l l- the week and left Mum for K'd- H..i;i;i I'M' Yokohama HI, 33 J in Ma in for sii.,msliai mill ri.el. i.. Muni for NuKota with Mam fur Kobe 111,104 V e JoIiikoii for SarmMua-V )-ill- lJ:i.lttt l.u-lirld. i aj.iv Mai n In Kolou fur oi- .'Mt.OOn lllHi. I :.. -'tlni-i' ltooewi for llemeii (.linn of Olo til ,807 .-U'-lv l)iamulit fur LiNerpool l.'l,-1 i mnlieU, a it. I for London 21,-i tuislitl. 'lvilau to IUlon for order-HJ Imhel!.. t lanley for l iiiled KiiikIoii i .H.lS.'.bui.hel. I Ii (ioil for Hotlrrdam 71.- ".' Tor .Liverpool J 7,333, for I 'i 'ii .'7.33.1 btcln l. M.ilniliin lo Col" n for order imiii bu-liol. (laasi.'i'dyk for t'nile.l King- ui !i:i,.i:i.l Inistii-I-. fur llotler-i : ill MIII Jillliel- YUKON PIONEER DIED FROM FALL Vb TOlilA. Feb. H. WiUiatn Li ii. iH yeiirx uf awe, ii pioneer 1 'In- Klondike void ruxli of 'Him mill mii id lo ln well known liiouulimit (ho north, died Sat-""lay niulil a- a ie.ul of i is ini'ie iilaineil. ureonlimr lo 'he police, when ho fell down Midi Tliurjuluy niltlil at I1u' 'W.V.A. club loom. He was jo lli.'tli.i-i'ilal Friday. Tin. ca-e of William Oram, who Is chanted with theft of Ion-'"w eiiuipmenl Trom Ihn Whalen T'i"l' iitnl Paer Co., openeif before Ju.Ikc Vouiib- in the Uotiuly f nun Ihm mnnilnif ami i rnn-1 "ii'iiii tin ufteinoon. L. W. la r mure j, pneeulmt while S. iiim.,.ii.. :aflr difMiiiig 6r h nliniWr of V IX' m M il. fvit. H. -l'oUww- ,. . ,, . minor .pal, ' u.ljouriKNl until 1 ll.i.i A l AlMiim.Mi ntvlfwinn -;.iii Ii.m.I.'iI al Van-' ., ' . ' , Z.3 lln aftrnuwu. llierc were the 1 . ovfrniiH!' i Miln-. went burk llrwler ami ai.l all I . V ' .Mi-heU. if rni.liw , .. Muni for Kube 32.0(l iiiinixler ha Ihtii Un-"W'e may have erred. bill w have kcj.i ..ur prnwual lii.n.ir clean, ' dfelare.1 the At l.irney (iencral. Hun. . II, tiliierimid. uun-tlcr of publir work-. Or. McLean, minister of eilue.it ion, and Hon. I.. 0. Harrow, miiii'lei- of ax ric ull lire, rviwl lit' nctivi-tb' uf their rerlne lioarl-mentn. Ho if. T. 0. Paltullo, iuiuiler ol laud, in a lively addrc predicted a vast iniprovenierii in tlm lumber -iluali'Mi r Hie provinue uiid in-Unei-d the gi-ent u buiitK made of Hrili-li Columbia airplane cpruce an. I railway timber mei-M'a. BIG GALE DISTURBS SLUMBERS BUT DOES LITTLE DAMAGE HERE Pniice lliiifrt evit'ricnet'd a ,eal old-liiiM" oulkeal JjIoW dunlin Hie night, the gale Iiiimiiu heen one of Hie lrnnKet or the ..caon. No erloi damage -eems lo have heen done mIIIioukIi mjiho people lol sleep m llni fear thai homelhini would blow in on them. The iahy lhiihl inrteoroloili-eal utalion reMr(ed today lhal the velocity wan from 50 lo 00 mile per hour pretty well throughout Hi'' nteht. the peak having J n alinui I o'clock. FELL FORTY FEET INSTANTLY KILLED MONTIIKAL, Feb. 8. -Charles Pennoyer. 10 years of aae. was iiislanily killed when lie fell forty feet rrom the balcony of an iiparlmeiii building. The mother, three brother and Iwn sislers U, i ' -.1 Fork- D.r. pti-i-i;! 4l tile &urt .Vayur .New- ... II,.- M.u..lratiH.. .,r U,rl,,jloi Afc Jo-; IJrwr.u5 would "knock Ihe city's whole assessinenl lulo a cocked hal." In view of the decision made, tuner menioers or Ihe court up . . ..il.. I I i n . piii-cuny neiu ine same view nn Ihe mayor. Cases to be Heard . ! II i ue iiuiowing are ino eases hat Ihe court has el to deaj Willi: M. M. Mcphens. section 2, ic intmuPd on page six O. II. iUay and Aid. V. J. lireer. . . Ill -w-. I . ; iiiriiiiirr. ...il . riva.i...iN rw 1 1 r , farl dial .... .nailer whal rkiir cw)l A,.esMjr j. wen- ma.b. i.Kai,.M the smern-. alhJ ,;.. Sojcjlwr meni ., ii. ,,..m. veur. F Jm AW J(JS- (riw v I SbV faVi ell M I Mini iniMErmiv u appoinieil eeretar of Hie court. the fwlkmiiiK rae Here dual I with (his inoruiUK: ' ". A. T. Ikulkin. ltd ?. bloek 5S, !erliHi 5, ii"duHd from J(i00 to faHl; lul 31 stand at HIOU. C. 1". Miller, lot -I, block 31. seeliou 4, ntluce.1 from ?0nn lo J5m: lot 23, reduced from 91311 lo100. A. Ilmok-liank. lol 2. bloek 11, erli.i 5. staiHl al 750. 0. -Miimi. lol 13, block 27, !ee-liun 5. slamli al 9100. C. M. Arthur, lot I and 2, block 3, section 0, assessed at M.oou and 0, decision on appeal rerved. L'IsIb A. MaHks, lot 20. block 3, err I ion 0. stands ill K00. T. T. Marks, lot 0, block 20. mtI inn 6, lund at 9180. T. T. Marks, lot 7 and 8, block 0, scrliftu 7, stands al il70 each. lleloie lt"ii'leiiux, lots 5 ami 0. bloek 10, fcellon 7, stands at 917ti each. Perny Vehler, lols I and 2. block 37, section 7, former r-duml from 9200 lo 92oO, latter stands a( 9180. Percy 'cbler. lols 5 and 0. block 17. section 7, stand at 9125 each. M. .M. Stephens Jols Hi and 17, bluCiJv.'l. section I. stand al 91,-100 ami 91.700. Abl.M. M. Slepliens, consileul Willi Ii tilliUhle in council, inainltilneil I Hat Ihe assessmeul oT the city should be based on actual market values of Ihe day. Mayor Newton failed to see how Ihi would be oraclieahle and expresses! Ihe opinion lhal II 25 TAXI Ambulance and. Boston Grill Service Large Upstair Dining Hall, Anywhere at Anytime. with newly laid dancing Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave. floor for hire. and 6th St. ""Us, PRINCE RUPERT NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, MATT VIDECK, Prop. l-iL, The latest and best for the 1 1, III, W, "ly Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper least. Phone 467. MM XVI NO. 12 IIIIIV.'M III -lll'll'l. II.. tf. .'.... - ' - ,. IH4T.IU. I.IJ., JIWM),. I'LHIll AIIY X. 1W20. SlUM I Clrculltlvll. IISS Slrl x,l.. ..-..,,, rniiir, riyjv i.c.ii., SLOAN ENTHUSES OVER MININf, PROSPECTS A7 I IT 1 n I IT TV i TTfcTir n vm, . v hhk it iu it am u it Lf l u vni' i a 1 iiiiat il rr nr tiitii t im nnninr nfmnrvfii a m va m b 1 1 n u n -m r W a an bk m m m m-r mj mm ii m m m m mm am m . m m m viuumunti i rxi ui jflij LttlYL UVrtl Ij 1U DL DUiLl Al rillllL KUrLlU Mining Getting into Stride and Will Assume Importance Beyond Conception of Anyone 1 1 Tn ITO li 1 rn I im rumuuiei, luuiiwn prouu 01 personal am innrnmrnnwi ionor or ministers; 5oai and ! ON ASSESSMENT! Pattullo optimistic Wl.Ot YK.H, Feb. x . .Mr. ..I will go iilM-ail it rcachr tiiKirtjiirf h)oiid Ihi- luii.-eptiou of the morl oil I .in. nig 11-," declared Hon. William .Sloan, iniiiblvr oH Mr.-iiij. the lanrier Club at a laiMul Saturday niglilJ M. M. Stephens Asks For Redue- WlMi.iiir hi Hnlili Culm ;. . Ml. won on Pi P"5e a position I and Q.T.P. Doielopment Co. FEW CHANGES MADE mi w.i- iiieiiufii ii an we member of Hie provincial " in. I b Lib..,.!- from uiiiii-. p.ul- of Drili-li Columbia. jp'a "For. Market Value Not mi r Oliver, in mi whlrc. said lh.it Hie h Hi In-' Listened to by Members of .,. tn l In- present roitililion Ml Oltmva vn- (hat tin inal-j Court of Revision l!ill i .il .11 : 1 .1 III MUCH GRAIN IS uiiiileMoii iiifiulKr hnil iiilnif roii.ra-' n-i In rffnl Uh- Turi from grilling Willi fouiiivn appeal . i.M Hver. hi iii?tuduiK Dial or tin- li.I.U. Another Report I l-'wluMiifiii I.I.I, on aliH A.i:ol VKIt. Kfli. (It- itn-oiMTl. that of. AIU!(VilHiis l a ItaiMiuel imk-nd Hit- cat-! ttHwlHW lHifitSVal.- iain l. DCIMr CUIDDEn UMrl b Ui' Uuirirr Uteti SalardirV UmJhHViii .arls of the a .b.umiiuJl..M. ifcjgaiifc- fLJOriMirr) I ", mi iU walerfn.nl fHi..l,. Illi' iiiuiim ioiI -cnurt du.lrv dMl.nu 11 u.uul.1 iu. Vessels Leave Vancouver During HUvml unl), ,, H KI,(if, "J ClttltJ n Ui.- ISi'O a- wisr Houno lor wany ir i,l.,rjll i1IK.rlim.-.. Wvaml "-"' V" -mwo ai Points !, r.,..-,.iiiM, i 11... mini. ..... JH "l IKS' r'wrjilnr HiJ. BBBH MBBBBBBBV 'T 'VbHbHMPTbbB BBBBB HpBBflH. MK' asiik-s of iUmoi t;o.u;n hi; i"h.iskii i nii plank (Iwr tin' fi. l. I or (in- men1011.1l .i.uli.im i (liluriiiii t'iMverily jt Hcrkeie. I he ..-eiif m In- nia-. foo;lal loti.. wrr )il.li il.iitt.( III. ;iiv o) III iah Viuln-w Sniilh. Iiailir ol Pan in- . . al loollml!. Tli . w,.- imii ,n in-.-unl-jm-f Willi In w ii I'liol.i h..w Hi.- ( i4 !;ihnift the urn Schooner Yosemite Sank s Inside. Golden Gate as Being Towed in by Tug CreuS was taken off Sunday after she crashed onweks at Point Reyes Saturday night SAN Fll.M;iSi:o. Feb. X. The si. um schooner YueiniU which crashed uu Hie ruck", al Poml ee. lo nine- iioilh of here last Saiunlux night while bound rrom Seallle with .-.nr.. or ilyimmile. sank jul inside Ihe (iolden liale ii,il.-i- TJie Yo-eimte".- rrevv vvus taken off yeleiilav iuii Hie vessel, which bad been lowed iu from Point lleve by Hie lug Son Hanger, sunk, despite Ihe effort of Ihe lalle'r lo save her POLAR PARTY PREPARING Colder Weather In Alaska Make Overland Trek Likelier to be Possibility NENANA, Alaska, Feb. 8. With a sudden drop in temperature breaking the spell of unusually mild weather, preparations are going forward today for the overland trek of the Wllklns trans-polar supply party. The motor equipment and some of the supplies for the advance party are already here and are being CARRIED AWAY WHARF QUEEN CHARLOTTE CITY Boom or "Logs Broke up In Big Storm There When It Blew for 24 Hours SKIDF.UATF. Feb. 8. Hie storm oT a week ago was Iho worst, (hat bad been roll here tor many years. The wind blew steadily for 21 hours nnd Ihe life seas washed out -Iho Dominion anvernineni wharf til Oueeu Chatlutle City ami broke up a boom uf logs al Ihe Sitka Spruco Mills. Col. (ieo. Phillips. SlalT Gap-lain V. L. CaiTulhcrs and oilier Salvation Army officer, who have been altending Ihe inilie congress hece. sailed fdr Alaska on Hie Pnn.'cs Mary this nflrr-' '.on. FEW CHANGES TODAY WEATHER CONDITIONS RAINING AT ANYOX Tlieiv ar- v-ry lew change. iu weiil her '-i.ii.lil mns reported this i mi. ruing liy Dominion Oovern-menl Telegraphs oer thue of jibe week end. Il was raining jthi morning at Anyox while Wliitclioi'M' .showed snow so soft jit wn just about thawing. Dawson and niosl other Yukon points (showed close to ero weather. the report follows: i Terrace- Hainiug. calm; (em-j peralure 3(5. Anyox Itainimg. calm; turn- peralure, 3. stewarl-HtUoudy, calm; temperature. 32. Ilazellen 4:iiUily. calm .lam peralure, 32. telegraph Creek Oloudy, calm: lemneralure. 25. Sniilhers Cloudy. ealinJTem-i peralure, 58. Hums Lake - t:iou.ly, rjalm; lemperatlire. 38. Miilehore Cloudy, spulh wild; temperalnre. 32. Dawson pari cloudy, . Balm; lemperatlire, 10 below icro. NEW GOVERNOR IS COMING END OF FEB MCTOIH.V. Feb. 8. -uanifolph Mruee, (lie newly appnlnleil Lieutenant fioernnr. will .reach here al Ihe end of the month from Kiwliinil ami will then lake un his residence nt Onvornincnt House, now occupied by Lieut. Coveinor Nichol. S':l.j. rP.r in M-e Daily NVw. Boat may be Built Here for Operation on Okanagan Lake says Penticton Newspaper Cail. ! S; lloc of the Okanagan Lake Boat Co. who n a :-.lor in I in.- iil a few weeks ago. ha uuiioniii-eil in Pentic-loh lhal a lti7-f.Mil .over l.oat is o be built in Prinre llnpcrl Tor .-tui.t on Okawagari Lake (hi year. There have been rumor Minr.-ni line r-ir Mime lime a to the building of uth a boal but ieiti iiiy al I'ii' do dork Ihi morning elieiled uu defiuile lalc-( men!. j The Peniirlion Herald of January 'JH earricd the following-i in'w lj;-f(.nt boat, now ' - - . hi. !! itii: hi l'i ini-e Hupert, and wiui li will hi- aemllfil at Ke- iovv;.i. will ur in operation on ()Vanuan lak.- liy June of tin year, iilyiii: between 1'enlirloii !anil Kelowna. Oa;tain P. Hoe, PORT CLEMENTS MILL TO START. of Hie Okanas.in Lake Hoal Co., well known valley resident, -laled Preparations Beia Made to Re- 10 1 ue nerai. 1 io.iay. i n i i r- Mr. II w .tal. that the boat , . . will be operated under contract with the C;iuadian National Hall-' way for Hie carrying of freight an.l iiaeitrer. ami will con- The Canadian Lumber Yard sawmill at Port Clements, for- neel Penlion and Hie south , -"v - wm.n ...o. w,,en ' with Ihe ,nv branch or the C.XJI. Kiwrl- al Kelowna. jinlwt but now owned by t. L. Approached Council !'iUW' " Sftuw Nancu- . -tver ierafur..i nowMng -iril- ... ll is vMm,m u 4u have the p fw fU MarUwf um(Jl H, noa. , lieudMuarters al Kelowna a ,,a,e aflwaiHiiuJI be,. duruigTbe tctater. 'nn V.S4L'Untr Yri0l.lt?F1hia Irin now ciHstructiug a wharf at i!J.,..ll ,., , . wharf improved. . . . -V-s. M HS imij (IIUUI 7'in.- f.fm ,.M.,..a, .... ,..,w:. 000 brick and use i ne gover.imeiii wnari ai """""II- I..... .....l.... . ... iJiiri.- mucii in ue iukcii , , ,, i i .i Captain Hoc approached the ,r .... ,i... ,'.. .. . , , i . . i"" ,,' iTiuiii iriii suuiii. Penlielo,, tiioiiicipal council lasUT, ntghl with a view to having Ihe, ,, .... ,. . , fit I'll illlil tfli Ifiliilust ! Hevnt.i a.proJieh lo Hie government .. nimr . ihe new- boat is of the latest construction, Capt. Hoe staleil, ami will be equipped with a Diesel engine, built in Manchester, with n twin screw, llesidc being one hundred and twenty- seven feet long it will have a beam of twtnly-lwo feet. Capt. Hoe himself will be master of the boat, which will carry a crew r eight, for whom stateroom will be provided. As il will be purely a day boat, there will be io stateroom for passengers. Capacity for 150 The boat will base u capacity for I5u passengers and four car- oads f freight. It will have a speed of fifteen miles per hour. Captain Hie's announcement follow that made some time ago by C..N. II. officials, when it was statist that ii boat servieo would be inaugurated on (ikanasau Lake. The boat will call "at Sum-mertaml ami nlher intervening points between Kelowna ami Penticton. Captain Hoe has not chosen a name for the boat as yet. DR. SHORT RELEASED ON BAIISAIURDAY VAXCiil vi;r. Kelt. 8. Di r:. A. Short, who on Sal unlay w is driving the car which ran down and killctl little ,)oeph (Ireen. sged four, ami who wa later ar-rested. wn allowtsl out on bail. A proclamation in the current issue of Ihe H.C. (5aelle an-nonncos that everyHiing north of the Sard iMiallel of laiiiud. througUoul the prfivinee is an unorganizeil dlslricl Tor admin-stratum under Hi Ciine Anl The 5$rd imrfiUeFpasso llinnwh Cumshewsi Inlel'on Iho Oueeu twiarlolle Islands and throng? Princess (loyal Island just norll of UtitiHiale. w ill 1. I honipson. ilireelor of research under the lulernalinna' hisheries commission sailed hv Hie I'rim-ess Macy Him ;fternooi ot K.-'-In Ivan. a large ipiantity .of supplies and has still on board Inlet, will assist in faking Ihein "IT (lie steamer. Fred Weaver is now in charge t of li e Huckley operations at Port); Clement. A logging camp is-' lalr.-ady running. CRANBERRIES I ON ISLANDS Experlrrrjirtal Crop Being Tried at Massett With Imported Plants MASbTriT, Feb. 8. The growing of cranberries is an inler-j esling evperimeut being- carried un here by C. Kirmis, who imported them last year frunE Washington. s It is thought that the climate uusl soil are both well suited lo Hi growing of thix berry. Mr. Kermis visited Washington asL yar, where in one county alone" Ihe harvesting payroll in conned ion with Ihe growiiiK of Ihe berries amounted U, SlOO.ooo. JOINT ARRANGEMENT FOR CARGO SHIPMENTS GRAIN AT VANCOUVER VANCOl VCR, Feb. 8. - Fffec-tive today throingh the agency of u joint surrender office, the Harbor Commislou and private elevator will be enabled to inler-charge warehouse receipts for grain so that ship may load wheat at whichever elevator has the required amount of (he grain re. i u i red fm a cargo. " VICTORIA BESTED CALGARY AT HOCKEY ClALOAHY. Feb. 8. The milv hockey game id the Western League ..en,, played Saliinlay was dial seen here when Ihe viifiiig Victoria leant beiif Ihe locals on f fi.'ii- own rink lo (he !'.:. r. r.,ur g .alK d) Ihrec.