Here We Are Again! 95c Sale You iiol only save 5 per ecu I luit you also x't bargain prices lor your dollar. 12 lb. (iraiiulalrd Su;rur .. 95c 8 tins Milk, any kind 95c ? lb. l-'rcli.(lroiiiul Cnffi'i' .. 95c 2 lb. Hulk fioc Tea ..... 95c 12 lb. Dry Orcen Teas .. . . 95o 7 tins llciiu Pork ami Heans 95c 3 llollli'.s llein. Ual.stip, larjfe 95o 2 Hollies Heinz Vinegar, tls. 95c S In. Hulk Hutter 95c '.' dozen Local Kfsgtf. lixlras 95c 1 tins Lihhy's Asparagus Tips 95c (i lins Lombard Plums .. .. 95c! !i lins Dessert Harden Pears 95c (5 lins Singapore Sliced lino apple 95c 1 tin L'mpress Strawberry Jam ... 95o a tins Wlille Cherries, 2's .. 95c f tins Com or Tomatoes . . . 95c 12 bars Palm Olive Soap ... 95c i pktrs. I'rincess Flakes .... 95o 1 bars Wlille Swan Soap .. 95o .'l-.'ISc tktt: Itobin Hood Oals 95c 7 lins (.amphell s lomalo Soup 95c We are pulling on a big sale in Oranges, Lemons and Grapefruit. tll sizes and prices. For Ibis week we have a special on small sizes. .Oranges and Lemons, per dozen 25o or I dozen for 95o Fresh Whipping Cream Dally. B.C. Butchers and Grocers, Ltd. Phones 45 and 574 We are Sole Agents for Rochons Chocolates '51.00 per lb, ROCHON'S FAMOUS ALMOND CRISP $1.00 per lb. Rupert-Pharmacy Prescription Specialists Phone 94. We deliver. GOSSARD .in Corsets n in Brassieres Corsettes Iconic in and let us fil you with one of these. Kxpcrt corsetiere m attendance. H.S Wallace Cold. Fishermen's Benefit Small W hile Ueans. 1 lbs. for $1.00 Drown Heaos, 15 lbs. for $1.00 Hire, Xol. Jap, 11 lbs. for $1.00 Sago, reg. 2 for 20c, 12 for $1.00 Tapioca, reg. 2 for 20e. 12 for $1.00 Dry (deen J'eas, 13 lbs. Tor $1.00 1'earl Hurley, 13 Ib's. Tor $1.00 Split l'eas, reg. 2 for 20e, 1 for $1.00 Swift's Ilaron, by tdde. per 45o Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. Phones 18 and 84 f PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS Monday. Febru.y 8 m MODERN GIRL IS CONDEMNED Doctors Say She Tries to Keep Herself Silm and it Menaces Her Health HALTIMOHH, Feb. . ... The champion lightweight of the world, Ibe Modern Girl, if she wishes to hold her fasioiiahlo title, will have to put on Hie gloves again! a formidable op ponenl of iuile another class. .For Hie Medical Profession is menacing her with a salutary knock-out. An Obsession "The desire of the modern girl to be extremely Ihin has be come an obsession lhal is threatening her health and liappiness,' said Dr. Lewellyn F. Parkcr.emer- ittis professor of Medicine,. John Hopkins University "The ideal of Jhe exaggerated ly thin figure, dictated by tin fashion, of the moment, is sure to pass, may not go. I am arraid, until it has been tin cause of many tragedies." W recked physical health, es pecially insidiously developing tuberculosis Jjiiirnervous brcak- down are frcnuejilly Ibe results of uuder-iiourjshmenl. declared Dr. Darker, out-lining the dan- gers seen by unedical men in underweight. m Ideal Wrong The trouble wilh voun women today is thai Iheir ideal of what is proper weight is all wroiiig. They have developed an obsession against being fat. They say to doctors: 'I would rather die than gel fat. ' Some of them starve Themselves to the oint of almost literally carry ing this mil. Oflen already loo Ihin. they diet ! srow thinner. Hy unsrienliric dieting II fey fail In eal a bal.-inril f.-ilimi ...... ;m,i 1 v Mms predispose IheiiKches to riiod deficiency dieaes. They smoke roulanlly. cpecially during meals, lo lake away I he normal appetite they have, and by n many cigarettes increase their nervousness. TIMBER SALE X7809. ....... trr: niriTru V 1W iltrlcl I'irfftfi m, (aier than ihdhi ni iun-bae of l.liinre X7)((9, Maude 1-ljnd. fppt tMianl insiif. ..r nrn.. tlu...l..k and Cedar Salir ' U, Tun ii.r U'iil Im, .tl,...-n r... ni'ival of UnilHT. further parlli-ular of the Ciller lor-enter. Victnru. i.r the iMsIrirt inrraivr. erim-i- ninfrt. B.C. WATER NOTICE. Ditaralon and Ua TALI! NllTlrl' Ih.i I itilA i Ualr L. M. OlirKev. uh.! aridreita It Terrare. B.C. will apply ri.r a lireime rr 'Iparlnir ilri-aiii- piir.-- on klluui-valhifn lllvrt- rntiu ii iimtiih t.. ..... appi-iilniali-l in inilf . w Ida-It rin Miulhrrly ami drains Into fkeena Itlter. ahitut lnilf rat of I'rhii-e lluperl mm- ntfr in r awtl Tor rariln?. drivlnir -r li i.niivvliitf ..iii.iu- i .... aw lotrr- and all riiivitl product, and tli oiiMruriion or Ixxjiniuir ami holdinr 0, aniiind l tin. iiu.mii ..r ...... elM-uheri'. TIM imtire a polled mi llH1 frl-lltllld nil llu Alll ami il.i-. ..r Jaiiiiar.v. ttif,. A copy of llii notlrc and C. appliiallou pursuant tm-rlo ami In the "11'il.p ...... ki.f" ... ..III t... r.i . ... ... .,t ,i. tiiru ill nt iiinri- T ttu- Wktrr llfMiirilr l.i-lti... Itt. . ...... i ' iil.iuj.ii.ri. ....... ... . .... ...... i . f, hit .,m-aiiuii ma. Im- fili-U with tin- until Water llerordi-r in-with the Coiiiptrollrr or Water ll'rhu, I'arllaiiii-tit Kulldlinr. VlrlorU, B.i:.. with. , tinny nay arti-r Uip firm apt-araiire r Oil Imflf. ill a I.M.I.I ihiu.i...iu.. Ti.- dale or tin- rirt pnbliration nf ili'l no-Ore H Keliruar.v otlt. !. OMMtOK UTTI.F.. :. I.. M. UIUISKV. Apjlt-niil. LAND ACT. Notlc of Intantlon to Apply to Laaaa Land. Ill ... til. .... I'l' ll,,r.. . I - -. 1 Ii .,u,i. i iikj nri ii ii'iia tilntrlrt ami mtuate on an unnamed llel I 111 lllf lBlrn .til ra n.a In ll..H..n f.. I'aimatie near Uundaj Inland. Blue I'nnl ii. .ii. if. TAKE NOTICE that Oenrire Oorrtnn Bush-by or l-rlnce llu.erl. B.C.. .Manufarlnrer, Inl.ni1 ..... ..... til ... armlv r,. .... . I.. . . ... ,, .... w.rc vi inc iui- lowlni dearrilied land:-- i.iiiiiri,iniinir a .III...& Trlly submirrpd rfir of fork rartlatlnr mining yno arrpft, mure or less cliihul 'iiwjti BU5HBV Winsome Maid SILK STOCKINGS l'rhico lluperl ladies will welcome to iiie.t midsl lliese lovely pure thread silk Hosiery, made for real comfort and wear. Shades include black, while. Pablo, madura. fro!, biepe. buckskin, Airedale, bloom, He. Price $1.50 and $2.00 per pair. WEST of ENGLAND I STORE Third Avenue Phone 753 A Severe Illness Caused Constipation Mrs. Wm. Hill, Wapella. fiaiL, write! "Three years ifo I kail a very severe illnem, mil ever line I have suffered with eonatipation. A few months ago a friend adviaet me to use Milburn's ra?a?aa1 iaiw.1 which I did, although not eipeetinj nny results, but I am pleased to ay that inre usiog them I have had perfect use of my btmela without any trouble or pain, and have never had bleeding fiilca since. Now, I never fall to recommend 'Lata Liver PUIa' to all my friends." Put up only by The T. Xlilbura Co., Limited, Toronto, Oat. APPEALS MADE ON ASSESS- MENT icontiiiucd from page one) block 7, lot 20. M. At. Stephens, section 2. block 10, lots 27 and 28. At. AI. Stephens, section 7. block 1U, lot 8. Airs. Dora Stephens, section 3. block 10, lot 18. Airs. Dora -Mciihcns and .1 II. Kelly, section 5, block 10, lot 11. Ilegina Tinkelslein. section 2. blook 12, lots 50 to 51. lleCllia I' 111 kll s 1 11 .... fl m urn .1 v,.v.M w, itlocJi Hi, lids t:ui 8. Armaml De Iterni. section 1. block 10, lot 10. I Armaml De Tlerm. section .2.1 block ti, lols at to 13. I Vivian Kennedy, section 5. block 27, lot IG. Airs. Susan l'ringlc, stibdivi-land sion "C of lots 23 and t!t. block 0, seclion 5 ....... William Wilby, seclion t. block 8, lot 21. and section 5. block t, seclion 2t. Dr. A. A. Alelntyre. section 1 block 22, lots 5 and 0. U.T.I. Development IJo. per It. II. Mcholls, all property owned by Hie company. Malildit (i. Iloirns. ilimi r, - - . v. .. v, ... i.r .i ,. nic iii i.v 9 m .ait u i - block 20, lols tl and 12. ider to which only believer- in Hie vt - r..t t i ii .i.' j .... ... ii. .niiimu, svtuuii i, uiuch 22. lots V and 10. .-oniervnio ixiimery U., wa the teacher's chosen ehi-walerfront block "I," 20I.S3 reel. cle. This fact already was lare-J. A. Lindsay, sectional, blook y reMinieil aiimiiir IIiiiii in 23, lot 22. ' II. Al. (ireene, section 5. block lot 1 I. Lxcessive assessments in all rases is claimed and lln-iii :n-ii - ertain allegalious of inequality, "The following lots rccenllv sold by the city for taxes were placed on the 1120 roll by the JUrt: . Lot t8. block 20, seclion 2, J. ,olu,i Iiots 10 and 20. block 18. sec- lion 7, Unlled Hhurcli of Canada, Lols 7 and 8, block 1. section Sam Anions. Lol 21. block 37. scetioi 5, C. Walker. A Yorkshire Traveller A eommerrial traveller of lo- day coubl I i hardly ii rrcoynize him- 'rn oi mis oi-scruuion oi a: Yorkshire man who boasted of. dniny seventy calls a day. I "How do you do it?" asked a mend. "Oh." said he. "I nuts mv bead Inside I' door, and 'Marnin'. says. 'MarningV says she. Owl?" I says. 'Now!', savs she. - Marnin ( . 4 I says. 'Marnin'. savs 'he. And off I poes lo I' next hop. I i LAND ACT Nolle of Int.ntlon to Apply to Ltaa Land in v"r--u uiarioup imanni i.ann ne- nirdniy DIHiirt of I'rlnre liiifiert. an I """te two and ntie hnU miles et of .im, iias. nmiirnaip iihpi. TSKK .NOTICE that B.C.. rmhlnr t fark- Hi Company, Limited, of Vani-nnter. n.C..' . r.iiuii r-nini,,u iaiuirra, llllfnil. to Pil for a leae or the follow in de-rnlied land: Ciimiiifnrinir al a tit planted al the t ena or ninait nay one liiuirtred vard ran of mi u Hi of unnamed Mrearn: thenre iiuttt five rlutlna; thenre earl tlile-n rhnina: thenre north In almre line; thenre fnllnwlnr ahore line In point of coin-tnenrrment. and eontalnlnir evert an1 uirre-ijiiarirr arre. more or lew. o.i.. iisni.iu at r.vtkivn ACKiJ!!?":.Lm Per m. m. English, i llateH h Of I LAND ACT. Notlc of Intention to Apply to rurthaaa .Land. . a i...V.l.i ...v.' "" ..." .'J'V. " '.V.'1' lluperl. and Hltuale r. .. im . Hie guuili Slmre' or Captain tiove, rut island. rroHnce ini,c i.i of, nrltih Oilnmtila 1 take NOTICE thai William Jimepli j.n,,, ;rrrerium or I'riiM-e Itiiperl, B.C.. n-cui)-llon Cannery-man, Intend In apply for (ermUiiliiii to iMiriime lh folluivluK de- r..,nimniWtt a f,.l Hanied on the,'1,ltr lelttT COIldillons by l!T?vinri. of Hriiinh Coiumim: tiiemp, flnlith tWfhlV f tin Irk 1 1 m in-a uti tKimtv rliain-: llieie-e n.irlh Iwei.iv rhVinn, in.iri nr nr je.a, ieaa, in in laitrn i or i ualer water Inaik; Inaik; llwnee llwnee ea.t- eaut-'1(1 l( erlV lunar tllrti ualer fiiai-t. I,, rw.lnl nf' rriiriiiieiii-ement, and runtalnlnr forly, acre", mis-e i.r le. W ll.l.l.VM JOSFI'll JEI Fr.ns'i7i, Pur ... VV 1 . Tlmma. Applicant, lnnl I DiteJ December litb, 19. YOUNGINDIAN TO BE TEACHER Krlshnamurtl Is Not Looked to as Messiah but as Person Through Whom Teacher Speaks Annie Hesaiil, thoosophisl, i8 years of age, still plays an ac -lice part in world afiaus. Now CIIU 13 UVIIIK lllUCIl IHS USSrit HI - cause of her relations with hi vomit: Hindu ulm i lnnki-il omin ! I as a new inspired leader in India Krishna was one ol the world' -tj 'saviors, born of a virgin, crun Ified and raised from the dead.' and Ivrislinamurti was named after him. Here is what Mrs Hesanl says: "I accepted, Hi t'.'oy. from Iheir father, Hie guardianship or two young brothers. My reason for this was (hat I was told tin elder brother had bcun selected to give his body as a 'vehicle' for the world (cachet- on his ap proaching, coming, if the lad proved worthy of Ibe privilege when be reached manhood. Wrote While 'Body Slept' "In l'. 1 0 this boy wmlc down teachings he had received from bis teacher during the sleep of the body, which were published in a well known little book, 'At the Fed of Hie .Master.' on De. rember i'8. tun Tim r..m:..L-- .able overshadowing of Ihi younsr WniV ' Innt n .... unn ..I 11............ ii i i-iiii t-, nun la hall full of members of the Thcosonhteeil themselves before him. We k'pl these evenls n onioi but rumors ol about. OHiising uncomfortable follnwinss of him iaboul I he .ground of our house inanlfeslalions of respeel. which led me to return as rn as I could lo Knglund. I fe.tred, ltlile iiuiicressarllv. that II.p.p events nttaht irivw rUe ! ceil. ' "The Jirolhers uem privately In Tendon and morn tKan fulfilled the hones tdaRaml in thenir Iasl stibimer. in lloHnml I I mentioned to n large aiidiene Mniiin.a.l .,r ..t coming oi ine world leHChrr are admitted, thai KrisUnamurtl coiisciiuencc of his snieljes mi. I vvrilings. I .iiiumi... ii.u j. basis of the iil;n-ri.ral .l.ili. ments made subseouenllv in (he T un. Inn orn.rj i ........ i. nan ii idea of 'proclaiming him (be Alesiah.' Heard 'Voice' Speak "Krisitm.murli lerliit.l a. lt. Uember 2H I and concluded by speaking of lh? ('world teacher' in these word: 'lie Comes to lead n- Im only In thue ulm im,i.i,.ui who soffe rilt Ulu.-L'I aallrlllll.l.ti wil0 vcn! unenliahlenw'l: Im comes only lo ii wlm want. win. desire, who long.' "Here, there wa a uliaht n!arl and a voice of penetrating sweet - linn, ruiif mil 1 1. i...i i.t. l. u; i. - will iiiiui4.ii mi iniiiiit-. nini-ii'. ii.. n ...i.i. .. s-.ii... UVIIIC nr those who want sympathy, wllo want li:itniinii.n !. m-.i i.n:.. to be released, who are loujriiiK to find happiness in all thinxs. ... . I t come in wiiYiriii in. i to tear down; not lo destroy, but to build.' "Tbis mcelin'-' broke tm in fileiice. I'robaldy some account .r it ..... riii..i ,,i ,V .v, IMJI, I lint Hie world inurimi. .....t-., then llirouah Krishnamurli, I believe. I Indieve It wo are beiunin a new aae, a new civilization, as has occurred before in human evolution." a PLEA FOR NURSES , Few Able to Stand Nerve and Physical Strain of Intensive Work Required W I.N.MIMIli, 1 eb. H "That one class should be reduced to inval idism liv lhi iiI'iicmss uf rii.lm-. l olherft to health," was the problem .... ileal! with .... by Miss (Jeor- iiuva i .lomiKon, JU.f al tin Iwclflli antitral inrflina or I he Mfiiiftolm ANrtuciatioa of (initlij . - .'ua-vj-t. I II 'J IlllllVIIVIII HUT iwr nurses, ' ' miss " tiioinpson ex , . r, '"""';" plained, deprived I hem of any o i'ia :..i nr life .. whatever, and in the necCM- sily for remedying Ibis wtis eminent. 'Ihe sneaker booetl lo m Inch slip le Wr tl raoiiabIi on n i .a 1 ,M """'i'- rew women were ame stand slatld nCI nCIVC VC Itllil and ' 1 p Pliva iy ' Ca Cal l'l'!,ill at the ililetisive work, and iruulili,,,.. ............ tt 1 1 1 1 1 111 twi ... ll!l iry.i.l In -; ii,.i,i vi.'.iieti-i " - i'i ' coiuerl work of drudgery into ... a u nvm VI iiiu-ia, .. ij linn a 11 - Jwdlsua Bfetvice to Hioho who nuf- Don't Guess T Know the true con ditt'on of your feet. With Dr. Scholl's It Tedo-graph wc can instantly make.absiv Iutclyfrccof charge, ii-iKriie r.mnulnrt N.,m.trt ur hose a phot( graphic print that shows the exact con dition of your foot. Ic is also a wonderful tlJ in fitting thoci to they will be absolutely com r fortiblc. If you have any form of foot trouble weak or broken down archca, flat foot, coriu, callouses, bunion, rain ful heels, weak anllea, etc be aure and ace out c r i", r He can ahow you why you tutTer and how to set quick and luting relief. Don't wait. Come In today and have your feet Tcdo-graphcd. Tbl Service la abaoluteljr free. Jabour Bros.. Ltd. for. Ihutiub tlnri' had been much criticism of the nursing profes sion by llu' medical, .Miss t'liompsou fell lltttl they had many friemls amtHti; them and thai Hie public, white many were unable In ailonl I ho services ol ;t Iraiiifd titirsii did not feci thai she wus loo litHhly aid. The reason. .iie I'xnlaiutMi. that manv refraiib'il llu- charge as exorbi- tanl was lhal iiursitiL: had Ihwii lonkiil ii j m .1 1 always as a philan- iiiropie pursuit rather than as n means uf lielthMl. this eom-ep-lion dainty fi-uui mediaeval day" ZENOVIEFF LOSES OUT AT INTERNATIONALE Maiiitubu l-'rer I'n.-ss. Thf loi-y from ltia lo the effect lhal TroUky is pushing he exii emisl.s out uf the auv- eniineiii of llusniu contains utn-tnierwsttiKi Mini .iHifii'Miil IMiiut: U says that Zinovleff i. siioiny io m in immUIoii as head uf tin- Uuunii)iiil Interim- iioitHie. .iiiuMi-ff bfcaitie famous .a the alleged source of the letter which llu. Hhhh Labor Kmernineul. 'iat leller. to riltiit rinnt him. ronsi.leiJ of elaborate, in slrucliiitis to llu- Hritish lm- ioiini.l a In how thev wen- lo corrupt. Hoi llnlih army and !i;ty m Ihe tnlereisls of Communism. The .tnovieff Utlei priMliicid Mjtne exeeedlnulv Minleil riiiiiuiinl alintll the ''Ooiiliiuiiiil Inlernall n a I C-' from Hrtltsli Lahm- writer. , BOY SCOUTS SAYE NUMBER OF LIVES i LlHlA.N. ITab. Feb. 8. - Hov snnil houiis affilialoil with lbe Cache Valley eounril, uomprisfiiti veral coonltes in .Northern Uah and Southern Itlaho, Wiae saved a total of It liven since or ganization. Tin' majority of the rtisotuM were of twrsons ilrownin-j: others were automobile neeHlenls wilh death from bleeding, or fire Ihrealennl. One of the hoy scools renort. l "HViiiK his own life hy employs in riral aid knowledge taiiKht 1 1 it as u scout, when he nut away fleh and cauleriwl llu; woiiitil made bv a r.-illleiiiikn tint bit hini ns he was climbing eitff. WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. HULL IIAIHKHt. Ilalnln. slnuiK soulheasl wind; li;inunef i VJJ)n; lempi-ralure. H; nei rough; 8 p.m. spoke niolornliip Noroo. .Soallle for Ketehikan, 3a."5 miles from Soatlle. DlUli THKK POINT. Haro. meter. 2'J.78; lejiiperalurc, 3'J. DIOHY IMLA.Mi. llainlng. fresh soulheasl wind; baiutnelerj lemi.eralure, IB; ne.a rough; 1.30' a.tit. in sieamer Uamousun norlliliound; H j,.m-. spoke lug U.tie ,colt wilh Hlng. anion Ui low, anchored in tjlainL eel bound for Massett; t) a.m. (learner Nurlhweidern duo K'ni. clilkau. . Noon HULL H.MtHOIt. - llaining, soulheasl gale'; b.'ironielet', i"J.75; temperature, tl: sea roouii- n a.m. Spoke, lug Pacific Monarch , M 1 1 1 ) . L Umin.l ......II.I - Ill'l i iiiumjihj. I)I U Tlim POINT llu, mi Attention, Why Not Use the Best Superior iiialily slaiuless uu kcl leaspoou (l iSlaiuless llessert Hioiiiis, per iloz Slainloss iMirks, per iloz Slaiuless Knives, giianiiileeil ipialilv. per Ii .,i Haitimelers, up from , . . . Marine (Hu,hmm, 20 LiRiuir, I lie lilgliBttt graib I.t'inaire day anil night Rlusses Dlliers frtim A MODErtN OPTICAL DEPARTMENT This ilepiirluienl affotiK a ver n.i . ,, liiotlern pru t's. -'ree i iiiiiillalion. MAX HFILBRONER 527529 Third Avenue l" " WESTHOLME THEATRE IVJonday, Tuosday and Wednesday, 7 and 0 p.m. CHARLIE . "The Gold" CHAPLIN " Rush" A ill. tin. llu rulil' il Wl'itlen anil a 1 1 Ii ,i The inn- .mil iinlv wilh the lug Iiim'-, (be In. , f Iwigg Iroiiser. and Itiitii). hof llinj; w , lianNhips ol eer iln life itilu liiiuriou. im on. laughter, l ittler Hie t:iiiliu genius iii.h Koltl (unis In comedy. hnn.hi. of the Kl.. fiiliii). -Iiiiuger Ktig- Im-hiiiii- Ibe (i i ., , ItiVHsiekiie.. roti.H. IhIji Uv, lilixaiil- . ,tu.i- .(,.. freezing ml, I Imug. the waruilh or lugbi, , Itei-oMie nlln-klei'. .nt.1 ini.erte. bring inu't slmiibl ee t;ii.irlii lale.l anil lnl. 'Vn ! ' sin.iijj . i.t Charlie Chaplin, Qeorgla Hale, Mitt Swain, Tom Murray, Malcolm YValto, Henry Bergman, fli.un idher- INTERNATIONAL NEWS 50c and 25: Prospective Builders! COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDERS' SUPPLIES LUMBER TttnlM i lit (lieu. noi. MlnpiiH'. I' 1 tiff. J. mil. (In. In .no I llfvel Hid in i; I.. A l.oiiiliei-. Kir ami OiIIoowimmI Vein v Shmgles. Koloml rHiioH v L..ih. link n l S.ih am! liMr, Wuml Vi i CEMENTS, EU. Portland tm. i K..M--- V lelo OineiiL llmtlw.ill li . , . .,., I Pla.ler HiMin). LlfHe. Luup. ,n BRICKS, Etc. Omnium Hi o k Im Ilrirk. I' grti iiltiiral Tile. Vilrilii d I'tpi . Hue l.nnnw MISCELLANEOUS Nulls, P -. I II ililii-roiil ItiHifiug.. Joliii.. Manville'. . titfN. phall. Apliall Itouliug l'.i.i i - -(ir.vel. , i&UJl NANAIMO-WELLINQTON COAL T'' Nitl im 1 1. h-i It .; ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. Phone 116 and 110. Iff, ilt.TH; lioiipiralure. to. HIiniY ISI.AMi. lUmitiK. Iroiig noulheHsl wind; barome- lr; tetiipi-ralun-. t7; wa roungh; 1 1. (ft M.HI. in sieamer Princes,. Mmv uorlliboiiiid. As You Llko It Of MMlfc. Hopl apeak vaguely of me as an untirchlal. a visionary, awl a crunk. I am none or the.e ihinua, hut I belt oppoIt. unly want u few Prfectly practleal reforms whleh shall enable u decent ami rcaa unable Jile. withoiil having to ubmit lo the very grenl injus-t4e and the pflty annoyaitciMi which meel yott al eery turn. Oeome Heruard tlimv. O.ivid HonablsMii. fiiriiM'rlv a member of the local tnited Elates eonsulalr, ami Mm. Don- niuson and familv arrived from Ibe sotillt on Ihe Princess Mary Mils morning and will proceed on this evening's train in Huxelimi where Ihey will visit .Mrs. Oon- aiusous parents, Mr. and Mm vviiiiain llraul. laler iroinir lo 'Sinilhem to viait with Mis. Don- Hidson sistfr, Mrs. .Norman Kil- Patrick. Since leavinu here sev eral years udo, Mr. and Mrs HJiiahl-oii have been localed in Hamilton. Onl, Mr. Donald.i.n now tranferred to sjealtle. Mr, and Mrs. II A. Do it tn ii nml N. L. Frec-jan of Vancouver, who have boen for Hid pait cverul months ualheriii? dniu inlernaliniinl fisheries commis sion, lert on the. princess Mary lhl afternoon for KetcJiikan lo conlinue their work. Thev .ir. pcci to hi back in n couple of 11 I liv Fishermen! When It Is tho Choapei7 52.00 $VOo J5.25 .75 (8.00 $25.00 57.50 For Sale Auditorium Rink and Hall The Ii. tiling I cily, atlu.ili'it " lit, block I". HuildiiiK is " (' ' III IhiiI eeiliiMi cony all u newlif plattered; maple floor. I mhiI riii!piuciit i cupaeily for (" Piano and Wmi lary hand nrxan. palm llicli.i' ' hairing akalc.. I eipilpped lllli"!-bolh dancing and skating. Wilh theatre can he used as - Alfo for sab1 1 U. Idoek 15. nec!i-title lo propcrlv For fiiiiher mi' apply to L, J. Marren P.O. Box 146, Prince Rupert. B.O. Dr. Alexander Smith Blook Phone B7B DENTIST