PAGE FOUR THE DAILY NEWS I BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus A Good JI4Ct 13 OCT tiO "LU oovr MT HObCHD MOT S -VHACT J Cook J J -. LEAVE THE. rMA,ME OF .THE. 15 THt ON Hits OebK3 f Ar-C Tv Ots HOsVbtr- ' ygrtg HORtsE. t COT A, Tip ON toniv uM3ieJ ritMC. thi Fails IT'LL bORtt WN - fl-tw OOVT PUT r IN ANO r WOM'T PQ4U.T hCNfCOW ME r I I I WlvaVVvL I II 1 I -t- "1 1 VTn, .w, i III CVrrS i. ' V "VY A young matron whose name we shall not mention spent th week-end with friends This lady lias a reputation for'bak-jng and was asked to haVe n raise and 'she did. No Pacific Alilk va available and slie herself thought il wmihfmake little difference- but the cake was a failure worse than that, she says. PACIFIC MILK Head Office, Vancouver Factories: Ladner and Abbotsford, B.C. A few SILK Sweaters ai remarkably cheap prices for a few days only. Mrs. W. I. Wilson Third Avenue P.O. Ilox - - 989 l'hone Oreen .389 it, TWICE WEEKLY We have arriving FIIESII KILLED HKEF, VEAL and I'OIIK We also earry a full line of Fresh, Smoked, and Salted Fish. Sealy & Doodson The Home of Bulkley Valley Produce. Hraneh from Sinithcrs. Sixth StreeL Phone 455. I Wood! Wood! Now is your chance Dry Cedar Full load . . , Half Load , Large sacks ... $6.50 . $3.50 .. 50c HydeTransfer 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone M. Hartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service, ?oal. Hand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Coving, Fur Coats& Jacquettes An Exquisite Stock of Fur Trimmings at low prices. 3 B. C. FUR Co. Next G.W.V.A. Third Ave, i aaevaeaw. cw -fx. ii y;. i.i. v I ggg rrH i l .. ... eg a i ' ' CONCERT GIVEN RICH SILVER BY ANGLICANS Successful Event Attended by Large Crowd In Cathedral Hall A very successful concert, in iid nl the Organ Fund, was held last night in Hie An plica it Cathedral Hall. The urogram. for whieh Miss I.. M. Kllelf. was responsible was aiinreeiatpd by the large rmwd filling the hall. .xiiu ieriruup .urnenxie jonowtNl will! a piarxiforle duet and Mrs. i:. K. Culleri Ihen sans "Laddie." .Miss Audrey larkin and Master ;aiireV llalbv irave a' llipir vtinn" alenls in violin and voeal solo resneelivelv and a eornel sulii hv T. Wilson was followed by the male section of the' ehoir wilh another old favorite "Who Killed Cork Ilnhin-?' the hoys sinsrina the replies. "Ilorked in the Cradle of the lieep, " a vocal by II. i. (jollisnn: an instrumeii4 tal trio by Miss Klletl. I'rof. H. X. I'ryce and A. 3. Lancaster, and solos by Mrs. S. I. Johnstone completed Ihe first half of th program. In 4he -secoruI half, fieorr-o T.: ... . ... i followed by -Mrs. 1. 1. MeTavisH in icfll. solrw after whlcn v. E. Fisher and J. M. OlfHison sans " The Larboard Walch." J. Smith played a violin nlo "To .a Wild Hose." and Miss Annie Iialby sang Jlclisande in the. Woods' before another inslrumenlal trio was enjoyed. Mrs. II. A. i. Ho- an? two solos, (feorae Horie, Jr played another marimba el-' eft ion and Ihe concluding item. was "Xow the Hay is liawning'' si-nf; ly II hoir. Kn -ex were numerous and keen applause indicated the pleasure of the listeners. , ALBERTA ROAD TO JASPER PARK TO BE COMPLETED VERY SOON EDMONTON. Feb. 5. the provincial government carries jut its promise lo con struct Ihe remaining portion of Ihe road lo llnlranee, the hifih-r way from Edmonton to Jasper I'ark will be In nhape for irtolor traffic duriiiu Ihe ciirning sea son. Mayor Llnichford received a telegram from lion. Hharles Slewart. minister of Hie interior. Monday, which slates that the federal government will comfilelo Ihe highway lo the eslern boundary of Jasper I'ark Ibis spring and erecl a bridge across Fiddle Creek, thus linking up Willi the provincial road once Ihe government completes it. WEATHER REPORT Terrace: raining, calm; 30. Slewart: raining, calm, temp. Anyox: cloudy, aim; lemp. 43. Ilazcllon: cloudy, calm; lemp. . 28. Telegraph Creek: strong p-W. wind, cloudy;, temp. t. j Sniilhers: cloudy, calm; lemp J58. ' I IJurns Lakp:- cloudy, calm: 'temp 2f. Wliilehnrse: ' i-lnudy, south wind; 1emp. 33. Dawson: pari cloudy, pnulh wind: lemp. C below zero. Average for Yukon: fiarl cloud.' south wind, temp. zero. , Subscribe lo the Daily News. TO BE TESTED Machinery Being Taken Into Fui Country of North from Edmonton FINANCED IN EAST. Kn.MO.VroN, Feb. 5. flJ':4eriuu silver lode The in the f,.i ..., .: i'.51'..10! '"'I!:' Kpn'Now its Mart teeafio,, is fixed . T... ' fa f anti maehinery hein senl nnrlh by horse sleds over Ihe Athahasea nvr ire Ui U'sl il oul men who are aware of ils exact positfon Wynn of Fitzgerald ami Dunn of Ralgary are speed ing north hy dug team, and Ihev will n follemed hy tbe drilling apparatus. This is the fk-F time in Ihe history' of the north that sneh heavy machinery has bee freighted into the fur counlrv h other means than ttw river boats the opinion of local mining men being that Ihe find must he ' pretty good" to warrant such hurrioil methods. ' Obtain Special Sleds Ten special Hal sleds to carry the machinery rc, bewig made here by OaHain John .Matheson or Hie Northern Hoat Htiilding company, aBd the ronlrael for taking the drilling- apparatus into the Darrens has been a wan led lo Ryan HroHiers, who operates the winter connecting link between Fori McMurray and Fori Filz- gerabl. Little is known of the nro-i molers of the venture except that il is apparently financed by F-nsl- em capital. Four years ago Ihe first silver samples were hrough. out of the wffd country to- the east of I'itjgernhl. These wer given a rough assay hy gqve'rn- meni engineers en rouie lo Hit Mackenzie country, and at , that ime Ihe sitecimens were rated as being worth 70n a Ion. Il is generally concealed that if till !ixe is up lo Ihe quality of the -,mples that Ihe j-iehesl silver field in Canada if not I lie whole world has been discovered. F'ailing lo appear iir the cily poJi'' court litis nionthtg. on a churge of allowing dnif)kVlines rtri his nremlses. a stiaflt:ilri the Johnstone, is making extra calls at Delia Coola and Ocean Fal! on her way north this wek and is nof expert ei in from Vancou ver and wayporls until 7 o'clock Ibis evening. Her Liver Was Bad And She Felt, Tired and Depressed Mrs. M. Riefert, GrowwfrJfr, Bank-nritu: "I wai greatly dlturtd with paint in my liver, and felt tired and depressed most of the tini. One day I read about Milburn's ir.Tiwifj.i nd tie next time I went to town I boupat four vialt of them. I havs vted them regBlarly, and after two raonthi' ue I feel liks an entirely dlHersnt woman. ' Kow, I alwayi rerommend them to any of my friendi who art troulled a I was." There's only one "LaxaLlvtr rill", and that's the one imt up, for the jnt 32 yean, by The T. Uilbura Co, Iimitftd, Toronto, OlL ST. ANDREW'S AND MOOSE ARE LEADING defeated by "St. Andrew's The evening's games restilleji as follows: Sims of linsland. 4 ; Moose, Z. I.oyal Orange Lodge. .'; Sun At thi wrilinjr Ihe oly Iwol of Canada, fi. MEN'S WHIST LEAGUE The SI. Andrew's Soew'ty and Hie Mouse l.mUi' now shar honors at the lop .f thf whisf liurne standi hk as a result ol last nl;.iit',s ames in the tiwu seetloiu The ICIks were not ntmt llie opM)Hunil lo main I air. tlieir luwjtion and autonialicalh drop to'seuonl place txrau lu """n i.niius. easiwara oi roriuar el era ns railed to nul n Filiyerahl, has hen finally iataraiiee against them. The nwtA 'tul-.i.l .. .... . II I i il ir.ll. . . i j ... pen1K ,ih O panada, ll,9!na, .: nrr-n M wujeni M b uj iim?"periorn p. : Ml lhird ,a ,,re(1 male ale iiumlirt-s members nf of l Ihe ho 4-hoir with. wi!h114n, . . ... ' SI. Andrew s, 5; Oddfellows, L Knights of Pythias. 5; Knights of 'ol u minis, i. The leftfrtM slaiHtine to date i- as foJkiw. SL Amlrewl . . Moose Elks Oddfelltr-vs ... K. f P K. of V. Orange Iodgr . S. of 1: LW.V.A. S. of K. .... . . 8 4 7 6 i 5 3 S BILLIARD PARLOR L. 4 t & 5 a 7 7 , y Pis. Hie matte, of the f.rcai Wa Vet era 11-Elks game, hi whirl ihe former failed to field a team will he dealt wilh hy the executive of the league at the annual meet ing in March. The Orange Lodge. Moose gantr scheduled for February 11 wil! be played at the residence i' Thor Johnson mi Febniarv 9. HASJOOD VICTORY Defeated Cold Storage In Second Division Tournament by 744 to 622 The Prince Rupert Milliard Parlor look a firmer hold on Ihe leadeihin of Hie second division billiard league by winning las' night tournament over the Canadian Fish A CoM Storage Ci. by an aggregate wore ol 7l to fiii. 'Hie Cold Slorage won only a single ftame and that was hv a cUkC itiartrin.. . TJe iodividilaf snliren wre as follows: W. Loins 'CV1I1I Slornffn.. 150: lane.o fl,6-.m,r of I lie I'rince .."a Tuu'a Ilunert llolel. W. Cnrv rorfeiled mk n 1 "'lllpl I'ttrior bail of $50 Union steamer Catala. Card. A A. MRlioiialL 101 ; Yv SHeV ney, 150. J. May, 88; M. Amlrew-e. 150. A. Harvey. Ill; II. Howe. 150 II. Parr, 1.V.I; D. McAuley. 150 The IcHirue standing lo dale is as follows: fiame. PI. Aver p.n.n.p 7 4!)51 Cold Slorage 7 1740 ;rotn .. ..0 4029 n.W.V.A. ... r, 3IR3 I' II. Fish Co. 3S7R f.72 581 580 e f PRINCE RUPERT TIDES t4ttit Friday, February 5 High , C:1H a.m. 18.0 ft. 18:51 " p.m. -5.8 Low 12:45 p.m. 8.0 " Saturday, February 6 "'fl' 7:14 a.m. 18.0 fL 20:12 tun. 13.4 ' l-w 0:4 4 a.m. 8.5 " ' 13:58 7.7 " Sunday, February 7 ' 1'igh . 8:18 n.m. 18.9 ft. . ?l:3i p.m. 15.8 " Low ,- :! a.m. y.f A':n p.m. 0 8 Monday; February 8 "'ili f:?5 a.m. 18.0 22:43 p.m. Hi 1 " Low 2:59 a tn. 9 5 " U5-4 p.m. 0.0 " Wanted For Sale For Rent r i 1 1 y- .... j j "W- "1 ,'... d 1 II J UKH. ITS. t (mm 1 Maeam! J DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for less than 50c WftTK WANTED. One reliable man in every town, merchant prefer-1 FOR SALE SKST MMO V ,:, ,.N on Tavlor Slrei-I ritio io cat. fnr all. i;ide n. atm-.i' f:e itf SIX lil'H'k fr.ifn p,t office. ItlMtd View. Paved Street. Kac1 lot 25 x loo x u W eteithav 'r Hro. KO!t SALE. New and ucd machinery, Imats and engines. pistn ring and prtifH'lbTtv Northern Exchatrste. il." Second Avenue. Phone 21 If "OR SAI.F. - Hatching eg-. Rhole Inland Red special wiii-ter layer; aU- gonte gg. Hutherhind. McHii.V Slreot, FOR BALE.-. launch Nancy In first clns cui'dd'or: sin tB fotil Ity 8.' Si.y enum. 10-12. (i.'Rdne, P t.-ne :JM7. FOR SALE. Daliy carriage and crib, in good condemn. Plmn. 742. ' ;h TO REfsT ROOMS TO RENT. -Steam hea! Ad, hot and Cold water. Second Avenue, rfalf block b low Tolen! Pole. Phone 77. Oil RKJST. Modern four roomed Hal with Monarch rangi. Clapp Block. Wewtenhaver ftrow. t f FOR HKKT. Pian, player Oiaaoa. phonographs and ew-inf machines Walker" Mitale Store FOIl rtETJT. TaHnr-nhnp; Iwo business nxinis below. Iw living rooms altove. Westen-haver Bros. 1, FDR RENT. Two mom riirijiiih-ad apartment n? the day. wee or morHh. Phone Re, r.ii?. if !IX Roomed Furni!ie nus for rent, oppoile Hospital. Appl "oyerninent Agent. 33 FOR TTEN1 ifV'or wilh-oul boaril; m;ir elsH'atnr. Phone Red 157. If FOR 11ENT. Furnished house, newly decorated. Kinley. .3; WfljJlc. If 709 FOR RENT Furnished suits 678 -Musallem Aparlmeni. Phon tf MODERN FLAT for HaniApply' Max Unilhromsr. ' f BOARD AND ROOMt HOfiM and Duanl, S Id. 110 vaeekly. Every home com furl. Apply Ho 2l Dally NeW Mfrice." HOARD - The In I under. SMo Sli 4 FURNITURE. New and Secondhand Furniture Store. We lUiv. Sell and Ex tJiange New and Secondhand Goods. GEO. PAPADOPUL03 RS'i Third A vn i", Handle With Care He Dick i all rtlil if know how In I, ile him. Sli" I t j ' ,.,.,. M ,,,,1,, lli,v" ' : : -.i i,i,,. , 1 "f nii'dji iiie. JL III IHftC UriHTK llir IH SI fc cuftlomnuide clolhes in Cm-Ada. Ilif-'ticsl comuu-ion flex Tailoring. Ol, Ltd.. Toronto. WANTED. Plain dre.ntaktiK and newing; yeniiMlHIitu. repairing, knitting, etc. Phone Green 704. Split to any length in blocks, mm- loud $G.00. . SALT hkhihm;. A. ISAACSON, Seal Cove. Phone I Hack iAI CARS FOR SALE. 1 1922 Oldsniohile 4, passen-er touring; 1 into Nash 5 paenger lonr-Inir tStl.6fl 1 1921 Overt anil Sedan. 1 7(H) oil I I 111 9 Reo seven paswenver LADD- and Oeullemen! The err t of my turce has been piorii(lnes. efficiency, falr-ne, and gtMid Itfitrniecit. I arrange auction or bmf owtrigh; for cash ar sell mi edsnmlssio': an1hing of vafue. Private le dmljr. Will etl or v. change ny kind of phono grairh records on havnd. Phnn" 77 1, o. F. Urine, Auctioneer. BOAT BUILDINQ I'm all now wishing to si art i.uildmg m boat; model and lilans rurnibe; uiouhN got ml ami et ui.. am everyllilnit straightened ,,ui; all neceearr advice and assistance given. Service exceptionally reasonable. Address lint i89. Daily Nrww office. 31 FURNITURE AND RANGES I I ILMTL'RE uJ Range lotight. o!d and exchunged. New furniture ami range exchanged lor your old ones, Hedroom, living riom and dmin,g rin furniture always in stock. .Always watch my window. It's changed daily. A. Mackenxie. I'm ": 11 r" TAXI Phone C7 Taxi (Call Oeorge. Paul or Ousll 1 1 Six- and seven-pasenger Slude- oaaers at yur disposal any lltn for SOc Service ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Block Across from Em press llolel CAMERON TRANSFER Phone 177 Baoaage, Furniture Moving. If you want anything sent for. or delivered, phone us. T r ttT oo PRINCE RUPERT MUSIC STORE. 303 Third Avtinii roc: j t . . ROTHWELL'S TR"Ni DRY WOOD. I Coat - Wcad j Furnlturo McT -( I Hagnu 'Klard:l.illlev ?. He. t MAIL SCHEDULE ifunws; suo.toi ouToma 1 ivr rord i.oiie, HsDewn ureslrer im rur like nfw IASOOOI Mwu. I ! ' P.mhI ma.Ii I . - CII.IMI -- . . , . f .11 . f wan 1 ivz; rrg uoujve 1399 001 Xmmt I l2I rord one ton truck, nane! Wi s .i . .. r0iw rebuilt SllS ftfli 1 1 it AH car gaaranlryd in good Tt "'". '- teriiii can be arranged. KAIEN OARAGE I ri1 and Chevrolet Service Sta-11011. A Kent for McLaoghUn. 1 nk land, oldsinobile and Cliev-rolei car. Reo. .M C. and Federal Trucks. U RI i KINO SEHVICB DAY AND NIOHT. AUCTIONEER. TRAPPERS I NKKD lo.onu v prices p nl -sell your r , buy them. W, COLDDLCOl The IL , . T Afi, Pert Sirt9 c : elnu TiMm T AU eelnt rii . ft T Qmm ClwrkU llr j r ' r i : IH-COmino from the Cut 9ssastx wt?t' c St WetssHiyi r. . ti from fii, Alice Arm, t TMesrfsya rrwsr rrem Art. Prt s:..- Rltee e4nt rrem ImIi eelal rVU is. as. rrem 0 cSeHetle Feb S aj. 7, Orshem AHSs OX COLlfCnC 3 ii ai n at i S4k , eminn 11 sis t- Tvmir It KhrrltnajS II 1 .rl i tt Kf lley : th 4 Hat' Aav 1. SI Cntinii -IIS .. SlrHrl.l. en.. s.i. putt en, n.vt Wleirf OTP Vftwrf . n r.r. suii.ti tnrt Mr m1 i il Mr rmioit i Swl e. Ii Slh i s r- tor Port timiieon n4 Nhi S ' Tliurilay-'M. iiliu Frem Port Slmpten end F niiuniar . for SUtlt . Jan II n rrinii' " Jan. fk - . it' n-f m rrem Alaate Jan. I a Prinn Jan. ss . riiH Ktm STEAMSHIP MO 1 E"F3 fee Vtnceurer - Tmdw Car"ii VtMtl ss. I"rinr 1 MMsftsy --. Otiela " , PrtWeM n. is . irin--Srem Vancouver suimI--ss. rird'iin Wsluel4r. , ci HM 1 Thiirsilfljr cum Salnntay . m I'i iii' fer Slawart, Anyei n Ali..o 'ir nimrlar sa. Cardfiia rtiie(lav.- 1'rliM' ' from Stewart, Anyea and All Tm-trtay . Canlrua Fridays --ss. Prlnn- nui" For Anjo . nrrtiye- . citsls From Anyoi " agents for Columbia Record ",0-. 1 o repair '''lonogrnphs, llicycles. Huggles" "'""i nncrpieia and Musical ln. I struments of all kinds, Jan S . rrliws 4"lm Jan. It rrln'-e Ji'h: From Quean Charlotte hlande Jn. . rrlnre John Jan. 10 . prince Inhs ri ill