Greatness Consists Im OaIs llaclaw F. 1 PACK, TWt FOR SCOTLAND "Such good food so well served such refined comfort! on the , staunchestjlof ScbfcH ships? "v Pe&ularSaflin&s. Cabin Class $140, Saturnia.-$130. Third Class $85. and $3250. Round Trip. $155 and $150. I ANCHOR-DONALDSON PmrticularM from Th ROBEKT RF.FORD CO, Ud. TORONTO (PSom. F.lpn 311) or may STEAMSHIP AGENT The Cunard Steamship Co. Limited, 1 Itaft HAitlnna St. W.. Vancouver, or inv STEAMSHIP AGENT. The Daily News PHINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince rR:ipert Daily News; Limited. Third Avenue. : H. F. PUI.LEN. Managing Editor) SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $1.0" Bymail Jo all parts of the British. Empire and the United States', in advance, per year fo.Ol To all other countries, in advance, per year ........... $7.r.i Advertising and Circulation Telephone -98 Editor and Reporter. Telephone - 86 All advertising should be in The Daily News Office before 4 p.m. on 'day preceding publication. All advertising received subjer a r' , to apprnvaj. ay Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION ill wi maaivi m j - 9 gB Saturday, May 29, 1936. tSr.ea.thes., consists in self malery. To conquer an out-ide enemy may tie easy toil to have complete control nr one own body, mind and spirit is the, supreme triumph. Taxi man Proved Hero .Yesterday. . ' - Tlie'NVitinipeg.iaxi driver who at Ihe point of the "pistol re. fiiseit tir drive th'e Jiank bandit "wilh".'. his' 'swag was the herd of Off that Sluggish Feeling One thing at a time js all most men cou aileml In. Whet When they become keenly inlerested iu spine ontMde Jnlcrct thev los. lose interest in, the work by which . they earn (heir their "doilv dhilv Itrenil bread. J SHREDDED WHEAT keeps you fit- every day A person's best thought is centred on one tiling only at a time If thai is hi work lie ts forjuiiale for he will lie successful. PRINCE RUPERT ' jefterd.iy. Most people read the story of the b"ank rfildiPrjtnneetinK last Many thought Ihe teller was foolish to refuse to obey the i-om- imiuu 10 Horn up nis nanus, niu nn one nan any uoutit auout the ttxidrixrJLe..wat.a hero. .He reued toJexoerc(;d into luung pirtx,t$ i'jftftnt lul'd ItisXaclIBnj standoiilTax a.Iiimn. eTitilJile .lU-Ulllll?, f. t Income Tax Revision ' is. v o mauv. --f The. unjust double levy of.'.income lax to which attention wasirawn in this paper at Ihe lime of Ihe budget speech i til be mended, providing that no-.per.-on will have to pay income tax on the same dividend twice. It wa to be expected lhaUjel tl'll.ti II0 titt.iiir.III.. i.T ll.a!li-.'.n.'iL l.n....f.l I.. II... ..,.t:.... ..r 11.1 ..".,,v inhuuihj v i tii tiv; pi.-- utifiiiK iu nit: iiuiit'p ill ill'; JfHiapce minister, as it was by ;ii'rreat many pulilic bodies ana titidiyiduiUs, a change would beJiinde. The difficnlt thing Uf! itnuersiana is how it crept into. the budget at first, i.; ... . . Alberta Election , s 'iWllli Prove Interesting. - . '?f-lji ClV.tarib Ihere was a farmer, goveminenl and at the jPiiiuii oi uieir lerui oi jmiic iney -were oiisteo ly jooif ineir adnunislralion havibg proved' a failure. It will .HIlt'iTsting tu ve what will happeji to the farmer goverhnienl uffAlberla now that thejr first teni is ended. Despatches judi- ' &ui (hat " the old .tiarties have lieeil verv nelivp .ind ll.r.l ...... .,l . . 9 - , .-- - -- ....V ....v. ...U, Will. ,.. IJiejn ijlny possibly be returned.;. At any rate the campaign will yjrin waiciuug ami ma. resiiji'.wTii ne eagerly looked for. Sorne People Cannot Stand Temptation. , . , tw il IIIK l"U jW jMmie people cannot stand lejiiplation. Ordinarily Ihey are, ry, '-"' I'inj cii in a jMisiiioii oi too mucii authority or,dnn place where they have to; handle a lot of oilier people's' dill diaving to work for iL ' t i ' . 4 f vUambliug and siieculiiting are two of the niot fruilfiil ..mean of leading people to lakeTnoner which is hot llteie iiw-n "fj1 l.hey 'win they are laking ilnenrncd money and there s not ver"yf1 lfprence between taking it and taking moiiev from a;.i"kT)r.a trust fund or an employer. Y'eslenlav a man wa sentenced to four years iu jail for taking lied Cro-s funds of . w'HChi.h seemed to have full , control. .The supervision was not iiiiiiienny sinci anu ne goi away with a large sum. He could 4101 .wnnsianu. temptation. Hail ,ho been an ordinary secretary fi ..Iui.mX.,.'.I..w 'aI.... c .......... !..!.. 1... 1 j i. .... 1 " .M.MUMiH.ui im-c -iK-rtiuir woiiiu pronaniy nun lie good yilizcii without the slain' on hi name dial, lie has today. j t , One Thing At A Time ' ;. . Enough For Most Men. ISDISCUSSED Wheat Will Come This Way If Route Found to be Cheap--est Says Ottawa An Ottawa ilenati'li to the Vancouver Province aay.: ; 1 xia-.aaatii r I flat tirt IptiI inn !li:v! ' if the pool doe not jtel Xt. l! elevator, .tjiey will move their! wheat ia, Prince Itupert, if i stated thai wheat invariably. move via the clieapsel mute, and. if Prince Rupert i a more; economical route it will kc Hum buslnesvlmt not othcrwIje.H- A's, to' the claim that if Hie pool iloe' not pef the elevalojr(athey: will build their own rarillle at Van-i couver ami thus reduce the vol-j uine of tjuinest of the Harbor) Hoard'. elevators, It; Is' submitted, that if the fadlitie are Already J adequate, there i? riu need for the; pool to leaHe', a they will liavej ho trouble In uahir tho public elevator in the same way a . oher shippers, and a ha beetrfc (tone up to I lie preeju. r fln the other hand, if the de- ktiv trt lini U nrnnltitifl bv fear ibat tin faeilille. are inade.iuatwk Tor the whole trade, then it would ibviouIy be unfair to the trade n general to permit one inter! p control urb an important percent. ice .of the liatititine facil- llie. As the Harbor Hoard' eleva tor have atwav been profitable, iio reaon for interfering wilh them is seen. TinnTV civ mtriir inmnoiA ntiTf t MEMBERS OF MOOSE LODGE INITIATED First Meeting In New Hall Last Nlflht Was Followed by Supper and Dance Thirty-six new member were initiated into Hie local Mooe lodge which hehl its first regular testra. niphl in the new pan in the Heckwith Hlock. recently purchased tiy Hie lotlge. After the lodce meeting, Ihe supper wa lieltl with H. J. Hacon, dictafor. presiding. Then t lie 50 members of the lodsre ami wives who were present ilieir .l.inriritf until 3 o'cloek this fiiorriui;. joe taKani was uias-cr of ceremonies and music was. nrnihed by Ihe W'eslholme (r- FISH ARRVALS Halibut Sells Today at 14.50c to 16.90c and Salmon at 13c Halthut prices today were. ir'tiit. 1 a ti.i t k.MMMfAM.. iaLlw-0"r "Oil itt.ipu Jill .iliirt 11 nit, hehnd 1 i.50c to 15.tnc for I'na- dian with Sc for AmArtcan sei;-. Oii'l and c for Canadian. Sal 11011 sohl at 13c for reds and 3c- or while. Arrivals were: amrlean I Onah, t.500. to Hooth Kisher- li-.s. .Ilappy 12.000, to Cold Storage. Cot uanaaian lleveine, 14.000, f0 Itoyal Fih -Kalen, 7,000, Id Atlin Fisher ' ies. 1 IU 5,0' ( Cold Sto'r 1e. Inez 11., 5,000, to Atlin Fisher ies. Cayigenn, 3,800, to Cold Stor H4Ci s' t U rill! In llonlli Hsberies. Salmon Tallow, t.noo retls and HIO Whiles, to Cold Storage. SURPRISE PARTY FOR BAISLER FAMILY AT JOMltAsf NIGHT . . N . . . evepin anoui c..jij a; numher of their friends andl iieigldior.s caught the Haislcr: family unaware and took pos-; sension of their home for a few, hours. The members' of the party did nol come empty hand-1 cd, and a few irioments afler ar-i rival Hie, entire-group was galh-; ered about a feast table ont which there wag an abundance of1 those deliciou, Ihlntm which, tickle the palale. Tho repast heintf over, Mrs.J Klrkpatrick, as acting chairman, ralleij'on a number for remarks,) each of. whom responded im word filling for the occasion. Inj behalf of the group of friends Mr. John Dybliavn presented Mrs. Haislcr with a beaulirul silver sandwich Iray as a token of the esteem in which she is held. aifWMWtl 1H "1IHK WHEAT GOING Later in th- --Dybliavn la i Of stllo Wli '.I all. There w i-storv-tellini: it f I. for FocJa 6U HIUE BOX POWER If your motor lacks power in rough coing, Install a complete set of dependable Champion Spark Plugs and n6tc the improvement. Your car will have new power, nec.d an acceleration Champion tltpendabi lor Every Engine A Cariadiarumade Product WinJaor, Out. iHilHlI..lL:aJli mi ig Mrs. John willr a e. tuple ! enjoyed by a mum! of r which jrame beeame the ..rder of the evening. Sincere 'regret was experienced that the ILp-Ut family is departing froiu Priliee Itlipert III the near .future. The party in-ludetl. Iieside the surpriejl fiiniily. Mr. and Mrs. Kirkpattiek, Mr. and Mrs. Jlarl. Mr. ami Mr-. MeKinley. !r. ami Mr, fllurk. Mr. a nil Mr. Hulger. Mr. -aod Mrs. Matlieson. lr. ami Mr. Dyltliax 1 Mr.aml Mrs. Mot ley. Mr. K'- Mi ami - . and Mrs. Itin.le EUCHARISTIC CONGRESS CHICAGO, JUNE, 1926 The Greatest Event In the His tory of the Catholic Church In America C. N. Rys. to Operate Trains from Western Canada Iff ur unusual Importance ujl Unman ilalluUies i the 28lh Internal io;ia liueharNlic Ciin-j ri.a in Mmht, fe III lima 4.1 lion, 'Tli ; GbureJi authoriliei were oiii)l(e.l itriori th annnsrn- tng ihe iraln service soithat thej i i n j .wJI putprr o-riict hum irom inn various. cf-MrWsi wiiiifdMie Cd. Those who delre to use tho regular servfee !ihvh Ihe privil ege of travelling' art the t limn git train wliichfls operalei during the iiummer'Veksnn from West ern Canada tti Chicago Ilional li.iilways will he pleased to give you further particulars a ml complete nil arrangement. TO MANY PORTS Shipments From Vancouver Indicates Demand Widespread by Western Route VANtUll YFII. May --Shipment of grain HiN week from tins hurt indicate that the de mand for 'wheal xoihk "'it by the western routeH nnj confined In miy locality ur cnunlry. The de mand i idepriad. Milpment have lieen a follow: Jersey .Moor for l ulled KillR- dum Willi option of .Mediterra nean ports 2.3,y7t htihc)s London tiorporalion for .Man Chester ?t,fii)rt buslicM. 'f Yokohama .Maru for Yokohama iO.Olift buhel. Pan Maru for Yokohama 69, ' i)U!i bushels. , Talbot for Auckland, .New Zen land H,;ko lijihel; for Lyttletuii 0,585 buhcl. West . lara fpr Sydney lfi.t;t bushels. YVaiotapu for ydey. Australia. :?,Iiir liu'hel. Aoranxi for Sydney 0.5HS Imstiel. Inskip for C-ilIno .'ir,,or !istiels. THE MAN IN THE MOON Vul Nis YantlerliiH went into i lie newspaper i.nsiiie and bwl mi uiueh cash Ihe old folk Wiiubli not lantl for it. We can yni pat hue with them, say the own r of the Haily .News. A CHF.STON woiiiiin says she drank -'OX hottle of beer and a JozeM of Seoleli in le than .liree week. She must have wen a crturngeous ierin If lite wer wa Hie H.C. rnaiiufaelure. PILSI'DSKY seiie llieitovern .unit sky of l'olandky aiul tlieit nitiniinces he will run for the ,ieitentky. I think he should eaily winky. Mir. simwiierry eason is on and I Wouhl have ome straw tterrie nntl rream if I bail somn 'I'ieani ami Jul enmitrh straw itierrie to fill one of lluise round xla dishes. TIIF. chief scarcity in this part Special. of Hie country i weather. ThTe i hardly enough to go round. NOW that Ibp .I'rlnco Iluper elly council has ettlei its dif- ferenee, there- t a political fiahl startctl irt .Alberta. Thcre'n bouml to he &tine.llllp? .doinif all ' '? r, Mi-' ', ' - 7. " -Mth- Itlie lime. time. Ihe Chnreh dignitaries an duly aiii.recialive of the elforKl mad liy the Canadian NaliotiHW Itailways, who have arranged fitj operate special trains to and from the Coriares, and have hImi made recurvation for several hundred people , in; goo.l hotels utt a reasonniile expense, and askf their peoole ti make application' promptly for the necessary sleep! : I . . . . . !1 in ear ami noiei accommona-f Was Nearly Crazy v From Headaches Mi K Drill, 579 BJwood At, Winnirgt Man., wrilMl "I nu troubled with such ertre kfkdarbfs that tome, timei I u aearl erwy oho lurra. One day friend told me And adritod ne to are o I tried it, and H ki done me a world of Rood. I just took two and ha! bottlm, and I barra't had a keadathe tot a long" time, now." Put op only by The T. Uiibora Co, Liauuii, totoiiXo, Oat, I'JUi day w-asjsjiirrny; The witid'aijenid, rne marinervwas HxIremelyhOld; He started Jiit t;. In a choppy sea. Anil vot as sick -. could bei; And ever Jnce that W ben the souiriea( blows He stays in the boie And toast his tms. "NAVIOABiS WATtMS PMOTICTION act," a.s.0.. CMAena iib. home Mitl.rjin" LiMirrn. KtiMirwi 'ifrir. it iti He stri. in itte .ut of Vttnntqwr, rmvliK-e t,f brltlib C(4uiftbU. lll.lltHl illtR .lOTII.E lltal II ln uodrn if. 7 ur III Mlit Art iltfHttilMl h Im MillKler i t I'uhllc W'lifk tl 0U(, unit in Hie nrrire f the inoriri hriniirir t in' t.iiu uri.irr iniinri i,r erirtir Huperl. il I'rinw llunprc, B.C., ur iii-;iir iiki piinii of Mm .nail ami irrMi. I denrrlp ami lrllllA fi nrrvtnwr A .u..' lift pro(iwi iu hf twiili it SlMiin.a B. uumi cfiirMte litnl, lit Ihe itoviih l UritKli i;MiiniM, n rnrrlnir b-ir tit lill IMl. Otilffl Cliar-tnll l.t.t.. Any aitent of the Canadian Na-1in;:i,K, "f .r'!''!:,r:,,,",n?!f- f Hthl (S. rrr HHr ir !. ASH TShK .10Tli:r. Hill itlrr Ih. ... !4lrilin itf oii (I i imtfilh frwn ttie dilr or hi rirm puiiiirituin , n,ia m,nrr (lite Mlllrril l.lliillfil mill Uiulpf frtlu Mlliltr Witrlt 11 bin nfflrit In llir Cll of Omni tor iiiiirnul t,t Ih uiri iiiI. nil pn' iitd rr lMe to rimtlftiri tti n09SF.-.MIILEHf) UVITFJl, rniirii'trii. VVIIIIin, Vnwi a NAVIQABLC WATCRS enOTSCTION ACT fnlnn Oil CiiiMinnr ,,f rnla, about. Hy 'm iHiiirf thai n ii ,,, tmil 7 nf llif AH lllll..,llMll ilriHtiiiril Utllllrrt. Itllllf U-I.K .MlllOler nf I'lihlir Wik. mi im... .7. in . itrrirj or itw tt-irfiir t.r liiiltfil in I hi. frtivlmt. f c,, im ln, i di-wruninn of Uw ! ami Mm . itf i rM inii iiiiilior wlurf .n.iHi.,i .V"1" .I,rt""' Mi r ii Um- Ml.) murine-, mi witrr loi r ,nr V;rf,.,w ':i,r"fh nrin in imh frn - J. 1" ""l'" imrlltfrly fr."" It murk a rtl-ln.. f.f t itrmiiiniHv JOS', Mlw-nr. it Mlib-nn m 1 (i j I, tii,, in- ir m ire., ihl t"i . ... "rrniiiHuif iy riri. Ji'l to Hie hrf tin. 1 (ml like imllr- that iftrr ilw Mpiri. ..n t.f tine i,,th f,m Um ' ')Plr; f rt p.iltllratkin ,.r 11.14 nollrr iVh. n oil t,r lunula, l.lnmr,! mill 'lS,;r!"n ! '"1 Srt i,'my in Itlf Mini . nf iar-.i.7 V. V' , fire in i.. r..,y-,; i ,v "V.," i': nrt for Ifire tu rr, ,. ,, JJJ"; nrr , Ittcl irr'niarh to Ihe name I fUl-d 11 Vnr.mvp ui..i. 1M ISth dar .f 'i.V: iiiia, ll. J. KFlMt'tn. Dutrict sale llimitr, .1 Victor i f Process Records : Horses Novelty, Fot Trot Ctor fte ()len and HI MuIe Always I HS1 Wli-.OlMndHUll , tWI NiThii 1 .iai,1tiT)lJ IIDI Vint llnlr BUTT II rfu-1 .immwiii. TltL--!.. ivm thfn S.J Jf Crafor4 Valencia (Tti new fui trot with the iwipy SjunlOi ttijihni) Fox Trot Paul Whltenun and Ills Orchestra 5 After I Say I'm Sorry im; rM Tr-J CM-k-io J III 1 iwa or(. aj-.a.(n 3WIM l -Tarn WmHiS . , Just a Cottage Small )Mlt Fat Trvl WMlni'a fraMaflnjiUna lt!7l Imf amMlal Tkwktkil 1111 Tvral loMMdMiwI 1 eme At "His Master's Voice" Dealen Victor Talking Machine Co. Tor best results use only Victor Needles DEMAND w m "Rupert Brand" -Kippers "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD' Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage fell Prince Rupert, B.C. Canadian National RailwaJ Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OpaMtlno Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry DojJJ r t u...i-i... -n. L... m.rkimlth'i rl innri mabiuiiiaia, ouiiiiiiii msksrs, Founders, Woodworkers, fc"- KUECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING- Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. canaoiani Vacific 1aiirX PHONES 43 and 9 B. C. Cbat Servk" it Canadian Pacific Rail Sailing from Prince RP$1 IM IARUIUUK. 1UIUW IM MJIIIU iS. MINOSS IUIIICE r BulMal, Swanian Bar, tail aalla aalia, Oiaaa ''" Campbill Rltar, a a Vanoauiar airf Salurdaf 11 .T.ktU I S ff all iMmahla Ltnti. , . W. O. ORCHARD Qiniral Al. 0. rv.A ff -at, ll,,,! ,.i 9A AaAMU-. prittvv ""r