Mcrocain Ladies' Dress Lengths $4.25 SEE OUR WINDOWS. Jabour Bros., Ltd. Corner 3rd and 7th. Phone 645. PICKLE Combination Sales I hot. I.ihhy Sweet Mixed Pickles, 20 oz. 1 but. Lilifoy . Sour Mixed I'ickles, 11 'oz. I hot. I.ihhy Pickled Onions, 11 oz. Itegular jirice, 1.15. Sale Price .... .. $1.15 1 hot, Heinz Sweet Mixed Pickles, yu, oz. v I hot. Jiefnz Sour M,ixed Pickles, a oz. 1 hot. Ilcjuz Sweet Mustard l'icklrs, 10 oz. llpffular Trice, $1.15 Sale Price $1.15 I hot. Heinz Indian Relish, VZVi oz. 1 bot. Heinz Chill Satire, 12 oz, 1 hot .Heinz Chow Chow, 12 oz. Regular Price, i$l. 15 Sale Price .. .. $1.10 1 n.1. Happy Vale Sweet Pickle. 1 hoi. Lihhy Ketchup. Regular Price, $1.15 Sale Price ... ... 95c Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd, Phones 18 and 84 We have been successful in se curing t0 sacKs or the riuest we ever saw. Clean, while, and good cookers. Until sold out they will be S3.5C Uur 'J5c Hargains are belter than eer 2 lb. Hest Creamery liuller S5c 2 doz. Local Fresh Fggs, large ... ... 95c 2 lb. Hest Sliced Hacon .... 95o 3 lb. Ontario Cheese 95c i lb. California Table Figs and I ring (iruyere Swiss Cheese 95c G Peas; Conror Tomatoes, 24's .. .. 95c 4 tins Peaches, Pears, Apricol, Plums or Crushed lineapplc 95c 6 tius Sinigajtorc 'Pineapple 95c 5 lb. tin Peanut Uuttcr .... 95c 3 doz. Sunkist Oranges . . . . 95c 5 tins Libby's Asparagus Tips 95c 7 tins Campbell's Tomato Soup 95c 7 tins Heinz Pork A Means.. 95c 3 hollies Heinz Catsup . . . . 95c 4 cartons Sunlight Soap .. 95c 19 rolls Toilet Paper .. .. 95c 12 pkgs. Jelly powders .... 95c 4 lb. Swedish Jlealllj Hread.. 95c 5 Ih (iranulated Sugar, and 1 tin Orange Marmalade or Plum Jam 95c 7 tins King Oscar Sardines 95c Umpress Strawberry Jam, 4 lb. tin 95c Malkiu's Hest Pure Plum Jam 65c I'i lb. Tudor or Oreat West Tea t 95c 3. lb. McCormick's Sweel Hiscuils 95c 3 combs Pure Honey .. 95c 4 lins Lobster or Shrimp .'. 95c 12 Palmolive Soap 95r 4 pkgs. Princess Flakes . . . 95c 9 pkgs. Canada Corn Starch 95c 2 lb. Malkin's Hest Cnlfee $1.25 About the first of May we will have our Annual Birthday Party Walrh for announcement. B.C. Butchers and Grocers, Ltd. Phones 45 and 574 Tweed Coats, Tweed Suits LATEST DRESSES DRESSY COATS DRESSY HATS SPORT HATS Ooods Ilighl Prices Rtghl. "Demers" Wc aim lo please. Phone 27. P.O. Box 327 Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 57S DENTIST LONDON. April 1 6. -A number if well-known British divines are I .-rossiug l lie . Atlantic Ihis sum mer. The IHsbop ol London ails on August I. for America, did will make an extensive toil'. I'ho Hishop of P.dinhurgli (Dr. nlpole, father of Ihe novelist , 'efl Scotland on April 7, and Sioes lo Washington lo prcarl. ind lecture. Dr. J. D. Jones, of Houruemoulh, in May goes 1 uslrulia, via America. Dr. Norwood, ol I In City Temple, will spend part of July in the United Slates and August in Canada. Dr. Hughes or Weslbourne Park Chanel, leaves London early u May lor Chicaigo and Wash nuton. CITV Or PRINCI RUPERT. T.UE MiTH K that a vole of 11m- nlr irrt will Im on tin filuwlni tllaw tu 11k i nuiiril i:hainlMT. llall. til inn mn n r Ani. nc. briwitni nr triuri. ur 8 o riurt a.m. and 8 u rkx-k p ni. a nvi.v tu 1'itovmr. iuii tiik kx- KMI'TIO.V Of A OIIAIN KI.KVATOH. Ill H.UIVJS. WIIAIIVKS. COW tVIHS IMCHOVtVK.NTS AMI TIIK LA.M IMI. WHICH TIIK SAMK AIIK SITI ATI. N THE CITY OK I'llIM t III I KIIT KMOM VL.MUPAI. TAXATHiX. A.MI IIIITIIKII TAkK .OTC llial Kilwarrt K. timr h Im-pii aeimlnlrd If- wminr iimrfr io uur riurire or Hie nii'l vule. KliWAIID f. JOVES. Uly Clrfk. BYLAW No A IIVI.AW TO I'llOVHiE KOH THE EX I.MI'lln. HE A OIHIV EI.KVATHU, III TLIHMiS. VVIIAIIVI.S. COWEVEIIS .M IMI'HOVtMK.VTS AXD THE LA .Ml l.nM WHICH Till. StMK AKK SITI ATK IN THE CITY OF I'lllVCt III I'LItT FIIOM Ml 111 I'M. TAXATION. WIILIOiAS th- Caiuliau W lift I I'm (lilnTK l.lDHIrd Uwrfliuflrr rallrd llv i.iniin , lute miumtrci llic cumiril o' :li cny of Crinrt nupfri iiirrriiMrirr rallrd Ihe Cinmrll k mblull Ui 11m- miinli-ial tatallun of Ihe grain elevator. hulldiliKK. wlnrve. ronveyera and 11m- land uimhi l)irt Die Mine are Mtuate, and held by llu iiald Oxniiany under a lee from III-) Xajeiiy the klnr III Hie IIIHil of Ihe liomliiloii of Canada. In ronll-r noli or me aii Miinin) iH-raiiuir llie aid i-levalor ilnrlur the lenn of llie uld 'eae. and urh further term a l liere- narier iiMire iarllrularly rie-iried. AMi WIIF.IIEAS Ihe ald Couiwll of the Mid I lly (term it roudurlve to Ihe Wei- rare or ,lhe city lo em-oil ri re the ira- tlon of the Mid pralu elevator In the Mid ' My. NOW TIIKnilOllE IX r.Ostiy.TIOX "F THE fHKlES THE Ml.MCII'AE '.Ol i.M. OF THE COIU'OHTIOX OF TIIK CITY OF I'UI.VCK IIITEIIT EXACTS AS K'll.l.ows: I. That In roiiKldrrallon of the Can iillan AVheat I'rod'irera Eliui'led forlhwllli (nM-eedliiir to "ixrale the train elevator on that t'lere or parrel of land herein alter more tiaitii-nlarly dem-rlbed diirlnr tlw term Iwrelmfler meutlourd, the train levator. uiMiiiinr, wuarven. ronveyern ami iiiiprovriueniD aiiiirlrnanl lliereti erwled on ttie ai-rea i,t Waterfron HI'M k "E." U-tnr Uii0 feel Jif walerrron IxniiKlril on Ihe wintli went liv Cllv water rront i-n the .onth-eant liv Ihe rlthl or way of IIm- Canadian Xallirtial Hallway- and on the lmrth ea.t by a line drawn ttarallel to and ISmi feel iuiMli.ealerlv r....... tt... . I. .. . .... all .lit-h linil aliall Im. liilallv eieoiftt friiffi nuiiilrliial Utatlon for a wr1od of two yearn from Ihe Ifl day of January. IVtO and in Uie. event of the ald Omicany, u iireeor and. aooirna. oiiiaininir au 'xl-nliii of ttie Irate of the Mid elevatu'- Tor a further term, and oix-ratlur mch '-levalol- durlnir ueti furtlier Jerm then -Mi-ti elevator "hall lie exempt durlnir -iii-h further term, and In the event of ihe Company, Hf iirreoura and alnn I'urrliaMinr iuh elevator and oiM-ratinr Ihe Mine then njrh elevator kfiall tie xempi for a i-rl'Ml of ten yean but not lunner. . It I dlili'nrtly underiliMMl and the Intention of thin liyhw la that the property hereby ejenmled stiall only rontluiie diirlnr 'mil M-rUMl a iirli proiMrty I held and 'Hxralert by the Comany. Il Micreanora and aMlinm. anil. Itt Ihe event of nurh Ci.iiiiany, IK Nirrexaor and -alviin. rearliit to orerale the name the exemption from tatation hereby tranted lirid 1 PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS Friday, April ifl, tg.g Prescriptions A few reasons why our prescription department is increasing: We use only fresh, chemically pure drus. No Substitution Prompt Service Moderate Price, livery prescription is dispensed by a fully qualified dispenser. Let us he your Rupert Pharmacy prescription Specialists Phone 94. We deliver. For This Week! 20 per cent Discount on all Ladies' Hats Mrs. WT Wilson Third Avenue P.O. Hox - - D89 Phone Green 389 MISS FOUNTAIN AGAIN HEARD Presbyterian O.O.l.T. Gave Ban-Gave Banquet Last Night Fallowed by Public Meeting Miss Anne l'ounlalii, secretary of (Jirls' Work for Mrilish Col-limhia, was Ihe Kcst of honor at a JiaiHluol which was given lai night by Ihe Canadian Oirls in Tniiniii? of the First Preshy-lerian Church and later addressed a public- meeting to which had been especially invited tin (Ui.I.T. i..r llp United Church ami Ihe mothers of Iho girls. At the bunquetr Mrs. Frank Hire, leader of Ihe Presbyterian (Ui.I.T. presided and Miss Fountain spoke briefly. The 'iiioul important feature of the Cveiung'was the public meeting al which Miss Fountain pave an address particularly lo Mi mothers. Hev. Dr. C. J. Cameron presided during the early part of (he meeting and was later relieved by fcev.' 0. (1. Hacker. He-sides Miss Fountain's address. Good Spuds Are Hard to Get tut rs .it f .(he program of the evening in eluded a solo by Mrs. Waugh of Montreal, .accompanied by Mrs, II. (1. Fraser, address by Dr. Cameron, solo by Mrs. J. P. Mc Millan, recitation by Mrs. J. P.. Milne, and brief remarks by Mr. Hacker, Mrs. Mice and Miss Haddock. There was also community singing of C.O.I.T. songs led by Miss Fountain. The proceedings opened witli Hie singing' or "() ' Canada" and closed with the National Anthem. Committees of (lie girls looked afler the serving of dainty refreshments and other arrangements and they acquitted themselves creditably. Miss Fountain sailed- on the Prince ieorge Ihis inorniwg for Vancouver. BRITISH CLERGY TO VISIT AMERICA IN M djuufe So e Hoad. sailed on April i lo attend the couveutioiw of the International Council or Christian. Education lo lie held in Ilirminham (Alahamai. Stan-ley Hussell, or Clapham Congregational Church, goes in June' I" preach Tor eight Sundays in Old St. Andrew's Church, Toronto, whose members , have twice In vited him ,lo- become tlielr .minister, j Kdward Kllillilo, literary see- lelary ol the London Missionary.1 summer in (he. United Sinl.cs and Canada. II. Tycmaii Chilvers, o( Ihe Metropolitan Tabernacle, will spend Hie iAulumii in Ihe Untied Slates. Mr. Thompson, ot notion, will preach during April in Philadelphia. The Itisluqi -ol Winchester and Arthur Priiigle, dl Piirley, have postponed' until J next year their visit to the United States under lln .mtiii'e nf lln HK MM INI. M IM M hK I i'tiurcli Peace Union KETCHIKAN ELKS INSTAL OFFICERS FOR COMING YEAR KITCIIIKAN. Apl. Hi. Ltks of ficers Tor the coming year were Installed here by Peny ii. diaries, acting lor Ihe grand lodge. They were as: follows: Johnson Van Marler, exalted ruler; William A. Hale,1' esteemed ie'adins, knight; Frank LMuIlally, esleemwl" Idya'l knlfihl';. Judge ;m. A. Holzheimer, trustee; Ocorge Tal-bot,ccrelary; and A: L. Spaeth, treasurer. ,. II. Zeigler, who was elected ti Ihe uffico". T esteemed Iccluiiiif: kitiglil is iili- Dr. William C. Poole, or,15"' "'"'' '"e c" ami will lie inslalled upoq lii return. J It. Heckmall was elected is delegate lor, he lodge at (lie annual roiiveqfion of F.Iks, lo ! held in Chicago during the mouth or July. J. C. Adam was appointed esquire; ,Hiy .Curlis was ap-poiuled inner guard; Ted Sim-soiisen was appointed to act a-tylcr, Jesse I. Peck was cIiomwi to be cha'ilain of the lodge, and J, Dyer was appointed as organist, V WIFE OF ALLEGED MURDERER ALMOST MEETS HUSBAND Wesley Oeorge, commit (ed for rauwfr- of iim- mi.i city. n.uiM-ii i trial on a charge or murdering vole Oh-i-hiii. a bylaw for IIm- roii.rnt of , .. ... .... Kurh rjifajrr tu iii riiiitiou fnMn Patrick John Hurchall i Warkf Channel on Friday by throwins him out ol a rowboal,, anil ' liliM wire, .Mabel ly'.orge of Seayie, crossed each others IracK, n Princo Itupert .Ihis moriiiiiK hut did not meet.' As. Ihe sleamet Prince Oeorge pulled out taking (Scorpc to Okalla wheto he wilt await trial at the forthcoming assizes, Mrs. iSebrge was coming in on the steamer Catalu from the south. Sie stepped ashore Miiroutc to Port lloliroii, jiear Kodiak, llie Washihgton Tow-boat and Haige Co. Ink Samp-sou arrived from the soulll llii morning with 1 lie barge .Nottingham in low, eays, llie Ketchikan Chronicle. The Nottingham ' was loaded' with supjdfes and equtnmcnt for the new whuUnV1 staltofr he cslahlislied at Port ilohron by rnataa v. shall i-eate and llie Mine nhall thereiipon , v tx-riime ataln tuliject tu aineMlnent and Notka of Application foe Caetifleata l lajathiii. Improvamant " n. Thl nylaw Hull not come Into "Sight" Mlntral Clalmv-- force or lake erreet until II haa tieen glllials In the ' Prince' IttiperlS' Mlnlna xiiliinltted to llw rlerlora of the muni- Mvlalon of the Skeena llialrlel;' Where -Ipalliy emitted to vote upon liylaw-f to located: near the head of kUnuuikalum rontrarf a deht and Iim received Ihe Lake. l.awTiil holder: Swan Haling luni.. anient Of not leva llian thri.. fifth of IIih l.p nf lw.M..ii'aT i-.. tii.... i't.titlpt. 'Ife'll alien liviaw. PAMKIl TIIK MI'MCIPAL COU.Nni. OF TIIK f:oll'OIUT10.X OF TIIK i:ITV OF PIIIVCE IIIIPKIIT THIS UTII HAY OF M'llll., A O. I4. TAkK NOTICE that Ihe almve U a true cony of the proHiaed bylaw- nism whlrh the vote of the ratepayer! will t tiken In the Council Chainix-r. City Mall, on the S9lh ly of April. 19f, helween ttm h'iiir of I n'rlork ijn. and t o'clock p.m. E. F. JOXES, . , Clt Clerk. TAkK 50TICF, that I, Hwan Dalln. Ffee Miner' Certificate tin. gHOOIC, lnend at the end of auty daya from , ihe dale hereof, 10 apply tit t'ln Minlnt Iteirorder for 1 Certificate of Improvement Tor the purpo of ohtilninr a Crown Oranl of the above Halm. AuJ further take not Ire thai anion, under . eetion 81 of the "Mineral Art." muat "be commenced be. fore the liauanre of urh Certificate of Improvement. ' baled Hi 1 1 3ird day of .February, tilt. SWAN tiALIN, Owner; by Ei T. KeDBy, A-tnt - -a . . , ... -Jr. - J LL. Christ Church, Westminster, the North Pacific Sea Product Co. and another barge will come north nevl week with Iho remainder or the necessary equipment. Captain Howell-Parker of Hie Sampson ahl. The new station or the Nort'i ParlHc Sea Pioductu willTmploy three whaling strainers and will he-u thoroughly modern plant in every respect. The barue .N'ottiiugham wn formerly the .four masted hark William Nottingham and plied for many years out of Pacific Society, will spend most or thoiCoast polls in the , lumber trade It was purchased a shorl 'time ago by Ihe Washington Trtwhoat and Harge Co. and conerled into u barge. SUCCESSFUL TEA AT NURSES' HOME A very successful tea was given under Ihe auspices of the Women's Auxiliary or ihe Priiicc ltupcrl lieneral Hospital yesterday aflcruoon in the Nurses Home. The guests were received by Miss jean Harrison. It.N .. tad) suiA'rinlciideul, and members ol the auxiliary. Mrs. It. I.. Mcintosh. Mrs. C. A. F.ggert, Mrs. I). W. Morris.ey and Mrs. S. liar-lon pod red. . j I Hiring (he afternoon there were piano solos by Mrs. F. P.j Kenny. hihI icnl solos by Mrs. Anderson, both of which were much appreciated. The tallies and rooms weYe beautifully decorated with daf fodils and other spring flower. 1 V 5 :old piece (o be raffled was' held oer until (lie next viti- ijjar meeliiig of the Auxiliary there lieing .some furtlier rlmnce-lo be ohl. Miotit .l.'i was realized as a insult of the afternoon' SPORT CHAT "More han a score of entries1 for the liomniioii amateur bytinu and w.restliug ohampiihisliins I lie held , at .Vew 'Westminster! April SI to 23 have already been frcrejved by the New Weslmlh- ler Amateur Associatiun and it Is expecleil. that there will be an average, of from four to six contestants for each of the fir- tern, events. Sei-tnmal olimiiia-lioti contests are now being pulled - off- all over Ihe j;ounlr. When those arc completed more entries will be turned in. April 17 is the last day for making entries. All parts of Canad 1 will Im-represented. The championships will l -held i; Ihe 'Jueen's Park arena where Ihe sealing arrangement will enable a crowd of two Uiou sand fans to sit in comfortably The Xew Wlslminster Amateur Athletic AsMocialion, an organi- zalfoti representing all Hie sport e,u,w ' ,,,,'i,, ,;"' h" a few minutes later on the Hihn 'I'" dock that her husband had lef !1,!!r", ,l,u arrangements. NEW WHALING STATION PORT HOBRON, ALASKA Supplies and Equipments go North for North Pacific Sea Products ' 'This association made a success 111 fclagiitK the 11)25 Hritlsh Cot- umhia amateur boxing and; wrestliiiu; championships, lint -1 ish Columbia entries are from, Victoria, Vancouver. New West ', minster and It'-vr-lnloke. ; k art, ae. n ft t n I III IN KKIIWN WINS BILLIARD CONTEST Defeated Joe Beesley In Final of Flying Tournament Last Night Waugh Plays Nowman In- Hie final of the ten point up (lying billiard tournament which was held in the (irand Terminal! Billiard Club last ,niht, Don Hrown beat Joe Hcesley 10 lo 7 and was awarded a cue by Stanley SNewinan, tlie llrltlili professional champion,., who N visiting here. There were 20 onirics. Prior lo this Competition, Newiiiau and Ceorgc . Wiiuili played a tournament, lliq, former' winning by ono to all after liav ing spoiled his opponent 3oQj Newman made breaks of 100 and (Oil ami Ills aveniwe was about Subscribe to the..Pa)Iy, ffew,. Dinner Sets High-class China Dlnncrwaro nt a price that w surprise you I Beautiful designs. Shop carlyl Thoy won't last long at tho prlco offered. OPTICAL DEPARTMENT Our many satisfied local customers Is our guarantee that our Optician, who has had ovor twcnty-ioven yejr' experience, can give you satisfaction. A visit to our modern Optical Parlor will convlnco you. Consultation free. Max Heilbroner 527-520 Third Avenue WESTHOLME THEATRE Friday and Saturday, at 7 and 0 p.m. Saturday Matinee, 3 p.m. Richard Barthelmess ui - "JUST SUPPOSE" The tale ui a box priure wlni wmOil ruth' nut in the kiiigtloin ot iui- than emperor of .. . hue tor of an n e wh IrtiiiijH'd king far a i" I'll ill hearU. The udveiilure ( i iiii.g rin how tu be a Mirtmuii when ui roiHilr) eallr-! g.imi'' ami loe lierkoiied fnini (he onle-Iinr-. I of late the) wanted him to marr ln' lie dol he va in hut wiMi Minienne ee. Jnl n., .i. Miignifn-eiit dre-mg. Strung cast. Richard Barthelmess, Lois Moron, Qeoffrey Kerr, Marry Short, George Spetvln, Bijou Fernandez . COMEDY "THE UNEASY THREE.1' AESOP'S FILM FABLES EOc and 25c Wolfe's C i aps THE CAP THAT'S "TOTALLY DIFFERENT." The tiighe-l grade ( (,ij. m (..nunls toil. fc ha'li' in (lo- t.iteol It. I'll" wai--. (Ili.iiiiii H, i Veloiir ami in all ue. A large variety to chooso from. from $2.00 up Acme Importers Third Avenue Fishermen's Supplies FISH LINES, HOOK8, ROPES, TWINES, FISH NETTING AND TROLLING GEAR, OIL AND RUBBER CLOTHING, GROCERIES. Compare Our Prices Lipselt, Cunningham & Co. Ltd. Second Avenue and McBrido St. 'TRY A NIP TONIGHT" BEST PROCURABLE S09UCI Of tCOTUNI) 'll.'HK.g a.utw.i.iit,nf " Mai" Th. Orielnal Labal liolc for it at th Vtndora and Inalat C!t VNT'3 "DEST PROCURABLE" This ailvcrtiscmeiil Is not published or displayed by th Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia.