September 4, 102ft, hen You Buy WATCH rom us A ) , i i Ttipre ii one main advantage ii vni os it geltm It away r in home, v Mil' wiMrti doesn't come up o your expee luMons. why you nlways know where (rt ftn nnd have it,jniaIc rigli) 01 exchanged. ' " Our Koarantce i" bindlnsr, II means whal if says. Walcji price nro a low here ah elsewhere for equal value. I r. . r- r- t- iSiTltt STORE WITH THE CLOCrv Use PEROXIDE These Six Ways 1 As u mouth wash ami m -ii'tf. in cheek germ k w Ii, Imnen filpj:in, uml oy(y the lit' nth. O A ii ilcni ifru ' '. to bleach, wiif-n anil tioautify I hi f-'li 0 As it blench and fo dear lie jkiM. rom frrrkle, ni Uiead. ami uther "kill ui mslli A A ii lil'-nrh. i" make hair " ; vi i!' ii t h arms, 'are oiM'fc and Icrs, C I Miiniruruig lo pre-" r fi mgnads. and lo eni stflins. r As n perspiration deodo-0 f-anl Parke I fart a .1 Co.' perox- ii, liccanse it keeps il Mi tnnjrest. 4 ox. 25 Cents Rupert Pharmacy Phone 94. We deliver. SUMMER SUGGESTIONS FOR WOOD Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, Birch and Spruce Per loaii I.50 Per half load 3.60 Per sack 80 Burn Wood and Keep Cool I HydeTransfer 13) Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Dai WC BUY BOTTLES. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 676 DENTIST LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone tf. ''rlMe, Warehousing, and Distributing, Team or Motor Her vice, fioal Band and Gravel We Speolallie In Plane an Furniture Having. MILK From Bulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIPPING CREAM Wo specially recommend our Tablo Cream nt 15o for Half pint, Quality and Service Special loe Delivery 8ervloe Valentin Dairy Phono 687 WINNING THE ASHES ' IS EXPLAINED BY A CANADIAN PAPER (Ottawa Citizen) Hepm-i fronr Hrllniu concerning llio viplory of England ngalhst Australia in (he fifth lest 'match tfo Ui show thai the entire natinti was stirred as never lcf(re by litis first triumph of tlie home- lami cricketers since 1012. j One report describes graphical-, fly the scenes in London last lhursday nlglil following the winning of "the .fshes" by Hrl-tain After the (ram-, it is naid, "there was the wildelexcllement in the erty, rest a it ranis and ca-harels remaining open lontr after Ibe legal midnight hour," while "crowds on the streets shouted and made merry." To many, Canadians, talk of "tin1 Ashes" I suiiiewliatmystl-fyinj?. "The Ashes" are the only symbol of victory in these great Jiicrtnial tests. They are contain ed in a little urn and are niadfl- by burning one or the wicitei stumps used in the matches, The symbol wa presented lo Lord Dartiley in IHH2 when he look an Ingiish team to Auttralin for Ihel first limp and defpalei'l the Downunders." The idea of "the Asties"' camoi fi'oin a cartoon published in the" Signing Tinips earlier in the name year. 'Hie cartoon depicted the death of Knglish cricket after i (lie Australian had won, and il was titled: The Ashes Will ! Hemmed lo Australia." "The Ashes" li ixe pone Lack and forth many lime inre then, with Australia slixhtly in the lead in total victories. Hut KiikII-Ii cricket. n jmiven. i far from be-iny dead. ROTARY CLUB HEARS TALK ABOUT TAXES New Turnover Levy Suggested for the Province Would Replace Personal Property Tax. liefore the Hofary Club Thursday ai'rriHMin, Waller Fi"her, lr iiicial tax collector, outlined to the member the jironed new-tax wlitcli it i iiypele. may jt.ike Itie place of Hie present per- M"ial properly tJix. lie statist (hat i lie provincial povernment was jeiniiiii to eeitre the Views or .the lniines people in regard to j Hits and woulil welcome stitfjren Mmnn with a view to having them (incorporated a a part of the law. I Mr. Fiher aid H had been oh-;r tei io the projierly Ihx that it wn in0'titble. Still he peron-t ally thouglil it would he a rrio'iis (mailer to eliminate a tax until i mature ronslderation had been '.fix en the mailer and until pro- jier ways and mean of replacing il had been discovered. Property Tax The main objections to the.per-sonal property tax Were that often the lax Increased a the bu-ineK decreased for Hie-reason r ilia larger slocks were- left on hand. .Some merchants, through (ho nature of their business-had to carry ten times as. gren, a stock as others vijh a .larger turnover and larger' profit., ' tlfr (en the tax on business rmxluete.l dy Orientals and others vas ina-deuate to the amount of turnover and lastly the tax was c.ol- llected at a lime of year when, it j could leal be afforded ami some time at the end or an unprnin-able year. Mr. Fisher then wenl on lo show the impracticability of operating tinder a net Income tat and outlined the proposed turnover la which was 'In operate in con nection with the income lax much I as the .personal properly lax does today. It was to be a base minimum iax on which collections 'would be made monthly. The (merchant would have lo show his inros turnover and turn in a p-jmlllance on It. At Ibe end of the I year Ibe net income would be de-' dared and If a profit was shown i(t would be subject to the income !lax and the collections made ''monthly would be credited on It; Only one tat would be paya-run. I The-polled Ions would be made :al the rale of a dollar on every '.thousand of turnover for mer (Chants. On professional fees and i brokers' commissions Ihe collec tion would be half of one per ! colli and on transportation, car iage nnd lowing one quarter of one per cent. If the tax were substituted for the personal properly tarand was levied only on those paying todaj, thi dxiet'. jnrwa . PAOK FTVS w x mm personal Xi: One cfollas stands between you and the truth about good health Arm yourself with it now and banish sickness TRUTH! from your system. Got this masterpiece health volume "The Fast Way to Health" and let its simple, understandable language help you cure yourself. If you are fortunate enough to be well arid healthful let it tell you how to keep well for the rest of your days. Dr. Frank McCoy's famous bojk is not the result of theory or guesswork. It is a volume of health truths derived from practical experience with'thousands of serious cases of disease. Its information is based. upon facts and not fancies. Indeed, Dr. McCoy in his book cites chronic cases which were given but a few, days to live. He explains how 38 serious diseases can be cured cured by the suffering- individual ravaging diseases like Diabcteji, Rhcumajfein) Tuberculosis of the Lungs, Bright's Disease, Asthma, 'Bronchitis, Female Genital Derangements, Anaemia, etc., etc. He deals exhaustively with the rearing of children from birth with diet and its paramount' importance to your daily welfare. His famous book is a family book, because it includes men, women and children in its scope of health truths and cures. llemember, aUo, that the book, apart from ils valuable advice, is supplemented by Hr. MrlJoyV daily health talks in the Vancouver Sm. .As a reference for the. daily talks the book i truly a family health treasure. Do not deny yourself ami family this tliis wonderful wonderful bonk. book. Fill Fill in in t! tli coupon coupon .and .and get get your your copy copy at at the the special special mass mass production protliictioit price price of of One One Dollar. Dollar. The Fame of Dr. Frank McCoy? Itt4ln ihylcian of tt present K. Ml advlcv i si'uuht y Hundred of tnouunds -ot utfrt-r-rln Kurtpe. the United State and Ca-. ad Millions Tad M nalUr aealth talk. Aa a ? r.,..ti- n M.ffiv' tally correipondence reacnea . n...l.l nroburtleok. HI book. "Th rat-) War iv 'Hmllli U lwrttTa Tesalt.- N4; oUler .inrdlum oqld poslbl tlfy uch a tr. mendoudetaabd TI.e- "SON" t now pbllhln; thi JamiiU vujm on Jf ui producMop baat., thi-malnr it available to veryonr-rlch andl poor . alike t the rldloulouily low price 01 l-e per' copy. llMr : f fW .nPit Sl1''-i,,.,al Kgnerabei-onlti ! S&JZA . - 11 f - there would be a loss of revenue amounting lo $100,000 a year. I Tills would be made-up, il is pro- posed, by levying on those not now subject lo personal property iax. ilr. Fisher thought it wpujd be impossible to devise inx that would, be entirely eipillalde, but under this plan t lie inequity was reduced to a minimum. It applies to aI alike nnd those doing the largest business would pay most tax. It was so low that it eoulil not adversely affect the business. . ;- The principle of the turnover tax on business turnover is Already successfully applied in other countries and lias been seriously considered in the United States. II ias been recommended by eatf-lern hoards of trade for adoption by the Dominion government, but in all such cases is treated us a nrnln tax and not as strbsidlary to the income tux as. is suggested! for the province. PAINfron Bladder IrritatiM Boo eaa4 8ANTAL MIOY er of ImlUtleei Leak for tk word "WO" tela by til druilieli Rtliivee ty 51