";: v m PAQH TWO """ imrri HflHHlf 160 years Tiisdir, Januj.. "JTvSr" jf " - "',"'" : " rr x utr rcvicwr rai ia ,v ANNUAL VESTRY GRANTS OF ANGLICANS Splend'd Progress Reported by Archdeacon RU and Heads Best Procurable of Departments. (THE ORIGINAL) 25 PER CENT INCREASE I ID1 MncuuiCX him Pure Scotch Whisky RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT Cnnt h Sotit Limited. Gl.mhdd.ck m4 BtlvtnM-ClmliMt Drtilknet. U.I-MD-A-ClutM. ScMltai. Lonttui fief,0ffe iWWi til This advertisement is not published or displayed by Liauor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. P. PULLKN, Managing Editor. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITIOH the JtE Tuesday, January 19, 1920. Canadian Ports For Canadian Grain. It is asserted by many who are in a position to know that the reason a great deal ol Canadian grain is taken through American ports is because once it is out i( the country il i outside the jurisdiction of the officials who require llutt it be kepi pure and true to grade. II is mixed with inferior American grain and sold on the British market as Canadian. That, if it is true, is one good reason why Canadian ports should be used. Halifax and St. John anyoul afler the busines and we admire them for doing so. We wish them success. They must Tight their own battles. Here in the wvst things are different. The haul to Prim e Rupert or Vancouver is not any longer than the haul to Fort William, for about half of the grain produced on the prairie. The cot of transporting the grain from 1'Hiic-Rupert to Europe is not any more than for transporting it from the (ireat Lakes' to Europe.. In asking that the grain come this way instead of through Portland, Maine, or any other American port, we are not asking tliatmore "money be spent in transporting it. We are not a-kmg the rest, of the country to "carry ny of our burden. We ore simply asking for a fair shake for the Pacific ports. Much Speculation On Alberta's Action. v., - When the former Premier of Alberta resigned, j was said that he did so because he could not agree with his cabinet or the matter of the provincial railway policy. His succesMir, Premier Brownlec, has not yet made it quite clear what will be his policy but it is understood he favors a deal with the C.X.R. and lie has promised ;o bring dowji his policy at the coming sesioti of the Albertn Legislature. Prince Rupert will lie much inleresled in the Alberta policy and w ill follow development closely. We all hope that we hall be able to co-operate With Alberta in getting the grain this way and that the neighboring province will inaugurate policy of development which will bring about nu early movement to lap the vast agricullliral wealth or the Peace Rivei country. Rupert Hughes Being Advertised. Rupert Hughes is gelling in wrong and i. gelling n lot of advertising from the act. He has been speaking truth which are. best left unspoken. The father of-the American republic is idealized just as Abraham Lincoln is idealized. People like to forge! Iheir little failings jlisl ii Scotsmen like to forget Ihc lillle failings of Iheir national poet. Why rake them up? Tin men wmvgreat in spite of them and. the fact Rial they had these failings shows that they were very human. WilhtHil tin failings Uiey may not have appealed lo their countrvmen the do today. . Better To Look Oik D.t'lMJ. aft w i m . ioo- a preai 111 a iijtj people enjoy a spicv bit of scandal the,.y preltir 4o tell and hear if'nl, expense: or the living rather illflM llil" limp- .Inu.l U'..!,!,,. :.. .. .Ir li. ' '. . . . C.'..V. ' p " ' . . -1 1 . i . r-1 i j i i inn nrrrumv 10 iicieild'mn)- self so why .say anything about hi swearing, his irreligion oi Jus love ol a gay lift'. Even today these litlle r.iulls woiikd not be dealt w.lh very severely for many of our publi.- men. leader of big groups, may be accused similarly. ht standard o: Purity fir over fTPS' ClL.n: ...il This adveHlsement is not pubhthed or displayed by the . . I Ituna 1 1 1 t u,huu' ouiiuui uoaru or oy tne uovernmeut of t British Columbia, -I Sunday School Ministers to Two Hundred Children and Club Is Active The annual vestry meeting of S. Andrew's Cathedral congee-' gat ion was held in the Cnthedrnl1 Hall last nifihl. Arclitteacon Hij in the chair, The reports Presented all showed progress. Tiie a erase congregation IihiI In creased ?.t per cent mm ItiJI. and the treasurer, .Mr. Orchard. reported Dial the finances how ed a corresponding increase. Tti.' Sunday, school under Hie suiter in tendency of K. W. Tucker, re ported the largest number on the! roll in the history of the ehurah and s;rt-f-. faction was esiiressatfi that between St. Andrews Mmtl SI. Peter's, Smtl Cove, the C!ulM oi j. up tan. nunlsiered to overi 200 childrn. The e-hnir of which P I'isbor is leader and .Miss EHtt organist, wa coniuicndwl on tWn esialilihmnt of a .Amy's ehoirf and lite leader express) tbe hope that in Hie nejir future thi part of Hie choir woiild be marl, increased. The Caliiodral Club under, llev. Waller Allen, with Hib Ikiv sctHits. sirl puliles, s(orK literary and sootal activities had filled a efl in a ul excellent way, .Mrs. Wwhtlaml Wins particularly commended Tor the' manner in which she provided programs for the social meetings. . The Women's Auxiliary under the presidency of Mrs. Andrew had a moHi successful year and had prwvod Ikeir invaluuble worth to ".the life and proyrc of the parish. SlH-ial tnentkm was made also of he wark of .Iniiu GaSfitfl lanflor of the eliorrh. 1 He di 1 pot confine himself to the Hu.irv ouhcm inyonfid out wai always doixnr tWngl Ue enil improvement of the eliiircl; Of his own aorord he ioiilt . ewiiijtleie cmir ynU froni tfrei stirei to .aUi dews ef thM Church Hall. .Mrs. it ix was also piven a vo's if thank for the care of the cjiancel and the nroridin? flowers ItirouelMml the year. Appreetalion was exprwied for the work of Prof. Sbortt durittjr the summer, when he supplied the pulptt, for the in'pirinp visit- of Arrhhishep I J'eoeiT and of the work of the Itev. Wal-er Allen, who ha rendered splendid servlee durintr the Dfficers were elioen. as lows: Clergyman's warden. 11. T. Cross. People. Warden, A. E. ibuett- Jones. Sec-lrea. W. a .Orchanl. Auditor. C..Y. Evitt. Sidesmen: ,'klex. Mix, jSheriU Shirley. T. Andrexv, K AVTlW-a i. . Ilomer, 11, ., Wwodland, W. (HJchrist and H. li iMclnbjMV IHcpai'S f. An drew. 'Mr, rvrclntfcti and Oil-. eliri!. i Weleome eouiinitlee: Mrs. Mc intosh, .Mrs. Woodland. Mrs. Or- rhard. Mrs. ltn7.ll-Jones and Messrs. Barnswell, Andrew and IXitt. Envelope committee: . I'tnvin and Percy Tinker. FUNERAL IS HELD fol- THIS AFTERNOON Late D. E. Seabury Interred Fairvlew Cemetery After Service In First Presbyterian Church There wa large assemblage of rriend of the fatnily al the funeral service for the late Dm; Kulierfo Seabury. father or Mrs. T. M. 'Spencer, which look plae I his afternoon al 2.30 in the First Presbyterian Cluircli. Itev Ir. Charles J. Cameron officiated Teacher i.ea.i ivinuiy i.taiil." W. A augh an Davies presided at I he organ Interment wus'inade in l an-viei' Cemetery, (he iiullhearern l.e tn Harry Kirch, Aid .Ion (ireer Jack Neison, J. A. Lindsay, George il. & " ' Law'tern Star. Fivmtier Chapter In. of Cliaieaiixuay, .New York; Mr. and I r. o. 11. Ilopers, Mr. and Mrn. Je Kent!, Mr. and Mrs. Oorae Ilaymond Of Srnitlier. In, and Mr. I'jfireit, Mr. and M.ih. A. lvarson, Mr. and Mrs. fl. Iaie. Mr. and Mrs. John Ib-Jiaii. Mr. ii n. Mrs. W. I). Mox-le. Mi . ami Mr. 1. McLeod and fx mily Mi. mi. I Mr-. Smeelon, Mr. ami Mis. Il..w.nd While. ParenU Assoeialiou. Miss ana was assisted Dy Rev. K. O. I1 Ilnu- Mr ,.,! Mrs .1 A I.ii.,1. Turner. Mrs. Jarvi sang: "One Sweetly Mcl.eoit.Kav Solemn Mi IhniiKlil," and the byuins wen "Safe in C-ic Arms of .lenus' and Mi. ;i 1 1 I Mrs. llnwanl teen, H'td M - M ii iilli-rn. ,Taliur NTVirTi via j nM w I "'ttfBlIa'ttfBV CATARRH t Hi BLADDER Ech Can.ule fumOl triam tr""y fleirare nteounlerfrtli So II ME Compared with the enchantment of actual performance. -explanation seems futile. Yet, humans are curious. The query persists: "What makes Orthophonic Victor music so captivating? First, there is the revolutionary new acoustic principle. Second, there are the thincs it only, of all reproducing instruments,- accomplishes. The Orthophonic Victor reproduces the base sounds as they should be heard. I larshjicss.- it does not know. Piano notes are maintained for their true duration. The New Victor Talking Machine Company Munro and Thomas Mc.Meekin. 1'lower wi re sent by the fol (lowing: The family, Tyec Lodge Mrs A.l'. & A.M.. Helist Chanter of Orthoph " True ml Sou od aes CreoVnra Model Krns., Mr. and Mrs. Ilihiianl and land act family. J. II. Mr Lend, Mr. and Notlc of intti.ti.ii t. .i. i. i... T. McAleekill . Vwu mmlour i.inii Itud ne I Corrtlftit I'lMrlcl of itiiht HiiitI. net 1 K Allfmit lliv. KkM.ni. it.l.i Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert January 19, 1916. aller Iltinie of the O.T.P. slalf, sailed last night hy t ho Prince John fop a holiday trip south. Word lias reached the city tlir; the mail car on I he westbound train exploded and was burned al Kdson yesterday. The two clerks were nnl Injured and it Is understood that lillle ir any mall w damaged. m. .tmiii k inm u.t;. Illiln k rk ; in Oiinptn.T. i.uniifrt. of VinriiHvrr, n.r 1 wriilxtKpfi sihiKin Cjniwr. lm-iiil t.l Pl;ly fr t U, uf oif filliinr ilr 1 rrllK-d It mil: filliliii'lirlur mi m iumi tj.nt.rf it.. H pt Mid f Small Biy mr liuudred Jrtnl.' i-a.w mnuin or uutianwa tlrraiui Ok-ih pouln rive rh4iit- Oimih- .i.i..... luilKt; tlienrf tinrlii In ium linf; llnhrf fetlimliir aliorr llnr in Hilnt nf rum liiraiyinriii. md rmiialiilnr lu-rrn int hier.iiarifr a-n-t, nmre r h- ii.c. risiiHo i rArusn co. tTt. AHillrant. i... -i' . J'rr M- y' Enillth, Land act. Nollea of Inttnllen to Applj For Ltaat of Lofitf, In the Prlnrf Riiiert t.ant llm-nrrtmr I"""1" ailiiai-i mi ail lllilianien I.ht rnnnitur tine nf thff .Nan-a Hit f lnlr in lliirtiMin Hay raa iiimli) nirr l.inmnn Point, nine t-rtnt It.M. II. TAkK NOTICF. tint llatrl knr if iTInn. Hiifirrl. R.C.. Manlrr Marnier, Inti-ndi to apply tnr a .'to of the fnlliiwlnr rto- The fact that half a m tninMirln all rwiftt n ii.t khAU .. poumls of ballhul was lande.f llfc,lL,,i. Sklf tl.". J'r:l and shipped Last from I'rlneri' fM"! n"',h,,'ti itM-nre j.oo'o ten soinn. Unpen in two days has beenjr Wunif Riven great deal of ,rr"' nm ' ' prominency mt Ktnn ttj Lastcrn papers. D,ud Dy ft;? nt.r J 17 nderful i Organ music has full organ resonance. Dance music rhythm is compellingly faithftil to its original. Vocal harmony parti are dear and distingui&labk: from one anoUw. Diction is natural as life. All tones lure their true ' proportionate values. Tie result is beauty that matches tin? original, tone for tone. There is jet a third reason for the wonder of this peer of instruments. ItisaMctorl'roduct! Your nearest "His Master's Voice" dealer can transform your interest into conviction today. onic Victor Naturally, the question follows the utter . . astonishment of hearing the new Orthophonic Victor for the first time. of Canada, Limited Dr. Alexander Smith Hock Phona B7S DENTIST MILK From Bulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIP PINO CREAM W specially reeotnincnJ our Tunic Cream al iic if Hair Pint. Quality and Service Valentin Dairy Phona 67