L February 5, 1020. MENS Comfortable and Slunfu wow? BOOTS For fiIJ, farm, or antral worli tk (or LaaUio'a at your in tnoo dor. J, MX'KIK CO. I.IUI1EH, VANCOUVER. M.C. $ 7.90 wxio r, . . 0.70 ix IV 11.70 '.ui::t. . xir. 519.00 -a fir I I--.. .... (J Suit Congoleum Specials REMEMBER Km Ii i:mikI uiii ltni Mild l us rar-Miii Seal' go. it-., nit ttfim Imhi or your money Mr $13.75 15.75 17.55 BARRIE'S Home Furnishings Our !"., i -1 "I I 1 1 ' v . w - i' ! i. f 3rd Avenoe Phone 123 fWE SELL ONLY ONE COAL The Best! NANAIMO-WELLINGTON (Deep Seam) ha male r h-'m iinr iImiiI iimhmI coal enures - tllll-t ITcIf II III I I .'I (i s , , ,, i ; u 1 1 i . ff mi .1 . i he lcl Kitchen Cllll 1 1 liable. ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Phones 116 and 117 TUGBOATS Day Phonei 423 538 Gr. 238 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. GEO. G. BUSHBYj Man. Dir. Night Phones 687 539 Gr. 23S Black 735 Gin you will arte tor ogam -raV ft TOW London ,e bottle P'his advertisement II inn published or displayed by the liquor Uoutrol Board or by the uovcrnmeut m British Colotiittixi. Local and Personal l'hone 15. 1MI. Coal Co. tf Arthur's Taxi. I'hoiiu 078. tf 11. C. Undertakers. Phone 41. Cameron's Phone 177. U'ance Orchestra. Arthur's Cigar Store, si i cel. Mione C78. Sixth tl Two cars at your service Sheddon Taxi. Phone 13. If I . It. udfrlutousrn arrived in inun from' Ihverne yesterday i r ii i miii, having hiked iu from I lie si i-iih lliver over the railway lies. V. liulirk, (oral manager oil j i in' SwiTi "".ioiaiJian Co. returned "ii t h- Prime Huperl this morn-j na riuiii a business trip loAnyox( iii.J Stewart. Archibwhop A. J: I Peneier, after having spent the pail weeki at Anyox and Stewart holdunii eoiifirmaliiui services, passed through W Victoria this niprrimp. Harry Titv-n. end, who is in i charge iif operal ions on I In; WW ili-.iiin mini- in the Stewart dis trict. u a passenger hoard the Prune Itunert this morning going south. Mr. ami Mr. K. Stewart were passenger a I ma id the Princ.! Unpen tliin morning hound soulli from Anyox on their way t Nt-ada wlo-rr they will take up thfir foliire residence. The lumber carryins harg'' iJrnmroek of the Hecate Strait Tow ma Co.. in tow of the Iuk lae -olt. if at present on Ma xett Inlei taking on lop for the Pacific Mill at Ocean Kail. Frank Warren, well 1..VH. conductor, wtio 1 now I running between Sinither and ilh-ince (eor(e, came through Ui d.un u thi liiomiEUi train. II will return to the interior tooior- rtV I'WIIIIIB. A. It. YYitijf. formerly of Anyox, .;': liavinw siHut the iial few !vy.-k- at Skeena Crossiuc in S liaiKe of the disliianllinp itf the lini-lu-r fe lloule mine, returned In Vancouver on the Prince Ru M'rl (In- morulnp. Tlie Ladies' Aid of the l'nild Ctiut r-li are holding an auction ale of miscellaneous article of plain arwint: and fancy work. ale of home ivKikinsr and aftex- ikmiii lea in 1 ne more tin iiura veiiue recenily vacaleii hy Mr. Ktlla. on Saturday afternoon at :'.;to. 30 Mr. K Hyde, who has heen oim a 'no to Sea! lie -and Yancotivir tin ihe beneHI of her health, 1 ci iimcd to Prince ttupwl tht vm el and is Mndin; a few days in the city as thr jruest of Mr. William Millar. Sixth Avenue l'al. before nroccrsliOK to her home in Hazellon. Mi. and Mr. Harry- Thorley were iiae:urer irom .nyox Imuiiit south ahoanl the steamer Prince Ituperl this morning. Mr. HiKili y is going In Oiean Falls In isil Willi her iiarenis. iir. and Mr. Juiues llaslell, and Mr Thorley I poin: Ihrough lo Van couver, they are iravinjc Anyox where they have resided for several year. 4- ANNOUNCEMENTS Men's Uaininel. I nited Church, Thursday, February It. C.N. 11. Employes second annual ball in Auditorium Friday, February 12. High School I lance, F.Iks' February 2. Home THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE w MADE H CANADA SOLD AND RECOMMENDED BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE Arthur urehtra. i'lmnv C76 If Concert nought, Sal.alion Army at o u eliM'k. Mimeagraphiii;r eiirulars. Mis Jotinslone. Plume 387. etc I H. M. Monklon, m or 'l er j race wax a iaetiaer for lh5 known oulh on Ihe Prince Hupert th; morning. La!e New York tyle ia sinnjt dresses juM arrived. I .ad lea, we invite your inspection. I nivrr-al I'rading '.o. 31 Mists l.innc Fisher returned on Hr t'ruii-e Huie rt tins mwnumc to Vaiicimver wiien- he will coli-tituie her drama!"' and iiiumii'mI sludie. John liore, Ueriiileudeiit of uki'ti Teierajiho. saileit this ninruins; iy Ihe Prince ltuierf fo-VaniMiuver on a ihree weeks' vacation trill. Josi-ph S. Hoper. ale manager uf the Rupert Marine Products Co.. 1.1 d iUil this unrn-inir on I ha Priiiee Hnperl for the south on a business trip. Major and Mrs. Itcginald vial of Sinither wen- passengeri from boat lo train lht nMirnin? on Ihoir way to Vancouver ami Victoria on a holiday visit. A. Ross, a Cold Siorage fiher man. ent in from Seal Cove ye terttay a specimen of salinen berrv in bloom pii-Ked at Seal (Cove, He says there in lol uf it there. The Ladies" Airt nf the Pceby lerian Chun-h win hold a St. Valentine's Tea 111 Ihe church haft on Sal 111 day. February 13, from 3 to ft. II "ine Cooking:, Camly and Music. Mr J. Walsh, seeielary of the (H.C. Hotel Men's Assoeinliwn, Chief utlicer lar. McKmnon n'jwho" has been here hr the past the steamer Prince Hum-rt ha-Vweek Riving evidence in the city giie temporarily master toiiiolice eourl liquor cases, relum-the II. L. Johuson-Wallon Oo.'s'eil to Vancouver on the Prluea freight moioi ship Lillejiorn whichlltuperl this morning. avrtved recently on the roast and Owen June, also of the C.N'.lt. Jack Wynne, eu;.. 111 officer at oioist steamers, 14, acting as chief 1 Anyox, and Mrs. Wvune are leav-offlcer of the vessel. They will Injr the srm'l!er town sliftrUv for return to the C.N.1L hoats wln(the south on a lioUirtay irip. full service is resumed in the: Frank Fitcli of the Slfice si"'". has gone north lo reva during Wynne's absence J. G. Currje, who lifts been on the staff of the CarteMlall-A!d-inger Go. here for the past few months on the elevator consTrue-l ion, sailed this morniug on the, Prince Hupert for Winnipeg ue-Pouipaiuoil by his l.nnily. Tora Larsen mim1 cily poljee court I in a charge or Miuriin aioeiided to 1 1 1 1 1 a. I, Wpslholme Theatre, March J told the magislra.'e 11111I..H, Prince Huperl Plavci ' le,i ing I own so, wi! Club presents a new Joyous si audtng. Ktie was1 a C Mii. dy "WeddiiiB iH'lla." suspended senlein a red iu the iiiiiiuhig on v which was cittion. Stie: hat she was; that under lowed out on I CONVERT STABLES jNTODWELLINGS Advent of Auto Makes Old Buildings Useless For Former Purpose LOMXJ.N, Teh. 5. Many or London aristocracy are buy converting dniwil. slaLlcs nod zV.kr, in Mayfair into slylisli riiaionellc for their own uso and the I Hike and Ouclie of York indirectly are responsible. Since lhee niembcrs of the Xiiik' family Ki-ltleil in Mayfair iliere ha been a stanijieile of Miom! who winli lr live near 'iioiiKli to liaitk in the Itoyal finile. There i a sreal short-ae of houe in this section, and those available mostly are enormous, old fashioned mansion, rosily lo lease and expensive in maintain. Hence the conversion of stnldeg. j Mayfair lias, nf course, Ions i lieeif the liome of the Mite. II is I In London wlial Park Avnuc and I Fifth Avenue are lo New York. j in me oiii nays, mere wen-I many mew filled with small I 'itnlilinus in wliicli I In- bloinled i linrse and I lie fine carriases of j Mo' aristocracy were housed !irice Hie auloni'ilole lias come i in I such common use. however. Uhe (flo.sy steeds and the ?nr?e jniish uniformed lackeys have .Ieyely joined Ihe olher piclur- eiue relies of Ihe hey day of i blue Mood. Now there are few mews in Mayfair these days which do not house distinguished families. MISNER GETS NINE MONTHS AT OKALLA . , , ,1 Found Guilty ' This Morning " on .len Jensen was fi:i-l 5 and1 , , - ... ..i;.. . Charge no v ng Two ...... ... ...... Girls .... n o In. ..Il.nln n lid... t. I . . " Indians. 1 1 en ry Misner was fntind truilly iu the city police court by Magistrate Mci'iyniont this morning on a chance of a statutory offence involving two youns pirls and was enlencel to nine months at Okalta Prison with hard labor. R. F. Jones prosecuted ami Mil- lou Miuiales defended. WIRELESS REPORT. 8 a.m. IHtillY ISLAM Haininjr. light Miiilhea-I wind: haroincler. J'J. hi: lemperaluiv. ii: r-ra .-11100II1 (i p.m. spoke ..learner Victoria -5 miles from Ketchikan bound for Seal lie; 8 p.m. spoke tug Cape Scott lowing hargc lirumrock alieam Lawyer Island bound for Mas-ett. j lUIAIi THEG l'tHNT.-Uaro- meUr. iU.7C; temperature. .'t'J. HULL HAItlHtH. - Overcast. strung southeast wind; hammc- ter 2V.01; temperature, id; sea rough. Noon IMtSllY ISLAND. Southeast gale; barometer, :'!'.!;; letnpera- lure, i.; sea rough: a.m. out tteamer Prince Hupert southbound: 10:1 a.m. spoke lug Cape Srolt. 110 Hition given. HKAI Tit HI". POINT. llaro-uieler. 29. 70: temperature, 42. KILL IIAlUUm. (Ivercast. strong southeast wind; barometer. St.55: temierature, 15; sea moderate. A charge of vncrancy against Tom Kollins was withdrawn in Ihe city police court this morning. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Prince Rupert F. It. tioodenoufgh. Inverness Alex liiluiore, F. V. helcouri arut CI. K. Williams, Vancouver; T Anderson, city; Mrs. J. K. Frost, Terrace; Mrs. Frank It. Keefe ami dauglijer (iladys, Francois Lake: Mrs. Harry (Juuderson and rh.ldreu. Smithers; Isaac Jacob-son, Seattle. Central F. For! in. C.N;H.: F. A. War-Mi, Smithers. NOTICE TO FISHERMEN All fishing uear now in tin" In ft and steel fabricating shop O'. tbi plaiil uiiisl tie reiimxi'd at once ;is we reiuire this space, j We will not be responsible tor! ' gear we have to remove. Prince Hupert Dry llock and Shipyards. . 30' W M aT I Tr-Vart l Itfcm CATARRH BLADDER I Sh.SmU b.r,Mme tSy the health, purity and beauty of your . TREASURE child's skin. Regard every little soreness, rash, chafing or irritation as a possible source of disease. Treat them all with the famous Zam-Buk. ' This pure herbal balm Is a blessing: to mothers. It prevents minor troubles from spreading;. It soothes and heals quickly and surely. Moreover, its mild, yet powerful antiseptic influence affords the delicate tissues complete protection against dangerous disease infection. Treat the first Itchy Rash or Blemish As a remedy for teething rash, scalled head, eczema, Impetigo, ringworm, and other skin disorders common moofit children, Zim-Bak U tnTihable. It brings grateful relief to the irriUted inflamed plices, expels poison and disease and quickly restorei the skin to a state of healthy perfection. Use Zam.Bjk for all cats, bruises, burns, scalds and fiesh wounds. It checks bleeding, inSammation and pain and briers swift clean healing. Also a prored remedy for poisoned wounds, ulcers, acne, psoriasis, boil, abscesses, bad fegs, and piles. 50 c the box eTerywhere. DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & CM Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. French Ivory 20 per cent reduction on All Ivory Goods for One Veek Only HOWARD PENS regular :$.:( and $V"'. On sale this week at 52.25 and S2.75 Ormes Limited The Hexall Store Pioneer Druggists 3rd Avenue and 6th Street. Phones 82 and 200 Store open 8 a.m. In 0 p.m. Sundays and Holidays 12 lo 2, and 7 to 9 p.m. Steamship and Train Service 8.S. PRINCE HUPERT will Irsvi- PRINCE RUPERT rr VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE aim miciin. .Imtr ixinu. ech FRIDAY at 8 a.m. S.S. PRINCE RUPERT r. r STEWART Slkl ANYOX, WEDNESDAY, 10 pjn S.S. PRINCE JOHN rurinigUlly rr VANCOUVER via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT EVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY Slid SATURDAY tl S p.m. fur PRINCE OEOROE, EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, til points Ealt-rii Canada, I uilcd SUIe. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Cll Tletst Oflka, 62S Third Ana, Prlnca RuparL llCANADIAN? PACinc aaiuTyr Phona 260 Canadian Pacific Railway, B. C. Coast Services s u Sailings from Prince Rupert Far lETCHIICAN. WUNCIli, JUWAU. SUCWAT ftbnurj ftk, ZZaa. Mank i far YANCOt'VU. VICTORIA tad SUTTU .Ftarair I2A, 26tla. Bares IZlk Si PRINCESS BtHIld For Butadala, Swanaon Bay, Eaat Balls Balla. Ocaan Falla, Namu, Atari Bay, Campball Rltar, and Vancounar aarj Saturday 11 a-m. Aaaacy for all Staairiahlp Llnaa. Full Information from . W. C. ORCHARD Oanaral AganU Carnar of 4th Straat and 3rd Avonua, Prlnco Rupsrt, B.O. in ' a. '31 Ah 1