125 TAXI and Ambulance Service Anywhere at Anytime. Stand ftoyal Hotel, 3rd Ave. and 6th St. MATT VIDEOK, Prop. V H. XVI. NO, 30. HAIR TONIC CAUSES DEATH U.S, Soldiers at Honolulu Poisoned; Two flo Blind Before Death H'tNtiM 1.1, Feb. ft. Si- il in if Hie I idled stales i ' lleinl aial sixteen in III' .. ii: a) at iSchofleld barrack is ii consiUeuce of drink-uv mm. n iNOLt l.t , lb 5 later . -- M: iv "aueii tin- ileal n oi no- 1 Miles anil Hie sci-iou ui.- of llu'e olhers at I'l'l .Ibirrack yi'slenlay. oi Hie victims went blind death. Iii' military iniiliotilics have it every conceivable form of j iofi.iux in an efforl lo find i: ixai i source of Hie canteen onir." CAPTAIN CULLINGTON DIED AFTER GIVING .' ' Kh.. She iitnvii i piu. - - -. . . , . , . .v'".. m w - - , That Country and Flvo From d m f1c Mliy nett AMHim'ay New Zealand ttd " luW iyv ,,,ni li,'a" m lure t.i inviic him to he pn'enl an it. Feb. 5 . Thr ;nl the tnal in onler I,. lo-Hr !.' - i ul m nltner Niag xaiiiiiiaiHin of Mr. Miller. ...I.- l.-hiv l.rlnaoik M O'' miuew ui in-- ......... " V ' . ...li..iiUHi.lnl a.'aaM - , i.i.i. ni .h.iHiiiwiI h. Xu.milui.. a -t-an.-Hl. In Ho' cm,. f I., mole H.hi With Mr. Palnmre. Mr. annoilneMl that i, -i.... i.-. ir, oiiiiiOoiualen frl -a- winch the Au-trollan prwluel. Ne ZeaUnd. tfla'" Kx,M.rlew t.orporalion lio-l r.ie I till I !ln' Im-IUK laiub-ll",'n convieieii 01 iiiipuii.. -c...... l.ulk of the'lhioor and finwl ?,50fi would le Imt I r i- (leloifd for appealed. Asks Adjournment VIiii court oM'iieil al i:30 for the t'ttM of "jrowwliim with Hie tbirH rhanra. whieh ha: I lie t'.onolnlte, IvxMrlr trfii - iporalion. in vioUlion of lh' ! i ..in i-iiiii.Mit Honor Ai l, tiow'd m ii return thai idiipmenl of liiiiior had been made to only oie American finhinn sclioouer wlieiea they had actually loim made lo nix diffeienl honl. Mr, tioiuale lnted the ieenc- bad h-'eii placed in a posilion when) it wa forced lo k for an iuJ-i..i int of ill least one week Faced with some eight or nine charwes of Irrtwitlarilie, Mr. (iooiiilcs staled that he had ait-vied Hie prosecuting, that a ii perfumeiy is believed, I, j,nor lt..unl iifficial had shown ill EVIDENCE IN COURT' V .:ll VF.IC. Fell. 5.- Paip-Stanley lUilliiiigtoii, 53 yearn is e ii retired master mariner, it Miiildciily of hcarl atturk in " "'ii ' (ale yesterday after giving Mb nee tn n marine case, llo, ' is born in F.iiglnud and was at unic porl waiilcn bete. WINER KILLED. NN,IM(I. Fell, S.- John Uray. a,; ii mi, was killed in a cave-in tic llcntu'vu Mine Tbiifsday deieiiilinit coniiKury me inettiods that it had followed and Hint the l.ictuor lloaril had been aware ami appro veil of those tilill llillto. T ie i ereiice. uuuer Hi.-., eireiuiistiinecs. had taken a chance and gone on and the firs-rase had been dismissed. II was aniwirent. however, that it vva Hie intention of the prosecution lo proceed tmlefiiiilely with thosd ehaies of irregularities. Ii otliei words. I lie crown. Ibcougb i he l.iuuor faint rol Hoard, was i prosecuting chaiges of iriegdlnr-J dies which tli' crown, uirou i i. inor t on ro noniil, nan instructed the defendant lo com ,..H If that coilbl bo proven then the defence would win mu il was in nn posilion to lako f....n.ei eliance.. For thai reason i, ....... i.i. Me. (Imiiales' In- lention lo unng tleorge Miller ..i.i.ir itinieeior of the Lidttor Cniilttd Pmird, Into conrl and f.nwe him to admit on tne smnu Uhal the iritwitlarities had been committed by the doiend.in' cum v with Ins Otr. .Miller s pei onal knowledge. Mr. tion.ulo.s out Hull Hn wan fun her point-d colli ii:""d "" VW ,iVI future. If , ;i ueh assiiranec In Hie form of definite coiitraoUf I .From whom ami at what price i the fuel oil purchased for lln ii of the Canadian liitvern-Hieut Merehani iliip operating on the Pacific coast 5 In u-icorilaoee Willi the pli'ilue Ki.-n by Mr. King thai the "coal industry of I he Pacific th. oilil lu. iii.Mllirjileil and carerul eoniih'raiion given i Its claims " lias any such nivi's- liuatiou t n matle If so. when wa the p'imiH tiiaib1. and by whom ONE MORE FLIGHT FOR THE SPANISH AVIATORS They Reached Rio Janeiro Late Yesterday Afternoon on Their Way to Buenos Aires Hill JAXFIUO. Feb. h. The transatlautie Spanish seaplane, pilotirtl by I'.ommander Franco, arrived here late yesterday aHor-noun from l'eniambuco. The re maining lap to llueuos Aires is about t:tHl miles. RICE OF WHEAT IS CAUGHT FROM AIR BY FARMERS ON PRAIRIES That tanners on Hie prairies utmost ail have radio reccivcc and that I hey gel daily nuoln- liniis or Hie price or wheal by Hie nir mule was staled by two farmers who were here this week and who were much interested in I he .grain business. The farmers nlo listen to daily tows bulletins, concert anil stoclr iiiroriutiliou ami keei posted on all mailer. of inleresl lu them and to the world gener ally. ' REGINALD DENNY IS SAFE AFTER STORM LOS ANttF.LF.Sw Feb. 5 begin aid Denny ami .three companions whnnt it was feared were lost in the. storm on Wreilnesday night are safe at F.iisanntln. Mexico. Dr. It. ii. Large of llaiellon ac rived in the city today and will remain in the city until imnorrovv even ms . CHAMPION'S POP iMilioiH of I'ari. recent utateinejg. the ImiIiImmI lialr Cardina' who, in a approve of ami short kirii ailiiplrd by women .of Ibo preHlit iieiieriiQoii. lie nay a woman'. virtin ban never ilfpt'iidcd upon I h Ifiicth of her ban- BIO MAJORITY FOR GOVERNMENT IN BRITISH COMMONS l.ilNIHlN. F' i. T,. t he lli.ue .if tUnniiions today voted (tonflil9K'( in Hie ' ioernliicii('s oneiiiiloy- liieiuihu l- jlMf defeat- (lie IjIh.I' Hllltilliillieul f to I lie adilrc in reply lo the King's iietli by u VOle of -.'-'J to I I--'. The dole system is like- 4 In be discoid inui.'d an'ollier vrar. YICTOMA. Fell. 5. Ilelwecn lUU und 5tll) Japaoese torinerl. emploved in Hie fishing industry of Itritish Columbia will be forced out of this business during the present year as a resull of the lulesl reduotion in Oriental fisliinir licenses onlercd by .tlie Federal (ioverutueiit. This estimate of the number of Orientals affected by the exSjtusion policy was made by officials of "the Federal Government on this coast. Most of the Japanese who will have lo unit their jobs are on Vancouver Island. Others oper ate out of lower mainland points and in the great Skeena lliver fisheries. BIRTHS. son was born nl the Prince, Itupert General Hospital on Feb ruary I, to Mr. and Mrs. David While. Mussallem Apartments. Al tin Prince llupert General Hospital on February T. a son was born lo Mr ami Mrs. Wil- 'iiini Morrison t'Ult First Avenue. PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper NUNCi: ItL'l'EHT, H.U., KlllPAY FKHHt'AHV :, l20. OTTAWA Yeilenljy :rcnIa lion, till . height and. as far as the police . I can juilse. about 30 years of ;;d..rk T I boot The clothe con Hint of a ;rey erae suit and black T, , . ... , . , .... J I I lif immiy iin.i npjwreoiiy Trecii ruii.i..il in, l.v n lir.-li lull' ul Hie poinl wtiere it was found CANADA MAY WITHDRAW FROM PACIFIC CABLE i Has Notified Board That Will do so If Duplication of MANY JAPANESE ARE I " AFFECTED BY ORDER Estimated at Between 400 and 500 Will be Ousted From Fisheries Feb. Charles lifieil the Pacific Cable Hoard that be will recommend withdrawal from partnership with the luiteil Kingdom. Australia ami New Zealand, under which' the Caeific cable was construct cd. ir the board persists in the frmn Fiji lo Canada. are in conference here. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Wheat C. P. 11 II.C. Silver Dunwell Gladstone L. A 1 Premier Porter Idaho jsilvcreresi Surf Inlet ... Pid. . 1.01 .138.011 . l.fil . 1.38 .:r . .ItVi "21 .OWIi I0i .08 Cost Million Dollars to Clear . Streets in New York of Snow; Asked 1.07 1.1G .37 can money. Sired Sale. 03 Pul ing I he winter Mr. Itolstoii said, eiuliieeii propfties liaii bce.ii opera". inv in addition the Premier . The Dunwell wa about in install a hundred ton mill n.tly lour ami a half mfles from Stewart. Last year lucre were under active development 15 properties, and !hee were not in any particular section bul nil over the ilMrict. All were im- niedialely at the door of Prince Itupert. Mr. ltolslon rererrctl to the, v. on ler mi I advaitcHiiienl that had been made all over the proviore in the past twenty years. Lei them look forward twenty years and the possibilities were enor mous" 'YCer we nnl justified in heme optimistic? The Cortland Cunal district was only a small tiorlion of vvhal the world will more. ,. . i ..... some nay miiiw as uue ui iuu greatest tnineral belts on the couliiieiit. I he eastern mineral contact had only been scratched She at a Tew place as yei. .rounu Slewarl Hiey had n district running 2" miles up life Hear Itiver. M miles up the Salmon ami 2" miles down Cortland Canal Uiat .vu:"t.iiiwtns was tributary I,, Htewarl. WSiile .m urp.ij, po.n.a.e, .ni . ""- . ,.renlk.r had produced a large amount ol mineral other mine. lie felt sure would yet produce I'lie xrealest difficulty we find." said Mr. Itolston, "is lo combat the scepticism of Hie .. ....1,1 VV.i l...v ,l..l i.t.ilitul It.,1 " ..v...... . . .. . ..-I ll "u"' " ,m , ac"" 4,jmu . district so far will, practically no help from the outside. We have I. .nl lo ilo our own boosting but RRIT1SH COLUMBIAN U am glad to ny that today the w"rh ,!i o'anug irun mmiimmivo mr Minni-it OUKVLlUlW Alll tnU0L Ruperfs Back Door Mr. llolslun said Hie mineral OTTAWA. Feb. 5. - II. V. Hag- producing district ot wuicn ue en id Ouesiu'l and II. F. Wliyte ,,lu' t"'!" Cikiiij? Was al Hie . . . . it ill.. of Victoria have been elected back iloor oi rnuce iiupen.. ik eomii illors ol the Dominion As- had talked to mining engineers socialion or Laud Secveyors. who from alt over the world and the vision they erave of the fulun vvas that people in the district Would be mining Und finding mines for Hie next fifty or one hundred years. Hesides his par ticular district there were great possibilities al Alice Arm, on the Stikine. in the Unuk district ami ! in the numerous other valleys. .lril4 verence. ilo I Prince Hupert people were IP I pioneers -of the great empire of .IcT Northern Itritish Columbia. Mr .()? Vi I What was needed to suui'eed vvas m transportation, faith and jierse Itolston di'ctared. and the results would be in proportion to the amount of energy they put inl the Job of developing it. Five years ago very little business was done with Prince Itupert by sie.wart. Today they were gel ling a lot more and If Hie city went after the business il would get more yet. Why should it be nece.ary to buy grain nnd feed NKW YOUK. Feb. 5. Northeastern New York stale wits '" "recon wnen it coum ne grown struggling today lo tlig ilelf out id the most severe sitovvslurin in the llulktey alley? of Hie winter, which was Hie direct cause uT 32 deaths in various Back up Stewart purls uf the Kastoru Slates. Mr. Itolston then urged thnl As n result of the storm und cold five persons dieil in .New Prince llupert people should back York Cilv through exposure nnd SO.bUD men are employed try- tip 'Stewart in the effort to secure iug lu keep the tuniii streets of the city open al a costjif a , mil- the connecting up of the trail lion dollars. from that place to Teloigrapl I'lie air mail train service and shipping in Hie regions af- Creel; s(. thai people might come fueled have been porttlycd. Hoslon vav hit hard. ru! by w iv ..r pnrnan'l 'anal in 9 Transportation was Paralyzed Boston Grill Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly aid dancitm floor for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, The latest and best for the least. Phone 457. PRICE FIVE CENTS. niirrp tiipm oven i mum? ppnQwirnnM WILL Bfc BIWM MINfcS I HAN PKhMltK IN SIIWAKI UISIKIU KULMUN Sensation Develops in nor Infraction Trial in Magistrate's Court j i i -l. f L i L. I Aflffjurnifiem .ukci tor ueex tu uiinu uizutLiui r Mifer nere and Attorney General also is coming ..limi developed in Hit' Irml nf Hi Cuuolidaled Kx-t.ui potation Ltd. mi charge or violation of tin (iovcrn-I.upior Ai t when lln defence wlcnlay aflc riiiMin de-at adjournment fur one weok mi Hint it iniftlit place Miller, .licit nio'H'iMor of (lie I.iiiior Control Hoard, on : u 1 -tifv Huil irregularities in connection with the ng oi tupuir export from the defendant' warehouse had : id .) wilh In knowledge ami approval. Healed de- v iieive n MiUiiii (iontalc. counsel for Hie defence.-! I I I U mM BkJ Lf r I H LIU 1 1 JU1V 1 AUSTRALIA IS BEING LANDED , and I.. V. I'uliiiore. crown pro- ' seculor. Tin' hitler usgpted that Inspector Milter had connived wild Hie Consolidated lixportem' ...rpomlion it, ant H with it defence Mini ilerlared thai Mr. (...niilo- wn atieiiiplui I" Work i!u- government ami Hi-' liuuor l,..iird in every way HHible in onlrr lu mi Uus iitnti STEVENS HELD UP THE WORK AT DRYDOCK Questions Asked by Him In Parliament at Ottawa Led to Stoppage of Work Here Tin- delay in I lie conversion of Hie iiip nl llo' wiiiiadiau Go -ernnii'iil .Merchant Murine from coiil lo oil burner ui lliu dry-ilock plain here iceuia lo hnv ntmiili'il from iUitlnn asked in (he HouiMf or Commons Ia week liy fl. II. Slrvfii 'f YiiiM'tiu'M a folio: 1 li the (iixi'rniiii'iil awn i' that the Umudiun liuviTniiiitiil Meirtianl Muriiif liai- unlcrvil tin i-imiimmjii of four lll ui-i-ralinii on t ! I'netfic coat I into oil liiiriii'H 'i in HUllioiiiii' or npiro-iliK ol lln ubiuliMiii"iit of cual i fuel lor ttt'f lii has the (liivtfi-iiineiil laken into cunider-atiou the injury to tin- Vnneou-er 1 Miami ul indtnttr '44la the Uovwriiiiittnl or th! (inuitiaii (ioveruiiienl Merehani MurOu- nut aKiiraiiee that fuel Mr. I'aUjttM-c Ui iwrd that w ,,ricw wm ol tUuiice in tire BODY FOUND Will be Better Mines Than ACROSS HARBOR ? in Start D'atr, Declares Rdston in Address Fisherman Discovered It on Beach Near McNIcholl Creek ; 'i lu-re are Hiree or luiir properdin al least in Hie Portland Yesterday AfUrnoon ! Cunal ditri.-t that give proini-e in Hie near future or being as """ 'goon a the fatuous Premier mine if not helter, declared 11. W. ij. Toikehl.-on. fixliertnan, Knhhiii, editor or the Portland Uanal News and stock broker nolirieil the city police htatloii.f M,.Wart, H.C and Vancouver, in addressing the Itotary Club about 3 o'clock yelenlay Mr-l jclerday nliernooii. 'i pio.hecy Hie lime when Hie Premier I noon that he had discovered thei.viii ,, i. the niaior oneralioii iii the district." Air. Holslon-con- i i.. ....... ..... , ii. .. i......m!.. . . , . it.. ii tt. ii ii .7ti... ..i uuuj ii mail .ICIU5-' "' iinued. I reicr iiann'iiiariy io me niuiwcii, me u.u. oncr aim on the m:ic1i behind I he ninall in land that lie near llir nioitlh of 'cial polltv inueecdxl lo the scene to iiiMvlcali' ami HiU tnornins brought the body lo the city. I.p till early llii afternoon, I iilfiitifieoliou had not hern c-J Inlilislred a nobody hud been re-I purled itiin? front the city and i lie clothe ut thai time had not llieen .arehed for documents. The fnce i nnrecomiizable and the body i partially ihfcompoted, liauiu appareiilly been exposed iml dead foe the pat month, lln- man wa about n feel in Hie Pig .liioiiri. Hie first being developed by Hritih Columbia caudal, tin- h-omiI by llritih, - McXicholl Greek. The privin-ian, the ltis Mi.oun by Aineri-j ste.ul of b Atlin in the winter, 11 wjuiu oe necessary to cut only 'j miles of new tVail and repair the old trail on the other part. tojpy couueeliiig it the buiiiess v on io come u a lintisli Columbia port instead of to an Alaskan porl. The future of Stewart was the future of Prince llupert. One could not nrosper wilhoul the other. If the fur trade was buill up in Ciiuadian ports il would help increase the prosperity of all. He had tried to impress on their member. Pert Kergin, the desirability or trail building and Mert had done a lot or pooif worL for the district. One" way they could work for the mutual benefit of both places was to get that, trail to Tele-'graph Creek built. ' ;!HIGH RECORD LOG SCALING Official Returns Show 1925 Was La eg 63 1 Yet Wade in Province of BC. YICTOIUA, Feb. 5. While there was a reduotiuu of more than 3h.imo.oun board feet or logs exported from Hrtlish Col umbia last year cu-npared Willi t'J-'l, the ipiantity of hjigs scalett in the province established a new-high record, the figures being 2.lt.2ii0.5-.'7 reel compared with 2.5 PJ.7 iiO.drtO board feel the pre vious year. (trains in Hie cut were made in the Vancouver jul Katnloops districts while Prince Hupert, in common with olhor Districts in the province, showed -a '.decrease, largely due to the closing down of the Massetl .Timber Com-' pany's plant and the reduction or operations a! Swanson Hay. NVESTIGATE STEVENS CHARGE Committee to be Appointed To day to Find Out About Alleged Smuggling OT'l'AWT. Feb. 5. A coinmit- ee will be announced this after noon to investigate the smug- Kliug charges niado by II. H. Stevens in the House of Com mons. It is understood the per- onnvl will be lion. 11. H. Stevens. lion. U. H. Heiuiett. C. W. Hell, Conservatives; p. M. Kennedy. Progressive: J. C. tUliotl of West Middlesex. It. L. Hatfield of Yarmouth. Paul Mercier of St. Henry, ami D. Donaghy of Norlli Vancouver, Liberals. GOES TO VANCOUVER SKA f l Li:. Feb. 5. -Sold to Hie Hudson's Hay Co. in liiiuidation of the debts of Ilaold Amundsen, the famous exploration ship Maud teft here late veslnrday for Vunnoi'vov ui tovy of the Wmonu. 3 Mi.! ft 3a SS tM