r iday ApHl 0. 1020. j J u - I pistil. Imprisoned in the vacuum tin from the moment of waiting, the full fragrance of Nabob Coffee awaiti 'releaie to bewitch the appetite with its frehnes and flavor. K iambus for Elavor:r Prince Rupert iDRYDOCK USE KLEENEX Tin' Similar) Cold Oeaui llemover. White a- miuw nil soft ns down, 27 limes a adsorbent a- an ordinary met, II Uoi' what u other method ever known bus ever i: in' remove all dirt ami greie from tin- pores. In ex-r dc flat handkerchief boxes 50c RADOX Oi.mdpa KrurluMi's IK'W Haiti Sail-. Kupr-eiarge tie iff Willi oxygen, forming uu aid final mineral wajer h Hit' properties of vvorld-lanioii medical sw waters. .rplir. il'(iiliiiir Hie "kin. relieve ItlieumaliMii, s alii a, Lumhagii. titiuL Corn- ami Hurt' or Tender Feet. P package 60c Ormes Limited The Hexull Store 3rd Avenue and 6th Street. Phones 82 and 200 Canadian National Railways AND SHIPYARD "Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Injlnsirs,, Machinists. Dollermakers, BlackmithSjJPi.Uern makers, Founders, wooowornors, tic ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDINQ. Our plant is equipped to handle al! kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 3SI Prospective Builders! COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDERS' SUPPLIES LUMBEn - Timber. lnniciiMi.n, Sluplai. r'ir I'ltiish. Flooring. V Jouil. Hii-Ik and Hevel Siding, Cedar and Fir lloai Lumber, I'n and Cottonwood Veneer, Mouldings Sli; g . s. Kolored Shingle, Lath, t'aK.. naniwoous, H I) mil Hours, ""l Pu. CEMENTS, Etc. Portland Cement, Kceue's Cement, As he - Cement. Hardwall Plaster, Plaster of Paris. I" -irr Hoard. L.me. lldratcd Mnie, Fireclay. BRICKS, Etc. -Ciniinioit Hi m k. Kire Hrick. Preyed Hrirk. AgncuHurel Tile, Vitrified Pipe. Hue Lining. t MISCELLANEOUS NmK Hmlding I'npcr, Tar Paper, Huld.eroid Roofings. Johns Mauville's Asbcslos Hoofing. Asphnll, Asphalt Hoofing Papers, Sand and Gravel NANAIMO-WELLINGTON COAL Try our Nut Coal Tor y-mr Kitchen Hnngo. ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Phones 110 and 11 7. "I see trouble" ay Hie fortune-teller, dunking into the w ih(ul. Hut no-iody needs a forliine-leller to know lint wasli-lulis mid iroulilo go hand in hninl. What you want is a good fortune .teller In tell about our Thni T -ei M H eosls very Iillle er pound, hill il fends ul'f even wa.-hluh trouble that ever exited. You'll find it n good lin k . harm that works every week in (lie year. Thrif-T-Service 6o a pound, 1q per piece Everything washed and flat work Ironed CANADIAN .STEAM LAUNDRY and Dry Cleaners Phone 8 Local and Personal Phone;. I.H. Goal Co,. II Arthur's Taxi. Phone 678. If B.C. Undertakers. Phone 4t. Legion 15 meets tonight. Im-f I'OllllllI bUSlllHl. - . Catholic Ladle Snrinsr Kale Kuliirdiiy, April 17. in vacant SI ire- in Kmad block.' H9 450 tons Nanalmo Welllnaton Lump Coal just arrived. Albert & McCafTery, Ltd. Phone 116 and 117. (f Al the notary Club yesterday If was announced that the Knighls of Pythias' were putting on h dam n on April 23 for the boys band. , Mr, nl: W. Tibblts. formerly f Surf Inlet, arrived yesterday by the Prince John, from Hit (JiH'on Charlotte Inlands and Jef, today on the Catala for Anyox. iiren lii, i,e Uyor Urugpfal, was a passenger going through on board the Prince (icorge Ibis morning enroute to Seattle on a business trip.' Charles Hocking, Keneral of the (iratiby ComolIdated Miniii?, .Smelting ,V Power Co., and Mr. Ilockiuc were pasfcn-geri alioanl the Prince Oeori-'e thi tncrning jroinj; through from Anyuji (o Vancouver. It T. Cronby, manager iif'the Slewart inanrh of the Hank of MiMiireul.a n ived from Ilia north I hi niorniiiu to meet and re tuVii luuiii 'with Mrs. Croby and family who have teen In the City fur the pant few week. . Mi II. Moftabh, llN'., wtio re cently joinrd the -lufr of the Prmee Huiiert (tcneral Hospital, xRiled on u .'Pnnc tieorpe.thu morning far "Vancouver, being uddeit!y ealbnl Miutli on' ao enunl,,of il'oe. in the family. .,i j i 1 Mr. and Mr. John Ellin nnl lainlly were HtMeii(er aboard III Prince Oeorge thi morainr going ttiruuxli from Anyox ty vaitfvwrti ,ner.tuaving oeen J. tbe service of Hie Uranby Co. fii many year al the smelter town. Mr. KJii.n now moving out.v. to In line willi its general pri-Kram -of heaulificiition of its prernioes the Canadian National ltaily,ay,HJjujJaken down tin fenee" on Paeffle' Place in front of I lie mnieral superintendent'' r. uenrp ami will replare it with a hedge, which will greiitly im prove Hie. apiearanee of that neighborhood. Sergeant T. Van Hyk, who has been appointed divisional 'N.C.O. aliselieil t the officer comniand-iiic of "1." Hivicion. provinrlai police, will arrive in the city next Wednesday from Prince (leorsro to lake op his duties in connec tion with the administration of the liaine Act in this territory of which lie will be in charge. April 17. ANNOUNCEMENTS Tennis Club Hall, Elks' Home, April 10. Catholic Ladies' Spring Sale, i Anglican Concert, Cathedral Hall. April 20. Presbyterian Church Ladies' Aid Spring Sale, April 21. ' Pair Hayseed Danac, Wednesday. Aprtl 21. tlidlev Homo liazaar May, 6. The furl cool touch IniUuitly slop the fiery lain int biting lulu It hrt out In a Trurvrlounly -hott Hum thf wof( (omit ol ikln dlwaw. Hard crust nd clr, wetplng orr. polmnoui r,hf. ugly rruptlona, ulmplei nj iUn tlcmlahct yltll lo ilngla Wtle, Tli J!r,i $1.00 kotdt rtlitvti on r your nuHMhui.k. Tr U.U,D. wip,luo. ORMES LIMITED THE DAILY NBW8 PAGE THRE1 Sheddon's; Taxi and Messenger Service; Phono 131. If 8ii(ei' Martina of Die Sister? of HI. Joseph arrived on the Catala this noniiiw from the south. T. J. Slienton, iucpector of mines galled on the Catala lliin morning for Anyox on official duties " J. S. Merryfield of Victoria, provincial prior of the Knight Templar, afler Jiavin paid hi. official vialtlfj Hie local pre- ceplory, retufiiejj south on the Prince (!eorgeihi morning. 1'. A. Davi, who some year Ago wa connected with the lloyal Hank ta IT here and who since hat been with the Uranby Co., arrived from Anyox on the Prince (ieoiKC this morning and will mpend a few days visiting In the city. C.ipl.' Clarkspn of the San Francisco Hoard iof Underwriters. who has been al the mouth of the Skeena Jtlver for the pas! week in connection with the sal- vaxinfr of the. steamer Famous returned south on the Prince Oeorge this morninjr. Col. and Mr.n J. W. Xicliolls returned to Hie city on . Ibis morning's train after a trip east. Col. Xicholls was in Xew York and other Kcastern centres on business for the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. while Mrs. Nieholls visited on The prairies. A party of sQme ten men who will be engaged in (he construc tion of the new iiose-.Iillerd cannery at Shannon Hay near Port Clement will arrive from Vancouver ori Hie Prince Charles tomorrow afleriipon and proceed lo the Islands on the steamer Prince John. Mrs. McKay, wife af Hie cap tain of the steamer Canadian Ob crvcr, and Mrs. Itobinson, wife of the chief engineer, who have been spending the past couple of weeks here while the Observer was. in the local dry dock, re turned to Vancouver on the Prince (ieorge thb morning. Ilavinx made her calls in the Skeena lliver, I'uion steamer Catala, Capi. A. Johnstone, ar riven in pori iroin ine souui ai 10 o'clock this morning and sail e shortly thereafter for Anyox and Xaas Itiver ports. The ves set i scheduled to sail from hen on tier return south al 10 o' clock tomorrow morning. Pupils of Mrs. II. O. Crew's dancing rlaes at a matinee In Hie Weslhplnie Theatre yester day afternoon especially for chiM reii repeated numbers from the program of the main eonreri program last Week. There was a fair attendance. Mrs. J. A Hinton was piano accompanist and W. F. Browne, assisted with traps and drums. H. K. Allen, for several years district forester hero and more recently manager of (he Hoyal mill at llanall for the Hanson Lumber A Timber Co., Is sever Iiik his connection with the lat ter concern and will lake charge of the Vannrsdol Lumber Co.'v operations at Vanarsdol having purchased the interest of V. Dal pra in that eoncern. A. Wilcox, general 'superin tendent of transportation, Cana dian .National Hallways, and C A. Cuuninigham, general super intendent of the Canadian .N'aliou- il Kxpres's. reached I be city on this morning's train from Win nipeg in the course of a trip lo the coast and sailed for Van- ouver on the steamer Prince Hupert. Moth were accompanied by their wives. NEW DUTIES FOR THE MINISTER OF LABOR OTTAWA, April 10 -The min ister of labor. Hon. J. C. F.lliolt was sworn in as minister of soldiers' civil re-establishnienl yesterday afternoon and, according lo the terms of (he order in council, "will preside over the. department of health." CLAM DIGGER FELL ' FROM BOAT, DROWNS COIIHOYA, April 10. Charles jAnilerson, n Norwegian clam dig-jger, was drowned Svhcn be foil from his ga.sboat al Point Whit- shed near here. sMrs. Experience sags "In all my years of housekeeping I have found no soap as pure as Sunlight Soap. It cleanses and protects. THREE YOUTHS SENT UP FOR TRIAL AND BAIL SET AT $3,500 Having been committed for Irial by Magistrate McCtymont this . morning oir changes of at-, templed rape, Murdoch Macken zie, Lawrence Caostiek ami lar row (isey appeared before Judge Young in tbe County Court Hits afternoon and bail was el at 3,500 in carti ease pending the continuation of their Irial al the session of the Supreme Court assizes to be held hero in June. AMSBURY SAWMILL IS RUNNING AGAIN Plant West of Terrace, Owned by George Little' and Associates, Has Resumed After having been closed down tor the past two years, the saw mill at Anixburv. west of Ter race, owned hyMSeorgeMilltle and associates, has be'eu reopened and will soon be producing lumber fur an improved market. W. II. Wfl-lt of lcrrace is tho man ager. CHARLES ROSSWEG DIED AT CORDOVA COHDOVA, April tC -Charles M. Ilosswrg, 57 years of ago, a merchant, died hero yesteiihiy. He came to Alaska hi 18J8 and lived in Juneau until 1919 when ho came lo Cordovu. i ""'"""llllllllllljill How many Sheets DEMAND equal cme Blanket? 'Y'OU are careful when washing your blankets, because you vant to preserve their fluffiness and prolong the life of the fabric. Should you be any less careful with your linens? Only pure soap is safe. An expert laundress will tell you that .Sunlight Soap is absolutely be for the household wash because it is alPpure soap backed by a $5,000 guarantee. She will tell you that Sunlight will cleanse a garment again and again, thoroughly and beautifully and safely." Sunlight Soap is faithful to fabrics but ruinous to dirt. Made by Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto 1 The largest selling laundry soap in the world. S67i "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. . Prince Rupert, B.C. Steamship and Train Service S.S. PRINCE OjEORQC ami PRINCE CHARLES Wilt Irate PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, ami ItilrriiinlUlc hjIiiIi FRIDAYS ml MONDAYS It 9.00 a.m. Tor STEWART and ANYOX, WEDNESDAYS, SATURDAYS, 10.00 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN fortnightly for VANCOUVER via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT EVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY al 8 p.m. for PRINCE OEOROE. EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, all point EaMrm Canada, I'nllvd Stale. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City TlekaO Ofllca, B2S Third Ata., Prlnca RuparU Phona 2S0