; VA ) d' nary 5, 102. a Un! ! are negoliating wilh At ; v 1 1 1 tiii purehac n( n drifiil clock Mini will. 1 1 SPECIAL All Wool Flannel Shirts rom $1.95 each I ACME Importers Third Avenue ir advance DNYX Ladies' Shoes Uei tnuke. e l Pricen rijrhl. Family Shoe Store Phone 357. Third Avenue. Winsome Maid SILK STOCKINGS ! K t HmtiMi ladies will i i i Uetr uudst 'vely pure thrcul 11 - eiy miuli for real "i iimt xv'enr. ; ul. -: include hlack, 1'aid.i. mndtirn. fm, buckskin, Airedale. IP etc. Price $1.50 and 52.00 per pair. The West of England , Store Third Avenue Phone 753 Dr. E. S. Tait DENTI8T Hlgerson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Office Hours 9 lo 6 X-Ray Strvlos I'hone G86. "Pen Tuesday and Thursday J Vi'ntntra Ru I ii tii-i ...... i. . . :""""iyn v io iz noon SOME NEWER BOOKS AT LOCAL LIBRARY Religion and Science Represented In Those Recently Placed on Shelves RrlllMnn and science urn repre sented in Mic book recently lttllJiil (ln ll... ..I. ..I m a man out of bed Ir. V ' : " " , V VA Ul" r w u'"r' . dre- ! ""''",c ,..-mng. l.im. puj r , "f ','('"' . fHow; shoe and la.-c m ' " ' " .- b' , a ,...ri a. ...ehinc, . hJm; ,!" " "" ir" a"" ''l.-vliirk ,r''n' ,,,ir,";' ,i iisf Hill meantime ' ..iV,. ' ,...,.,, . . (list We run Ri'' you l H i enter II Itn'llliS Ma ('in Uck in o your ,,,,. ! ewry mintlle nr (wo v..m -ji-i up. Then the1 - on via. o-i t .50 nnil nre UMi-re ul ? 0ll. John Bulger Oil. Jewellers ih-m- i.miiiiiiiiii anil un. lifrion Meet." Iiy Gouller. NlCIII Problem Ullll Ki.aitoi I ...... .,, , ,j , urn, "American I'ftactrrar Navigator," Iiy Howdllch. "I'.S. Ilydroyraphir Offire." two volumes denting with nit i-Itule, iilintilli, Mini line of poi-I Inn aii.I also willi nnon-intcrva! Inlilft. "Tales You Won't HHievc I'urler. "Cargo Handling i. l'r.rf funninghnm. LAND ACT. by SENSATION DEVELOPS I N LIQUOR INFRACTION TRIAL IN MAGISTRATE'S COURT. 'continued from page I) 'li- rum jnljiniiiiiiieiil 4 itefenei' wa akiK for. iiflcr havinx wit ImikIv afeel In many adjournment. N.kwl for hy the crown dm ins the pa! ! and a half fll.nillm. N'o ettra expei,e would he mxi.Ued for Hie crown mnce he Mr..4Sniah, had aviMM the drteelixe thai he wa sroinir i" appeal ihe firr completion and I hey had lle that they wnitM main here nnlil ueh I une a-the appeal wa heard. Tliecrnwn wae I'harviny Ihe defence with J xnncihiiij: ibal il had told it to ,-l'i a lie "I iuecjukaliie ehanre- Mr. ioiiale eoncliiileU. Mr. I'aimore laled final Ihe ..nit .ihjeetion he hml li tlie ad-joiiriimetii wa lhal ihe ifefem-li.nl known the nature of Ihe hare a far hark a I leremher when they were laid and hoiiM have already had plenty of lime to have hroituhl Mr. Mllhr here. Mr. I'liliimr.- further .lte. that he had ndvited Ihe defence that il wax hi Mr. f'atmore in llenlKtn In proeel with the cae TIMBER SALE X 7309. mwImI 7rtMjT will t rrrla Itjr Un iH.irei nin.ir m mivr uta nuua on n - ill (Ul r rhritrr ttM. far iiifiM i irrw, xt. Mam Mtaad. IMrpIr lltlrl. V ' I . U iHI I.I linn i roil .! Vl3or1l! !.. 1 rr will h tHue4 far r- (?)' l -r illiilvi I urtlwr iKrtiniUr- cf thr Chirr for lei. VKi.in. t Hit filalrlrt luriHIrr. iTllw-r lliiprrl. W C. "QOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT" notice or AePLICATlOa LICCNCC. roa Bica xw.r. is iohiiiv i.ivf.n ihh on um fix! iU) ul ll.rurjf urn Uw iiiitinmutwHl luifiHl in i.l lu in tiqunr iimlrol h.rl f.ir ii. -mi-.- in rri--i u prr-lnlr. tosnt n r tlw liuiMinr known ti " niriiiHT.nl llolfU. miutir at Um ruriirr t I ii l tftnir mil Hrtitli Slrxrt. CUr .if I'fmrr Hiitwri. n.ai hr land. dwertlirO I ..I- It) iiul II. Btnrk SrrlHsi I. Mi. iti. rrhirr Imprrl l.tixt HrrLifatioa I ifin , IB lb rrntllirr i.r Hrlluh ".ntom-tli, tr I h Mir of lrr hy Ihr rtiH iir I Iiy Ihr gprn bnlllr tnr rtinsaniiliin n In i.r-liii, mini thlt l irih Oty nf January. Illl. pOMXIJi AMiarW Nrl.KOD lunnv 1 wood nnliant. 1 1 Mollct et Intuition to Apply to Purenatt ung, In l.aiifl limrrdlo Pl'trlrl of Prlnrr tnirrl. and ullualr mi ihr sMilli Slmrr ..r Opiiin Ciivr, Pill lJ4nd. fniMnri' or lirlii.li C.iliiinlila . TkK oTICK that William Jiwrph Jerferin tif I'rlnrr Hiirt. II i nr.-uia linn i jnn.'rr inaii. Intend lo apply fm prrnill"n tiirrhr thr tnllnwlnr It nrrllwrt laml- . minirn.-lnr at a Ml Planiert on thr ciinh .Ihiit nr.ir llir hrad nt nplain i ..v. . fill Manit, HaiiRr I, Cnat Mtnrt. I'riiriiin- of llr(llh Cnluinlila; tlieinv .mill trniv rhalim; Ihrnrr wrut twenty rialn; tlinirr imrlh twenty rhaln. nmn or lr. to hlrh walrr mark; tltrner rat firl.v alonr luah watrr mark tn point nf eithiniriirMiirnl. and rnntalnlnir forly afn-. miirr nr lr. witUAM josKPit JKrrEnson. Apptlrant. Trr XV. J. Thnrfia. Xarnt. n,iri nn.tMi- tn ox LAND ACT. I Nolle Of Intantlon lo PP to Laaa L.ndi III thr Land hrrnrdina IHKlrlrl nr I'rmmi RiilK-rl, and alliial nn Ih annth hnrr nr, Shaimnii fiy. Martl Inlet, "nron Char I jour llnd. . TAKF. NOTICE that I, Harry llnblnrn rtitst. nr Mam.rlt, H.C . nrrnnatlnn FIH Cnrrr. Infi-nd In apply for a learn nf thri followlnr drarrllied btnla: rnmnirnrlnr P"t altnatrd it thr' wiiithwrM mrnrr nf t.nt 1I4S ,'T.L.i 58l',ii thence rt m . riiain; iiit-i..-.-mirth 10 rhalim. mnrr nr Irna, tn hlrh alrr nark: llimer snultiwral it rlialn., mure or leM, fnllnwliir thr hlrh water mark to point nr rmninenrrinrut, and rtmialnluir I arrm. more r ,yil"-rnMT Maanrtt, B.C. LAND ACT. Nolle ef Intantlon to L.nd Apply to Laaa III Ihr t'rlnrr HiiimtI land nronrdlnir Plutrlrt and aiiuair mi v. fiiiiri.uu near rninilna Mlunci. ninr nni n.m. i. nir NfiTirr. null jnseiui snnim Knurr ut I'rlncr llniM-rt, II.C, Srrreiary. IniomN In nnnlT fur a leaae nf thr fop liiwlnir denrrllied lancH .,.....,.. a isist nn 1 lie more nn the i:at aide or Wliliesaenl l;t"'"lL ""'" S.non rret nnrthwrsl. thenr s.Ono rret rant, thenir S.OUO fret aimthi turner a.nim rrrt west tu the (mint nf cum-mrnrrnirnt, j(jFpn TIN,0M HO0EBS. Dated CecemDer itb. till. nnlil sufficient fines had been JmpoMeil lo make It a definite warning In the company in ful- Uire, Iff -laii.I not see wtiprc Mi.- situation had since changed. Wrorijj Instructions An ex-oftirtlil of Ihe Liuuor Control Hoard, Mr. J'almore continued, had already sworn that lie already liud authorized Ifie -mpaiiy to do Hi.- things thai il liiid done. What mow could I he defence out of Mr. Miller.' In any raw, Mr. Miller 'could hae been called Iiy the defence a mouth o. Siakinir to Mr. inmates' stntemeul dial no extra i'X.ine would lie involved for the crown in the adjournment. Mr. I'aimore pointed foul lliul mi ai'Kal eould not b proceeded wilh until nriPmonlli' and II whs not his Inleulkm tu ieep Hie deiwlixei here for ul) Ihe inl'MAi-iiiiix tiniie Mr. I'alnmre Hi it tier pninleil out that, in .nil of the fart that Mr. U alMi had xorii he had in-t rue led Ihe j-oinpaiiy in the irregular method it had followed. Mr. Pyl. ihe defence witneeo. had laled that he bad not iteen i inHlrueled hy the l.iimnr Hoard bul dial they had been milake .luritjK a nmli of tiui-ne. How eoHilil the defence en 1 1 Mr. -Miller lo jirovc oiiietliinv lhal tlie defence' own witnei.n bad denied Mr. (iouzaiei. .iiimikIciI thai Mr. Miller hal known of lhee ir-regnltirjtk arid h'e , intend to firo?e (ital he did. lie llinu?hl. in view of i lie many adjouru- Jnenlt Ibal Ihe crown had had. tbal Ihe defence wa a4 entitled n one. Miller Under Fire The magi! rale then referred to a lelltw from Mr. Miller thai had Ix'eii placed in, evidence li the defence acknowledging Mi.it Ibere had been certain irirfu laritie in Ibe paid that -Imulil tie ili-conliuued and alalins that. olherwiMt. Ihe Art bad been well lived up In by the eohiia:i. Ion that letter not go far enouch a. far an Mr. Miller wan eonrerneil ? Mr. Ootutale refdied that Ibe l0llr did mil po far enousrb. He Had bneti informed that Mr. Miller had approved of the company ' lHtfc. Mr. I'alnmre took the view that Mr. Miller had not been in a position lo know. "You may judse what i wanted by I hi adjournment. Already Mr. Miller ha done thing in PHE DAILY NEW3 PAGE lVS You are entitled to know FREE! Any iiulutfllfnl I ran ofrer how. in (irier lo el by Ihe xxiiining oMj -jiMtfied. o I have jnadc further ilra?4i" price rnU, riiliailnu t4iin-cM0ii, mill m aidliliou for lo morrow, J repeal mv preat free urfer. n free: enp. value lo $."i.00, xxHh txfty anil. Ami a Tree ilk lie, valiH? $T.2r, lo Ihe fir.J 25 eunmers. Last Few Days Prices SUITS 11 Tweed HuilK, .regular value?, up )js:i.j.0(). Hale priee jy grj 12 Stiitf Iffl ffi Tweed and Fix Irish Serjre. llegular 9A QC value up lo l2:.uK Sule ptife . f 14.33 Anil alt' e'ajNn the ultiie fife, s SOX 12 dozen Mctt'a (lalunere Snx iit hrowti, Idack, grey, green, and Mue. A jrood iOtf .teller. The ailjnler makes 04- Ihem LHl Silk and Utu bhx, all rolo-r. Hegitlnr !0c valuei to go gtjj, Hlack l.tauin Sox. Ilegnlar Clie, to po nt Ptire Wool ttiade. iit J-'ugUnd, in fawn, gray and eamel OA. fltades ttnif floxeilr Ilegiilar 1.00 v.'ilue, for 0Ul' Heavy Wool 'ut Sox, 8 puir for 100 CAPS AVe jitiil hare a of dapiVfi, values up Itt JJ3.00. All lo QC- Mt go at (llliert at S1.45 and $2.45. TIES A lol of Irish I'opfjji Ties io'the new straight line effect. These are in all the new shade and regular (o $l.:tr. To gn CCp lofiiorrnw for 3 dozen Carilioo Work Sliirls in a lirown plaid effect wilh collar nnd Iwo l.ieasl pockets thai sold for 3.00. ffi CC It's a -hame. Iml take tln tn for fl.lW Thor Johnson's - and the liquor hoard in every liquor companies. way poiLbl in order lo sltfj. Ihete proteewttott. Mr. ioiiHale re-eilted ihe u;(ttioit. Covering Letter The majristr.ite declared Ibal il dul not look ?otif u Mr. Mil ler' part that a covering letter (fence." leiler of Ibis kind over lo the de-'conlenls of I lie letter were not in !fnre." continued Mr. I'aimore. i faxor of Ihe defendant. "and I eu.v tell you that Mr.; Mr. I'aimore took Ibe view MnHer i koiiir to be retortcd tolhal the char? w4r .Wie cause the attorney general for what he. of llie letter. The ifcterlives badiasked for the adjournment, Mr has done." gone south with all' Ijfie evidenre I don't care whal the allorevieveral weeks before the letter general doe," continued Mr.' hadbeen written. Tbny bad taken liomate. "I am here lo fiplitjtbe charge up wilh .Mr. MHIer for the Cnolrrlaled." (ami a week or two later the letter Hefwriitjc lo "camouflaced ;was written by Mr. "MHIer ufler sbtpmenl." Mr. Palmare again lie had rwierxeil the information staled thai he did nol intend tojnthl knew the cases that were to have the defence calling wilne. jeoioe before the court. Mr. Mil-In deny what its own wtl-'ler said in Ibe leiler that Ihe de-nl-ste had admitted. Suppose femUnl had complied with ix Mr. Miller is railed and he ad- sub-sections 4if Ihe Liquor Act mils Hint he allowed irngttlari-' wherea. in the face of Ihe lies. It will not affect the eae 1 charges that he hlmsel? had ;Hcnne our charge is lhal ship- seen, those uh-seci inns bad no! meats to various boats were 'been complied with. 'aUely entered under one lioat.t Handle for Defence Mr. I'yle had already admitted a' Mr. tionrales pointed out that much. 1 knmv my learned friend the leiler referrM to was a cir-I ! ry I K I" Work the government cilhu eltM- senl ..ut to all Ihe m If ijou ask for HoxrM-oet Bovril Bovril is not merely a "Beef extract" It is the strength and substance of beef, nourishing, invigorating, energizing, with worldwide reputation for unvarying quality. Drink Bovril for lunch or whenever you feel tired and "let down." But when you ask for Bovril at fountains hotels -restaurants see that you get Bovril and not a substitute that lacks the essential vital elements that distinguish Bovril. BOVRIL Sold only in Bottles Made in Canada W7M 1 N "Yes." answered Mr. 1'almore, and it would tie no trouble lo write a circular to give a nice handle for Ibis defence." Mr. tionzales said he would gel a better one than this if he wanted a "handle for Ihe de. thoohl pome from him at (hit! "H was as far as Miller could time. December 2t. "Were lhese.," wa .Mr. I'almore's rejoin-cbaraet the cue of Ihe letUr?"' Jder. connection wiliilhe asked. ! The magistrate thought it was tbit trial (hat he ha bad no Mr. Goiif.ale nut in lamed Unit jslraiipe that such a letter should rijrhl lo do tirh a turninv a they eould nol have been for I lie, have come into the hands of the defence. Mr. J'atinore said lharihe inference could easily be dcawn. Afler Mr. (innr.ales had again I'aimore said he would consen1 lo it if Mr. tionzales would give bis undertaking that Mr. I'yle would be called in every case where Mr. Miller was called. Mr. Oonzales said that Mr. I'yle would be called in every Case. To be Subpoenaed The magistrate granted the re mand. Mr. Miller, he fell, would i be able to give a tno.t ,.-al ofj valuahle information and, apani from' that, the crown had already) bad several remands and he believed thai it was nt least fair lo grant one io the defence. Arrangements' xvere thereupon made lo wire Mr. Miller so as i expedite the proceeding of the trial. Mr, (ionzales had irt-ioxtsly v-.'tuU'iUJJiak.iU NvMdd. be necessary lo subpoena him as ho had declined to appear voluntar-:.V. As far as ihe Liquor Hoard and Mf. Miller are concerned I would like to make il plain lhal I am hostile." remarked Mr. Oon- Zai.-s. And I am just itching for a ;. hance to gel Miller in the wit-! :ness box," said Mr. I'aimore ! agreeably. ! Then u looks like an inler-jest uiR session ahead," observed His Worship. Attorney General,- Too The attorney greneral will be love too on Wednesday I expect," said Mr. Patmore. "Il will be j pleasure for me j invile him to litis court lo hear Ihe cross-examination." Mr. (ionzales sitid he would be pleased lo have the attorney general present Mr. Oonzales asked if the crowp. would si 111 require Ihfl witness Walsh, who was anxious to gel away. I of remain or if it would be prepared to accept his evidence as previously given. Mr. I'aimore replied Unit it was hi intention lo cross examine Mr, Walsh, Court llien adjourned, (he case lo be proceeded wilh next Wed nesday afternoon at 2:30. about this The Hig .Slork Adjuster Sale is on iff last legs my task in .nearly finished, hut in order lo wind it up quickly, 1 must have n grand rush for Ihe last fexv days. 1 have grouped merchandise, nnd cut the heart out of price outdone any previous attempt al liargaiu giving in order lo eofnpel yon in your interests to lie here, and he here quickly. Head on! GEO. A. WOOD, Stock Adjuster. Bargains of a Lifetime Hrushed Wool Scarves, finest quality. Regular .fa.tnt ff QQ Silk Knit Scarves. Regular tjCi.OO, lo go for Jj jQ A lol of fine quality Shirts in Tooke and Monarch. Worth ffi AC :i.0l, fur less than half, at $1.4 J A dozen or so Men's Wjuol Blanket Cloth Mackinaw Shirts, double liack, sleeves and shtiulders. A regular CC 7.00 garment, lo go nt ... .... ... Y40J TROUSERS Men'. Itark firey Tweed Troiiters in' the newest pin stripe effect, worth f !.."() in the regular way. Adjuster' CO AC price is . . ..... Y"lt' 2 dozen Men's new stock Dark firey Stripe Trousers. A regular $!5.." value, nnd the adjuster sfaughlers ffi QC them nt ... . . P1"'4' SWEATERS A lol of Men's AH YVooI Sweaters in sizes 30 lo 2. Blue, firey and rhoeolale tan. Former value was $5.00. ffO 0C Oul they go at V0J :t dozen Heavy All Wool, 'Chain Slilch Sweater Coats. A regular $1.00 value for less than the wholesale fj Here i a lot "of Scotch Wool Fishermen's Jerseys thai you can't afford lo overlook. A regular f!.00 garment ff9 Aft to go at this sale for DJJ.4J Look for The Cross Road Sign 720 Second Avenue Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert. DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists,- Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDINQ. Our plant is equipped lo handle alt kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38 The Savage Washer and Dryer At the last Quebec Exhibition repeated its success of Ihe previous year, by again xvtuuing the Hold Medal witli distinction over nil oilier makerl; of "American and Canadian Washers. Cash Price $185.00 Also sold on easy terms. Kaien Hardware Co. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Satlinf Irum Prince Rupert, or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. Swanaon Bay, and Alert Bay, Tueaeay, S PJB. for VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Alert Bey, and Swanaon Bey, Saturdey, 10 A.M. For ANVOX. PORT SIMeSON end Naaa River Cenherlee, Thureday p.m. For PORT 8;PSON, ANVOX, ALICE ARM. STEWART, Sunday; S p.m. I2S tit Aveat-e. 4. aterneley, Aaeol. Prinee Rupert. B O 'TRY A NIP TONIGHT' BEST PROCURABLE m imh somto a euARAHteioey raooucc or scoil"0 - .iM'.oucr mo ekviM-if nwe ou. econ. The OrSf inel Label look for It at the Vendor'e and Inaiat on GRANT'S "DtST PROCURABLE" Tb is advert fsenieni is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia. i