,! February 6, 1020. v "VI J'J'' jL, LM. : J . cod ( Inuni win uiun ficuuu ul every (irup -J mm im mm mm If. ) 1 -PT-Jl Vie cup of Health at UieTSreahfast table that means efficiency at the business Desk BAKER'S BREAKFAST COCOA liis a full rich flavor delicious to the taste; it is invigorating and sustaining. Henry C. Sherman, Professor of Food Chemistry, Co-liunhu Ureversity, in hi book "Food Products suys: "l xxoa, m addition to ttte stimulating property, due to , the .ilk.iloi J theobromuic, and the ll ivor which makes it J uLr loth a a beverage and in awifenl mrwrv b.ia a conquerable tood value. WALTER BAKER & CO. Limited EST ABLBHfD 1710 DUHCHtSTEK.. MA.il. CANADIAN' MIIXS AT MONTREAL Booklet uf Choice Recipes tent free Wright & Ditson Baseball Goods Tennis & Badminton III Sporting Goods Made in Canada i in ..nifliHtii Hi. Ker article bearing . - (,'uai ,inl 'I. 'i tnmie buck. (Catalogue t-. -.( i n- i . M.ii n " ii'-e catalogue prices V.-h TfT Oh. i.l. , Tfi- l.ff thirt-irwti-ran make . . Ii l- .lw. wi-i .in. I safe In purchase l.y a dependable (inn and wald,tM dependable Ln the liet and Maud back oT the gHids. ' M .. MM It - s. M J "V M b UJLul UI 170. cVU MR ft II, MA J WARS Preparations or Exquisite Care or thhe Skin '.I '-' : T .-.iic Builder, iiinl Vanillin Cream .' 50c each or the Face -Fan Powder in v ti i. ;iral and lirnnciie . . 75c anil 51.00 ' ' k- . nr. dark. HWvlrttt.l. MI lf .! -hades 50c ink and Eehrow Pencil. euh 35c H luintuie. Talcum Powder. Soap and Perfume. With each $1.00 box or Three Flowers Face Powder i - giiup m ui k'it iilinniiijt i trial siie Three Flower Preparations Free, il-i. u booklet " Dre nur Table Art ynu may have I'M lh' ak'ng. Ormes Limited Tim Iti'xaH SL.rc ' .1 1 U U C1IIU Ufcll 011 VCM M.'n linii'LM.K Phones 82 and 200 eagrass Chairs and Rockers $7.35 and $7.75 a i ui Wicker Furniture ul all kind Mockers. Entire Tublth and l.ibrar. Table, Window '' '" ni'- mimI Jardiniere Stand are iMv in eaoiu ARRIFS Hnmp Furnishinffs '..viiuv, AAV w m. vOnt! dour easl uf Kuilv New- OUn c Local and Personal Phone 10. p.ii. Coat Co. Arthur's Taxi. Phone 078 U.C. Undertakers. Phone 41 Cameron' Plume 177. Trapper! fgr man, fir Dance See t. Orchestra, tf GnldblOOIIl, I III- Mr.. J. M. Monckton or Terrace sailed this afternoon aboa.'d the Cmdeua fur Seal tie. Mr. utiri Mr. J. A. O'Diintiei:, who arrived in town from I In uti a week .wo, will kail to nijrlil on l ht prince John for Massed. NV. O, I'ulliin. viee-preidetil, pri'Mhled lal nilil ui a well-at-lenili-il iiiMting of tli.' Itoard ol Trade, in lln- aiienre of the pre-iiJenl, i)of Han "en. At ke Jlwird JTrailr nieetiiir' la4 iifclit -Philip llm- reporl-l eii4nic jilmltwapli ami d.il i r'Kidiii(! Prinee Ituperl Harhor to Harlior an J .Shipping fur A Wall. C.X. 11. ilivUional ihhh- U'r ineenanir, in a vinitor in tin cily. lie arrived froni Princ liecrjif mi i'nlti'iluyK train anrt will return to the interior lit i i'ii i n k - I'lii- Id'unl nf Trade lat nisrh! Fi'.i'iM'.l a I'ninniuniealion from '.'if pro uii'ial K''difr;phcr attkiiiK ! i lata hp hii a ul in cuiiiiMCtiau uiiii tli.' pulilii'Mtiou of a map of : m- ilwlrict. Thin vva referred ! Hie publicity cotAins .lee. Tlx follow inf cotiimitlee ha ieen appointed to fake ehatpe f llic ii vo i;iob annual hoe down ilane wliifli will take Um-" in tin Auditorium on April it: V K. Hubert mmi, C. . MtlU, J. P SI. -rk. i. It. Tile and Howard 1 riiell. IJLKET SPKa.M..- For prid of Pmti 4W'a (MMiipMHicinv Murrh 1 , w fTer yoo a aiMHial reduced price of 35c for intt ud ilM- for douhl'' blanket. Y liiuuiif'e Hi wBh y. hi r blanket st m-ttlMiuf 'lirinimc. liive u a .'rial. Jul plinoe 1IH and wr wit! du (tie real. Pionir l.nunlr, Ltd., Third Avenue and Mcltride Die annual m.-i'itiK of Hie .MunicipHl r.liapler, to.ll.l'.. wit. b lold in the l.O.lt.K. Hall oi Monday. March 8. at H p.m. Mumh-mI pr.ik-rani will Ih si en ("Unwed Ii an addrexo by Uie K.-v. all it A flan on "Tbe League .irNatimi." HefresunwfitV ill ! An invitation U extended to tbe ladie of l'riite1 llupert. Filiform laws in rerarK to joint sltH'k companie may b- lit-otiKbt about in- C.aua.ta a result of action he in? taken by the department of the secretary of,lae. The Hoard of Trade re cently endorsed the proposal anil lal niaht a letter wax road to the Hoard from Thotnn Mulvey of the aecrelary of ntale denarl- menl expresin: appreciation nf the action of tbe hoard. Mi. and Mr. J. Manl.uialil and son. win. have been visitin? in I be city for the pat few day, will return to Itucktcy Hy (u the Prince .li.lm inniirtit. Mr. Mac- donabl, who i in charge of the Muclt Timber Co. plant a' lltickley Hay. which is now cloed down, nays there hae vb'pen no ne developments I hen1 lately Furl her activities will it in ex-pecl.Ml be decided upon at a In tor' meetinu to be held willini the next few weeks. ANNOUNCEMENTS Hill Sixty l.O.D.E. Scottish Dance, March 12. Fir I I'niled Sale March 27. Gyro lloeilown in Auditorium. Church Easier Friday, April S), Croup at Night Can checked In 15 mtnulct by rubbing throM and cheat wit Vtfika. Uaad at thtm Ihia traatnwnt atually rta a nlchl attack. ytcKS THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE AGONIZING RHEUMATISM OF 5 YEARS STANDIN6 COMPLETELY RELIEVED BY "FRUIT-A-TIVES" "Be ood enough to putliih for the informttion of Rbeumatiim sufferers how fruitca-tives' relieved my Rheumatism which hid at least five years alanding. The trouble was in my richt hip. and shoulder; the Jiain almost unendurable. This kept up until I started to take "Fruit-a-tiTes". After a continuous treatment for about six months, I m now in Crtit-claKS condition. This, I attribute to my persistent use of "Fruit-a-tives." The above Is the letter which Mr. James Dobson of Bronte, OnU wrote after trying the wonderful Fruit Treatment "Fruit-a-tives" which consists of intensified fruit juices combined with tonics. If you suffer with Rheumatism, "Fruit-a-tives' will make you well and keep you well. 23c, and 50c at dealers. Sheddon'K Taxi and Serxicc. Phone 134. Messehuci t. .'SPJlLVtJ COATS Ju! arrived. Puce reaoonahle. . Mr. Urahl- inan. 50 T,. ii. Williamo I the loea. Hank of Montreal' eta ff cailet this afternoon on tbe Cardena tttr Vancouver. Hleetrolysin for Uie removal ot unperftiHius hair, warls, motes, etc. Scientific face maape. haircuitina. Mrs. Stephen. Phone Hlack (i:'5: tf F J. Atberton d" Vancouver. after haii; epent the pa it wtVk in Prince ltuerl and Stewart or. business, returned south on the Cardcua today. Southbound from Auyox and Xaas Hiver iiorle to Vancouver. Fnion sleamer Canlena, GapL .1 A. Findiay. was in port frm I to 2! o'clock this afternoon. W. Duncan, lato of tbe Hryant A tireer staff here, aHtnl on the Cardeua this afternoon for Cbtx-ton where he is lakiti? tk posi- tiou on the canuery sl6rp staff. A letter askin? tbe- Itnaiil of Trade to co-operate in roard to a uiovemeut to preveflt price ruuinx in the, retail trade wa last nilit referred to Uio lleiaii Merchants' Assooialion by the Hoard. A letter dealing wilb the unloading.' of cargoes at Ibis yur; swit Ui the Hoard of Trade by uie i.onjruuoreinan s utilun was read at the meeting last niplit and tvfemd to the labor coin mi live. The annual meeting Of tin Canadian Cluh, wlueii wus In have been held last ills lit. bus been imstponed until the call of the chair, W. E. Fisher, (be pre sident, be 1 1 ir at present out of the cily. The following passeugers sailed from here for , Vnncouvei aboard Ibe Cardena Ibis afternoon: Albert Hcrg, Mrs. It. W. Sinclair, Mrs. P. M. Monckton, Mrs. W. J. Harque, "IV G. Wil liams, I). Neilson and J. Duncan An appeal for help wfor the yiieen Alexandra Solarium for crippled children received by tke Hoard of Trade was at last night's meeting filed. The letter stated that Vancouver Island had contriliuled ?!.000 and they wore nsking 15,000 from he rest of the, province. Ilaymond Fisher, son of Mr and Mrs. W. S. Fisher of this jcily, i now in the Sacramento .Valley, California, eniriplvling post-graduale course in agriculture from the University of CaV fornia. Shortly lie will return' to Victoria lo resume his dutlesi witU the piv inciai overumeul. Church Notices First Presbyterian Church Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. Admission of members. Subject: "The Heart of the Gospel.'" Sun day School and Hiblu Class at 12.3(1. ome and brine your children. Kvenintr service at 7 JO. Subject, 'Still working wonders." All cordially invited Lutheran Church SI. Paul's English Lutheran Church, Metropole Hall, Third Avenue. Hev. P. F. Haiidcr. H.D.. pastor. Morning service at 1 1 o'clock. Sermon topic: "Wlial think ye of the Christ?" Sunday School at Il',15. Luther League at C.30. Topic: "Lives transformed by Christ.' Leader, P. Peder-seit. Evening service at 7.30. Study of Christ' Lift- illustrated by some seventy pictures) First Bapt'pt Church Morning service at II o'clock. Subject: "The Church at Fphe-sus." Speaker, P. H. Liiuey Sunday School al 12.30. Kven-intt worship at 7.30. Subjec "'Hie Way." .Preacher, llcv W. W. Wriglil. Soloist, Mrs. Millar. We offer you a warm weleomc to worship with us at these sec-vices. Christian Science Society Service every Sunday inornii-K alll o'clock, in Ibe Hays !SIol 215 Second Avenue. Subject m; Sunday. "Man." Weeknigh meeting on Wednesday evening al K o'clock. Testimony. Salvation Army A place where you 'will meet your friends. Saturday at .I5. One hour's worship for the busy shopper. Sunday ui II. Subject: "(tod's Command." Sunday School al 2.30. Evening al 7.30. Subject: "Hefore Winter comes." This will illicit:.! you. SoiiB service you will enjoy. Captain Ilea will speak at both services. Hirt Inlay party and musical treat on Monday. Young People at i .30 Adults at 8. Tuesday and Fridaj, Scouts and Guard. Public meet ings Wednesday and Thursday. Come. Rupert East Gymnasium Church The Friendly Church, Seventh Avenue, off liouald Street. Pas tor Hev. Evan Haker. Sunday School at z.-nt. i.liurch service at 7.3U. Subject Sunday even tnc, "Progressive steiis in .the Idea of- God." Gymnasium pro gram during the week. First United Church The Church of Service. Hev. G. G. Hacker, pastor. Mis Isabel Haddock, deauonness. Morning service at II o'clock. Topic. "Miracles of Healing." SundA) School at 2.30. Evening service at 7.80. Topic: "Christ's altitude towards onganized government." These topics are Lcutcn Hible studies winch have been proving very Interesting. NOTICE. Any person found culling fallen timber or trees of any description on the Skeena Highway, without first obtaining a lermil, will be prosecuted. i'ernttts may lie granted on application to H. A. McLean, Cily engineer. a a Having been al Port Edward since early morning unloading general supplies and a large quantity of timber which is to be used in wharf and building reconstruction work at the Skeena Hiver Packing Co.' cannery, CP. II. steamer Princess Heal rice. Capl. Thomas Cliffc. will not arrive here until late this afternoon. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOH PHICES on Laying Stock, pullels. baby chicks or hatching eggs, write Lambley Pros., P.O. Hov 375. Prince Rupert, ll.C All slock from Solly's Wyandotte pens. ot FOH UUICK SALE. Household furniture, contents of five roomed bungalow. Phone Hlue 511. 50! Mr i4 Y Always a Smooth Road Ahead With DUNLOP A2M Balloon Tires For the business man who finds it essential to keep appointments promptly f car For steady everyday use on the Doctor's' For motorists on recreation bent DEMAND Y For the hard knock-about service of the travelling man For the motorist who only takes a little jaunt now and then DUNLOP TIRES are satisfying all needs in a way that is multiplying friends who base their buying on what a tire can do. Dunlop Tires, Belting, Hose, Golf Balls, etc. vlvS wi IDUNLOP Uttn of Dunlop Tires ettjoy the lentfili of the most competent and highly-paid tire experts engaged In the industry. There is no jealure of excellence in tire con struction that is not incorporated in Dunlop Tires, vhich are ser- ylced in all parts of the vorld. No matter where you trend, if you need tires, you can get Dunlop with Dunlop satisfaction and fair price from efficient Dunlop Official Service Depots. "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." . Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Qoi Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. Prospective Builders! COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDERS' SUPPLIES LUMBER Timbers, Dimension, Sluplap, Fir Finish, Flooring. V Juint, Rustic and Bevel Siding, Cedar and Fir Hoat Lumber, Kir und Cottonwoud Veneer, Mouldings, Shingles. Kolored Shingles, Lath, Oak. Jlurdwuods, Sash and Doors, Wood Pipe. CEMENTS, Etc. Portland Cement, Keene's Cement, As beslos Cement, Hardwall Piaster, Piaster of Parts, Plaster Hoard, Lime, Hydrated Lime, Fireclay. BRICKS, Etc Common Brick, Fire Brick, Pressed liricjv,. Agricultural Tile, Vitrified Pipe, Flue Lining. MISCELLANEOUS Nail,. Building Paper, Tar Paper, Hubberuid Hoofing. Johns, Mauville's Asbestos Hour-ings. Asphalt, Asphalt Hoofing Papers, Sand and Gravel. NANAIMO-WELLINGTON COAL Try our Nul Coal for your Kitchen Hange. ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Phones 116 and 117.