ii'l i ... ... PAGE FOUr, ?m DAILY KBW3 Monday, Aonl 1 BANQUET GIVEN BRINGING UP FATHER :'f By George McManus BILLIARD MEN WEILL frA H AsPPf THt COOO morbus' little: oh: Efa,, u I HEARD N"oO CiEE "TOO mobjsim'-i tjtseK.ec, ; QAvBX DID VOO 3LCEP blR -1 ONLY TOME- IN IT A.RE LIKE. JUbT MOtT ORES.YHEMY NEVER TO '1? B" wuu - 7 I CI OUbT ANfOHB AN ILL Troph'ps Presented by Stanley X I fQUR THlVi fc. "YOU A, Newman with Richard Howe not kmow ric' NICE. NEW Presiding WHAT TIME I fcl"" various, trophies won tliiritv. Iho wilder billiard season vver! presented .. Stanley Newman, the British professional, at a banquet whieli was hold on Saturday evening in the SI. Ilegi Cafe." Hichnrd Howe, president of the Prince, Rupert Billiard League, was in the chair ami there were about SO persons pre sent- Fred 1'yle wan presented with the cup and medal, significant of city individual cfiamplnnshlp. and 5eorge W'niigh received a medal for being the runner-up and "also n-pair of ciitr links for making the highest break. The Bulger & Cameron Cup, emblematic, or senior team cliam, pinnship, was received on be-hair of the (Irpal Wur Veterans hy the captain of the leam.'Ser-gcunl Jehsou. Individual cup were presented to eacli player ot the leain and n pair of culT links was presented to Gol. S. P, Mc-.Mordie who made I he hughest hreak during the season. The llesner Cup, for second division championship, was presented to the Prince Ituperl Billiard , .Parlor and rereived hy Hick Howe. There were also cups for each of the team players and a pair of culT links, for W. J. Nelson who made the highest hreak during the season. In the course of the evening there was a hrief impromptu program of music, songs am! speeches. NEWMAN SCORES MORE VICTORIES OYER WEEK END WITH LOC AL MEN The hest score made hy any of . I he local players against Stanley Newman, the British profes sional hitliardist, was that of Sgl. Jehsou Saturday night when, after being spotted the' usual 1()0, he made a score of 001 against Newman's K00. Newman's high hreak was 165 and Jehsort's, 23. Meeting Charles Halagnn' last eveniiwr, iNewman played his hest game of the series, making an' average of 12.10. Besides mak-' inr -break or 1(!3, tn3 and 100, Newman had three runs or over 1)0.- The time was one hour and ,11 minutes 'and the score: Newman, 800; Balagno, 189. The Jailer's high hreak was 11. Newman is remaining here ror ri week longer to give exhibition nnd lectures. SPORT CHAT While naming favorites for thii Kentucky Derby to be run at Louisville on May IS, it might ho mentioned (hat Flying Kbony, winner of last year's Derby has been, retired to the stud as has also been Black Hold, Ihe io)den Jnhllce winner in 1D2V. Oovenlry; whichi captured j.ho $52,700 Preakiess l,ako last .year has alro-'jie'uii rtdired. Thus hav! now ilisappeared from the spoil of .kings" a trio, of America's must ramous modern ' horses. Another question over which fans are pondering is whelher Knrl-Haude will ring up his third Derby victory.- He was mounted on ttie winner last year and in 1023. The diminutive jockey J a! year led in percentage o races won with 27 Avinning 72 out of 2(15 mounts. Little Arthur Morlensen led in the total niirn her of winners with 185 out of 982 races, 115 or his mounts came second and 137 third. His percent iu?e was slightly over 19 The .total' amount distributed to horse dwners is estimated by officials at ' Churchill Downs lo total twelve million dollars of which Kentucky contributed if 1,727,7,19, nnd Maryland l. 125,092. The Metropolitan track distributed 2,018.27 , witn Saratoga leading with a total or $lll,05 for one meeting. Bel niont Park with spring and fall meetings, donated $581), 159. Can adinn racing tracks banded nut $1,009,930 to horse race owners last yeart J Mrs, .1. S. Stephens, wife of Ihe slntinn ngent nl Smilbers, wa-a passenger from (rain lo boat this morning enroule to Vancouver. O I9W wrr Inn. Fiatum Scrvic'c. Inc WIZARD OF PLANT WORLD DIES AT AGE OF 77 AT HIS HOME IN CALIFORNIA. (continued from .vnge t) plant hreedefs and leader in modem' creative plant develop-menl. the name or Luther Bur- hank hecame a household word throughout the civilized world. Virtually his whole lire was de-oled to scientific plant hrced-ing and many of his more than 100,000 experiments with vari ous forms of vegetation attained siich marvellous results that they won him the title of "plaoj Wiiaid." Kn'rly in life Burhank evinced a ureal love for growing Ihipgs.i selecting plants rather than ani inals as his pets. His first not aide success was achieved at the . . .. . r ct .i ...i l. I I ' iisiT ui ... mini ne iiapiK-niM, io Pj., ..v.dutio proKrese. iiiki a m'imi nau, oi ine i.ariy uoso potato, which rarely hears seed. Krom this he developed the world-famous Burhank rpojato thai has spread to every portion of the glohe""aml which is said to exert a greater influence upor th- food mini ly or humanity than any other single rood plant Was a Laborer Soon after breeding this pota to, which brought him neither fame nor money at the time, Bur- .Samuel W. and Olive 1 iloss uate. Next lo the potato, the ai-eom plisiiment which brought tirsl tine to Burhank was,tie spine less cacius, wnereiiy tie lurneii a worthless desert growth into a vegetable forage anil fruiting lanl. In recognition or this wnrk he l-eceived in 1012 a Uiil- acres of noii-irrtgalde land to he locjitcd eiihcr in . California, N-.. ada or Arizona. 100,000 Experiments It has heen estimated that Bur- bank's loo.ooo or more exoeii meuls with plant life involve the planting, pollenal ion, obser vation ami propagation or de slruclion or a billion individual verzetable growths, , From thl rast number, bowev'cr, only 385 were selected and recommended by him as of value to humanity. Some or these were under his observation ror 25 years before being given to the world. Several fine varieties of spine less niacklierry, now grown around the world, were hred from wild variety that was consid ercd useless in its native stale. A certain variety or rhubarb, under Bilibank's magic touch, increas ed ils stalks rrom the size or a lead pencil In that n( a man's wrist, and was made perpetual, Instead of' bearing for . a few weeks only. Canners annealed to ripen at the same lime. After I. ,: . ii i sr numbing ei peri men 13. Patience and Brains Wonderful as many of Bur-hank's achievements with vegetable, plant ami flower lifo seem to the layman, the method by which I hey were arrompliol'cd were not in themselves remarkable. Patience was the chief requisite lo his success. Deciding first what he wished to create, re-make or improve upon in the vwlalile world, he began by carefully selecting robust specimens, allowing them to go to seed, then experimenting, with the seeds undev widely different conditions or ulimate, fertilization ami nourishment. The? pro-duet would in turn be submitted lo radical changes from its nal- 1 tiral elements and the product of 1 ins wouiii unucrsrn iiiriner experimentation and so the arlifi- the final result either met wizard's requirements or abandoned as useless. bank moved to California' where jnjy, i(.nielling he ohluiued employment as !L.,,v eigantic phi farm lunu hand.. immi.. He ic witinued voifUJiueu as as al Ka.jelies, ..,..;,;,., and .. , to laborer laborer until until able able to to acuTJire acquire al n(,el tat.. pnnl -.n,, m.. 111.. ....1 llU. lilts fmm ihvnrf ..,,.. .... ;,.,. small farpi in the inwi of faiila,liaIll(ljip wl,.n flI gnwn . losa, son(e 50 mles north ofjar,. , a r,.w tlf ,. ,,U(.cr a ; t'l 1 unlil the was Queer Anomalies When experiments with seed alone were not entirely satisfac- 'ory, grafting upon the seeds or upon fresh young shoots often was employed. It was through a combination of these methods. fortified by his inexhaustible patience, tUial enabled Burhank to imparl delightful odors to hatur- flower's; to I'liese San Francisco. With this small .., ......i.i,.,, fpni i11t.,. beiginniiig he uimerlook. the rr., ....i.-.i llf m1(,,.ti i, ,!, series of experiment whieli loiig, will na,urt.s vpelation. ha.j been upj.ermost in his mind.. H,ir,a,lk;.. ,.Xperiinei,tal farms Thereafter his work was contin- , San!l HsiL ., i,.j,as,,,ol, a uous and tireless,, occupying ,,.....1... i-...., .. i r.. A anted For Sale For Rcnt . ' iiiininj lonil, I" luiiir i. .un IU lift - - - nearly 11 hours a day on theL(al,!in,4.nf Wwt Alices, phil-i noAIID. average. IniitliwinUI luirlii'iitlurlal l.i- a ... . ., . I .................... ri'imci was an tngnsnman 'oIoRHts. botanists and humanl- Knglish and Scotch anceslry. He Jassocialion known as The I .ill lie r was the 13th of 15 children born Burhank Society, chartered by, on his falher's 200-acre farm, lie J Hie State of California and en- attended the Lancaster Academy, ldowe.1 by wealthy patrons, lo dis-j from wicli he was a.i honor KraiK "scininate Ihe knowledge of plants. ami Vegetables whir It be worked out. Received Honors In addition lo Ihe. Congres sional grant of land, his work vas recognized by the Carnegie Foundation in l'J05 hy a gift of ; io.odi) annually for a period of to years lo insure a continuation led States' grant. Congress under of his exierinienls. In 1121, when penal act turning over ;080 Phone 18. FOR rtKNT-.Four hot waler"hertlel. A Mallet. BOARD AND ROOM. BOAI1D AND IlOtiM, (25 Avenue. Phone lied 3.1ft. , The Avenue. Burhank was born at Lancas- tarians as the ranie or their own- B'JAHIi, Hoonis tor, Mass., March 7, 18JU. son offer spread. Never of a commer-j Mules. oHr.hu 'Urn. Burhank permitted an Phone 137 tr room suite. Apply Smil. M0DF.rtN FIVT Tor rtent. Apply Max lleilhroner. ThirJ Inlander. 83!) and Furnisheu Palmer House. if local drtiig store Tor some tinu Ihe younger set held a dance in the Scout lla ,011 Saturday n citing ami nil report a goiM time. Mr. Keltoek left for IIm Okauagnn distrfel on Sunday nlghl's train. the city of Suitfl lj,na nmpleteimii.r ilaughirr MrV Anger :iiiS,eai (1 new 300,(MM park', it witsfjlV, i u inmate U .lliV toe naiucil after Luther Burbank. lift turned Hie first shovel or earth in the construction, and later laid out the gardens, which cover a 11 -aero tract. I'he Stab'' of California also honored ils distinguished resl-ifeil some years ago by naming March 7, Burbalik's birthday, as Jlird and Arbor Day and the occasion has since been celebrated as' a school holiday throughout the state. SMITHERS Mrs. A. M. Buddy" of Bums Lake is spending a few days in town Ihe1 guest of Mrs. O. II. Wall. Miss Muriel lingers of Prince Oeorge is spending (he Kasler holidays in town Miss Hull. Miller. the guest of Mrs. W. Moxley and children him ror a perfect pea, one which "f I'rinceltnpert spent the week would mature al or Is cron. re- in town ine goest or tier sister tain uniformity of size and all Mrs Ilaahe threA yeArs of work he met the Ml Avis Wall returned from demand. Mrs. P. M. Itavnor returned to Sluilhers on Sunday evening af ter a visit of two weeks wil'i friends ami relative al .vory Mrs. Tho. Kiiig who. jjust re eently ii-liiined filoii 11 jiis)J wijh hospiial.i nspiial.i und und in; in; ji-.vccy.-- 31 tie stroke. comlitioii' Ifie re slilt oVii pWaly- The annual Faster tea of the Anglican W omen's Auxiliary was held al the home of Mrs. II. Iloskins on Thursday aflernoou The rooms were tastefully decor iilcd wilh Kasler lilies and ollie prLng flowers and the ladies were well rewarded -for their ef forts. 'I'he tea tables ami canity und home cooking, booths lieiiii; well patronized.. Miss Marjorie Huberts, leache 11L Ihe Driftwood school relumed lo town on Sunday evening after spending Um - Kasler holiday with her parents al. Prim Heorge. A POPULAR AIR! A schoolmaster, gjvln a mil sic lesson, Inquired whether IliC jiuplls had any favorite aiitlii Ijley would like lo sing. ooi wave ine ivlng, sir, ro spouded one of Ihe lads, "A very patriotic suggestion, TTintniv." said I ho master. Jn'.iiii. 1 Visit lo Hazellon on Thursday' i Vf.P 1.1, ulrfsses. "Now letl Flowers fruils, grains, accompanied by Miss .lessfe lri(, wiia ,.,, vViii tl k of Hie grasses,, vegelahles, even orchard Sinjtli who was her guest Ihir Niilhtinil Aniem'?" and forest trees were Improved balance of lhe,vvcek. "Iiiemisn -:"i.nfled Mm hiv and given In. the world n newH . glancing Inward Hie clock, "it's usefulness t.hrougli months nndf As a farewell to . I. -Kellock lime (n IrOi linmn:'' Vnrlcahlrn yyuars of patient and frequentfyUvho lids been ' employed in the' Post. : tn... ... -L n. - ' .. i . ; 1. DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. i 22c per wordjinjadvance. No Advertiiement taken foe !et thanJ50c .VNTK FOIl II K.T.- Modern foMr roomed flal, With Monarch range, in Clapp bloet. Wesienhaver Bros. rUIt.MSIIHD liousekeepiiw Hooins to rent by the day, week or month. Phone Red 607. If ll'OIt HKN'IV -Furnished house keeping suit e, Miissallen: Apart menls. I Auctioneer. Phone 77 1. Hd MAN Want Itoojii near , Dry Dock. Bo5",8r)8i(0i1y, and Board! Wi '.HZ 1 1 1 WAXTkD.- tfencrul maid. Apply Mr.- A.ltf Wright, 105 F i f I tt " Avenue Kail. . 8i TO -r. RENT IOH HK,r.' Piano, player pianos. pfidnogrHplis and sew-machines. Walker's M 11 s i . Store. FOR SALE WA.Mhli. Knergetie man t Hl Hll s.M.r,.-- ell buill liou4 111 look after business while own n cr is nut of town. Must haw some security. . F. Brin, estview, f.iur lots. s:).i:o.no. House on Fifth Avenue, See lion 7; two lofV. 1, 800.00. We have also two of the very bel residents In the oily ror nle at attractive prices McCaffery A liihbnti. l.ldH suranre and Ileal Ivslate. UIIINOIIU.I.A IIABBITS. hegis-lered mid pediarenl ndnll h fur sale. Also slandanl pedigreed young slnk. Norlh Ijinsdal1 Itahhitry, (Juceri and Lonsdale, North Vancouver, H.fJ. FOIl SAI.i:.--Full size heiMead . and spring: kitchen cupboard. valitand and other articles, aieap. Apply SIO Kfghlh Ave West. 87 Oil SAI.I-L Five roomed ioiia on twit lol. furnished: all in warden anil berry bushes. 1-750.00 oil term. Apply T. M-CU-Jnont. If OASBOAT for ."ale. 21 fnoL Buf falo engine. Suitnhln for pleasure or I rolling. 230.nr.. Apply Box 302, Daily News FOIl SAI.K-'lliree lols on Tay lor Slreel for 8125 rash. West-enhaver Urn. High Low MISCELLANEOUS AST, Present and Future. Friends and enetnie fully ex plained. P.O. Drawer 9, Van corner, 11.12. AUCTIONEER. FOIt Five Days Only I will lose money, so wilt yon il yo?i don't take advantage. For five days you buy al your own fjgure, form I urr and house-hold effceis or all descriptions J. F. Brine, Auctioneer. Phone 771. PIQEONS HACINO Homers, bred from ome of the bet Itlooil in the wnrln Strains. Ollls) Barker, B01 Ami; also Carneaux Pygmy IJonlers, Tumblers and Squab Breeders. Slock bird an trained' birds. From 5.0f t $15.00 per pair. Jack Bank, 1153 llftting. Street. Kasl Vancouver, B.O! GOOD EATS CAFE, 'Third Avenue Opposite Benson's Studio. OOOD MKALS. MOOD CAKKS Coffee or Tea Served. HKAL HOMK COOKKD MKALS Mrs Unger, Proprietress. TAXI TAXI Phone 67 Taxi (Call Oenrgc Paul or (Jusl) Six ami Seven Passenger Slude li.ik.'rs at your disposal ally I line ROSS BROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Blook. Aero from Kmpress llolel. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES 4 . Monday, April 12 High I:08 a.til, 22.2 fl. 1.1:32 p,m, 2i.7 ' I.'w 7:85. iliiIV 2.1 ' .. 10:10, (uu, 3.3 ' Tueiday, April .13, High ..i. I clT a.in. 22.7 -ft. I LIT p.m. 2I.I ' I.n 8:00 a.pi. .8 ' 20:20 p.m. 1.0 ' Wednesday, April 14 IstO I p.m. 20.7 , 8:52 n.m. 1. 8 20:50 p.m. 6.1 f fl. See the New Improved CHEVROLETS Touring, prico F.O.B. Prince Iluperl $878.00 Itnadsler, prlco, F. O. B. Prince Iluperl 1878.00 loupe. prte F.O.B. Prince Ituperl 1,1 50.00 Coach, price lO.H. Prlnre Iluperl .. 1,1 22.0(1 Sedan, prlc F.O.B. Prlnee Itu I.'ArlicIes i 1 Found, &c AUTOMOBILES perl f I.2IU.0C; Prince Iluperl 19811.00 Call in nnd gel particulars or the O.M.A.C. Eaiy Payment Plan. A few bargains in Second Hand Cars. KAIEN GARAQE Dealers in all lienwrnl Molori, Product I'iihllar. Meljiugh-lin. o.iklnml. Oldsmohile, Pon-liac and Chevrolet. WHF.CKINO SKHYICK HAY AND NBtHT RU1L SCHEDULE OOT-OOINO, far lh ril Vlt-iulljfS, Wlslis.U)i i:. rUr la Vncw?r MSHl MnmUjra trU train T i4l) jr 1 lunty ftlimlrs ,(tU Usui I H.. Aril 1. 11 nrafcam A HIM tm 11 vr St f '(H a. r.li- a l. . Ik Aa. ft T-siwa 1 1 SMr1'",kr r NF.W BKM TV OF HKSION 1 " w '11ICKS AT N I A LOW LKVKI. rZ'-Z NF.W TI.MF. PAYMKNT PLAN. in i -us t. Delivereil iiri4 ut Prinre It II iter' . a ki.nn,ii t..ir .....1 1 h v A.. I.l rn rjr Itiinnhoul . rt3ft.OO n T ,. v.r louring m foHn.T.r unen (Vtupe .. S83S.00I I'udor Sedan Fordor Seilan Commerrial Chassis I'ruek Chassis Guaranteed Used Cars al Specially low price. Hf.5.0o; I529.50! 1(195.50 1 DKMONSTHA HONS OH DIUVINO lessons ef any time. S. E. PARKER. LTO. 219 Sennd Aventw. FURNITURE AND RANGES llAN'OF.S ami Furniture ul most reasonnlde priees. When yot, require any art tele for tbc home, just conn- in or pfione. I'sed furniture lioiighl out-right or exchangi'd for ne rill niliire. A. Mac hen; U; Fur-ullure. Phone 775, TRAPPER8I I NKKD tO.rtoO MINK SKINS. IWI prles paid. See me berorc. you sell your furs. If ils furs I'll buy. I hem, W. GOLDBLOOM, Second Ave. The Honest Fur Man. BOOKKEEPING. w .n mm 1. nooks to post; government returns made; public audits. Hales reasonable. Write Box 299. Daily News office or phone Black 8U PRINCE RUPERT MUSU3 STORE. Back to the old stand. 315 Third Avenue. All the latest in SIIKK'I MFSIC. Columbia New Process RECORDS AND PHONOGRAPHS. ROTHWELL'3 TRANSFER Coal - Wood and Furniture Moving Baggage, and Kxpress Slcnd:Lllllc? News Slnnd, Phona 352. fins. Phone Orcnn (12(1 FURNITURE. Ma saiurtlaaa ... . f H.. April . l Ir" Aarat, AIM Arai, hirirtH, rum . ..... . rra , rrt I luif Ml I To Sf'i, lk Arm, lutrt A em. DMiatir 4,.. . . . VV-MMMilajl , T nrt, PM tlwps tr4 Hut It euui- , T AUtka Pim Aertl . It. M. T Qaaan CharUlt PUu .Al S. II. IM-COMIftB,. Landau Stlan, prior F. O. I. trm ,h r,u- Prince ItuiKtrt .. .. Il.287.00l '' Wrrt-i, , Commercial Clinals. price K.O.H. ' w. Prince IIimmtI 7o8.0Oj &mtrt t-IH ton Chai. nrrre F.O.B l II I J i M Km Hitrr ealala -i!rU ... rram Alxla rui Vpril t. I a. II f Oan Ctrllt W'iW P!u. prrt I, It. f OX COLltCTIOSt . to l.i t t V I I" ll e '-a f la in 1 10 t-I to STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS far Vfcoi?r M,:(;il l-rlii, 1 11 ' I ,iU . I'rina ;. r KalanUr u. iiaul . - . rMnrrta llMlrir lri is- ,rrBi vij trli - !rWW h- . rram Vtacaatar AiMMtat --w 1 nlrM Wsln-l) - . I'nnn" ". . TrSAty -a. rjiuu ; saiurotr m. rner n. ' samnt iHnn isr tprii i . eritiiT.. iu . VftrM hi -, I'riiK'p.. 11., rar Perl Slmaton in flui Ktirr. rni ... rauu rram Port timrtoa mi Nih Alt' Saltinlav . 1 alula 'ar Alaaka April l ... rnW.. II. -i Vpnl Prtur from Alaaka- Virll 1 1 rrdir.M Vai .iril f 3 ... ituw. Hi.- (i far Slawart, Aniei tni Allca Afm Surutav s. rawirtin WMtiwMhv - , t'thm- (i SaliiriU?- ffinr,. t'.liaiii rram Slawart, Anyai an4 Allca f MfHMM . rrltHT lhatl Tlll-iM a. lanlrna I rtU . m. i-rliMa ilrurrr rr Aaraa PMdav. m. rul . rram Anyai sainrrlavs . rUI rar Quasn Charlatla (tlanda April IT i. l-rlnr j,n rram Quaan Charlolta lalanala M' ts Prlniy J'llm miSr..--' Jr"l,.,1''ri! I" rwrlvr.1 Alirr of n,ii al Virtmla m 1 New and Recomll.i.n.l M i Ir'l".!y "f . ... . r .. "' fill .....' A'..'."":'."' un-nte lure Sioro. Wo Buy, Sell and K.x change New and Sroomlhanil Onnds. GEO. PAPADOPULOS 839 Third Ave. phone 01C 5Mt TIMBER SALE X 7881. i.,",'lV7,..T',",,,'r rrcrli'i 1 tlm -'"III tl,i ,.f Aj.fil, uti , r. i '. J,V "J l.ti-lMa SUi. lMr HUi Mililinnk s.hiimI, n rul tim.iiuu '1,l,'',', liialsam MW,,K, ' , seriirr. lliiiiliK-k, 1:. 1 innrnl of tlmlirr, .if.'.,r"v,r . woi'i'iilari :nr lh ' in ,, r' rl"1'il. or Oi JMJtriel 1 TIMBER SALE X 742C, S.diMi.ODO f, or sprui r ami t?'.? "." a'lJolniii S.T.I. IM II"1 Cm iTSM Vr,"rr "" ...r'y"l'T .I'VUrnlilrt.of (lis Chirr r