi u i puuuc ineeiiug to lie neid- in the eslholme Theatre (Ins ; tig. Seen ll evening Mr. Bowen slated thai he wa particularly ed lo see the elevator facilities provided here by llie late ' Liberal government and to know llmnrri mn aval i mat urli an tntlitiiiiofi in n. uiLU i i is aim . ........... m-m m m vaiu t iii-rai mil iiaiii tf. i ,11 Urn I k 1 1 ill I ham tuM.iin., ... ii h i iiuuai tic- PnAll Til A r'lP va'"1" ,1,rou' whirh they will A I K 1 1 1 Yl I K AI --,,',"pU,uU rrai" nrkH AlViTl I1UIV11U 0 (lie world. Tin mean ol course 1 1(41 Hie I(hI will keep - . ... . . . .lu .. 1. I , tt . Jured Number of People and Pactty. te remit heavy rain YOUR VOTE AND INFLUENCE 18 RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED FOR PLEBISCITE IN miners Agree to Discuss Wage SPAIN GRANTED Reductions in Great Britain Government Will Give People a Chance to Express Opinion of GovernmenL MA DM ID, Sept. 4 Menoral Pri and Negotiations Again Open LONDON, Sept. The (iovernmetit has decided to make mother attempt at negotiation for a settlement of the miners' mo 1 invVra! i.rrenriVr: h.!; fedV having sent a lconenled to hold a plebUcite on 1 i"i.. Ti -V I V . 1 , - B r"rlher order'" WTtV?11'. P 1'e,"fr1milde to Lr!"? Seplenber It, i: and 13 in that the St,aiilli neoole mav ex- . . " " lu"u,c" wtrioDim are expeciea Cuok """' I'"alf Ihe Miner,' Federation the "o pre en t re gi me I i t j reed . fo -um, f - JZ ,1 readings of lhe men to enter ink, negation fur a national " ' afneemeni with a view to redue- io e one, ate ... jioveinmjr the tj(, of aor co,u n (he coun 17 , Immediate neeeUie of the in- FALSEHOOD IS dutry. GRAND MASTER VISITS LODGE! II 1 ,.r .i ...I'., til',,. umi id.. IIIUIIL r n ... . "rauu jiaier oi me iidiiieiiow declared- ,'. , , , , , Loilae for British Columbia paid ' I V , ' ,i! Tu , "n ', oricfa, "Ml to Prince Rupert Lil. . Lpde Xo- 63 evening, the Z t T tan;e " f,,rn'al ll PWeeding,. heinr .led. It i i Hi. lill on the sbitute .,,. , ... . t. u , , , .. followed with an eiitliuiat c ., iIkkiK hut never became operative , .,. ... ' . v., al , , banquet which some seventy. FOLEY LOSES Ttdjtjl ftoiMi.Jere.1 llie mot j:n-1 T VT 1 IV fill a Uf portatif development incU the .KAN I AM l.flAlllr V1IX11II1 atrike Varied because it i the! firl time the lninein have agreed! lo wa?e rcductioni. iWas Too Heavy to Qualify When I he cause of the .!riKer,i hai He Weighed In at Ringside Premier Oliver Takes Issue With IT" M,W,1 "ttn,h duri H. H. Stevens an J Proves Htm Wrong. j VMUIUVWt, Sept. 4. Taking . iui' with Hon. II. II. Slveii, Who i rnporled a Slating at N'ew Ve,minter J'riday that "Ire-. ' mier.dlivKr had rUimed to be the only man who eould run the P.! G. K. Hallway" atid.that Oliver had ! cancelled an agreement by wuieh i the T. P. was tfl take over the; mr o4j ti) me Kieauy return of woike. in the niitlami .pound. li..o ll.. . oil.... ..ti.i " nmaci os Boxed to Draw. TO!UVrO. Pept. 4. Jackie couniie, wdere iii.000 are r.owjJohnton wa erowned champion workin?. ! hatitamwei.slil of Canada last jiiij-'ht when Vic Foley of Vancou-I ver failed to make the bantamweight limit of 118 pound for the tfile hnnt with him here. I'o ley tipped the cate at 120 I iif two Imxed a ten round ex hibition bout, the decision being a PENNANT RACE' IS VERY CLOSE leonnected up. When the . T. P. SZlepS NKW YoitZT.i. - Babe wa taken ver by the NaMPal SmMb ihe bL,m S ilines llia, t,e Ju.t another ouWet Zl a" a' ,"in of the season in the second to .he ,oM ami I M,e Mr .imply J, f rS.iV S1 ,nsl y1-c-heraoH. inoperauve. . , The address of the evenlnl wL; Vankees won, but rlroppld the NOTED NURSE WILL rVT.rr,,nt' nra"" MSter It. . Perry 1 . .dC,v Tn IT i .... . . and a Jialf half taniM games for for the llie nentian1 PeimanL PLAYGROUND AT SEAL COVE WAS VISIT CITY MONDAY Dame Maude McCarthy Passes Through Prince Rupert In Course of Tour. A notable visitor in l'rince Itu-pert on Monday will he Dame Maude M.4'.arlhy, of London. Bug-land, mnlrnu'in-rhicr or the ter ritorial army nursing service of Great Britain. In the course of a tour of Canada, she will arrive from the east oil Monday afternoon's train, sailing for Vancouver on the steamer l'rince Rupert- NO PAPER MONDAY ' Monday, being Labor Day and o. a nonunion holiday. tlien will W HO isAie or the Daily .Newii NOTICE TO LIBERALS 0 OF SKEENA RIDING 01 The Liberal committee rooms, 303 Third Ave., next ! lo the Kleelric Bakery, will he open every afternoon ! and evening . until election ! ff t: in ii. iii ii, uie uidM to me lirand Lcn'sie which was proposed hy II. M. Dapgett. The toast to the Itebekah Lodge was proposed by Mayor Newloii and Mrs. Jack Annttnn A . Boddie. noble srand, replied. Miss llrHMMl I fill A Y E4 M yMfl P"po"d the toast to VI U11U1 X JV I 1 llie visitor . ling. G. Overhill respond- threatened. It wa. reported that some horning object had been Mayor Newton and H B Roehesi.r "ur"'V the proceedings, a de- hurieit jy a otn ; l into Hie veil lilatiujf Tan and from this the flamoe ftited to cell win nunnier three nsjttawept the full length of llie hOlMlnp. LOCAL NOTES Harry Birch, managing wecre- Assist Gyro Club at Cere-monies Today. With a large rrowd of kiddie. n.. ... .a i..'larv of the l'rince Ituoert uen I n ""ndanee. the formal open- ; IXZ? ""I .."w l Hospital. ..Ue.1 Pay pr(on yard under strict ' " iiv.-Miai, oaiir.i on (Jll llie the Cat-"" l.fli-1 ' the gnartl. They si emed to take the ala this afternoon for Vancou- rr0l,nd m t,u' lil" al S(al entire cfilOde a a great lark ami ver "r Ui attend the "'7 ,l",np,,l.,0,n convention U,e ,U' oUM Association ,Ul the their time yellinc. singing, playiii hall anil cavort ing genjerally. LOCAL ODDFELLOWS of.,ook PIare a' 3-00 o'clock this af- lightful program of music was dispensed, lid consisted of vio- Jiu selections by Dr. It. E. Kyolf- son and Albert Woods, songs by !. McLean and O. G. Minns; in strumental selections by G. G. Minn, Sid Thomson. It. E. FJvolf- on and A. Woods, piano solos by linioon. Mayor S. M. Newton and "a"lllo iwugias or eallle, H. B. Itochesler. chairman of the a"d -otnmutiitj- singiug. Those . ... ... I ni'lllR iu PfnmiinLlu v Mrs. t;eorgo Grayand Jamily, "00' DOa,u " .W"l'n .TJC-Z':" J... -rV. ' ' who have been spending the 'r,r"non,M w"lf1 w're presided!-""""" -" summer here with Mr. Gray, who over by S- W Ta,or president. of , son; Is manager ot the Millerd Can- "'- J Uub. Ice cream wis j 1, broke up about iniiin ta iitrv nery at real Cove, sal ed tins ""ven io lue youngsiers ueiore " uUlltU 1U AHiUA afternooii on the Oatala for;lnp.v started fo give the eqaipmeht Will Accompany Provincial Grand Vancouver: oi uie ground n first use. , Waster on His Visit to Smel- j p. M. Hay, focal manager Tor , tor Town Lodge. jibe B. I). Johnson-Walton Co. A party of eutiten or twenty' Ltd.. sails this afternoon on Uu local Oddfellow will leave bv .Uicj1'r',ue"' Louise for Victoria on powerboat 28 i Leila It . 5apt. , l"i"cs trip. He expects lo Alex SalnL late tonight a.-.-ompa-!rrurn lo ll,c cil" inside or a nying the provincial raud mas-'we,k- In.. Il II...... i.l .;.:..l I Arrangements for the opening were in charge or the Gyro. Club's playground committee consisting of Leo Waugh, chairman, Milton Gonzales and It. A. Harlow. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL ENGLISH LEAGUE Division I. Aston Villa I, Burnley 1. Blackburn 1, Tottenham 1). Button 2, ..Newcastle I. Cardirr City 1, West Brum- wich 1. Derby County Liverpool 1 Everlon 0, West Hani 3. Huddersfield 0, Birmingham Leicester 5, Wednesday 3. Manchester United 2, Leeds United i. Sheffield 1. Arsenal 0. Sunderland 3, Bury 0. Division II. Blackpool 6, Barnsley 1. Clapton 1, Suuth Shields 0. Fulham 2. Darlington 1. Grimsby 2, Manchester City 2. Mjddleshoro 0, l'reslon 2. j Notts County I, Hull City 0. Oldham 1, Portsmouth 0. vrort Vale 0, Chelsea 0. Heading I, Xotts Forest 0. Southampton 0. Bradford City Wc'verhamplon 2, Swansea 2. JW SOOTTISH LEAGUE Division I. Aberdeen 2, Queen's Park 0. Ainlrieonians 3, Hibernian 0. Celtic 3, Norton 0. Dundee 1'nited 1, Kilmarnock 2 Dunfirmline 0, Falkirk 1 Beartji i, Hamilton I. Molher-wel! 2, Clyde 0. Partick 2. Dundee 2. SI. Johnsipne 2', Ralth Rover St. Mlrrep ;3, I: Cowdenbeath i. The Naliohat-LVauerace light- ejied up somewliat yesterday with St, Louis is sportirg a bare five-point lead oVer Cincinnati and Pitt.sburg agUin threatening only ten points back or the leaders. Error aided Cincinnati to defeat St. Louis, vvhire tfie 'pfrates downed Chicago in a tight ten-Ihning affair. The New York Giants turned on the helples Boston Braves, hammering rour pitcher tor 23 hits and scoring five run's, in the fourth and twelfth innings. National League Pittsburg 3, Chicago Si. Louis Cincinnati . New York 17, Boston 3. , American League Detroit 1. Cleveland . Washington 3-5, Boston 2-1. New York 2-7, Philadelphia 4. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE C.IMI .. B.C. Silver Dunwell Gran'by .... Uazeltou Indepemfence Iddian l'j'emler Porter Idaho Silver Crest . Wheat tnd. .167.00 . 1.S3; . Ill 3 . 25.00 ! .00 .05 . ".03 . .01) Vi Asked l.8 1.47 27.00 .00 .07 !i .06 2.28 .06 11 AN EXTRACT FROM MEIGHEN'S SPEECH The following is- ah ex. tract from a sneecludetiver. ed tn Montreal ..on yptfin- her 1 by the Hon. Arthur ..Meishep as reported by Canadian Press: " "Mr. Meighen denied the rumor he was present at a political , nienio . Iri North York, when a Conservative speaker was said lo have smggesled that immigrants of'ttie' first 'generation he denied Canadian franchise. Mr. Mcfcghen isaid that he did not consider himself bound hy any hut the set- tied and expressed policy of his parly. The Conservative party, he said, was ready to welcome alt good ' citizens to Canadian shore. j. i .Brady's, Campalg'm 210 Committee 4