lhe A Heys Bowling Me , ood start w go m de . hers set tablished it rolled wked the ume The Wad ital the tituted week prize ek rhis 4. Doffus of of core Rupert Daily News 5 y, Or Mere are reswits of games CNRA 4, Watts & Nickerson Oo: Moose 4, Flectrotux 6: Manson's 4, Industrials @; Woodbutehers 3, North Star 1; Mallets 3, 75 Taxi 1; Cook's Jewellers 4, Short Cireults 0; 1.C’s 4, Firemen, de- fault; Sedgwick 4, Kaien Indus tries 0, Watsen Islanders 4 Pamily Market 0: CGE 3, Nelson Brothers | LADIES Cath Hintow rolled o neat 744 to top the women in “A’ Divi- ion Of The Ladies’ Five-Pin Bowling League this week and tno had high #ame ef 306. She put together games of 175, 309 and 266 fer her total Anneties had the high game tober 9 1062 0RTS ROUND-UP | WILL GRIMSLEY i en » reserve Brobkiyn outfielder If Dressen had signed at the end of the season, chances are he would have been retained at his present $30,000 salary Best bet now: A year’s con- tract ract at $40,006 Meanwhile reports persist that the Yankees aren't plan- ning to let Casey Menge! slip off into retirement; set right away. + One published report is that Casey is being tempted with a two-year offer ai $106,000 per, a presidential salary, Tip that Tommy Holmes will Mil- wind up £5 manager of s Waukee Brewers to sueceed Puck Walters whe resigned Lou Perini owne of the Boston Braves which operate the Brew a farm elub, is Kieh or former hireding eTa as = Campus News f the evening saw their Queer Miss Olive Sturweat of Vanco ver, crowned “Miss Clas 4f 56 xy President Norman MacKen SPORTS Saturday afternoon (Septem ber 27) gaw the unveiling yf UBC's 1982, Thunderbird Am- erlean Pootball Team. Seme 4200 fans watched as the visi* ing Whitworth: College Pirate ‘ taking advantage of a weak U.B defence 7 to 12 victory. The fitst half was a close con test with Whitworth scoring th y touchdown in the dying m« erits ofthe half. Trailing 7 to ntering the second half, UBC me back strongly and Bill Mor tie scored UBC's first touchdow? Mia’ Mmaretnec WwW a * when he broke loose and scamp- > ered 18 yards to score standing La DALS NOW ONLy ular Cros Me broken lin es mu don’ Green 595 1 fought with amd helped are i repaying Lee Jnng Ok by pro- L veraity oourse LOOK > SANDALS Reg. Price $5.95 s-Strap style. Blue Calf it want them for outdoor use— * Pair tor Comfort while you work! due Shoes Limited | 506 3rd W. up. Whitworth then SWILCTIEN “to an aerial offence and scored three touchdowns before a Pet ticton freshman, Jim Boulding seored UB.C.'s final touchdown One UBC's newest atud of e ents thik year ie a Korean bo} who served for two yeuts as ar interpreter with the Prince Pats in Korea, The men he rrow viding him with a four year Uni- a a gg gg ggg $3.95 Black and Red Sandals i ti ee i ee ai in, ei ill il all il il i il ll ill ll il RP ee Box 638 tt Rolls 330 to Start Men's Five-Pin Lea Charles KU s os Opponent in BS Referee Collapses in Second Boxing Fatality Ashtor apsed and died fight Friday against Chariey during a fight last r Donze co HOMES SCARCE gue * : st night. It was Joseph In the same ring RED DBER, Alta. CP)—Mays : = 1030 and the Stare. with “&” Division: Stars 4. Gordon eas © : ; ¥ —— Luxing Dr. N. K, Edrington, Louisiana , _ Crawiord reports that al- Second Round ‘* A é y Hinte leadt 4 ft hivy +0) 3058 UNGil tWo days tate on Shum ary Si- ; : 7740. Printing 6; Arinettes 3, Sunrise 1 referee fel} to | ¢ : a : his: CINCINNATI (CP) — kzzaed In “B’ Division, Mildred Wide |) Lucky Strikes 3, Savoys 1; ‘Me canvas seconds before the he collapsed $1 Agneee news mae ienood —_ Charlies, former heavyweigtit we of Toilers, rolied high single of |Doms Dept. 3, Cloverleafs 1; Now €nd of 1 round between; Announcer Duke Dure; told Year, Alberta's fifth city is ex- champion, Wednesday nig hé Pe a 265 and Isfa Hague of Prince Ru-|Laurcles 2, Manson 2 oe : iehts Ross Virgo of|the spectators the boxing com- periencing ome of its Worst! puoeked out Bernie Reveshin " oo of $00. Delon & had high three “B” Division: Cook's 4, Co-op nites cone “Jack OBrien | mission called the fight 2 draw housing shortages. Cliffside. NJ. in one minute . Se s gers rolled high single 0; Commercials 4, McKay's 0 Se coe a * 4 Game of 987 and also had high | skeeng 3, 7th Ave. Market 1;; Jimmy (Bud) Taylor, a prom- HOCKEY SCORS s and 40 seconds of the seeond three of 2488 Buigers 3, PR. Plumbing 1; ising Negro middleweight from WHL—Calgary 0, Saskatoon 6: DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIEDS round of a scheduled %2-round Here are results Rupert Radio 3, 75 Taxi, default.’Miami, Filia. died Sunday of ' Tacoma 2, Seattle 6 BRING QUICK RESULTS ~ bout. x a = ore ae eo . angina a shitaitteeerie INTRODUCING Monarch Cake Flour % DEAL No. 1 69c 1 Pkt. Monarch White Cake Mix SPECIALS GOOD TILL WED 1 Upside Down Cake Tin. NESDAY, OCTOBER 15th This Monday is Thanksgiving Day—a holiday BOTH for % DEAL No. 2 Fancy Sockeye, Horseshoe Brand T Pkt. Monarch Chocolate Cake Vy-lb. tin Mix 1 Upside Down Cake Tin. ¢ BOTH for ¥* SHORTENING 23c ¥ Tomato Soup=:~ 25¢) ——> = LADIES!—Get the Christmas spirit early. Meet your friends for tea at the Civic Centre, Thursday, October 16th. Proceeds towards the “Over 70” Xmas Banquet. % DEAL No. 3 . 1 Pkt. Gingerbread Mix 1 Upside Down Cake Tin. 65c BOTH for The cake tin alone is worth 75< of anybody’s money. Pp EACHES-- en 2 tins 3 5c Grapfruit Juice Nabob, 20-oz. Whole Beets ey IS 32 20 31 32 27 29 ae 2 %y o “No,” it isn't too lote to start your set of encyclopedias. We have just received a shipment of back issues. Your 4th volume goes - - on sale Friday. Start today to collect your set Large, Lynn Valley, 20-oz. tins ONLY 98c A VOLUME Walnuts 16 Ve lumes in all oO Shelled, ',-lb. Celio Wheatlets Cc Monearch, 19-0z. Pkt. MAZOLA pints tins 39 ae RY - KING Both kinds, Pre. 2d { TEA BACS cesenn 30 in pkt. 29 | Monarch, = : TEA BAGSnotet deiwse, 125f.25¢ | WAX PAPER REFILLS 28 |Soda Biscuits an, ery ee Weston’s, 1 Ib. pkt. SUPER-VALU ARE FEATURING 100-foot, Heavy, Ro 93 eston’s p C SOAP POWDERS AT THE NEW LOW PRICE ENOS SALTS tore ; NABOB TEA ». 9% CHECK OUR SUGAR PRICES—FIRST Ginger. Snaps COFFEE er» 99¢ | POPPING CORN * - 24c|chced Pineapple ee _JAVEX BLEAC lat € ve 65c wre ““"'16-oz. Bottle — = he eee 16c Jelly Powders PINEAPPLE JUICE RICE KRISPIES Nabob, Pkt. 2 tins 29¢ Bc Lipton's Soup 28c Chicken Noodle, Pkt. 3 FREE THANKSGIVING TURKEYS GRAPES No. 1 Okanagan CONCORD GRAPES SUPER-VALU will be giving away three turkeys, fresh killed, at 4:30 this Saturday afternoon, All adults entering the market from 9 o’cleck Friday morning to 4:30 Saturday afternoon should ask for a ticket at the check-outs, It is not necessary to buy anything to get your ticket. The draw is at 4:30 p.m. Saturday and winning numbers will be announwved over the radie at 4:55 p.m. No. 1 LETTUCE—Large Heads NO. 1 Okanagan Celery a oe o _ we AS Os 9 10 99 BONELESS ROUND STEAK SIRLOIN STEAK . Lb, Lb. 85c 90c RIB STEAK Lb. 90e RADISH—Fresh and Crisp ee 2 bunches 15¢ T-BONE STEAK tb. 95c GREEN ONIONS % bunches 45¢ HAMBURGER Lb. 49¢ No. } BULK CARROTS - 3 lbs. £2 ¢ KIDNEYS—Beet Lb. 99e All our Beef is Branded Quality-—Well Trimmed and Waste Free. Don’t pay for excess tat that you can’t eat. JUICY ORANGES 3 dozen E9¢ WE STILL HAVE PLENTY OF CERTO TO PUT UP THOSE GRAPES