jf,iJay February 8, 1026. Pri ius Rupert Branch FREE 1 Progress business principles SOUND and a policy of gradual expansion have marked the steady growth ol this Dank for over fifty years. Today, one of the largest and strongest banks in the world, it serves every phase of business and private life at home, and is taking a leading part in the expansion of trade in foreign markets. The Royal Bank of Canada IL iU io Cacm. Maruger Orthophonic Victor Concert m mgi'ii from l-Vliiu.uA i in! reo'iit release.- of li M i - Voire vv iird.. Wednesday Evening from 8 to 9.30 r ' tin- lirt linn- in oiii hie oii will hear o.ie m-cul Mill will il,i .ill other instrument mid give -..iuU'l rrle irroihu tion. "i,iiHvl pi-ogiiiiii- -iiidieil. Whether oii now, own i i (tfie or not, runic in. umke jourM'if t homeland eMflaeMvsMd FISHERMEN ! Check up your First Aid Kit before leaving. I1 ,'! il . ill- -in. ill i '. - I I.ii ll. 1 1 1 .1 i .i w . ..r Kvt. ... -M kncv l v" 'live I tie lollowmg fiiiiil iii in.r Kit. if Hot, ir store mid get -iiilied. Iodine Lysol t Germicidal Soap Bandages Adhesive Plaster Cotton Wool Lint Vaseline Epsom Salts Castor Oil Liniment Tweezers Templeton's Rheumatic Capsules. Ii iac .i 'I'nli - mil (inuli'o tor ini il yon reiniiT il. Ormes Limited The Ilexall Store Pioneer DiiikkKIs 3rd Avenue and 6th Street. Phones 82 and 200 ! ii' n 8 a in. lo 0 p.m. Sundays, nnil llultdays I- to .'. and 7 to 0 p.m. Loggers! Loggers! We luivu I In only romplole lork of Gilchrist Jacks I' M'ls iii Ihe North. We handle homing (Inhlo, Axe., ie-, Ha, and general (Uiiiii" Kijuipmeut. il will pay you to see u when outfitting. Stork's Hardware Limited 710 Second Avenue The Savage Washer and Dryer l Ihe yueher Kxhdiitiun repealed ils success ui l lie previous year. ly ngaui winning Hip (odd Medal with ilis-Iiiii'Ikiii over all ullier makers of American and Canadian Washers. Cash Price SI 85.00 AI.o Mild on eay term. Kaien Hardware Co. Local and Personal l'liono 15. I'.lt. Coal Co. Arthur's Taxi. 1'lione 078. If li.fi. Undertakers. Ptionn 41. (i-uneron'3 Dance Orcheslra Phone 177. tf Two cars at your service. 'heddoii Taxi. Phone 134. tf Weslholmo' tonight, Tuesday ami iIih!Ci.i-, .Charlie Chajiliti hi Iii lale-l sBiier-coiiieily "Tlio iuM Ituh. Mi". A. Italian arrived in Hie city from Manuel! on I lie Prince Charlm yenlenlay afternoon ami will return to the Island on that Mteamer tonighl. Joe Sixiiiiiiul returned to the city on Hie Prince Gliarle yen- lenUy after ihhjii from Queen Charlotte City where he li.it been looking over the plnce with a view to locution. .tunic Muir. IcmriiiK eonlrae- lor for Hi.. Sitka pmce Mills. U a visitor in the city bavin? ar riec from Queen Charlotte I land' on the PHnee Charles yan- tcrday afternoon. Mi Aileen Stephen-, who ! Id'i'n ixitlns nl Sandiit Tor the ial few week an the -yin'! - ('.apt. and Mm. .1. II. (tillnlt. re turned home on the l'rince Clmr- le. yeierda- afternoon. Alex. MrlUillouph. who ban oeeii runum? a lofffcinsr ramp te;ie Queen Charlotte City for the Sitka Spruee Mill-, aiiveil on the Prince Cliarle yesterday after noon, lie will proreed to Vancouver on ihe fir! boat. V Another enjoyable Srandina- vian danee wan held m Sat.mUy nulij in the Mftropole Hall, with a itona rrowu in aiicnuaih-e Muk- wa furnilieil by I.tmJ- telli' Oirheti-a and C. K. Yt re- b'-r wan master of ceremonies ' ' Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Wmmii of SylJii Lake. Alta. who have been m i'iik at Skidiute with Mr Murtii - parent. Ilev. add Mrs. (I IX. Mann, aiiixisl in (to- eily or 'Ik- Prihee iHiarle- ifrlif and u " 1 1 rp roceco r.ai on iiiis even hii-'-J train. I' WhimIwoi-iIi ,if ihe ro im-ia! iiiilir w--rk dojiartinenl. who Im-cii uker isintr Ihe build ;n of Hie hridaes on the Purl ChMiieiiN-Tlell road, arrived in Hip eily from Skidejiaie on the Prince Charle yesterday after noon. He was accompanied here ty Mr. Lawrence and F. Ituth. Mr. and Mr.-. S. S. Majjoffm, making their fir I visit here shirr last Vlairh, arrived on this ni-rn-injrV Irani from Prince Heoiye and are reiristerel at the Prince llupert Hotel. Later in tin- wet-k they will proceed to Vancouver, Mr. Magoffin having some work on the CX.lt. at lllue liier to in- Meet. I'ninii steamer Caim-iin. which is relieving ,tlie CardeiiA for a roiiple of week on Ihe Priuee Itiipcrt-Anyox-Stewart .erviee. arrixed In port from Ihe south nt 1 :'! this morn ins ailin short ly 'hereafter for the north. The vecl i s-hedulei lo sail from In re mi her return lo Vancouver and wayports tomorrow evening. r..xlt. steamer Prince Charles, Capl. Xeil McLean. nrried in iort from ancourr vIm Hie Uiieen Chariot le Islands at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon and will return south over the same route at 8 o'clock this evening. The vessel hrouvht Si passengers here and a Ittflit parcel oT freight North from Vancouver lo the Islands, I lie Charles had a rough trip with slroup gales Iml the ias nge from Masselt" Inlet lo this port vr-tcnlay was unite smooth. ANNOUNCEMENTS Men's llaniU''l. I niled Cliurch. Thursday. February II. C.N. II. l'.indyes second annual hall in Auditorium Friday. February I?. lligli. Stdinol Dance, F.Iks' llomr 1'ebninry 2rt. THE DAILY NEW3 PAGE THREE Don't Neglect The Children's Coughs and Colds Mn. Wm. W. Card, Bancroft, Ont, wriUt: -"Lat wintr mj three ehil-drcn hal very bad oM, and they would cough all sight long, which was n-ry annoying to the rest of th family. I could gft nothinij to help them until one night,- a friend who was ttaylig with, me, adritcd me to give them Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup I immediately got ome, and after 1 had used four boltlet of it my children became quite well again, thanks to Dr. Wood'i." ThU. preparation hai been on ihe market for the pat u7 yean; you don't eiperiment when you buy it; pot up only by The T. Milbura Co, Limited. Toronto. Out. Mimeographing circulars, etc. MK Johnstone. Phone 387. - if Mr. and Mr. L. Lawler iaileil on Ibe Prinree Mhiv this iifler noon for Ketchikan. Capl. Ilea, local eoniiuandanl of the Saltation Army, left fur Ketehikan on I lie Princess Mary this afternoon. J. Maxwell was fined $25. will, the option of thirty days' imprisonment", hi Ibe city polic- court I Ins niorojiig. Lnion freighter Clulkool ar rived in iori from ihe south this morning and is unl'adii.' at the Albert A McCaffrey M-k. Miss K. M. Earl, who has bees souih on a' brief liiinc Irin returned to the city on the Prih ess Mary Ibis afternoon. Mrs. W. I. Wilson and Mr Harry I 'ay returned to the eilj on the Cainositn Ibis morning after u buying trip to Vancouver Stan M'-ran, who has been lendint Ihe pant several weeks liolidayiiii: in Vancouver, return ed td the city on the Princess .Mary tins morning Harry hartley, Ihe well known AVramfell sawmill operator, was i passe:i)ter aboard the Princess Mary liUy reliu-iiin north after a business Irirt to Seattle. Women of Mooseheart Legion ulust drive and dance in the Mel rooole Hall on Tuowly. February . fat 8..10 iirompt. Six prizes. 5.0 (told piece lo Ihe holder of! the lucHy tie!. HentletiM;n 75c. Ladies 50c. 32 7 Kdzar Phinney, on n charge of wounding Albert Sandslrom in a went fraeas at l.ockeiiort. omen before Stipendiary Mapi. Irate II. F. Me I. cod in the pro vincial police court this afternoon for preliminary trial. Passentrern arriving In Ihe olty on Ihe Princess Mary this afternoon Included Mr. and .Mrs. 1). Donaldson. Miss P.. M. Karl. A. Knimerson. 1. Taylor. Iau Mur phy. Mrs. Christiansen, F. V. Mclionald and Mr. tiibaull. W . i. Mitchell of the liusse- Millerd Packing Co., who has been at Port Clements, where tlio company is planninz the estab- lishiueut o' a rannery, arrived in Ihe eily hy the Prince Charles yesterday on hi way south. A cliarjo- of ayrnney again: Charles Stewart was withdrawn In Ihe city pidice court this morning but he was ordered in lhurt Sandsti inn, tho Cocke port logger, who is alleged to ."-ni'i'ij uiiriii'-uii tiiiiiarii looi Ilerl J. Skog or this city and mure recently of the Dulhio mines left Saturday nijflit ror bi-J home In , Norway. He espccU'lo return in sjiriiii? and briny his family, ., The conzreiralion of the United Church last niKht mueh enfoyed two duets sung by Dr. and Mrs. Large of llazeltou. Dr. Laiye has a bass voice of unusual musical qualities, and Mrs. Largj sniz well. C.ti.M.M. freighter tima.liah Iluver, Capl. Joe Flood, which i to spend a couple of weeks in Hi-1 dry dock here having- genera.1 overhaul and winches renewed, arrived in oor'l from Ocean Falls at y o'clock Saturday evening. About I00 w as ri-alied at I tie auction sale ami afternoon lea (hat was held mi Sal unlay by Ihe Ladies" Aid of the Failed Church Mrs. W. J. Kirkpalrick and Mrs David Iteiinett were cashh-rs Mrs. Saulerhan wa in charge oj the sale; Mrs. V. It. Cornish pre sided al'lhe home rooking table and Mrs. (1. Ciccone, Mrs. J. Mr- Keehnje and Mrs. J. S. Irvine had charge of the serving of lea. Mrs V . A. .Malheison was genera1 convener and Rev. Kvan IJaker acted as auctioneer. C.P.R. steamer Princess Mary Capl. C. C. Sainley, nrrived from Vancouver at 1 1 :.'lrt this moriii.'i'-' and sailel at 2 o'clock this afternoon for Skagway and way-port. While in pri the vessel unload ed an automobile al the ocean dock. Passengers sailing from here for Ihe north on I lie vessel Included Col.ieore Phillips LSlafT Captain Carruthers. M, Mason. John Dahl and W. A llanna for Wrangell; II. I.. Fox and P. !. Cameron for Juneau The esel took from here t:i rolls of news print from Power River destined for Juneau. The paper arrived on the Princes Itearrire last Saturday. NOTICE. A Ravin? taken over the business jJuiown as Ihe (ieneral News, on Mvlli sire-l, all persons having accounts against the said busi ness will phvise rentier same lo me not later than February 10 mmi nr ri ihh. SYNOPSIS OF LANO ACT AMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS VacinL unreserved, surveyed Crown lands may be pre-empted by KritWh subjects over It years of age. anil by aliens en declaring IntenUon to become British subjects, conditional utn residence, occupation, JiJ lir.prortmenl for agricultural 'urpotes Full information concerning regu-Utk.ns rfgardlnc ire-emptions Is frlven In Hulletln No. 1, Land Series, "How to Pre-empt Land," copies ot nbldi ran be obtained free ot charge ty addressing the Department ot Lnnds. Victoria. E C, or to any Government gent. a- ltecnrds will be granted covering only land suitable tor agricultural purposes, and which is not timber-land, i.e.. carrying over MOO board (eet ier acre west of the Coast Hangs and 5.000 test per acre east of that Itange. Applications for pre-emptions are to - be addressed to the Land Com- j mlwloner of the Land Recording Dl- i vision, in which the land applied tor la situated, and are made sn printed forms, cypies of which can be obtained from the Land Commissioner. Pre-emptions must be occupied for five years and Improvements mads to value of 110 per acre. Including clearing and cultivating at least five acrea. before a Crown Grant can be received. For more detailed Information see the Hulletln "How to Pre-empt Land." PURCHASE Applications are received for purchase ot vacant - and unreserved Crown lands, not being Umberland. tenlicled o riu uu and aim advice .unite to-that io Uiui ei-( ef- fur r'c""ural purposes; minimum )r,pft fof nrtt.claM (arlbi) Iand u reel Is being forwarded to Ihe ti per 'acre, and second-class (g;rai- Llquar lloniil. This means thai! JnK Und ,: so fr Further in- liuor stores will he forbidden to cf Crowr. lands Is given in Bulletin sell him liquor and lie will be f'- 10 Lani1 Series. "Purchase and unable to obtain bene at the beer! L MurciMnduItria. ..t.. o. parlors. timber land, not exceeding 40 acres. may be purcnasea or leased, the con- l dlUons Including; payment ot atumpage. j HOMESITE LEASES i have been wounded ivrenllv liv! uneurveyea areas, not exceeding mm uien wounili il ItceiUlJ uy . b iatBd homesltee. Kdu-lll' l'lllllllPV linnlllKr livmni. I r.in.lltlnnal IIKKn Hv.lllnff ln who in already ... the local jail! lij! "'J"!l I awaiting trial, was brought to' vrovement conditions are fulfilled the eily for hosiiilul treatment! nd Una h" b'n rveye4. I i r.i,Uiulku ..i-l...... ...... ..t I il.. LEASES Prirtco Charles, lie was arcom-' For nd lnfu,trtfi pur" . . . . l roses areas not exceeding 140 acre panied by Dr. J t ayuur and Iih mty be leased by one person or a friends. Nels Laiseu and (Jeorgoj company. grazing Xess. Dr. Traynor will return to .. ... ,h. w.. :e lslaili.ls Oil (In- PrlllCC Charles! inc l divided Into grailng dlatrleu tonight. II is believed that Sand jstrom. whose condition for r I time w as ery S'-riousv will re- - .rover. He has aiu".inul wuumls, Weslludme Theitl re, March said lo have been sustained when and ;, Prince Utipcrl Player., .lie was clubbed with a truu in (.lull iiresenls a new Jo.vous.the course of u i -w, in u loggers' kes ectnedy "Wedding Bells.'' sliaik. J and the range administered under a Qraxlng Commissioner. Annual grating permits are Issued baaed on numbers ranged, priority being gives to established ownere. Stock-owners may form assKlatlons for ranee management. Free, or partly tree, permits are available tor settler, oa -opera and travellers, up U tea The label U rtd and'u-hite. i It looks creamy It tastes creamy No Wonder Canada Prefers Carnation It le creamy IT isn't merely thit Crntion Is the world's leadinf brssdol Eraporatcd milk ; or that it cameilrnm the finest dairying sections ol Canada; or that th Carnation Canadian Coadcnsirics employ the Uost modern, scientific methods to insure lis parity sad goodness. Tilt lit reason ts that Carnation glres you uniform richness, parity . creamy consistency, delicate taste, pieaaing color, convenience, economy. Enriches all cooking. Used undiluted as cream, it cuts cream bills in three. Nest time, try Carnation. Send for free copy of Mary Blake's Cook Book. Address Carnation Milk Products Co.Limited,Almcr,Ontario. Carnation jtnu ' w4Sfj 'From Contented Cows DEMAND Produced in Cunadm "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Coli Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. Fishermen s Supplies FISH LINES, HOOKS, ROPES, TWINES, FISH NETTING AND TROLLING GEAR, OIL AND RUBBER CLOTHING, GROCERIES. Compare Our Prices Lipsett, Cunningham & Co. Ltd. Second Avenue and McBride St. Reduction SALE 50', DISCOUNT on all Winter Iluls and Suits. 33 and 1-3 DISCOUNT on Coals, Silk llresses. turgc sizes, Mouses and Woollen lloiery 25', DISCOUNT on Underwear. Knitted Suits. Sweaters, Glows, Woollen Dresses, Skirts, llaincoats. Slickers. Uorscls, Hrassiercs 20'; DISCOUNT on Silk Drees. Silk Scarves, Silk Tics Phone 27. ICANADIANl sLlLlVIEsiiVO P.O. Box 327 Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sail ings from Prince Rupert Fsr lETCHIUX. WRASCIU, JIINUO. SIACWAT FeWsJ, 8ls. 22ai. IU. gls Fst MNCOUVER. VinORIA a SEATTU Mrurj IZll, 3fii. Harcli IZl. Si. PRINCESS BEATRICE for Butsdals, Swsnson Bay, Estt Bells Balls, Ocssn Falls, Namu, Alsrt Bai. Csmpbsll Rltsr, and Vancouver tttri Saturday 11 s.m. 9.ncf for all Umshlp Lines. Fu nfofmstlonrom W. 0. ORCHARD Oeittrsl AsnU Corner of 4th llMtl nd 3rd Assnus, Prlncs Rupert, B.O. : i tin et I M t.t i .( r. ft