"AO'S BIX Look Here!! for 65c (in U range-. Murnialaile ... f5o liu lli'il 1 I ti m Jain (5c (in Delinonle Peaches, large, 2Vi's - 65c tins Lihhy's Asparagus .. 05c litis Hail lull Pears C5c (in Pears ami 1 tin Cherries 05c tins Yellow Kgg Plums . . G5c tins Singapore Pineapple. 05c tins Loganberries , .-. ... l5e (ins Hluehcrries G5c 80c tin Drimilk f . . C5c hnltle Lihhy's Catsup .. ., C5c 25c pkgs. Moiled Oats 5c I Oii launhs Jloney . . . . . , C5c bottles Heinz Catsup . . 5c llis. Tahlo Figs or !?1.00 worth for ... . , G5c lbs. Swift's or Hums' Lard 05c dozen Jelly Powders, assorted f5c tins Campbell's Tomato Soup 03c I I arm? lius Tomatoes .. ,. 65c 8 bars Palmolive Soap . . . . 65c 3 lins Snap or Kleonup Soap 65c 13 bars While Swan Soap .. 65c U pkgs. Princess Flakes ... 65c 5 pkgs. lk'Imonle Seeded Haisins G5c 3 bars Klondykp Soap . . . . 65 5 20c lins Libby's Pork and Hean. G5c Butter and Fresh Eggs are down again Ool our price first. Plenty of Fresh Whipping Cream row B.C. Butchers and Grocers, Ltd. Phones 45 and 574 Every Prescription We. compound Is dispensed by a FULLY QUALIFIED PHARMACIST from chemically pure materials. Our prices arc 'moderate. We are Prescription Specialists. Rupert Pharmacy Phone 94. We deliver Third Ave. and Fifth St. Don't Buy Your Crockery and China Ware Until you have compared our prices Wo Save You Money Gordon's Grocery Seventh Avenue East Phono 447 Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Office Hours 9 lo fl. X-Ray Sarvlot Phone 686. Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday hvenlngs i PORTLAND ME. c i Much of Canadian Wheat Goes Out that Way Especially I During Winter Months I POIllLAM). Maine, Jan. Ill .. ... . ... WI..I.. I ...! i : ii iiiir it ui'.iiru i (i ii i in 1 i r. is ii ; progress in Canada ner I lie fail !urc of Hie? V' Canadian National 'Hallways lb make a nrtire extensive use of Halifax, N.S.. as a wlnlcr porl, PorHand is reapin : I lie beiietil of immense t.U.-luenls over lluvCa.iadiun Nation ,al lines for lran..lei lo steam ships here. The beginning of Hie yeai-finds Hie Portland elevators ot the Canadian National rapidly filling with Canadian grain, and more routed through this purl than for several years. This. COUIileil Willi .lnr?i iniimi-U of Kuropean coal and china clay, is wiving oPiilaml its heaviest win ter port business since the war Increased sailings In foreign ports from Portfand have, linen scheduled by all Hie I raus-.M l:n lie hues which use tins purl i i freezing of the SI. Lawrence Itiver lias closed Hie ports of Montreal and Ouebec. Kverv steamer whicli leaves for Kiirnpe ha the maximum cargo nerinis- ihle and in some instance llir shipments of grain have been so heavy that pail of the genet;. I SUPREME COFFEE "The Coffee that has 'em all beat." ESS I Coupons good until June , : 1. lit-'ti, hut selection not I ' guaranteed. Make first and j second choice. ; Tell you grocer "It must be "SUPREME" Ladie s CALL and inspect our new lines or Nursery Shoes for Children Very strong and endurable, and reasonably priced. M Family Shoe Store Phone 357 There are still Some Bargains Left in odds ami ends, all to he cleared out at give-away prices. ACME Importers Third Avenue' T SUCCESS YOURS when you use VIAGC BAKING POWDER Highest Quality, Apdem(e Price. MADE IN CANADA NO ALUM E AV. GILLETT CO. LTD. TORONTO. CAN, i-argn lia iircli left lii'lnnd for !,llM- li iu! . In uddi!iou to tfi') 'gill a i- line, fill i r Itri I isli tramp learners have sailed from Por;-iand so far litis season as com-! uivd with a lotal of three for Hie whole of last winter. If the importation of foreign anthracite, due to tiie coal strike, continue at il present rale aii I'Ti-vinus records for that bust-i-.pm tiere w'l! lie .shattered. Tlie iiiviest imuoil of that eoiii-moilily is from Wales to local "Ualers hut Hie Inlenialiom.! 'mil Corporation of Canada also s touting its steamers to Portland and it. rcshippiug larg.r '.naiililies of Hrilish coal ove i Canadian National system. WATER NOTICE. Diversion and U(t. TKVV. oTICK that Wallace Hli-rle- l.iintli-it, Ik -i- jdilri-s mill Vaiirniivt r lil-.'-k. Vniw-iifm-r. H i... will aM'l fur a ! i i'in-f lo lakt iiul mm- J, riilifr rr I 'IT "lll I if WatlT lllll llf UIIIUMM'll . n-k. al kti'-wn Slrallii'tia ilrt-ek. uliiili riim wt'lri anil drain Into Iiiit Ink t alxiiil n un luiii- urlli of till' IUIIItUWt-t !. IMT llf l.lll TlM tt.in-;- will ! illwrl.il from Hm' rlri-afii ;: a H;lnt abmil i3.i" 'iuiiii- stream I .iii tlx- ii.iuiral it I !. I .if rrt-rk, an1 u ill Im- uiu-ii fur iiklitMrlal ami linir4li ;hi.mim- iix.ii iiw ian1 ili-ixrlbnl a Ij-i si. Iiaiiicr i. i'jwt Id-inn. .tr: tl.'IIH'Htll- HI'. J.HCIO j!llrtl (XT iliv. Thl inlfp way unl mi llw rrouixl "Hi lli ll day i t Ini-miiIim. !!. A r)' "f Ihl iKHIri- and an apnllmtlun urmun( iM-rcio aim in uw -vvaiiT Art in Im- rikii in iimt urrirv f llw Water Hrrri:T at VawiMivrr, II.' . nblw li.nn ti Hi- ai'PlK'ali'.n iim.v hi' fUril with Dip mid V;il.i- ItiM'urlll'r nr mill tin- i:iMiiinillrr r Water main. I'arllaiiH-nt HiiiIiIHik. V' l. ria. H i .. within llilrlv ilayy aflrr tlw fun i'(x-raiiii- nf tin imtlrp mi a lx-al n"U.parr. Tin- da ir (Mr flrnl iiililla ii ii nf 1 1I - niMHv I. January I Kill, IS4. vi.i :k hsiikuiks i.ti.. Aiillianl. II v Jaiui- II Ijiwum, A unit. Vam-'iUViT, II I'.. , January Specials For Tuesday and Wednesday Note These specials will be delivered and are Tor charge accounts wlio pay proinlply. Swift's Premium Bacon lb. 47c ; Above price is on . side only, j average weighL 5 lb. each. I Canadian Cheese, per lb. ... 29c ! hard in, bulk, per 111. . . . . . . 19c Crossed Fish Sariflnes, per tin 140 Sunlight Soap, per carton . . 19c Lux Washing Powdeiv per pkge. ... ..j ..; .... 11c Old Ihilclriliuscif?2 for 19o Imported Madrfrnril and Spaghetti in bulk, pur lb 17o Illue Jlminel Salad Dressing or Mayonaiso, lango bottle .. 39o No. 1 Jap Itice, special, I lbs, 39c Hrown Sunar. i lbs. for .... 29o Rupert Table Supply Co Phonos 210, 211, 212. I TBI PAIL'T JKTO Tue'dar, January lp, jgjj TWO SCHOONERS FOR TRADING IN ARCTIC BUILTAT EDMONTON iKH.MO.NTO.V. Jaiv, ll Two scliooners are being consiniete!1 jiu ICtlmontou for service in I ho !far noi l hern walers above ller-Ischell island. The order for Jtheir building was received frou il.omlou. KJilaud, by the Alberla '.Motor Hoal roinpany, who cx-; perl lo have the .vessels coin-pleled by April. They will then slarl on their long journey to the Arctic waters, being loaded on the spur line cloe lo ilieu place of construction, taken to Waterways on Hie railioad whence they, will proceed tunlei (heir own power lo l orl l-i z gerahl. At this point they wilt leave the water lo be taken ovet Hie porlage to Fort Smith, en teiing again at (his pot and conlintiing down the Mackeiuir river and out into the polar seas They are each of I he same lype and dimensions, Willi a length of 15 feel 5 inches, a beam of I'i feel, and a depih uf "J feel. Their vci3l1l is eight. ami I heir carrying capacity 10 Ions. They are of the auxiliary schooner, class with two uiasls, schooner ringed, and 1 heavy duly engine of 20 horse-power Made throughout of oak they are irmly "built to withstand the "trenglh of the northern seas. Four men will he uiken on each vessel as a crew. I here being sleeping and living accommodation for that number. Facli vessel is ato provided with a galley. WEATHER REPORT Prince ItupcH : Cloudy, calm. temp. HI). Terrace: Snowing, windy, temp. 31. Anynx: Sleet, calm, temp. 36. Stewart: Sleel, calni, temp. 30. Iliuetton: Snowing, calm, temp. 19. Telegraph . Cn-ek: ofiovving. elnwig north wind, letup. ID. Horn Cake: Ch.mly, calm, leinp. 15.. . v Smither yioiidy, alm, lump, -- J. White llUrstT: Cloudy, oulm temp 7. . .ft SHE RALLIED RALEIGH Sir Waller spread his cloak down across the puddle, "Tread on lhi, your majesty. he said; "you, are in danger of gelling wet." . 'So' your old mantle," retorted Klizabelh, who wa not above il-nig a bit of slang now ami then. SIR HENRY THORNTON SAYS SINCE RAILWAY HAS BEEN PAYING MANY WOULD PROVIDE REMEDY FOR ILLS. (continued from yage oue lies I we can with vvlial we have that e sliotitd get behind ami hack up what we own. All remedies hae been destructive. Not one single constructive solution has been offered, Not Pirating Business 'ruruincr lo tlie itucsliuii of competition. SJr Henry said: "It is spread abroad in some sections of the land tiial the Cana dian National Hail way. t are m- roining prosperous iiiicaiirc in'y are taking away business from lii'r con-ie(itor-l thai is u slalemeni which Is refuted by the (heir competitors. Thai is a Tin1 lia lives orlhe Canadian Pacific for the first eleven months of lll-lf. -I...... It.li II... .1.,.,! tvmtf -i)ivv 1 1 1 n I iiui i.iainiiir of I lie compaTfy arc graeter than for the same period in any year since the wati They are justly proud of that fact. I rejoice with tiiem. (lunula ton may rejoice in thai it has evidence thai bolh of its great railway systems are performing their service t. the public and at the same lime showing greater net earnings I han tor many years. "It is oflc'a heard Ilia) the Canadian National Hallways are costing the folks of Canada lingo sums of indue,'. In the last an-jalysis I lie yauadiaii Nalional 'llailways are r not costing thu 'people of Cayada a penny, hu-cijuse Hie people of Cnnudii arc enjoying Hie lowest freight rates in the world, if the frellil rates I In Nalional railways could command were as, high as the average frioghl lit 'the Uuiled Sla'e. I the Nalional . System would be practicaly earning lis fixed jChargrs. II il not for me lo fell (ho pro jile of Canada what will happen if cer ani Mtihifs are done. 1 Ike government of LQiiada qimmntcQs Sham 8 YEARS OLD lllade in Canada 95 years Th i advci l - im o! s not puhliio'd "i' displayed by the I. Kin. n ciii !l lli. ai d or by the tioveriiinent of Hrilish Columbia. vvarii you thai vou canuol v;: your cake and have it too. Y i. can pay higher taxes uud lowei freight ratM ot you en Mv higher freight rUr and aw taxes. Vou can' l hae it bin Is ways. Adveii? in it,. )4ty Now NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Elaclrital Inalallatlon Qoiarnintnl Wharf rrlnct Ruparl Sealsl Ti-ttdem maikeil "TemliT f.r Wiring" Mill U rcriheal ni. In w4i sal urdu. JaiuMM Iftin. IVii. bi tl- nn djareflriied rr rrwirhir the vieHerii e.i mm hi ine warewtuiai ai initrnun n Wbarr Seriflra..n ami paiilrular ran l-liilUIIH-ll a llw irffl.r uf lb . Ettttnerr. Ojurl llr, l"niM kuferi jiei i0 any wii4rr Hul umaril reelcfl. 1 U. C. Ut.V. tilaliirl Km'iH-ei relttre Hll-rl. II.' , JUMWry IWi. Il. LAND ACT. Netlca of Inltnllen to Apalf la Laaaa una. In llm I'nnee ttunerl Land lirrMitina Iilalrlrl a hi lluate nn an UMiained llel IB Uh Kamm entraner- la IlisJxia HV I'aaaarr near ItiiMlaa laland. Dim Trail It M. If. TAKE .MlTII K thai rXorve (Vinton flutli l. .r I'rllM e liumrt, s... VauufKiurei liiK-ti'l- Vi a Mil) fur a leax nf llw tl h wiiii ili i ribed latiil,. . 1.1'iiiinMti ma al a nl alluala n i parllr Blrfiierri'd reef it rirk railialina inmi aauie in pra.iuaii) a nrrie. iiatina a raniii nt au-mt i.inii reel anil run talninr tuo aere. iihth itr ). 'iK 'H'iK 'iOllliOK BUSIIHY ri- rw-nilie' 4th ir BigValues Slock ti'lucmg -iale of LADIES' HIGH GRADE SILK HOSE roiiM-lmg of flir following grade.; Butterfly Ipswich High Grado Elasco High lirnde Superior duality. Itrvfiilar price. (1.00 to 1.75. Sale Prices 95c to $1.25. (ome early and avoid (he rush. Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. Phones 18 and 84 Big Bargains ALL GOODS AT SALE PRICES During this month The West of England Store Third Avonuo ' Phone 753 BIG CLOCKS and LITTLE CLOCKS We have Ihe finest anil largest nui Itneul ( ever shown in the cily, inclmliiifr tiruinli dhf i (Humes Clocks, .Musical Clock-, Wall Clin k . t t rruiu I .tf ft up. livery cluck carries oitr gu.u-.i s our window. OPTICAL DEPARTMENT We me fullv equipped lo give w Hie id , ami up-ln dale -erviie. Iwn kcil li IwimiIj -. i pericniT. A v t -1 1 In our tip'ii.il I'l piii'tnicul you. Sali-fai'lion alisolulely gnar.inlceil. Max Heilbroner 527 -Third Avenue 529 WESTHOLME THEATRE TONIGHT ONLY at 7 and 0 Revelation I. tie .nut love Hiii'.i g the inii-l oi Moui i. r peril -pt'i l.u lc. Iin-'l'iig tlitill-. ti-.ili.i.(.ii d heaiilv. vill .n i ! ii. -p.iikling . i'itit'd mil . -lory. The little g.niiin uf .in- .uol 'lie nn ,.. due ot I he fiiie-l .turns in tiniloin pulun In-revehitmn in pu tini.il ,nt in wholi Juliin . i,.. iluriiig ,irli.'. rimilel. iill-.jii i it'i-injj .wectin-o : the Muilonn.i ami receives the lliviue Iimh Ii , chM: Monte Blue, Viola Dana, Lew Cody, Frank Currier, Edward Connelly, George Slegmann, Kathleen Key ulhcrs. CENTURY COMEDY "DRY UP." 35c and 10c. January SALE ALL COATS AND RAINCOATS MUST BE CLEARED. See These Prices! Lnlic' lluldier Waterproof t . Value, fium fur $10.M I LailitV Winter (iiMil. I'ur Oilliir ntul Truniin - Iale. I coloring.. M'.i.rii In :., fur $33.50 ."i I. allies' Winter rout., wilm In m?..0. Im- $24.50 (I Indies' Winter (iat, vnlue. In :ii'.:il, fur $10 50 Mioses' Owls. I'nr tdlar.. value. In JH.JVO. Im- $8.75 Mliv' Tweetl dials, value, to K.76, Urr $5.75 lluv' tir (lirl' uvy Chiiichilln lleefers. S-nrl-' I- Lining, 2 only. ize .'i and 2. Ileg. K.?. t..i 50.75 DRESSES 2 only, a clearing Hue, Jcr.r t;inlh nr Haimd $4.75 All oilier line. euallv rttlncetl. H. S. WALLACE CO. LTD. Phono 0. 3rd Ae. and Fulton St ClearanceSale of Woollen Goods We have advertised recently thai we like looiici KooiJ. when you need il musl ami uol when we want I. ml or them. .Now, we are having a cold simp, ami mi may jour Woollen Underwear ami Woollen lllaukels. -making remarkable reduction, on these line, and il be worth while lo dike advantage of our offer. FLANNELETTE BLANKETS In While ami (irey. in Pink or Illue lloiiler. 10x1 Regular price 2.50. .Sate $1.05 llxt Regular price 2.Nri. Sale $2.25 I2.v'i Regular price :i,50. Sale $2.05 25', Discount on all Woollen HluiikeU in (Irey mid Ladies' ami Children' Woollen I'lulerweaf 25 Discount. Ladies' and Children's Oil Ion iiuil Wool Underw 15 Discount. Roiihle Knitting Wool, reg. I5c. Hale, 7 skeins tor $2.00 Hudson Hay Knitting Wool, reg. 20c. Sale. 7 l-oz. l for $1.00 Shellauil rioss, reg. 2 tor :i5c. Sale, X skeins for . . $1.0 H.M.tl. Or. Collon, reg. :15c. Main, for ... . ... $1.00 Scollish I-'ingeiiiig, nil color, reg. Tf, Sale, :t fur $1.00 Royal Society Kmhroiilery Threml, "Celeslin," reg. - inc. Sale, 20 skein Tor $1.00 Men's Shoos, reg. f 0.0ft ami $I(UH. 'Lftierly" hi Sale ' $5.05 Ladies' alent Leather Pump, "Swanky ' Tie," reg. 7 Sale $3.05 (Irowia-iK dirls' Patent Lenllier Pumps, elnlit: gurr. .75. Sale $2.05 JABOUR BROS. LTD. Phone 645. Corner 3rd and 71"