i.n v 8, io?n. mI "iiii rnirK " 7"'V;p" ltKKAit CONCERT TO I ,, tI - shoe nnit Incn tin-in , UlnLO WHU UUALlHhl) ,,(,rl Clement on this. Urin of the nhn Bulger Lid Jewellers ENGLISH abardine aincoatf; Special Reduced Price $19i0 CM E Importers Third Avenue or advance NYX Ladies' Shoes r, make. Pine-, liuhl. 1 M I 1 1 1 I a amuy dnoe oiore ANADIAN m m m m Steam LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANERS Laundry of Personal service, Phono No. 8. Finished Laundry, wtWaah, Thrlft-T-Servlce, 5't Finish, And Dry Cleaning. v ready nl any Itmo ' 1 Vmir phone, call, 1 ' vmir inlrnolfon, Hi ' 'isonal charKC of ' laundry nnd Dry r. R Ta!t - vjt rs DENTIST "flerson lllock, Prince Rupert, B.C. "ffico IIours0 lo 6. X-Ray 8rvlos I'hon nitn . IveiiltiKS 'nuirdnvH ii i m . " "i i iiuon I .... I .... ..V . I .1 ... i .t 1 1 ir I1IIIYINU mi Willi lIK II... 1' II I . jyonnger girl, An interring L I lJV pi'-cnlaliim of iailiriM hy Jlrn I . .1. Murtll In nil Uir trirln who nail nltuinoil n piTi'i-nlnid1 of i iifhly or over in nlliMiilaure. memory work, drill work. eic.. -mee Ihe orsriHiiiitioii in Sep-H'lllher. Nine (tirlm reeoiveil lmilue: Kvrlyn 'IIhiihrn. Adeline, riionia .Mnrnrel .McLaren. Janet Viiiiiik. Marparei (iIh. Helen IlaH, IMna hover. Maliel Ili-Imp anil Mildred Kirkpalriek. I lie prouram ennniHted of pliy--leal drill-. learn niarrliew, Ih-uii las HirowiiiR and a lilile pluylei i-ntltleif "The Sleeping ItranlV." l'liene were inlei'nHriiil Willi IIIIMIChI elerl h.l Ullll reeilit- lniiii. Ilellv nderiii and pliiu .MrLiii-en dnlighled the nilienr- wilh I heir iIkim-uik of Hie Sword I lance and Hie Highland Fling t nni ir frmii I lie nr-c.iiiIihii in Hie humU of .Mi l annv .Mcl.Hi-en. S(iecial tiien-'ii.ii olioulil lie made of Hie Jap-jinei.e l.anleiii llrill which ill llie iliirkenril hall wa a pirtNfttti and very ploaMns -ishl. Tim proretnl- of (I iieeri are lo m lowanlk Im tiff further ih)iiiV- lllenl III Hie hue of llllnltlln, eliih. elr.. in cimdniie ttierr vnrk. Hurul lioan T. J. Mar-h arlPil a- cliairmaii for Hie eveiimir. ANYOX MAN MARRIED HERE ON SATURDAY Mary Prysaznluk and Spending Honeymoon Here n Anyov iiinn. John Klinkn. lo other of Amlrew Kunka of Hum .tlx. wa married here on Sal-iii. lav Hflernoon in the lttliolir Chundi. Itf v . Father Mriirnlli of-finaliuu. In Mii Mary Pryai-uiuk The rfreinoiiy look plaw at .30. the irnlenmid lmlntr Mi Mnry' Mihalmk and Ihe lient man Andrew Kunka. IHnner wttA'onn'ml In the ivn-init al Ihe home of Mr. Kimkn' hrnlher. Mijrht AveM nud llje honeymoon will he upenl herp. Mr. nnd Mr. Kunka will live nt Anynx. . Advert ie In Ihrt D.ally New. IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BniTISH cut-unaiH. In tlM- Millet nr llw AitminlMrillan Aril ml ; III I ho Mltlrr nt Ih KOIIr nr llrlwrl llntnfv, lTt. lulrU. i Itkl MITiri Umi by .'nl.r nr IIH . lloiKNir I'. Mftl. VMinr, maitp IIm 11 Uf I JaniMfV. A ll. ItH, I w- INlnla I itiiiinimnir nr itw rnic or fxiwri I li. il.H.-. ilrrpiaeil, tail ill parti hav-.nr riaun aialnm in aul piui are Ik r rrtlutrwt l rurnl'h aatii. Pf'V'Iv vi-tinnl ( IIM Ml or IW.ifv Ihr f 11 it.iy ,f Irtimarv. A.ti lf, ant) ill IvirlM mili-biril In Ihr -tti- ire rrqulml to pa) IIm a mm mill or Ihelr iiiiiIpiiii In iih r..rlhwllh. MHIMAX A. WATT. ' Offlrlal Adminliralnr. rrinr imrwri. n.". nainl lh t'nl aar nl January. 9tt . IN PROLATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BniTISH ' COLUMBIA. Ill tli Millfr nf llie AitmtnlMraUnn Art; In th."llauir f II Kial of Tom O Urln. llfrraxil, lnlrlali. Take .MiTiri: iiiai tr order or Hi lloinMir 1' Mrll. Yoiiok. mailr llie ! i).tv nr January. A.I). into. 1 pl)iiitl ArtiniiiKlralor or III ll ;r Tnm o'lifin, lral. inrt all panic n.iv lntr rlanna alit llie alil tal r lirreliv rripilreit to Mrnlli aam. properly vririe.l lo me Ml or before Ihe vial day uf lebriiarv, A.n. 1M. anrt all parties iticl.-liird to the el.ile are reiinlrert 10 pur the atuniint "f their lmlrhte1iie. In me r,,r"ml"' NOtlMAN A. WATT. Oftli'UI Actiiilnhtrntor. prlnre Unpen. H.C. pietl Ihe 1ril itav of laniiarv. IUVft. IN PROBATE. In lh Suprama Court of Brltlah Columbia In the Mailer nf Ihr Aitmlnlntrallon Art; In th"l.iler nf the Kjlaje, nf Amlrew n.li-ewon, ieeeaoil. Inleiale. T.UK .0TII F. Uml by order nf lit Honour F. Mill V r. nile the nil il.iv of rebrtxrv. A.ti I0i. I xja ap-poflilril Ailinliilatramr of II"' "lnj1' Andrew Ainlrewnn, dereaaeil, ami an partie IwMnit clMim aMinl , U". etate are herrhy r-'inilrnl tn fiirnl'li vrnip rroieflv iriri"i In n ' "r fore the J..dlV of Mai -h A.l t0 ami all tiarilea tndi-hleil f the eiate are re inlrril lo pav Ihe anioiml nf Hielr Indent ednesa in iiie forlhwlth , ,MIIIMN A, WATT, tiffir al AdiiirtiMraior prlnre nuperl. Dated th tnd diy of February, io, KMle hitfl vyeek lookiuif over llie work. He wan lakim lo irioii4j Pint aroinid Sal.lc-nie lnl' in Hie iiiiKnion loiiiicli ThomaH CriHhy and lefl later for Harder Hay. The l'loyinrial fSiivernmenl linilae erew Iia cloted down IN Mil Flnio Itnilsrr of H.-)nd-pil i vi-it Intr wllh her mini, Mr. Sleveim, at Sknlejfale. .Mr. Hd. .McLean and Mra. Marwood were in Skidecatc from (Jiieen Charlollr Cily on a viil . 'They name down on Ihe laun li Annie ('.., llnpf. (ieor:e Mrllao. II. I). MrtUiffery of I'.rince Itu-perl wn l.it wak vl-Hins with Mr. iiihI Mr. Slient at Sklde-KHle unt akMi weni la Sand-pit. He enjoyed a himllnj: trip to catch I)ena river ami provM lo he nni nxirl wilh Ihe huh. lo rflliirti l Ho near future. He plan- THE DAILY NEWB " P.AGB ?IYS fni Dsmcr wrfs mo ws j Vp ANYOX, STEWART, QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS fc INTERIOR POIHJS . I Siwnww'WS rtrtnn'- - - - nrtfiil inline with a' tun purrha-.. of a RAMPC PRFSFNTFn AT Hint nun wnii iwuwuuu l 1 : - - - - - - T ' - v . i avs m LANGARA CANNERY AT MASSETT OPENS special ultm.'liiiii'iill . - ! Prince Churlc nfler havin sncntiWW Resume Operations To- In- fire ami geti Numhee of lntMtlnn n-iii. holiday in Vancouver. lUr' morrow Packlno Clamo .-i llnl iin-miMine - we run give ynu i I'M' Warm Clock : . r . i k - iii on your - vri v minute or I WO oil fji-i up. Then the. fill vn. si 50 nml nre iiMiprn nt ?.ftn. Dances Given While Playlet i , . . " "W'K nmlnirliir UwUy ,ul"li't- Provedjntere.tlng j"'' TKIlliAfrr. Flt. H. Kennel h n. nssuu According to Word Reaching City I'he I.nrifc'ara FiMliin & I'.iek- COIICerl ifriniun- i l--.tl , llntr f.i ,...,i,w.-. ..i iur miH uiiinji, .ry"'- "" " "'"""j lay nltfh. hy the J,..r ,,, ,,, w " '"I ' (trip of .1... Prince Clw, nml lhov who wore liter I nil till harlot ar having Wpeiit u holiday in Van- Oliver. UiMloil iii mi- WIITk Alls . I. ...... I. j ... .... ..... .. I whii'li had heen eliweil recetilly will reopen on Tuesday or Him week for ihe eaimliiK of clania wKTurdiiiif lo wont liroiiKht hy (he rtleamer PriniM' (Jliarlo on which vcrfp H. M. Held, Ho, hookkeup-er. returned lo Maxell IM trip afler having npeni a holiday in Vaneoti'r. F.. II. .Sinipxon. manner of Ihe l.nnparn cannery, .and ..Mm. Simp-son reached the city on Hie Caiii-iiiiiij iliin morning itfler havinj; peul Ihe wmler "in Vancuuve-and will proceed lo lin- Nlands on ihe Prince t.;hai-(. i.miutil . TiJrrm r:.,,- salmon trouing al Mas-ctt LIKELY TO COMMENCE EARLY AT ISLANDS SKU)i:iAli:, Fell. 8. All Hie Iroller around her are uoni-uiciiciiis to pel their loaU in ihape uml fi-h lori an he. yiniiiiin in riirculate. Yarns arc hrnusHil in ahoui wonderful bij Kaliuon that ?ol ai'. Tin' hoy, cxjiecl to he out a nioiiHi earlier Itii year if rhey Van Hie fib huyers lo roiiie oer. .-. thai Ihey may have a market for their ifiNrniiTU ru a mdidm UlamU in li.ei Muiiiu timmi iui ! BASKETBALL PLAYERS Capt. .lack llann ww hen in, . , , Ihe F.!MM.e la.l wek. He iB-"1 La?,1 Yea.p 8 c& on !ok.nK afM-r I he IniorrHM of Hi- 0n NaM. Week 23 Polntsto 12 ean Fall urople in oiium-! lion wild Mien- limlier. , ,..,..., , KIM.OI.lll . Feh. K--T in Kin. " l..lil. I...I.Al.All 1 ! . ' The Skidale Mi.i..n oiiuiiPillT 'V " . . ,"" liuf tteeti hiv lariuF and - i'leaniiiK up Ihe Hne,lnry. Tim John Kunka Takes to Wife Miss Vslivr mhhiHI de-eri r red it fur Ihe man tier t which it rarrie cm Ihe, putilic wrk of the village niacins il one of Hie lie.i mi TELKWA Aflar nu alieiire of itveral monlli vlili(is fru'iul and re-latWe in Hn?land, Air. Harry Wnnriie ha reroiilly relumed lo her home near Ouick. Mild wnallier ronlinue hut ireral wlighl nnw fnll havi helped lo improve Hie roaiU. Tie are lieing hauled inlo I own nt a ureal rati' lhe day n the rrntd tuny not lal long. . very pliiaul evenin wa pent nl the home of Mr.rllriM;L Hoop when lie mi- funtlon at, a hriilsp party on Fcllay flight. ' Mi Nock eiilertaiiied a mini hi-r of friend na'. The his concert hilled lo lake, place al Hound Lake on Friday, Fehruary 1 2, i well tinker way, and il i (piped that a hip crowd will tnm up. Sulncrthe lo the Uaily Jyew?. IN PROBATE. IN THE 8UPREMECOURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. In the Matter nf llie AiiminlMratlnii Art; and tn Ihe Mailer or tlw Kl or Miirdorh .Monltimierv, i.(eaei, Intealate. TAk'K MiTll.K that bv order or IIM llonniir F. Mrll. Vouiir, made the tu day nf January. A.ti. to.. 1 wav apiHilniril Ailiiilnllralor or the eatale Of Muril.irh Moutifuiiirry. dereaed. and all partle li.iv ina- rlalm airaliKl Hie mI.I entile aro hereby iripilrvd tu furnUh name, property verlfleil In me on or before ihe lt il.i nf Febriian-. A.M. Ifl. and all p.irllenj iiim.-iiii-ii in nu- r.iqir are renmreii 10 pay the amount nf tbelr ltidrhtdn4 to in rnrthvMtb. NORMAN A. WATT, Oftlrlal AdmlnUtrator, . . . I'rtnre Unpen, ll.fi. hated Ihe t tint day nf January, l. IN PROBATE. In lha tuprama Court of Brltlah Columbia In Ihe Matter of the AdiulnUtrallnn Art: ' ' and In the Mailer of the I.Male of Mauru llrnnn. I''eiiril, luieiOal. TAkt: MITICF that by llrder nr III Honour F. Mrll. Yiimnr, made the aril dav f February, A.H., iu, I wa appolnteil Ailmliil.trator or 'llie i:tale nr Maura liriino, ileeraed. and all parlle ruivmit I'lalnti atraluiti i it.. md lii ii nerebv reipilri'd to furnl'h Mine. rniNriy verl'-riedi to me on' or before lie ard'dav'iif MarMi, A.ti. tt4 ami all luirlle Imlobteit in Ihe emat are required to pay iho amount of Ih.'lr Indebtedne lo in Mrtliwllli. MU1MAN A. WATT. irrirl.il AdmlnlMrator, . . , Prlnre Huperl. n.C Dta Hit srd dy of February, Ht. chnmpioii nalive leant for nor thern ltrili Odtimliin. having won thai title lut week hy defeating I'orl Siiiip4iin 2.1 poml lo 12. Purl Simpon was the chani-pion leant for iU'.Ti. TERRACE NOTES Mr. Knttle (Hnn returned or Salunlay itiKht from I'rinee -Mr. and Mr. V. s. Filer uf I'rinrtv Huperl are pemliii a few day at the home of Mr. and Mr. Cenrfe Little. Mr. .1. K. Frnl rturnod on Saturday niphl afler havin? spent a few lay in Prince llttpert. Krnet AIIIhIoh nf I'rince. Huperl i a ?ut'l at Ihe home of .Mr. Arthur llnrr. J, Mnro Hall Itmd I. T. Kett-neoj lefl on Saturday tifcltl for .ollhers lo lnlie; pari ili'hn in-LFullabiin or tithterji in new ly or"fei)(rjtei i(nffel.t of, (nie Xa-lie Son uf tluna.la. Charle Hall of Salhury, Alta. who I vlHins with Mr. mid Mr l inlon, left on Saltirija for Kalpni Luke to investigate the. minim: opemliiui alonrf iJouglii (Jreok. lie wn ttceompanrpT hy .Mr. Fiidon. (Near (llandcr of Kaltint Lake spenl llie week end in lown. DISCUSSION IS TAKING PLACE ON CANADIANISM Letter. In Manitoba Free Press Proves Interesting Because of Views Expressed In' .newspaper in different ptirls nf the west, the question uf tatittiilinuisin is heiug discus-ceil. Here I n letter to the Mnn-itoha Free Press thai seems worth reproducing: I have noled with interest, some nf the letters which have heen written you pertaining In "The Canadian-hunt." A society ofganixt'il for Hie purpose nf protecting Ciiniulinn from so-called favorillsin would, finally di'YcInn inlo a mlscrnhlc, full urn for nil concerned. Hut. could we 'Low have a society formed for the an . Infallible Guard HEIMDAL, according to Celtic mythplogy, was the perfect sentinel. His hearing was so acute that he could hear the wool growing on a sheep's back His eyesight was so keen he could see everything that happened even though it occured while he slept. Advertising, if you use it properly, is an infallible sentinel for you. It guards you against fraud and' in-, feriority. It protects you against. making unwise and unsatisfactory purchases. f Merchants and manufacturers who advertise must give full value because they have good names to protect. The makers of well-known products and the stores that sell these products often value the names at millions of dollars. They cannot afford to jeopardize the worth of these names by selling any but good goods of full measure and fair price. So, you can bank on this. Advertised goods must be as. advertised. That is why it pays to deal with advertisers and to buy advertised products. ' 1 I "VF Advertising is your guaircl purport of furthering the uiter- eU ol Uauaiki and i.anuiliun ji general, Hie result would he, much ilitlc.rciit. I-:iigihte!i would in; mil only Canadian horn, hut , would include all lhoc who arc; Canadian at lic;irt ami in pur- . po?e whellier horn here or not. I .Non-clif-'ililcs would he tliusc who are. cotitinually howailiuj; the fale falo which eotupel them to slay in Mich a forsaken, forlorn country ami those who love to rile Iho country from vvlienre they came as licitig some wonderful place, where they never do lliis and ue.ver do lhat a place which should he taken a a model for Vi' ry tiling we do, say or think. i'ciple wlin arf ' continually de-ploriui: the fart that wn do not do a those al home do, are utterly useless tn Canada a far as Rood citizenship is concern--ed. TImv aim and uhjecl of such it society wiutld ho worthy of the support nf ptcry rljrlit minded man or woman. ! new country i necessarily populated hy people from every "lime ami I for one, am proud and willing to welcome and extend Ihe hand of friendship to owry man nr woman who is a hoosler for Canada, no matter what country Ihey niy have come from. CANADIAN. Snhscrihe In Iho Dally New. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES t. llvli Low HiRti Low Monday, February 8 0:5 a.m. I.fi ft. i?:t:i p.m. Ifi.fi " Ii:rtl a.ni. 9.5 " tfi :2 V p.m. 5.0 " Tuesday. February 9 lu:2K a.m. ' S0. ft. 23:10 p.m. 17,8 " 4:1 1 a.m. D.2 " 17:?? p.m. U " Vtf Wednesday, February 10 tigli 11 a. m 5 ID a nt 18 14 p.m. 2.7 Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock; Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle al! kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 38? TUGBOATS Day Phones 423 539 Qr. 238 Black 735 Rupert Marine Products Ltd. CEO. C. BUSHBY, Man. Dir. LAND ACT. Notloa of InUntton to Apply For Loai of Land. In llie rrlnce ftnierl Land neeordtnit nlairlrt and attune ou an unnamed Islrt rormlmr one iif the Nare (roup of lleW in M ml son Bay l'aare npixialte florc Ijinittiin I'oliil. lllue rtnt U.M. 14. TAKK NOTICE that llarrU Were of Prlnr. lui-t i.u..., .iiairr Marnier, uiirnua 10 apply for a Irate ot tho fullowini do- cvtiutu iuoob:- Crinimenrinir at a poat on the ahnr on tlw Ka! utile nf ihe above denrrlbed Islet, thenre a.uuu feet iwrthwe!, thence S.onJ reel northeait. Ilienre S.00 feet south-eati. thenre S.Hii.i Imi nHihu..t n ou ?l,5 ft.il'lnt of emuuienrentent, conuinlnr sou u , ii I arrea, more or leu. t iiAnn is KEiin DMd Dacatutitr tu, ttta. I Night Phones " 687 538 Or. 238 Black 735 MILK From Bulkloy Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIPPING PREAM W'e specially rucommettd, our Talde Cream ut 15o for Half Pint. Quality aud Servloe Valentin Dairy Phone 857