PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS OrgandiE (icmiinc permanent finish Swiss Orgdndy, 15 inches widi?, in while only. Per yard- 65c WEST of ENGLAND STORE Third Avenue Phone 753 ANOTHER FRESH SHIPMENT OF Rochon's Dandy ltochon's Chocolates, 1 lh. ' $1.00 ltochon's Chocolates, 2 lh. $2.00 Rochon's Special Chocolates $2.75 Modioli's Special Chocolajes $4.00 ltochon's Almond Crisp, per lb :. $1.00 ltochon's Hulk Creams, per lb 75c ltochon's Chocolate Hrazils. per lb $1.25 Rupert Pharmacy Prescription Specialists Phone 94. Wa) deliver. Meat Department .Mutton Chops, per fb. 30c Stew Mutton. 2 lbs 35o Shoulder Mutton, per lb. 25c Veal Slew, 2 lbs 25c Veal Cutlets, per lb. .. 2Sc Lv Veal, per lh. . . Hound Steak, 2 lbs. , Sirloin Steak, 2 lbs. , 25c 45c 55c Shoulder Steak, per lb. 15o Slewing lleer, 2 lbs. ... 25c llaniberger Steak, 2 lbs. 25c Side I'ork, per lb 25c Ayrshire H.-icon, per lb. 35c Sausage, 2 lbs. . . .. 35c Mussallem Grocery Co. Ltd. RATON Summer Dresses $5.00 and $6.00 i A full new line- of Stamped Goods Mrs. W.T Wilson Third Avenue l.0. Hox - m 08.9 I'hone Orcen 38'J Millinery 25 PER CENT OFF TRIMMED HATS VENUS PURE SILK HOSIERY $1.25 "Demers" Wo him lo please. Phono 27, P.O. Box 327 I I TERMINALS WIN I The train fromlhe Ma si. due! at 3.30 this afternoon, will ar-j jrive on lime. T. F. J. fortune has relumed Took First Victory of Season to the city from Vernon where hoi 'rom yros uasi.nigni ay. look .Mrs. Fortune add futility id spend the summer. llev. l'van Haker relumed to the city on the Prince Itupcrf this morning from Vancouver where he was In attendance al the United Church conference. The, chartered inotori-ship l.illeliorii was at the Hur- raid dry dock a Vancouver this week for 'engine repair prior to loading cargo, for the Ouern Charlotte Islands and Prince. vviiiiam 1-. uoweii, win) us a hoy lived here for several years with his parents, the lale Con duetor Frank Howell and Mr Howell, is visiting: the cily .on business in connection wilji ar Kdmonlon roal firm wilh which ho is identified. He came in I from the Kast on last night'-' train and will spend the next fow days here. Subscribe to the Uailr 'w Stop' Look! Vancouver Prices - i A De Luxe Cleaning Service We have just installed the very latest in Dry Cleaning Machinery to lake care, of yoifr various needs and can offer the1 public a -leaning Service second to none in ttie province at reasonable rates. PRICE LIST Gent's Clothing Suits Steamed and Pressed.. 7Gc Suits Cleaned dnd Pressed $1.50 Coat and Vest . $1.00 1'rousers ..... 75c I'rousers (while, $1.00 Overcoats Steamed and Pressed Coals (Sweater; Coats (Sweater, Silk) Kimouas. Opera Coals. Corsets ... Caps . . t t ... . . Suits .Plain Prcsjed Skirts Pressed ... ..' Skirts, Light Colors ... Lad ins' Suits, plain 75c up Overcoats Cleaned and Pressed .. $1.75 up French Overcoats $2.5vi Itaincoats $2.00 Fancy Vests 50c Hoys' Suits .... $1.00 Caps , .. ... ,. 35c Silk Shirts 75c Mufflers ...... 25c lies 10c Ladies' Clothing Waists 75c Coats , ... $1.75 .. 75c $1.00 . . llalli Hobes $1.50 Ladies' Suits, Light Colors $2.03 Ladies' Suit Coat $1.00 Ladies' Suit Coat; Light Colors ... ..' $1.25 j Dresses, Plain ... ... Dresses, Plain, Light Dresses, Silk .... ... Fancy Ijvening fiownx . Miscellaneous $1.00; $2.50 . 50c . 253 $1.00 . 75c $1.00 $1.60 $1.75 Colors $2.00 $2.00 , $2.50 Portiers Tapestry $1.25 Curtains, Velvet, Single ... $1,251 Curtains. Velvet, Double .. $2.00 Curtain, Lace (Dry Cleaned $1.00 Kidcrdown Comforters ... $2.00 Hlaukels, Dry-cleaned, single $1.00 Hlaukels, Dry-cleaned, double ... $1.50 Aulo Hugs .. . . Table Covers.. Cushion Covers Couch Covers , , Oloves, Lonig , . Gloves, Short . , Children's Furs I 4 Ilepair Charged I'xtra $1.00 $1.00 . 40c $1.00 . 50c $1.00 . Carpets Thoroughly Cleanedl and Sterilized by Rotary Process., PHONE 118 and we will do the resll PioneerLaundry (1921) Ltd. i i Score of 9 to 2 ' -Tlie second league baseball gapiivo.f t lie i-eason, look place las"3??vciilng at' Acropolis" Hill grounds, the Cnmd Terminals winning in their first appear- anco of the year over the Uyro Club by u score of 11 to 2. I Tlje4 frame was n as one-J sfded as Hie score might iiulicate, ' a good many of the Terminal j runs having beeji made in the: first two innings when Skinner,' in the box for the service club,! was readily hit liy the Terminal, batsmen, ioiue of the scoring! havin? been due lo wild throws' and passed balls at the home plate. Milliner was puncii ueiorc Hie third inning in faxor of Tom (Clarke who was able lo hold things better nllhough the win-; ners did make nmre runs off him. I stickney pitched rood steady, ball for the Terminals in - the jramo which went seven innings. l'.jLaporte and W. Mitehelt were umpires and the teams took the field as follows: j (rand Terminals llalfour, c; Slickney. Stork, III; Joe Smith, 2b;!lalph Smith, ss; F. V. MelroiiW, .7b: It. Wall, cf; Wallace, rf; (ireenwell, If; outfield j spares, Clapp and Mack. iiyro Club C. Mrheown, c; Skinner and Clarke, p: II. Frii-xrit. lb: (ienrge Hill, 2b; ieorgc Milehell, ; Monm. 3h; V.. -Morris, rr; 11 Tollocli, If; It. Howard, lows:- V. L. Pet. s rf. ., ., ' The next (jgame will bo on j Tuesday between the (Jrand Ter- ; minals and alivo Sons of (Ian- ada. The landing of the teams fol-(Srand Terminals .. t 0 tnoo iyro Club , '. I 1 500 A'alive Sons 0 t 000 V -rTo-e-oTWk -- For medium to full Jigureh Ven low hutt, long ikirt, t!as-tic tandi at tides to ttntrol thigh flesh. Kerne Bridge Construction, w'z, front steels shorter than corset lopn Jigging in. Diagonal toning, treating straight linet. Ifhilt or Pink CoutiL Sizet 226; t6J0. When a woman uyt nhe hat betn earing the Mice mmke ot conet lor ten yean, or Ifteen year, or more you may be sure it it a Ntmo. Jabour Bros. Ld. KOPS IlltOS.LImiled.Toonto Clean Up Week Canned Corn 50 cases to sell; Singapore Pineapple to cases to sell; tins corn .... $1.00 tins for ,. $1.00 Strawberry Jam -'5 eases Malkin's Deal or I'.in- prcss, i lb. tins 85 o ! Slock up on these Hems now us we will sell them out B.C. Butchers and Grocers, Ltd. Phones 45 and 574 ; 1 Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST vv Health and Happiness in Home Life W HAT a joy are children to the healthy mother. Their noise and shouts are music in her ears, for then she knows they are well and full of energy. But how different when mother is tired, nervous and irritable. Then she longs for rest and quiet and every sound jars on her jangled nerves. Health 'and happiness has come to many a home as the result of mother using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. Gently and naturally it instils new nerve force into the tired, nerve-racked body. SPORT CHAT Sam Currie has lu-en nauvsl eaidain of A team and Xeil O'-Donuell shipper ot H team whieli will meet al the- Acropolis Hill grounds on June :, I'lliursduy next) in the, exhibition bene ft: game hfinsr staged for (he widow and family of the lau- Tom Jon who acted in .previous years n referee in hi many Icasu games. The personnel of tin- two tennis ,is now lKins seleelrd by Hie ex 'ecutivo of the Prince lluper. Foolliall Asooialion and will !' aunouiieetl later. The ItoyV I Hand will he in attendance at the game. Wilh the first mentioned team having already won the silverware, 4Srand 'Je,rminal and CM Slorage will inrvl Monday nigh: in the fifth Stuart Shield football fixture. The Cold Slnmg-' learn will consist of A. Murray A. Ilaig, D. I.ainlt J. Harris, IS Kelsey, It. WoimIs, A. MaCiloualil. J. Johnson, P DohT-rly, S. Kr-kine and J. Norrington with II IZMZMalMaMAM CANADIAN SERVICE mOM MONTREAL TO PLYMOUTH-CHCRBOURO-LONDON. Aim, Ma s .:w A.arn a iiuus it TO LIVtnPOOL i Aurani j'jiic i, Jn t. I TO BELFAST AND GLASGOW ! Alhrma . J'nw J 1 ij-IKu . Juiw I FROM NEW YORK TO QUEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL ! ( jiriiilliiii . J ii in -ill, una .. Jimk- If : TO CHERBOURQ AND SOUTHAMPTON 1 ' Maurmiua J.,n- v. m. July.vt Aqnlimin i .lit- Hi. Jul) J. Aiiir. I lif niiaila .. Smu : : Inly II. Anar. II TO LOPIDOPIDtHRT AND GLASJOr , Calirurma . 4ii' 5 i.4liliiia. tm It TO PLVMOUTH-CHERBOURO-HAIf BURb AiKlania Jimii in. Jult :il. .-ri. FROM eOSTON TO QUEENITOWN AND LIVERPOOL Samaria Jtutr i i I aivinia . . Jim 7 Ak rir T'liiriM :ni l.iicralairc and ft l.mi .,r S';UI Tom a Money ordt-i-. drafts ami iravellcra' riwi- al lowf.i rale. Full InfiinnatMi fnim liK-al Aent , - i.iMiipaiiyK orfln-n. 6i mniiias hi. v . Vjnruuver, V.c. VW ne. Sry. HIS. Special Tours Who eoei there! - Where? with the Vctfraiu to the Battlefields, France, Belgium and Blighty, leaving Montreal June 19, on the Cunarder "Antonia for Cherbourg, under the auspices of Thoi. Cook & Son, Limited. Other Tours from Montrtat CALEDONIAN SOCIETY TOUIt June 11 Allimia for Glaagow EDLCATIO.NAL TOUIt June 26 - Awania for I'ljmoulli, Clirrlmurg, Iindon STUDKNTS TOUR July 2 Auranla for IJvrrpool DAUcin Kits & sums of ENGIA.M) TOUIt July 3 Anemia for Ixindon MASONIC TOUIt July 9 Al!ieahi for Claagu The Cunard Steamship Company, Limited, 622 Hastings Street, West, Vancouver. CUNAUD ANCHORDONAIDSON Headaches disappear, you rest and sleep better, digestion improves, worries and fears fade away and you know again the happiness of health. Use it at the first sign of nervous exhaustion and you save yourself weeks of un happiness. There are no substitutes for Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. It has proven itself the greatest of restoratives. Dr. Chases Nerve Food is woman's best friend for it helps her as nothing else can during the trying critical periods of her life. 60 cts. a box, all dealers or The Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co., Limited, Toronto 2, Can. K ,i".url.ui. J. Haker and 11. Corbel I as spares. Owing to thr fart that Hie full team did not, pill in an appearance, the elmlulei High ScIkhiI league baseball games between levins eaptained ny Alex Milehell ami Ted Tile was not played yes terday afternoon. Instead, Iheiv wa a scratch game between pick-Up teams. Waterfront Whiffs ciuiliinii'j from piui- (i damage was dune vvIdmi the tern ,"! 'was al lis hukght betMcen lli- hours or 8 and II Tliiiredn night and the setiooner got back lo Kirt yesterday morning A ipiirk iviiair job was done al the MeU'uii ways ycslenlay and la-l night the Vcsm'1 was ublj to return to the fishing ground. The seiner fiulll al the Mc- lM?an Waws by (!. -.Millrrd t. for .lames Lewis of Kitkatlu left Thursday iiflertioon for Kitkalln Later the vessel will m engaged in fishing from Suunyside Ila'ibut laudiiifs al the port idoi'ing the pai"l ww'k (Saturday ! ' Friday iueliisive) were light m r;,8U0 pounds--2U7,no(i pound-irom American vesseN and 160,- KIMI from thiuadian. Price, jumped from the avemge of 'lUi al (be first of the week to Hu level of l8o about Wednesdavj but came down to around He a: I Hie end. The season's landingr! to dale total: American, 7,005.-100 i.i.ninls; Canadian. -'.irI.H5il pounds; total, ,i5ti,lri(l pound.! Iloals landing eutcluvs hen' luriiw the week were as follows:! American Allanllc, 10,000;; Gladys, 5,5(io; Weslern. 16.000; Arrow,- :iof00(; Sujierior, 20.000;' ugusta. 16,000; Serious, 0,-; 500; liagle, 7,000; Hrolhers, 2,- 000; lleliaiice, 1,000; Glacier. I 15,000; Grant, 27.000; Lumen.' i:i,000; Allen, 25,000; Kanalak,' 215.000. Canadian N. A S., 1,800; Scrub, . 3,000; D.S.T. y.QOO: Tooilie, 0,500; Liviugslone 11. 15,000; (lapu - Spencer, 6,000; Pair of Jacks, , 1,0(10; Teriao. 1.000; doe Haker, 5,500; 'lling- 'eader, 5.000; Mayflower, 7,000; Fannie 1'., 1,500; S.A., I.V00: I nome, 6,000; point May 5,000: White Lily 2,r,0(;; Hose ?pji ji. 000; Lysekil 20.000: Itiiurn. :t.. 000;. Kobe, 2.500; Miiirneag, l.'J.-50(1; Thelma, 1,200;" M.iM. Cln-is-loplier, 12,000; , Hrj-aiil, 7,000. Wfiia, 3,0004.. .: ' M' j tiifavorable weather has burn responsible for short ralelies i.i a number of ciu? aiid.ihc lung nine out in oinrrs. T. Wyndliam of Vancouver, proviiieial malinger of the Imiier- ial Tobacco Co., arrived on ilie Prince Huperl this morning from Uo south. Saturday, May ?9 le,, 6 JUNE BRIDES' SILVERWARE and Cut Glass Sale Never before have wo assembler such a vsrlttv beautiful and distinctive pieces to sell at such amuLi low prices. You will do well to give them your dote stun Of particular Importance is the offering of nodgtri is?. Community Plat and MHHam Rodgers' flatware on wh! k we are giving a special discount during the month of Jur,t Scientific Optical Work Ours Is the best and most modern equipped Ootltai Parlor In the North. Our specialist has had twenty.L years' oxpcrlcnco In fitting and testing eyes. Our prit, are always reasonable and our work dependable. W, ! vile consultation. Max Heilbroner 527520 Third Avenue The Diamond House of the North !-TaTtT.T.TtTMT.T.Tt.SSISSfcTi.TKnm FBsWBsWsWs!TMlWslfc' WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Saturday at 7 and 9 RUDOLPH VALENTINO In Tie Eagle lludiilpli V.ilenlino in n r'le Unit si i --weeps Hie eiiiolions iol tlirilU walls (irlton . ccil. The world lover heroine- "Tll B"gic oils iMiiidil. wlui-e deed- air liei itdeil far ud v whose heart hi fimdlv turned l ('UittHC'. Tli- love role of In- nireer when' lu Iiert leiol- ! maze oT eoiisiirHi and high intrigue. A ph"'" wliieh there is action vvitliniit rouiaii' liijstcr) that haf fit's,. Iml uvot 'till Kivelhrine Hi Hie lienrL Hlrong oast: Rudolph Valentino, Vilma Danky, Albert Contl, Ja Marcus, Georgo Nichols, Louise Dresser, Carrie Clark Wars' ami many oilier. AESOP'S FILM FABLES PATHE REVIEW 50c and 25c Don't Wash- Telephone the Canadian Laundry Yon just phone- in to call for your lum 1 washing is off vour iniiid for Ilie ret uf Hie install, e. using our SOFT FINISH SERVICE in-tiling relnrmd uiim i, iiliili-U vvaslicd, dried. ' FLAT WORK IRONED!! And Hie nisi Hint yiin vII wonder vvhv von have not railed 11 OTHER SERVICES THRIF-T, Ilie wearing nparel is eil hom? Hie FLAT WORK IRONED anil WET WASH. Phone 8 Mi, CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY and Dry Cleaners Everything for the Builder LUMBER We have Ilie most turn pie l "I"' " ;,m'2 rliriiciiMoiis, sliipln'p, fir finisth, flooring V J0" veneers, ulci' in, N'oflliern H.(I , We can supply everything In a building from the fon datlon to the last piece of finish. Heforc buying inspect our slock. It will P"v prices are right. Albert & McCaffery, Ltd Phones 110 and 117 "