t PAGE TWO THE-DAILY NEWS The Daily News PRINCE RUrEIlT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN - - Managing Editor. Advertising and Circulation Telephone 9S Editor and Reporters Telephone - 86 f Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION. UNEMPLOYMENT. Friday, Dec. 17, 192G DISTRIBUTION OF WHITE PEOPLE. One of, ihe most important subjects of discussion at .the Im : - 1 r I Al . : . 4 2 t 2 . f ...UL! W- - ----- ..- - sv.wiv laiaiiuu ui w nur .,Awr f ..t. r.. ? a i r .... ..I " CANADIAN SCHEME CONSPICUOUS SUCCESS. Of the reality and greatness of those advantages Lord Clarendon's report on Settlement in Canada is a satisfactory confirmation. The agreement of the "Three Thousand Families Scheme," which was negotiated in August, 1924. between J. A. Robb, Canadian Minister of Immigration and Colonization, and the British Government. KEEPER OF BEES" on yesterday afternoon's train. W. H. L. Norrls. formerly with the provincial government 'staff here and now at Smithers, arrived in the city on yesterday afternoon's train from the iuterlor and will sail tonight on the Prince Rupert to spend the hoilday season visiting in Vancouver and a-ajs. W A ' BB fMALKINSl rCl" iv mw trio, rvasiev W. S.Ufnrt of Smithers 'was an ar rival on yesterday train . and retf TONIGHT'S PICTURE uteml the pr,nc Rupr ! Dr. W. J. Llghtburne ot the HazeUon .Ullou it nil i:onuitr of lirnr Mrattuii hospital ua tall toulght on the Trine-tN.rlrr Mory ITi-tr.l In Lutrly Rupert to spend Christmas 111 the .timihrrr south. The Keeper of the Bees." the de. , The appeal of J. Busaanlch , was heard llghtful new novH by Oene Stratton- yesterday afternoon In County Court by Porter which appeared recently in, Mc-' Judge Robertson who reserved hU de-Call' ' and which U now sweeping the eisJon. country In book form. wUl begin at i the Westholme Theatre in lt motion' WUHam Reld and hl on-ln-law. picture garb tonight, when tt ha 1U Jack Frew. wlU aaU tonight on the first showing locally. J. Leo Meehan. Prince' Rupert for a holiday trip which who made a tremendous reputation will take him as far south a Portland, with The Olrl of the Umberloet." dl- Oregon, rected the new production, which threatens to hang up pew records of. Joseph 8. Rogers, sales manager of popuulty even for ,a story from ths the Rupert Martne Produeta Co.. LM pen of such a famous writer as the late. 'eaveTue.vUy for Victoria where he will jpvii-i vuumciiic uccu me (uvjuuu ui uN(iaumi me j- porter. Mr. Meehan was assisted spend the Chrutmas season with, hit empire, says the London limes. At a meeting of the omens) on the picture by his wife. Jeannette family. Branch of the Overseas Settlement Office the Prime Minister of Porter Meehan. daughter of the cele-, Australia declared that a better distribution of the white population 'orated author, so it u but natural that1 The application of WUHam Field tor is the greatest problem of all. With this view many of his colleagues : ta - calcr of the original citirenship was heard by Judge Robert- of the Imperial Conference were clearly in cordial agreement. There !,tory h bpM uh son in County Court yesterday. He w. was a strong feeling among "them that in Great Britain, the most throughout e T rmoa- 'mended by J. if. Thompson andT. densely populated part of the great whole, present conditions lnxohe.X3SeS!:,UOi'tSl1- , . ... , , i which the action and romance are pro-, .. - a shortsighted waste of valuable human material and men women Jectrt proTe ,0veiy. and the work of ail. Muriel Bowes, who tcacfee and children who would be much better off if their-lives were lived uttie oene Stratum Manrae. gTand-j school at Smither. will arrive In Ok in more spacious surroundings, and might at the same'time become daughter of Mrs. Porter, is of partlcu- city on Sunday aftarooon train ii highly useful and strengthening factor in the industrial andecon-' lr interest in that she is the actual spend the holiday with Mr. and Mrs omic policy of other British lands across the seas. The difficulties ."Little Scout- of the story The cast Frank vickers. Ambrose Avenue. of the problem are many and great, but the movement towards solv ing it is' making continuous progress has been selected with flee dlscrlmln- i p. .,l. , , uton an- me direction stamps Mr. Mrs. James Bron and daughter ArWh. frfnmB once m6re " oa w u" rre rrocnra n on yesieraay. nf hi wan full nf Pni-nnrnnt IT r.liv. k .,M W.t uaan . -t, . , . , , a.' i ' . ,"" . tmotlon picture mentsrs who can take from Scotland to loin Mr. Brown, a at the present Imperial Conference more practical work has been good and uu lt ,hf Kwn br.thfr ot Jor Bro wbo done towards the solution of sonieHjf the problems of migration than tI,etly as it was in the book, without to Canada a couple ot moat. at any previous time. In this opinion he was fully supported by Mr. tecourse to the conTenttonai methods! Amery, who was careful to point out that migration must not be 'so often applied. Mis Edna vickers wu arme on Sun- regarded here as an easy means of getting rid of therpoor and un-! dT from Driftwood, where she is' employed, nor in the Dominions as a means of. securing cheap andl teaching school, to spend the Chrutmas handy labor for the employer. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS : and New Year hoUdays with her par-! 4- 4,ecta. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vickers, 1040 TRAGEDY OF Frank Morru returned from IletltoniAm,ro-t Atenue V t v nl.b tv n A lfr a nsl If ra What is wanted is a more general disposition on the cart of ,.... , .-'pr Bk. tii h hm iwii fro-, -1 r.i i.i . iruu. uiscu, ui oxuiuicib. unica tu i . . the British peoples overseas to initiate . schemes of settlement . . pn yeterday afternoon and is a (Vancouver to spend the Cfertstm-t ant. their own account, and a less critical attitude towards those prp-'get at the Prince Rupert Hotel. New Yw -is pareau. He posed in this country. The fears to which that attitude, so far as itK ita no tudent at the University of still exists, is due are easily understood. In particular the dread of I T-8 Rotary club at its luncheon yes-jBrittsh Columbia. the result of competition, or of the charges with which the commu-' UrdJ' d"1 w mite Swires of that nity would be burdened in the case of British immigrants without i-1- --heon at one of the, u cleftetiTe ehimney. a tire t or, A nP.r.. .nnn t,..ot.... i-.-.i.. . ! meeUns earlt In the New Year. which broke out in the home of George v j . .iinuitcs, is jurrjctiij natural, .o countrv can be exnertpd tn relish th Hudtma on SevenUi Avenue East a' F. Trant. post offlce Inspector 10-30 this moraine railed out the de- .-- ,.., neuner oi inese poienual evils :cmK ta the e,,, from Terrtxe et : partment which was able to soon get really outweighs the benefits which would result in vast countries; yesterday afternoon'a train and wiU Wat under centrol. like Canada and Australia from steady influx of citizens of thelsati tonight on the Prince Rupert for right sort, and both can be provided atrinst bv'a sound vtpm nf I vxaeoom. : U!" Fetteriy and Miss Aisdrewa of co-operaiion in tneir selection. Incidentally it may also-be remarked that hardly could it be more prejudicial to the aim of securing these desirable immigrants than the custom of deporting the failures back to their own country, where their feelings of grievance must Inevitably make them the wort possible advertisements of a tiew life overseas. i Uu Abtox TMihlie ttrfwvtl telfur t ff Miss O Cennelt. who la teaching school ' arrived In - the Hy from Use saeltei at Oona Rrver Is expected tn tW after- n thU moBlng and wtu proceed to noon and wttl proceed to Victoria this rro'w to Jerrace where they wU evening on the Print e Rupert to spenl ; "P"4" e aoUday seasAn. the Christmas holidays. night aboard the Prince Charles from Logah Inlet and will leave tomorrow by tralnl to spend the holiday seaon visit -tng In the Central State. J. C. Hutchinson wbo Is on the teaching staff of the public school school at Anyox. js today a passenger v""''tu"UB me opinion oi uora Clarendon Ion the Prince Rupert for the south to and a i nr.- i ilacnaugnten, i who have visited a considerable number of spend the Chrutmas holidays. thes settler families in their farms, it promises indeed to become the most successful effort in colonization undertaken by any goveYn- j 'lM Me?n. daughter of City En-raent in modern times. The percentage of complete failures says'ineer nd Urt' R A- ilcLcn- w,u the report, is very small indeed A few families have abandoned i60"1' ,n 8ua1,T Itwnoon ttom XJtcter the scheme, and possibly two per cent have found work in the' U iCh0?'' t0 tOWns liUt Of thi 1JMU fnwuMi... .4lJ : f. A lm ",c --J '" ---- -w. .....o . i'iv.-cui bc.iicu ii. is expected that between eighty and ninety per cent, given reasonably favorable conditions of climate and markets, will make good and remain permanently settled on the land as farmers. Two particularly satisfactory features of the scheme in working are the neighborly reception C. A. Moses of the Digfcy tetaud wire- A. R. RowUnd arrived tn the elty last i,e station sua itturned oa the Prince J. MaeMUlan of the T. A. Kelley Log ging Co. staff at Logan Inlet arrived in the city on 'the Prince Charles last night and will return there on the given to the settlers by the Canadian families in each district and!"Ine itemer " nd th i I?. , nea,in ine napnness, and the bright future prospects of i the children." The scheme, in fact, effectually carries 6ut the re-i COmmencLatinn mailo .... . . enma 4m 1... I i i : k u. me i nnce oi naies mat, as far as possible, settlers in the Dominions should begin their life on the land while they are still young. In the case pf the adult mem-bers of these families, the report lays it down as an axiom that the quality even more imjwrtant than the experience is "the right spirit " which may be defined, perhaps, as the will to work. In that spirit, and with that will, there seems to be good reason to hope that similar schemes, based on the principle of families carefully chosen and provided with farms that are to a certain extent readv-made. may play a valuable part, both in Canada and irs other parts of the Em-Pire, In the process of effecting a better distribution of the white population. Rev. Oeorge Turptn. United Church pallor' at Smithers. arrived In the city on last night's train from the interior ar.d wUl sail this evening on the Prtnc Rupert for Vancouver where he is to be married. Charles last night from Dead Tree Point- where he was relieving for a month while R. O. Emersoe of that station took a holiday in the south. Among Interior school teachers who can tn on yesterday afternoon's train and will aaU tonight on the Pane Ru pert to spend the Christmas season tut Miss MarerTe D. Jacquot of TJsk and Miss M. Easthope and L. T. Spragge Of Terrace. Mlsa Mary McRae. daughter of Mr and Mr. D. C. McRae. Fourth Avenue West, will arrive on Sunday afternoon"! train from Burns Lake, where ah teaches school, to spend the' Chrlstmai and New Year holiday season vtslUnj with her parenta. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Mitchell and son. who came in from Anyox this morn ing to spend the Chrlstmaa holidays In the city, were accompanied by Mrs. Mitchell's mother. Mrm. C. T. Kemp, who has been spending some time with them in the smelter town. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bank- are passengers aboard the steamer Prince today bound through 'to Vancou ver where they will spend the holiday season. Mr. Banks 1 well known la northern mining circles being manager of the BC. Silver activities. Lee Oordon. principal of the SUwart superior school, add Ms. brother. Roth Oordon. who la also a member of the sua at that school, arrived In the city this morning from the north to spend the holiday season with their parent. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Gordon, 11M Sec-ori Avenue. The pupils of Booth Memorial School repeated the operetta "Princes Chrysanthemum" to another large audience in 'the aldltorlura of the school last night. The performance again went off very smoothly reflecting credit on the young performers an well as on those who hadi painstakingly trained theinV.y : , '.., Mr. and Mrs. William Robertson and daughter. Jean', are passenger o'n th Prince Rupert today bound from Anyox to Vancouver. After several year' ser vice as principal of the Oranby Bay I Public School, Mr. Robertson, known to1 old friends a "Big Bill" ha resigned that position and expect to locate in the south. The departure of himself ana Mrs. Robertson will be genuinely i "i""" in nit; smelter town where they, have become deservedly populsr. O. C. Thompson, of the Porcupine company who Is In the city. Is putting In a camp for the accommodation of the men who will undertake development upon the claims he has under bond adjoining the promising Taylor property at Toptey. IE 8 Keep Y)ur Feet Dry 1 , iKti mi mnrf tit w njr n n.i'ir (l "I.lfehuou" mblxm than the cheapest pair made. ' '' f Tlic difference in quality ant! coiHtnictfon enable you to keep on wcarinc your pir of "Lijtbuous" Itiij; after )'ou woutU have had to throw an inferior pair away. a result of carefully controlled iiunufiictuo'H?. pre A and the us of only tlw highest wtt pure tftim rulhr "Lift- I buoy" rublvrs n tint and the harden wedr ,aJ the agin; action of water and time. Th-tc -no ulk.Mtutc fir "Uthuov -k f' t ! " ' MM Only h Kaufman RubberCo.,Ltd. K1TCHFJSER ONT. tmn '4 SZ Do Your Christmas Shopping Early : and in Comfort The AciWs Fifth Annual Christmas TEMPTATION STILL GOING STKONG. OUU VALUES AHE I1KTTKK THAN KVKH IIKFOIIK AND 1 WILL REALISE THIS WHEN YOU SEE OUH GOODS AND COMPARE 01 H 1'ICl"- MEN'S OVKKCOATS IMg Hurley Overcoat made from imported English Tweeds. Just the thing you want now. Temptation Sale Price .SI O.K.-, and SWJiT, BOYS' SUITS An odd lot of Boys' Suits, some with two pairs bloomers. Temptation Sale Price 8Ti.0." DRESSING GOWNS Beacon's Best Mftke in the latest Jiright colors; warm and comfortable. Regular up to $16.50. Temptation Sale Price SIM).' MEN'S FANCY SWEATERS In pun wool and the latest jazz patterns. The extra garment for a cold day. Temptation Sale Price - . Among those booked to ssll south by the Prlncew Mary this afternoon are r. Wlllan. Miss Mary Essthope. L. T. If the permanency Spragge and Mr. Smith and party, oi tne Taylor ledge 1 established Mr xnompson will have valusble ground Stan Moran and H. E Oordon, pro-' In the properties he has secured, Work mlnent In local basketball circles, wilt i thl winter wilt consist of ledge-strip- u for the south on the Prince Ru-pin pert tonight SILK SCARVES White and all colors 1 ' fancy Christmas boxes. Regula-Temptntion Sale Price MEN'S-SILK SHIRTS Tooke, Arrow and Ing n: siz In thflot. Regular up ' Templatlon Sale Price SOCKS FOR MEN St. Manrart'4 Fancy Sorks i i mere Wool and SlW and patterns. Regular up to V 5 Temptation Sale Price SI. 15 WOOL SCAHVI There Is nothing In the w- gjvc a man so much honest to n ded t UNION STEAMSHIPS rid ion as a goon uui. Temptation Sale Price Mr. lH (Jarfln nf Edmonton l personally In charge of thU Acme Importers Terms: Strictly Canh. Third Avenue. Mall Orders Promptly Atlc No Charge Account Xalllnis from Prlnrt lluprrt. . Iur-iJ' ror VACOt'VER, VK.TOItl t. Sannn luy ani & I'.UI. Sird,J Cf lor VANt'OliVEK. VICTOKM. Alert Bay and Mwuon Itir I"J a . van lor " ..... u-.ii'(iit snu roilT SIMPSON, ANVOX. ALHK ahm, t f'annrrle. hunilay, g p.m, ttl 2nd Avenue, M. SMITH. ,lgentL rrlncfJJ" irrt.