fflay, June 23, 102fl. That delicious Ivor of fresh it gives a new 11 to every bite, rrigley's is good id good for you. LKLEY larket 311 Third Avenue,' been taken ovor from Oeorgo Kerr by I. TPreece t-v.. . run reaiy ami noo.ison !sh Meats Ing Twice WeMy from the Bulkley Valley 'hone 178 Crystal irelighters times for $1.00 No Mire chopping of kind-Una?; mtc. mole ami economical. Manufactured by ydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue ne 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. ILK rrom Bulkley Valley IH MILK AND WHIP- oinr rnrami fce pfeially recommend 'Table Cream at 15c for f Pint Quality nnt' fvlro slat Ice Delivery Service dentin Dairy Phone 657 r. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 MUST GBOATS Phonee 423, 539, sen 238, Black 735. i, Phoneo 687,. 539, reen 238, Blaok 735. ERT MARINE DUCTS, LTD. Q. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. ir Coats & lacquettes Exquisite, Stock of Fur jrnlngs at low prions SC. FUR Co. i;.Vtf,V.A, Third Ave. CITY ACCEPTS ' TARVIA TENDER Barrett Co. Gets Contract Work' on Down Town Streets for A v recoinmenrialion from I ho city engineer, thai the lender of l he llar.relt Co., Ltd., Vancouver, for Hie supply ami dislr;bullou of tnrvia for road maintenance w,ihViW-c.pii4iiy the council "as;, night. II wa the lowest Ionlor. The Han-ell Co., Mil., ami (icneral Cnnsiructlon Co., Ltd., of Vancouver, were the onlv firms tendering on Urn work. The llarrc'tl Co. pioed 23 'j ents per gallon on 27,nofl gallon of larvia: 3 rents prr sal-Ion for pfaying, two men fur-n illicit with expenses arftl board paid al lt)0. Forty per cent of the .. lo bo. paid when, the material" arrive, forty per cent when Hie work j completed and the balance In ix month. The ipiestion of resurfacing the road lo be sprayed with lar via came in fur a lengthy dis cussion. , In reply lo Aid. Casey no lo vviat work would b done o;i surface of the road before Hie larvia wa put on AM. Perry -aid Hie hole would h rilled up nr-d minor surface vyork done. Tlte idea wan to put a coaling 6t larvw on the road anil then a 1 j Kin coaling of gravel ami aimilier mating nf larvia on lop ENGINEER INSTRUCTED TO START ROAD WORK COUNCIL IS INFORMED A the meeting of the city rout II Ja4f flight a letter wa read from the Deputy Minister if 'tilli$ Works, Victoria, ii rep!,, !a a letter addressed lo the depa nient by the city wilh re forer e in (he cotnHelinn of the k.iie land roadway. ' staling Ihal lii-dtt'-t F.ngineer Marksy had Ihspii instructed lo undertake (he work. TIMBER SALE X 6491. Sealed T.-l.iler will l rerelveil by 11 Mliu.li "i land it Vlrturu ikiI laur lluu n 'Hi i lUv HOI day of July, Il fur tbf ,ureh "I Lirruce XOIVI. lo rul ,MI,'"-tf ii-vl i.l lwe, IKinimn, 111! i:iitiiH . n,ii 4, umm uittriri. Ikii 1. )iir lll Lo alluurd for re-iiHivtl & l.lr. I'urtlM'i irui i;lr r lh Oiler F- irr. Si.utji. H i: , or limiiicl lorrler. i'rmif rmi'in, n,i.. MVIOAtlt WATERS PROTCCTION ACT, N.S.O. CHrTtH lift Union Oil i oiiipttij Of i jiuil, IJmllrd, i.freiiy ntna iioiiir mil n no witirr ec lion lit Ih niil A' l uullrd lth ll MlnlDlr f I'lililh' Worn at uiliti anil in tin "TU vl Hi luttrlrl Hrilrar or Uk- LaivJ HerKtry limricl or erlnee Huiwrl in llw l" of Hrttiih Columbia, a ili-ynpllnn of Ibc .lie ami .lao m a (mo- timber wnirf pni-o Ui in built in ih hartmr ut Priory liuptrt in ihi mui I'l-iivlmv un ualir lot fiHir. UI.m V hi . the talij w harf imiiprlliif a I iurni api.nnrli varylnir In width from It' lo fir. and cilrmliuf Durlhrrlr iruiu iih lilahwtrr mark a dmanre of ap-iiruiUnatFl)' 3V0'. nhrnn It widen tn an 1. orrimii ..0' i to in area, th ulity fvt iiioaiurrniml Ixtlnir approtlinattly paral-irl i. I lii- hiir Imp. And laki nillri that (ftrr lh" iptra-ii n 'if month rmm iho Hat .of thtt runt publlralkm f thin nvllrA I hi- t'niun oil Company or Canada, Lliiilli-d, will nhdi-r Tiiin 7 of llm mI1 Art apply to Un- Mlnimrr or I'ulillc Work at in nr-tire in the Uly r Oltana, ror approval nf tti aaiil lte and llif nald plan, ami rur l-avr to mntirurl Ihe Mid wharf and approach to the miiii. tiatm at Vamirnvrr, Hrltuh Columbia, Ihl mill day of May, UJfi. it. J. KPit;m. Mutrlrt Salf ManairiT. LAND ACT. Nolle of Inl.ntlon to Apply to Laaaa Land In Land ln-irurdinir iminrt r I'rincp Huixrt, and attuaie on Morrnby Inland, (.iiiiin Charliitl Group, nn unnanHnl la-rt, thn mllt kjii i h of lir La nwue Inlet. TAKK MtTir.r, that Tlx Canadian Flh-Inr Cuiiipany, l.lnillt. nt Vannuirrr, or-iipanon Salmon ranniT", Inlrnda tn apply for i lrae of Ihe following described lanin- rmimienflnr it a poit planted at h-ad of Inlet abiMit H mile norm nr Unnamed i, reek. Uienrn et to rlialn; thenm uuth tiO rha:n; thenrs mm tO rhaln. inure nr lea, to allure line: tltenro northerly follow Inr nhiire line tn P.O.C., and ruiilalnlnil to arrea, uiure or le, THE CAN.M'IAN flUin'O COMPANY, UMITKO, Appllmnt. Ter William Alfred Hower nmed sih Anril. -layn ' LAND ACT. C.alar Land IHHrlrt. Mnd fternrdlnit hlirlrt-nr Unlive llnpert. and Mtuate on Allln lake alenit ii inllos aoulhweat or A Hill Tnw n III". TAkK MITKJ; that Kihvln Jille Frrerl, or Allin, ill the rriinnni ur nniinii Columbia, nrt-iipiillim nperatlnir tourist launch intend to apply rnr pcrmlMlnn to pur-rhn'e the foUowInt lerrllMd lamia: iinimenelnir al a imiI planted at the wnithea! rorner r OUrler Hay, In Allln Lake, (United a abovei theitre rollnwinit Ihe. Minni Hue wel to rhalnai tlienre Ninth to I'lmln; theni-e pat to rhaln thenre norm to rhaln, tn point roininenrrinent. ...... -a. t . ... b rf rti T r.li,i. 4i'i.r,a c.iinr.n i . Applicant, Paled May in, mta, LAND ACT. a Notlc of Intantlon to Apply to Laaaa Land In Prince import Land Jlernrdlnir ins trlrt of Cnat nanire J. and situate on Konlh Itarlmet llnful. TAKF. NOTICF. that Alfred ftwanaon, of Princi, nnnert. .nceiinallon Mariner. Ill' tend to apply for a lea or ttie folio. tnir fleflrrllieil land- m Cninnienrln al a pout planted t the north vnd of south rtachael island; thence around Ihe wand ai nirii waicr inara and ronlalmiUT AO .acres,- morn or ,, ALH1CD SVVAN90N. Dated April S7, 1SI9. . Applicant. aOTir.r IX TIIK MATTKIl or an application 'for ihe l.ue or a I'rovloonal Certiricaie or Title ror I lie Kat lialf or Lot two (ti, Block rrfty-two (Jti, subdlilalon of even hundred and rnny-aU (TIS. Vueen durum? Putrid, -in tho Province ot iirnin coiuiniita (Map 1079). Sallrrinrr uruof or Ihe lo of the Crrltrirale or Title niverlna the above land havtnx- been produred to me. It I my Intention to lusiie afler live expiration oi one inuniu troiii tne rirt punitraiinn hereof, a l'ruVlloi,al Certificate or Title to Ihe above land lit the name or nt ntajeaiy The tnar in Hie lllrlil or ine iimierial Munition P-oard. The urlf mmI Ci rtlflcate or Title ta dated the tniM Frbruary, It 10, and Is numbered 0Mt-l, i.ann iieriKtry urru-e, .Tinea nupert, i.l., isi June, lvin. ll r rnn BeVlMrar or Title. MtNCRAL ACT. . OCRTIFICATK OF IMPROVEMtNTS . - T, Ula- Canyon Mineral Claim, annate In tne Attin Mininr Division or Calar District. Where located: Aear Crater Creek and adioinlnf and nurlheat or the. HIk Cnnron Klienion Mineral Claim (Lot i l 7 I . TAKE NOTICE that I, John Mollot. Free Miner' Orlirirate No. 707SS. .In' lend. Itly days (rum the. date hereof, to apply tn 'the Mlnmtt lieronler for a Certllicate of Impruvrinenta. tor Ide pur- poe or ohtaliiinit a crown (Irani or the anore riatm. i And further take notice that action tinder auction SI, -mint ,be ninmienced before the ltie pr aurtl Certiricaie or linprovrmeni... . Paled thl tt'day of Jilne. A D. 1.96. II. Mc.. FltASKII, Arent "GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT." Nolle of Application fee Base 'Llaanaa, .Notice I hereby rtvrn that, on the tsth day or June nej, the uudersia-ned intend to apply to the l.lqitnr Control Hoard tor a llrenae In iroepert nf premises belna: parr of the bulldlur known a Ocean Falls lintel, annate on Front Street, Town of Ocean Fall, HI urn nhe land described a Lot No. aii'llnliae S. Coat 'tilstrlet. Map Nn, II. M. it. Land nea-tratlon Plitrlrt, In the Province nr Blllh Columbia, ror Ihe ale or beef by tho rl, jfir b.w the oin aioiiie. ror consumption on tiw pre inlse. ,' Dated thU Tth dKy of June. 1t. PACIFIC MILLS LIMITED. rer C. L. Barker, Troairr. THH TJXILT "HWB PAD FIVE r ARCHWAYS DISCUSSED .MAKINfi PICTURE C'jty Arch Will be Erected at Fulton Street tand Fifth Avenue for July A Celebration r A leller from the Native Ron of Canada 'Dominion Dar cele- hnilion committee asking the city lo ree the ..nuinicifial arcJi t the crown ofjhe hill on 'Pillion Slrwl, opjMHfte: Ihe'iCatbolJ.? school, wa .rend al l.1.t hfKhl'.i council meeliiiK, If wan nli aked thai the city roll down the recreation around be fore the eejebralion in view of Ilia fact thai a jiumber of children' race would, be run off. on that day. Jii reply to a question by Aid. Caney a lo the rot Of erectins and taking lo(wrv arciiway.i Aid. Perry, chairman of the board 4jf iorki, dialed, it. would cot in Ihe neighborhood of $30. After din-UMfon it wa detided lo accede t the reciueAt. .The iuetiou of taking down the archway, on . Third Avenue, which wa erected in connection with the recent- vi.-dt of the fhriner.f nUo came up at th.-meeting. ,, Mayur . Newton wa ilf the opinion thai, i it were lo be allowed In aland for a while, something xbould be done lo liven II up in the way of decora lion, vvhici he thought could be none at very Jillle expense. Aid. MrKechiiie wanlfd jl fimved at once.-s-while Aid. Jo (ireer thought ftrnikd well olpn 1 until afler Ihe Dominion Day relehration. I'pon molinn (if Aid. Perry.! ec(indpd Jry Aid. V. J. T.reer it wa decided to leave the mat It in the hand -of the Hoard of Work to do What was best in the wuy of deroration and ti leave the arehway standing until Ihe fall after Ihe rily engineer had examined it ax lo it safely Ten Years Ago In. Prince .Rupert June 23, 1916. An?u Stewart arrived from the "outh llii morning and left on Ihe train for the Pilv?r Standard mine nt Uazelton. .Dr. IHxon, of Oranby, ac.com-panled iy 'Mr. Dixon, wiis among the northbound pa-fenger on the Prince (Jeorge Ihl morning'. O. K.- Itielchcl, who left here in me early ni.iKe or the war and wa severely wounded, has nw lieen promoted' to the rank of sergeant and I .quite' fil again. LAND ACT. CaMlar Mint PKlrlrt. Land nrrordlnt llUtrlrt of ITInee Hupert and Mtuaied uo Taku Ami, about 1 inllea aoulhweat or niiHiih or Atlintn liner. TAkF. MiTHK that Tranrla UK-hard fiunliKH of Allin, (I.e., orrupalUm mill maiMver, Inlnid to aply rur ixrnilaitbm to purclww U fuilowlna- .riex-j-lbed land: - Cimiinenrlnr at a post planted on the aouih ahure uf Taku Ann about i mile iulhrt .rrotu ihe mouth ur Atllntu liltrr ami rimnini tlienre to clialna went; Ibenrc to rlmlna aouth; Itu-nre to chain rant; and Ihenre to rhaini ourth to point ur coiiunenreinenl, runtalirinc 40 arrea, mure ur bi, ritANcis niciiMin dum.op. inie, iun. .My jy, imp. Applicant. AT JASPER PARK ."The Country 'Beyond" Is Being Entirely Produced There by Fox Corporation JASPRR, June 23. Janper, the world' larget national park, is lo provide Ihe etting for one of llie great moving picture epic of the year, "The Country lie yond" an adapt.ltion from tlie lory of that name" by Jame Oliver Curwood, which i bejng produced by the J-'ox Film .Corporation under the Tiermonal direction of Irving dimming. The ale wln'clf i'a very notable one incltide- such tar as Olive Jlorden, .1. Farrell Aiac- donald, Italpli Orave, Fred Koii- ler arm i.awroni navmson, as well a a number of ollii'm of outstanding ability. Two sec tion of the. parJi liave lieen cboen by ilr. Cummin:- a the. celling for hi play. Tlii mprn-ing iiiiompany commenced work beniile the jade water of the hake of Forgivene, which lie in the ttjiadow of Mount Ijlith Cavell, one of the mot majetic peak in Hi liockie. There and about Japer Park Lodge on the shore of l.ac Heauverl the preliminary work will be carried on until Tliurnday when the entire company will move by pony trail lo Maligne Lake,' wheie the re mainder uf the picture will I filmed. Tlii-Si work will occupy almost three weeks and it call for an expenditure of aimotii a iuarler of a million dollars. Never before has Hollywood come so far north to film a pic ture. Small scenes in various production have been made farther north but this is the firm lime in Mite history of motion picture industry that a complete screen feature has b,en produc ed north of the joundary. Thu Maligne Lake -territory is eonsid ered to be the most spectacular section of the Canadian Hockie and it can be readied from Jasper only by a pony trail thirty miles Inn;; which at times clings precariously to me snie of a mountain with a swer drop ot hundreds of feel below. Over this frail- the entire company wilh all its supplies and para phenalia must travel to reach ILs 'local ion. To do this the lar gest puck ftain that ever moved through the Canadian Hockics is being' -provided by .Major F'red Hrevvster, noted guide and out- filler of Jasper. Fifty saddle horses and almost two hundred pack horses will be engaged in jibe worlc during the entire time Ihe company is no location. The completed film version of "Tho Country Jteyond" will provide probably Ihe finest advertis ing the Canadian Hookies have) ever received as it is Hie inten tion of Mr. Cumnilngs to specialize in scenic effecls, with a view to producing a sneclaculat natural background nn a scale never before attempted and which will set a new standard in the motion" picture industry. In addition lo being a slory nt Canada produced in a Canadian selling; addilional Cahatiian at- mpspljere u lent to liie produc (ion ilhrouRli the , fact Parrel Macn.jiiaUl relaltlhir Wil Ham MacDnnnld, whilp. Miss Olive Horden claims family con- neetton with Sir Hobert Harden former prime minister. AUTOS COLLIDED ON FULTON STREET No 8erious Results When Vehic les Collided at Sixth Avenue "Corner Yesterday A motor accident, nvhiolt for tunalely was not attended wilh aiiv merious consenuenr.es. occur red at the corner of Sixth Ave.. and J-'ullon Street at. 4.25 yes lertlay afternoon when a Chev fillet sedan car, driven by M. i' McHalTery, and a tHXi car, driven by Geo. h, Martin and owned by the 75 Taxi Company, collided. Considerable 'damage was don? lo the Chevrolet car and the tuf for on the taxi was lient. Tho Chevrolet was proceeding alnnjt iSixth Avenue West and lh laxi wns ppitiK down i'ullon when the ucoident happened. BOOTLEGGERS IN SILK STOCKINGS REAPING A HARVEST IN ROUM ANIA HUCUAHHST, Itumanla, Juno 23.Boollegi8;ers tn silk stock Opportunity; is knocking at your door ,'-,;.4 , . : , .v,: .-' Naturally we have to make a prof It on our goods to enable us to live. BUT Ihere are times in business when profits have to bo forgotten to enable us to meet our '.financial -obligations, .hence -our genuine sale. Our Loss Is Your Gain A few outstanding bargains, selected at random, are given below: Gold Price . Hnby lling.. IXegi f 1.25, Jewellers ings are reaping fortunes in llumania. There is a prohibitive duty on silks, lingerie, perfumes I and articles 'Me luxe Kenerally.l Hut the Humanian woman, who is the best dressed in the Hal- kans, demands these articles at any cost. , j The reAill Is that bootleftpers,1 many of them women, briutr in clandestinely thousands of pairs of "Parisian silk hosiery and sell them to the retail slortfs. or direct to users. Altheuirh the government U taking drastic measured apains! smuggling, the illicit trallle con tinues. CA.H. steamer Prince Rupert, Papl. 11. Xedden, docked at 12.10 this atternoon from Vancouver en route to Skngway, Alaska, for which point she will sail at i o'clock. The steadier, which hart a full complement of-roumt Vrip' tourist, passengers, was delayed tn the trip north owing to heavy fog. Passengers debarking here included Jlalph Le Pine, Cltief Petty Officer Kinrh, Mr. Kvans; Mrs. Stewart, Mrs. Harnes, T. A. Johnston, Thos. A. 11. Ferris, Mr, and Mrs. Arnold, liss K. Kattell, Miss Kelly, Mr. anil Mrs.D. Ober-lenller, 11. 11. Jones, Mr. MeKIn nel, Mr. McAllister, 11. John-ston (t)eean Falls) ; It. -C. llawkes, li. 11. Hurroughs, Howard While, Miss Vincent, H. M. Clark and parly, Miss Hobb, Mr. KnowlandJ Mr, Hums, Itev. Kathej- Woods, Mrs. Morgan ami Miss Hrpwu, Miss Marjorle Lancaster. HOTEL ARRIVALS; Prince -Rupert F, V. Helcourt, 11. K. Dovvman and John Clark Vancouver; tH Ames, Toronto; Mrs. A, McDer- niotl, Victoria; H. F. Swobadp; Prinn Hupert. Central Geo. R.nLawrence and B. Qaro. Ian, Stewart; C. ,E, llletsoe, Yant A couver, Sale . 85o Solid 18K Ladies' Gold Rectangular Wrist Watch,, set with 0 diamonds. Fine qualify 15-jewel movement. Guaranteed a good timekeeper. Fine quality fancy wrist w'atch bracelet given free with watch. Reg. fS.j.00. Sale Price. .$63.00 IKK White Gold Ladies' Wrist Watch, in beautiful octagon engraved pattern. 15. jewel movement. Special small size. Excellent limekeeper. Heg. price $.'18.00. Sale Price V : $29.80 Ladies' Ileclaiigular Gold Filled Wrist Walch. 15 jewel movement, in, white or green gold. Reg. $14.50. Sale Price $11.60 , Gentleman.'.: Solid Gold Nugget Walch Phain. ... , Reg?5.00. i- . - .Sale ., Price. .$48.75 'denlIeniarrr:n.Jevel Wallham Watch. Goid filled, screw case. Reg. . $30.00., Sale Prtctv. . 1?. $23.50; GentlemanV 23 " ' r s i 1 ! 1 1 . 1 Walchi Gold ' Sale Price lllteu Jewel Rail Railroad case. :Reg. $85.t0. , $68.oo Sojid. Gold Men's Signet Rings. Only a few left. Special at . . . . . $3.95 Ladies 7Stone diiamnnit Ring, a real beauty. Reg. $75.00 ...tj-... f T'-MenVsoriil 'O'ild (iiiff Ruttons. Price . . ... This is Sale Price . . .$56.25 SPECIAL WEDNESDAY MORNING ONLY- To the first three customers we will present a 7 Piece Berry China Set Absolutely Free John Bulger Ltd. Sale $3.95 Third Avenue SOFT FINISH AU flat pieces washed, ironed and neatly folded. Wearing apparel practically ready to wear, only re-qtlires a little retouching with hand iron. Try This Service Minimum Charge, $1.20. 7c per lb. plus 1c per piece. Your bundle returned within Ihree tlavs. PIONEER LAUNDRY, Limited Phone 118 Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK 4 AND: SHIPYARD ODitlnf . T. f. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock tnglnetrt, MaahlnUU, Boilermakers, Blacksmith, .Pattern makars, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC ANDVACCTYLENE WELBHM. Our plant, is equipped to handle alt kinds of MARINE AND, COMMERCIAL WORK. v . PIIBHit 4B and lif 1