PAQE SIX AUDITORIUM Dances EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY EVENING Beginning at 9 o'clock Floor In Hie Finest Shape MISS CURRIE'S ORCHESTRA Ladies 25c Ucnllcmen 50c The Hall is now equipped to tako. care oT Uances, Concerts and Meetings of ;. , any kind, t ; The building is 50x100 feel, manlo floor, newly plastered. Clear title to properly. IT'S FOR SALE Phone Black 449 L. J. MARREN, Proprietor. AUDITORIUM A NEW RANGE SILK KNIT Underwear ALL COLOIIS VESTS $1.35 HLOOMEJIS $2.35 SLIPS $3.00 "Demers" We aim to please Phone 27. P.O. Box 327 Free! Free! We will give away One Tea Pot with every purchase 2 pounds of BRAID'S BEST TEA or 1 lb. Tea and 1 lb. of BRAID'S BEST COFFEE Only a limited number. Come In and Inspect, our stock of School Supplies. Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. Phones 18 and 84 417-423 5th Avenue East George Rorie Chartered Accountant and Auditor Receiver, Liquidator, Trustee, &c. Phone 387 New Address: 243 Second Avenue West PH1NCE nUPEIlT The Eyes of Schoolchildren Examined Free Sixty per cent or ull school children suffer from weak eyes. You cannot begin too youihg to care 'for the eyesight. , Don't let ypur child study under tin handicap of faulty vision.' Keen-'eye'sislir mi'Siis a keen brain as we.ll as physical vijJtor. Hriiijr tiie cliildi'cn here for testing mid udvice. A. E. Ireland Gradual! Optometrist for 27 Years Phone Rod 442 319 3rd Ave., Opp. Q.W.V.A. S500 SALMON PACK ALASKA LARGE Jl XFAl . Sept. I. Figures made imbUe here place the Alaska salmon pack this year at (5,245,-000 cases. Many canneries wHl resume fishing at the expiration of the six weeks dosed season, which is in progress in southeastern Alas ka, vlir It includes Juneau and Ketchikan. This district leads others with .'.800,ooo cases. f ASH JCr TARRY'- FRUITS Italian Prunes, lug boxes, heavy packpey? box y. ., . . . . ,, , . 95c Freestone Preserving Peaches, per box $1.40 Extra Fancy HarUelt Pears, per! box $2.85 1 3 dozen for SI. 00 Fancy Hot House Tomatoes, per basket 40c Casalia Melons, per lb 8c Fancy 11. C. Muskniolons, each 15c Yegetabels at lowest prices. Fresh Milk and Whipping Cream GROCERIES Libby's Asparagus Tips, tin 32c Lihby'sf Jfaurktaut.. per tin , . . 20c Icing Suaar, S JJi. pkg. . .... .20c Peas, Corn, 'Tomatoes, 7 tins for ,.. $1.00 fireat Wewt Tea, 75ealue for 55c Schilling Haking Powder, 50c tin for 30c Sunkist Oranges, 2 dozen Tor 45c Creamery' Butter, 'bricks, lb. 40c ii lb. box, per lb. .'. 37c Our Store Saves Money ' BI-urK. A Balance III in the Bank allowance of the housewife, THE cr the salary of the business girl, will last longer and go farther if paid into the Dank and withdrawn only as required. The temptation to spend for unnecessary things will be less, and the balance to carry forward each month will be greater. Laditt will rtcth't courteous, MpM from ur Staff. The Royal Bank of Canada . Prince Rupert Branch F. E. Robertson, Manager Ml COSTS 3 CENTS SELLS FOR 35 That Is Spread Between What Fishermen Gets For Product and What It Retails at INVESTIGATION GOING ON VrtMOniA. Sept. t. In the i course of a semi-official inves tigation into the hull cost of fish in the cuatt clue's, which h is conducting on behalf of Yan- Jeouvcr City Council, Aldennai tiibbeh's arrived here after visit- 'inir nl li ap ' Vn iifnii-At l.i!.ti. I v'1-' am,. a ! "iie question or high .fish rDnPCDV i costs in our chief cities," said UlUVsJLill SIXTH STREET EXTRAORDINARY COMBINATION HEINZ DEAL 1 large tin Pork and Deans 1 llottlc Ohili Sauce 2 Hollies Heinz Catsup Total Value, 1.50 ALL FOR $1.00 Cash and Carry Away Mr. (iitibens, "is one that has been -puztliug the markets committee1 of the Vancouver Council. Investigation on this island revealed the fact that fish which sells at 33 ccnls a pound retail brings the man who cat- elies it three cents a pound. That spread of twelve times what the fisherman gels seems rather big- and we in Vancouvei are trying to find out what is the cause of it, in view of The fact thai we have fisb right al the harbor moulb." "GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT Nolle of Application for Conasnt to Tranaisr Bmf Llcsnss. SciTICE IS IlKfltBY CIVE.X tbal on tb lh da or August nut I be undrrslriKd inttnfl in apply to the Liquor Control IKurd for cuiiwnl to trinslcr or Bur LI-ct-iHi- nuiiiberd 470 and Htutd in rfteci (if vnmift. item .n of a bulldux known as Port :irin-iit Hotel, port CI HiMils, B. ;.. upon it lands dewrlbfd a Lot 7, Work 17. In Subdivision of IjjI 746. Oi-n Cliarlollr Island. Prince Huperl IjiiiJ KeRistry liutmi, in Ihe Prnrlnre 01 Urillsh Columbia, fnmi Iraiik Hlcka lo Herbert Hampton. Theodore Mum-oiiI and J. Clrconc or ine Tr,n of Port Clnnrnf, In Ihe County or prin- Itupert. In the Province or British Columbia, tlw transferee. HAT th at J'rinre Hupert, B. C, tbis 1IM day of July. lr,. IIKIlBKflT IIAMPTdV TIIHiriOPK MUSCO.M, 1. CTCCOXE. Aptillfinli and Transferees. MINERAL ACT. .Cartlflcata of Improvamanta !viUke No. 4. SsTrt-iMiake Nu. i rrKMnaj and SvtrrpMakK Jrar. tlonal llii.-ral claim, yiuale lit the Atllo Mlniur IiitKion of cassbr IMstrtrl. Wliere healed tast side or Taku Ann. mar Sbeep CM-ek. . TAkK .MTICK that lleirlnatil Symes, iMiTlsU-r. and solli-llor, or 6IU Wet Pender SI.. Vaitronver. British Columbia, ar. Fresh Kggs. 3 dozen for. . .$1.00 . i.ih..7Tree" ' W."" ceurlcaV? v.' Hair (.alb,,, Pure Mai. Vinegar. T&,"W t&f in jai'S 75c ! r'" 'flirira f linpnivetnents. for Ihe Every One Who Visits.' rll' ' ,,. of 1-l'llTIIKH TAKE NOTICE that ar-II. .ii under . i n.,i, as Mit lie mnimrnred irt'fori. ih- i lie of urh rerllficate of im"" ''-v or g'P'""ber, A.p. AGE IN CASK IS THE ONLY "AGE" THAT COUNTS AGED IN OAK CASKS 3J THB DAILY NEWS FIVE CANADIAN BOATS AND ONE AMERICAN MEIGHEN DENIES Iditor, Daily New-: On Thursday, .epi ember 2, tn our editorial, you say: "Prince Hupert invple who xvte born la. the t'niletl stales. Vqiiway, .Sweden, Denmark. f'rance. Uelgium, Italy, (ireece md a lozeii other countries would not b? - allowed to volt f some of the Conservatives ha I their way. .Some Conservatives here to being.tietl un to-a noliev of tht kind fiut it must be remembered 4ha when (Seorue Wright mailn his address al .ennox in wlricb he said he would rslricl Ihe ballot to those born in Canada or the Hrilish Isles Premier Melzheii and three olhcr ministers wer on the platform with him stnv on the platform with him and ihey lok no exception whatever o A as Kood Conservatir policy." I have, the follmvinir lelecram from Hon. Arthur Meighen vvliieh s self explanatory: "On Train, Quebec. "Que, 7fpt. 3, IV20. C. II. Ornm, v "Prince Hupert, U.C. "Was not nrescnt tvhpre Wright spoke. Never heard hi speech or heard of it but for weeks after. Not re.oiisible fjr Mr. rights utterances nor has Conservative party any sympathy therein. "AHTIIUIt MKIHHKN." Please be fair enough lo iiub- Iish this letter hi it gives the tie direct lo rour .a lime sLaiu. men Is. I am, yours very truly, CYIUI, II. OIlMIi,-President of Skeena Liberal- Conservativi- Association. (The article In nuestion wa. laken from an eastern news paper. Kd . MESSENQER SERVICE Messenger sertn-e and light delivery. Out of town mail or-ler.s attended to with despatch. Phone 700 P.O. llox 020. P. LeClaire. NOTICE A. Iticliiiioiul has retired from the partnership in the business of the Moninal Importers and I- H. Miller has assumed full ownership d all liahllilie eoniiectnl with Hie business of the said Montreal Importers. 20'J Signed A. HIC1I..MOND. Fur Coats & Jacquettes An Exquisite Stock of Fur Trimmings at low prices B. C. FUR Co. Wexl Q.W.V.A. Third Ave.. 4 . s4sss.) LOCAL NEWS NOTES SOLD CATCHES TODAY Mrs. Prince and Mrs. ((amnion - jwlll ho passengers for Vancouver Six boats, rivn nr which were on the Prince Gcoigu this even- Canadian, sold their catches at h'S- the exchange this morning. Am-. . .. 10 L . ration ana SricjinUfi fetched 13.00 and, aml:aVHdiai averaged about 15 wiPkeU nt, t,,u W8,1 ...... vj.i... ..,..,.' fico .will beopen from Ulto..H iviu uuu f.ij vi waive i v - . . i age Co. mtiir "American " - . miuiumjiw.iw), Lituya, 10,000 lbs. to lloolhl - 11 I v 1 1 1 give you a sijuare deal. In The' Letter Box I n. t li ,.ui J' i,n'u" eliuilicrs iw.,,.,. i Canadian ,7,?,i i Mil arrive from the inlerior on iHdphln, U.O00. lo told blor-1 ;r Q ,,,e s(eamer ,,rincw Morris II., 5.00(1 to Itoyal Fish Capo Swain, lO.noo, to Allin Fisheries. ET YOURSELF A FUR COAT AT GOLDBLOOM'S Will, (ioldlilmim .1 u'lmlit I iii' I; of fur coats is hem:: offered for sale ami he's got some beauties. And (ioldblotitii with every coat he sells, except electric seal, which neither he nor anyone else will guarantee. This has been proved in past years. Ho guarantees you perfect satisfac tion or your money refunded. There is a great bargain in a Hudson's Hay Seal Coat with sable trimming at 265. Or If there should be no coat you would like, ou can consult the wholesale furrier's catalogue, choose your wn style, and ((oldbloom will only charge you ten per cent over :ue wuoiesale price, (ioldbloom (leongo. The opening game of the Oil-huly Cup football aeries belxvee-i the Moose and (Irand Terminals was again delayed when rain prevented the match being played last evening. i Mrs. A. A. Connon and daugh ter, Yvonne, have relumed hi the city after IiaVjng spent tlir summer visilin? at Francois Lake with Mrs. Council's mother, Mrs. J. W. Henkel and at Soulhhank with her sitter, Mrs. J. II. Keefe. Mis Mary Menae will leave on Monday morning's train fo: Hunts hake where she will re sume her school leaching ilulifs after havtyig spent th" sammer holidays wilh her iar-eirts, Mr. ami Mr. I). C. Mcltac. Fourth Avenue liaL Miss Adele Advanl. who tia ben spending the past year or wt in the c;ty visiting with ir- sisier. Mrs. Steve King, sails Ihs afUrnonn on the Princes Uiuise for Vancouver, rn route to Nrvv York where she will em bark aboard the steamer C-triii ia on OetnlMT ?. returning tJ her home in England. Advising you Of our Sal? showing of smartest model in fine Kur Coals, featuring Per. nan lamb, Hudson seal, mus-rat, beaver and otfier fashionabi furs, displaying all the latesi sleeve-s and other innovations ' the season, ami sumptuously fu. Iriiniiifd with blue or gray squir rel, sable, eh-. These present a notable selection. And our prices art cut to pieces. Insprri ur stock ami see for yourself.- H.C. Kur Co.. Thin Avenue. MINIMAL ACT Certificate of Improt smsnli. Brusnte o. i ilioeral claim, scualr u. Ihe AlHn Simiot Mvislou o( lite i asslai lMtrlrl. smi Wann loser. admin and P the south or bruwnie o. 4 M.c. TAkK VITIU. that I. James H kershaa re .Minrr u-rtiruate u inieml illlr slats fnn the dale hereof. I.. appl, iv ,nv miiiius nnvfurr lur a irtiiuatr ..f Impfnsrmeitls. rnr the purpose of oti UIMftr crun tiranl of the abut rUlut .o4 rsrllier lake future thai anion i.n der ert-iem St. musl tie niuiHSu ed brfnri Ike issbe or sutb Certlflrale of lrpinia acnts. UVTCb Ibis III day ef trplembrr. I0ts. II Mt.N. IWMIB eli. LAND ACT. Netlte of Inlsntlan la A ' t Lasts Lsn lu Sllklne lil:ion. ssn n ronlina Insirlrt c Cassiar. ami situate a lira ml itaplds, on the B'.iklne n.ter and u im urn i m iorrriea I.'. ir. 4711 TAkK XtlTICU tea. 1, Walter Sroii Sunn on. of Te'-mh crrrk. H C, nrrUalloii HaiH-her. intends to apply fur a n-ae i.i llie full'iwlnir derrlll lands Commenrina at a post planted on the .orlhetl eortier or Uil 47. thenre Sou 1 1, IS ehstns: Ihern-i- Wel 10 rhanis. then e oi-th ilhsin. tlienee lal I" rftsm-and eontalnina- f'orl erres. mt-rre or less WALTER SCOTT SIMPSoV. AlJ'I'Sl.l MINIMAL ACT srtlfltats of Impeosananta. Hrvwnle . 4. l.ol 4R. Mineral Claim sllnsle In Ihe Allln M.nlns IHsition ..r I lie f.sslsr Iilslrtrt. on the West Arm or Ta kun Ann. about three quarter' of a mib lp stream rrwir the iiHiiitti of Wsnn lluer TAkK MITICK that I. Charles K. Ollimire Free Miner! i ertitirali- So. i7ti intend ttxiy data fosii the dale hereor to apph pi Ihe Minim lleeorder for a lerllfiVsir or Improveinenta, rr Ihe piiri,.,- of ,,i, talnlnr a Crown Oram of the ahovr . Itlni And rurilwr lakni noiire thai a'lum under ses-tlon St. must lie rominenred Im fore Ihe Issue nf surh Cerllflralr of I in nmvenents. fiVTtli llils III da) or September A II l8. If MeX HUSHI y,, LAND ACT. Nvilc nUMInn te Apply t Lsasa Land. Ii. vi . Iierordinr Plstrirt of prlnre IIUfN and sllusle on north shore of an I nn"jji-il Hay on south West coast of P'.i lusnd, alwul one mi In east froni niuff I lint TAkr OTICF. that K. riouseaii, or Ijiws In. -I I -Vlnre or llrllith Ciiiimi.i. jial oi. -.ain Manarer. Iniend to for . e-a; ir ins innnwiiia desr-rilied lands . var al a post planied on ihe sliore ' ii unnamed l.av on the souili-esl . -i Pin Island, about one mile easi 01 t.'itt I'olnt; ilienre nnrih twentr rhalns: 'lefire eal twemv rhalna Vienre souili Iwenty rhalnt. mori- or les to lllifh Waler Mark: ih'-nre rullowmr III ah stater mark westerly to point r.r commencement and ronialninir eirhtv a'-rei, more or less' M HATED July JOIh, lV f. nousr.Ai Applicant. TUGBOATS Day Phones 423, 539, Green 238, Black 735. Night. Phones -887,. 539, Qreen 238, Black 735. RUPERT MARINE PRODUCTS, LTD. QEO. G. BU3HBY, Man. Dir. Saturday. Sepjeabg. WE ARE OFFERING A MODEL MODERN A GRADUATE EXPERIENCFn OPTICAL PARLOR REGISTERED QqOMjtt jj TO SERVE YOUR EYE NECESSITIES " II i ilie great difference in the refill - correrl iiicIIkmIs of eiiiiiii;ilinii for deii , i. s attention lo filling l!n rtscriplion ami the 1 , sry in corriH't framo fitting that cause ,,, itiMyiniuiato in favur nf glasses fittetl in on,- fj, , We ue nitMlern inetlioils. Vc try to inve vire. That- why yon will feel o nimh von are deriiliiig on u frame that will ex,, particular liking. REMEMBER No enso presents perplexltu. to one qmllfled In the'of Refraction. UoiimiII our Optonielnsl . 1111 would n in.-. T, vire will be just 11 reliable. Max Heilbroner 527-520 Third Avenue WESTHOLME THEATRE Owing to tho Liberal Meeting Tonight tho Followinj Program Will be 8hown on Monday Only, 7 to 9 REGINALD DENNY In "ROLLING HOME" Comedyt "HONEYMOONING WITH MA" . PAT HE REVIEW Admission 60c and 25c Fishermen's Supplies FISH LINES, HOOKS, ROPES, TWINES, FISH' NETTING AND TROLLING GEAR, OIL AND RUBBER CLOTHING, QROCCRIIS. Compare Our Prices Lipsett, Cunningham & Co. Ltd. Second Avenue and McBrlde 3L Infants' gg) Baths Ham White Kiiumrl InfanU' ilalh-. from $2.25 to JiW perorated White Kuamel liifonl-' Halh-. . Decorated Painted Infant ' It..lh. from . - $3.75 to UN Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. Phono 101 255 3rd Ait School Opening Sale SPECIALS FOR Friday and Saturday, Sept. 3 and 4 A- we rtNiliie there are no man) thing "' lime of the year in lioy" And girl' rlolhuig ' iiiiiiiiiiiire our trhool oienitig Mile nl lhi linn select yuur reiiiirenieiilN at very utlrurlive pen HAVB WIIII.K YOU HUY AT ATTHAOTIVK l SANK WIIILK YOl; IH'Y IIOOHS THAT Pii' WOltTII IHJYINO J.N TUB IsO.Nd M N 15 Per Cent Discount bn'AIPBoy' Suit Our stock in conjilcle, till iic in utock. ever -eluded, no rcncrvi', two mir- of Moonim a wc Moyn' Sweaters. Penman, regular -$2.75, Hoys' Jrrey, Knllunlynt, valun up tit :.'''- ; Oirl's Slipper, patent lehther with one lnip. ' ! with rrcpe nlt and hrovvir cfllf.ym' sltup. reg t Mile price Hoyn' red lith hnut. nlliMitllier, lw np s In I0H . . $3.25 It lo in . . $3.50 1 W illi every pair of shoes you buy during the '' free I serihlilcr, 1 pencil, one eraser and i (' ' $1.9) $1.60 $2.75 $2.85 $4.00 Jabour Bros., Ltd. Phone C45 Corner Third and Seventh