i More Articles Down in Price Our policy Is to gel ull ouri slock marked down so low Unit .you can afrord to pay as you go dcn Crcck ail(J Allenhy properties and avu money. jof t,e urauby Consolidated are Jams I now producing close to 1.000.01M Knipress and .Malkln's I'uro pounds or copper inonllily, or at Jams, jour Choice, I lb. tin the annual rale of I8,0U0.U0U fur 75o' pounds. In October, on u pro-Apricot, (iooseherry, l.reen-'ihietion of 3,500,000 pounds,' Rage. Cherry, Peach, Damson .costs averaged U.lGu a iiouinJ. Mum, Ulaeklterry, I.osanbeiry, lied Plum. Pineapple Libby's Crusltetl, 2's, i tins for $1.00 Singapore Sliced, 2's,'C tins for $1.00 Peaches Deliuonle, in lungo tins, 2 tins for ... 75c Campbell's Tomato Soup Jtuy it by lite dozen .... $1.65 Rolled Oats Any 35c package in I he store 3 for 85c Preservene Soap Per bar 10c Lard x Swift's Silver Leaf, 3 lb. for 75c 5 Hi. for $1.25 10 lb. for $2.45 Egos Strictly Fresh and Local. Mnce LjfRs have dropped in price wo carry nothing buf absolutely strictly fre.h. Per dozen 50c Butter The Iji's I grades are down. All best grades, per lb. ... 50c Apples Jumble Pack Boxes, full weight. firinies' fiolden . .... $1.65 Yellow Xewlnn $1.95 vre.h Whipping Cream all the time. B.C. Butchers and Grocers, Ltd. Phones 45 and 574 Every Prescription We compound is dispensed by a FULLY QUALIFIED PHARMACIST from chemically pure ina-lerials. Our prices are moderate. We are. Prescription Specialists. Rupert Pharmacy Phone 94. We deliver Third Ave. and Fifth St. January Clearance Sale Remnants 'Tilling in f in- sloie is red from 10 in 50 per cent. Jabour Bros. Ltd. Phone '645 Corner Third and Seventh Dr. E. S. Tait DENTIST Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. Office Hours 0 lo 6. X-Ray Strvlos Phone 6S6. Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings GRAM IS BIG PRODUCER NOW Four Million Pounds of Copper Monthly From Beth mines Making Profit viiiiK.j.,.. ir, T .1 and Hie net profit for the month was around 175.000. liven on the basis "of lodayVs somewhat ; lower prices, (irauby must bo' earning at lite monthly rale of around $152,000 before tlepro-j cialion, or at the annual rale of' approximately $1,821,000. Houd' interest now amounts lo around ::00,l0. In 1021 the company; charged off for depreciation $025,733. Presumably, current depreciation charges will not bo projiorliouaalely as heavy, but even assuming they are. and in- cliniing interest, (irauby is earn- ing at the annual rate of almost $2 a share. If current depreciation changes are reduced to. say. $G0O.noo, annually, !ranby must be earning close to S3 -a share annually. 1'he company has not paid any dividends for some years but should begin to do so soon. DR. GOGGIN ENTHUSES OVER PEACE RIVER WHEN VISITING TORONTO i TOllONTO. Jan. 10 The Peace Hiver region in Alberta promises to become Hip outstanding grain growing area of (he world at no very distant date. Dr. D. J. Cog-' in declared in addressing v Ihe York Pioneer Society here. Dr. Onggin was for several years KUperSnlendeul of scliools in Alberta and Saskatchewan, and TIMBER SALE X 7370. sh-iM Ti-iMirrs will 1 reretted bj U Minister or Liiid ii Vlriuria nut Uter Hull llo.ll CIU Ihe till lav ,.t J.nn.rv I IViil fur Hie KjrrliM- of iiirtire X7J7.. and IMIInr i.n mn .... .Hw.i.l .1..... uirrr nines rti oi run l.ltllH'lll. un-liam Island, jurra cliarlulte lUnl IHs-Irlcl. . j Ibrpe (3) yrari will be allupd fur removal nf tiliibrr. lurtlier uartlru in nf tl IThlef Fi,r. esli-r. Vlrlorla, B.i;.. or Iilstrlrl former. Hum. HiifM.f . M r TIMBER SALE X7427 Sealed Tenders will Is- rirelvel liy Die M liilsler ir Lands al Virtitria ixl later IImii ifMiti mi tin ;i day r January, t9. Tor Uw ixirrluse ,r Lk-enre Xlttl. U ml I.SII.iKKi feel ur sprure. Iltinluek and Odar n Lot Ulli I. Ilia lilatHl. Sklde rate Inlet, otieeu Clurlntte Island Mtrlrt. Twti i- ear will l alluwed for re mtival of Umber. Kurllier iarllrular uf Ok- Chief forester. Vtei.-u, tf.... (,r bi.trirt r'oresler erinei; ltii;-rt. nr.. LAND ACT Nolle or InUntlon to Apply to Lta Land In tile (llieell rtlirlnlte llalul Ill.lHrl Land rieenrdunr tilstrtrt of I'linee liupert. nu jiiuau- iii nie inren'ire or TesMium Bay, Miell Inlet. TAkE 'OTICK lliat Eugene II. SlniinmiL if Maselt, iM-eupiiion rannery niaiiatrer. imeiiui iu aipir i or a lease or lite follow Inir described land: e.niniiienrlnir at a r"t planted on the iiii-ii waier main annul to rnalna ei front the northeant corner of tjnt 1550-thetire north 300 feet In low water mark: Ihenee iMirlbwesterly Stld feet more or ie; inenrr fn inn reel to I ne norm went rorner nf K. II. Simpsnn'a appllra Oon to lease: thetn-r noiitheaiiterlv fol Inwlnr the hlith water mark lo the polr.t ir eonimeiiceineiit, and toiilalnliiK Iwn acres, more or icm. EUGF..NE II. SIMPSn.1. Applleant Per Fred. Nah. Agert. tialed Vvmbr oih. tfl CLEARANCE SALE Dresses, Hats, Coats At Cost "Doners" We aim to please Phone 27 P.O. Box 327 MILK From Bulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIPPING CREAM We specially recommend our Table Cream al 15c for Hair Pint. Quality and Service Valentin Dairy Phone 657 THE STORY OF mm, FEELS ,. LIKE A NEW MAN SINCE TAKING "FBUIT-A-TIVES" JOSEPH The story of Mr. Joseph Martin of St. Ursule, P.Q. read like a rrrodcrn miracle. Ills was an tin usually bad cvee of indigestion. In his 0WB words he writes. "For abou' 'ar9 1 cou,d n digest "1 cnu!a hardiy nU , WM ,ike dead Now I work and eat as much as I like and feel like a new man. iour "I ruit-a-tivc have relieved me completely, and I wonld hate died without )onr rcmeilr. I via uuu me cure m a uocior lor a year nitliont getting anr relief. I nm thankful to yon, as you have ."' faved a martyr of dyspepsia," (Signed) Joseph Martin. Trall-a-llTM" are different from i, . " ' V " pins, oranges. n?s and prunes r-omldnrd with tonics. They will trtto jou prompt relief. 25c. and iOc. a box al all dealers. ft'- had much to do with laying Hie foundation for Ihe public -chool system of the west. He staled, that there was not to be' found anywhere in the world a.will have Ihe air,, fifteen minutes more suitable climate for the growing of w heat in largo quan ''ties, or a district with more 'magnificent opportunities, tlian.iuz that lime, stations outside h? Peace Hiver country. In a comprehensive review of, the wrowth of the Prairie Pro- vinces. Dr. Ooggin expressed the belief that the farmers of the west made a blunder when they discarded ranching for dry farm ing that destroyed moisture:,aij,.asting "itu'il should he going back into Hie -l"w" around ",r for raiicin rIUIII IHMIOS niirnose S. a more profilalde industry, in "I'l'IJ Blt.1 IO the progressive rancher. From an Expert Finler Ihe mistletoe vou can kiss a Kirl without asking and ,a"1 ',,,,r valoeil at 1.221.- exnerienee moves that that i'200.000 ami Hie imports were lite belter way lo do i.l all limes. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Eltftrltal Initallatlon Oonernmtnt Wharf Prince Rupert Sealed Tenders marked "Tender for Wlrmir" will be reeened up lo leMl S4l urdat. January Ifitli, IUo, by tlie nu-dernitriM'd Tnr rewliintr I lie weelerljr r-Uotl of lis- warehouse al (ioverium tit VMurf. Siiertflrathiiis and parlimlars ran be obtained al Uie. orrire or tin- IHlrlri Enrliwer. Court House. I'rlure lluix-rl. Iiwest or any winter not uerearity ai'iettd. li. J. MAIKAV. In.lrltl tntrtneer. l-niire llllfieri. Il.i ... January lull. I'jff., "GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR BEER LICENCE. M1TI1K li IIKIIEIIV ilVK that on I lie Und day of February next tlie uiKlersiriu d intend lo apply to tlie l.lyunr Control aaid for a Meeiiee in reriieri to pre- "J,",' l; III a.m. spoke steamer if lir-i Ateiiue and Klrlitli street. UlvlCatala mil sniilliluiiiiiil ' II a in 1 " sUI IlliOUItU . II H.lll. or I'rmre nn-rl. uimiii Uie land deenbed i.it 1 3 and u. lUoek 9, Sertem i, oul steamer Princess Heat rice? ..MrnL mii PrViVlSee lSMuA"MMa-, 11:50 a.m. in! bia, f'lr Ihe ale'id lieer by the rlass or I.) !! otien isdlle for eonsuinpnmi on Ihe '"V.'",'."-.- lialed this Flfih dajr . of January. l. iiovu.ii amiiifw NrLKoi) ni'Aimv J. wood 4wic J land LT act : Notice of Intention to Apply to Leaae Land In Queen Charlotte Inland", fjnd fir-j 'nrrtlnir niitiirt of prinee Huierl. ant I Hia le two and one-hair ml let. ue.i nr' Alirmd Bay, skidexate inlet. TAkE OTIt-K thai B.i:. Flshlnir k Paik-oiar ninpany, l.ltnlted, r V'aneouver, BX.. .. . ... I 14 flttlt U.ll...... ',,.( I appi for a lease at the follower de- MiilM'd landt: I ' ..mm, in inir al a post planted it Ihe ewfc end of small flay one hundred yard! made liy the Hoard of hdlicalioll of iiinuln of unnamed stream: theme, .. ii rive itiaiii.: thetire eat i"ie"nlt'' e ll'-'d city that they wear gowns! earn Ml .11 III inaim.; inemw mirth lo shore line; llienre; fo nwinr hlinri llw in fiim ,.t ....... meniemeni. and ronialnltiir seven and1 pupils. The point, as the) say thrc quarter aere. iniire nr lew. ! ,, . ,. i .. it' B.c. iisiii.NO k rACKiNn co. LTD.''" ,,,(! slry meetings, is well MPlEnrlV,h. la,k,, W,l' women' Per N rini nM,,h.. st(, I teachers in- made to distinguish land act. i themselves from their own pu- - - ,..ll.. ;e .1 ... it. . -I I,. Notice Of Intantlon to App, to La... Land In ... the Land . ... lieeordlntt Matrlrl of prliicn, .inr.ir iiii in noniii inure tn Sliaiinnn Bay, Massett Inlet Oucen Char- lulte Island. TAKE NOTICE that I. Harry Itoblnaon rt.ini. .n tih.m'II, n.l. '.ni.nd";.,,,;:.;orrieVfr1''' in 'i n... j.d. of sH,-cii..g .L!!:'Lr.Uu',: nesinpen nl lauds: Mlin.tit .. . a n Christmas ntirUliiiuy i..nu.,..l present r "" that will cx- i.iirer, loiniwinir t.nminelliilnr a i.ni tithweal ennier of .t tttS (T.L. St-'ial' i; llnme east 10 thalua; themwi nnrth in eialn, more or less, to tilarli1 water mark; tlieuee souiliwe.i fe ehii.7. I !!!i!X lT"Ai ,,,,l."l,"r ne ''iFh waier: Lawyer ' lake hold of your, mark to point or eimituencemcnt, and ... , ... s ontalniinr t airea, more or lean, "Casf for Jijo , ir ft rrintii Missett. B.C. " Dated October II, n, IwEEK OF RADIO TESTS COMING Special Efforts to Cross Atlantic to British Isles to bo Made N.S. CO-OPERATING MONTH HAL, Jan. !(?. Cilia dian iiicht will be one of the features of (he program prepared for the week of internal ion al radio tests which have been arranged for the period from Sunday. January 21 lo Sunday, January 31 inebiMvc. On the nlgln oT Saturday, January 30, the test hour will be given over lo broadcasting stations in Hie Dominion and of those UNIIO. Caundht-National Hallways. Ottawa, will open the .special lrauuiisinn hour. Fifteen minutes will be allotted lo each station participating. To aid in the services of transmission tests which hae sheen destined specially lo cros the Atlantic to and from the llrilisi, Isles and Ktirope generally, a silent hour has been arranged for each night and this period will be observed by all broad casting stations in llan.ul.i an. I ,. ,, , ,, , T l,K' tx "ie Jipur eorrespninl- vvi"' 10 11 l,J"- slaudanl 'lime. It is hoped the owners of receiving sets in the North 'American continent will be suc- Atlantic slalious which will be 'hroadcasling sperially for I to purpose. Friday and Saturday. Jaittiarv 20 to 30, between 1 1 and I '. p.m.. eastern standard time, will be devoted to special test l.rojol- casts from stations on tins side. On Friday nighl the U.S. stations being devoted l each of the four lime zoiies. Kastern. On- Iral. Mountain and Pacific. Dur th allolle.1 rone will remain silent. On Saturday night. Canada will have the air and all stations south of the international bound ary will remain silent during III" hour givep- ovvr to Canadian TRADE BALANCE IN FAVOR OF AMERICA WASHINGTON. D.C.. Jan. 10. -'Import to tlie I lilted Slates gfSKt.SIH.OUO less, or giving Ihe nation thai much favorable trad" balance WIRELESS REPORT. 8 a. m. DKSMY ISLAND.- I'arl cloudv. fresh soiillitNtsLwiinl: baroini'ter. 2H.I0; leniperaliire, it; sea rough. DIUD TltKi: POINT.-Itaro-ineler. 20.00; leuiieralure. tl. HULL II AltHOH. Oterrsast. fresh southeast wind; baromeli-r 20.12: ,leiiip'ralilre, 10; sea moderate; H.23 p.in. spoke steamer J'rniee liupert in Mill-bank Sound eoulhboiiuil. Noon I l SHY ISLAND. Cloudy. strong southeast wind; barome- Icr, 20.10; temperature, 17; sc:i "'"""snip ii(i,.-sliiii .oko. nren ,KAI TnK,: I'OINT. Haro- . , ,, , , ,., Hieler. 20.80; If utpc ratiirc. 1.1. MI LL IIAIIIttm. - Overeasl. inoderale southeast wind; ban- meter. 20.32 ; leiiiperature, 12, ,.avy swell UNIFORMS FOR TEACHERS Woinen leat hers in SI. Calh- annes, Ontario, schools are pro- testing against (he suggestion oist iiiiiis iii"iiisli tifr-in MkMii from girl ' be , , . , . - mistaken rol Ihein? Some Are Superior to It Ml ini'ii are horn euuiil, bull "lly Still a Woltmil. ; M.i i'Ij.-i "M Important j Client And how much lo let j 1 IrfO. If lU Wirr tt? WARMER WEATHER IS REPORTED TODAY IN ALL NORTHERN B.C. At eight o'clock this morning temperature had shown that the whole norUirm coast and interior were warmer than yesterday. Several degrees higher was registered on most of the official lln'riiiojnrler. In Ihe Yukon two decrees upward was shown al Dawson although the averagr leinperalure for the day al different points is said lo be lower than etcnluy. Iluin was re ported at Auo and Slewnr'. The report follows: Terrnetj Cloudy, ycaltn, letup. 30. Aiiytiv -Haiti, culm, temp. tl. Stewart- -llalu. calm, temp. 30 llazt'lton I'arl cluudy, calm, light Trust. Telegmph Creek - Part cloudy, calm, letup. 211. Sinltliers Cloudy, calm, letup. 28. Hums Luke Clear, rain . temp. IP. While Horse Cloudy calm. letup. 12. Dawson Cloudy, calm, temp. Average for Yukon t- Foggy. calm, liup. 0. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Ttntftra for Prince Rupert Wharf Recon trucllon SI.-tlLli TIVUHis rmiorw-d "Tender fur part of I'rluee lliterl Wharf Iteron-Mrurlloii" will lie ri-ei-led by the linn orable tnr luilter id I'ubllr Wiirks up to lee tm M.HHlay. tie- twenty fifth day of Jaoiuri. !'.. fur reiitilrui Ihsi f tlie we leriy pari nf I'niiiitrlal iinveru meiii Wliarr al rrtm-e liupert Br. Plan. ieeifiiaiuiii. nmlrart and r.re.. ..r trtidei may be een 141 and after I lie t silt day of January. It, and rur liter Inrurrwatlun ohlaiheil from I lie liefuit metit uf I'ubHr Works, parliament KUIht loo. Vlrtiu-ta. H i . Ibr liweral Foreman. u-Hirttuenl of PnblH WHtk. otirt II. m-Vanmuver. Hi., awl Ihe ln.irirt Infill err. tloort House. I'rlnre Itufen B. loi4ea id plan. tbtYtflealSm.. n- . can be obtained fmni the lietiarunetil tsikineni of a ileHMll l five dinars win li will lie rvfundeil mi liar return of Uie plans. er.. in tnssl untor. f.arh temler must lie aerocnpaiMed b an aereptrd tank rheu.au im a iharlered hank of ilataada. nunle uakable p. n-lluooraMe the Mim.lrr of I'ubllr Wotkv fur Iwe Mini nf ei til I hundred irniia lm wlnrti .lull Im- r .rreile.1 ir the parly letHlertur rrerlitie In elllir mtn e-sitran when tailed i!n lo dn . Tlie ruequi of the .iirr.-.,fn tembn-i u ill lie relaimsl as e,iirllv rue lire due ami faithful i-rformaiH-e ..f the ..rk n;t all-lai n.r) mir.lriiiii nf tire riiirai 1 Tenders will ihii lie iiMishlered linlr--niiil- 0111 ..n rorm uH'lleil. i rni it witn lie- artnal itlialim- nf the tenderer iel l-IMii.-i-d 111 the etnelm funtlalied Tl roweel ur all' lender not necessartl) ar eepled. I' I1IIUC. IrefMII) Mini-lei aild I'ubllr VVnrks f na-ineer. lN-partiiiiit ..I Pnblie W-.rk.. I'll liantf it Riiildinr. Vni.iria. ft 1 SYNOPSIS OF LAND ACT AMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTION Vacant. unreaenM. eurjeyeil Crown bind a may be pre-empted by flrltUk eubjecte over II year of age, and by alleni on decUiina; IntenUon 10 beevma) Hrltlah aubjecta. conditional upon realdence. ocepailon, jid Improvtment (or agricultural uurpuef. Full information concerning rsa-.ailona recardlnt; pre-empllon la Klen In liulletln No. 1, Land Herlea. "How to Pre-empt I .and," eoplea of tihlch can be obtained free of chare ly addreawlnc lb Department of La ml a. Victoria, II C. or to anr Oot ernment AwnL Hecorda will be r ranted corerlnf onlr land eultable for aurlculturaJ purpoee. and which la not Umber land. I.e.. carrjlnt: over 1.000 board feet per acre weal of the Coaet Ilanfe and S.000 feet per acre eaat of that lUnie. Appllcatlona for pre-emptlone are to be addreaaed lo the Lsand Cora tnlaatoner of the Ijind llecordlnc Dl vlalon. In which the land applle.1 for la eituate1. and are made en printed forma, copies of which caul be obtained from the Land Commlaaloner. Ife-emptlona tnuat be occupied for five rear and Improvemrnte made to value uf 110 r acre. Includlns clearing and culUvatlnit at leaet five acrea, before a Crown Oram can be received. For more detailed information ate the liulletln "How to Pre-empt Land.' PURCHASE Application are received for pur etiaae of vacant and unreaerved Crown land a, not being tiraberland. for agricultural purpoaea; minimum price for flrat-elaaa (arable) land la 11 per acre, and aecond-claaa (eras Inc) Und 12.50 per acre. Further In formation reajardlng purchaae or leaae of Crowt. Unda la given In liulletln No. 10. Land Herlea, "Iurchaae and Leaae of Crown Land." Mill, factory, or indualrial altee oa timber land, not exceeding 0 acre, may be purchaaed or leitaed, the con dltlona Including payment of atumpage. HOMESITE LEA8E8 Unaurveyed areaa, not eteeedlng It acree. may be leaaed aa homealle. conditional upon a dwelling being erected In the flrat year, title being obtainable after realdence and Im yrovement condition are fulfilled and land haa been aurreyed. LEASES For grazing and Induatrlal pur poaaa areaa not xceedlng (40 acre may be leaaed by one pereon or a company. qraZINQ Under the Grailng Act the Prov ince I divided Into grating dletrlote and the ranx admlnlatered under a Orailng Couimlaalonar. Annual grazing permit a ar liaued baaed oa numbera range"', priority being gives to eetabllehed owner. Btock-owneri may form aaclaUona for rang management Free, or partly free, penult are available for eetUera. ovrapera and traveller, up U tea Saturday, January 18, igjj WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Saturday at 7 and 9 aA Son of His Father" An iinplalitiii of ll.uxl'l Hi H Wujthl - laiimn-: LiKlilniiifT ritler, Uvu-li-li il rtghiei-. ui.ijetn mo -amazing ailventiire ainl a wiiinlrriul girl. A w llirillcr that tvfit.- aUniK like Uie Tvveiiliulh t.enluiv I ileil anil jul it luxnrnm. A mi of In- fallier. .1 d g of Mullier .MuehreP m a whole fteneralHui ol thrill-hail In fight In prove lum-ell .1 -mi ul ln IiiIIk i- 1-eake of a girl am! (lie fmnilv Imnor. Many Ing e. ,.,,,! greal author, a great eal. a grfat lor ami m gt-eol p, M.igiiiftieiil Mfiierj. Warner Baxter, Bettle Love, Waller McGrall, Jame Farley, Charles Stevens, Raymond Hatton, Billy Eugene and others. TUXEDO COMEDY, No. 2 "THE BONEHEAD." PATHE REVIEW. 50c and 25c BIG CLOCKS and LITTLE CLOCKS Wr have Ihe f ta I .nut Imgi .t .i..iirini n' ..1 I eer hovvn in the iil. inrluiliitg (iruinll.iilii 1 1.1 ... Cliim fit lllM k, Mn.iral Clm kv Wall Chirk-. lr., .i ; front iiji. Hxerv lurk ratr ir giuranlee v our window. OPTICAL DEPARTMENT Wr are fully hhi...m In gm. win Hie- ihm.I ,.., ami ii-li-tlale ein-e. Ii.n k-i Iwenlye.-M-i, ,-.,r- ierieiier. A vi-it lo mtr ...iir.il leiirluient will .oiimm Vou. Salifnrion alitiu-lv gniiraiileeil. Max Heilbroner 527 Third Avenue- 523 Annual Pre - Inventory Sale Specials Selected for Monday rianiteli'lle Hheel, While or (ii-y. til $1.05 Hanuelflle Sheelf, While or lirrv, Mxl 2.50 Klannelelli' SlieeN, While or (Jrey, t ........ 2.05 .0 Crepe Ie Clime ami tleoigelle' WuinU, 4I110 to ? :.o. ("? $2.05 While riaiiuelelles, heel ipinlily, .-Ul", ;i tor ' $1.00 Moiiari h llovvn. II halN tor $1,00 ' ' ' Muiiarrh I)ovr. per hall 25c Jaeger Underwear at 20', Discount SALE CONTINUES ALL NEXT WEEK H. S. WALLACE CO. LTD. Phone 9. Loggers! Loggers! We have the only iiniiplt'te xlock of Gilchrist Jacks umi part in Uie North. We huutlle Logging Cahlt!. Ae Peuvies, Hhwk, ami genem) i'.um K(iiipnienl. H will pay you lo oo 11s when outlining, Stork's Hardware Limited 710 Second Avenuo 3rd Ave. and Fulton.