Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily New. Limited, Third Avenue. . H. P. PULLEN, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $1.00 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year .-. $6f00 To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.r0 Transient Display Advertising. .. .$1.40 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page.. $2.80 per inch Local Readers, per insertion 2."c per line Classified Advertising, per insertion 2c pr word Legal Notices, each insertion I Be per agate line Contract Rates on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 88 All advertising should he in The Daily News OTfice before p.m. on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject . to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION Friday. February 3, 1920. Sees Qreat Things For Portland Canal. The editor of the Portland Canal News in telling the Notary Club about t lie district, and ils prospects emphasized what In-believed to be a fact that mines would yet be developed which would be greater than the Premier, lle.nientioiied three properties that looked as if they wVre likely to do this. They are not stuck- selliriR proposoion hut are being financed, on by liritish capital, one by Canadian, and the other by American. They are showing so well that each is assured a bright future a a ship ping mine, even-If it does not produce as much and as rirldy as the Premier. And yet they arc only, three of a hundred properties that are good prospects..'' What, is true, for jhe tjjewart area, , Mr. Rnlslon believes, is true of other seclioiu of, this great mineralized district. .Min ing is one of the great industries that will make this a rich country. Not Be Discouraged At Elevator Situation. There is nothing at all discouraging about the elevator situation. The building is ijol jet finished ryid It will be more than a month before the contractors ,-will he ready to hand it over to the government. It could not be expected that much grain could go through until -it was completed. While it is trite thut it is now ready to handle any grain that offers, this condi tion has tiol obtained long. Several visitors who have looked over the new "house" say tbey do not think there can be much business expected this year. It has to be ready at the beginning of the season in order to lie "iiuite.siiccessfnl. However, there is still a possibility that something will be done. The season i not by any means over. 4 .m ' Government Confers . With Opposition. ';'.. ' "V Wlllill till) fVt tvft Pi ina Til VkiII tiifu U'lll. 4 lilt fti-i rtrw i I ! s. I -. fffiiii tfi vnrnUi infr if i v iri hv Vs T lu'Wr It lt.tirr". t.l,k,1 tnm CT -' a a j vn i"ui a. - iv it pi uiimi J (t I and wide. We were told yesterday that they were to eottfer over me appointment oi an investigating commission for the Customs ileii:irf input It seeni u iiitv that trovCrumenl -and otinosilion enmiol cim fer orterr. There must be good, suggestions made by the opposition tliat would be worth otloplliig and it is a pity that 1 1hO Ciiimlrv slumM sol'fpp in.l ln-cj.iKn iwilil in ! t I i ft . .... j' '1um'''- a j'wiiui.'ui riuiv.t j - Whfwi inoniloi okA i I tit. I A ' I V 1 !m.hI JL i there lo fight for parly orlo ficfifice ,v ro.iniryV -welfare lor the DllMV fiYlvUllftlTi nf n Tifwailtl 'nnrfi" Ir-Mininn 2 Ac alnAhna !. come tiiore intelligent, they wnrihsisithrit'repre4eii(nves gnt iiirm uoiie.-i service wiinoui too sinct aiuierence lo parly line. They will often have lo vote for or against proposed legislation aim him lur or agauisi ine pari, Need Of Publicity For Prince RuDerL If ever there wa need of publicity for Prince Rupert there is ut-i-u uir u uow. c now nave somejhing to sell. We have the port facilities In offer to the farmers and dealer of the prairies and it is op lo ii to let them know Mint it is her nm what it can do. Prince Rupert as a purl mnt be Hie subject for .... . . . J.. 1.. II 11. ii i - is n ten uie worm annul, 'nicy know tiltle enough of it now and of the facilities we offer. In the near future they should Know a greal tfenl mwe nnfj snrn,hl took to us for the servic which we as an ocean port should give them. No bran is added to SHREDDED WHEAT If contains all to bran in the whole wheat , Edmonton Journal has Display Story Telling of Situation as Seen There I VIEWS OF EXPORTERS 'Secretary of Board of Trade Says Will Keep Hopper Filled to Overflowing The Edmonton Journal of Saturday last publishes an article under a two column ilisjilav head line anout the I'riiiee Itupert ele vator .and possible ?fiitn ship, men Is this way. Tin? article Prince llupert .through ils board nf tradej is muling a determined Irjd for a share of Hie grain movement from Alberta and other eslern prounces. Irt a wire lo the Edmonton lord oi trade on Wednesday nfcrhl Hit 1 PAGE TYVC Svtm' tiA$k XLfS Friday, Fflir.i Tea must be Kept Air-tight. "SALADA" TEA . fs better packed than any other tea. The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA GRAIN OUTLET PRINCE RUPERT claims of Prince ltupeii as i grain port are put forward, and the co-operation jf Kdiuonlon board is sought in a camniiuu looking to the sliipmenl of prairie grain via this terminus. ; From the press we learn," says the wire. "I hat your organizations are much exercised over embargo on grain at varum points and elevator cenlres. ami lliat over ten thousand cars are held up at sidings. , B g Storage Elevator Klevalor here ua sloraffni capacity of million and a quarter' hUshels; can unload alwiut 00 cars daily, deliver pi ship fifty llionsand bushels an hour, and try twenty thousand bus held daily. C.G.MJJ quote same ei port rates from here as from Vancouver. Farther understand other companies offering same rales. A further advantage that there are no harbor due here. Elevator is nnw ready fo. business. Can you arrange to use these facilities'? We are prepared lo give you any further infold iiiation you reipaire and any assistance we can. Prince Itupert Board of Trade." John iillepie of the iille?pic ITrain Company, when asked run- cerning possibilitus for the ship ment of Alberta grain ia Prion Huiieri; jwdnled out that the mailer resteit enfirepy with the ex porting companies. It Is up to Exporters If Hie exporters request i. we will he oniy too glad lo ship grain to Prince Hupert," said Mr. illlespie. At the present lime. lowever, he pointed out, order- are for western shipment to Vancouver only. The (iillespie comivaiiy does not ourry on an xporl busineim wlueh is separ ate and distinct in itself. Regarding the embargo, Mr. (Illlespie pointed out that only tough grain is being held up. The trouble has arisen, he says through lack of adequate facili ties for the dryintr of lough grain In Vancouver. There is no em bargo mi grain of the higher grades. Might Need More Boats If grain is to be hipped via Prince Itupert, the exporters hinstgel together. It might be necessary to arrange for sulli- fjent boats to handle it, suggest ed O. I.. Have, local .manager ot James Itichardson and Sons J. united, grain ..dealers. The policy of uietirhardsnn company is delerjiiine.1 from the western office in Winnipeg, howeer, and Mr. Bayer was therefore not prepared to sav anythinig on the matter insofar as his company was concerned James Richardson ami Sons ship grain to Vancouver only 39 il is ordered, and they have llierefore not encountered trouble by reason of any embargo on ship-men Is. If the people at both Vancouver and .Prjnco Itupert will "open the spout," Alberta fanners will "keep the hopper filled to overflowing." John Blue, secretary of Hie Fdmonion board of trade, in commenting upon Hie wire from Prince Huper!. THE MAN IN THE MOON !J"S wonderful how the lan guage grows. Now whal don "applesauce" mean? I WONDHll if when one ant meets another on the street, she some l iines cum her dead. IF U s true (hat Hie race can conquer everytlniijr, it is probable it may yetUem-er the Charles ton Invskh. s IT is to M 'fried her bi) Ibe race is still filbniphanl in 'pit of man) a hideous nihtiiKire. THF latest proposal is to attach a loud speaker ti the parlv line. As enteriniiinieni II would beat anything else I know in Hie line of low edjttedy. IT feein1's? if young people ran el flif1s;. lves inoeulnbul against ufcythtng but falliii!r in love. Il -rnprexentable nnd incuralde. ' MdliKll.NISM is walching a baseball inateh Tor the purpose of lem-niu? to be an athlete. Till-: dlttlculty Vilh young married people i they find it hard to toi-gel )h persnnal pronoun i" and sidistituie for i' the little won! I IIAVF known young folks who "we" and "I" incjn Both mean "I.' :i good many ecni lei think AIR SURVEYS I lie same. CARRIED ON Lot of Country In East is Already mapped From Air Says Report Made Yesterday OTTAWA, Out.. 5. The Itoyal (Canadian Air l orce in co operation with the ToMgraplii-cal Survey Depart nieni of tie- Interior during 19:' 5. pholngiHplied nearly 3K,KI0 square miles of unexplored country of I.ake Wmnipec, in (he province oi Mamtidia. and the district of Patricia in Ontario, ays the re port of the Topographical Sur- eys commute of the Association of Dominion Iittd Simey-ors. jut the annual niwding here yesterday. Surxeyors are i iU pioneering, the jeporl cunlinued, and in order lliat the prospector laay follow, it r necessary to lead the way through unknown waterways and arduous muI-ages, fixing in correct relaiie po-ition iniiKirtant topographical features. Dominion band Simeyors unflinchingly accept the onerous duty of acting: as uavipal 10111 olficers with the lloyal liafladian Air Force, and guide the planes across the wide blank spaces of existing maps. "A little more than half a century as:o." says Ibe' report. 'when Itiipert's band was reded to Canada, Dominion I.ind Sur veyors laid ont the first farm in me leruie vaiiey oi me ueo Hiver a ltd with oxearl for transport made their way across Hie boundless prairies, pioneers preparing for Ibe vast multitudes f,f settlers lo follow. Forest Lands "Today I hey are still leading the way, but Hie objective is now the forest and mineral lands and while surveys are just as necessary in the development of this val heritage, the reqHiremenls are different. The rectangular work of lines ncK-eyary jo mark off the fa rrd dia's given, way to llie'eoMroJ surveys . essential to the making of adequate ..maps of I lie new country. In surveying farm lands the country had la be gone over with a fine Uieith comb as it were, for, lines(iad to be run one mile apart and had lo be cleared through the woods. Now important waler routes many nliles apart are traversed by the surveyors and the intervening details are filled in with the aid of ' Hip most modern survey instrument. Hie seaplane and camera. Don't Cough Your Head Off Dcn't Cough ' AH Night Long. Mm. Tlioi. OiTbert, Wellaiid, Out, write; "Some time go I took a ery severe eoldf and it ettled on HIT ItHlgK, I roughed day and nlgkt, and had Mii-h vere pawn, ia my tbet I rould hardl.r tear them, but finally I sect and got a bottle of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup After I had taten A. eonple of oWi T found that my "ouch wu relieved and thi pain were all jtone, and hy the time I had flnUhed latin be whole Imttle 1 wan completely rid of my trouble Now. I will never I without s bottle of 'Pr WoodV In my botne." Put up only by the T. Mill or a Ca, Limited, Toronto, Out. OxoCubare the concentrated flavour nd nutrimmtof prime frrih beef. On cube mtkei delieioui, refrethiiif, itrnKtb-eiinif drink, merely by being dit-tolved in a cup of hot water. In tint ot 4 cube .15c 10 - 30c February 5, 1916. Nurse Jerella P. .Morris of Aidrosoii. Scotland, niece of r. lieorjfe P. McOdl of this city, writes an mtfresling lelie; telling of condition in Serbia where she has been serving. Cap). II A. Plulpntt is now serving as town major" in) France hihI is pulling on flesh according to u letter written by! Mrs. Philpoii. who i in Fngland.! to loral friends. II: i. Ilelgeesofl leaves in a, few days for Martinet. California, whrre he will reside. Hi business interests here are lo w' taken over by (i. II. Arnold. ?nhrrihe to the Daily News. SLC Or OOVERNKtNT STt SMOVCL Burnt Lakt Olttrltt TI.Mkfhs - imnnl by the ua lerslil ii mi ihssi VniwJ4. Ike iSlk il4J firuir. Iyi.. fr I lie Hir-inse or a yard VUrwui sienu stiH, .iiihi Hw. iimtlnr ilh rqunwwal. x'iei ai sbrt-au sMia. rai uf Hums I ak. AmHifnieiii- eaa U- nuntr Mli vir. tnuiMMW, v mlTU-Kif. n .. rr in -ewi!. Tlie MKIm-sI nr any li-nder nut m-rr aril) artfftmt. jxvis pATrasox. I ilrrhin Anl I'arlmment BniMinr. Virwim, II : . JTIIi Jtti.m. Off.. GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. AOTICC OF AeeLICATION fOR CONItNT TO TRAKItrCR OF BEER LICENCE NOTICE I IIIHI.BV '1IV W thai, no II f;Ul l) nr ti-hruart nvl. 0- uivler limed int-iKl. i.. amM n- i?w i.iaiinr im inil Htxro' fir imiil in irmofrr New I.I-Hmt iimliri tan. and ir1 in eierl uf .tfniiw. Iieina Miri -ir a ImiIW II known a The Hnyil II..IH. Ilnalr al Otf nnrr nr A III Slns-l alHl 1rl , ii Hie r erlner lius-rl. n.r.. ursm IK- land rtesmlinl a M rletm iim etvr (t . Mkfk Ihlrly l ill . s I" w' iiri inrHij.iii rr 'via1,. PrHMe nnjiwi IjbiI Rrrtsiraiiua iiirn-t.! n tlie I'mvlnrr (r British CuttmiliU. fnmi I lame PiiMolu, In itnies Zarelli, ot priore! IIUIWI. nrillttt Iniiitiia. lite lrnrTw. (a ld al PrrmT iMiwrl, B.C.. Oil- J(ih JVMKS Aputleanl iwl TrDferre LAND ACT. Nolle of Intention te Apply U Lom Land. In Prince Rnpcrl Land nernrdmt Dl Irtel of Prlnre lluvrl, and iiiai al lijiinii Bijr. Oueen Cnarloile Mand. ' TAkE SOTICE tint Ooe Iflllerd. Mntued; of Vinmiiver, B.C inlMid in PII ror a lie of Itie fnlhiwlnr drrlheil land:-- Oinimenrlnr at prtl planted atMHit It rlmin. nmre nr lens, rx rrnn norih-at enrner or 11 na (T.I.. t&IP) irienre north M reel; lliru-e tmilb BSilea. we. nn ft. more or lems Ihenre Minth 400 reel to Jlie hlrtl Wlter mark. In a nnrth-eaMrrlT dlrerilnn ana feel, mwe nr leM. In the polnl nf mm-nienreinnt. mil rrinfaltilnv ( ti b .m. mftre or lena. . OOSsE Mrl.l.r.BD, LIMITED. Aphlirant Per Wm. 0. Mllrhell. A rent . t Sif.,. a. LAND ACT Nolle of Intention te Apply to last Land In Quern Oiarlntle Mmn ijnd lie- rdint Mtrirt of pnnre nuperi. anl lluati- Iwn and one-half mile wet of Allforrt Bay. Skldeaite Inlet. TAkF. NOTICE Ihll B.C. Fl.hlnt t Park, nir i:iinpany. Mmltcil nf Vinruuver B C ' iirrupatliin Salmon Cannrri, liueiidt tii apply for a liae of the following de m-rllied landi: Coiiimcnnnr at a port planted at the et end or Small Bay one hundred yard rat fif mouth of iminnicd ireaiir ih.nre poiilh fie rhaln: ihenre el Hlilrrn rlin: thfiirr north to nhnre line; Ihenre fiillnvlnr fhore line tu (mint f am. niellrenint. anil i,infalnlti . lliree-quarn-r arren. mure or le. risiu.iu k rACklVO CO. LTD Appllraul. Twiwml,. IV W Enr""'- LAND ACT Notfc of Intention to Apply to Laaia Land In the Qneen Charlotte MiiU nuirlrt. Mnd Becordln liinrld of prlnrF lumerll and aliiiite nn the rorehnr nf Vemallon TAKE NOTICE that Eurrne II. Unipunn, of Madt, nrrnpotlon cinnrry nianater nieiirta to apply for a Icaae of Hie follow Inr desrrlbrd ind: Conmiendna at a pot planted on the hlrn water mark about to rhaln vni from the nnrthcaM comer of I.ut ISto ... . . tlwtiJi ti,rh Inn t...t Ihenre norihwenlerly oo feel more of iiitmit wri iu jeri o nIP north, weal rorruT of F. II, SliiipKou'a appllra tion lo leane; thenre aomheamerly fol-Iciwlnir I he hirli water mark lo the point or rommenrcmeni, and cunlalntnr two tre, iiiorf or irio. EUOEIVE II, MMPSOI. . Appllranl . p"r Fr'1- AfeoL r. - -tovemcer Dated viu. Hit. It's Time for Hot 0X0 when you want something sustaining and refreshing when you've been out in the cold when children dash in alter school when Dad comes in, tired and chilled when a sick person, invalid or delicate child needs nourishment between meals. n a . . II Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert BONDS r II' ICl Yo.i Guarantevd First Mortgage 10-Year Bonds Of The International Electric Co. Paying 10 per cent per annum Thi l!ntnuin is uppl n;! I K anl W"' i s nod llistricl i well in. hi. ijrcii .m l f ( i i n t ' r YOUR INVESTMENT IN THIS IS AMPLY PROTECTED Ouiiare thi nileret on mr uuine with lli.-t v m lire Rciiinjr now Are you getting 10 per cent on your invested money? If not, here is your opportunity Wrile. or call ami see o il once fur Hi v of tlii bond, which eo-ure Safety with Profit H. W. M. ROLSTON & CO. General Brokers, Stewart, B.C. Alio M. M. Stephens A Co., Prince Rupert B.C. II. . M. HoMon. l HoNtun v t.. aiol Kmc- ' of Slewarl, H.t. will l- at the noi e Hoperl II tlir week commenciop Fcliruiuv ?, U20. iiui Anyox. The SCENERY IS BEAUTIFUL ---but can you see it? Like a fog tliat olicores the Inmlscnpe. the from jour wali-tul hide Hie beauty of life. In-! ; '' pleasniil hotirsi of leisure, the vvnsh-luli linnpo l.t- f "' oml venrineii roln you oi ttie ei for living. II i o eaar lo tin awy veilh wicli toilMinie ill n washing and ironing. LeKu Uke. llirne lnk aw 1,1 your home Ihi week. Soft Finish Service will meet liolh your nf 1 ' your I'ockellmok. Just phone us tiuliiy and It'll u call for your hundle. CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY Phone 8 COHRYS The Oualltv Whisky of Canada "Jnce 1859 il'fil 1 1 111 vj H il i Bottled in Dond under Dominion Government SurvUion This ndvertiscmcnl is not ptihlifhed or displayed by" H'e Liquor Control Hoard or hy the Government of Urilish Columbia '