I'OIIT Aimii'll. Texas April IS. A liriifi. explos inianl ii Linker in Ihe Culf of Venezuela harbor hero took a lull mi 'lit lives yvslcnlay uml iiijiireil eight pcuple .riiuIy. For a nil' it iil'U llirenlciieil oilier shipping, Two iiieiilbcr nl Uii t-liipN rrow art miffing uml il is hc-: a nl mimic lire among Hi' dcbrK The lunk'T hail u cargo of about 5(1,(101) barrels of gasoline d wn lying at Ihe dorks of llio tinlf llefiiiiug Co. at the lime Tor ;; Xi H IH"I'"'I M'l'iO'll I" m i V Coroner J. II. i'an- I.: I 1 1 J llu u l u.Ijioii niiii'iil Wilt taken na a. Miim-oe iimy Ik . '..wii I'M Jury - 1 4 II. ilmtNtHMMI, fore- ...,. ii,. MeCalhiiii. I: H nil II... 1 1 lllg Jh iki W llM I !l- I i In, Milt . .1 llll. BIG DIRIGIBLE MHI'li'l We I'miilr. ii'pr fiarl to briov n in- parti ' iiiarllT ' Of lidelH. u ! I' -'-d U ! I lnown ri i Im ' IS IN ENGLAND Rtachcs Pulham After Making Oifricull Landing; To Fly Over Pole I I,aM. Iiglaud. April I?. log iliMKihle, .Vorgr. in uliMi iilien hope lo rrs lh Ii Pole froin Spllibergeii, aril in it Suuilay Ti.-ni Hume t:i ttlui li plttff II leli KiI'imI:' jii k Tim fourleeii Uoiiilnil ip wan roerrd williont imp mil il arruiil lo-re when ile-iiole IroiiliU1 w experl-il in making a laudiim. TIGRIS RIVER CAUSING FLOOD Feared That Bagdad will be Under Water Within 24 Hours IIAUUMl, April 1:' The Tl . s er conliniie- lo rise ami I' is real ed llapilad will he under wuifi wilhin SI hours. TIiouk-iiiiI of I a I Hirers working on the iner hunk are emleavorilitt lo I'lenmlien il as il is fearei Ihoiisiiiuls will he drowned should a hriMik oeror. properly daimij(c is already enliniatrd ai MRS. MAYNARD IS GIVEN MONTHS Child Boater Was Sentenced This Morning by Judgo Young ; Mr. Maggln Maynanl was euleni'ei hy Jtidjie Young Hit inorning lo Iwelve inonlhs' itn-prisuninenl Willi html tahr al Okalla Prison. Fnnn fur iiggm-valed assniill upon her six year old niece, Alice fltillclL M; mmiiicmI ofTho JuiIki'. Uii) clilM was prcsonleil to rouK where ln Imru an eimIaled appearuneo nii.l till enii'led the llintks of hcnlfitiy. I of tlie explosion. I'rotMTiy liiwe l ronfiiieil d lle tanker, 'llie, enmrn were !lrHM-il lliry ljpt hikI were I I.. ...... I 1.. .1 1. Tl... ...... .....I IMiruH Hill. I liv lln ! mi i I In-1 1 lull- iii a rauMriHi of Im.11 -lli Ka"ilme HEAVY FISH American and Canadian Disposed of 499,000 Pounds at Cichango This Morn Narlir 050 Wll':',!4- i wfliiiy-ivo of llie ilr.nl have liul been Identified. The bodies jirr badly mangled ami idenlifi-ra I ion in many raes is irtualb niiptibb. Several bodies were hurled hundreds of feci into (he air. It may yet prove that the list of dead i- greater than reported. Tlir dUuler in tin- lliird of a -miliar miluri' within the. pant 7:' " oody or Jack llurrliall I hur. Other oetirrcd In tin! i at it : irullcr, ill wmhmIiom "'"""'IT" ier i iiurs-iay re- v, . .l-atli on Hood I ndai I "'" a undetermined rge i. eliai-giil wiilil,"r W1 u"'" tMr Uu'"- . - I ,!nnilulilv .'l.'l ill ; wu lerMverru nt oif en i ' : a., h from Varki Ctouinc, . .it lit lo Mie my. Tlii SALE TODAY ' ing Ce'. - ' IIhIIIiuI lamliliKs were liea ihf m'onliig with thirteen iii.-i i. an eliooner- sellinu 316,-ooo ..oinK and IMeen lUiua-iian- iii-noiiia of 151.000 ...miii.n on the Cxrhaiiiie i.rlrr. I'MMUi-d from ! l.l Hr and i i-li and fnon 1 1 The Cl .lr and He for American r lo 1 1 .Or uml for anadiali. TUe nUhe-jr a follow: American Allen. At.UOM. lO lln I'aUlfie I'lflierleii. Alaska. uS,(U. lo Ihr Allin FIsherM's. r.-' Mildred IU 3.: Venus. nno; and I top ar. 5.000. to the Hih.iIi rishoriel. Xailonal.;.Onh: llmvo. .("': Mars. 11.000; lleliance I, lO.oon; tl..lLn.i e. IS.tKJd: and Utah. 13,- ihiO, to the Canadian I'lsh - hl Itrullo. 10.000; and Carolen, 8. lion, lo Hi llojul nh Co. The Yakillnl cleared for Seal in. .il noon wllh ll.noo. The Serious. Trinity and Kure- kn wilh larnc ealches arrUed loo I l,,t.- for loday'n hldding ami win If-o on the lioard loiliorrow inoni- jlllr'- : Canadian Marcm-rile. 7j'i" poionl" '" :u...i1 I'ish On. Yule. Hoo; Inrx o.ooo. Nul.a. LOOO; Prnrperily A.. 13. ,.o- l.isingslon,:iU ss.hoo; M i i., .ionlnr. 1 0.500; Pair lf Jacks. H.000; u mio in llie I!,'. .i.i sii.nwe and Marualiei'. Canadian Fish A Nautilus. 7,01); H.g.T. 5.000: . ,.e llov 8.1100. 5ll.d Hrahl .. lo lln- I loot h riSlierlos Canadian .... ,.v,..in. 0.000: v.. Cape, jil.ooo. and lih"ii. .". lt At ti n l islieries. Salmon Ileal.' i i i... in.. .i jo reus iiiki n ... r" - at I7e ami .ic. JOURNALIST APPOINTED UNIVERSITY GOVERNOR Vniintincemcnl Is madn through .i. nr. (lurelle that H. C. Nlch- ..Juh. edllor of llu Vlrlorla Dally limes, has lieen appointed f llie University Vi.ii.tsi. C.olumhia lo fill mil the ..r the lale Hr. IL Frasor .lll AnllM. 11 Subscribe to the Dally News 4 I i I WORK HAS BEGUN ON NEW CANNERY SKIDEQATE INLET SKUiKiiATK. April 12. Tin H.i'.. Parkers have a la rue crew of men busy cltijpring (lie -i i for their new I'Hiinery near In? re. Tin)' hae rented llie pile driver from Hie Sitka Spruce -Mill ami hy ronimeiiri-ii construction of lln- wharf. HANSON HOME BARGE DRUMROCK FROM HOLIDAY! Pretldent of Board of Trad) Thlnka Elevator Will be Operated this Season Olof ILinofi. president of ine Itminl of Trade. Hceiuiipanird n Mis. Hanson arrived fioine tin- .morning from a honday lour In the utp and east an fur as II.. r. lilllies. They arrived v Snillhfd- duriui; the week an wen; liiel ot Hndako by ttie clulj Boats rJM. I""' run s i ui tlieir Joiuio at I-iVo haltityn. Mr.-'lHawoii was at -OtUwu ilu riyz ,UiC Iiiimj the iM?gdialioti- twtvnmui . itn.virs lur uift-n 4ivu. Potil'lo ink over the Vl'alu and lie feels very juidlalit ovi the? inis.ee' in Dial regard. Tin flr (fitti v - sa, in ! arraiib-the tux i. hale Ml. !,iii.ii Hunks .com Hie roiiverjili.ii lie Had Willi Hie I'ihiI represeiilative that jtrair will Ii" VMDit iurouj:ii uic eira- lor I ins season. LOW RECORD MANY STOCKS Market Broke Again Today When Selling of Motors Precipitated Fall NEW YORK, April 12. The stock market, which has been drifting rather aimlessly for a week, suddenly turned weak today when selling pressure was renewed against motor shares. Scores of Issues fell. from one to nine points, sev eral breaking to a new low re cord for the year. IS AT ALICE ARM Loading a Million Feet of Logs, Belonging to Local Concern, For Ocean Falls The Hi-rule Straits Towing Co. s log earrylUK inirge uriim roek. In low of the lug Capo Scott, is due at Alice Arm today to load over a million feel of lofrs for the Parific Mills al Ocean Falls. The loj:s worn taken out lasl vear hy the Aldioisroril i.og King Co. and are llie properly in Hie Prince lluncrl Spruce Mills. BASEBALL TOMORROW Both American and National Leagues Open Season With Washington and Pittsburgh Favorites CIIICAOO. April 12. Sixteen Amerli-au and Nalional League. baseball learns slnrl lln-ir t20 oenuant race loinorrow with the ally dope pointing to Wnshinw- ton and Pittsburgh again figur- ingi high 10 win Ilu- OME OF LIEUT. GOV BSUCE'S Moji, Japan, to load a carso ofi lumber al Uuecii. (iliatliilli!- Ulty for the Atlantic seaboard, is ex-peeled to arrive lii-li? loinorrow moriiiu? to clear customs. Capl. II. L. Itoberson, Hie 'pilol, went out at II OlIoeK tills uior(UUI' On Ho- launch Pacheha lo pick up the vessel al Triple Island and hrlnjr her in. The es.si:l was due here this afternoon Inn delayed hy a southeast sal outside. It. I.. .)iiliion-Yultin Co. are the local agents. The (ioldeu (into will clear for Queen Charlotte soon after arriving here. JEAN JOHNSON IS SENT UP FOR TRIAL Election Is Adjourned Until To morrow Morning and Ball Set by Judgo Young at $500. Jean Johnson, colored, was committed for trial j.y Magistrate .McUlymoul (ins morning on a charge of keeping a disorderly house. She was taken hoforn Judge Young and the case was adjourned until loinorrow for elect ion, accused being given bail :it 500. SASKATCHEWAN WHEAT POOL BUYS ELEVATORS HF.CINA, April 12. The Sasi kaleliewan Co-operative F.levaler nice in their Company by a vole of 300 lo - i . . . ... ... ... ..n'M.,..i.iun i,..m. ah ilu. n tul. on mi uniay ntgni voieu io sen -ni-em loMiavo slrengllietied their M Ik elevalor system In Hie vvhe.n force?. "pool of isnskaieut-wun. LlEW!H0 IWOIAM FRIENDS bSOJCiSBATCO e0HTjiZlHG AAADE A4 IHPIAH CHIEF Kobert Randolph Urure has re-1 run, If you want to get on in this erntly been appointed Lieut Cov.lcon'.r hed that coat rrnor oi iiriusn cwumi.ia, ss the repmentative of Kiat George in that province of Canada. Like many another successful Canadian, he came ' froml Scotland, about thirty years ago. bringias with mm a irocK coal, a tau na?, ana a bundle of introdurtory letters. He was the son of the minister ot the fur'uh from whirh George Stephen ater Lord ' Mountstephen, then Presidnt of the Canadian Pacific jJlailvaj, bid rtyte.TiJii.') the lirst oflir where h prpsented niTnieK was that of T G. Shanghncuy, then rcceral manager. In a very few minutes he was given a job, hut as he was going out the door. "T. G." called after him. Young Mr. Bruce irrat hav obeyed In- strurtiorj. for he has been "getting on" until his recent appointment seems to be as near the top as any Canadian could ever be. And, coincident with his own development, has come about the development of the Windermere Valley in British Columbia, where he hs msde hts home for some years. Minis; interests first took him, back In 18iS9, to the upper reaches of tte Colum- Wa'-Rirerr-where"" hf -rtw rtnvrrtii operations on the NttLnj Dull claim on Boulder Creek, a tributary of Horse Thief Creek, near the spectamdar Lale of the Hanging Glaciers. Later he l?ft this fcr a new claim called Paradise, from which has sprung: the appelation Happy Valley- The village of Windermere, on the eastern side of Lake Windermere, was the first to take root, and here ilr. Bruce settled. He built a bunt alow, and planted a garden, a garden which today is a riot of exquisite Cowers, a regular Cower show for those visitors at the Canadian Pacific Bungalow camp opened a year or so ago a short distance along the lake shore from the Bruce .; estate. Knt nrtttf Hi.l thia Inifofltirihl gardener plani lovely Jtoyers in his eardeff, garden. ;bur 'but TeaTfzfnc realfxfng the dliactilties of keeping miners at their jobs, he planted iresa ve ;e:ates in su trident quantities for his men to have a diet of fresh vegetables instead of a diet of tin cans. His ores are mined with never a strike. GOLDEN GATE WW nf Plant WnrU DUE TUESDAY Norwegian Vessel Coming Load Lumber at Queen Charlotte City to Tim Xnrwruiaii oil liuriiinir Dies at Age of 77 at His California Home . - ...: v t v lal fa. tramp freiyi.ter .oi.ien ..aie. u(,er KuYUanti was wonderful personality, his Olid. A. Ivolslo, ill ImmhhI from ... J 1 telephathic and healing powers setting him apart from his fellows SANTA IIUSA. Ualif. April 12 Luther Htiil.ank. wizard or Ihe plant worb), scienllsl, sociologist and psychic, died a! his home here t'iirly-Siinilav; morning aged 77 years, uflcr two weeks' illness attributed In nervous exhaustion which was complicated by a hearl attack. The ago of Ihe fatuous srieutUt together with his inability to assimilate iiiiylhiug but a limited (inutility of nourishment proved a handicap lo llie physicians who were at tending linn, lie sank into a comotose condition early Satur dav nighl and did uol recover consciousness, passing away in - - - his sleep early yesterday. RUN ON BANK CUBA STARTS Royal Ships $43,000,000 Under Guard to Havana to Support Branch KEY WEST, Florida, April 12 Forty-threo million dollars, guarded by fifteen armed men, left here yesterday aboard the Cuban cruiser for Havana consigned to the Royal Bank of Canada where a run was started for unknown reasons. PAINTERS ASKING DOLLAR A DAY MORE AND FIVE DAY WEEK YANCOl Vlill. April Uv.--AVbnn their demand for a dollar a day increase and five days .u week was refused by employer., 320 union painters quit work, this morning. The present vviigcs are 0.ri() a day and they vvbrk '.i days. It was only a revv weeks ugi I thai Mr. lturhank gave an ad i dress during the service at the Congregational Church following an interview in which he had i . it..... . i.. jSianu smile vij iiiwiiui urns in rivard to tire after death ami the 'immortality of Hie soul. Weird Qualities A man of very strong and with psychic qualities, Ilurhank had. the power or healing and of sending and receiving i mental messages, which set him apart from his fellows and made Mum almost weird. In a maga-jalue article written a few years I ago tie told how he discovered that he had these powers and what use he made or them. He declared that' there Avpre certain people with whom ho constantly i ommuuicateit lijentally and Hid messages nevei;, failed. " If he wanted them he simply sent a mental message ami they came. In regard to healing, his fame a I one time in this respect be came so .great Hint, people came from far and near to get cured. He dii mil encuunue them, how even and did not consider 'Ibis part of his lift1 work. .Acknowledged the ; dean of (v-onlirtuedjou pas6,(four) '"& V Of TAXI Boston Grill dJ Ambulance Large Upstair Dining Hall, Service willi newly laid dancing Anywhere at Anytime. nit.. floor fur hire. Stand Royal Hotel, 3rd Ave, . .. i NEW SODA FOUNTAIN, and 6th St. PRINCE RUPERT The latest and best for Hie MATT VIDECK, Prop. least. Phom 457. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper "J ' s XVI . NO. 85. Mil, PIUNCi: MTKIIT, II.C.MOMIAY. AIMIIL 12, Itr.'O. BatiiruMjr circulation, uoi ?lreef 8lci. Its PRICE FIVE CENTS. Bodies Frightfully Mangled in Gasoline Explosion When Tanker Goes Up and 25 Lose Their Lives INQUEST OPENS MURDER CASE Body of Jack Burchall, a Salmon Troller, Recovered and Brought Hera Uncrowned King of a Happy Valley LIQUOR CASES Q.C.ISLANDS I Former Local Resident Among Those Fined at Queen Charlotte City A parly of officers coiif.-IIn;c ot Serjeant McNeill, provincial police. Inspector .1. II. .Iiilin."ii of Die Liquor lloanf, ami Coiixlalilcs Hrwiirl. llarrion, (iranl, Heiil anj l ox of the Liquor lloanl ar-iriiil nt Hit: city on hoanl Hie I power hoat Pacln'iia, Capl. I'aui Armour, at 1 0.1 5 la-. I uiglit from the Uueen Cliarlolle Iclainl. . A a result ot llie acfivilic of iltie officers at Queen Cliarlolli" t(!ily, there were llie followiii! caes: j Joe Si?MuiiiI, formerly of 1 It i - cily who i- now eoiuliicliiiif a ilranifer hiMine! at (Jiieru Uhar-ilolle Cily, charKeiJ with olmtrucl-'init off ieer,s.nj -when raiiliiife' hi (premise, fined ?5. I James Crocker, keeping liijuor jfpr sale," fined 3 00 or six moiilhs. j Kukumolo, Japanese, permi-ithis drunkenness on his pre "mises. 30 and costs, j The cae were tried hy SI I jpendiary Mafiislrale 11. I. Mc- iPachena from Hie Islands. ROBBER BOUGHT tlio AN APARTMENT Had Already Handed Over Half of the Purchase Price of $56,000 Ill.-Wl."l t..i.il I -V l'l... I II I . I ... thefdliacUlties- TfaiaT yVfagli"" arrested Salurday, confessed, ac. cording to the police, that lie absconded 'with lrt,000 from llie San Clisoiritu hruueli of the Ituyal l'unk of Canada in Cuba in ' ' March. Near 10.000 in cash and some Qulian money was found in llie room of an apartment building here which lie had contracted t buy. He had paid half the stipulated price of 50.000. SURF INLET MINE CLOSES Dismantling of Plant on Princess Royal Island has Commenced Dismantling Of the ltelmont - Surf Intel s mine and plant al Surf Inlet, which has been steady producer (of ore for the past several years, has already commenced. Ihe Ore body having petered out. The equipment and machinery, which jiiclmles a railway, locomolives, etc.. Is to be removed. It is Understood that there is still another shipment or so of ore to be made. AIRPLANE BACK FROM BARROW Completes Second Trip but Fall to Locate Dog Train en Route FAHUIANKS, April 12. One, id fhe airplanes of the Aretb-expedition witb Captain iieorge- Wilkins returned Sunday evening nfler making the second flight, to Point Harrow, the base, of the undertaking where il has rarried supplies. ' : .r An nlteinpt to locale llie over land dog division of llie expedition which is en roule lo Point Marrow from Nenuna and which Is reported short riffood vvus unsuccessful . TOLMIE DIES YICTOIIIA, Ap.r'il 12.-J. Tolmie. luotlier df Jbui. f. Tol ml, died here Saturday. Subscribe to trie v Dally News,