PAGE SIX LADIES' HAND-BAGS Suit Cases and Club-bags High grade Leather Goods at big reductions for on-; week only. Sec our window display. A MODERN OPTICAL DEPARTMENT This department affords u very superior scrvirc modern prices, l'ree consultation. MAX HEILBRONER 527-529 Third Avenue We are Sole Agents for Rochons Chocolates . $1.00 per lb. ROCHON'S FAMOUS ALMOND 'CRISP $1.00 per lb. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST In Olive Oil. small LAND ACT. laniMtin eoini nil,., n..,., n .. Medium Tomato Soup, small, 5 for Medium Pickles, sweet Sour , . . Hliow Sweet Mustard niierkins Midget k Worcester Sauce, 5 oi. . , t oz :iiili Sauce Hhutney ........ rterish at For Sale Auditorium Rink and Hall The leading hall of the cily, situated on lots l) and 10, block 111, section 5. Building is 00 feet by 100; 1C fool ceiling; 7 foot balcony all around building-newly plastered; No. I maple floor. Dining room and equipment and seating capacity for 100 persons. Piano and Wurlitzer military band organ, style 125; 200 pairs Richardson ballbearing skated. Thoroughly equipped throughout for both dancing and skating. With theatre equipment can be used as such. Also for sale, lots 8 and 9. block 15, seclion G. Clear titles to property. For further information, apply to L. J. Marren, P.O. Box 146, Prince Rupert, B.C. Rupert-Pharmacy Prescription Specialists Phone 94. We deliver. APPLES Are Advancing In Price eo set your requirement m at these low prices. Kxlru Fancy iiiesaps. per box $3.25 Kxlra Fancy New'tous, per box ,,.. $3.25 Fancy Jumble Pack New-tons . . . . $2.25 Fancy Jumble Pack .Wine-Naps . . , . . , $2.25 Sunkisi Oranges, good size. 3 doz. . . , $1.00 JJIiie loose Oranges, good size, 3 doz $1.00 Hlue ( Orange, larpe. per doz 60c Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. Phones 18 and 84 TAKE .NOTICE that Harris- kerr or I'rlnw llur-ert, B.C.. Matrr Mariner, Intrnds lu ii i.v mr a josce or llie rulluutng d. s-crltl Idtid.t: cnnmienciDK at a poi on Hip shore on llM-nee s.uon rwt nnrtbNi; thence S.tlou reft nnrlnraM; thenre 3,uu ttrl south MM; thNire s.ouo f-t southwest to me point of coiiimrnrpinenl, containing- J00 acres, more or Iff. ii.vnrus XEnn. By bis Ajent. Josculi 3 Boa-- ns wml , , h . . . LAND. ACT. Notlea of Intantlon to' Apply to Liati t, I" Mie Prince import Land nrenrdma - ------ - -.."-.v- ii an uuiidiiicu isiri in I he taslern entrance in imaum n.- ur" hundas Island. Blue I-rint T A L P flTlrr ih.i r t..- ....... ?ny, ori i',nre V"p""1- B ,: Manufacturer. , a,.ii. mi i lease or me rol luwnig- arsrribea lands partly submerrcd rwf or rnra rariiaiini from same In praitliall a circle, harm a iu auoui i,uu reel and eon lamina too acres, more or les. GEORGE OOBDO BL'SHRY Another Reduction HEINZ Goods I'ork and lleans, small. 5 Medium Latsre Spaghetti, small, ;.' for . . Medium :alsup, large, 2 for .... for G5o . . . 20c . . . 30c . . . 35c ... 25c .. 65c .. 35c .. 50c .. 65o .. 20c .. 45c . .. 40c .. 40c .. 45c ... 45c .. 60c , . . 35c .. 50c ... 35c Vinegar, While. Mall, Cider- 32 oz .. lfi oz Heef Steak Sauce Horse lladish f'.ream Salad Prepared Mula -d 35c 40c 50c 30c 35c 25c 40c 25o A new shipment of Peak Frean Biscuits has just arrived- direct from the Old Country Kxcellenl stork on display in our window. Fresh Whipping Cream dally B.C. Butchers and Grocers, Ltd. Phones 45 and 574 GOSSARD Corsets Brassieres Gorsettes ioine in and let us you Willi one of tliese. Kxperl corsetiero in tendance. fit at- H. S. Wallace Cold. i !ASK REDUCTION OF PASSENGER in FARES IN WEST VtCTOUIA, Feb. 5. Induction Uio present passenger fares on Canadian railways over lines in Hrilish (loluuibia probably will form one of litis Province's chief demands when it amdie.s to the Itailway Hoard shortly for a iren- etal eul in transportation costs. This was indicated by (i. j. Mrfieer, K.U., jroverumenl ralu ruiiiisel, when he arrived here for conferences xx ilia members of the .tiovernment in preparation for Railway Hoard hearing expected to lake place in March or April uur case will eover every pliant, of Hie frewht rato situation as well as express rates." Mr. McCeer declared. "We hav. under eonsideralion now, as well, in application for lower passen ger rales. Nolle, of Intantlon to Apply For Lou; The liovurntlieilt rale e.imisel or Lina. in the veinet iiuikti Lamj Bfo.nini declared. I hal all transportation llMrii-t ami situate nn an unnamed Mil' ,.i i i i: forming one of the Nares aruun of lJli.1.1 1 a,es "lUlsh Uduillblil WCrC Hudson Bay 'asaire nnnusllA nm iivnuKn I., ................... ...;n. rates on similar commodities in other pails of Canada. "The Mountain Kale Vcale af- I feels -all rales in effect here." he said. "It is agaiiis! this Mountain Scale thai we have hecn liwhling. We arc applying for general rale reductions all aloirj the line.' Mr. Mclieer added that he had ;iol heen in formed of the Hail- way Hoards probable date of ar rival li Hrilish I'.cluinliia. He said lie did not anticipate any attempt to upset the recent judgment of the board upholding us former decision Ti equalize Western grain rates. PLANNING EXTENSION OF AIR MAIL ROUTES Postmaster General of U.S. iv' Enthusiastic Over Developments: Contracts are Let WASHIXilTON. Feb. o. The air mail service, pioneer in rum. inereial aviation in Hie United LAND ACT. Notice of Intantlon te Apply to Leaae Land. In l-rlnre iluiert Land lierordmir Dls iriri or rriieo iiuikti. and situate on iiuriii auorv or siunnun Bay i:uarlui:e llini.. H i: TILL' I,TU'I.. .1... . . ., MraiDt and JluU-ri i:. (iuom-, or Vanmiivrr. Ii.;., occupatlun rainier) men. IiiIimmI to apply fur a k-ae of the follolDr de rrtll fi,r4h,.M .1 wl.a....... u... Charlotte Itlands: :niriieiii'lnir at a inl planted on ttv borc of Shannon Bay aboul Sou rrl in a soiitnweilerty (llrrctlon from aonth- ttMt mifii.r tt. I ... It.. -. . rorner of an appllratlon lo pur- vj ma. rfciuiiiii niraiijr; inenre! n iiiniui. MillMV A. WITT, orrielal AdnilnUtrator. Prlliee Itiiperl. tt.C f'.iled Ihe yard day ot January, mr. IN PROBATE. IN THE 8UPREMECOURT COLUMBIA. OF BRITISH I III tin Mailer of the Adinliii.lrallon Art; a ud , In the Matter or the Kslale or Tom O'Brien. Iiereased. Inteatate. TAk'i: mtIi:K tluo by order of- Ills I Honour f. Sir ll. Yoimir. made the Klut day r January, A.I). i9tf. I was amioiiiled I tdinlnlKtrator of the estate of Tom I linen, deceased, and all parlies bar I llllr I'lAlot. airaiii.l Ilia .ti.i. ,m hereby required to hmiMi same. prorly verified lu mi' on or herurp the ni fiv of February, A.n. If.. and all parties 'iiuriiirn io me etaie are required , In pay ihe amount nf their Indebtedners lo me rortiiwiin. NOriMVX A. WATT, Official Admlnlntralnr, Prlnre Itiiperl. HT Haled Ihe Jjrd day nf Januarv. MILK From Bulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIPPING CREAM We specially recommend our Table Cream al 15c for Half Pint. Quality and Service Valentin Dairy Phone 657 I THE DAILY NEWS Friday Februar IB" 1 VX.K 'pHE seeds of bronchial trouble are sown during the present trying weather. For both strong and weak-chested a few Peps tablets afford the best and surest defence. Peps quickly soothe and heal raw, aore throats; they banish couchs. colds, and chills, and strengthen the whole el the bronchial lutes. As a Pecs tablet Hi, lv In K mouth, certain healine; and grrmicidal fumes are released which permeate the whole of the respiratrry tract. Thus, the healine Peps medicine hrtathtJ deep into lungs and to all the vital parts. It reaches sore and Inflamed membranes never touched by mixtures and syrups swallowed Into the stomach. MM ar .w .! kl. af arvtnlt i4 tt.r. mnrwkm ae tram tt t:. Duamt St. Urania lie, u lUi U tatlata. ,- id1 w'-riil inn! of iu:li; liyitijt. an expaiiMKii wli laie tmrlioii o! Within air mail I lie carry in the air. Hi. Hie art of! n il VV ill li.'liefll at the cMtinlry. j Figure This Out Tin' average person in his daily work a miles. The average leiiglh of everv step is 22 feet and then the feel into iuehes. then divide Hi Itie ne rt.w in. .nil., a, iaH raund a way to imporl erviee ttill he liro ided farm ImIm.p willuuil I'uni.u... ,f,...l for twn score inure eilles Willi ((f I In !illiUeel benefit !u oilier idaeen; ' ill a w ide exuaiiKe of lerrilorv. S iiimi Contrart iiave beou let or ha vp been advcrlised for u doen routes. The first to bejriii ser- 'i iiioncipri) roiiowiDv mrii ator mark , , hi of mii. shannon iioii Bay my about anout TOO 700 feet reet to to a a ooM pit majorily "lajoriiy ut Of liiesTa routes rUies are are CX- MrZVlnlT u.e,ii-' lX&trB)?2rliZT,&!!' I'o-th.aMer .ilenerm New .1 llObrrl C. r.OK.e: Oumro norlhorlr 1 fM'CIIIIll -rty and wulliei.lrrlv follow Inr Ihe hirh water mark or nalfl Hland lu a polnl flVl rert soulli and Mil feet west of sotilli- .nn;r into; irience west too reel; Ilieiu-H IWtffll Kill fu.1 .,.va .. . .1....... last 856 feet, inure or lei, to the point of comriienrenieiit, and ronialnin? g arrea. iiivi c vr HTM. IIIBT. C. COSSE and JAS. HLI.DI.10 STRASO IN PROBATE. .nrtll..ul Per Win. n. MltrlM-li, Arei.l! luted Ni.vfiiilr Huh, 0f IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. Ill tlie Matter vt the AdmliiMirallon Art: and In the Mailer of Ihr Kslate of Herbert HwIoit, lUM-rased. Inleslale. TAKE MlTll l- nui in- i.r,l. r in. Honour F. McB. Voiinir. ina'ile the ItH day .juuar. a.u. ivti,. i wis aitoiniel AiliiiniHtr.Kir or the entate or Heilierl Bedore, dri'eaed, and all parlie liav- inir riauiK aranmt the raid exiale ar nereny required to rurnuti aauie. pnrlv r,.,,rw i,f or in'iorp ine viri oay .r February, A.U. tr,. and all purlieu libit lltf-ft lO till, fal, ...lliirAl t.. ,- ihe airMimii or their Indcbteilneim to mr .i 1 slant IN PROBATE. and I'otlmasif - NOTICE. -i- - Tni: 'aiitii ihki .it., nt.i.ii...,. ... llri .Nollee for i'r.-k e niiall bmi lu Hie llrlrUlr.r Wif Jium ik i'... lMUies. Vlriorla. II I U to rhaHaW the IMHw of the Ortiipaii) to iIhii of "juhn Uulrsr liiiiuni. -k- Oafed al I'pl.tiM ll,,rM.. It i- II... day of lel.ruarv. A.l. !. lll l.dKH k V,KVKS HMIlKli. In the Svprama Court of British Columbia In the Matter or the Adiiiliriatmiiin Ail ami III IIh- Ualli-r or the Fatati- of Andreu AiHlrewiMin. tH-ivased. llileMale. TAkK MTli;h lliut by OMer of lll Honour t Well Vmimi, i,., iu.. day or lebruao. lt. I was ap- lirneii .iiioiiniiaior tr ihe retail' of aiHirrw .iiKirewi, iirreaned, and an arllen Inylna rlnnni liiim Hu. um eitali' arc Iwrebi reuulea.1 lo rurHlUi aiue, pivts-rlj verinl la me on or lie-fon- Die ind ,jv of Mare. A.I). HIS, and all iNirlles Indrbied to Ihe eatfate are re llllrrd lu La II:. anaiuut ,,r Itwlr ln.1,.1.1. ediH' lo me f.-riliwllli. NOHMVi A. WATT. irrirlal Adiiiinuitrator, I'linrt llu(ui. i.i:. Haled the nd d) or Febrisary. lift. IN PROBATE. In the Suprame Court of British Columbia In Ihe Matter or Ibe AUiiilnllralloii Art; and In Ihe Mallei- i.r tlx- Kilale or Nauru Hriini.. IuhmiwiI. Illli'late T.UK .VmcK ibat by oriler r Ills Honour, r. iieii. ntiiir. man ard day or Februan. I1WC, I W. apfniinted Admliiletraior or Hi." Ftale or Mmm lirnno, dTi-aM-d. ami all parties liaritnr ilainiK aiuinM iJmlihIiI exljle are hereby irilniifd to riirnlsli rami!, prt4erly erl-ried tu me on or iH'fnre I lie Srd day nf Marrb, A J. iir,. mul all purlieu indebted to the eatale are le'inlrrcf lo pav the an hi or their Indebtediiena io me lorinwiin. MlllMA.K A. WATT, orrielal AdiiiinllraUr. Prliice liiiMrl. ll.C. haled the :iril day of February, 1J. IN IN PROBATE. THE 8UPREME COURT COLUMBIA. OF BRITISH III Hie Malter or h A'liiiltilslrallon Act; and In the Mali. i r tlie KsUte rd Murdoeli M'liiorotoei , lieceared, Intentale. TAkK NOTICF lliat by ord'-r of IIIh Honour F. Men Yoimir, made the tut day of Jjiiiihin. A.U. IJJfi. 1 was ammlnted ,,r the etnle or Mnrd.Hti Montiromer.v. ilcrnaned. and all iartle bav-Iiik rlaliii aaalnst'the said estate are IlilullU Mlllilu. ... ,.,.1.1.1. .KB. a.u .. l , IMPORTING QUAIL TO HELP FARMERS TUPKKA. Kmi. KhIi j K.iii- iiiiini?ralion utlioriiies. si. tie linn just illiiorle. iiiai! frnm Mexico to help tins provressne slej. has heen ui the Kansas farmer. Thev taken under I he law oaied last are exiierliHi to eat un f.'5.0(Mi year permilliiiL' the piislma-lei mseeU .litems ... eiieral to eonlrae, vmIIi . hi. n.e.r i..-,,.wi ,.r .... i.i.i.. oueen men-ial aviation hi ij,i;. f...- whiles" lo dolroy at least .1 of the iiittiin liiruul' quurler of a billion weed scud by auliiirin. The Mexican smaller I han I In of Kmi-a-. hut mail is slulilh native hoh white Ihe stale uaiiie Vice will lie Ihe L.!iieaxo-lftrot wnnlon i. ....MIW.I il.i-r and the Gleveland-lietfoil mules' U'ill illlilllllM4.l 1 1 m on Febriiary-iAfO m.l April " ... min.'.i rwii.'-, i'Miw.rf , bred l-'I eiUCK riuu" hluck for JOT ' Hull I veriried to me i, e brore the lint day . . , '?"',y of February. ,M9J0. and all pnrtleal Whole hi' I'd Of Cattle irt Indthted to Ibe v. lain are rennlred In imvl : .... . , , the ainoiini of their IndelitediiftH in me rnrthwlili. , smitMAX A WATT, Official Adiiiliililrator. Frtm-e liiiert II. r, tisttd ib vira Uay of Jauuary, the :wi. I uiial" eoncervatively thai Ihe imihIiui. of 5,nno lord- W, .lfe. h;uiiii-20,1100 y.-iiog iuail ne; niiini r COME TOTTERING DOWN IN A PILE OF JUNK ;.Mauiloha free I'reen There m a isehool of tlmunlil in I i rent lleil lain in I'.a lllil'a (iti.l is, - " - --'a Ultll III Ihe ilher Hrilish llotninions tint, holds thai if ihe nations of Ihf '.oininiiiiweMllh do not uni- miii in rureicti affaiFf, I lie whole Hrilish Kounre is koiiib Id cmnn tutlcj-iiiir down in a pile of junk Thene people arc the leiliinai heirs mul iicccMir to ihuee lei son who in every general tor. for the lust hundred years have hecn opiiofcd to every uleii that wave wider Hivere of In (lie iivci-chs jmii-i ton . ( Ihe Kmpire. Tune kIi jw then wi-oiiK in every ease, Inn u,.. . eople, with then- inlotpi every general ion, never harm. in MUSKRAT FARMING Manitoba Man Purchases Quar-tor Section to Ralso Small Pells WI.VMl', l-eb. t. -i.oneer-valiou of miiKkrats under a himincsidiki mauageinenl, will prove extremely profitable in u,e opinion or U. A. Swift, or I.umlur, Man., who lias aoipiimd a quarter neclion of iiuiHkral nwainp on the honler of I.ake Multiloba, with lldf object in view. Mr. Hwtfl who eaine n-oui the Lulled SlateH, recently purrhuso.l the ranch operated by Senator MoMeans near Ilnhhil Point, Man. lie piirclianeil the whole ranch incliidimt u lurge herd of pure $50.0110. The irovprn- inenl iiiHpeeted. and is headed by Fairfax and Perfection Ft rain lenders from prize-wtnnin? Lock. well u the hou'ewile. until'-. Iteduce lite mimliri- of iiicln'. ly 22 ilhe average stei;. Tlie result will be the number of time in your feet daily. STATISTICS SHOW. Thai if a steel hammer was used in Hie same manner n I In feet it every day. Therefore I'le ise remember i- .ili-oiotelx free. you du md have tu riiiiuti I 2 Will, I IV m 'I: oip h.. PITY THE POOR FEET! Feet Hurt? iQ) Come to our Foot Comfort Ucpart-tnentand learn how huiulrrdsot pcoplr vufIcrini'itnTal. and broken down arches, corns, cal liitc. bunlnas a . I wraaankL-shavcbf LwikIjUiI by Dr.StkairirMt Cenlxt lapliancts au limaiti --c Cumart DtmOKtiral 5 W 1 VmM feillMps iM 0 siioeliili( Wl'oikg Hllli uiir lee' am) you do do IIOl klmw it. I '.('Hie, du it..' nil it off; Id iim' lii'iii'iiistrote and hW Vnii it yotl Inive any (.ml I r. 'little. "A sllleli in 1 1 nte se nine. HacUuhis. in most (M5ii, are Iritred to defective feet. Tired, Acliinn Feet I L. . i....r. S Vtnl much Uffrri'lg I II I'oot C omfort Aim , il Ktafditatill (Ivriiui ntt lUiiu. t mi I.. . S HJlklOUUO.rll,f u . . . Or. Sthoira Paot-ttitr : "itMiiktratc ij KrHrrn (nr.! S2 acklaa I". tt wrakaaklo. lall.a atchwa, ; crw rou y 2 the Mocking nml Hi AMERICAN SCHOOL OF PRACTIPEDICS. Sam Jabour of Jabour Bros., Ltd. I''. l.i.iy..'. " i - ! ' u..'i im .I. ' 1 1 I ur a: ; I 1 i i .lie I ,, I ,,, : : ,. ! I ii' , . ! I WESTHOLME THEATRE Friday and Saturday, at 7 and 0 p.m. Saturday Matinee, 3 p.m. "Winds of Chance" An adapt, it urn l Hex lle.i h - Miwert. name. A golden drama i.l prtiiiiliw Alu-K . romance of Klundike gold. A tor ol t i , . when days are slwrt, nights are mug and the strong men. The tale of n big. rtiuffh. pliMlding hopefull) over the fin-cu(.eeil , fort ii ne awuited and Hie iiii of ., ,,, Wl trial and hnrsni. e IIimi Ii loke- u i. tn the 'Iiii iok la of the Bidd 1, n , l.ulllu ...II. ....I.l I - . 1 whit-- nun nun ii-iiitiiiiii eienieilM - li.i I ' and love and lite, dim ailed nml. Ben Lyon, Hobart Bosworth, Claude Gilllngwate-Victor McLaglen, Wade Boleler, Phllo McCulloch, Anni Q. Nllsson, Viola Dana, Dorothy Sebastian, nlhers. r CAMEO COMEDY "PARDON US." AESOP'S FILM FABLES. 60c and 25 Reduction SALE 50 , DISCOUNT Oil all Winter Hals and Suit-. 33 and 1-3 DISCOUNT on trials, Silk llresM-s, large s,e, t..u-. Woollen Hosiery 25', DISCOUNT on Underwear. Knitted Soils. Sweater, (ilon - , l)retie., Skirls. Itiiiiniml-. Slirkers. t'irset- Hi 20 , DISCOUNT on Silk (iresse.. Sdk Si .n-e.. Sdk Tie Phono 27. "DEMERS" P.O. Box 327 Loggers! Loggers! We lmxe the onlv rompletc 'iol.k yf Gilchrist Jacks and pari in the North. We handle Logging V I'eavie-, Saws, and general Jump Ivpnpmciil. It will pay you tu sec u when out filling. Stork's Hardware Limited 710 Second Avenue LOGGERS' CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED to building next door to Frizzell Hutcher Mhop, aero from the Empress Hold We carry a full lino of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION Jamei Zarelll proprietor