liftf- il'jno ntiallt strawberries are arriving from Terrace in large quantitic ninl are retailing at 2 ba'skets tor y5c, or $3.50 jer crate. Cunning strawberries will be, arriving from Terrace in abou tcii clays' umc. Plums, peaches and Apricots art just bs?inniug to arrive. At present lh"so. fruits are eoming from the f ates and it will be stimc three! week yet before the British Col inbia fruit makes its appearance .Water melt n arid canleloupe are now on the marketand in great demand. The-larpj black Hing Cherries from the Yakima Valley are ar riving in good quantity now, but il Is doubtful as to whether the. Hj.C. crop will be a success owing to the recent heavy hail and rain storms in the fruit districts. The Bing cherries, now on the market are selling, in quantities al 28c. per pound. Today's market prices follow: 'Butter . - lirookfield, Shamrock and Wood"- land, t:li:- ... ... ... .. 4 So K.C.D. ...... 45c Yanderhoof . . . ... ... 45c Fraser Valley, lli. ". 1714c Lard Pure ........ ., ... 28c Compound JSC Cheese Ontario feolids ... . . . 35c Stilton, lb. .. 35o arid 45c Kraft .. : 45c Norwegian fioat .. . i flc i Napoleon jLimbergcr , ... v. 70c Hoquefort ... ... ... . ... . 75c. Swifts' Bulle.rcupt lb, . 43c' Gorgonzola, Jb.'. .. . ... 75c McLaren s Cream, jars 45c Si 85c fruyere ... .... . 50c fioloen Loaf, Hi. 45c H.C. fresh firsts-;..,..; ... 40c II.C. fresh extras'..! .. .'. 45c P..C. fresh pullets . . . 35c Local new laiil . . f..50c Vegetables Spinach, lb 10c New beets, bunch 5c Xew carrots, bunch ... .. .. Oc Xew turnips, bunch ... .. .. 5c Jtadishes, bunch - . . ... . 5c iew I'otalpes .S.lliSj, 25c Hothouse Tomatoes ",per "lb. 30ei Hothouse Tomatoes, per basket '.:. s$1.25 ..v Watercress, bunch lOo Green peppers, Jb. ........ 70c Hothouse cucumbers, each . . . . . ; . 20c and 25c Parsley bunh ' . . . i . : .... 5c Mint, bunch ..V.. .. 5c Leeks, 2 bunches .......... 15c Potatoes, sack .... .. $30 P.eets, 5 Ibi .... 25c CaulifloweriX O. Jiead . 2.5c735e Green onions; dozen v. . . .'. lrc B.C. Cabbaie, 3 lbs. ...... 25c JJ. C. head lettuce ...K. .... 10c Garlic, Imported, pervIb. .. 40c B.C. cooking onions, 3 Jbs. . . 25c rihubarli, outdoor. 3 Hs. ... 25c Asparagus, choice, lb 35c Fruit Oranges, Valencias, dozen , ....25c to 75c Lemons, uikist doi. 305 & 40e Californiarirraifefruit, 4 for-35c Florida grapefruit . 20c and 25c Bananas, 2 lbs. for 35c Candied honey Extracted (l(jru?y, lb. 5c & 35j. Apples, Yelleiw Newtons y $3.50 Appies, w inesaps v7 . ; . $J.T.ft Terrace strawberries, 2 bas kets fftr: 35c Cherries, lb 4.., . 35o Canlelbupes, each 20c lo 35c Watermelons .,1b. , ...... 10c Pineapples,' lb.' . ... . . 40c Peaches, idoz. . . . . . Q5(f nrid 70c Plums, lb. . Plums .basket . $1,00 and $1.25 Cocoanuts ,eneh ... 20c and 25c Honey Dew Melons(Jeah . . . 45c , Dried Fruits Dates, bulk, -3 jibs, . 35c Dales, nromednry ... , 25 c Raisins, bulk,ilb. ..... . 20c Raisins, package, lb. 25c Cluster Raisins, Hi. . . . 25c Lemon and 'Orange Peei 30c Ctron peel. 50c Black Cooking Figs 25c and 30c While Figs, 2 lb. for 25c Smyrna conking figs, 2 lbs.. . 25c iurriiiii. . ... . ....... ... za ViO Pinna's f. ,f I5c-.2"5c AMelJf,;.; ... 25o ' VPeaclics, peeled .. 35c Apricots, lb. . . ,.J.,.. .. 40c l , . Nuts Almonds, shelled Valencia 75c Brazils and filberts 35c Walnuts, broken shelled ... 50c Wnlpuls. shelled halves .... 05o Almonds ,. v.. v, 35c Piiaiiuls .. ..... 20c Manchuriun Walnuts ., ., 25e California Walnuts 45o No. 1' Mixed, Nuls .. 35j Sugar White, per 100 -37.00 Yellow, per 100 ?6.50 Flour Flour, 199, No. 1 hard wheat $2.75 Pastry Flour, 10's ... e35c PasTrv Hour, 49s .:. ... $2.90 . Fish Halibut, lb 25c Salmon, red spring, lb 25c almon. white spring .... 1214c Smoked Kippers, lb 15c Kippered Salmon, lb 25c moked Black. Cod, lb 20t. Finnan Jladdies, Hi 20? all Mackerel, lb 25? I'aslcrn Salt Herring, 2 for .. 25c Salt Codfish Fillets, lb. . . . 30c Honeless Salt Cod bricks, lb. 25c I M... IVIjats Fowl, No. 1, lb 35C to HoastinR Chicken, lb. 15c to 50c Ham. stteed. first grade 60c Ham, whole, first grsyle i5c Ham. picnic, lb 3oc Hacon. back, sliced d5o Itacon. side 50c Pork, dry salt 35c Ayrshire bacon ,1b 15c Veal, shoulder ......... 25c Veal, loin .., . . . . I, 40c Veal, leg , 40c pork, shoulder . . 30c Pork, loin ...... 45c Pork, leg ; 12c Heef. not roast . , 1. 12ctb M Beer, boiling ... ... 10c to 12c lleer, steak .'. ...1 . 25c toOc Beef",, roast prime rib . . . . .'. 30c Lamb, chops ... .- 50d Lamb, shoulder .... 35c Mutton, leg 40o Lamb, Jeor ..1... .. ... 48c Mutton, chops -j.. .... .. 40c Mutton sboiilderi. . . . .'. 30o . .',Feed . WJ.v 100 lbs. Wheat; No SV.&il $3.10 Oats tf... . $2.C0 Bran . . $2.00 Shorts 'V. $2.10 Middlings ... f2.5Q Barley '.l.V.'.'t . $2.35 Poultry mash .. $3.00 Special eggmash $3.40 Oysler shell . . $2.50 Scratch food J. . . . . t $3.50 Beef scrap .-. . $5,25 Ground oil cake J . . ...... $1.75 Baby chick feed .., . . , . . . . '$ 1.25 Fine oat Chops-,.-. . 2.70 Crushed oats .'. , . ... $2.70 Fine barley chop v. ?Z.o Whole corn . ; . . . $3.00 Cracked corn ... . $3.10 Finecornmcal . . . . $3.10 DRY DOCK WILL - TENDER ON BOAT Thai the local dry dock would tender for the construction of a ferry boat for tbe Kelowua dis trict, lenders for which are being called by the provincial govern-government, was the statement made this morning by Howard White, accountant at the Dry Dock, who rejurnedthis mornin on the steamer Prince Rupert this afternoon from a combined busi ness and plealurc trip to Van couver. Tbe ferry boat, is to be similar lo the one built locally for the Francois Lake service, but the exact dimensions-of the new boat are not yet to hand. Tenders are to be in the hands' of the proinriai government by July 0 A. Macindewar was fined $25 by Magistrate MrClymont in tin city police court this morning on a charge of assault. Use iMOND! SAWS Machine Knives. I MONO! CUWM AW CO. LTD. VANCOUVCR, T. MHN. M. . I TOHTO U 1 ani.. " in. THIS DAILY NEWS i BRINGING FATHER By George McMa FRESH FRUIT UP. i ..... -' f - tiiLii IN QUANTITY Strawberries, Cherries, Peaches -Plums,, Etc., Feature Local -iin bffe " - s.-avM-' j HWfs CITY SOCCER CHAMPIONSHIP ri.i..u. in . . . ..I natures were oct at meeting oi Football Association Last Evening At a meeting of the Prim Rupert Feolball Association la.-t night George i. Hun sell was a- p'ornted to referee the Dominio-i Dav Cup final on July 1. be tween the Moose and Cold Stor age. I)rk Howe and A. .. Dick ens Vvill be Ifnosmen. .... . . . . 1 i : 1 a t 1 Ion ,l, July 9, T between . . teams ropre- P 40c,!i,'n,in ?col,au.' and Canada, th prex-eK 10 He applied to the Hoys' Hand fund. Fixture-i for the MoMe.y Cup or city championship series. In which each team will meet each other 4hree times, wre set a follows; June z.t. ejoii Morage v. Mooe, G. Krause referee. June 28. eSrand Tertuinals v.. Gold Storage, Krause referee. July. 6. Moe vs. Grant) Terminals, Kra'use referee. - July 12. Moose vs. Cold Slor-(irand TerTitinals, Krause referee July 15. Cold Storage vs. Grand. TemioaJs,.Kraue referee. July 26- Grand Terminals vs. MeMisc, Jlussell referee. Jiny zy. iiiii Mnrage vs Mooe. Krause referee. August 3. eirand Terminals vs. Oil. I Storage, Hnself- referee August tf. Mooe vs. (irand larniiuals, Krause referee. fl)nriiig the Week of July 19 il is expecte!! a couple, of games fill be played with the crew of H.M.S. Curlew which will then be in port. TENNIS GAMES Mixed and Ladles Doubles In Championship Tournament are Played The games in the Prince Ru perl Tenni Club ' Ipurnainoei ilayed yesterday resulted as fo' imvs: ; Semi-final, mixed "doubles. - Balfour and Miss Milehcll beat Howard and Miss Pete Tremayn", 2-fi, fi-4, 7-5. Final, ladies' doubles. Mils Mitchell . and Miss Ctirtin ben! Mrs. .McMordie: ,and,MIjis Riel Both games were lintly con tested. The finals fn the mixed doub le ahd the men's doubles will be played tonight and the finals in the ladfes and men's singles tomorrow niyht. VICTORIA LADIES ARE PLEASED WITH CITY Prince Rupert Has Wonderful Setting, Declare Msses Nlcol, of Victoria. t That the City of i'linee Rupert Is situated iii one of the. most wonderful landscape settings' 31 pas even been their .pleasure to view, was Ihe opinion expressed by the Misses Nic'ol, of Victoria who passed through the city Oils afternoon aboard the Princes Louise en route south afler mak ing the round trip to Skasway, Alaska. While In-tbe" clfy," orTlidtli the north and south bound trips, the Misses Nicol were escorted by W Denholm to places of interest i lie city and shown the view of the harbor from Acropolis Hill. In Ihi cily police court tbl morning Joe Rejd was fined' $1 for creating a disturbance nn an additional (25 for futuxica tion. V anted For Sale ForJRent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per. word In advance. No Advertisement taken for lest than 50c GOOD EATS Opposite Hi' -mi's Studio,. Third i-nue. RF AL HOMK . unKKD MK.M.S Mrs. Fnger. im prielress. Phone 1 i k 700. MOOSE DEFEAT COLD STORAGE Finalists In Dominion Da, Cup'H)U ni:NT.Ur)tcn milJdlnR ai Series played lo 2-1 Score Last Evening The Miipse and Odd Storage, finalist In lb" Dominion Day Cup series, plael an inleresting gPe at the Acropolis Hill gjround before a large crowd last evening, lh- lodge men win ning by a sen re of t to 1. It was an open gum and play nn of pood quafily, ttoth teams be-1 ing in eap ti- form. Erskin! opene I lie j.erine for the Colif Storage and Maker equalized, the eore at rmlf time standing one a)l. The winniirsr goal for the Moose was mnde by ejuryieh atHiui midway 'through the see-ond half. G. .S HiifeH aelwl as referee ftd Ihe linesmen were ej. Ander- on and it. Howe: The team look the field as follows: Moose Hawthorn; Skinner and Murray; G. Mitehelt, Currie and Hunter; Hodgkinsnn.' Tinker. Marindcwar, I taker ami Gurvioii. ekild .Storage. A". Murray. lafg and Kft'ey; Gurlsnn, Harris and Mardonalil; Johnon, (Uir-liett. Krsklne. Doherty and Nor- Hsgtein. SPORT CHAT -B Ihe animal regatta of the rinee Ru.n. 1 . Riming A. Yacht .tub wnI lw held tn-rnor- ow aflenioi.n. " An interest ng iruraiii .if gniioat, rowing races,. et., if be run off and there will, n. b.ubt. be a large rowd on the wviterfront to view ttiei various idnipelitious, 'I'M Hoys B4nd: lias'beeii o'ngfcged lo iMuiKir- niiKir tnn freiTesnmeni will lie sen-d on (be float and iiierenniiiu. i iure will he no rharges in ronnection Willi the nffair except to the compel itors n tho sweepstake laiinch race which will tie open to all boats n Ihe harbor, the winner to take the pot. Vie Foley, the Vancouver bantamweight,, who has been engaged to box h'ere during In hibition week, earjied a draw de cision with Young .Nalionalisla at Vancouver last Friday ever.- . . . : f r .m - UK, ne loiiajii' ror the seven last rounds of the bout with a painnii siiten m his side ami lisplayed rare gameness am Irish eoiirnse in -staying the 11 rounds with the Filipino. Foley is noi yei uacK lo Jits sbapo o last year but shows Improve menu over a recent bout wllb Howard May berry when lie made n poor snowii. -Macs and Royal Canadian Naval Reserve will meet In to night Intermediate Leagu football fixture nt the Acropolis 11111 grouini. The following llno-up is announced for' I bo Y-Mae Hacker, goal; C. Cameron and II. RcJd', fulVliacks; L. Hond, T. Ke,ey nnd R.,Kelsey, fialfbacks; A. iPhBUp, . Crate, J. Strnchan. ffi Dickens and if. 'Oawthorn, .focwards. FOR SALE Foil SAI.K.--Monarch range in goxl condition, 1(5.00; also child's col, tounsfe and other odd pieces of furniture. Phoiu-Hlue 169. SMALL gasboat for sale; 3H b p. engine; also Vietntfa. Phone Blark 573. 11 Ft'llNITl'IlK for sale. Applr 8 Hi 8ummil Avenue. 1 1 TO REWT 171 Third Avenue Kasl; sit mom modern flat witli bath room and workshop premies on street lfeior. Apply Hyde Transfer, 1.1 ID Second Avenue. FOR ItrLVl--Twn first class modern flats; Monareh ranges, water paid; one furnished. Weslenhaver Hros. Fl'RNlsIlK D' four rMime. mo.1-ern enltape for rent during July and August. Apply Hot 30H Daily ew office, (t FOR RK.VT. Twb modem houses, one furnished. Apnly 215 Fourth Avenue F.att, It UHMSIIKD Housekeeping; Rooms lo rent by the day, week or month. Phone Red C07. tf OR RHNT.--FiirnlhciI housekeeping suite, Mussallrrn Aparlments. Phone H. tf 'OR RF-Vr. Furnished hou. feur rooms and balh; clone in. Phone Blue 337. ' 1 15 FOR RVT. Four room sulle. hot water heated. Apply Smili 4 MalleL PIANOS for Rent at $0.00 ncr month and up. Walker's 1 FDR HKNT a RtHim Cottage. 721 Seventh Ave. W. Phone Rett 713. ltd MISCELLANEOUS JOIN I'rnvblent Mutual Henefll Assoriation dne.i. When j-ompleled will give its members $3000 protection ngalnM Ios of ; life from any cause. Not affiliated with any oilier association tr soclely. Ongan izer. Room 51, prince Rupert Hotel. ' no UMMKIt Camp at Lake Kathlyn opens June 20. For particu Jars apply MfR. K. K. Birnle, Smilhers. II.C. AUCTION 8ALE. AUCTION SAI.K will be held 'at 219 Fifth Avenue West on Thursday, June 21, at 2.30 p.m. consisting of Oak diniiiu room suite, davenporl, car pels, rockers, Hrunswick sewing, machine, chlironler, canary and cage, hall mlrro-, electric fixluresf. Philpolt, i-.viu & 1.0., Ltd., Auctioneers Hi FOUND FOUND. Unity's patent leather shoe. Apply Daily News office SUMMER RESORTS, iivi; l)ihif near Terrace visa Lakclse ' llthla Hoi hprlngs. Llthla is one of th finest mineral waters known for rheumatism. Hood fly iismng ror rainbow trout in Lakclse lake and river. Motor meei all trains giving llirouch connection with Lodge. Tele phone connected to Terrac J. Bruce Johnstone, manager, Articles Lost and Found, &c BOARD AND ROOM. HOAR I). The Inlander, 830 Second Avenue. Phone 137. HOARD. Reioms and FiirnUheirT Ar, Suites. Palmer House. tf' Vr..i. BOARD AND ReM)M, 128 third Avenue. Phone Red 33&. PATENT. ATTORNEYS FKTHKRSTONHAUOH A CO., the old establisheil firm. Patents and trademarks in all countries. Free booklet. Vanoou- ver office 1018 Rnsr llnild. ing. Phone Seymour 370f j ' iu Manager. Krnest I'. Carver.; rr M fires, Oltawa. Washington and fT4" u prinrlnal rides. AUTOMOBILES 1 FURTHER REDUCTION IN CHEVROLET PRICES. , T!mrt. 'ollowing Ibe elimination hr Ihe rT" eloert...! of the T. jrTV.'n ... j me iMMtv.Ting prires are man eut posibte; Roadster and Tourliwr. (uipe and fUwih . u', Standard Selan $1148! landau Sedan $1200 Vniimerrial Ctiasi $ CCS Impress, I -Inn e SI,. $ 927 KAIEN GARAGE. Iealers in all ieneral Motor proilur wrfi:kin. KHIWCF DVY AND NH1HT. Fr a (lenimmf rahrtfi Phone 52 Prices of both New and eiuar- anleeil l'se KURD CARS are now al a new low level. The National Time Payment Plan enables anyone with a reasonable Income In afford (he comfort end convenience a car affords. Ask 8. E. PARKER, LTD. Dealers 210 Second Avenue. TAXI Phone 67 Tail (Call Oeorge, Paul or Oust) Six and Seven Passenger Hlude bakers at your disposal any time. ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker dock. Across from Kmpmss Hotel. FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furni ture Store. We Huy. Sell and Kx rhange New and Secondhand Hoods. GEO. PAPADOPULOS 839 Third Ave. ibnn f WOOD. Dry Mixed Wood 10.00 a load. Dry Fir Wood 10.50 a load. Cut lp any length. Kindling, 17.00 n load. Fir Furnace Wood 17.00 a load, A. ISAACSON Phone Hlack 101 Senl Cove PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Hlph I.I.IW High Low High Low Wednesday, June 23 11:59 a.m. 17.05 fl 23:52 p.m. 21.0 " 5:51 n.m. I.fl " 17:10 p.m. 7.0 " Thursday,' Juno 24 12:11 p.m. 1HJ " fi:.15 a.m. 3.1 " 18:20 P.m. 7.7 " Friday, June 25 (12 2n,7 ft t(2H,p,ul. IH.8 7; 18 a.m. 2.3 " 10:11 p.m. 7.1 " MAIL SCHEDULE OUT-0l. till sa). riMii . siivntj) . CVM.. J.. . T , lk Arm, Il.mi. tt T SltvtrV eui- T AImii eNM iMr , 1 1 . 1 M ' i-oaiiu. '-Jf R.. J- tr Mii, Sll w,, frtm Qut CMrlla im hm. i 1. OX COHUTM U 1 n nttm k in 11 A tin I ! IK SI loll, r - sife V rv . . . . II II A UrtU-- , ! 1 tl 11 w. a s :.i it m At, a tit). II II Hh A IHM ' . ' II Ilk " A v I. '! Slk A. A V III l Pi, Omi Mr I .T II fen, Ik! W'lf I O fl.TJ'. Whsrf 1 ;i i w n.T.r, tut in tod A tin mi iu , u IH sr A r ' Jl tr. A 'i" 6 t: ri STEAMSHIP MOVEHB iwiimU TlwrMUi ll SO StlUfdajr !! v IM I MM II ' 1 ' fyt IS " im m 1 n e iHIM SO I from tiit' Wdali i rrtfir-' M 1 t it ' ' itianla 11 il it M " it Iw l ''"'' a J-hm aw tl it t 1 1 " tI. rr erl Slmpos fH.iy '"! , trm rH timf- mnnr ':lU from Al Itnr 1 1 1 lune if 1 ttmr i 1 . limr i 1 inne i s ' ttr AIU ' I.. W Jiiiw 7 " jhiis.h 1 jw is 1 Jt, .1rW Julie 1 1 u.n tune fl Ttr iiiin, ! 1 " from St.rt. " '"kM Tim-iI rf SUrl ....rt 11 rrom SU' if ror sr-- B1 ()fliri , 1 II' rm (!. irh - r.:nr ""' r Ou..n Ch.rloiu H'"" il l,,,n .... i.Lillfr ,1 Irom Qumh June C.N.R. TRAINS hi'" 'Pally firrpl un1W from IMI .,-,il.Jl Htlljr r"t., - Advertlie in tb.