ondar. April 12, 1920. SOCOAL jTATOONERY Writing paper which is in style and in addition has all the charm given by fi ne quality and expert workmanship. You can make a selection to fit your taste from our large assortment of Eaton's Highland linen and other Eaton writing papers. McRae Bros., Ltd. HOSPITAL : COTTON in l tit ll .iiui 7.V Special Price 50c each Good Form Hair Nets ' t -ingle or oii.l- mi -i, t'gti,ir 1 I r , Old ."r. Special Price, 4 for 25c Ormes Limited Tit- II' xtill Klin e Pom. . r Druggists 3rd Avenue and Oth Street, Phones 82 and 200' "I see trouble" l(t mi Idiie-lrlliT. t k i ( K ti'I'i lli - ' l. Ilnl mi. , ,, lurltiiif-lflliT to know ih it x ili-ltil? ami ii k h.uul ill hand. What n w.mt i a good r,,r-U'Wvv in lW admo tt:- Tlrtf T -,i-if, l rol very i ' IniiiihI, hut it fitil all iui wa-lltllli Imtllilf Ullll ' r -e.. You'll fiwl il ii giHHl lmk I'liartn that works rrv wi'i'k in Hit) year. Thrif-T-Service 5c a pound, 1c per plcca Everything washed and flat work Ironed CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY and Dry Cleaners Phone 8 Fishermen s Supplies FISH LINES, HOOKS, ROPES, TWINES, FISH NETTING AND TROLLING GEAR, OIL AND RUBBER CLOTHING, GROCERIES. Compare Our Prices Lipsett, Cunningham & Co. Ltd. Second Avenue and McBride St. Zip-Glo Zip-Glo In four shades, also black, whlto and clear Half I'lnl 7 I'i.it ...... - (Ji.url $2'40 II drii'H in llilrly iniiniU-- Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. I I " THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREI fj-j.i I I tt Meeting of .Native Son of Can-aiiii Local will he held hi Melronole and Personal Hull at 8 p. in. II IMioiic 13. I'.U. Coal Co. If Arthur's Taxi. Mono 078. tf B.C. Undertakers. Pbone 41. Klll'diloifa Taxi and Mcssnfirrp.r service. 'Phone 134. tf 50 tons Nanalmo Welllnaton Lump Coal lust arrived. Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phone 116 nu li. if V.Jf ffereon ami parly of local Iwngsliorpiuen returned from t6ean,l'allj on the-Prlnce Char- ics sjaiufday, afternoon. j Howard While -"after a brief bOiiM, trip to Vancouver, returned to ilie city on the Prince Charles Knlurilfiv nfferno.in Mi1. W. II. Kerjrin returned liv ll- CaUla on Saturday- afternoon ''" Port Simpson where she had been Waiting fur a few day. Women of Moosehearl Legion wWJ drUe and dunce in Metro-Ptdfl.lfal, Tuesday, April 13, at H.30 prompt. Six good prizes. 86 After having spent u few day-visiting al Port Simpson. Mrs. . I- Watkiuson returned to the, iiy on the Catnla on Saturday afternoon. There KHf aniither well at- i-mi.-.i ijanre in life .Metropole. ll:i Saturday night, music- Mng fin hi. lie.) by Mis Jean CurrieN "'ii'lii'stra. K. M. Hoop of Telkwa arrived from Vancouver on- the I'rinee Charles Saturday afternoon and proceeds to the interior by the evenbig train. 'Ihe steamer Prince Charles, Hirivingvfrum Ihe south ou Sat urday afternoon, hrou-.'ht eleven tourist passengers who went I'jist hjVlraln. lo short time wv are offer ing Mr e ebrated Welsh Anlli raeifr sefeened li.ldes, at flK per Urn, narked, delivered. ifhfl pott, mitt x r.o i nv , 1 rft M McKay iiid ML MiJllirt fnh, Qf tke J'orl Sioi-on llOsjii-al oiiVric otatT were passengers al-oanl (he i.ardena last night re luming from a (rip to Vaneou ver. .. MrwjS..U. Pike, wire or the foretutfU' or Hay.porl cannery, a i rued from Vanronver on the PiiiH-e C'mricii Salunlay afler-i oon and proceeded by the eveu- iiip train to the SVeena Hiver. krnesl Maynnnl, keeier of the? I-my Nlaud llahthoiue. was in town on business al the end of Ihe week. Wheu lie returned to l.uey Nland on Satimlay a((er-nMin, lie took hi .daughter Willi him. C.I'll, steamer Princes llenl iee. Cap). Stephen Oray, was in ;irl from Ihe south from I ! 8 o'clock Saturday evening. TheJ -hel had smmii the day in I ho Sk is rier unloading tinplale etc.. at various canuei'v point. Principal J. C. Ilrady and II. (S. Hell of the High Sehonl and I. II. Murine., principal i of Hoolh Memorial School, returned to the iiv on liic Uinlcna last utglu after liaving attended Ihe iini venlinn of the l.(. reaeliers federation' in Vancouver last week. Does That Cough Stick On Your Lungs? Mr. Inlar McXb, Bognor. Out. writui ''I w troubled with a tw ribl. cough that I could not est rid of, and my doctor told nis that I had a slight touch of bronchitia, Xothirr I took icemed to civ. no any relief until I got a bottl. of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup I got luch relief by vt'ing it that t would adrlis all thoss who are aubjert Ut bad ooldi or roughs to keep a bottle of this remedy la their homes all tls time." You don't experiment when yoo boy "Dr. Wood 'a' as it baa been a houao-hold remedy for the fait ST years. Put up only by Th T. Itilbura Co, Umitedj Twcialo, Oat Anglican Concert .in ah I of Organ Fund, in Cathedral' If alt. April. 20, at 8.30Y . The High and Public schools reopened thi" iiiornmg after lhj lci-day J'asler vacution. , A. Sulheriaiui of the Millerd Cannery staff arrived from Vancouver on the Cardena last niIil. Mrs. Krnesl i'earce and children were, arrival, in the cily from the oulli oti the Cardena Inst nighi. "' . 11. II. fund, accountant of one of this Hkcciia Hiver canneries. arrived from Vancouver on the Cardena last, night. The Star line'fcosst freighter, Capt. Slannard.. x-alh-d in port yesterday aflertfoon enroute soulli from 1 li c Skeeua Hiver. 'Miss Ktamfa Marsh returned Mils morning from Terrace where she spent the Faster holidays with her parent,.Ilev. T. H. and Mrs. Marsh. Miss Agne Donaldson re-turned this morning front Drown' Hiver where she spcrd Ihe holidays, Sh say the weather up the Kcslall was Stanley '.N'ewman, 'he Kuglis.'i hilllnrd champion, will give an exhibition game at the re3i War Vetera its rooms at 8 o'clock toiiisht for members and their friends. The geueral. busines meeting of tbe Hrlnec Ilupert Players Club will be held In the Cathedral Hall on Thursday, April 15, at p.m. All' tlitfe interested ar-i invited to be present. Moltrliip Hellingham, Cap!. Anderson, arrived in ort at 8 o'clock IhU morning from Ketchikan with h ifarload of fres'-halibut for transshipment (last II.. I ' i:.... vVi: f n..:i trvrr til- uuiiqiimu .Mil mil a I nun Charles SnH awl I. in Ylng wt-i-e eacli fluPd'IS or thir'.y days in Hie city police court this inorfffiig' for drunkenness and William lwson, ofcading not guniy io a similar ciiarpc, was remanded until tomorrow. Jerry and Hobby Orme, aflet having spent the faster vacation in Ihe city with Iheir parents, Mr. ami Mrs. C. H. Orme, re turned on Ihe I'rlnCoCliarles ihi: morning lo Vernon where I hey will resume their school studies I nioii freighter ChJIkoot, Caul, C. II. Smilh, arrixeil in port from the foiith at '.:I0 (his muriiins and, after di. charging coal at the Albert A .McCaffery dock. proceeded to the Skecpa and the Xaayllivers lo unload cauner supplies. . .' : 1' .Mrs. II. O. Crcwf? Mi's; J. A. Hinlou, Miss ada John. lone and Hie dancing parly consisting of Missev Annie (iildirisl. Hilda Wilson Murray, I'.dna Ireland and Joan Crew, relumed home on the Prince Charles this morn ing after having appeared in successful recitals aljstcwarl and Premier. T. W. Falconer was-t pasjen- aer aboard the Cardena last night returning lo Alice Arm af ter a vacation trip in the south. Together with Mr. Falconer, who is remaining in' U.i- south With her children, and Mr. and .Mrs. deorge Clothier o( this cily, Mr. Falconer made a motor trip to California and 'Mexico. Madame Signe I.und, promin ent Scandinavian musician and director of the Norwegian Coin posers 'Association, is a visitor in me city accompanied by he secretary, Sigurd (luhliord. They arrived by the Cardena last uiht aflor a tour of the United Stales uul will leave on tonight's train for Hie Fast enroute 'to Xorwav. Foiig Yuen, Chinese, was fined $20 in Ihe city polici .court this morning for receiving' lollcry tickets and a tdiarge .against him of having opium in possession was withdrawn. Fong was nr rested this morning,, by Chief Vickers and Corp. Wi .1. Service, provincial police, sli'drlly nfler he shipped olT Ihe traiton which tie nri-iveil fi'oin Sinlilu.iw A sheaf of lottery tickets werol Falls. - FREE RECIPE BOOK Many ntv way of ttrving nourithint dighea art given in Ihe Borden's St. Charlet Recipe Bonk, tent free on reqaett, Addrett The Borden Co. Limited, Vaneou ver Prince lieorge- anil returning plans to lecture before the Na-livv Sons on Monday night on "Caiiadiauiiing Canada." Passengers sailing- for tha soulli aboard the steamer Prince Charle Ibis inoinin included I. Tlnpstead ami It. II. Ponlifex for Vancouver; Y. M. William and II. II. Marshall for Ocean Mr,. C. V.. llolTanl, who has :een visifing in the cily for the past three months with her daughter, Mr.. Thor Johnson, returned or. the Prince Charles Ihi morning to her home in Vancouver. . .Molorship Fairbanks, Capt. Mc Kay, arrived at U.30 this morn ing from Salt Chuck Mine, Alaska, with a shipment of palladium concentrales for delivery over the Canadian National Hallway1 (i Irviupton smelter. New Jersey". In anticipation of (lie Hoys' Hand .concert to be held tomor row evening, member., of lh Hoys', Hand under Jtaiidmatei' Wilson paraded on Saturday night and played selections al corners of the business section where lliey made a good impres sion on the crowd assembled. ilveriUe in Ihe Daily News. ANNOUNCEMENTS Iloyal PurpTe bridgv, whist drive and dance, Elks' Home, April It. Lutheran Women's Aid Spring Sale. April 13, al CIC Sixth Ave West. ' Tennis Club Hall, F.lks" Home, April 16V Calholfe Ladies' Spring Sab April 17. Anglican Concert, Hall, April 20. . Cathedral Presbylerian Church Ladies' Aid Spring.Sale, April 21. , Fair Hayseed Dance, WedueT day, April 21. found on his person. I nidley Home Buuar May 0, Good Cook, Tells Another- A successful cook is always glad to pass on little secrets of her success. One of the Dractical hints most often given is "use Borden's St. Charles Milk wherever the recipe calls for milk." Its creamy richness makes it the ideal unsweetened cooking milk, whether for soups, sauces, cakes or pastry. If your baking results have been disappointing try St. Charles Milk in place of ordinary milk and note the improvement. Your Grocer has it! canadianT PAcinc Cl. a 32-34 I CHARLES MIL Waller Mrllaye of Toronto,' leave lonii'h! for Smithfr andi K Steamship and Train Service S.8. PRINCE CEOROe ami PRINCE CHARLES will Ifivr PRINCE RUPERT Tor VANCOUVCR, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, lint luleriiH-tllale ptilllU FRIDAYS and MONDAYS al 9.00 a-m. r'ur STEWART ami ANYOX WEDNESDAYS. SATURDAYS, 10.00 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN rurliuglllly fur VANCOUVER la QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT EVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY ami SATURDAY al p.m. lot PRINCE OEOROE. EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, all (kiIuU Eastern CaniiU, lulled Slates. AOENCV ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Ticket Office, 52S Third Are,. Prince RuperL Phone 260 Canadian Pacific Railway F IITCHUAJI. WltAfiCEU, JIHUO. SIACWAY Fer UKCOCVER. VICTORIA we SttTTU B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert .Mtrca 19. 29. Aprfl 9. 19. 30 Muck 23. A J 2, 13. 23 rmass butiki F.r Buldl, Swanton By, Eatl M Bella, Ocean Falls. Namii, Al.rt la,. Campbell Rler, and Vancouver r Saturday 11 a-m. Atencj for all Sleamehlp Llnea. Full Information frem W. C. ORCHARD Oanaral Agent. Corner of 4th. Street and 3rd Aeenue, Prince Rupert, B-C. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Sallliits trum frtaca Huperl. or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. Swaneon Bay. and Alert Bay, Tueeday, S P.M. or VANCOUVER. VICTORIA. Altrt Bay, an Swanaon Bey. Saturday. 10 A." For ANYOX. PORT SIMPSON end Naaa Rlier Cannerlaa, Thursday p.m. For PORT S.MPSON. ANYOX. ALICE ARM. STEWART. Sunday, S p.m. I2S tad I'Mi't. 4. Baraaley. ayuL Prlnm Rupert. B.O Loggers! Loggers! We have the only complete stock of Gilchrist Jacks and purls" in Iho Noi'lh. Wc handle- Logging Cable, Axes, Peavics, Saws, and general Camp Kqiiipment. It will pay you to see us when outfitting. Stork's Hardware Limited 71 0 Second Avenue I V