Jrday January 16, 1926. Chocolate Qke 1 it Old'fasiioned Chocolate for a Neivfashioned '(feneration. Baker's Chocolate 7A Premium No. 1 Is- mot eatidocti ry fir cooling an J drinking; the rt choice of pood housekeepers and cook. WALTER BAKER & CO. Limited ETT ABUSI1ED ITU lOmUSTM. MAS. CANADIAN' VII US AT MONTREAL DooUt of Choice Recipes tent frte The Orthophooic Victrola 'I'll ihm wonderful niiiual mlrtiuiciil ever pm-1 It. .n,i c. ripliKii, o runic in mid hear fur otir- r want ewrylMNlv b ?m-j r il .iil don'l for a nio-( r i thai son art under an.v hlig.iltun lu buy. Credenza 5365.00 Granada 200.00 ConlctUr.tnnt.frrt ft 115.00 I- .. i..f i- win-lids' 21 hour peY fn to lr lo nieel ' demand... Order filled in the order of tfteir receipt. Genuine Gillette Razor with one blade and one Tube Rexall Shaving Cream all for 40 cents Ormes Limited Tin1 Mi'Xil! Store 3rd Avenue and 6th Street. Pioneer lnitfil Phones 82 and 200 S ipru 8 u til ! W i III. Smdav. and ll"l"la,V. 1." lo mid 7 In 0 p.m. LOGGERS' CIGAR STORE HAS REMOVED .to building ,net door to Fruzell Hublier rthop. across from Hie Kmprcs'S llolel We enrry n full line of CIGARS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, CANDIES SOCIAL ROOM IN CONNECTION Jamei Zarelll Proprietor The Savage Washer and Dryer At tin- lal Qih'Im'i- Inhibition repeal I'll il- surer- of tin1 previou year, by ilgaill Wllllllllg lite Hold M"'llill wild dis Ihp lion over iill oilier maker of American mill (iaiiudiiin Wahrr. Cash Price $185.00 A I cu .-old on easy terms. Kaien Hardware Co. Local and Personal li.n. Undertakers. Phone 41. Large safe for sale, cheap Mux Ileilbroncr. tf Currlc's Taxi and Messenger. Phono 500 night or day. tf Dance tonight In Metropolis Hall. Llndscth's orchestra. Two cars at your service Sneddon Taxi. Phone 134. ' tf I.n.P.K. ChiMren' Mali Friday. January ij, al 7 o'clock lit I. O. l. K. Hull. 50c. Obif 1 1 an -mi will leave on lo- nishl' train for Sniithers. He expecU to lie uway several days. J. It. Turner, manager of the Holliie Mine, will board tomorrow's ea(hound train at Smfth- er en route to Seattle by way of Jasper Park. Hon. T. 1 1. Patlullo, member of tin- lilliiluie for Prince Itu-perl and. uiini.ler of 4andn. re- uiriii-d to Victoria on the Gafaia I In morning. Ii ). P.. Itollmell anil son. who have hwo visiting In Ihe oily for thi! nasi rew .tai&. will leave on tonight's train for their hoiue in ItPKiua. Il II VI. ,-hitl U..II l. ....... ;.. ... ... t. .nun ti in local winui? dUlrirt, ban beer elected vice-president of the Corporation of Laud .Surveyor f llrilii.li Coiurnliia. J. P. Forde, district en'irincci for the federal department o piil. lie wofks, returned on Hit Caiala ltii mortiiiiK to hits head quarters in Victoria. nine MelWmoli of the Pnri- fic Stevedoring Co. anil arly of five loiif afcoremcii nailed lbi morning on Ihe PrimeMH lu-a( rice fur eean Kall. The ('Hue. if tin- Prinee Uu-ierl Kpriire Mitln I.tiJ. vn. T. II".- Mar Kay and H. A. Iki.M e all vn. T. Ho- MaeKay have be n a join ned until February II. i. 0. MaeKay, di.ilricl en yuicer fur Uie pruvincial ilepur! men! ,f publie wmin. xaibij tlii iiiorimiK by the Pr:nce- Heal rue (ft- Wlorla on official bu i:.P.H. "teanier Prinee Ileal rid-, i.api. i. i.iiirr. anni-ii m purl from the otitii at I .:t0 lbi iiMM'iunp and ailei at 1 1 o'clock il her return lo Vancouver and U.MIN. Mi. Itita Johiitoti of the It. ilock freishi office sailed I In iiioriiinR on the Calala for Victoria where she will peii.I a lodiilay with her parent". Mr. ami Mr. It. i. Jolin.lon. A. W. I.ipsin of Ihe Acme Im porters leave or I hi eviMinif;' train n a two month' buyins trip 'which will include sue1! cihe. a blniiinton. Winnipe.' l"i onto. Minilreal, Chicago and Pelniit. .Mr. and Mr. l.avrenre ni'- berg will return on this evening.'"., train to Winnipeg nfier ha inn reniited here several nioiitlis while Mr. Sandhcry was general carpenler foreman on Ihe elevator cont ruction. The nine- eharaes auaiust the (iLolnlaled Kvporler I. tit. of infraction of Ihe liovernmen' l.biior Act were reniandeil fu-j Die ciliih lime in the cily police coiirl tin inominu on reipiesl of . n. Fullon who appeared on behalf of I.. W. Patinore. crown I ro.cciilor, w.m is lill out of Ihe cilv. ANNOUNCEMENTS HEAD and BRONCHIAL COLDS No Smoke -No Spnyj No Snuff Just Swallow a RAZ-MAH Capsule Kostoret normal breallilng. Quickly tops all chokiri)?, uatping and mucu gatherings in bronchial tubes. Gives tons nitfhts ot restful alcep. Contnina no iniurioua or babit-rorminit rlruss. SI. 00 per box at drug atores. Send 5c t ToB 0A1L1 HKWl She Couldn't Sleep Ifoavt Was So Bad Mrs. 3. D. MeCliotock, Ckarlotte-town, P.E.I, writci:i About a yer ago I ni greatly troullej with mj heart. I could sot deep at night, and wai o nervou I imagiDel that I could are everything in the room moving, and wonl.i have to turn on the bghti before I could get to tlerp. After having read of your I took several boxen of them, and can now get a full nighi ' uleep without any trouble, and feel fine in every way." f i II. L X. Villi hare been on the market for the pat 32 yean; all dealer tell them; pot up only by The T. MUturu Co., Limited, Toronto, Oct DaUMhlerM of Hna:laiiU Wins' Prive in .Mrlropole 1 1 .t 1 1 on Tiie- itay, January it al K.:;o. Admis sion 50c. Kefrcsbiii'iil. tireularit, notice., balance heeln, liU, etc. tniimoraphed. Prompt nervine. Call Mi Jolin-Slone. iia tjeooiid Avenue Went. Phone 387. tf In la.t Wadnedav Vanrou ver Province ' appear, a piclur of the late Provincial police J. P Kftule-haw wbieh w.i- takin a' Terrace a week before hi. ilealli Motorfhip Xoreo, f'apl. l.en illjuni., arrived jn at I?.- 15 noon today from Kelrhikan Willi a carjro of frozen fili for Iratnixhipmeiit Ka-!"over the Canadian .National Hallways. !j In The Letter Box REPLY TO COL. McMORDIES' QUCRY. iiii!or Daily Xfws. In the presit, of e.ii rilay, Col. McMontie staled Ibal it would be a great alifaclion lo luin.eU perMUially. were I to make a statement as lo whelin'r I licit' iiim rt poiidlc for the incident of Usl Tuenday eveuiiiK- In reply, let uie publicly say. no. Aflci uir kindly relaliouliiii of last vear, I i'tMiblii'1 heiee such a .huiK. Huf iievcriliele, 1 am prenreit lo lake I he lml olcnn. mill that can he .uliu jtii.li rcd to Itiiil I have every reason Vr hrlicMiiK thai 1 bad it lll( oe-me. and jtond ,njt( liajdi ui thai. Your.- Irulli fully. s. M. x k w n i GIRLS DO NOT SMOKE TORONTO UNIVERSITY President Falconer Says There Is no Rule Against it but it is Not Done TOHOXTO. Jan. 15. Women students of the University of To ronto and its affiliated college are not permitted to -moke on college property. There is tit present no rule agaiat il. but sniokimr by women students simply isn't beinj: done, and hasn't been done on university property, so the matter ha. never been officially discussed," according to infonuatiou from the orriee or President Sir Hubert Falconer. 'We are not blind to the fact Ibat ome of our youicr women smoke t parlies and in their clubroonis or Munritie: but thW custom is recompiled n unethical in Ihe college bitibtin:s, und it is not done." Such is the opinion of one leading university authority. VERSATILE JANITOR MARRIED A COUPLE SAN IHAXt.lSCU, Jan. 1C The fill It vvedilmy of Mrs. Ilran-ries who her last husband calls Ithe exponent ot experimental' t .N It Knipliivrn sivond annual narrlajrcs wn performed al! all n Aiidiliciiito Friday. Feb-j5' ma, Ciiliiorma, n year aro,j la-v r.' jbul -be was mil married at all, ASTHMA i Itian Hi'Hndes a mining engineer' revealed today. j I A versatile janiloiv in the office of the Salinas justice of the poHcqi was unwilling to see the offfr-fMOsc file fee mi luJIIIHfl-ried" the couple, kissed the bride and wished (hrm -ioispi'eil, Tl;e ilnlii I. find out ' ti at il wis the; janitor that hid married them. Until three .lav- later when Ihe generous triaL Templetona, Toronto. jllf,(u.( imseii ml led them un.i RAZ-MAH They were then married legally. I llranile h;i. in'i had Ihe inai GUARANTEED RELIEF na- aonuled. 1st Church Morning service al II o'clock.! ;ubjecl : "The Atonement." Pun-j day School al 12.15. MveniM; worship at 7.30. Suhjec! : "P.e-! liion and Hie Intellect." Mustj either be sacrificed If possilde.j arraii'i- lo attend these ervices. itolli will lie found interest m;.-- , Presbyterian Church Morning service al It o'clock. Aubjert: "Wilderness llread."i Sunday Si-IiomI am liihle i:ia. l-.ao. Lveiiiii service at .3(i.' Subject: "The 1'naccouuf.ihbl Man." Preacher. Itev. Dr. Cha ! i. Cii me run. Salvation Army j l.el the Army help you mi1vc Ihe great problem of spending' life to the et advaulave. Col U. Phillips, in charge of Native TrainiiiR School, will be the leaker al both services on Sunday, at II aud 7.311. Native Ku- ,vn will take parj. Saturday . rtoltt Praise -tnvrfinir. ubdav ni 2..M). Sunday school. Xevv- coiuers invited. Tuesday audi I'ritlay. Scouts and liuard. Puh- iic Meetings on Monday anli Thursday. Dible Class on Wed-i nesilay. A warm welcome awai's you at the Army. United Church The Church of Service. ;-or;je (J. Hacker, pastor. Nabel Haddock, deaconess. Itev Mrss Morn- 'tz service at II o'clock. Sermon topic. "Christ's superiority over Home." Preacher, llev. tJeo. U. Hacker. Sunday School at 2.30. IvveiiiiiK cerviee at 7.30. Sermon topic. "What is Christianity?" Preacher, llev. Mvan Maker Visitors couiini." to church from Ihe western imrt of Ihe cily will pleae use the baemeut en-lennee while Ihe street is be in;: niaired. Lutheran Chbrch SI. Paul's Knslish l.ulheran' Church, Melropole Hall. TUird Avenue, llev. P. C. Itaisler. It. I). pastor. Morning service at 1 1 iiYlock. Sermon topic: "Tin F.piphany Li;:ht in Nallianiel". soul." Sunday School al 12.15. I'.veninj: service al 7.30. Sei'inou topic. "A Call lo Service." Anthem by Hie choir. SING SING PRISONER WINS NATIONAL PRIZE :'llli:.iil. Jan. 10. Prisoner Numlier 70180 of the Smj: Sing penitentiary of New York won thi' national conlest fur sur-pelions in the poster safely campaign. He prepared a poster with the slojjan. "Play Safe." M. lllliilley, chai'Ked ill tiie cily police court I hi morning with atU'inpling lo assault Samuel J. Kissiek, was dismissed. USE STMONDS SAWS Their teeth are o( a tougbneu which makes them hold their keen cutting edge under every uaage. StMOKDS U!DA SV CO. LIMITtD ttlllf)UVr tOUOMTO f)T. JOHN. N.ft. DEMAND WAV tuhwp RRIT1SH COLUMBIA The Mineral Province of Western Canada TO END OF DECEMBER, 1924. Has produced Minerals as follows: Placer Gold, $77,382.95:1: Lode Gold, $118,-47:), 100; Silver. $08,824,570; Lead, $70,548,578: Copper. 8l87,-fft.37K; Zinc. $32,-17I.VJ7: Miscellaneous Minerals, $I.431,34J; Coal and Coke. $2(!0,88().O48; Hiiilding-Slime, Hritk. Cement, etc., $52,225,814; making its Mineral Production to the end of 1024 show an Aggregate Value of $859,427,38 Production for Year Ending Dec. 1924, $48,704,604 The Mining Laws of this Province are more liberal and ihe Tees lower than those of any oilier Province in the Dominion, or arj colony in the IJrilish Kmpire Mineral locations are granted to discoverers for nominal fees. "f-l Ahsolule Titles are obtained by developing such properties, the security of which i.s guaranteed .by Crown Grants. Full information together with Mining flcrls aril Maps, may be obtained prnlis by addressing THE HON. THE MINISTER OF MINES Victoria, British Columbia. '1J. Practically all Hrilish Columbia Mineral Properties upon which development work has been done are described in some one of the Annual Reports or the Minister of Mines. ' Thoe considering mining investments should rerer lo -urh reports. They are available without charge on application lo the Department of Mines, Victoria, H.G. Jtcporls of Ihe Geological Survey of Canada, Pacific Hiiilding, Vancouver, are recommended as valuable sources of information. Church Notices Bapti "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by Canadian psh & Cold Storage Co., Prince Rupert, B.C. Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. How Our plant is equipped to handle al! kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38F Many Days ol k Year 1926 ill You Spent Willi the Wash? One day u week days of the year uae e,venlh of your time Thai's what you'll spend with the family washing during IU20, if von do it youtelf. Is it worlh ull thi lime and energy when our Thrif-T-servicc will return your family butnlle spollessly clean, .with all Ihe flat work neatly ironed and at such a moderate cost? 102(1! (.kill our representative this week save 52 days in THRIF-T-SERVICE 5c a Pound and 1c a Piece CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY Phone 8 TU G BO AT S Day Phones 423 539 Gr. 238 Black 735 11 V . Rupert Marine , Products Ltd. GEO. G. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. Night Phones ' ' 087 . 539 Gr. 238 Black 735