t5.-i . Llni .Tumtarr Ifl SUPREME COFFEE "The Coffee that has 'em all beat." SfS'i I -i H""1' II III ll .1 HHP I I" ' tor si'lcci inn not .1 ' 'I. MuU fir( ami I 'M .1 i-limi't1. Tell you grocer "It must be "SUPREME" Fresh Meats S S. ,, . .,., ,. . . 25C S Ii . i" i lli. . . 25c l"iu. per Hi. 35o ' '.-. -boulder. MT 30o - . i.M I'ni-h, i per Hi. 28o N SI. ,,K per . . . 25c v l(o.ii, alio Mer. per 15c ii I' lieef. jr lb. 20c u tup ll...t-l . per lb. . . 18c . Hi 10c own make. i 35c Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. All Meats Guaranteed Phones 18 and 84 Big Bargains ALL QOODS AT SALE PRICES During this month The West of England Store Third Avenuo Phone 753 Don't Buy Your Crookery and China Ware Until you have compared our prices We Savo You Money Gordon's Grocery Seventh Avenue East Phono 447 Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 675 DENTIST WATERFRONT WHIFFS Activity at Cow Bay-r-cannery tenders changing to deisel engines co-operative building IVo,,r along II..- walerrmnl say lhZ amq.iiet tl.cr. Mile doing Mil Ihe nnal nasserl.v rn.m .. ,.!... u " " J "ie" e.fWM.Ily al low Hay,- If (hi ' i Mfi tune, then tl uiuM I.,- ,mliiig.T when Ihing an go-ng ' -troiig, HnyH Mr. Landlubber. Herbus,. (here I "wilhiiif: iik at tj, la docs n ieau tl,,,! ,lt,h(Mv i . fol(, here ami nolMHiy is busy. MhcI. ,. n,(ihry is ll.e routs. .To h- .usual observer ovoi vv the U good deal K'-iiiK m. lOn "al building mid IhmI repairing in. Ihe eil,Hy lf Jj,,w lin n- ii hundred or o . people loday engaged ami its not i" Me UiMlli lliiil I nr workino opy for good of ihiMr licnllh. The Inmlili. wiltr IIh- jipnjilo d'wti I here, umvl art I In- ktiiillirrn mrlropuli in llii two ImalM. Tho Oanailiaii llilibul Fiitiins Wotot Ownors' Anooriation hehl n timrh d'forrod annual mfi'-in it I In. wook and re-oloriod all I he 1026 Of fleer a follows: lreideni, l.in lren. Viee.reidonl( ll. V. Xleker- on. Secretary, II. J. Ilradbory. Matmaer. II. M. Ii.mtrell. Tnilee- Ir. V. T. Kortin, iteurfic FrtU anl M. I. Xicker- on. The A nook) 1 ion paed t r dulion iiroleotintt Ilia I Ihe 'ederat aulhorilie.t thould hava (rranlcd a renewal of the privilege in I'nllol Slateo fioliinu v.pN to land llteir fih lit lianadian port withmit al firt hnli)K obtained onie counter--.'onreioii4 more particularly a roannl tariff amelioration. Tha feidiiiK Vii that. In taking ticli nrlion. the atillinrllio had dl rejtanleil rcoluHon paeil by tin' AiM-inliiMi and other local inWM-el laM year, r.opie rtf in reolulioii liave been for LAND ACT. Nolle f Inltntlen to.Appl 16 OurtlMit Lnd. In Mild lliwrilinf IHUHrl of rniw lllirri. nrt ulliuli" on lh Hotuh AHorf nf cjpniu i m rut iind. rmviDtr or lu-Hith I'olmnliU TAkf xoTirK thii William Jtwrh iffrrrwm or I'rinr Uuperu n.r. orruiwr linn l annrry-inaii, OiImkH In irply rr wniillim In purrhaw lh rnlkln ! riil1 Iam1i uiinrinMirinr at a tt fibDlMl no th tiuiili lMir nrar Uh- nriit nf CapUln i ni)'. Pill Miami, ftanir I. Timm Umrlrt, 1'r.iuiv-i' of Hrlllnh i:lunilia ; lhMirf niith IWfnlr rhaln: llwnr l twrnlf .hain; ihrnir iwrtli lmty rtialna. iinwa ni- tt!. In lilh walrr .nark: Ihrnre ral-Tlv aliMif linrh walrr mark to point of rmimiriirriiirnl, ami nuiuininr fnrl ; arrr. HHir or im, WILI.MM J'lsr.rn jrrrr.ni.'. ; Applicant pfr W. 1. Thnina. Attnt. nalfil PmtiiiIxt lllh. Ht LAND ACT. Nolle Of Inuntlon to Apply to Laa Lani. In rrlnr nuprrt land Peorriin PI trlil or I'rlnco lliiprrl, ainl Mtual at slunnon Diy. Ohm"!! cnarlolte Miami, P'TAKE 0TtrE lhat Onae-Mlllrfd. Llmitwl. nf Vanwiuvrr. n.r... intend to apply for a lae or llw followlnj lcrrlbt '""fiamnrnrlni at a poat planlnl almul U rhalna. more or le, l ',n north. rat oirner of lot l4 (T.I.. t5al'M thenr' north tf iert; llirnrn aoulh cler. rat 900 reel, more or lei llienn. ninth too feet In the hllt water mark In a nortli-eanerly dlreriion o0 feet, more nr le, to the po r rum-menrenient, and ronlalninf U arres. more or "(5ossE.M,LLEnp, jjMITED, Applicant, per Win. 0. Mitchell. Are.nl LAND ACT. Nolle of Intention lo Apply ror Lie Of Land. In the Prlnre rtnperl land nerfrdinr liimrli't nd slliit unnamed llt formina; one of the Narea tnnip of l;lel In lludion nay paaite op hwI e Oore anllon Point. Blue Print n.SI. 14. tVkk notice that llrri Kerr of Prince Unpen. MX.. M'cr Mariner, intend lo irply W a leae or the followlnj de- '"t'llmniemlnit Its PM JW..il the Kant aide of the atiov derrllied Inlet. Iielire".rnil feet iiorthweM; thinro S.Ofid fee nor heasl. Ihenre 3.00ft fert soul e 1 iMilnt of romimMWM'iiH'nl, cnnuinlnr 0 BUM! ntirn nr IpM. " ' itAnnis KEim. By his A rent. J omnia S. rioter Uttod Oacaudxr lib, ttlt. warded in the Minister of Custom. I i-,.,) stork, M.P., III. Hon Arthur MMjrlHfi and 1 1 . Ilolirtri Fork. u5' iL ' hH''' C-Pratlve Association, '""'".I rrn,l in .( ,Jty r- un, n v n f-,,7'1.,Ih"ri"'"ly " Ik . J ? will, .hnJ, of mark. Ihlnk Ihr, art. hav'n l.olMUy jnic arhlI (o ,(r RllvHUta., So, M,H, would rail ,1 l,ard'fOP vnHiutit u ,,, fllivHy rtrk ami, de,,cn,inK on an' wM.Ujlws ,, ,P BH(rt. ,d7 work' '" ' hofH-d may lak,. dflnU 5liaie "g ' ;ltfo Hindi time Map. In . . ;firthiranri. or lh( hftHf. ltt Ifler .avtnar sDnti -wi:AMwUlhll) , Ju wrivM-lays .., mrl . Iho llahnoral emi..f,M, whri, . rt4)M i- wr. niaiawa ami Kyr onfaRiMlin i in , of ho lallrr In of lliformrr.lformglln ,n ,hn. f,f ,hft M. l. n y-lrrday for Vnrouv.-l0,.ra,h,. J nwl.ke,init p.x.ilnl iHe ttlo-r.. Iliy will havo Ihnr pro-1,,,,,, ,,y S(.jr ,h AmrU! ..ni onlno. Wfim,J an.l gn C8t1 ,,r, nw,lw AtM r.plH.r. Willi druel IHoIoih. j ,, jH Mnff .f. Ii.m. ilioy n-lnrn in alxitil lwohn. Jn ,,. mim an rtj nionil,. iinM. In readin.-. for fOP, ,M Mn Mario tu Mork lli.. oalmon .n, II..- Klalav,.i , ,Ue Aocialion. nn.: ! will bo powoml with a 70 hor.;M.r.,fln .ooirtliofi will h' (..,.. i. ..w wii-wi ,.,i i.pproHfh uill, vio lo it rh..- an.) Il.- Kyar will drivon ntftBliom tnvilln(r. by a I ft lirtro.fMiwr Kairiinnkx-' .Miro motor, aliMi fmi-dil Siio- six or ,ii mi'ii aro tnak-inu th'- trip down Ihr roill to After havfnz timferznne lhormtlt ensine oterhaul at lliej Oamni. provincial polico hlph dive oiierl. Ih' patrol boa-Adanac had a trial pin anuind I he harbor mi Thursday and, Iri-bule to I he prowena of llaitlHIy u a mechanic did not have lo have a low back lo Iwr berlh al Ihe Prince Hliprl Itoal lloui cilhet tirtna salmon are iill re- turlMl in Ihe hartHir to ootne nututrere ami ixxuion.illy, the rod nltemien jaill fte in. When a alimn i cadirht thee day it iiiwMsa a Mtpiil oul almis Aanv ami MitMife line. Ihe Into i told Ibis ok of Ihe bailie tint Teddy. I In- crab man from aero. Ihe bay, had with a pring al- mon. lie wa nliinc for the timid vrsli, when lit line 5iul- demiy pullerl taut in a inaniter Ihat crab don't generally ptlli. TWy'- boat iinulianrouftly, t-Mtrloil a full feod alem niv- menl and il looked like a rapid voynite to Ihe other nle of the world either arntiml or throtiffli. llweer. when a slroiiR fili and a kihhI fisherman meet on op-poli emN or Ihe line, one KOMerally lia to Rive m and il in nol tikiMilly the fUherntan. So, after iMime prelitnitwirlex. Toddy's "whiire" finally winie In the surface and it proved to be one Of the finest springs lhal IDjO hnd yielded, weijrhinjr, accordiiiK to whieli slory you ueliee. I t pr 1(1 irfttiiwK Thai's that tnlo of a satnmii. now you I el I vine. J. A. Ilrowu. UiLVaiVtUvoi sawmill magnate, was in port during Iho week with a load nl lumber. He had some minor machine overhaul drtne at Ihe Akorbont - Tliomsoti e)ablish-inen-t, before reltirnhtg to Iho rit'er yoslerday. Some Fireman One of Ihe very latest discoveries has been math1 by llob Ilia noe, Iho man who puts iho pep in Iho cttgrlncs al the Cold Sloraotc, and that is lo never put wnler on a flro because il spoils the water and puts the flames on (lie blink. Al Hie bit; Seal Cove fire recently llob got out of hod on Did jump and, with his fell slipper slid nicely into his overcoat, strolled over to tho Iiik plant lo borrow a few inches of lire hose with the express purpose of sceiiiK that tho flames did nol lake liberties with his abode and furnishings. Aflr luriiiiiK on Ihe water and testing the hose, llob, Iho fireman, clambered onto the roof of his house and taking n firm grip on I lie rain spouting with his loos lie hating removed Ihe slippers by this lime stood at tho ready position In Cope with any old flames thai enred lo enmo his way. In the exeileinenl of watching Iho flames Ilia nontle of the hose somehow nr other began to wander up and down Mip roof finally rroeplntr down J fto chirnnej'r 'It waa l,Vn tlo wator prfijrt cmm on at ' bout and IrieklM all ovrr tin-lilo.uiiin interior or ll Y dca; iilllr iiii. Aviiici- rrnm indido; Miflly aid "lb, I iloirt not in iiiiy flaiDH.t ijidiili- liriw, and you vi irtu tlfA -fci.i'iirt. fin- out O.K.'' 'II wan lhn llial Holt di- tOVMId flu? roBi'Mil M fc!w lMt'i pipf wro roBtinir HiNntjIi hi Iron l door .ainil iiHvn Hi- l"( rrnildlir A'tetara Kails nfier n cloud lnjrl, 4lo.wvfH it i mm- forlfnjr ii Ifrtt iiiai fwti wonK liol tvilituiy .5 ami muI a per-foclly irtKxl hlJii' wty4i a lot of lHud wa7tMfi- liaunrli Joy llird. i:apt. J, T. liook, lulu lieon iiiiity lli i week doiflR enernl fri ixhiinv lietwuen Ihe otly and Sliawallamt lake for lire rirMiral nn or I ho city of I'riitce Itiijierl. Iho Joy JJinl wat alo uod diiriiiK tho week lo low a eoow and float, ImHouk-inT Ih 141, the i;i hI Kin?, lo the other side of tlu Uland where IUI. anil a crew .r nrfn will IH eti?a?eil for the next few week eullitiK wood off Iho Galloway llapids road riwlil-of-way for sale Iweally. Cannery Changing Hands? A report it cuimii alunn the vvalerlront Ihie uoek thai the Soriieiilla Uantiory, near the mouth of the Naa- llier. rormer-ly owned anil atperated by the Frflneis -Mlllenl uiii-r(.., jn lo lie sohl to llw AVallai'i- Ki-.horio. The launch Vino-, t.apl. Jimmy Tbomns, whieli ha boon away sinea Ihe ftrt of the week, is safcl to linte a reireintalive of the Waltaeo Fiherie- aboard i maktnsr an iiin'lion of the SomervHIa planL The native boat Karta was in port during Ihe Iwok from Port Sitpon for general supplies. Here Is one on no less a digni- tdry than Dr. . T. Korgin. 11 happened a cofipiV or weeks ago but still it's worUi telling. One evening about dul. the worthy doctor was making a mail dash from hi IhmI a Iho Yacht Club floals lo his aatomobilc awau ing on Ihe road above. Tho doc tor should by now know his way alone Ian-. floals well enough to a volt I any such accidents but. no verl betes ., lie apparently must have.laken a cornor loo sharply heeaiise the next lltin he knw he wn sounding the deplh of lh. harbor at lhat particular Inca-llon, having neatly precipitate himself into the chilly sail water. However, he rriut have extricated himself all right and I bore were apparently no serious after offer! plthmigh fi gave hU many friends in nautical eitcle a good laugh. Those who tin v. been waichlng ihe progress of Gapl. Sieve Sheen, who is putting a mw pilot hYHie and doing other wort on his halibut schooner Mas I em I'olnl al Cow Hay. Uv IhaL ir Ihe present rale of development is nol speeded up. Cap will not have Jiis boat ready before Ihe clu nf Ihe i'Jtd .eaon nltliousb it was startoil before Ihe 11)25 season closel. New Boats at Cow Bay A fine iiew troIllncilnVit. beinir ' . J .i. . 1.: ' i. . . completed nhd will be lauiiche-l In the course of Ihe next few days. II is 30 feel long and has an 8 horse power Vivian engine. Yesterday a ?H fool trolling boat, built by K. Tsumira for Heorge Johnson, was launched. Metier eapecUI It like it for children at it takes Uta placa of inter nal tuedicinea. Local Druggists Have Modern Remedy for Colds A Vaporizing. Salre which t Rubbed Over Throat and Cheat for Cold. 'I I An Infallible Guard according to Celtic mythology, was the HEIMDAL, perfect sentinel. His hearing was so acute that he could hear the wool growing on a sheep's back His eyesight was so keen he could see everything tliat?? happened even though it occured while he slept. Advertising, if you use it properly, is an infallible sentinel for you. It guards you against fraud and. inferiority. It protects you against making unwise and unsatisfactory purchases. Merchants and manufacturers who advertise must give full value because they have good names to protect. The makers of well-known products and the stores that sell these products of ten value the names at millions of dollars. They cannot afford to jeopardize the worth of these names by selling any but good goods of full measure and fair price. So, you can bank on this. Advertised goods must' be as advertised. That is why it pays to deal with ad- vertisers and to buy advertised products. -.7 i--J, 1 3 Advertising is your guard It has a G horse power Clay nui-Uvel! known Airedale dog, den:ien tor. Tsumira is now laying the ' of the government wharf and keel at Cow llay for anolher boat j known by many manners along of similar design. j the coast, was ordered shot on Another trolling boat that is! Thursday by his grieving mus-now taking shape but which will Iter, Doc Clapperton. So I'addy not be ready for launching Tor atjhy now is probably in lhat happy least another monlh is lhat be-i paradise of dos where bones ing built by Charles O. Svedinarki for Jacob Fume. Il is 28 feel long and will have a 7 Vi horse power llolliday eivgine. Claude K. I.ee has taken over the crab .ami shrimp end of I la con Fisheries and has el up an establishment at Sourdough fc-JJU-- I lay by . uyeODayiearaWe. The entiip- fnr Hen Stevenson, is jusl alK)iill111Pn, is uovv j,oinK oneraloil on a AVhrn Vick9 VapoRub, the -external" method of treating sore throat, bronchitis, deep chest colds, or croup, i3' applied over throat or chest, tho ingredients are released as vapors by the body heat These vapors, inhaled with each breath carry Uje medication directly to the affected air passages, loosening the phlegm and relienng the congestion. At the same time Vicks acts as a counter-irritant, stmrolatintr. the sklaand thus helps the vapors inhaled to break up the inflammation. Ctfda are usually relieved over pight. V! CHS Prut 21 Hiluon Jars Uscd Yearly float there. Ihe output being shipped to Vancouver. Lee has three boats fishing for htm Chris Uirlson, who lefl on Thursday wilh full parapherna-Iki for Dundas Island, Hill (iood-laml on the Swing and also Tom House. The JIT3. flagship or Ihe llusliby fleel, lowi-il John Cur-rie's pile driver al Ihe first of ihe week from ' l'ort Simpson lo Prince Rupert and also brought in a scow of lumber from (leorge-town. On Tuesday (he vessel went to Lewis Island to lake a boo in of logs froin Louis Locker's camp lo Oeorgetown and has now gone up lit WarkChan-nel for boom. The IMl.T. No. 1 also made two trips to Oeorgetown durhug the week for lumber and scows and on Tuesday look Ihe CN.il. car barge lo Iho Itupcrt Marine i-roiiucls. plant for a lank car of oil which was shipped east. Capt. Jim Morrison has been bus)', between the rain spells, painting Iho Tide Rip which durihg the week brought in from l'ort F.ssingtoii a pile driver which has been used in connection with the installation of a retaining wall there. hang on Ihe trees and are not like sour grapes and where flees don't bile unless a fellow feels like scratching himself once .in a while. -Ouo of the outstanding evenUs of Paddy's career of Ion hectic years was, a trip he made once tti Vancouver on tho'Can-adiajt Scottish, returning home oa th steamer 1-rince Iluperf. Il.I.P. fieorge Macdonalri Is at present on a trip lo Vancouver. One nf the purposes of Ihc'lrip is to look up a boat lo lake the place of Ihe NM. -i ll. which has been sold by iho N;M. R. Fih Co. lo Skeenn Itiver cannery interests. Still actively interested in Ihe affairs of Ihe N.M. k R. Co. are cieorge ami Hay Macdonahl, Jimmy Neville, Major Jaek--Me-firogor, V.C.. and Polo ftorvik. LAND ACT. Form or Notice. Ranre S. Coast Land District, DIMrlcl or I'mire Rupert. . TAkE MlJIi.E .thai Wallare risheries Lid. or Vancouver. B.C., occupation can-herymen, Intend lo apply ror a lease or Ihe following denrrlbeil lands: Commenrlnr al a post planted about IS chains southerly from the northwest corner of Lot JO. nature S, GuasL Il-Irlrt: Ihence west S chains, thence south 0 chains; thence east s chains, more or less. lo. loth water mark or Skeena Riven thence following- lh hlrh water mark of skeena River to point of commencement WALLACE FISHERIES LTD., Applicant, . Per Roy L. HoHe. Aa-enl LAND ACT. holla f Intention to L.n-t Apply to L In the Prince Rupert land rtecprdtnlr. blstrlct and situate on Vtilteiand Island near Dinul.is Island. Rlue Print It.M. 14. TAkE .NOTICE that Joseph Stlnsofl Roaer nf Prlnci' lluiert, U.C . Secretary. Inlriids to apnly for i lease of tho fol- pmiur ueerrioeii lanne: Coinnieiu-ini at a ihisI on the Miore on 1 Hie t:ast sl.li M VVho...,. t.i.ii.ii ih.nia , . 3.000 reel iiortbvesii ilie-nce 1,000 feel Paddy Is Dead thence S.tmo feet south; thence Paddy Is dead, buffering front imVTemeTt. WN" M ,K,ut of' m'-. a hopeless case of mange, thls Dll,a DcVXVu.T RO0ER3' Ladies CALL and inspect our new lines of Nursery Shoes for Children Very strong and endurable, anil reasonably priced. Family ShoejStore Phone 357 Our Temptation SALE is still on A C M E Importers Third Avenue