ne a Prince Rupert Baily News oo - Thursday, October 8, 1968 Wild Horses Careless Smoking Takes Heavy Toll in Lives, Damage Bulbs Fasiest Flowers to Roam Northern by D. KEMP EDWARBS y loss of $21, In the past 10 years, §34,735| were responsible for more than 3. Fire dri ent Dominion | Firs fires In Canada have claimed 60 deaths, | easlie tills be hei P nt aa sociation , Fire Prevention Week| 4,085 lives, seriously injured The fire causes in the home Gree th il schools, A d M t R di Alb rt H, lls ae : o impress upon Can-| 15,000 persons and destroyed) require your attention and this; “™#tes of ay ingtites aTOW Nn os ewar 4 e a - TAWA Exercise of a ple the serious conse-| property valued at $540,000,000. | loss of life can be prevented with | for the em) oye , e by Canadians ia that result from fire in| In 1951 alone, there were 60,000 | the application of your care and | icx wees Th ae EDMONTON @ _ _ } have prevented 40.8 { life and property fires. They claimed 493 lives and| knowledge of how to protect ig Wild horses are reporte d roaming . caused property damage of $76,-| your property against fire “Peclal Instruction yrthern Alberta in four mall S—A5 subject of f : orthern Alberta 000,000. Most of the fires—45,000 NEED FOR INSPECTION ine Prevention ee er ae toected . Former Female Doctor Now teenage! During Fire Prevention Week pot a4 ewe veachers and ast week playing havoc wit it recommended that pa! officials in tie gehe Just think, careless smoking that suct rops in the Clear lls ¢ 1, All dwellings : » A appro, ponte ages a en - f E “To Marry Ai Housekee er caused 21,395 fires and damage | ings Saeteat ne ean bulld : aoe Propritte ' Mf a iS of $3,509,294. Defective chimneys, les, far ms, mine and fi beat ' ae tol S an forests be G1) pute ta | "8 v s > wh ' Today Livestock Commissione Dr, Ew whose change mit wer a San se dollers, | carefully inspected by their 5, Fe a e Pupils, ICUS - 2 INCHES. HI ‘ W. H. T. Mead repor é : st month, posted | PDC* Be See See oe open | ;eccupants and ali conditions rowinelal ag CROCUS - 2 INCHES SCILLA-S INCHES. ‘DAFFODILS - 6 INCHE AO : * .. nee female to male wa A we F fires were responsible for an- | tkely to cause or promot th HCIDal BULuriting gy aso Eivesuieeeng = ire a ) } s parish churc} y his house the 37 fires joss ©: ane . Me means ¢ os ; ee large bands in widely-separated bel Mitche "hp aga Saale Ps gut ires and oss Of) spread of fire be removed, ease | t Public megan parts of northern Albert . etl + tee’ it ele Ble, 2. All theatres, hotels, hospitals |»), Paes \ neal Mr. Mead will leav announcement is a juired for ali church On the human side, 15 per- | and other institutional buildings Chisateres to 1 ion pit to look into complaint Dat. of the weddi: pecified sons died in fires as a result of | pe inspected and provision made gens the naw,. fe rs about the band r-old doctor e known as Elizabeth smoking in bed. Sixteen child- | for a} changes necessary to pro- | vf » the national impers t} ‘ i PUCCINI ife ore neluded branded horses tha } Sempill. On Sept. 12 iper advertisement an ren left alone were lest hy fires. | tect the occupants in case of patyy as ~ > , “i rom p ture : ae . ay ia Ources n rayed ove ae he now Was a Children playing with matches fire ‘om, wi that have ore Ait asian ehauidhiliin ia callie thee : "FULIPS - 3 ces ~ HYACINTHS — 6 INCHES ma PRICES ee Navy War Films cond Ten ae ’ no “> Released to U.S. ence Ny , and 11 For Television ies northeast of eamonio STL ed o Docu "o f ¥ a FREE PHONE DELIVER 7 wr ie a a Bi . ; iy . en Ss heast 7 Jams THANKSGIVING DAY MONDAY Oct. 13,13 AHOLIDAY J. jams , Ketter Buy—4 tb, tin 6 ec i PLUM JAM—Pure 6 S ) 6 THANKSGIVING DINNE Matkin’s Best—4 th. tin ' vr eel ese Marmolade—Pur: seville 34 few Be a Clever Penny Stretcher and Shop at the Independent Food Stores Orange, Malkia's Best, M-c ae. et] a STRATEGIC BASTION RAINY AREA APRICOT JAM—Pure 4 vide ‘the ! isplays of| The I f Maita in the Average neni rainfa -. in th | ‘ es oo ees é ’ 2 reat Si 1 al "180 ii he 1 = Afri -. re ts es 100 inche : p L K [F S Sweet Mixed—Libby s—16-02. Alc Canned Fruits discard : FRUIT COCKTAIL plant for G H RK NS Libby's, 9-oz. 34c Libby's, 78-0 { — : : PEACHES aa Malkin’s Best Choice, l)-o 2? a rowth DILLS Libby’s—Kosher Style, 23-oz. Adc APRICOTS ) Matkin Hest, Choice, l-a i PUMPKIN : SWEET ONIONS «== 3c CRANBERRY SAUCE 9 a wse If Lust (leean Spray, Whole, l5-o2 Ny ant pot wi J OLIVES Libby's, Plain, Queen, 8-oz. 33¢ C dv oe ae What nates oud differen e Peo apalte ot y i ilbs there Two dishes of macaroni anc eese can look about the PICK [FE D i f- RRI NG Mersmack—16-oz. 34¢ Del Maive, Ii-os oe 1 In averas same, yet be 1 flavor! The secret of QO} C Chateau's taste-temptu meliowness 18 a master PEAS iu m2 blending of ine Canadian Cheddar with thick, fresh “7 Avimer. Succial Process, 20-00 Pes } ’ cream. Let Chateau make the delicious oe wi SAR Di N E King Oscar i ( Finest Peas Canned--A Thankeial fos : your cheese dishes, sandwiches, salads and snacks. iy! ag 4 ASPARAGUS TIPS { . : . Matkin’s Best, Fancy, - " Cocktail Peanuts Planters—4-or. 2] WHOLE GREEN BEANS 9 Reval City, Fancy, ts, -o : * ; MUSHROOMS j Tavern Appetizers Weston 5, Pkg. 30c China Lily, Cheice, 16-08 Juices Smoked Oysters Clover Leaf, “4's Alc V-8 JUICE ® 7 The Vegetable Jue ( ockiall Ritz Crackers Vc | omar’. 2. Have Your ' ‘Canada Dry” Drinks and Mixers Delivered “Free” With Your Groce Chateau ig just one of Y BORDEN FINE CHEESES Try these Borden Cheese favorites too! AOA Smooth Boumert Cream Cheese, zesty Canabec, tangy Treat yourself to easier shopping Why walk down when you can pick anksal Grated Cheese, and Borden's 6 Cheese Spreads (in glosses) up your phone and have the groceries delivered? Cie Get Gnation oe Most PEOPLE 00 CABBAGE Fen tos. Be fonicamen ik users evaporated milk Malkin’s Best, Dredge ‘Tin __ most of the | . ? wa m 4 se Carnation ‘There must ' M$) in Canada, U easons 1s a — mt Yne of the main f yaa ORANGES Sunkist, 3 doz. tor 79¢ PIE CRUST MIX Mrs. Fleming's, I'.-!> APp LES Macintosh Reds, fancy, box $3.99 SWANSDOWN CAKE FLOUR 34 -tb. riela Tomatoes Ib. 19 FLOUR——Five Roses 4 All Purpese—-7's 7 iy yas 4 4) be good reasons! " ( »mpared Carnation EE is preage 10 Z| 2) Ai, 9, that these PEP esey've found Carnation | When you need some little thing . . . just drop into your INDEPENDENT corner store. VANILLA EXTRACT i LK we) NOX J. Abonsoorige ns nd favor — fuller bodied it isn’t very far... you can even send the children. Malkin’s Best—?-07 ; = eu ; j ‘ :) a Sp regan cnne ve found that : seme ~ NY Ly : * . results. Get Ca SRG RVERS gives all- went ” aye MIDWAY GROCERY SKEENA GROCERY RUPERT BUTCHERS LYONS FINE FOODS gnocetY 4 a ) ., A MOST PEO Phone Phone AND GROCERS Phone naan _ ; tr: MAKE THIS 7 pAY TEST 659 581 or 582 Limited. Ph. 21 250 - Red 465 0 e, " __ for just one week, use . Carnation Milk in piace of a MORE PEOPLE IN CANADA 2 aha F rhe i USE CARNATION vee that no othes beand will ‘a . emer ey nd) satisty YOU. “THE STORES OF QUALITY AND SERVICE’