FAOff .TWO The Daily News PRINCE RUPRRT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afleruoon, except Sunday, the Prinre ' Riiptirt Daily News, Limiled, Third Avenue. H. h PUIXRN, MaiisgiiiK Kdilor. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporter Telephone - - Send us your nanus endow will send vou Supp .1 - ... . . A irus iiiustrai&r bodkcfbmUM nomes.. 4 Distributors for; (Sbhm K9L9RED SHINGLES. 98 . 86 member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. DAILY EDITION Saturday, .Ian nary 10, I92n". Elections Over And Now For Business. The elections arc over mid now it is must deiraulo Rial we Iry to foigel eveolhiug ami get down to Inline. One in cident left an unpleasant remembrance, wjlli the supporters of 1m lit parties. The minor was 'spread that (lie reason the mayor liif mil .inni'.ir .il .1 ineelinir which he hat! railed wa liecaue 1i liml heen "doned" liv some of Ike Mc.Moidie siiporler.s. Thi iivnv mil hnve heen dune oflieially hut it had a considerable result iin the outcome. Whether Ihe difference was sufficien li hhve ehanited the retnoentatidn seems uncertain. At any rale Mr. Nowlon is elected and nov the tliiiiK to" do is to try to unite oil our forces for the benefit of Prince Rupert ' Position At Ottawa U Not Encouraatna. . .. , ' The preseul poili(yi id Ottawa is not .encouraging. The government majority of 'three i- less than might have been ex peeled but it is thought that "on general business vide- pracli- callv all the Progressive's will vote, with the government. Ji til 1 l "l. . I.. A v I. I..... Lumber Btick Cement Lime Plaster Stock your winttr't supply 01 Ntinaimo-Welling ton Coal now Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 117 HESSE No one envies the legislators their jobs jiM mm iniioh less do we" 1'ifvv the members of the cmeniiiienl. The curious thing about the ilualiou is that a change of government would not improve matters. The parly in power would still be there through the support of the Progressives and lliat iirouii 'would dictate the 'policy. As they are a low tariff group While the government is avowedly prriteslionit, it is dif- . . .. . hi. i! r.. 1:1 1.. IKMlll lo iee now lliey eotuii possmij sausij tiiutr iohmiioiwu. Sowash Document Has ' ' (. Much - Human nterest. The document left by the criminal Sowaslr before his exe cution has a great deal of human interest and coming from the pen of an intelligent mail just on the: cte of his death wlieii he knew thai his hours were numbered, give il a note of sincerity that would not olherwise be obtained. Thai we do not treat the criminal properly is becoming an accepted opinion. Wc have set up a false standard of values, as he n, and we bow down and worship the god Mammon. ' Then when some person (ollows his natural bent to extremes, we incarcerate him or ex eeule him. - . . HP" v. . . ,-. . Is It Revenge Or Reform We Seek? When we. punish' n criminal i it wilh the purpose of re yejiging society or is it wilh I lie idea or reforming Ihe criminal If it is revenge, 11 is time lor a change of atuuule. If it is re .form wc are.seekhig, we take a ciiripu melluMl nf carrying It The-leiideney of Ihe day is toward a more sane method of treatment of prisojiers. rime was wheuereii suspected pris oners were severelv piiiiisheu. ,Miv convicted prisoners are known to be largely the product, of our itiiluNiUhy ideal am qraniped ideas. If there are criminals, someone is responsible and least of all the poor 'wretch whom .we punish. Children arc born badly because their parent did not have a chance llimugl poverty, or else they have frittered away their chances by indulgence in vice made possible by the desire for gain. In any case the false standards iire at fault. The desire to make money to spend on ourselves inl the bottom of most of our debauchery. R Is Useless to say ''The poor ye have always wilh you." The poor ought not lo be with us. The day is rapidly approaching when there will be no poor, and consequently no commercialized vice. . Discussing Halifax 1 Because They Howl. t Halifax aiid St. John, Canadian porls on Ihe Atlantic seaboard, are raising; a howl which is rapidly becoming a political Usue, because grain Is niit being shipped that way but is instead going to American ports, which arc nearer and more convenient. The real howl should be lhal jrrniil does not iro to Prince Ru pert, which is nearer Ihe market tliafi the American ports, more accessible a,no the harbor is open all the year round. II 1 difficult to force freight out of a natural course. All Prince. Rupert aks is that the grain be allowed lo lake it natural' j our.se and not lie diverted therefrom by lhoe inlcre lei) in. terminal piaut lnil transportation concerns in olhcr pl.ac.e5, -v 1 ANNUAL BALL OF BATTALION Many Enjoyed Big Event Auditorium Last Evening and Stayed Lata In It was three o'rlock Ibis .morn- ins when the bar dance jriven by the First Rattatlon iNorlhern 1 t.t Regiment broke up and theft those present seemed reluctant to leave. R was a most enjoyable event. The hall wns hrilli-iitlv decorated with flaps of all nations and huntinig ami that wilh Hie gay dresses of the ladle. )n service uniforms -of Hie sailors and the piclureipie Karb of the navy hoys together' with an occasional red coat and a few killies, pave a 11101 charming effect. The music wn pro vided hy Hood's orchelra made up of Kenny Itnod, Mis Morrison, ami Messrs. Vilon, Reale, Rorie. and Ralagno. Mr. Pon der played the e.vlra and th hoyV hand played the grand inarch. Charles Youngman made a very efficient master of ceremonies; , Supper wa served uplairs hy (he ladies' auxiliary asileil hy nicinhers of Ihe regiment, threi sittings being reqdired to provide for something like 2 fin per softs who were present. Com millees in chansre, uiuler general supervision of (JapL I'vill, were ns follows: Music Lieut. Rarnsley and Uapdniaster Wilson. Invitations I.ieut. llix. Sjrl. A. Milrrajv Me. Geo. Wilkinson. Finanre Lieut. Norris Prin gle and .gl. F.. l iiwin. Refreslunenls Ha pi. Tinker, Fat. I.avery. l'le. Frank Ruell. I.adie' Auxiliary, and Mrs; Tre tnayne. Decoration r I.ieut. Floyd, Pet. II. A. .Ponder, and Set Smiire. Floor --O..S.M. C Youngmnn. GRAIN MOVING TO VANCOUVER Going There as Fast as It Can be Absorbed Says Superintendent of Transportation V!.MPF.(J, .Ian. Ifi. -- The Movement of grain into Yancou-j ver continues to break I lie reconf of all previous years and is go. inz ahead n quickly a shipping facilities at the Pacific Cons! port can aborb the offerings, said A. W. Wilcox; ereneral superintendent of Ihe Canadian Na tional Hallways, in discussing Ihe weekly grain figure last n glil. To dale the movement o.r ftcinadtan Xatkuial flnilwarn to Ihe Pacific port is more I ban fivi times a heay as lhal of the sauie period of 11)21-25 and deliveries are only limited by the ability of Uie port facilities In handle the grain consigned there From August l I'.'-S to mid-night January l.'J, this year, a total of 10,28(1 cars had been delivered lo Yancouver by X ItailwavH and wilh the majority of shipments .now being loaded in Alberta, this tolal is being! fe:nll1i. ini.rit.iMil - VI. .luiiniievf 1 1 3. last, year, the tojal (felivcriin Caiiadi';in gifliu?'by Canadian National to Yancouver were only 2,003 cars. Total prairie loadings on the (J.N.Il. for Ihe week ending lasl night at midnight were :),r5r,nou bushy! iu 2,819 ears, an increase of more than IPO percen'. over l lie 1 ,9511,000 bushels and 1,133 cars for the same period of 11121. Slocks in store showeu u slight decrease, marketings beting 2,808,000 bushels and fie balance of loadings coming from store, leaving 18.1'J'I.OOO busheU now in slock on, Canadian N'n-1 lional lines against 1 1.918.000 huslieU at tlfls date Inst year. Since August. 1, Canadian No-lional Railways have loaded 120, 3i'J cars containing I62,8.)(',000 bushel again.1l .03, HPJ cars and Kl.33i.000 bushels in the same period of 1 1)21-25. Of Ihe week' loading qf 3,855.000 bushels the province l Alberta loaded 2fi;.ono bushels. . Clearance4 during the week from Vancouver totalled nine vessel wilh an aggregate of 1,380,000 bushels of grain, HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert ! .1. Thompson. Yancouver. Central A, A, Maelionald, Yancouver; 11. Uaysou, IlamlUoii. THE MAN IN THE MOON Hillllls. An withoui enaldes sayat j RAV.KRo.NK is thai pari of tli( anatomy sadly wauling, even in- invert elirule 3 diffenurt manner. uilmal is one Jiatkbone. A r.HAR r5 an invert ehrale". Pit INCH liliierl eopti liave been' accused or iMwitg a gang of bootleggers selling lo eaeh oilier. Tlial remind n that ' Florida (odav the people are mostly a gang of real estate .tenter sell. ins under w!M- lots tl eaWi oilier. WF all admin- thrift hut hate Hie man who is thrifty. LOYI i that ip'aliiy wlileh a youiii! lady to believe Ihe damueilcsl b"s tolil by young men of no moral calibre. 1 TIIK re.leeniiiivs r.-atine aboiil niiristmas toys llial lliey ! fere broken anil r. .. e grapefidly In a neglected corner of lliehai yanl until the ali man comes. TIIHHF I a story about peo ple being smitten by I lie jawbone of an as, but today wc get bored by a similar jHwImne ueii in 1 "TWO is coinnany and three I none" j apnlirahli' only to unmarried people. After marriage I wo is often ton many. ADVIGH lo ainlntious young men: If 'yVTti want a raise, at enl. (It'll ndvicp lo Mackenzie Knitf when ilibing up legislation for Ihe multitude is : "Take it with a Forke." IT Was announce ye.slerdan that Ihe 1 tovcriinieni would carry on. I I lioug lit there had been queer carrying -onie lime. , on there What they need in the finv-criiiui'iit pajtv at Ottawa today is a sa'cly first campaign anion:: lioverninent supiHtiier, Three aci'iilcnt ami there miglil he a eatasl roplie. OFFICERS ELECTED SECOND DEGREE OF of 1 MOOSE LAST NIGHT Prince Rupert Legion No. 45. the second degree of the Royal Order of Moose, elected v officer-last niclit. Past Oreal North Aloo.e fillli Royer. - treat North Moose. Fred Pead-den. South Moose, R. J. Raeon. Hat'Mooe, A. fllififserg. West Moose, Sam Arilnu. Treasurer. X. Mussallem. Herder, Ttmr Jolmson. 4iiihling Mooe. .). It. Slnggard. Custodian. R. lloskins. Argus. Harry Jackson. Hepresenlalive convention. Oillis, Itoyer 1. Ten Years Ago irt Prince Rupert January 16, 1916. That the Portland Canal s now coming into il own as 11 mining district is evidenced hy Hie fact that Collins A Wat kill have sliijuK il a carload of silver-lead ore to Trad from the Kansas (iroup on American Creek, n Her Face Was Covered With Large, Red Pimples Minn' 0 ret Carlisle, 23 Ionian! fit.; Brautford, Out.,. wrib: "A utiort while go, mj 1tx wai romclrtel covereil with large eil fiinijile, aiul it irned that it w alrnont iiri(citlA for me to get rid of tlicm, ai hothinj I took. kPcincit to !o mu any giKxl. One day I noticed an advertisement and I win seter regret th &T 1 lught it, aa, bow, my tM l entirely cleared up of blotchea and jjimj.let vt tery kind." ' f Tot the paat 47 yeari R.B.n. has been put up onlj by Tht T. Milbura to, Liaiud, TroaU) Oat - - - ;) 111 B .BF.pMm 1 r;jlHBWlBlBlK M I BJIBH t who likes his Tobacco Just a UUe stronger ymmy HBmBSSflV '2 lb vacuum I aBBBB uiunrimiern av luerCTll TflilTCrt MVMn tw ClMAflA lIMITlC value of around SI 10 per ton, bing shown. Rrtiggy V M"I,eo 1 also trlpixil i; ton from l!ie I'rico-.Monlana group on Mar-, mot Hi Ver showing 1 00 per ion and Rill Forrest nenl down :i ; smaller consignment from near! Hie -Red ClilTe running about, 200 per ton. j Fully four hundred people are daily enjoying .skating on the rink nl Ihe Mttrkel Place -which lvn preparel ny meiuher of Iho Amateur Alhlellc Association. A dres ciimival i bing planned lo lake plare next week. Mr. and Mrs. A. F.. Rnzell- Joues re planning to leave sliorlly for a trip Kt. LAND ACT. Nolle of InKnllon le Apply to In I'rliirc llutwrl Unit Rrmrdlnt Dl irlri or l'finr liviri, ami tiuiita 11, ixirili horr or shannon Hay. Queen! t lurlor.r lalania. lt.i . TAkK M1(; lut Junes Fi!dtniti sirini and Hubert c. lirmw, nf Van-..uver, II. C, rriiialln -aiiner men, IiOiihI tn tpply for a U-t'f tlw rullnwihf do . rillml rurfntuirp at shannon Bay. on i:iiarlillr lUml '4inriirnrliiir at a pot Uiitd on th i-tii.rp ir Shannon Hay atxiul r.iid frri in a unuUiW'trMrrly dlrfllm rreni auntb il rnrner m lnt IStft, aald pixt ixtna! nirilH-al mrncr or an aMli.iUon to pm ! rham tiy Ja. Flflillnir Slrani: Ihnif'i tnultiHrslrrlr rllowiiiw hi ah atrr mark) of shannon Hay itmul Ino fl t a Iit, 9r9 tul outh and 7R7 ftl tH t Ion 111 1 l rnriw-r or lt llll; thni.-i. ur Ht.j rerl to Urn hlrli wairr mafK or an l-tjiul heluir an application to Irani) byj iiuikti 1.. iurnr iioriiHTiy, vir.t i-rlv and Miuthnlrrly follimlnr the tilth watrr mark or naid I'ljiiil to a polnl tl mhi Hi and itr.s ri.'t ci or Minlh-!t rorner ttl, lirne mI 100 fffl; Ihi'tirr nor Ih t:in rrrt, morr or lle-mr cat (So tfH. inoie or Iras, lo the point or cruiitiiprirriiirnt, and i-oinalnlnt arrp, morr or lra. 1IOUT. C. OoSSK ami Palril m. iu:i.ni.o stiiaxo. Prr Win. O. SfAvrinlirr lllth. LAND ACT. Notlca, ot Intantlon to Land. Apply tpnlirant. Mll'tietl. Airmt. 1915 to Laaaa In Iho ITlnir nuprrl Land tlirordlni Dlrlrlrl and oltiiate on an tinnnmnl llrt In the Kailern rntram-n to limlson Hay ra(- near iunla Inland, nine I'nnt! n.x. u. TAkK .MiTICK that Grow Onrdon IliMh ' hy or I'rlm-e liiiprl. B.C.. Manufacture: ,i y "I'l'.J ". irw- mi lor IOI' InWInr dnrrilH'il Litula: Coniinrnrinr at a ikii lliiate on I parily aiilmirriri-d tftt or rork- radlatlnir from aame In Prartirally a rlrrir, havina a raditia of alx.nt l.Soo fret and run-talnlnr 100 arrra, inure or lei. . GKOIIOK OOniiON BU81IBT. t1tm- tinti- Qh Of IN PROBATE, In tha Supram Court or Brltlih Columbia In the Matter or tln Adinlnjiilratlnn Art and ;ln Iho Mailer or Ihe Klate or llanilxt) t rnul, ii'reaei, Inleatate. TAKE .'VOTU K lliat liy nriler or UK Illotiotir I. Mill. Vnimr. the join day nr , lirietiiher. A.li. Ill, I wa npiolnlol AdmlnHlralor of Ihe ealato or luimah (Kro.l. iliTi'apcil. ami all iarlle havlna rlalma aitilml Ihe aald I'ltato are tiefhy required lo rnriiMi arno, iiroierly yerl rtril. lo ine oil nr lieroi-.' the Clli day t Fflirnarv. A.d, l. and all partlea Indented lo lli el.ni. are ri-iinlred to iy Hie anioiini or their Imtentedni'M to , ;n fortliwllh. onnl A. WATT, orrtrial Adminlalralnr, l H nr. tin. .ami 1. n Dated tha ttb day of January, A.li. mi. Apartment DINING-ROOM Suites Thee snile are made nil a smaller scale In rur-e pom) with the rooms ol nit apartment ur smal id' Ruth are 111 Old Knglrh Oak mid are the ln(e deign liming Room I'lirnilure. lleasotuiltty priced at--- $94.50 and $113,65 BARRIE'S Home Furnishings 3rd Avenue. IcAjNadianT VACiric Phene 123 Steamship and Train Service .8. PRINCC RUPERT Will leave PRINCt RUPERT for VAHC0UVI. VICTORIA, SEATTLE and Ihlermrtllalf polnti Mill FRIDAY at t ajrt, ( I. PRINCE RUPEAT fr STEWART and ANVOX, WEDNESDAY, 10 PJ"- S.S. PRINCE JOHN rorlnlf bljf for VANCOUVER la QUEEN CHARLOTTI ISLANDS. PASSENOER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCC RUPERT EVER V MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY al S p.m. for PRINCE 01001. EDMONTON, WINNIPIO, aU polnH Caalrm Canada, InlM Slalrl. AOENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Tlcaat Offlc. 12 Third Ata, Print Ruptrl. Phona t0 Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert Far KETCHIKAN. WRANGf.ll, JUNUU, SKACWAT DectaaVr IS. law) II, 2S Fn TANC0UVW. ViaORIA toa" SUTTU .NnaAer II. W I, M. $.S. fllNCIJJ BCATRKt for Butadala. Iwanaon Bay, Eaat Bftla Balla, Ocaan Palla, Namu, A I aft t'lt Campoall Rlr, and Vanoauvar ary Saturday 11 a.m. Aganay tor all Staamahla Llnaa. pull Infcrmallon rrom W. O. ORCXARD Banaral Afant. Oornae ot h Straal and. 3rd Ae.y, Print RwarW B.O. UNION( STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C. LTD. Sailttiia rrom Prmca impart, 'or VANCOUVER,- VICTORIA Swan4an Bay. and Alan Bay, Taaaday, ICJ or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alan Bay, and Swanaoa BaY, Saturday, 10 -for ANY0X, PORT SIMPSON and Naaa Rl.r Cannarlaa, Thuraday p.m. for PORT 6fAPS0N, ANVOX, ALICE ARM. STEWART. Sunday, S p.m. US tut Aua. 4, Baraalty. As"!. Prlaaa Rupaet. B.C.